tv [untitled] March 15, 2013 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT
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blog job market in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture we all know there's something wrong with the republican budget but now a top republican official is coming out against it too who is the new ryan budget really looking out for middle class americans for the wealthy elite we'll ask our panel in tonight's big picture rubble also there's a reason your parents always told you to pay attention in class that you know that would you like a full apparently senator ted cruz didn't get the memo i'll explain in tonight's dealy take and will the national debt really take the united states down the road to euro zone disaster we'll ask you kind of a steve keen and it's conversations with great minds.
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you need to know this ohio senator rob portman went public about his support for gay marriage last. during my career in the house and also last couple years here in the senate taking a position against gay marriage. rooted in part of the in my faith and my faith tradition and had a very personal experience which is my son came to jane my wife and i. told us that he was gay and that it was not a choice and that you know. that's just part of who use and he'd been that way ever since he could remember. the reversal on same sex marriage stole headlines on the second day of the annual sit back of that and it could signal changing times for the g.o.p. is through the united states the history of expanding rights and burgeoning democracy at various points in our history the right to vote was restricted to white men african-americans were slaves women with illegal property their husbands
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although we obviously still a lot of work to do we. worked hard since then to extend the rights and privileges of our democratic society to all americans the past half century gay and lesbian americans have aggressively joined the struggle for equality demanding the right to marry and enjoy the pursuit of happiness denied to them because of their sexuality for too long wright has stood on the wrong side of history hiding behind so-called traditional values to hide their crude and bigot bigoted opposition to same sex marriage for the first time in history a majority of americans support the right of same sex couples to marry and that number is growing in an anti-gay republican party really survive the changing tide of history senator portman's reversal catalyze other republicans to change their minds it's time to rubble. it's friday are you ready to rumble join me for tonight's big picture rumbalara kevin jackson radio host author and video production director at the tea party dot
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net meghan carr carpentier current year right executive editor of the raw story and horace cooper conservative commentator and senior fellow at the national center for public policy research and thank you all for joining me tonight it's great to have you here isn't it time for the united states kevin to extend civil rights to people who are born gay i think the rights should apply to everybody and i think a lot what happens is when somebody like portman speaks out people believe that it's a monolithic you know speech for all all republicans there are many republicans or conservatives who don't take the they they don't take the gays the way that people are explaining it they look at it as why are you leading with sexuality as your issue your issue is about human rights not so much a gay rights per se and i believe there are laws for that i find portman's take on this a little bit selfish he say prior to my son coming out i was against gay marriage but now that it's for me personally i'm for it i find it very selfish.
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i'm curious your thoughts on this meghan. isn't that though human nature to when you meet somebody who you've never really known or somebody from a culture of so many but never known that all of a sudden together i think that was the underpinning of what george bush was trying to talk about originally with compassionate conservatism which didn't fly in his own party and hasn't flown for a lot of conservatives stay you know it's packed this afternoon in that seat back yesterday you had people talking about how terrible it was to be called a bigot except when it came down to it they still wanted to expose bigoted views or they wanted to impose policies on gay people or african-american people that have discriminatory kosmos assists in particular but it well here's marco rubio his thoughts on this. just because i believe it's fake should have the right to define marriage in a traditional way does not make me
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a big. so horus marco rubio doesn't want gay people to be allowed to get married does that make him a bigot no it doesn't make him a bigot but i tell you what this progressive myth as you framed the question until you actually see walk talk to you can actually get it that's actually the opposite of the truth of how principles operate and what mr portman did like mr portman but unfortunately he demonstrated these on principled if he hadn't thought through how his principle would apply even to his own child and he stood up and defended it he was being on principle now i believe it is wrong of you progressives and the reason it's taking as long as it's taken for you to get your point of view may because you condemn people who disagree with you as bigots people can have a legitimate difference of opinion on this issue and that doesn't make it. doesn't make them an uninformed what isn't what how do you define bigot if you don't define
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it as somebody who wants to use to prevent other people from exercising the same rights that you have like one i'm sorry the supreme court said in the eight hundred seventy s. that you couldn't marry more than two other one other person now they interfered in the right of people who are being socially eight hundred ninety s. if we're going to do one thousand centuries of discord said african-americans had to sit in a different car for a while my point to you is it is not the definition of bigotry it is there are legal questions at stake so how do you handle that i'm right i want to get to the question kevin you want to do what is bigotry well i don't know that i want to get into the definition of bigotry what i wanted to say is we are look if you think progressive don't live in the world perhaps but what i wanted to say is this when cher was upset about her daughter wanting to become a man nobody says a word about it and she continues to get glad awards when cheney who has a gay daughter who adopts a child and lives a gay life there's not a word is not
