tv [untitled] March 15, 2013 8:30am-9:00am EDT
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new technology and justice i will likely see no accountability last night what started as a peaceful candlelight vigil and it was a brutal clash between protesters and militarized riot police where there were reports of harassment and i mean with the arrests of forty seven people. now i certainly don't condone vandalism or provoking police but people are pissed and understandably so when you see injustices like what happened to trayvon martin or incremental programs like stop and frisk it's hard to not stand up and say enough so join me and break this that. i. i so guys if there's one thing you probably learned in the last twenty four hours it's that we have a new pope all of course thanks to the corporate media for choosing to deliver us
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continuous mindless coverage of everything pope including today's live coverage of the pope's very first mass but on the off chance that you haven't seen video of the pope fest i can pretty much guarantee you you have seen some kind of coverage on the effects of the looming sequester cuts you see the news media is in a fury over how these budget cuts are going to impact the less fortunate take a look. it started with threats over national security job losses border security and pay but now the fight over automatic government spending cuts is focusing on things like white house tours and golf games the people's house is closed to the people the obama administration officially ending all white house tours blaming the automatic spending cuts known as sequestration so saturday the white house officially canceled its public tours sequester driven cars that is reported to slash eighteen thousand dollars a week that's what they say but yes i lied not surprisingly the corporate media is
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top concern of the cuts is the white house tours for some reason they just can't seem to wrap their heads around the fact that the secret service just like every other government agency well after furlough some of its workers and i mean some of those and lousy white house tours will have to be put on hold it was such a pressing concern in fact that in a recent interview with president obama a.b.c.'s george stephanopoulos actually asked him about whether sequestration had gone too far on the issue check it out. taking a lot of heat for this cancellation of the white house tours i guess the secret service says it costs about seventy four thousand dollars a week was canceling them really necessary well what i'm asking them is are there ways for example for us to accommodate school groups. you know who may have traveled here with some bake sales can we make sure that kids potentially can can still come to tour direct of course we've got to keep them going for the kids look i'm
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a proponent of children getting their hands on civics education in the nation's capital while the media is focusing on what is arguably the least impactful change to our livelihoods their course outright ignoring the devastating effects sequestration will have on vital public assistance programs think progress actually examine this trend over the last two weeks monitoring the big three cable giants fox c.n.n. and m s n b c and what they found is actually alarming. when compared white house tours were mentioned thirty three times as often as other budget cuts hitting the poor take a look at this and as somebody sees a ratio of white house toward discussions about of food stamps and housing assistance now here's c.n.n. absolutely abysmal zero coverage and last but not least good old fox news taken the lead with the most this proportionate of all how shocking right but seriously what a shame especially when you look at just how much the budget cuts are suspect
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expected to specifically hurt poor women and children let's just go over a few of them since we know that the corporate media won't first and foremost about six hundred million dollars is said to be cut from special supplemental nutrition programs for women infants and children the subsidies program that will cause half a million people to lose stamps next four hundred twenty four million dollars will be cut from early head start programs would provide health and education services to low income families so that means at a time when single parent homes are growing and more help with education is needed seventy thousand kids will lose access to those services this waltz of fact health care as well for those who need it the most fifty million dollars will be cut from title vi maternal and child health services block grant which provides prenatal care to low income and at risk pregnant women and that's not even to mention the nine million dollars cut from the family violence prevention act the primary source
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of funding for shelters that provide a safe haven to women and children who have fled domestic violence. folks aren't these cuts important enough to cover sickens me that instead of giving a voice to the poorest in the country the corporate media would rather whine about the people impeded from strolling through the presidential palace. have you ever seen one of the thousands of videos out there that show and identified objects that mystify even the best scientists around well before i go on let me be clear you have foes does not equal aliens it stands for unidentified flying objects and for that very reason there is a multitude of theories and explanations for the mysterious the lights and unexplained phenomenon witnessed by millions of people around the world every year but before we all run for our tinfoil hats here you might be surprised to learn
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that your false sightings are a lot more mainstream and you think just last year a national geographic whole found a thirty six percent of americans believe in u.f.o.'s throne eighty million people a tenth of which claim that they've actually spotted one in their lifetime and we're not talking about just fringe conspiracy theorists either see for yourself. if you care plans from east to london january twenty nine hundred ninety four your captain says he saw a u.f.o. one thousand feet long just outside your window it seemed to be a huge disk but now retired pilot is one of four team mainly former government and military officials from seven different countries talking about their u.f.o. experiences a man running for president just said he saw a u.f.o. i did and the rest of the code i did it was an identified flying object and so did a man who was president and about twenty five others saw something in the air that changed colors that was around
