tv [untitled] March 17, 2013 4:30pm-5:00pm EDT
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that and much more for you after the short break stay with us. a clear image of iraq after inflation. twenty day taxi trip through the country. the roads full of dangerous. clear evidence from north to south. the rich map of iraqi tragedy. after the war waiting for peace. by god taxi on our t.v. . if you're away from your. party any
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time. news continues here. to ease the pressure on small the positives hit by. the controversial measure sparked massive force in the government to suspend a debate on adopting it the demand for all deposit holders to hand over up to ten percent of the money was in force by eurozone finance ministers as a condition for a much needed ten billion euro bailout or doctor. the leading british think tank the british group told me that she believes there's little too for the island state
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. the really do desperately need the bailout money unless of course. the alternative which is actually drop out of the euro and probably default at some point which will not necessarily be the worst thing that can happen but that doesn't seem to appeal to any of the governments in question i mean we've had this problem with greece and we've had this problem with other countries that is how it's all been going on about the about the bailouts the way things have gone we see greece is that you know these these bailouts happen. try to reduce hysterically any never works and then after a while there is another request for another bailout. whether it will actually work or whether cyprus will erupt into riots is something we shall see in the next few days. as from world news in brief this hour in budapest thousands of protesters against changes to hundreds constitution which were earlier approved by parliament the moments include limiting the polls of the constitutional court which spot
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concern among human rights groups the new measures also tighten laws on election campaigns family rights homelessness critics of the movers democratic but the premier has rejected the accusations. the streets in cities across the world are swimming in guinness and as millions celebrate some patrick's day use year in on a vehicle to exceed over forty international learnmore. of the sydney opera house will be lit in traditional green lodges and parades are held every year in most of the world's capitals and major cities. the smoke finally cleared in the vatican this week literally after the papal conclave elected a new head of the catholic church stepping in after the unexpected resignation of benedict the sixteenth last month pope francis became the first pontiff ever from south america well earlier what could he carry drugs to last or to go with the new
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charges capable of bringing an end to continuing scandals. spoke to a lot of. especially as a lot of analysts are actually specialists on religion and they said the church is in crisis and they have listed numerous reasons for why that is happening like that you weeks or corruption scandals and they just. major modernization so francis really has a lot of things to work out and to go out. and his position would have done as an easy going to sort of change his tarnished image and it really is a tarnished actually yes well you could say that he's kind of making the first step because he has met with journalists already and that is something that none of the popes have ever done before so he's kind of making a step in that direction but yes you have to understand that media has actually played an important part in making in sort of perpetuating these scandals especially the tell the media they have had a field day with a lot of they have done their research they have actually broken several scandals
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and that is how that really came around in front of the door so it was in there we understand compiled by three cardinals even saying that they may be some kind of network of paedophiles within or near to the vatican to the serious stuff and it was the vatileaks that has actually spurned on the report because after finding out about the vatileaks after the scandal broke out pope benedict the sixteenth has actually ordered this investigation to take place and there were three cardinals who did it and reportedly according to the italian media he was presented with this report on december seventeenth which also happened to be the day when he announced that he is going to resign so they are tying it all together and saying that that's precisely because of the allegation allegations of the so-called gay ring within the vatican itself which are which is kind of ironic considering that homosexuality is. a mortal sin by the catholic church what about the church's finances there because look pope francis is now saying he wants a poor church for people that sort of thing but it's quite
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a rich organization absolutely i mean look at the pictures it's absolutely grandiose and beautiful but yes it does have a lot of money and part of the vatileaks scandal actually surrounded the major corruption scandals the vatileaks focused on the power struggles which were happening inside korea which is the congregation of cardinals and it was also focusing on potential ties with this is still in mafia according to. according to some journalist according to the information which was leaked in the vet it leaks these some of the caliber some of the cardinals were involved in this manual on doing scheme where they have actually laundered money from this in the mafia through the bank of vatican which is supposed to be you know the same you can say what is the catholic church compete. with obviously the rising islamic world the number of muslims in recent years has grown by an estimated ninety percent whereas the number of catholics they knew were opposed grown just by five percent and they're actually predicting that by twenty thirty the growth of muslim population
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will surpass the number of hundred fifty percent a large part of criticism actually comes from people saying. the catholic church isn't isn't it struggling with majority it's not catching up to the times yes atheism is definitely one of the major problems for for catholics right now but there is also issues such as. wars again homosexuality premarital sex all of that is something that a lot of specialists in the area are saying francis now has to look at and take some steps if he wants to keep the catholic church. and to. be but with a new team in just over twenty minutes from now with more for you but in a few minutes we'll be talking to the former head of both the cia and the national security agency michael hayden to also give the u.s. will be peace that's after this break stay with us.
