tv [untitled] March 21, 2013 9:00am-9:30am EDT
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cyprus officials and the euro cried self-love to moscow to thrash out a three way rescue as early on in the season over the shuttered bags and cold shoulder from where you are. a rocket attack on israel was obama's visit to the region as he reads palestinian leader mahmoud abbas and made hopes of bringing peace closer. and both the syrian government and opposition demand an international probe into an alleged. chemical attack me on that but after reading accusations at each other.
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and five pm here in moscow you live with us on our t. ime to bomb with say the cypriot a finance minister is in a moscow as talks are to save the offshore banking hop from bankruptcy and to crunch time the stakes are high with speculations that cypress could also a natural gas exploration rise to secure russian help time is running out for the island nation as dwindling cash reserves of push it towards default are going off picks up the story. the cypriot finance minister has explained that the country doesn't need a new loan from russia but it needs investment in exchange for this investment it's ready to offer shares in its banking and energy sector the minister has been in moscow for the last few days in negotiating with russian officials so far he says there's been no official offer but he stressed that he's not leaving until an agreement is reached in the meantime a delegation of senior european union officials is also in the russian capital
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including the head of the european commission jos amount of barros of course they're also discussing the crisis in cyprus and earlier russia's prime minister's need to move it if i said really strong words to say about the situation but fear so far the e.u. together with the cyprus parliament have unfortunately acted like a bull in a china shop i think all possible mistakes which could have been made in the situation you have been made fun of bustled middle of the prime minister didn't stop there and he also compared the european union's officials approach to the crisis to powell soviet authorities dealt with the private funds of soviet citizens and meeting the expropriation of private property of course all this is happening after cyprus have rejected the bailout plan proposed by brussels and mostly the so-called droid of investors which included taxing private bank accounts the country is still on the verge of bankruptcy there is unconfirmed speculation that the cypriot calment is a looking at an alternative plan to get out get out of the crisis which may even
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allegedly include getting out of the eurozone altogether but time is running out for the country and its president said that a decision must be made before the end off the day and for more on all this i'm now joined by the editor in chief of the business new europe magazine ben eris mr ayres thank you very much for joining me and well about this latest speculation it's really unconfirmed reports but theoretically how possible is it for cyprus to actually get out of the euro zone and what consequences may this. could happen i mean. being pushed into a corner being told to come up with five point eight billion dollars and they have got it and they hear it must go negotiate with the russians trying to raise the money but then if the russians say no then they simply haven't got the money and then come monday then they run out of money the system goes into meltdown and how do you get out of it i mean. make up your obligations and you leave the. business is very possible so cyprus now says that it's not looking for
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a war but earlier the head of the euro group said that if russia gave a loan to cyprus then it would do just to destabilize the whole situation read that too big of a loan for cyprus to handle so is this a sign that something like that is fair to say wars of a sign that european officials are just simply in opposition to russia trying to get involved in resolving it saying there's a lot of rhetoric flying around this this whole case it's become highly emotive and people seem to you know lost their sense of balance when commenting on it and it also seems a bit rich to come from western europe in to say that you know they haven't sustainable that when most of those countries and they bring a hundred percent g.d.p. debt to g.d.p. which is under the musketeer you know also unsustainable i think the issue here is that you know cyprus needs to raise some money but the e.u. is saying on the one hand we're not going to give you more than ten billion dollars
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for the seventeen years of need and on the other hand but you can't go to the russians to raise it either and so it seems to me that they're almost precipitating a crisis it doesn't make any sense. right let's get some more perspective on the problems are facing cyprus now was stephen wolf economic a service spokesman for the u.k. independence of party but the wolf on the one hand a europe one cyprus to come up with that the money it needs but doesn't want the money coming from russia why's that. because if russia invest by putting money into the cyprus economy returned for gas contracts or it gives them a load it means that the european union don't have as much control and influence over monetary and fiscal policy in cyprus and the one thing that the european union wants to have as part of their grand plan of total domination of european states is to have monetary and fiscal control and therefore they don't want another country
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line to handle that muslims also one that may ask then why are they not helping cyprus like they did with greece i mean they put a lot of the cash injection within greece but they're not doing that with a cyprus they've given them all these hearts ultimatums. part of it is because through an election coming up in germany and i'm sure merkel wants to send a message to the voters of germany that german taxpayers will not keep bailing out through their own money their their friends and so-called colleagues in the southern european states so she knows that she's got this election if she says that germans are going to bail them out. and some extent spader portugal and ireland then her voters may vote her out we already can see that there is an answer to your oath and on to european union policy that's been formed in germany which is concerned about that rise to the same present working on a play and see now which includes a eurozone exit could that actually happened. i think it can and your previous