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a thing about. it there's not a left person on the left applauding him and giving him glad award for saying hey here's the way although this is the part of a lot of a lot of people came out and said dick cheney did the right thing dick cheney is almost universally people if you can count on one it isn't as you love me but he was good to his daughter he's good on gay rights i mean cheney's position is actually the position of many people in the g.o.p. including rubio which is leave it up to the states which creates a two party system in which. people are eligible to be married in some states and go to other states and those marriages are valid which is how dumb it works so what cheney has done and what rubio has done is not say you know states should states that decide on gay marriage and that's that's what they want but in fact it creates a two tiered system where you have all explained only bigotry explains why you can't marry your second cousin and two thirds of the biology no it doesn't unless you have a test that is involved that is not true i stand corrected but my point is
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people look at these issues and they can act in a manner that just because you don't agree with it makes it what you're in your second cousin have to do is saying that somebody who was born with you with low dark skin and there who is already gay can get married all there i want to chime in as well look when we look at this issue of marriage i believe we come down to the definition of a word there are many places where a civil union is actually better for you than in a marriage and then say oh here we say it will not hurt you exist at law no ten thousand times and you know what i was going to say is a civil union is actually more clout than a heterosexual couple who are not married in other words if you marry who are not married so if you do a civil union you can actually get covered on insurance policy etc but if you're just living together was that argument different from my saying post plessy versus ferguson well you can still get on the train with me it's just you got to be in the
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back well the difference but i hate the discussion between. gay and black why is that why is it not the same thing but it isn't the same thing because if i mean erin they shouldn't guy sitting in the ward of a hospital and there's two babies a black one and a white one i know which one i hate i don't know that the white baby. were you when you knew what gender you were attracted to be honest with you i don't remember ever considering it into a ball was probably twelve or thirteen but i think you know for me it probably seven eight magen. i don't i don't know that it's relevant to talk about when i may or might that i was in fact as to person to person quite actually i mean let's. not even ask you know ok i take back that question it's an unfair question but the fact of the matter is that most people know what their what their gender preference is or at least have some understanding of it long before they're making any decision to be gay or not i don't quite agree i don't disagree with that science is pretty
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solid look i don't disagree that there are people that there are people that are you better do you want to discriminate against people based on their sexual orientation but not based on no i don't want to discriminate against people on anything what the point i was trying to make is if i'm trying to make this if you want to make it a civil rights issue at the birth i know who's black would babies black and i know which babies white and if i wanted to be discriminatory based on color i can do that immediately i don't know which babies gay so that's a terrible discussion to make and it's why blacks get offended and that's why we ended up voting down things like prop eight because we're saying don't take a civil rights issue that i know exactly you know what i am the minute you c.b. going to be discriminated against because he's gay and till he becomes six or seven or eight or nine or ten years old that's not necessarily true meaning so they don't understand your identity as police at a very early age and whether that's tenorio sexual orientation or perceived gender identity you can see all over the place in this country parents telling other parents how to raise their children and how to have their children perform sex like
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that to be. and sexual orientation of parents who freak out because their boy lifestyle like shere well i mean seriously cher is a he's actually very correct when when chaz decided to have you decided to become chair yet when when when chaz cited to make that transition cher was very think that it was time balance out and apologize for the problem is tom i don't deny that there are some people that are bigoted out there of course there are there are racial bigots there are gay because there are all kinds of people that are bigots but it is not accurate to simply say if a person disagrees on this is just listening live here goodling what you do why don't you set the cause back whichever one you want racial discrimination immigration whatever you want i think. it was you label will make it even more rude when you let the label well meaning people bigots merely because they disagree with me they will say well you know no well one other thing maybe to say when cher did it when she can make it was known with megan made
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a point comment she came back is it ok but she's ok she nobody came out and said you're a big good cheer let's take back all those glad award people and stay in the trans community were very specific there's actually a very it's very is a very big split in the transmitted being and the larger gay community like glad over glads willingness to accept transfer and to accept transfer via so let's be specific there are there are people who said that that was a very bigoted statement on the right it was the only. works with liberals that were doesn't ever benefit concert resistance actually right ok more of tonight's big picture rubble after the break.
