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tv   [untitled]    March 19, 2013 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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welcome back to the big picture politics panel joining me tonight are michael warren richard hedger let's get back to it so rush limbaugh says the g.o.p. isn't conservative enough and that's why they lost the general election basically you know the republicans they lost the senate they they don't have control the senate they lost the white house and in the house of representatives although they control the house of representatives they got they know the democrats got a million and a half more votes so the only reason they hold they hold it is because of gerrymandering arguably. more conservative candidates people like todd akin were more likely to lose elections so what does rush limbaugh not see here michel i don't well i think his comments if you look at the comments in context he's referring to the r. and cs sort of review of the twenty twelve election and it's sort of navel gazing you know what do we do wrong a day's autopsy exactly is that i don't know the answer to all of the exactly it was and i think his point actually worse limbaugh's point is sound which is that
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look republicans don't need to you know try to rebrand themselves and figure out you know did we do something wrong with data or technology i think all those sort of things probably need to happen with the party because they're you know woefully lacking in those areas but we're publicans would probably do better at the ballot box that they actually got out there and argue defectively for conservative policies and actually thought about ok how does a conservative in two thousand and thirteen two thousand and fourteen address some of these issues whether it's you know middle class wage wage stagnation the way they address that is they say no to the increase in the minimum wage the minimum wage right now if it was indexed to inflation from sixty eight would be over ten dollars a share republicans say no republicans disagree that that's a good way to deal with that that problem and they have i think that the there are already say no to unionization no you don't have the ready and exactly what would they fundamentally do you know how do you see how can you market yourself the working class people by telling working class people that they have to work for crap. but i don't think that that's telling them that they have to work for crap i
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think that it's telling them that and i don't think mitt romney did a good job because i don't think you really believed in any of the sort of conservative ideals whether it's you know that markets are better than government at these sort of things or that or that government ought to stay more out of the way and. get richard into the big like i said i think we saw this in the last segment the republican party is in a really having a fight against itself with an internal warfare that if they don't get it together by twenty fourteen it could be it could be disastrous for them in only in the republican primaries and we're pretty sure these two gentlemen going against each other beyond that in the general election because democrats are going to have a united message saying that we are here for the middle class and the working class in this country and beyond that where the party of diversity where the party doesn't speak ill of the president speak ill about forget america the part of it doesn't speak ill of folks and therefore we're going to be a party that ruled by a coalition and they're not interesting patrick the way i see it is you look at the
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you look at the kind of repopulation of the republican party that has occurred since two thousand and ten you've got guys like ted cruz you've got guys like marco rubio and tim scott these guys in the senate they're kind of the new face of the republican party so it really nice having people i don't think it's scary people at all i think they did very well in two thousand and ten because they were able to effectively communicate these issues and say look here's where we stand on these economic issues that affect everybody and that we're on often it's often it's often because in two thousand and ten we're going up against incumbents now when you look at two thousand and twelve once again going up against incumbents we put in the defense for some reason we put in mitt romney the godfather of the affordable care act against the number one issue the affordable care act i think it only started as an effective when the when the republican party flipped the stars upside down on their logo turned him from the american flag stars to the systemic story. by the way does anybody know why that was done in two thousand this is the logo the stars are upside down the stars with you know to go one in this horns and that is yours and. i don't get any up elizabeth warren. as came out and pointed out
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that from george washington until. ronald reagan's administration productivity went up and wages went up brought along with it literally from george washington to ronald reagan from ronald reagan's administration to today productivity is continue to go up wages have been flat course the billionaires took everything in between and had those wages in fact there's the there's the chart right on the screen had those wages followed productivity right now the minimum wage would be over twenty dollars the person that she was asking the expert witness of the economist in fact here's a here's the clip let's take a look at. if we started in one thousand nine hundred sixty and we said that as productivity goes up that is as workers are producing more then the minimum wage is going to go up the same and if that were the case the minimum wage today would be about twenty two dollars an hour so my question mr debate with
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a minimum wage of seven dollars twenty five cents an hour is what happened to the other fourteen dollars and seventy five cents it sure didn't go to the worker. well and basically it went to the billionaires republican sits which is what everybody gets i mean shouldn't we be adjusting the minimum wage or shouldn't we be going back to trade and taxation policies that cause productivity and wages to follow each other richard well i think we should definitely be adjusting the minimum wage it's sad that we have to wait for congress to get this done and we have the republican party's continued to thin the way of raising the minimum wage in every congress so you can follow as he took office he introduced a bill to raise the minimum wage a lot of republicans have blocked both piece of legislation and it's sad because they claim to be the party of main street america but mange america is the america that depends upon the middle wage the point their families it's not just teenagers to live off the minimum wage either three person four person family the depend upon two minimum wage salaries to live and i think we have to do more as a country to look after those individuals and help those individuals michael