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caller suggested that if come monday don't you say there is no fixed agreement on the amount of money that needs to be used for bailing out cyprus and cyprus is a no default situation and i'm for the bondholders all those who own cypriot debt will face the fact that they're not getting that money if they don't get that money then cyprus is effectively bankrupt i mean it will pull out the european union and the eurozone because it has no way of actually being part of it through no money i want to come back to what i also see in the beginning that what happens if rochelle moscow decides to give us cyprus government did that bailout cash how will that be received in euro. as one side i think will be lots of people who will be relieved that at least cyprus has not for them foul of its own rules and have to pull out of the euro zone and therefore taking other countries into exactly the same situation
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but there will be a lot of discontent and a lot of anger that their overall plans have been stymied for the time being the russian. how can cyprus restore its banking image after all of this now. ok it seems like we've lost some a c. even a wolf who is the financial a service spokesman for the united kingdom independence party they speaking to us live from london now the european central bank has set and ultimatum for cyprus either a strike of bailout to deal by monday or be cut off from the emergency funds that would be a devastating blow for where banks are remain shut to prevent a massacre drolls tessa cilia has more on what's happening in the capital. the message is so widespread now across the capital that when you walk down the street wherever there's a television it's on the news channel and. that liquidity flow to
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cyprus will end on monday if there was no new or i.m.f. program in place and that really poses a problem as far as cashflow was concerned we've already gone to some a.t.m. machines are people winding up they're trying to get some cash and some people tell me limit the amount of money they can get from from one withdraw all has lessened some for four hundred for example to about two hundred euros we also went to a gas station and there are signs that no longer accept visa cards only because i think he said if you don't have any cash that you won't get gas because they have to hold on to was much cash as they want as far sentiment goes so there's a cypriot pole here that said that ninety one percent of a cypriot subject to. impose and decided upon in brussels and sixty seven percent now favor and exit from the euro zone and stronger relations with russia i think many people are just simply trying to find out if there's anybody out there who can help them because they know that the star situation of the
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financial situation directly impacts their daily lives really some people are telling me that they have to ask their family members just to have a couple of hundred euros to have groceries until the next week so the situation on the ground really i think it's it's kind of spiraling getting getting a little bit more intense as people realize that they're running out of cash money in their pockets literally and when i asked them look the banks will open next week or possibly tuesday and they asked me back well what if it doesn't open i think this question that's hanging over their heads is really what's worrying. the palestinian leader mahmoud has been hosting talks with u.s. president barack obama who is on his visit to the west bank palestinians away left to disillusion to with a meeting saying obama avoided the grave obstacles to. peace in the region i'm almost sure has been overshadowed by reports of a gazan rocket attack on israel but it came after his meeting there on wednesday with prime minister benjamin netanyahu there that graham who's an activist in gaza
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says obama has always sided with israel and this is as it shows nothing's changed. the palestinians are expecting very much. he has come and he has basically told a israelis that he is their ally and he will do everything he can possible to hurt israeli situation where he has actually said nothing in regards to the palestinians he hasn't mentioned settlement phrases he hasn't mentioned the sixty seven borders he has giving nothing to the palestinians the main obstacle has and always will be the circle and they have continued to build settlements after day after day whose governments continuously announce new settlements and the world stands by and obama himself has actually called a freeze of settlements and the israelis just ignore what he says and continues on what they're doing what they're doing. archies a policy has been looking into claims that obama's
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a wednesday meeting with prime minister netanyahu wasn't very productive either. there were four rockets that were fired from the northern gaza and town of beit hanoun as israel two landed inside gaza but one landed in the back yard of a residential home in the southern israeli town of store water now there were no injuries although there was some damage to the backyard this coming on the second day of the american president barack obama's visit to the palestinian city of ramallah so he obama so far is speaking primarily to the israeli public and he admitted as much last night after he met with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu he said that his goal is to talk to his rabies he's spoken about the importance of israeli security and he's also committed american financial assistance to israel particularly in terms of military programs beyond two thousand and seventeen when the current contracts expire now there's been very little mention so far of the palestinians of the peace process of the continued israeli