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a cave obligingly carter says he doesn't think it was from another planet most of these people differ on that point he classified us government documents and witness testimony from former or retired u.s. military personnel confirm beyond any doubt the reality of ongoing u.f.o. incursions at nuclear weapons sites so to dive a little bit more into this issue i'm going to highlight just a for the most well known u.f.o. sightings that have made headlines in the u.s. the break in is that producer men will. the spanish going. home let's start with what we just saw it's a clip from a two thousand and ten news conference at the press club here in washington d.c. to discuss sightings of u.f.o.'s by military personnel in the sixty's seventy's and eighty's primarily. about how they've seen you have shows over nuclear silos and missiles really interesting and some even claim that they shut them down that they even disarmed some of the silos i mean this is
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a really interesting story and i think that for one i'm glad that you made the disclaimer purse we're going to talk about your foes not per se aliens but just objects in the sky that we can explain this news conference specifically the gist of it was the aliens that were being visited by beings from outer space and they have a strong interest in the nuclear arms race in the united states and. kind of for whatever reason that they they are interested the government is being very very secretive about and that was kind of the conclusion the take away from that news conference that regardless of what's going on u.f.o. phenomenon is very real and we're just not hearing about it from the government and i guess what's most interesting about that is hearing you know people who are not friends not conspiracy theories who are actually working in the military looking at these things and i mean i actually heard some of the audio tapes where this guy's terrifying i mean screaming and saying what is this i mean you know and like you said this doesn't mean aliens it's doesn't mean extraterrestrial beings are going to. use you know government technology military technology could mean
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a number of things you could even go as far as talking about string theory here but let's go into one of my favorite unexplained incidents which is phoenix lights what happen over phoenix arizona in the ninety's let's take a look at that. it was described by witnesses is larger than a football field and silent it was a giant. in the right side of the b. went over us the left side was like a couple blocks over it just didn't know what to do you know it was just like my god how big is this thing the greats. arizona. i want to go to the vietnam era for spidering i've never publicly now what she did until now and i suspect. the defense department proves this otherwise that it was probably some form of million spacecraft so why what's amazing about that is that at the time all these people thousands tens of thousands of people across arizona and nevada some even in california saw this phenomenon totally silent these this giant v.
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in the sky for a couple days he held a press conference and everyone was looking at him to explain what you know what he was going to say it was and he actually mocked them he came out with their guy in an alien outfit and of course you know here we see a decade later he's like yeah i think that they were able to it's like they were otherworldly i think amazing but with phoenix like it's interesting because the military the air force had all these different explanations that they couldn't back up those flares it was a an a ten warthog dropping flares it was weather weather related and none of it was ever a crab riddance one of those still unexplained u.f.o. phenomenon out there as far as the phoenix lights go really crazy let's talk about the d.c. lights which you just told me about i'd never heard about yeah this is a really interesting story back in one nine hundred fifty two washington national airport sort of the washington nationals incident. several leaps in a radar over a number of different radar stations in the washington area recorded three little objects moving about one hundred miles an hour toward the u.s.
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capitol this is in one nine hundred fifty two and i think we have a photograph to show i'm not sure if we have them there it is this very famous photograph of the these lights over the capitol actually scrambled jets to go in to intercept these these whatever they were u.f.o.'s and the jets weren't able to catch up with them they actually disappeared from the radar the jets landed and you oppose returned and again you know fifty sixty years later now we have all these declassified documents regarding this to actually show. how seriously the government took this incident but with no definitive conclusions about it and i think the majority of people the same poll that we talk about also think that the government's hiding and porn information regarding u.f.o.'s i mean we saw dennis in a jimmy carter these are not french people these are people who are you know congress people x. presidents who are saying that they think so what upsets me i think most of all is that it's almost a passe issue because of the drones that are going flying over in space this year golden age of the you know if it were like oh it isn't that i know the golden age
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is over now every you have to say and just going to be like it's a drone more than likely one of the language yes of course. but yeah i mean we saw it but that same poll thirty six percent of people believe in some sort of u.f.o. it's only exacerbated by the by you know movies x. files it all of that stuff so you know it is a lot out there the truth is under there out there as. for share time cheers. more like what you see so far go to our facebook page at facebook dot com slash bring the set be sure to do what thousands have already done and give us a little like we'll be updating our status daily there with the links the past segments as well as reaching out to you friday is what you want us to cover on the show and also check out behind the scenes photos were taken our studios on breaking the set is a long road like this one but i'm about to record the show and take a break from my.