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michael here's your chance to pick on democrats you know our trade policies right now are blah bill clinton's nafta gatt all these free trade agreements and you know that's had a lot to do with the collapse of the middle class like i do i think that there's there's a lot of truth in that i think there's a lot of truth in what was with warren has to say too i mean she she's actually had some really interesting things to say that that book she wrote the two income trap the problem with the middle class is exactly this this problem and i think this is what republicans need to grapple with at this point they need to understand that that wages are. decreasing one percent who are not going to come up against by the way that in fact they're just as likely to be democrats these days well it depends on if you look at the top one hundredth of one percent i'd say probably they're almost all republicans there's a few democrats few outliers george soros a couple of them but the but the point is that they have seen their wages go up two hundred seventy five percent over the last thirty years of the average working
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person has seen their wages go up zero percent so all this increase in wages has been going to these top folks and americans increasingly look at that and. say those are the republicans those are the people the republicans stand up well i don't know if they even think about it in political terms as much as they think about it in terms of i think i think a lot of the political back and forth especially in this last five six seven years has been has had a lot to do with his work i mean i think richard mentioned the democratic coalition being strong i actually think the democratic coalition is having to deal with this exact problem when you look at immigration and the problem that that the pro you know comprehensive immigration folks have with labor unions i mean there is a lot there is a less. than duress to the horse on comprehensive works very fast a guy who doesn't doesn't this this is you know this is these are the facts that we're talking about here this gap in productivity and wages doesn't this blow up the libertarian argument that if you just let the businessman run everything everything will be wonderful because basically that's what we've been doing since reagan we've been letting business write their own rules to hell with the unions to
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you know with their governments are not going to intervene we drop the top tax rate and this is what we get we get ripped off i wouldn't say that's what we get i thought i think we're getting higher overall productivity out of our workforce which has to do with and when i say i had a no i think we are a billionaire what it was going on right now is you've had a geometric increase in the ability for a worker to be productive because of the introduction of computers and back in the one nine hundred sixty s. when elizabeth warren was referring to to get a computer do want plus wanted to be the size of a room now you can have it in the palm of your hand and you could be a lot more productive do the work of more workers for one person said i felt my productivity by up but that probably wasn't you know when the steam engine you know when you i would think in front of the cotton shit wages went up along with productivity when when when when you know the railroads got really good product typically i just got up with they have a way to do nine hundred eighty well that minimum wage hasn't gone up because the federal government has gone out of micromanager you have not gone up with with and with increased wages to really i mean for looking we're not looking at the nat we're not looking at the averages you're just looking at what the federal
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government is set of the minimum wage but if you take out the if you want to talk about averages right it's more so that you should about american looking at the mean right because the average. i'm going to going to give you the sum of everybody when you have the top one percent making majority of the wealth in this country of course the average going to be a lot higher than it really should be you know i don't really like getting into demonizing you know people making profits and people making more money the way that business but it's ok i know i don't attend their fair share and they aren't paying their they are going to share in taxes owed on one percent or. fourteen percent mitt romney paid fourteen percent of his secretary paid thirty five percent that is not even fair that romney was taxed on money had already been taxes tax on and fourteen percent thirty five percent already been taxed and he's already said his secretary was paid with money that had never been taxed before i think i think his secretaries pay what the profits corporation and that corporation got their money from or that corporation to get that money from investment you're absolutely right from somebody else who had been double taxing people and we got no way that it went
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to the central issue either you are you trying to tell me that i did it but it's of the central issue of which is that if we did it i'm paying somebody that if i've paid taxes on that money they shouldn't have to pay taxes that really try to tell me no not and not at all then why are you making the argument that romney should only pay fourteen percent income tax because somebody else paid taxes on that money because his income has already been taxed there's no need to tell him i is homes are already being taxed and i believe this isn't rational and candy bars and i say you can't tax that if you want to look at the central issue of minimum wage and we want to raise the minimum wage for everybody that's fine no reason to are no narrative james just look at the facts are going to look at the two days is about the highest the top three states of the highest unemployment in the country have minimum wages above the federal we're talking about it's actually recently just more jobs and it doesn't tell you. what states with higher tax rates i.e. new york and california have substantially more growth in states like mississippi and georgia where there's a lower tax rate so let's just talk about the fact the facts are on their higher taxes an oscillation they have more of their higher. more productive when they're
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higher taxes and state the state makes more economic products and they have more higher economic growth you don't have to look at the fact you should leave out over . got it all in taxes at the top and people just take that money and stick in the swiss bank account of what they're going to why would they sit on liquid cash why would they send out a u.s. dollar wall street stated goal oh they're reading this and they're late hash that everybody is in the missing value every day the more the government's to you tell me why the more you have your information that is why wall street has all of that they're very happy that we have to wrap it up about that so patrick richard michael thank you all for joining us thank you joe. krazy alert fear and loathing in the siberian tundra nature photographer ego arch villain nick has discovered a new summer of love and there are not skied nature's reserve in eastern russia
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going to spill and that. spill in iraq the reserves bear population is developed in the succeeding you habits gasoline parks population of brown bears has gone full hotter as thompson whuffie in full pigs in gasoline until they pass out in and. in and told stupor the bears sniff kerosene and gasoline from going in the reserves that are used to power generators and helicopters used by nature reserve workers. told britain's the daily mail that in some cases the very nosy bears even stalked helicopters waiting for takeoffs and drop offs to leak fuel so that they could get their fix around.
