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tv   [untitled]    March 19, 2013 8:30pm-9:00pm EDT

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well. science technology innovation all the latest developments from around russia we've got the future covered. on the road to bass for this morning the u.s. army is beginning to withdraw from iraq. in december twentieth after nine years of occupation the last american troops are finally leaving the country. that everybody got got to know but if you have a little bit members of the iraqis anger towards the departing innovators who once dreamed of being liberators their departure resembles abandonment and escape despite the optimistic speeches.
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if you sleep. late. a little late.
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april twenty twelve and i'm back in iraq and so on the border with turkey. i have an appointment this morning with the lebanese taxi. family the united states said they would make a democracy out of iraq in the heart of the arab world but iraq i see today is a country on the brink of chaos torn between three groups kurds sunnis and shias. it is a country divided a stranger to peace that i'm about to cross a taxi ride to the heart of iraqi history.
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from the hole in the north of travel down through l.b. little ammonia. tikrit volusia baghdad babylon. and. a road map of the iraqi tragedy. serve obviously i'm delighted the americans have finally left iraq as much as we are rockies are very happy not to see it or hear anymore enough was enough the americans occupied us so we hate them like they lean here in iraq they killed in creating the conditions for chaos they are responsible for the whole tragedy because we were living in peace and they came to destroy our country and us about all of us out of. my journey begins on the mountains of iraqi kurdistan. an army of two hundred thousand soldiers called peshmerga watch over this rather particular region of a country. that
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. jeff. was. my first stop is an l.b.o. the capital of iraqi kurdistan it's the only region of iraq today that is seeing peace and an economic boom the miracle of being made possible by the discovery of oil. on kurdish territory. for a long time dominated by baghdad and saddam hussein kurdistan dreams of achieving autonomy. the first customer the first passenger on our trip is a member of the new kurdish parliament that's the. biggest you know with in iraq we can say that oil has always been a curse. but today in kurdistan that's changing.
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foreign oil companies are coming here to work with. the revenues are finally being used for reconstruction and what that means it's a huge difference for us as in saddam's times we never benefited from the oil money or the new see that he had any of this that. he went so it's quite simple we are kurds before we're iraqis i mean. i think they're very rapidly as soon as we have been able to create a stable basis for building a country ninety nine percent of people will vote for independence with. no one to one or the people who want their own country a country called kurdistan are looking at it as that they want their own passport but there's no kurdish one i spoke to could stand. a land of shepherd's kurdistan is discovering well through its oil a nightmare for baghdad which had long controlled with the resources and riches.
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without driver khalid we had east towards the mountains along the border with around. driving through abandoned villages i feel like i'm visiting some a trace. passenger ahmed is a survivor today he's on a pilgrimage paying tribute to the dead. sally as i don't know so i stole nine hundred eighty eight during the al and i file a military campaign waged by saddam against the kurds my village was completely destroyed. and that some of the inhabitants would be ported to southern iraq and locked up in the terrible new grass on one prison counter. many women
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children and men women last weekend and thrown into mass graves. the kurds have always dreamed of independence saddam hussein decided to eliminate the problem once and for all. his cousin to go down in history as chemical ali was in charge of the repression. on march sixteenth one thousand nine hundred eight his helicopters dropped bombs loaded with toxic gas over kurdish villages. one hundred thousand civilians were killed and three thousand villages were raised the kurds rebellion was crushed. here in the villages the peshmerga who didn't built up supply. anyone opposed to saddam could seek refuge here. so the regime began by attacking the villages for
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saddam burning gassing and destroying the villages meant controlling kurdistan. lunches like a homage to the victims on the menu adama stuffed vegetables prepared by a mad wife. sunny like saddam hussein my driver hell it is. he didn't know or didn't want to know the terrible truth. look i'll show you the house where i was born yeah here on this hill where we're sitting is like a memorial to the village as it was before the tragedy it was here that the villagers came together every evening to talk to play backgammon and listen to the radio. i leave a comment to mourn and commemorate his loved one. we continue towards the east and kirkuk the former capital of kurdistan today on iraqi territory.
