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tv   [untitled]    March 16, 2013 11:30am-12:00pm EDT

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boil our t.v. or you probably have a chance to watch the resident with host laurie harvest she launched over ten years ago as an online video talk show but it's expanded beyond just you tube and found a comfortable home right here on our t.v. and now she's taken even further debut in a new opinion show they'll be airing here in the near future take a look. so to hear more about her new show and to get just a taste of some of laurie's opinions on the latest news stories and joined now by the resident herself laurie harvest laurie also have you on. nice to be here abby was saying what's going on girls so let's talk about the brooklyn protests first
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and foremost i mean you live just a mile from where this all went down how did you first hear about it twitter that's what i hear everywhere no absolutely it's not my coutts rolling through my twitter feed that's how i found out it wasn't on the news and i could hear you know the helicopters in the distance but like that's regular you heard i heard the police say crackdown but yeah i mean it just yesterday and every day. so why do you think it is this story isn't gaining more attention i mean there are so many arrests that were made just a couple days ago. i think it's too common of a story for the media of the mainstream media to pick up you know it's unfortunate but it's true that this story happens over and over again not necessarily the arrests but what people were protesting isn't that huge of a story you know there was no hook for the mainstream media unfortunately so they just ignored it i mean when you look at something like the trayvon martin case it's like the media sensationalism zero in on one thing it's like whether some random
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murder case in kentucky and they just zero in on it for months and months i mean speaking to every exhausting every sort of specific detail about these stories and of course overlooking the fact that these things happen every day i mean and mark you had stand your ground like a great phrase we didn't have a free. we don't have a catchphrase for this one let's talk about. general other sort of the kind of fun of the router was the cannibal cop was this in new york to our audience what the story was about. it's ok number one it is it's horrible it's absolutely horrible. i don't know how it's terrible no one died so that's why i'm allowed to laugh and so this guy this caught. looking on line how to kill and eat people women and crazy sexual fetish about kidnapping women and eating them and he
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was he went so far as to have coconspirators online have chance access to federal database to get information on one of his. alleged potential victims and just you know just it was the sky he just loved to talk about all this gory stuff about eating women and why he didn't kidnap anyone and he didn't eat anyone but is why you've put some spyware on it is a computer card turned him into the fads and now he just stood trial and he was convicted of conspiring to kidnap and. women and also for accessing the federal database illegally and he was found guilty on both and he faces a potential life sentence raising that's insane can you imagine being his wife and coming across as such but i wanted to switch course and talk about the wrong poll rand paul filibuster the filibuster you made a video saying filibusters are for weenies do you think political theater laurie. yeah i mean you know in my lifetime any filibuster has just made because it's come
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up i look just talk to push off a vote like how we need is that how lame is that it's so incredibly lame but when rand paul did it i was i have to say it was pretty impressive like ok that serves a function and he did it well he raised a point he did it to raise awareness on an issue rather than just block a bill so i guess there is still a place and lots of people feel like you know it's part of the foundation of our senate the filibuster but i don't know it just seems weird it's a weird tactic it just is a sign that something's wrong you know something that we rely on right of course of course brennan was you know pushed through the next was kind of a political theater political theater but political theater you're most notorious lawyer for a man on the street it's look talk about that. people all the rules of new york times square i mean do you sense that that foreigners are more informed than americans when you talk to them. you know. it be easy to
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say yes but it really is a case by case basis. i think that there are definitely some go to dish it out to use for what i want to really get opinion and i know the germans and australians are always going to. they were always my favorite but there are you know they really americans were always a crapshoot sometimes they were really well informed and surprising in their viewpoints you know and i always try to find a balance you know people from. all over this fact so that i can present perspectives from you know every viewpoint possible and so i'd say you know i don't have anything from the right there's a guy in a cowboy hat let me go ask him and he would surprise me. that was always the greatest part about being on the street is that it restored my faith in humanity that people will surprise you with what they know that's awesome laurie well i cannot wait to see your show and should they be you here very soon will definitely keep up on that thanks so much lorie hardness from the resident.
