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tv   [untitled]    March 15, 2013 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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a peaceful vigil turns violent in new york protesters venting theory over the police killing of a black teenager blaming the cops for racism and brutality. desperate act of defiance more than one hundred one tata most prisoners on a hunger strike putting their lives on the line but the u.s. military downplaying the scale of the protests. an anniversary but nothing to celebrate two years of unrest in syria inspired by the arab spring revolutionary vibe this resulted in a civil war that's claimed tens of thousands of lives. and i am in moscow i matras a good to have you with us here on r t we begin in new york where people have once
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again gathered in the borough of brooklyn for a fourth night venting their anger over the police killing of a black sixteen year old the area was packed with police and dozens were arrested when violence broke out protesters accuse the n.y.p.d. of systemic racism and brutality or he's bringing porton has more. the night began on wednesday with a peaceful vigil to honor kamani gray soon after and in a rage crowd split off from the vigil broke out into the streets and subsequently clashed with police officers dressed in riot gear what fuelled all these anger is the fact that the autopsy on come on was released on wednesday indicating that the sixteen year old boy was struck by the seven times by bullets and three of those bullets hit him from behind this clearly fuel the anger that has that has already been boiling for days many new yorkers that believe that that this is
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a nother indication other example of a police brutality of police targeting minorities according to the new york city police department what they say is that on saturday evening two plainclothes officers got out of a car. and eleven thirty pm it was an unmarked car and were approaching come on a grade they said and at that point he was shuffling with his pants or his belts and according to police they say that gray pulled out a gun and pointed it at the under cover officers and knots when they fired off a levin rounds at the teenager shooting him seven times by friends and family of i spoke with one personally told me that this young boy would never ever point a gun at police any police officer let alone you know two that were there on scene mommy griese mother carol gray as well as other relatives are according to reports planning to hold a press conference in brooklyn thursday afternoon it is not clear what they will
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yet discussed previously gray's parents said that they would not speak publicly into the violence stops but clearly there's been a change of heart in this news is coming from a spokesperson for the families. more than one hundred prisoners. the guantanamo camp have been on a hunger strike for five weeks now a desperate attempt to draw attention to their plight the strike was launched in protest against confiscation of letters mail and the rough handling of their qur'an and their lawyers and human rights activists are suddenly be alert over their critical condition but the u.s. military says nobody's in danger or he's guy and he takes a lot quantum of detainees have been on a hunger strike for more than a month now the facility which is now on strike holds most of the in mayfair one hundred thirty people out of one hundred sixty six the total number of prisoners at guantanamo the detainees through their lawyers say most of them are taking part in this we cannot verify exactly how many were left
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a message with robert de ran the media person for one tunnel very much hope he will get back to us the attorneys for the detainees are saying their health is deteriorating we spoke with. her client there says he lost twenty pounds since the beginning of the strike at the beginning of february said she and a number of other attorneys had sent a letter with their questions to the authorities at guantanamo copying the justice department she said they hadn't responded yet. just point the strike is more than thirty days old and by day forty by we understand from medical experts there are serious health repercussions that start happening things like loss of hearing chancel blindness and in a couple of weeks worst and that ultimately you know that substantial is there for this well it strikes continue for weeks no response to that letter so our parties also say they want to response from the authorities more meaningful than the few
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remarks by the prison spokesperson in the media robert duran i mentioned him earlier responded to the allegations that the prisoners copies of the koran had been mistreated and that's what presumably triggered the strike he said it was a routine search for contraband and quote the koran is treated with the outmost respect end of quote it may very well be so from the conversations that we had with the lawyers i got a sense that this act of desperation is not just about the koran the lawyers are saying that these detainees desperately want to get the word out about the situation that they're in not formally accused of anything not knowing whether they're ever going to see their day in court detained indefinitely the u.n. says holding detainees indefinitely at guantanamo bay amounts to torture four years ago president obama signed an executive order to stop torture there but according to the u.n. indefinite detention itself is also a form of torture it's hard to measure the degree of desperation among the inmates there half of them eighty six to be precise are sitting there with papers from the