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let me let me i want to know we're going to let me ask you a question from. here on this network is what we have in the bank we have our knives out if. the truth is this right it's about staying there again you're in a situation where b. and i don't want to talk about the surveillance me. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture.
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here is mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that we americans call a donor. i'm sorry i'm just a guy who cares an awful lot of money you sir are a fool you know what that is my other terrorist cells in your neighborhood all want to keep us safe to feature is on the on the liberal and the christian point just because your beliefs of others are just going to school for you to distract us from what you and i should care about because they're a profit driven industry that sells a sensationalistic garbage he calls it breaking news i'm having martin and we're going to break that. looking for every doctor up in the field that while we won't find it here if you're looking for relevant stories unique perspective from tom my skin is in a dark. go
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back and they picture rubble joining me tonight are kevin jackson meghan carpentier and horace cooper let's get back to what the g.o.p. budget yes and a local kentucky politics show house appropriations committee chairman republican hal rogers called out the ryan budget here's what he had to say. i'll be voting for it it's it's not exactly to my liking there's a lot of things about it that i'm not happy with including the overall big number. but. we'll see how it develops and by a big number that doesn't cut spending enough or cut spending too much for your liking only coach too much spending frankly from the discretionary side of the budget most people don't realize that we only appropriate one third of spending and we've cut that's the appropriating process we've cut that hundred billion dollars
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over the last two years so i mean that's that's this is the second poorest county in the country this guy represents where as you have the explanation the other is there are democrats there are republicans there are congressmen there are senators and then there are appropriate years he is an appropriator and they always want to spend more the ryan budget gives tax cuts to the rich huge tax cuts to corporations uses that money to get the money from seniors forces that if a more for health care medicare repeal health coverage from thirty million americans cuts food stamps i mean how can anybody particularly from a poor quality. of a million a spot right about now. when i look at we're trying to find daylight between republicans on this issue and what is very he's talking about discretionary spending what he's not saying it doesn't cut enough and it cuts discretionary too much which is to say it doesn't cut so scary and it doesn't cut medicare that's
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what he's saying there's no any saying he's going to vote for it anyway so i mean it's i understand that we're all trying to look for daily but at the end of the day he's saying i'm going to pass this budget i think there's not enough defense spending in it for me and there's not enough spending on the little things that i want to spend money on at the end of the day we should pay for that by cutting medicare instead i just find this whole discussion so ludicrous look the money the government gets comes from rich people and comes from corporations when it's given back everybody says oh these all these people are are getting you know getting there but nobody says it's them getting their money back everybody to look it takes a lot to come from which. people absolutely have to let you know that government doesn't create a dime and all the government creates all the government were evil if it's coming from working people but i want to read way way way well but i want to make over one hundred thirty well you're going to have to tell us what are your i mean eyes and i student only forty percent of these so-called working people are contributing to the income tax policies in this country so if they get a check back yes they're paid to the postseason games they're paying into the ponzi