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mission three couldn't take should three score judges three arrangements three. three stooges three. old free born killers loaded video for your media projects a free media don carty dot com. the worst year for those. white house of a. radio guy for a minute. what. if you've never seen anything like this on cold.
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let me let me i want to know wouldn't let me ask you a question from. here on this network is where we're having the debate we have our knives out of. the group is this right to spank steak never get here in a situation where b. and i don't even talk about the name and me. and about the rest of the news yesterday we brought you a story on controversy that erupted at the c.
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pac convention this past friday analysts caution on how republicans could overcome their issues of the race intolerance quickly spun out of control when a member of the audience scott terry seemed to suggest that slavery had been a good thing and that young southern white males were being disenfranchised in america take a look. when does. he write the letters with. you give you. all the media. one of the members of that audience was kim brown host of the for the voice for russia and she joins me now in studio to talk more about what happened friday her show by the way the kim brown show the website kimbrough in show dot com i want to you know you do a great job want to give you a plug to have you with us ken thank tom i appreciate the invitation thank you for having so what's your sense of what happened at this particular panel yes. there
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was a number of things going on i i kind of categorize it as like a tri conflagration of kind of when a liberal and a frederick douglass republican and a white supremacist walk into a seat back panel and it kind of devolved a little bit from there the title of the panel was called trump the race card are you sick and tired of being called a racist and i think within the title itself was a little bit of an indication of what was going to come but honestly while i was appalled by what mr terry had to say i was sitting immediately behind him and in some of the clips you kind of hear my reaction about his slavery comment that we black americans should be grateful for food and shelter given by our slave masters but i actually took more bridge with the presenter carl smith who was african-american he is african-american and i was very unnerved why he
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didn't seem to be bothered by mr terry's segregationist statement so that i had more problem with the presenter than i did with the actual white segregationists. his argument from from what i was able to read of and i've read a fair amount of the text of what was released was basically the republican party been the party of the ended slavery the republican party been the party of push through the thirteenth fourteenth and fifteenth amendments the party of lincoln and cetera et cetera and so therefore after american should you know get in tight with the republican party or words to that effect and somehow he missed that thing where nixon did the whole so the strategy thing or ronald reagan's first speech after he was nominee to be president of states was done in philadelphia mississippi you know with three civil rights workers are murdered and it was a speech exclusive pretty much exclusively dedicated to quote states' rights everybody and so you know what ronald reagan was talking about here's the real
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problem that i found with the c pac panel. mr. the prisoner was telling a roomful of interested persons i can't say what these people's racial attitudes were i'm not going to ascribe racism to an entire. faction of political philosophy but i will say this these people came for answers and this man was ill equipping them to deal with any questions or any accusations that they may encounter dealing with racism i was going to quote him here where he said as long as you tell people other black people if you're a white person that you are a frederick douglass republican you cannot be called a racist because frederick douglass himself you can't out victimize douglas and that is a farce that i mean it's just it's just a disingenuous statement like there's a major magic wand that makes you not a racist and that's kind of what he was selling and i was very disappointed because
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again the room was packed it was it was a lot of people there i think genuinely either not wanting to be called a racist anymore or honestly wanting to have some sort of answer about how to deal with their feelings or their feelings toward certain policies or even their feelings toward certain groups of people but i've mentioned to some of the people that i spoke with outside of the panel i would not recommend that you were approaching a black person and tell them that you're a frederick douglass republican just because at minimum you're going to get laughed at like it comes down to a simple i don't mean to quote jay z. here but we don't believe you you need more people literally you know we have matthew heimbach he's the white student union he created towson university and we had him on the show last night here's what he had to say what are your thoughts you were at the discussion with mr terry what are your thoughts on that remark. basically. i mean slavery was a whole a cause for african-americans in this country for hundreds of years
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a lot of you know when you're going to find slavery i'm certainly not in the from the mr terry was doing was really were. the comment is kind of very interesting to think progress is focusing on one part of the discussion instead of really looking at what the panel was about you know what the panel was about was talking about whether republicans especially tea party republicans are reaching that should reach out to the minority community and whether that's a good idea so really the tara focus of the panel i think what we should focus on you know looking at ann coulter speech out of the comments made by donald trump is this idea on whether minority average is a good idea or whether the republican party to win elections should really be looking towards its base which you know its base being increasingly white racists. so what are your thoughts on what he matthew had to say and not specifically necessarily but you know to that with within their vote what i think people are missing is well number one the entire video of that panel has not yet quite been released we only are seeing a little two and a half minute segments of mr terry's comments exclusively and mr smith reaction to
