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tv   [untitled]    March 19, 2013 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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a series of attacks in baghdad leave dozens dead and around a hundred injured as the country marks ten years since the u.s. led invasion. so i burst moves towards a vote on taking cash from the people's bank you can secure a bail out in what is being called the great bank robbery. the guantanamo prisoners hunger strike is said to be growing with activists increasingly outraged by the inertia of international humanitarian organizations. welcome you watching our take with me andrey farmer well we start with breaking news here on r.t. at least fifty people have been killed in a series of attacks across baghdad the deadly assaults come as iraq marks ten years
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since the coalition led by the u.s. and britain invaded the country with their freedom and democracy mission. as the latest from iraq. we do expect the death toll to trouble me right to convey we know that doug and the people at. a district in baghdad have been injured we're getting from official the moment that there's been a period of more than a dozen. car bombs as well as the road why do you think that part of this could be a coordinated theory that again as i mentioned it had its shiite areas in baghdad now they're concerned and tried to. put their campaign on shiite areas here in an attempt to preserve the period concerned and undermine prime minister nouri al maliki's government there for. the first three at the age of the wrong kind we were porch here in the country and you're trying to have
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a long way to go to heal the wounds exposed by the war at this hour american and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm iraq to free its people and to defend the world from grave danger. this was the freedom they brought shock and bombs over baghdad but the pentagon billed as a quick war to liberate iraq turned into a prolonged nightmare. ten years of bloodshed war occupation and deadly sectarian strife drained by afghanistan exhausted by iraq for washington the battle is over after a decade of war that's cost us thousands of lives and over a trillion dollars. nation we need to build it is our aim but what if the nation they left behind. we are not happy to have biggest regret the iraqi people destroyed and the infrastructure is devastated the country has room. and these
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graves are a visual reminder of a decade of human strife almost everyone in this country. he has lost somebody whom they love no one knows exactly how many iraqis have been killed since the invasion and estimates range from more than one hundred fifty thousand to over one million for years the u.s. claims not to keep body counts but how do you mohamed has kept count his four sons and only grandchild were killed in a suicide blast. how am i doing i raised my sons and saw them get mahdi's and send them to universities i watched them die you asked me if it's better or worse now compared to ten years ago i still have my sons ten years ago so i think the. others have seen their dreams of a brighter future shattered by years of violence. i was top of my class when circumstances became very bad after the occupation of hell that something was
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broken inside of me my ambition and everything i used to dream of becoming a doctor or an engineer but conditions prevented me from continuing my studies but an education is no guarantee of work less than forty percent of iraqi adults have a job and a quarter of families live below the world bank's poverty line statistics that haven't improved much since the days of crushing u.n. sanctions in the one nine hundred ninety s. elections may have brought democracy to iraq but critics say the government is rife with corruption and infighting. despite the various that's occurred in the time of the former regime it is not comparable to the number of freely is by the politicians and the current government today iraq is facing a new political crisis there is tension on the ground between the sunni provinces and the shia led government as well as between baghdad and the kurdish north i think if these issues are not. it can lead to more significant problems
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including conflict which can lead to i think the breakup of iraq and destabilization. and an upsurge in violence is sparking fears of a return to sectarian strife new figures show the death rates have actually risen since the last american soldier left iraqi soil. how long will iraq remain like this every day there are explosions every day there is killing every day there is terrorism. explosion after explosion iraqis have asked themselves that same question for most of the last ten years who seek out of r t iraq. where u.s. taxpayers are probably asking how much more they will have to spend on iraq on top of what's already been poured in the figure of over eight hundred billion dollars continues to rise with a cost mounting every second from dealing with returning personnel to the broader social and economic impacts of the war and he said now we now take
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a closer look at the numbers. the decade long war in iraq may be officially over but american taxpayers are still paying for the cost of the invasion let's talk numbers the u.s. has spent more than sixty billion dollars in reconstruction in iraq so far that works out to about fifteen million dollars per day overall cost and other aid adds up to seven hundred and sixty seven billion dollars since the american led invasion and that's according to the congressional budget office but national priorities project a u.s. research group they estimate the real cost at over eight hundred billion dollars and they add that some funds are still being spent on ongoing projects and that number continues to rise every second now a major problem it seems is that all this cash the u.s. is coughing up isn't falling into the right hands or projects iraqi prime minister nouri al maliki says funding could have brought a great change in iraq but there was misspending of money i want to give you some
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examples of this missed spending if you can call it that there are too many to name but here are some that i think really stand out in iraq's diyala province the u.s. began building a prison in two thousand and four but abandon the project after three years to flee a surge in violence now have complete facility cost american taxpayers forty million dollars but since in rubble and there are no plans to ever finish or use it according to the justice ministry also sub contractors overcharge the u.s. government thousands of dollars for supplies take a look at this control switch the u.s. pays nine hundred dollars for that when it's actually valued at just seven dollars eighty dollars for a section of a pipe that is actually valued at just a buck fifty and when you're talking hundreds of billions of dollars nine hundred bucks of course sounds like small change but obviously it's adding here's another one why spread fraud led by a former u.s.