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u.s. government which can clear them for release and yet they're still there are human rights organizations where port hundreds of suicide attempts at least seven of them were successful a detainee named og non latif took his own life last september he was cleared for release by both bush and obama administrations and yet never released he had spent eleven years at one tunnel that gives some idea about the level of hopelessness cause. by indefinite detention so it's somewhat obvious that through this hunger strike the detainees want to make themselves heard and it's not easy we're one of very few channels to congress this story there is a desire to kind of forget about one tunnel it's very much reflected in the mainstream media here and in the scarce we're porting that we have seen on the air in washington i'm going to check on the lawyers of juan tata most prisoners and sent a letter to the u.s. defense secretary chuck hagel urging him to help end the mass trike one of them
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eric montoya both says running the facility and spending millions in doing so is absurd with those cleared of all charges by the obama administration still being held there for no reason there are people in guantanamo bay right now that have been determined by the obama administration to be clear of any charges but they languish down there because we have policies of no transport to certain countries like yemen it's really an abominable you know humanitarian situation where you're depriving these people of life and liberty and for no really valid basis president obama in his first term within twenty four hours said you know i'm going to close guantanamo bay because this doesn't need to exist and yet we sit here how many years later and we talk about you know all of the the budget cuts and all the concerns in the millions and millions and millions of dollars that we're spending upon this facility the medical care the transportation of personnel to and
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from the upgrade of the facilities it's just nonsense a call it makes absolutely no sense and somebody needs to go down there make some decisions and clear their place out because it has no purpose other than babysitting a bunch of adult people that have been cleared of any wrongdoing and they just need to be you know sent send help. stay with us here on r t still to come the holy sea in stormy weather with a newly elected head of a catholic church from argentina the vatican is hoping to recover from the nightmares and a heritage from the previous leader sex abuse scandals rocking the institution. plus is there life on the red. supply a european space agency expedition to try and shed light on the mystery stay with us. wealthy british style. that's not on the title.
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thanks for staying with us eleven minutes past the hour now exactly two years have passed since the start of the conflict in syria what started as protests calling for reform and change inspired by the revolt fever coming from the arab spring has turned into a bloody civil war that's killed tens of thousands syria's been a ribbon apart by violence and while some countries abroad have been trying to settle its future they've only helped fan the flames artie's marie if emotional reports. this part of syria known as mesopotamia between the tigris and euphrates rivers is considered a cradle of civilization has been home to many african religious groups living in peace and harmony for ages people here believe this diversity is serious strong point but some warn it could also be used against the country and that's something to destroy. the mantra of the revolution in syria these words have been repeated the longest of all the arab spring countries
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but assad didn't step down within weeks like the leaders of to measure and egypt nor did his regime fall within months like colonel gadhafi is in libya opposing sides have gone beyond demonstrations and clashes killings have become an everyday reality those wanting to go both at home and abroad have decided to target what hurt the most serious diversity pitting people against each other after every massacre and every killing rivers of blood have been joined by streams of mutual accusations and hatred the first blow was dealt to relations between the country's sunni majority and the ruling shia minority a more ignorant position sometimes. it was never to make a city and it's not to me once that one again. we should keep our unity in all of all or not. gabriel a point from commercially livin in syria's north east bordering sunni dominated
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turkey and mostly shia iraq says here in about six tarion intolerance is something new for syria and very alarming in your book will feel this pressure for months now especially from gulf countries trying to drag us to this perilous share sunni game it's a big threat because a tear society from the inside. and some say it's been fud from the outside it is part of the us strategy and some of the western strategy is to destroy syria by syrians and by arabs and this they are doing successfully another blow followed with an explosion at palestinian refugee camps in syria and the cold blooded murder of palestinian conscripts these drove a wedge between the two arab peoples previously on friendly terms they wanted to both weaken the regime and spread despair among palestinians with kurdish villages
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in syria's north east targeted the kurdish syrian peaceful coexistence has also been endangered of. it's approval cations a pure and very dangerous moment syrian kurds want to be integrated into syrian society have rights and be respected some turkish kurds maybe do as early ones killing his own people we've never been treated like that but of course when violence targets us it can not affect relations. and fears that those who want to see the full of the regime will witness the countries. from syria. leaders of britain and france claim they could well supply weapons to the syrian rebels despite a un tomorrow russia responded saying any attempt to do so would be a breach of international law on a website we're asking were any foreign arms supplied to assad fighters could lead so far thirty six percent of respondents think this will only result in more deaths