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so guys that time of the week where i take some of your feedback from social media and respond starting with a used condom collector on you tube who says r t anti american i like we have to say i watch your videos but i wonder if you have an agenda to make people hate this country well used condom collector by the way great name i would argue that i'm actually an american patriot considering how our founding fathers said that dissent is the highest form of patriotism and i really disagree with the trajectory this country is on i know from history that arrogant empires always fall and i'm trying my hardest to wake people up to reality so we can stop that from happening here moving on to louis david who says i share all the shows i just don't post them on the white house page right after i posted
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a second about drones facebook suspended me for fifteen days sorry i've not been posting i'm in the penalty box. oh man i'm sorry are penalized for posting on the fan page of the white house but keep doing it sure these segments everywhere and really don't interestingly every time i make a mention of women's rights or inequality i get trolled by a bunch of dude who claim picture doesn't exist and that men are actually subject to sexism in today's reality well to prove my point mr and nick they all true xeon on youtube. i would have guessed that aberdeen phrases feminist dogma but it was still disappointing to actually see it no feminism is not about equal rights for women it's about the hatred and demonization of men there is also the sexual mutilation of men by women is the name of the reign of bobbitt ring any bells this feminist hatred of men was on full display wow it's a lot that could be said but you know instead of me taking the time to respond to this i'll just read a response from this dude on you tube you said attempts to attack or shame you
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would be pointless because you admitted that the basis for your opposition to feminism is fear of emasculation hosts and that and castration apparently still on you tube as real for rishta had a problem with what i said about radiation in milk take a look. at this many experts have pointed out no dose of radiation however small can be described as safe and he said this comment is unscientific and wrong guess what you're getting radiation in small doses all the time makes me suspicious of the level of scientific rigor on the show well for your information i'm talking about additional low dose of radiation from nuclear fallout but don't take it for me to listen to the actual scientists who i got the information from quote there's a scientific consensus on a prevailing hypothesis that down to near zero levels that occurrence of future cancer is proportional to the dose of radiation received writes gordon executive
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director of the institute for resource and security studies in the bolt of atomic scientists it's called the linear no threshold hypothesis that implies that no additional dose of radiation however small can be described as absolutely safe moving on on you tube as well zephyr lopez servility says this in response to buy milk exposé there are skimmed milk and dairy products without any added sweetener finally there's even milk and dairy low in lactose quite convenient for those who are lox dos and tolerant yes. thank you for i didn't mean for the milk segment to be this hysterical don't drink milk or else kind of thing i personally don't drink glasses of milk but i do eat dairy my intention was to simply point out under reported facts about the milk industry that we wouldn't normally hear about organic and raw milk are always great options to opt for to and to sum it up at pirates on twitter said i remember subscribing to abbey martin's breaking the set when there were less than two hundred subs now there are over twenty thousand well done and
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great work yes thank you so much for everyone's support let's get that subscriber count to three hundred thousand and as always thanks for watching and writing the show is nothing without your support. so if you like what you see head to our youtube channel at youtube dot com slash breaking the set be sure to subscribe so you don't miss a single episode or segment we have all of our segments tabbed out if you want to cover those separately and encourage are going to check out our interview with max kaiser on the wall street mafia you can also look at every segment we've done separately under the tab section on the top of the page from big brother watch the weapons of mass distraction check out all that and more at youtube dot com slash break into such an hour late take a break from my preaching but stay tuned to hear about dick cheney lying to the nine eleven commission next.
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leader hard to say sure there's a freedom of choice. and. you're ready to clean up a new store. absolute pleasure. to be treated this way. on archie.