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army officer cost tens of millions of dollars in kickbacks. nektar to government contracts for bottled water twenty two people were criminally convicted with still tens of millions of dollars in contracts for bottled water but for iraqis they're paying a different cost a government rife with corruption and in finding near daily deadly bombings still blast baghdad streets and a quarter of the country's thirty one million lives in poverty. well let's talk now to story and political campaign a alyea back to the situation in iraq is there any thank you joining us ten years on from the u.s. led invasion of things better or worse do you think for the people of iraq much much worse i don't think there's any doubt about that i think those of us who were warm before this war started before the united states and britain and their allies were intended this would be the result that it would lead to absolute mayhem what proved right now we've got information declassified information coming out
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saying that the neo cons who were running the united states of the time wanted iraqi oil and they were annoyed it was still nationalized and they wanted to privatized it this is now a well known fact no one challenges it so all of that guff about weapons of mass destruction we now know as some of us said at the time that the intelligence agencies of the united states and britain themselves are not convinced about this that they were being forced and pressured by politicians to critter fi the information to give them an excuse this is all come out and no one has been tried for lying for war crimes i mean twenty five percent of the british population want black right for war crimes so we have this these double standards going in i would be in the figures given in the western press between hundred twenty hundred fifty.
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thousand people killed or grotesque the government bought into place by the occupation themselves saying that there are five million orphans in iraq there are a lot of negatives that you talked about but have there been any positives at all after all the what the former british prime minister tony blair said the invasion to get rid of a tyrant have things not improved the total for the people of iraq who were politically repressed were. before the invasion they weren't they didn't have democracy and they were ruled by a one party state that is absolutely true but their living conditions were better. not just in both the but in other cities as well despite the sanctions will be tremendous to crush them and which led to the death of you know over half a million children because medicines were denied to them even before the war the attempt to crush iraq had been going on a long long time just like that the social infrastructure of the country had been
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repaired after the first gulf war medical or health medical educational facilities were functioning they were food subsidies people weren't starving so you know one children exaggerate but compared to what his going on now the social situation of the people is much greater politically what we have now seen is the occupying powers coming in and doing what imperialism does all the time to write in rule creating a big huge divide by giving the shiite clerical parties don't all bar destroying the old state completely and the result is what we still see on the streets today ok mr allison do you believe that the west then has to the fail to learn the lessons from iraq given that it's still meddling if you want to use that word in conflicts in north africa and the middle east that is in libya and syria they certainly have i mean what they did in libya on a minor scale was not that different from iraq here they were even more
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hypocritical because they had been treating gadhafi as so world statesman he'd been giving money to politicians governments institutions in britain france the united states elsewhere and suddenly this oil opportunity to privatized libyan oil and they went in and nato bombing of libyan cities for six months we still have no casualty figures so and and. mercifully and intervention openly intervention in syria has been stopped but the situation bears pretty grim but they have virtually no solicitor all be. buyers of the world act only in their own interests the rule about them being a group of people being in bed all cured by history teaches us that ok mr ali we will have to leave it there thank you very very much for your insight and your time today calley and the story and political campaign.