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so what if that god be praised i'm not scared when the region was under american control i was afraid about it but as soon as the iraqi police and army took over things got much better if the americans didn't know the region they were afraid and trigger happy and they didn't hesitate to fire at anyone who approached them but you know as a passenger foreigner anyone. on this road has seen a lot of drama how many times did the american shoot down iraqis here for no reason gotta go. through the windscreen the first iraqi checkpoint appears it's time to lower the camera and film or discreetly. that. the soldiers here are regularly targeted by armed groups and are also quick to shoot what to do and about the attacks and kidnappings are frequent in area. at the moment checking our identity an itinerary takes too long hours. but at last we can
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hit the road again a road that is more than dangerous. to be honest no one took this road before al qaeda basically all the terrorists control the region and everyone is afraid of venturing out on this road today we feel a bit safer at getting there but it. the constant road blocks me now two hundred kilometer journey takes eight hours. night has fallen when i reach her cook in the sky is lit up by flashbacks the city floats on a vast sea of oil. for centuries pilgrims came here to gather around the eternal flames . the kurds would dearly love to reclaim the city the former capital of baghdad. is unwilling to lose such a profitable treasure. one term to
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a majority of kids today is a mix of turkmen arabs kurds and christians a veritable ethnic powder keg. so i went to. this morning's plant is around could but the network can kurdistan's independence he would pay with his own blood. cell whatever. kind of gook. has to become part of kurdistan and that it's vital we are bonded by blood it to kurdistan but them they can kill us and shoot at us but he won't change anything we are linked to kurdistan let's have a city actually mean we cannot live outside of kurdistan it would be like dying. my brother we invite you to a restaurant. i cannot let you go without inviting me i am
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a kurd and hospitality is a custom with us. you can continue your journey after the mail and i swear before god when i come to the restaurant with me you are welcome but. a way of course. for khaled it's time to pray. and for us to eat. as we enter the village a few peace men appear as an escort. i would say to watch as they say to protect us . and so i pay for everyone's meal as a kind of friendly tax. was. it said that kirkuk could be one of the world's richest cities it is certainly one of the most dangerous. discreet and ordinary heroines. it was a kurd investor are opposed and fortune in the opening of a private school
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a generous act which has attracted m.p.'s attention. don't let. this man i'm terrified so little if i do the day after not thought it was broadcast to promote the school to physio and so i got a telephone call i would you know bold enough to join he said oh yes there's a lot of hobby hello about any hello little you know a nothing of hobbies that is of on. a man introduced himself as a member of a terrorist organisation and demanded money for that and my colleagues were terrorized sluice. well then i close the school for a month and then i said we have to open it again we can't just give him. we have to work still life has to go on. to say neither the terrorists nor anyone else can stop me from working a bit still only god is the master of my destiny. let
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me let me i want to let me ask you a question. here on this network is what we're having a debate we have our knives out. but if you give the slightest spanx thing there again you're in a situation where the united states talk about surveillance.
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when we reach must to the second biggest city in iraq it has been locked down by the army. the previous night two bombs went off in the suit the i have to negotiate with the military chiefs for three hours before they let me and. the. across what appears to be a dead sitting and yet today mosul is in party mode. my name is ahmed and about i'm a law student today is a festival the university day that's why we can see all the troops they're here to protect us. the situation is very difficult the country is undergoing a wave of anonymous attacks and assassination of joy my dream is quite simple i just want to live in an iraq that's safe and at peace it's
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a magnificent country mustn't forget that it was once respectfully known as mesopotamia the land between two rivers i dream of peace. but peace seems and. of all. the americans have gone but now kurds shias and sunnis battle for control of the city even the mosques are under military protection the internet in killing goes on in the name of allah. a leave muscle with no regrets. this road fraught with danger can also hold certain surprises in the trial of stops to help a friend even in iraq one can run out of petrol. it's hilarious we have the world's second biggest oil reserves and we're short of petrol and gas. were reduced to filling up on the black market at exorbitant prices. common sense would suggest that petrol was available in quantity and free perhaps not free but not too
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expensive anyway and what. john. as soon as we arrive on the outskirts of tikrit saddam hussein's former stronghold where arrested by the police i have the feeling we were expected. after a few hours of questioning were put under house arrest in a hotel and forbidden from going out. and the situation eases the following afternoon when we're granted two hours of freedom but we're still under close surveillance. the next man who joins us in the taxi is in mourning his name's fadi like he's
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a journalist and he lost his best friend just two days ago. but god will save iraq . sorry. your draw your they want to make iraq a wretched country a bloke at the north be. a glow in the assassinate the best among us the terrorist who kills a journalist like my colleague at the news channel who kills a religious man behind an academic or teacher certainly doesn't do it for religious reasons it's obvious he does it mostly for money because our religion does not tolerate all these crimes the only motive for these crimes is money and they're ordered from outside to kill our best people that any of us. in the city center the mosque still bears the name of the man who built it was saddam hussein. idealist come to pay a final homage to his murdered friend. on april second two thousand and twelve
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rounds a holiday in a journalist for a local t.v. station was killed instantly when his car exploded. was. a relaxing evening along the banks of the tigris overseen by the palace of the local hero sadam. saddam was always surrounded by members of his own tribe and many here miss the man who built a sunni state much to their advantage. they can injure or kill the americans didn't come here to look for weapons of mass destruction or to hunt down saddam hussein they came to rob us and to kill us asian iraq it was a unified country but at the moment when they arrived at the americans that triggered divisions by creating ethnic conflicts just you know this very well. they destroyed everything and then they left but i don't know you know but in reality
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they're still here they make people think they've gone but they're still present their aim is to create discord in iraq with all my life itself. as we leave tikrit we come to a village the heart of saddam hussein's kingdom where he was finally caught. on december fourteenth two thousand and three saddam was captured at dawn in his hideout in a farmyard a miserable rattle two meters underground. disheveled and distraught he surrendered to the american forces. in his possession with two kalashnikovs and seven hundred fifty thousand dollars.