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you ever seen anything like. well look we all know that when it comes to any sort of judicial review of the actions or crimes of the bush administration obama has made it crystal clear that
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he's only concerned with looking forward not backward on the matter having said that tonight show time mr marion a new film about former vice president dick cheney check it out. on a really not a man's car. when i first arrived here back in nine hundred sixty it's one of the youngest people in the west wing this time around absolutely. if we had been able to take out one of those airplanes from the trade center we don't know the answer was. are you going to trade the number of people that you want to preserve your honor is a wartime situation is more important to the successful than it was to be. headed over. to the. yep what's remarkable about this other than the fact that
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cheney has zero regrets is the revelation that cheney to lie when he testified alongside president bush to the nine eleven commission so why can't change seem to keep the story straight and what implications does this have for the larger narrative pushed forward by the nine eleven commission to discuss this and more i'm joined by robbie martin independent journalist and co-host of various radio thanks for coming on thanks for having me so robby cheney changes a story let me just briefly explain why in this documentary on showtime he says that there was a shoot down order that he actually said he was going to shoot down the plane to save lives which actually contradicts the nine eleven commission report that says that there was no order made why do you think it changes story here well because i think that he probably thought the people didn't remember that he had presidential emergency powers on that day and i mean the testimony shows the. cheney you know was at least criminally culpable for not issuing an evacuation
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order from the pentagon. and on top of that he you know he was acting as a purchase the president the time because bush was in the air the whole day yeah and you know what this is actually a really important aspect of this because norman minetta has a really important testimony from the transportation secretary who actually testified for the commission it was omitted from the official report but he says that there was some sort of order made and let's hear this testimony. during the time that here plane coming in to the pentagon. there was a young man who would come in and say to the vice president the plane is fifty miles. plane is thirty miles out when he got down to the plane is ten miles you know. the young man also said to the vice president do the orders still stand and then the vice president turned in. who has now come out and said of course the world is too stupid have you heard anything to the contrary ok so here he is saying
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the order still stands cheney's directing rizzo's obviously there was an order for something if it wasn't for a shoot down order what was it for well that's a great question and that's something that the american public would probably love to have answered but the problem is that testimony never actually made it inside the commission report so in normal minute it was actually asked about that later on i think some activists journal independent journalist asked him about it and he said that he wouldn't change anything he said in that testimony so so cheney during the testimony said that the planes ten miles out twenty miles out thirty miles out does the orders still stand cheney's saying of course they still stand obviously is talking about a plane coming close why do you think there wasn't an evacuation order issued from the pentagon that's also a great question one hundred twenty five people died in the pentagon attack alone and i think the reason that you know that hasn't been. very talk to me you know it's not talked about very much that he knew of the impending plane attack because
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you know three thousand people died on nine eleven and you know one hundred twenty five people seem to minuscule in comparison to what we're talking about criminal negligence here potentially. unbelievable and i think a lot of other people don't realize i briefly mention an intro that cheney and bush testified together not under oath and this is where you can't really be claimed for perjury or anything like that because they were under oath they testified together let's see that bush responding to some questions about why they did this. because you know a lot of critics suggested that you wanted to appear jointly with the vice president so that you could keep your story straight or something and you tell us what you think of the value of appearing together and how you would answer those critics first of all look i mean if we had something to hide we would not met with them in the first place we had all their questions and as i say i think. i came away good about the session. because i wanted them to know. you know how i said strategy how we run the white house how we deal with threats. the vice president answered
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a lot of their questions answered all their questions and i think was important for them to see our body language as well how we work together so i mean there is you know it's a very bizarre answer what why do you think that they didn't testify under oath here together i mean that they were together they didn't. mean they lied first of all i mean i mean why would someone not want to testify under oath unless they were planning on line or you know office getting some part of the truth and then on top of that they testified together not separately i mean i'd like to believe that cheney was probably sitting in the corner sort of making faces at bush making sure he would you know stick to his story that he wanted to tell you i don't know that much about body language but i have never really seen someone look more like they were lying than him right there i mean you can't even get a story straight the guy is just like what the hell are you talking about let's talk about and i'm going to shoot itself there's so many crazy inconsistency you know and glaring omissions but let's talk about who was originally appointed to be