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than at the same thing that this will cause other countries to arm both sides and ultimately lead to the whole region being unstable almost a quarter think such a move would spark a worldwide diplomatic crisis only seven percent think this will help help end the conflict with the opposition winning the war well what do you think log on to r.t. dot com and tell us your thoughts while answering that very same question r.t. contributor optionor aton seethings it'll eventually backfire on the west if they are in the syrian rebels. by definition the arms that would be supplied by the french or british governments would be in the wrong hands because they are supplying rebels in a civil war and therefore they are the wrong hands no matter who britain or france and so this is i suppose what's interesting here is that washington is much more nervous about the arming of rebels because they are obviously concerned that a afghanistan scenario is beginning yet again but it is so sad that
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leaders of countries like france and britain can think of these as the mists because the blowback will be phenomenal. also on our web site war crimes of syrian rebels allegedly on the rise human rights groups raise the alarm over opposition fighters resorting to torture summary executions and kidnapping find out more on our team. a new leader at the catholic church argentina jorge mario bergoglio has become the first pope ever from the americas and the first from beyond europe for more than a thousand years his election greeted by tens of thousands who flooded into st peter's square in the vatican the seventy six year old pontiff was elected by a conclave of cardinals after five rounds of closed door votes the search for a man to lead more than a billion catholics worldwide started after the previous pope benedict the sixteenth unexpectedly step down the main task ahead for the new church leader will
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be to rebuild the church as reputation after a spate of scandals from his forerunner benedict francis has inherited a gossip packed baggage of scandals connected with the value leaks the revelations contained in documents that tarnish the saintly image of some representatives of the religious elite the publication of leaked data has shown the vatican drawn deep into corruption and caused a stir in the holy see the release by an italian journalist of a controversial book containing confidential letters between the former head of the church and his secretary added to the tension showing the purpose of pope's personal finances and involvement in bribery and other challenges facing the new pope will be how to reform the finances of the vatican this bank italian journalist franco always thinks there needs to be such a large spiritual rebranding of the church it will be a tough task especially given the crisis hit state of europe. the problem is that the public to know better who comes from south america to be so very sensitive area
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would be for this kind of progress but be a source of to freeze the nobility of the of there's a loose alliance of terms which will europe for you appreciate every. moment you move your cries he said. so they can be the i mean many people especially in europe they are getting away from the church didn't find their needs you know that you're in the region. she's going to be could be problem if they don't well did marginalize they do the rituals to the to the through you know the poor countries. tens of thousands of workers and some of the biggest trade unions in europe organize mass demonstrations during a trans national day of action this is easily there's flock to brussels for a two day summit on ways out of europe's economic turmoil demonstrators demanded the e.u. really focus on creating employment rather than just fast tracking austerity by raising taxes and cutting spending are these tests are silly as in brussels and
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reports on the agonies and aspirations of the protesters. well we're here today in brussels where thousands of people are gathered from across the e.u. what's a protest against the us stared at they're seeing across the a continent of angry at the a cots thousands of job cuts that they've already seen in their own countries. rather than imposes thirty they can fight the enterprises and hire more workers because if they're less people working than there are less consumers to make the economy work but of course no they won't listen to anything and that's why we're here because they were implicit. so we will say what we need to come back if we have to and do this all the time. for so long of it all of who are depicted here this is from small and was elected the workers have only been disappointed he's doing the opposite of what he promised during the elections the social benefits system for example he cut social benefits alone to simply
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a continuation of nicolas sarkozy's we must fight against this situation. now interestingly enough just beyond this facade over here that's where the twenty seven e.u. leaders will be gathering for the e.u. summit to discuss precisely what stared and unemployment in the policies that they've been imposing to try to get out of this a sovereign debt crisis going on for three years now with twenty seven million the e.u. citizens unemployed that's eleven percent of the population and what's interesting is this is always a debate about austerity versus growth but economists are now pointing to the fact that the social impact is actually one of the biggest factors that could be breaking the very fabric of the e.u. even if those economists from think tanks that have been advising the e.u. they're warning that this kind of social dissatisfaction could really bubble over and cause bigger rupture than they've already been seeing so far and the economic theories have been argued before people here say there's absolutely no theory to be