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him but as you notice. he stood up terry did and was perhaps almost expecting a reaction for what he said he did get a little bit of reaction but what. everyone has not yet seen is the reaction that i actually got when i stood up to ask a question about why is it that when we hear racist talk racists ads and i gave the example of pete pete hoekstra is a very racist ad asian ad that was ran in the in the michigan senate campaign this past election season and i said how come we don't hear the entire right repudiating these comments and i was booed i was screamed at i was yelled that i was as many reports say i was shouted down and that's very accurate so i think what is very telling is that terry was tolerated the segregation talk was tolerated but the questioning of not necessarily are conservatives racist but why is there no
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condemnation for this race this talk that was booed and that says a lot and in my pain what it says is that this this party that party has been using racism as a political tool for a lot of years and intend to continue it's very just just my personal opinion kimbra. can kim thanks so much for you spank you for having me. al like his back the conservative corporate friendly group funded in part by the koch brothers are responsible for the infamous stand your ground in voter suppression i do you all i was and a slew of other corporate friendly laws now doesn't want you to know about the food that your alec is now parading around bills in six states make it a crime to film animal abuse at factory farms or to lie on job applications in
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order to get a job in a factory farm with the goal of taking pictures all of this is to stop animal rights activists to infiltrate slaughterhouses to explore their deplorable conditions the bill proposes. proposals are pushed by alec require all evidence of animal abuse of factory farms to be turned over to law enforcement authorities within twenty four hours or if you'd expect yours and you don't do that you face a huge financial penalty proposals also make it a crime to lie on a slaughterhouse job application which activists commonly do in order to get documentation of animal abuse right now according to the associated press the bills to block animal rights activists are under consideration in california and brassica tennessee indiana arkansas and pennsylvania three other states new mexico wyoming and new hampshire have already rejected similar bills this year and several states already have laws similar to what alec is currently pushing utah has
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a law that bans on authorized photography in farms and iowa has a lot of makes it a crime to lie to gain access to a farms staff but despite what alec may argue americans should have an absolute right to know what's happening to the food we eat their chickens and eggs for example for example when most americans eat a chickens and don't think twice about where came from or if they do they think of the egg coming from some chicken they could mosey around a farm for the rain go where it watered and fortunately this idealistic view of a chicken farm is the exception and not the norm in reality according to peta the chickens are arguably the most abused animals in the world in the united states more than seven billion chickens are killed for their flesh every year and four hundred fifty two million ends are used for their egg is nearly ninety nine percent of these chickens spend their lives in total confinement from birth until death chickens raised for meat spend their entire lives in dirty sheds with tens of
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thousands of other birds and as a result intense crowding and close conditions often lead to outbreaks of disease as these animals are bred and drug to grow so large and. their legs and their organs can't keep up with the growth making heart attacks organ failure and growth deformities quite common and then we eat them and those chickens used to lay eggs called laying hens by the agriculture industry have lives that are just as bad laying hens are crammed together and wire cages there's not enough room to move and spread out and because the hens are so close together they're forced to urinate and deficit one another in fact in some cases cancer hens are kept in cages above large manure pits and the cages are stacked so high that actually coming from birds and higher cages often falls on those below who then read it for chickens in the second and third layer down the chicken poop from above has some attritional value because
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chickens don't have one hundred percent efficient digestive systems something the some chicken factory farms know and use to save money why feed the chicken food after all when it's cheaper to have it eat the poop of the chicken above it the important thing to realize is that these realities about this these are not widely abnormal practices when it comes to factory farming in the united states whether we're talking about chickens or cows or pigs. like the rest of corporate america big agriculture is primary concern is that everything else comes second including treating raised animals with any sense of respect or dignity and it's because of these injustices that are taking place each and every day that animal activists do what they do and take the graphic photos video they take we have a right to know where our food has come from and what it looks like it's time to knock down alex factory farm abuse cover ups efforts so that every american can see
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the truth and the pain behind the food we eat. and that's the way it is tonight tuesday march nineteenth two thousand and thirteen for more information check out our website to tom hartman dot com free speech dot org r t dot com and hulu dot com slash the big picture and don't forget the mocker seat is not a spectator sport it begins with you get out there get active occupy something take your. technology innovation all the developments from around russia. that's huge you're
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covered. wealthy british style. that's not on the tireless. markets why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max kaiser for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kaiser report on r g. p is easy to. see he. needs to. see.
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it. up.


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