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settlement expansion and this is in stark contrast to the speech the president gave back in two thousand and nine in cairo when he said that one of his priorities in terms of his foreign policy was resolving the palestinian issue having said that though there is a lot of mistrust between obama and netanyahu there is a lot of areas and disagreement they certainly don't see eye to eye on the issue of iraq and here we have mr yahoo continuing to call for a military strike while obama continues to say that all options are on the table and that there is still time for diplomacy so certainly in this what we see is that despite the p.r. efforts there is no running away from the fact that mr han yahoo still holds firm to israeli commitment even if it means turning his back on his close allies we here in this clip israel can never see the road to defer nurse to others even to the greatest of our friends there's already been a handful of demonstrations against the american president here in the west bank
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and certainly today the police are in full force on the streets there's a strong security presence at the palace. opinion position is that there needs to be a return to nine hundred sixty seven borders there needs to be a halt in construction of settlements and in this respect the anticipation and at least the analysis on the ground is that obama is not going to push the israelis but rather push the palestinians to meet the israeli demands. well you can find all the latest updates on the protests in palestine and obama's meeting with mahmoud abbas on policy has a twitter feed follow her on a policy underscore at our team now of course if you want to express your opinion on this story head to our t.v. dot com and take part in all poll we also use what do you think or what you see obama's real intentions for going to israel where now let's take a look at all pod chides let's see how your opinions are split so far now sixty six percent of you it's gone up since the last hours say a p.r.
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stunt of that all of shiva nothing that's the majority of you think so twenty three percent of you say it's a way to keep israel from attacking iran while seven percent of you say paying lip service only to palestine while four percent of their say its attempt to resume peace talks between the two nations of course if you wanted to cost you a vote on this poll you can go to our t. dog com now the first of fishel reaction no more prisoners on hunger strike this is a story we've been following very closely and the general in charge of overseeing the prison says other detainees are starving themselves. out of frustration at obama's failure to close down the prison. which is veterans of the eight years a world war two take it convoys have finally been recognized for their valor the questions are linger why they weren't allowed to accept medals from moscow that's coming up after this.
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technology innovation all the developments from around the world we've got the future covered. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know what i'm charged welcome to the big picture. if you.
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please. welcome back are you watching r t syria's government and rebels up it's demanding an international probe until and unless the deadly chemical attack they've traded accusation as to who was behind the assault in the of the northern city of aleppo that killed up to thirty one people and wounded dozens of others. is following the developments. reports that chemical weapons have been used in the. area of the aleppo province this is hills are not clear at the moment people were rushed to hospital after the attack few had visible wounds to their bodies but some of them
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were clearly suffering from some breathing difficulties now the exams of the assaults were saying that they saw other people falling to the floor dying witnesses have confirmed to r.t. that people have been suffering from effects of what seems to be some sort of gas. or sure agree. where you're. over. now who could be behind this attack both assad's forces and rebels are pointing the finger of blame at each other but the rockets reportedly fell in areas controlled by the government the syrian rebels have long tried to overrun the weapons plant located in the very same area you can see on the map right there aleppo and then also fear that is the place where some of the country's chemical stockpile is said to be stored in fact the syrian government said in december that rebel forces plundered
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supplied of chlorine gas and some time ago this video was posted online showing animals purportedly being killed with chemicals those behind this footage affiliated themselves with assad's opponents and threaten to do the same with those who support the syrian president yet all of this evidence doesn't seem to convince president obama deeply skeptical. any claim that in fact it was the opposition that used chemical weapons and interesting use of the word skeptical with the stakes being so high one of the biggest concerns for all is this an area where syria's chemical arsenal falls into the hands of extremist fighters among opposition forces as history has shown there are examples when fighters supported by the west have eventually turned their arms against their backers now let's for just a moment imagine that extremists among the rebel fighters could get hold of chemical weapons how bad could the longer the attacks for example of two thousand and five have been if that was the case we've already seen images of a chemical attack on
