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tv   [untitled]    March 22, 2013 12:00am-12:30am EDT

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that was. the new chinese president heads to moscow for his first overseas trip as the country's leader with energy deals between two of the world's largest economies the focal point of discussions. panic and frustration in cyprus the citizens struggle to hold on to their cash and politicians race against time to avoid the fold. and cracks emerge in syria's main opposition group with some members claiming the block is being guided by islamised radicals.
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good morning good to have you company you're watching r.t. coming to life from moscow. catching the chinese wind in russia's economic cycle that's what russian president vladimir putin says he's aiming to do during a landmark talks with his chinese counterpart in moscow seizing paying selected russia for his first trip abroad since the shimming power earlier this month by sealing multi-billion dollar deals that are also hoping to bolster their common clout in the world's arena as an isa now he explains pushing two powers together a common goal to shift global balance is forging a tie between russia and china that could soon be unbreakable a new chinese leader his first stop moscow something surely washington must notice but is brushing off. no they don't take it seriously at their own peril russia and china fellow brics major trade partners and team players at the u.n. security council were there too often stand up against intervention and to gresham
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moscow and beijing a single we impact of nato backed attacks and they don't want the instability that washington seeks in the middle east raging in moscow or that in business china is booming and russia is right next door the potential for gas deals and pipelines are vast as soon as the two can agree on a price russia also sees china as a way to diversify its economy like helping tap untouched water sources in the east and investing in the west now they could join forces on cooperation militarily that is the inevitable i think result of the type of us. asian pacific pivot that is is threatening china on one side and the nato increasing military encircled into russia on the other side and the more the us pushes its agenda in certain parts of the world the closer they push russia and china together that opens the door for
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growth and enormous economic ramifications the nations that make up the brics group may be divergent but experts now see they are much more than an acronym coined by a guy at goldman sachs they all agree on the fundamentals we want a multiple of world we want to have more say or never seem to have political and when the world's biggest country finally joins head on with potentially the world's largest economy it could send shock waves straight to the heart of today's global order and this visit might be the start and he's now a r.t. moscow. and we will be having live reports on the russia china talks here in moscow throughout the day so stay with us for reaction and analysis here on our take. anger and panic are spreading through cyprus with parliament set for another attempt to raise funds in order to secure a vital i.m.f. bailout loan and avoid
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a painful default bank employees have attempted to storm the parliament building anxious over possible job losses have been speculation the country's banks won't reopen after being paralyzed for over a week as artie's tests a similar reports people are preparing for the worst. all of this panic this negativity started of course on the announcement over the weekend from brussels that in order to get a ten billion euro bailout package cyprus will have to cough up about five point eight billion in the suggestion to impose a tax on the pauses now ninety one percent of cypriots according to a poll have been against. we've seen protests on the streets of people angry really at the e.u. . and specifically of germany they feel the country has been cornered into a position where they really have no choice but to take a very hard decision now here's what some of the cypriots feel right now towards europe. well the mood here in
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nicosia cyprus remains rather negative it seems of the people feel that they're receiving one bad news after another the latest the european central bank will only continue to provide liquidity to the country until monday and after that it will only continue to do so if there is an i.m.f. program in place this means that there really is a problem on the ground cypriots going to early in the morning trying to get as much cash as they could as some have told me that the limit on their cars the amount that they can take for the change has been lowered they've also been speaking to some shopkeepers they're really having a problem big losses in their business and it's been a headache for them since this started. my business is down over seventy percent in just the last few days. and you really read that.
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and one of the direct effects of the. you can already feel on the ground here the size of it put up only. at this gas station we really want to hold on to as much cash as they could as the banks will be closed until next week and really they're not confident that the banks will reopen when they govern. just to be safe because he decides if you don't have cash you won't get. to pay. for all our people. something we have to pay in cash so we take on the question now is the political leaders along with the financial sector here trying to figure out a way to maneuver the country out of this predicament that people are simply sitting tight trying to hold on against it was much cash as they can because really for them their main concern is how to get through these next few days when they've already experienced being in limbo for the past week reporting from nicosia cyprus . the euro zone finance ministers have reiterated that they will not back down and
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will only offer partial financial assistance to cyprus brussels also says a one time levy on bank deposits is inevitable although proposes only on larger accounts. and m.p. from the left new forces party says the e.u. is putting enormous pressure on cyprus forcing it to turn to moscow. it was the mentality troika. come again and again in every country in which they try this season with these unfit and human. and the problem is the question of when are they going to stop and it seems that they will. accept. from the side of troika and so we have to seek for a solution. not but in another direction and one direction that is now they are in front of us the small stuff we are more cultured and can be safe and reliable thing
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to do keep keep negotiating we troika chilled us nine months now every day to negotiate not coming and going back and back and forth. the end maybe somewhere really out of taking control. which is something that a lot this is what we call the people of cyprus at the moment comes think of. the behavior of the troika the way he has been in the last nine months and exactly in the last week even even even. economists agree been a member of the free vytas party in germany explains why the e.u. in particular heavy handed on cyprus compared to other ailing eurozone states. don't forget that we are heading for elections in germany rescue packages that we have gone through in the past have been totally unpopular with the germans have
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taxpayer and going ahead now with a simple solution to what we've had in the past you just cannot sell it to the german taxpayer i guess that's an issue as well also you don't you shouldn't forget that those negotiate goshi ations with cyprus are very calculated every party has to keep up its bargaining power and so. it's like a mystery you know and you have to be on guard you have to bluff and god knows what will happen and us germans we're not saying that we shouldn't help cyprus but the germans told that at the end of the day the money the loans the guarantees whatever you want to call it does not support the people in cyprus it's supporting the banks that's supporting the bank owners it supporting wall street and supporting the big one people and that's the whole issue here. still ahead an internet hack it releases e-mails of a long term the former u.s. secretary of state shedding light on the deadliest so that killed the u.s.