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it is a nail biting time for savers in cyprus awaiting a delayed parliamentary vote on letting the government help itself to up to ten percent of their cash to stop the country going bankrupt the unprecedented move to dip into people's pockets is to secure a vital cash injection from the e.u. and the i.m.f. as our europe correspondent peter all of the reports the run on banks and chewing process are only making things worse. well the question nobody was willing to answer here in berlin was anything to do with cyprus in fact neither angler merkel french president francois hollande or the president of the european commission jose manuel but also were anywhere near coming forward with it and so this is appears to be the the hot potato the financial hot potato that nobody wants to take hold in their hands now what's going on in cyprus is this well if you have
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money in the bank in cyprus are you going to hook pay to have it actually if and this was certainly something that especially the french less than france warland wasn't willing to take any questions on aids close to him we're hearing it said this if you going to ask the french president anything make sure it's nothing to do with the cypriot economy because he's just not willing to play ball now that seems to be the the message in europe at the moment is that they really don't know how to deal with the situation in cyprus they certainly have no answer at the moment and especially for mrs merkel you have to look at this as well if this does become a precedent that future countries that want to accept a bailout have to accept such a levy. of money in their bank account what does that mean she's been put forward in a still remains personally popular here in germany as the woman that could take germany and the rest of the and the rest of europe out of the crisis if it seems that she's
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starting to flounder then with an election coming up in october she may well find herself looking over a shoulder or the potential bailout rate on deposits in cyprus is keeping investors nervous both inside and outside the euro zone alexei you have ski explains my colleague bill dodd why russia is particularly uneasy about brussels plan. well you know there's a certain stereotype in the west about the russian mafia keeping their money in cyprus offshore accounts well of course to some extent there is some illegal money there but definitely fundamentally it's all about the big businesses because almost just about every big business in russia has an asset an offshore account in cyprus and the biggest concern which is now there and was talked about by the by the president by the highest officials in the country does not concern the big businesses in the sense that russia has been striving to have the offshore money returns to the country the government believes it's now your country more stable you need to provide healthy environment to keep the money inside the country so this is not the concern here especially with the government and the president
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saying that it wants the money to be returned spoke to the spokesperson of the russian president and hear what he had to say about recall mr president for. russian economy. was made during his annual address the russian parliament this year and here still start to this idea. have to make environment and russian economy more comfortable for those to invest their money. and to keep the money here on russian soil the biggest concern in the biggest unfairness which president putin talked about here concern small businesses private who have the money in cyprus and we're talking here at least around forty thousand people who have their money in the offshore accounts they will suffer and this is something of course which is now being seriously condemned by moscow but
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then of course cyprus is in a very difficult position either it risks losing the bailout funds which of course will keep the country buoyant if it goes ahead with that then of course it loses its foreign investment investment so what does it do the reason feeling that cyprus may be shooting itself in the leg in the sense that it's been living off the offshore and. for many years now and russians have already started withdrawing their money from the cyprus accounts they may be soon followed by the japanese the chinese also have loads of money in the cyprus accounts and you know the world is a big place they're always find another country to have their money there. you're watching with us for more news breaking plaiting israel's political deadlock is seemingly over as the new coalition finally gets to work but as we report. prime minister netanyahu to fight.
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sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then something else some other part of it and realize everything you. are welcome to the big picture. mission. critical free. free. free. free. free.
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free. video. free media. again the prisoners hunger strike at guantanamo is growing which even u.s. military officials now admit that they still deny that inmates are being mistreated or that some lives are in danger as noise claimed what's more the lack of response from humanitarian organizations is raising eyebrows. explains. as the guantanamo hunger strike enters its forty second day there's been very little response and no outcry from international organizations the united nations for example has yet to comment or a good knowledge of the get mo hunger strike now r t did reach out to un human
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rights bodies in geneva and officials have. with a comment by tuesday afternoon now on the other hand the international committee of the red cross which last visited the island prison the third week of february does have knowledge that a hunger strike is taking place but so far all the organization has done is release a statement saying that the i.c.r.c. believes past and current tensions at guantanamo to be the direct result of the uncertainty faced by detainees now compounding this problem is that it's been very difficult to access any information about get most prisoners due to military censorship after all it was the attorneys for the detainees that first expressed urgent and grave concern over a life threatening mass hunger strike that reportedly started at guantanamo on february sixth now according to the center for constitutional rights a reported one hundred thirty prisoners on hunger strike in early february to
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protest the alleged complication of personal items such as photos and mail and the alleged sacrilege is handling of their qur'an now lawyers have reported that some of the prisoners are coughing up blood have lost two or more than twenty pounds and have been hospitalized experts medical experts say that by day forty five hunger strike participants can experience potential blindness and partial hearing loss now the center for constitutional rights and behave b.s. council have sent a letter to u.s. defense secretary chuck hagel urging him to help immediately and this massive hunger strike and to quote take action before another man dies at that prison unquote the director of public affairs for joint task force kuantan m o captain robert duran did release a statement on friday to r.t.