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there was a time in america when buses were officially segregated and today if they tried to resegregate the wall next to there would be outrage throughout the usa every t.v. channel and newspaper so segregation in america was wrong but no america funding segregation no survive a foreign aid seems to be a ok and jim dandy. arab language leaflets have been spread around west bank in palestinian areas asking residents to start using special bus lines plans to put palestinians on separate bus lines were first announced in november of two thousand and twelve after some complaints by jewish settlers of trouble on the buses between passengers of different ethnicities in regards to the special bus lines it's really human rights groups but seldom said the attempt to bus segregation is appalling and the current arguments about security needs an overcrowding must not be allowed to camouflage blatant racism you
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know when south africa had apartheid they were slammed with sanctions including from the us but if you're israel go ahead and segregate all the buses you like and you'll still be the us is top recipient of foreign aid at three point one billion dollars a year if there's one thing i don't like it's hypocrisy like this but that's just my opinion. you.
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here's a retired four star general of the u.s. air force and also served as director of america's national security agency and central intelligence agency joining our team now for an exclusive one on one interview is general michael hayden thank you very much for taking the time to speak with me today thank you i'd like to begin our discussion with major news event that took place last week that event being the death of venezuelan president hugo chavez mr chavez was known for his hard line stance towards the u.s. he even accused the cia once of plotting to kill him will relations with venezuela be troubled if vice president nicolas maduro secedes chavez as president you know one fears that they might but one also hopes that they might not i think president chavez
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a very strong populist clearly very popular and some said next we're going to run into society he took an awful lot of the support off a lot of his identity simply by being by appearing to be in opposition to the north . to the united states and whether or not we were causing him problems it was convenient for him to accuse us of causing them problems i actually think the problem for right now that they haven't done a lot of structural although he enjoyed a wide popular support. among the poorer classes he did not do much to reinvest reinvest in the infrastructure reinvest in the oil industry which state resources depend and so i think the new president is going to have to take a very realistic look at what he needs to do in order to carry out even to continue some of the policies of his predecessors which was you know i mean i may be fair some elements of strong social justice but you can't share things you don't have you have to create and that requires greater cooperation with the private sector
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and other segments of venezuelan society and frankly greater cooperation with the united states let's shift gears now and move on to another topic that's been dominating the headlines that topic the drones of course due to the nomination of john brennan as cia director now u.s. drones have reportedly killed thirteen hundred people in pakistan since obama came into office those people not just terrorists but a lot of civilians too this has outraged pakistan an ally of the u.s. medic many critics say that the u.s. drone campaign is actually inciting a lot of hatred towards america and breeding terrorism and terrorists do you believe drones are the right weapon in the war on terror and are they being used in the right way this is a complex question and it doesn't allow the simple answer richard haass president
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of the council on foreign relations said something very interesting in an interview in which i was a participant richard said when it comes to targeted killings in the use of drones he's looking not for a switch but for a dial and i think that's actually very profound that's i think that's very insightful look we are we believe we are a nation at war we are at war with al qaeda and its affiliates this war is global in scope and we have both a right and a duty to take this fight. to this enemy were they may be and in some cases that requires targeted killing and some of the ungoverned spaces that remain on the planet now for the longest time the immediate effect of the targeted killing that you have as as we say we have taken off the battlefield someone already convinced trained and prepared to do harm to the united states that immediate effect trumped everything else that effect was overwhelming in terms of the calculus one had to make as to whether you should do this or not do it but even then three four years
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ago even then we realized that wasn't the only effect there were also second and third order effects effects on our allies effects on the willingness of others to cooperate effects on al qaeda recruitment effects on the global image of the united states and no i think it's fair. third order effects they're becoming more prominent in terms of the overall effect of an individual action but you've got to turn the dial you've got to take into consideration the second and third order effects before you make the decision to take this kind of action you see that the u.s. is a nation at war when does this war and when is it going to success what needs to be accomplished for the u.s. not to be a nation at war any longer that's a great question and it's one with been asked by my countrymen were war tell me when i'm finished let me know how i've won i understand and and i know there will