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by. now there are no taxis a gas guzzler and we need more petrol. but it was here. we seek out the black market power business which fills the coffers of a few politicians civil servants and terrorist groups to. the oil money benefits everyone apart from the iraqi people. from all parts. of. the temperature hits more than forty degrees and the machines are cool down with a hose. for the men it's time to wash and pray before sitting down for a meal. that surprised by my presence but soon opened up. for the sunny customers the whole
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affair was an american manipulation. movement their preferred way plays a key role in the arab world and our. the americans used the country to trap saddam of like i'm a fairy i mean. how did the horde they set the boat up and he took it up well it was a prearranged ambush. it's time to leave and head for lucia khaled doesn't like stopping for too long. kidnappings are frequent here and for the criminal gangs everyone has a price probably including me. the killing in the kidnappings may be motivated by political or religious convictions but increasingly simply for profit. i've lost count of the checkpoints along the way but the controls this morning seem
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interminable. i don't know who this fever victory sign is aimed at as we finally enter the ravaged city of fallujah. and the little girl mojo was the scene of one of the most violent american offensives. from a g.i. summerlee killed youngsters i'm told families here. i'm lost carrier kalisch uncover. all of those blew up cars and caused a lot of fatalities. our fallujah is the most ravaged city in iraq of them annoying. oh yes that's the americans it legit ok. the heat is on bearable and our motor is overheating the local grocer
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helps us to cool it. he's a man driven by anger he experienced the battle of fallujah at first hand and how do i was i was how they are you could not democracy now it's quite. simply about killing and stealing our wealth. from the effects of the white phosphorous bombs and now our children are going disfigured one of the gullible heads that are not what they are so beloved all the god living with us go and see the hospitals and you'll see mothers throwing away their babies deformed by all the chemical weapons . and all could do if there is justice in the world bush will have to answer for his war crimes and crimes against humanity he claimed iraq had weapons of mass destruction but where were they these weapons. let me although i do know that there was a killer using white phosphorous bomb while i'm on one side and not even the mosque was safe from his barbarity when i look at the ruined minaret well that's bush's democracy and the job is only a little more about the other bullshit i be at. on
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november seventh two thousand for a deluge of fire rains down on the city of two hundred mosques. to die it was a last stronghold for the al qaeda mujahideen. twelve thousand marines three hundred tanks and one hundred also helicopters were launched against. the biggest urban battle in iraq was underway. the american victory was total the casualty figures speak for themselves one hundred american soldiers were killed and on the iraqi side it's estimated there were between four and five thousand victims most of them civilians.
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the battle left a city in ruins where death continue to take its toll. and their offensive it's thought the u.s. troops used white phosphorus bombs and depleted uranium weapons by all internet. convention's. our new passenger is not administrator at the general hospital. since the battle of fallujah ended he's got a record of the children born with congenital malformation. for him there's no doubt the americans were responsible for this tragedy. of the.
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for me the administrator's office becomes an empty chamber of horrors. but i learnt that the war is far from over in fact it's still going on for the stigmata rivera and their involvement in two thousand and five we noted a spectacular increase in genetic malformations a new born babies how large that the. voters only show a tiny part of the reality just for the month of january if we recorded forty three cases. the worst cure for those things. white house of the day the radio guy and claudio minestrone click off if i want to watch quote for a blog to do good you've never seen anything like this on cold.
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potentially deadly blizzard taking aim for the northeast it's expected to hit stunning in a few hours from new york to maine we have team coverage of the storm. but we're watching is the very heavy snow moving into boston proper earlier today it was very sticky you can see it start to become much more connery down to the bottom line there is still a lot of snow out here a good place for snowball fight the fire. taking it is going to pretty incredible day there and even record snowfall throughout much of a night nobody's allowed to be driving less and some emergency vehicles are exceptions. wealthy british style.
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