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a subway in a huge city in one thousand nine hundred five in tokyo by religious sect now imagine a similar scenario was staged by people who work throughout the conflict in syria initially supported by the west the u.s. general in charge of overseeing guantanamo bay says of the hunger strike among prisoners shows they're frustrated with the government's failure to close the facility however the detainees lawyers say it is over abuse and desecration of the koran the number of participant acknowledged by the pentagon has now risen to twenty five but attorneys maintain it's more than one hundred charges granted you can brings us the latest. what we see here is a small protest in front of the white house one tunnel has been out of the media spotlight for a while now you don't see much coverage on major u.s. news channels even with the hunger strike going on there right now so these people are trying to draw attention to the detainees more than fifty lawyers representing the president sent a letter to defense secretary chuck hagel urging him to help in that letter they
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said the participants health had deteriorated alarmingly and that some had lost more than twenty or thirty pounds that is nine to fourteen kilograms medical experts say by day forty five participants can experience potential blindness and potential loss of hearing so what prompted these people to resort to such a desperate move i was a consultant on if you were the case and on those men would tell their attorney basically i don't want to talk with your what's the point of talking with you i don't want to know the date i'm going to get out of here but there is no date all. being completely oh as many of the detainees have come to believe and this is what they say we heard this from their lawyers that the only way out of guantanamo for them is in a coffin in january a state department shut down the office that was working to close guantanamo more than half of those detainees are sitting there with papers from the u.s. government clearing them all with nice and yet with no hope that they're ever going to be free again the officials are certainly trying to downplay the hunger strike
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but they're pressed for answers and they sure know what's going on and what cost the strike in the first place marine corps general john kelly and it's his command that oversees guantanamo he was testifying in congress this wednesday he said the prisoners had launched the hunger strike because they're frustrated take a listen they had great optimism that guantanamo would be closed they were devastated when the president did you know backed off at least their perception of closing the facility that has caused them to become frustrated and they want to get this thing turned you don't get it back in the media. on our part will continue to press officials for answers as the strike continues and involves more people in washington i'm going to check on. why this story gets a little attention in mainstream america media but here at all to you we've been following it from the beginning we've got a timeline of events on our website as well as comments by u.n. and prison officials detainees lawyers as well as activists head on to r.t.
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dot com for the full picture. as a letter group of u.k. world war two veterans have been awarded by prime minister david cameron for their services during the arctic convoys convoys of cross applies to the soviet union in the fight against nazi germany last year london was criticized for rejecting moscow's offload to grant the british veterans a special award and as part of her report feelings of gratitude tinge to sadness and anger a quarter of a million men took part in the arctic convoys over seventy years ago sadly today just a handful of those brave men still survive after decades of campaigning the case convoy veterans or downing street to pick up their new limited medals but alone trying to will be working along where you'd reach been a wonderful day long time coming but. one little bit of.
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his own. ship right has crossed the bow. before. during the war ninety two year old bashford served in the royal air force as an electrical engineer he was part of a secret operation that traveled on board the first stock to convoy to russia back in one thousand nine hundred forty one shot. mr druce you start a second ago burg. into the frog to relieve the pressure on the russians mr churchill so we will certainly do some airplanes and we'll soon you're the main the fly them will so near the moon too so buying time and. i will treat you and we will furnish more airplanes so that's how we came to to be in the in russia during world war two british ships transported around four million tons of supplies food and munitions for the soviet union more than three thousand
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sailors didn't survive the journey west subzero temperatures and german air raids were a fact of life on earth. on the rigging on the royals on the deck and you got this crash. of the. frogs and of course you brought back die after die after your so you can be a bit frightening last year the british government came under fire for blocking veterans receiving a special commemorative award from the russian government that medal was to be awarded as a symbol of gratitude for all that british veterans did to help the soviet union during the darkest days of the war and we now know we went through. yet despite the opposition of m.p.'s the foreign office blocked the move saying the fight against nazi germany happened too long ago for the men to be recognized effectively leaving
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some veterans to die without recognition for their service and the thanks state as i think it's disgraceful absolutely disgraceful that the we were not the canadians i mean all stroy humans are those that move in the american. story though being a war movie except one of us normally you know the russians it was insulting to us . this arctic star is. a little bit of. a soft. if you're. not with the pride that i would. the russians. for those who braved the arctic waters and served their country all those years ago it's a day of celebration shaking hands with the prime minister followed by a reception on the h.m.s. belfast with their arctic stars in tow but for many it's a celebration that's left
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