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come a point at which folks like me with my background and my experience need to go to our political leaders and say you know folks the war paradigm served us very very well but it was not without its own cost it was not without its own effects and now i think we have pushed this threat down to such a level that the war paradigm is no longer that useful to us and we need to move into a law enforcement or an international cooperation kind of paradigm now to round this out i think that will come some day that there's not today you served as director of the cia for nearly three years and you were still in that position when u.s. president barack obama took office there were reports that he was on about using drones excessively and you had to persuade him. tensions possibly running high at that time is there any truth to those reports it's very difficult for me to talk
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about specific operations or to confirm or deny things that my government hasn't confirmed or denied i think in general i think i can give you this statement with the exception of detention interrogation which of course became a very popular and well known cause with a change of administration present. obama embraced very strongly much of the war on terror strategy that president bush was conducting during president bush's second administration clear he just said there's no longer word care if you will be also he did he used the phrase we used internally right internally the phrase was we are at war with al qaeda and its affiliates and that was our operational expression of the president's more public global war on terror so fundamentally nothing really changed in terms of what the security structures in the united states were doing you know there's not a new discussion regarding drones that's being had in that has to do with the topic
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of anonymous drones some recent examples of of that include two drone attacks that took place in pakistan last month those attacks reportedly killed nine people including two al qaeda operatives now. immediately filed a complaint a protest with the american embassy but u.s. officials came back and said look we're not responsible for that attack it we haven't had any activity in pakistan since january and the pakistani government says it wasn't us and there's now no clear way to know who was operating those drones in pakistan do you believe that this drone warfare this drone campaign that the u.s. has been leading will eventually open up a pandora's box of anonymous jones because as of last month there are over forty fifty countries that are now using drones well that's a great question and i know the incident incidents you're referring to and. you
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have to understand i'm out of government now for years i only know what i read in the newspapers but i find it quite curious. what does it teach me what does it suggest to my thinking one thing is that troubled region of pakistan is cheese was . no one is exercising sovereignty it's also great for if as you point out any. use of unmanned aerial vehicles is not a god given american right. other nations will fall i mean we have been leading the technology here but the technology is not all that daunting other countries will follow on our footsteps that puts a great deal of pressure on the united states in terms of how it actually conducts itself with these weapons we are indeed setting precedent that others will almost certainly follow president obama is no longer running for our second term in office or running to keep his job some would say he's running now for the history books do
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you believe he should deliver on his promise to close guantanamo bay i actually think the promise was a mistake right now i realize there are a range of views within my country on that but i go back to the premise that by the way president obama agrees with the president promise we are a nation at war he said that consistently otherwise he couldn't do many of the things that he is now authorizing us to do you have to begin with the war paradigm one of one of the aspects of armed conflict is the right to detain enemy combatants so my debate with president obama is not that he hasn't lived up to his promise to close it. but i think the promise to close it was unwise by the way you realized that we reduced the prison population at guantanamo during the bush administration far more dramatically than has been done in the obama administration i mean we understood the branding issue that was going tunnel but we also understood we were
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at war i mean look on labor day weekend for your viewers that's the first weekend in september here in the united states and two thousand and six i moved fourteen prisoners from cia detention sites the so-called black sites to guantanamo i needed a place to put the guantanamo was a perfectly legal perfectly acceptable place recent polls are showing that only fifteen percent of selected muslim countries approve of president obama's foreign policy is that dangerous is that troubling and anyway the course of this is not a popularity poll i mean we're not out there to be loved something george w. bush said right was i mean draw a comparison of thirty nine years of military officer so i go back a long way i remember something called the cold war and i bet you many of your viewers remember it as well and during the cold war we actually talked about the close fight and the deep fight and here in the cold war the deep fight was largely