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scheme called social security good luck with getting their money on that but the only other hand they get are suspect to add some a trillion dollars they get a check back in april or whenever they file and that is money they never paid but i'll still want to make the broader point the broader point is we demonize big oil we demonize big tobacco these and they're going to use oil as an example the government doesn't own an oil rig the government doesn't lease the land lease any land the government doesn't do anything except to do with the government because it's them talking about the holder of the layer not the recipient holding after the purple hurriedly said oh they lease it out the oil companies put all this play all their their their energy their everything that goes into that and government comes along and they were getting tax subsidies and see everything that is to do with not get a subsidy oil depletion allowance are you kidding they do not get a subsidy what's happening is government is giving its own money back and they convince you that it's a subsidy and that just. makes makes forty billion dollars i mean it's not an income they make
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a fraction of what the government gets from the same money that's going to their areas where i if you're not a subsidy as the governor has to give you money before you pay taxes as opposed to a tax break i'm right yes yes ok well self-evident but it's definitional thing so he's calling a subsidy getting money from the government in the form of a tax break in order to do business and you're saying the governor ordered to do but if it is your own money that is your own money or i believe you have thousand dollars dollars back you say here is your five hundred dollars subsidy here's a job with my money i gave you out there that you play satisfied all i have this subsidy if i give it to you to do something so that's how money though that's the issue but here's a true fact just take oil that. exxon so exxon mobil sells no other all in the world who makes more of those are the federal government the state governments are exxon mobil and the truth is it's not exxon mobil it's exactly looking around and saying loose loading up their pockets and filling it up with all money it's big government is a loyalist whose oil is it except on our land has bought it from various people
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they have bought the rights to expect it you are all is that you've done a masterful job for us of what you try to do every time you're on this program which is change the subject we're talking about the ryan budget. the ryan budget is cutting taxes to the rich and hallelujah and get anywhere but here it's a right in your mind and give it and screw in poor people and forgiveness so screwed in america that they have x. boxes and spinning wheels and cattle to cable t.v. look i've lived in china i've traveled in twenty two countries in africa and i've never seen anything remotely close to what we define as poor go to those countries tom and look at poverty i have been in and worked at least one in this country is not what they want this answer to be we don't know where you live that that's not play but let's let's give everybody believing and let's get let's continue to continue to demonize the people that continue raising the floor to the point where the average for family household isn't on welfare get sixty one thousand dollars of
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assistance that's crazy that it's up so that's the latest number yeah that's that's the last number the sun generated i don't know you have to earn an income and that and that family of four what have you done or how i'm going to look at what i can become what you can what am i going to do you take an incentive away from me to work you demonize the god who creates jobs you take an incentive for me to want to get the job obama can't create jobs you know if you don't my unemployment pay and raise it higher if i don't work even one i mean a guy was dumpster diving in houston and i gave him a five hundred dollar ticket for trying to feed himself because the government or rather he'd be on t.v. and on the system then to go and absent. we go to say i'm going to take care of myself that's the system we live in today you really believe that that small persevere there is a small percentage of people who game the system no matter what you think you really think that most of the people who fall on hard times who are unemployed know we were at those times you can do it now is the capital person who's inventing developing if you have a baby ok i want to answer but i think for us joe it's a good if you want to call it maggie. thank you very much would be hit.