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after all was taxpayer money that was used to save the banks from the very crisis they had created which i told you that we're still bailing out banks yes you heard me right but you won't see that headline in the corporate press take for example bank of america which struck a secret deal with the new york federal reserve the fed shielded the corporation from a fraud lawsuit and gave away billions of dollars in potential legal claims senator sherrod brown told the new york times that this case underscores that the more we learn about these bailouts gifts and advantages that wall street gets the clearer it becomes one set of rules applies to the largest mega banks and another applies to the smaller financial institutions and the rest of the country yep i think that pretty much sums up the two tiered justice system but the fight against unfair financial policy in america continues as more and more lawsuits are springing out against the mega banks to help me break down the concept of the too big to fail and
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i'm talking about markets finance and scandal i'm joined now by a max kaiser host of the kaiser report thanks so much for coming on again max i have a great to be here so why is this country indentured servants to the banks this is the way it is now that every time a bank has problems we're going to keep bailing them out. well let's put this into context it's just been revealed that during that period of two thousand and nine to two thousand and twelve twelve percent of j.p. morgan's a net income is paying or fines and let's call it what it is bribes to government officials during the same time remember eric holder has recently come out and said that he's a frightened to prosecute bankers frightened for the financial system so here you have the top lawyer in the country saying i can't prosecute bankers because i'm frightened of them j.p. morgan. pays twelve percent of their net income as bribes to federal employees essentially through the guise of paying
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a fine the only other organization that has that type of amount of bribes built into their business model is the mafia if you go to any mafia right here in new york for example they'll pay ten to fifteen percent of their net income to government officials as bribes jamie diamond is a mobster is a bank stir it pays twelve percent of his income to pay government officials in bribes that's why the economy is suffering because we've got gangsters running wall street i just don't understand how bank profits can be privatized c.e.o.'s can take millions of dollars their losses are always socialized us they should stop funding of course that's why they're funding all these political campaigns so they can have these loopholes but i mean if they're doing so poorly maybe they should stop throwing millions of dollars to back these politicians i mean are we supposed to let institutions fail that can't survive the market here imagine what how did this happen. well the bank of america story and i.g. they decided to sue each other or not sue each other or maybe sue each other then
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the bank of new york federal reserve bank of new york absolve the whole case and walked away from billions in restitution that would have been in the pockets of taxpayers because the new york fed remember timothy geithner's old bank is part of the federal reserve banking system and there are the banks to give these terrorists on wall street as i call them in the city of london in new york the loans at zero percent interest rate to sue all their incredibly risky schemes that blow up and as you point out when they do when they do blow up there are the risks and the costs are distributed to the taxpayer to the vast population but when things go right when the gambles pay off they keep the profits it's a two tier justice system and i'm shocked that eric holder is under his desk hiding saying oh no jamie diamond the job i'm not here please notify the hiding from you please i'm afraid of jamie dugan when they tell you know a lot of guy in america is cowering under his desk frightened of the banks. when there's sheer terror that jamie diamond might call him up that's
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a problem barack obama needs to put somebody into tony general's office who's going to complete would that would be a good step forward and they're claiming they're saying no we can't prosecute the banks because if we prosecute the big people will lose faith in the banks then and people might not invest well what does that mean i mean the banks are going to trickle down i mean if they hoard all this wealth in is just insane telling us that they can't prosecute anyone and these financial to do sometimes talk about the gambling thing that you were saying earlier about the volcker rule we have occupy the s.e.c. suing j.p. morgan wells fargo to push for the volcker rule similarly we have of course pushing to reinstate glass steagall but i mean even if these initiatives went through what they're really address the problem here is wall street just way too far gone completely controlling the government at this point. whatever role they and they bring in wall street to figure out ten ways to go around the world the rule and you're right they're too afraid to prosecute these. and it's a mafia model where they say the best of the buying protection you can buy
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protection from wall street bankers like hank paulson we went to congress and got seven hundred fifty billion for goldman sachs and his buddies on wall street is saying give me the trillion dollars and i won't i don't crash the stock market but you know congress balked and then the next day they did crash the market and then congress got line and gave them the money because there are they they threaten to crash the market and they've done this in numerable times to get extortion they're extortionists yes actually and eric called their chief law and then the country is again he's chicken to do anything about it that's that's a big problem i think you just pointed out their store and it's basically a mafia model i mean you can't get any more clear than that when you look at how things are dealt in washington let's talk globally though i mean you were in athens during the austerity riots that have taken place in the last couple years how are people investing in the country right now owes in athens two years ago during the tear gas was flying the countries in revolt i bumped into steve forbes from forbes magazine in the lobby of the grand britannia hotel and he said yeah we're here with