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argued when they're looking at their own lives they have no jobs and they don't have enough money and that's simply the reality that they're seeing on the ground across europe. reporting not only on screen online to online you'll find this in the price of war that's claimed thousands of lives ever be tallied as we report on our g. dot com a new study says yes claiming the u.s. led conflict in iraq has cost one point seven trillion dollars a figure far greater than thought in the past. and other click away was already giving intelligence services access to private data without court orders skype is still being pressured into registering as a telecom agency that would allow intelligence to operate around a series of legal loopholes more on that and. china is officially reassigned its top job assuring in the new premier and president has become the head of the government while she's in ping's assume the presidency in a once in a decade transition of power the newly elected president already held phone talks
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with barack obama and it was said to be about quote mutual respect. washington's been trying to gain a stronger foothold in asia continuously seen as one of its top foreign policy priorities and show support to its allies japan and south korea it's been expanding its military reach in the region martin china expert martin jakes thinks the more china grows as a power though the more concerned the u.s. may get. the whole way now in which the chinese leadership is confronted i mean if it's going to shift it's not a shift now it will shift into several years down the road i think what would it mean for nations with the united states i mean relations with the united states have to be getting more complicated and i think the reason for that is because the fool you know china was very much still a developing country a much weaker global power down the united states but china of course has the growing like crazy is more and more prisons around the world in different
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continents and different countries so. interests are built to be in conflict areas that was previously the case i think this is the reason why it's getting more complicated it's a question that's a bug expert as for generations is there really a life on mars one of the european space agency with the help from russia trying to find out the mission named exo mars will drill thirty times deeper beneath the surface of the red planet than what the curiosity rover has so far managed russia will supply rockets and facilitate launches from the biker site in kazakstan or he's a group is going up has more. this search for past or present life on mars clinton news this time scientists are digging deep the mars project is based on a to freeze exploration first in two thousand and sixteen russian proton heavy rocket to usually used for delivering satellites and space station components
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should blast off from lack of a cosmodrome in kazakhstan sending a european orbital probe and a stationary test lander to the red planet speech to his plan for two thousand and eighteen one a second proton rocket will deliver a rover named pastor after landing it will then begin three single life on mars this includes drilling two meters deep into the ground that's around six and a half feet to collect samples the mission's other objective is to study mars a surface to find out what dangers there may be for future manned missions powerful dust storms extreme temperatures radiation and so on are not exactly your ideal working conditions the european space agency has already invested over four hundred million euro into the project which was initially supposed to be conducted with nasa but it backed out due to financial constraints russia on the other hand was happy to jump in and the science providing delivery vehicles including the
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a landing pod will also develop some of the same defect equipment so far the red planet has only been visited by soviet and us vehicles eggs or mars will be europe's first visit to the red planet you've got this kind of arty. turning now to some other stories making global headlines this hour thousands of shia protesters clashed with riot police in bahrain marking two years since the saudi led crackdown on the nation's pro-democracy uprising protesters burned tires and threw stones at police who responded by firing stun grenades at least thirty five people were wounded clashes were the most violent seen in the last few weeks bahrain's been locked in political and religious turmoil for years because she had majority demanding a greater voice from the sunni groups. a blast targeting the office of a television network in pakistan's kharaj she has left three dead and five wounded there remotely detonated to kill obama's planted near the office gates in a poor area in the east of the city no groups claim responsibility for the attack
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ethnic and political tensions in pakistan are running high as the country heads toward a general election in may. after the break r.t. looks through the diary of the syrian bloody conflict stay with us. living in the seventeenth century. strict. on. the clearly distinguish between the old. guard their families and things in the treasure. so.
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