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yesterday freshman tea party senator ted cruz had the stupidity and the audacity to lecture senior california senator dianne feinstein about the constitution and the second amendment senator feinstein known for her efforts to curb gun violence in america was on the san francisco board of supervisors the equal of a city council when friends san francisco marriage george months mosconi and city supervisor harvey milk were assassinated feinstein found mosconi body lying in a pool of blood and had to feel through his old hole riddled body to check for a pulse senator feinstein was also the first to arrive in milks office after his assassination and again made efforts to revive him even though he was already dead
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these tragic efforts informed a feinstein about america's gun problem and led her to propose an assault weapons ban in one thousand nine hundred six that ban was adopted by the house the senate and signed into law by bill clinton unfortunately the original assault weapons ban expired after ten years and george w. bush republicans chose not to renew it so in the wake of the newtown tragedy senator feinstein introduced a new assault weapons ban and yesterday the senate judiciary committee took the measure up for a panel vote as would work the senator cruz decided to go off on a condescending rambling and poorly informed rant about the constitution here's what he asked senator feinstein after he was done rambling. question that i would pose to the same your senator from california is would she deem it consistent with the bill of rights for congress to engage in the same endeavor that we are contemplating doing with the second amendment. in the context of the first or
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fourth amendment namely would she consider it constitutional for congress to specify that the first amendment shall apply only to the following books and shall not apply to the books that congress has deemed outside the protection of the bill of rights likewise would she think that the fourth amendment protection against such searches and seizures could properly apply only to the following specified individuals and not to the individuals that congress has deemed outside the protection of the bill it would sooner you sort of find and then quickly put the freshman senator in his place take a look. let me just make a couple of points in response one i'm not a sixth grader senator i've been on this committee for twenty years i was a mayor for nine years i walked in i saw people shot i've looked at bodies that have been shot with these weapons i've seen the bullets that implode in sandy hook youngsters were dismembered it's fine you want to lecture me on the constitution i
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appreciate it just know i've been here for a long time i've passed on a number of bills i've studied the constitution myself i am reasonably well educated and i thank you for the lecture. senator cruz may have failed to understand with senator feinstein met by i'm not a sixth grader so here's the essence of what we all learned in sixth grade civics which ted cruz apparently mr wasn't paying attention that our rights come with certain responsibilities or limits our first amendment right to free speech for example is limited by an injunction for example we now yell fire in a crowded theater similarly as a talk show host there are certain words that i can't say on the air crews asked what books feinstein would want banned as he never heard of child pornography similarly our fourth amendment rights to privacy are circumscribed a thousand ways police officer walks up to your car your front door and spells pot
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smoke or hears a shoot out. do you still have a right to privacy or what if as same officer sees you covered in blood and holding a gun do you have a right to privacy then senator cruz himself wants to limit the privacy rights of women by infringing on their right to abortions so he's clearly in favor of limits on the fourth amendment the simple fact which gun industry shill teds cruz wants to ignore is that none of the rights protected to we the people in the bill of rights are absolute with regard to the second amendment highly doubt that cruz himself would argue that people should be able to own rocket propelled grenades or shoulder fired surface to air missiles those are arms that could be used by individual people and could be used by a well regulated militia. we need while we need legislation banning weapons of war from our city streets it's increasingly apparent we need another bit of legislation and right away. and that's one that would mandate that every new member of congress
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listening to cruz sit down with the sixth grade civics teacher and learn how the constitution works so future senators won't run the risk of making the embarrassing and stupid mistake the ted cruz did. after the break republican politicians like paul ryan and john boehner want to argue that the united states has a crushing debt problem that is private debt the real drag on our economy alaska economist steve keen tonight's conversations with great.
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so. you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harkin welcomes the big picture. of potentially deadly blizzard taking aim for the northeast it's expected to hit stunning in a few hours from new york to maine we have team coverage of the storm. but what we're watching is the very heavy snow moving into by. it's improper earlier today it was very sticky you can see it start to become much more powdery down to
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the bottom line there's still a lot of snow out here a good place for snowball fight if. the senate is going to pretty incredible day there and even record snowfall throughout what's been like nobody's luxury driving lessons some emergency fear. the worst fear for those they. might have to commit to a radio guy and call up a zero minestrone click cause they want you to watch closely to go because you've never seen anything like this i'm trying. to say.
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