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illogical and it was about western views towards economics and political democracy and soviet views and frankly that was argued very strongly between the two groups but one that was argued mike hayden from pittsburgh pennsylvania had a legitimate view on communism because whatever else communism may or may not have been it was a western philosophy and so when we entered that conversation my views had legitimacy because i was speaking from my own cultural tradition. in the current war the deep fight in has to do with something going on inside islam no it's very hard for my came from pittsburgh to enter into a discussion about islam i have no legitimacy in fact fact when i do enter in that discussion i make things worse. because i have no authenticity and making that kind
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of comment so what we see going on no i think is a struggle within islam it's a struggle that all the monotheisms have gone through christianity judaism and islam and it's a struggle with modernity. drawing your viewers too far back into history. christendom went through this in the seventeenth century at the end of the thirty years war when we decided you know we've got plenty of reasons to fight with one another but let's not include religion in the list anymore right and we embraced a more secular approach we separated the sacred from the secular i think islam is going through that great debate now but that debate is within islam and we'll have to see how it turns out sorry that's a very long answer but i think that's really what's going on you've most recently spoken about the threat of cyber warfare and you said that it's coming from china but what about groups like anonymous this is in is something that the chinese have armed they've worked for over the years the mandiant report that came out about two
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weeks ago that focused very heavily on one particular unit in the people's liberation army that worked for. the third bureau there pale way through as we call it i had a i had someone a colleague of yours from your profession call me up and say wow this man that report is big news and i said well it's big. but it's not news i mean anybody who's been doing this knows what the chinese have been doing now to be more accurate the chinese even stealing stuff they have not been using the savaging name to create damage or destroying networks or or things like that but they've been stealing stuff on an unprecedented scale know all right through them one day all nations do this i was the head of the american organization that did this for the united states and frankly we're quite good at it but we and some other nations around the world self limit we still secrets out there in the server demain to keep americans free and to keep them safe. we don't do it to make them rich we don't do
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it for commercial benefit. well let me rephrase that it's espionage and espionage is an accepted international practice when that mandiant report came out. somewhere say but we the hands of the united states are not clean the u.s. has also played a huge role in cyber espionage and even some saying that the u.s. had a major role in the stocks that attack allegedly carried out by washington and tel aviv against iran so isn't the us in some way throwing stones when it lives in a glass house i don't even speculate given my background on who may or may not have been responsible for stocks it. but i do agree with the premise of your question it's a really big deal i mean someone just used
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a weapon comprised of ones and zeros to knob the practical description was to take over the control system in advance and destroy thousand centrifuges which i've used almost an on avoid good. but i can rephrase that sentence and say someone during a time of peace just use a cyber weapon to destroy another nation's critical infrastructure. that's an important development i fully understand the import of the fact of stuxnet and leave alone who may or may not have done so i will have to leave it right there general michael hayden thank you very much for your time thank you. to. see the. victims multiply here each day. it's very profitable to invest in colombia with the very profitable the it is
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a very high return on investment. is good though i mean he has said that i've been working in this area for thirty years and i've always had to play the armed groups when they come i mean that is not a manager is a change their name and strategy but just tell the same budrus. high ranking suspects give no comment are you upset about that mr president zuma. to president putin. both of you. i won't give an interview i'm sorry but no. investigation is a dead. end and says i'm sick and can't stop your bullshit and keep quiet or else you'll suffer the consequences. even if they're your bodyguards to watch themselves because the same goes for them. regards from go say
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