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their national chamber of commerce to to pick up these assets these income producing assets the rolls the tollbooths etc for pennies on the dollar because we've crashed the economy he told me in no uncertain terms john paulson has run manager pop and grayle lloyd blankfein of goldman sachs admittedly cooked the books in greece to crash that economy they made bets against the economy ensuring that it would crash now the private equity vultures are there to pick up the assets for pennies on the dollar it was a leveraged buyout of a country the greek people are now lost or sovereignty and they're now essentially debt slaves to hank paulson his buddies and these private equity firms that are now picking up the pieces for pennies on the dollar again typical mobster behavior totally condoned by the i.m.f. e.c.b. and these other global organizations. unbelievable and max i can't have the max kaiser in the studio without talking scandal i mean you just said as this article talk about the latest person and located and this phone hacking scandal and london
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oh this is great because tina waiver who was a former editor of the sunday mirror told me in two thousand and three that she and piers morgan were using phone hacking to extort stories from people and there's a collusion between news of the world the murdoch newspaper and mirror sharing information back and forth to extort quotes from people to support information that they had gleaned through phone hacking so you get tina weaver a former sunday mirror editor you've got piers morgan she fingered piers morgan she said yeah he knows about you knows about it as well say come to people they say here's a story we're going to run it's a salacious story some of it's based on information we got from phone hacking we made up the rest but if you don't give us a quote then our sister publication is going to run something even worse so let us run this quote now or you're even going to have a worse salacious completely made up fabricated story running in a sister publication to get collusion amongst these tabloids you've got phone hacking and you've got a story tina waivers implicated so as piers morgan. and piers morgan of course you
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know flees to the u.s. hides is corrupt back on in london i'm sorry the at the share that country with such a show of journalists thank you so much always for coming on always a pleasure to have you max kaiser of the kaiser report absolutely. have you ever been hold over by a cop after having a little too much drink if you have been in this situation or you know someone who has usually you're poor right in the drunk tank for a night or two and then you're let go of course you're facing years of legal fees and paperwork but you're let go. but what would you do if instead of being released you were then locked in a padded solitary cell for two years now you're probably thinking that's insane that's an impossible scenario but alas that's exactly what happened to one fifty nine year old man named steven slevin in two thousand and five slevin was arrested
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for driving while intoxicated. however he was never actually convicted of any crime and after a medical examination determined he was depressed he was thrown into a padded isolated room with no natural light for twenty three hours every day and he was kept in solitary confinement for two years i repeat he was kept in the room for two years with virtually no human contact or interaction with the outside world finally after enduring insurmountable suffering in this matter for two years the charges were dropped and he was finally released of course he then sued the police department for their gross negligence and was awarded to have some of fifteen point five million dollars for his abandonment and mistreatment according to his lawyer matthew cote quote they threw him in solitary and then ignored him he disappeared
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into delirium and his mental illness was made worse by being isolated from human contact and the lack of medical care. now slevin alleges that he became severely malnourished suffered from bed sores face fungus rotted teeth constant pain and the inability to sleep and many times it wasn't even aware of his surroundings a doctor that testified on the case that sloven was quote more massively him. by p.t.s.d. post-traumatic stress disorder and he had ever seen and isn't higher professional life. that's been didn't only come out of a situation with long term mental problems is also suffering from lung cancer and may not even have a full life to cash in the settlement he received. above all hopefully this case sheds a much needed light on the routine use of solitary confinement in prisons across the us where individuals are subject to similar types of her reflect treatment and many cases these prisoners are already mentally ill which makes them particularly
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vulnerable to long term psychological damage. as much as this administration might say we don't torture solitary confinement is torture in america leads the world and holding not only the most prisoners but the most prisoners held in isolation currently the us has eight thousand prisoners in solitary confinement and it wasn't until two thousand and twelve but there was a senate hearing on the psychological and human rights implications of this treatment so let's keep in during the fight to end this barbaric practice once and for all because one dehumanize in case of solitary is one too many.
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