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on it all henry kissinger not just on it but he was appointed to be the head of the entire commission the nine eleven widows the victims' families were outraged by that so they quickly replaced him with a guy named philip zelikow who was basically a white house lackey who wrote a book with connally said rice on foreign policy. and then you know several people resign or one person resigned. max cleland from the commission at a protest. i mean the entire commission from the outset was set up to fail and that was actually a statement made by the two people who ended up off three in the book that was put out lee hamilton and kean yeah they actually did say it was set up to fail from the beginning i mean it took a month longer than any other initiation of a commission after a major disaster and event and actually pushed by the widows the families who said why isn't this going to. as stated it really was you know block from the very beginning when they when they finally were forced to investigate it they put on his
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injure and zelikow all these very close people a lot of like airline lobbyists and lawyers as well let's talk about some of the glaring inconsistency is with the report itself because you know it just seems like they didn't really perform a real investigation i mean what do you think. oh absolutely not i mean the investigation was a total farce. i mean they they wanted the investigation the commission to tell the story that they wanted to tell and when i say day i mean that the white house wanted to tell they omitted the war games that were going on on the day of nine eleven that showed that the air defense response was delayed because all the jet fighters were tied up with war games building seven following the immediate able danger which was an investigation that had the identity of four hijackers as early as june of two thousand and one and knew that they were taking flying lessons the amid all the warnings before nine eleven except for the famous piece. which says
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bin laden determined attack in the u.s. that's the tip of the iceberg there were many other warnings that were extremely specific leading up to the events that were not mentioned in the commission so robbie read what does this all say i mean obviously nine eleven was the crux of everything that we see today the never ending surveillance state the town of our civil liberties i mean do we need a new investigation do you think that they'll ever be held accountable i mean what do you think we should do here i mean a new investigation best case scenario would be you know appointed by people in the government again and obviously the people who work in the government the obama white house now they're not going to uncover that you know scab as nixon says in the movie by oliver stone you uncover that scab you get a lot of. that's i mean that's that's the case with the nine eleven commission if they did another one and it would be another cover up so my guess for me the only solution is just people just need to speak out about this and demand more answers i think the question is what are. are they hiding and what do all these things mean that they didn't cover in the investigation will maybe we'll never know but we
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definitely could pushing for answers thank you so much from media roots thank you. i. well guys seems like our favorite military contractor blackwater i mean z. i mean cademy whatever the hell they're calling themselves these days is finally shedding some light on how deep their government connections really go and as per usual they're relieving themselves of any sort of accountability for their criminal actions of their personnel after a three year long investigation last month federal prosecutors dropped fifteen felony charges against defense corp some of the indictments that were dismissed include the illegal purchase of automatic weapons a charge that holds a prison sentence of two years of course the company execs got a mere slap on the wrist a small pittance find of five grand why you might as well because tens of thousands
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of court documents from the case reveal the close connection between the cia and blackwater in fact it's a relationship that was so close that blackwater founder erik prince revealed in a recent interview that the firm took direct orders from the agency and became quote a virtual extension of the cia take for example king abdullah's of jordan's visit to blackwater headquarters in north carolina back in two thousand and five at the end of his trip blackwater executives awarded adela with modified rifles dawn with blackwater's logo that it was uncovered that the weapons were illegally given and there was no paper trail showing the guns making into the hands of the jordanian king. but they ain't worried a paper trail because it was revealed that the cia had instructed blackwater to give the king the guns since quote the agency had forgotten to get gifts for him hoops well i'm glad mercenary thugs can pick up where the cia leaves off and since
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selling the company that continues to be the line of defense used by prince against the allegations he said quote blackwater carried out countless life threatening missions for the cia and in return the government chose to prosecute my people for doing exactly what was asked of them basically blackwater was just acting under orders of the cia so if anyone should be held accountable it's them look i never thought that i would agree with prince but i can't say i disagree with the fact that the cia is ultimately responsible for outsourcing their death squads to private mercenary corporations who commit their dirty detestable deeds under a cloak of impunity plus passing the buck to the cia is a brilliant move since will surely see no prosecutions or indictments coming out of this ever elusive agency so let me get this straight lawless mercenaries acting on behalf of the us government committed blatant war crimes ran around war zones and acted as though they are above the law and now we know why because they all are but this goes far beyond just giving guns to royalty think back to two thousand and
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seven where for blackwater employees walked away scot free after massacring seventeen civilians and injuring twenty others in iraq oh and how could one forget the video of the firm in baghdad driving cars off the road shooting at random civilians also yep from smuggling arms to murdering children their list of crimes goes on and on many of which will probably never know about but they and the two tiered justice system in punitive for war crimes is just the name of the game with the cia pulling the strings. to me speak your language as. close as programs and documentaries in arabic
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