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denying claims of a mass hunger. strike or the mis handling of the koran shortly after mr brandon released his statement kuantan of the navy commander announced that flights to the island prison from south florida will be terminated on april fifth now those flights have served as a vital air bridge for attorneys who are seeking to meet with their imprisoned clients critics believe that this is an attempt by the defense department to limit the access that attorneys with their clients reporting from new york. r.t. . and we have got much more on the ongoing guantanamo hunger strike at our website you can head to watch an interview with a former guard of the notorious company gives a first hand account of the violence shown towards detainees and we've also analysis of other possible reasons behind the mass protests that is that dot com.
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hundreds of thousands of people have crammed into some pages square for the inauguration of pope francis here live pictures of the pope addressing the crowds from. the first of a. more than a thousand years he was elected to lead the world to the billion catholics last week succeeding benedict the sixteenth. last month. these live pictures. too. well that we only see some other international news now in brief syria's opposition national coalition has elected a prime minister to administer areas seized by the rebels the new premier ghassan hitto won nearly eighty percent of the votes the meeting in turkey damascus born he lived in the u.s.
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for several years until recently but it is unclear whether the disparate rebel groups fighting in syria will recognize the new prime minister. without running water have seen a time erupt in a second day of violence in northeast colombia water supplies stopped when an avalanche destroyed a processing plant and there's no sign of it being replaced at least a security officers were injured and twenty two people arrested after riot police used tear gas to disperse the rally. israel's new government has now been formed and sworn in it took weeks of strenuous negotiations the saw two political newcomers to cian roles as prime minister netanyahu his main coalition partners but the compromise could mean his troubles are far from over. explains he might have perfected the role of israel's great communicator but as prime minister benjamin netanyahu enters his third term of office like his audience his powers of
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persuasion are shrinking. you need to watch the body language of how this coalition was forged it changed from aggressive to disappointed but after the disappointment the anger will come we'll see that in the open. what's already being seen in the open is that new tone yahoo's new partners are not the ones he wanted form a media personality out yet appeared and representative of these weighty second movement enough to be bennett their everything he's not young contemporary and popular. he's panicked netanyahu realizes they are the next generation it's like an international geographic film where the young lions push the old line aside they get the females and the future's theirs. but bibi as he's called is nothing if not supremely confident over the past dozen years he's earned a doctorate in defeat and how it may be avoided he's a pro at welding together the broken parts so they can hold on for
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a little bit longer he is. driven by the fact that he has some kind of paranoid when you're paranoid. makes you minimize the volume of mistakes that you might do and i think that to me when he always thinks that there's a product that someone is. about to pull a trick on him he's there were prepared for years to sit around a table with partners who might eventually signal his downfall. netanyahu ran a confused campaign and a confused negotiation although he is very smart very experienced it didn't show the goals were constantly changing there was no planning he needs to sit now and get his house in order. it wasn't that long ago that time magazine crowned him king bibi the influential magazine ran with the headline that he's come could
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israel but nine months later it's not so clear that israel hasn't finally conquered it in its own young people in the final act the great communicator might not be able to communicate so great off the whole point of reality television. of next month's college and stacy herbert exposed the too big to jail finances in the kaiser. there was a time in america when buses were officially segregated and today if they tried to resegregate the wall next to there would be outrage throughout the usa every t.v. channel newspaper so segregation in america was wrong but no america funding for via foreign aid seems to be a ok and jim dandy. arab language leaflets have been
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spread around west bank in palestinian areas asking residents to start using special bus lines to put palestinians on separate bus lines were first announced in november of two thousand and twelve after some complaints by jewish settlers of trouble on the buses between passengers of different ethnicities in regards to the special bus lines it's really human rights groups but so am said the attempt. is appalling and the current arguments about security needs an overcrowding must not be allowed to kemel flushed blatant racism you know when south africa had apartheid they were slammed with sanctions including from the us but if you're israel go ahead and segregate all the buses you like and you'll still be the us is top recipient of foreign aid three point one billion dollars a year if there's one thing i don't like it's hypocrisy like this but that's just my opinion.
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i am max kaiser welcome to the kaiser report happy birthday jamie diamond on the very day so branding your birth scientists coated the d.n.a. of the tape worm stacy ever tells one yes max kaiser indeed max it was jamie diamond birthday a few days ago and new york times deal breakers celebrated with a happy birthday jamie diamond and they talked about his birthday from march thirteenth two thousand and eight in which he was eating dinner at a greek restaurant and received a call from gary parr. and to ask him to rescue bear stearns but on the same day this year we noticed that yes indeed scientists.


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