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ambassador in libya. benghazi attack us as the hunger strike in guantanamo bay enters its forty fifth day we take a look at why the u.s. government doesn't close the facility on the few stories in just a few minutes. we are facing a lot of problem. because no one. school. when you are. other local what's not enough wealth is a wall in the local community one a community l.n.g. mold and will be. done for america up artist i was fired i must fight. i'll fight. for
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rights. when living in the seventeenth century. tricked. their community on the ceiling. they clearly distinguish between their old. guard their family and things and the treasure. actually your image of iraq after inflation. twenty day taxi trip through the country. the road full of dangerous. clear evidence
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from north to south. the root of iraqi tragedy. after the war waiting for peace. taxi on r.t.e. . when their own country can't offer them a living even loving mothers sometimes have to leave their children behind. i don't like to want just a bed longer. is the dream of millions of migrants that their children might choose their own motherland. is in a mood. i want my children to win over moscow. russia has become this step motherland. migrants working hard to find a way home. well
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i welcome back the hunger strike among guantanamo bay prisoners has ended its forty fifth day a point that could become critical for inmates according to doctors rights groups claim more than one hundred detainees refusing food over mistreatment while the pentagon maintains the number is much lower the strike has brought the plight of prisoners back into the headlines at least one former u.k. resident is being kept there without charge reports on the british government's response when asked by r.t. to comment on the situation. and to the u.k. foreign office for that position and we can have
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a listen to the statement that we received back right now. the u.k. has long held that indefinite detention without trial is an exceptional and we welcome president obama's continuing commitment to closing the detention facility at guantanamo bay and. sustainable and principled regime for the detainees. so quite an anodyne text read that sounds like it could be in some serious need of updating actually it refers to us president obama's continuing commitment to closing down the prison now the closure of guantanamo bay was actually one of us president obama's main campaign promises back in the two thousand and eight presidential election it's something he's spoken about a lot it's a promise he's made repeatedly to get half a decade later and nothing has happened in fact nearly shutting down that's taken place recently is the closure of the government office that's charged with
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transferring the detainees and closing down the prison so just to recap in case that sounds in any way peculiar they've closed down the office that's meant to close down guantanamo bay and the british foreign office supports this continuing commitment to shutting down the facility shack i am a has been. at guantanamo bay for over eleven years now and quite astonishingly this is a man who's never been charged with any wrongdoing he's never been put on trial he's been cleared for release twice yet he's still there the british government's efforts to negotiate his release have been a few they've been feeble and most importantly they've been completely and utterly fruitless so the red cross human rights watch amnesty international they've all expressed frustration that they haven't been allowed to visit detainees they
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condemn what's been taking place at the facility for. you've got a decade now but at the same time a bit here in the u.k. has been it's still more than a peep from the mainstream media both about shaq amma and about guantanamo bay in general so with this little awareness of the situation sacca atmosphere is very much on satin well terry keep is a psychiatrist and consultant to human rights watch explains to r.t. some of the reasons he believes the facility is still i. believe there is a large media component to this a publicity part and that is. to demonize a group of individuals as if the problems for citizens living in the united states have to do with the presence of evil people among us and that image of evil people who are invading the country is terrorists who are live here as criminals and if we
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can only capture them and put them in extremely harsh conditions of confinement some time somehow our life will be better and it will actually realize the american dream this is a delusional set of beliefs but i believe that's why the harsh conditions are imposed on people because in fact there is no gain in terms of either security or intelligence from doing this kind of abusive treatment of prisoners. it appears as if cases of prisoner mistreatment. before being left unintended. for you. if you are in somalia right now. has. ten million dollars. the u.s. is willing to pay for any information on to the citizens that recently made it to the top of the most wanted list having fled to the african country.
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to bully the majority of british. patients. to find out more about the. at least forty two people including a top sunni loyalist cleric have been killed in a suicide bomb attack in central damascus the blast ripped through a mosque while it was packed with worshippers who had gathered for evening prayers
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more than eighty people were injured in the explosion which authorities suspect targeted cleric mohammed. a staunch supporter of president bashar al assad it is the first time since the start of the uprising there's been a suicide attack in a mosque report. xeni has the details. the most shocking new. details that after the bomb they discovered another bomb which is the door of the mosque and. happily the happy news that it wasn't exploded. they managed to dissolve it it's inside the mosque. which is one of the most important schooled in syria and one of the most important one in the islamic would he is the one who was targeted mainly because. he was he was considered a supporter. of the syrian government and he made some strong speeches every friday trying to convince people to join the army and the fight for their country
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and he was he was under a lot of threats around that time of the and said syria but he insisted on his and his position and did not change into becoming one of this one of the people who were. best. meanwhile cracks are appearing in the anti assad syrian national coalition after the election of a new prime minister to govern rebel held areas the election of her son who is a u.s. citizen led twelve members of the body to resign from the umbrella opposition group . who took part in the anti sad movement says the coalition is being guided by islamist radicals. the coalition went too far forming a monochrome government which we can't characterize extremist and the reason behind this is the mechanisms that we used in the selection of the head of government. under. his coalition wasn't elected he was the point and radicals make up the
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majority that does not match the reality of syrian society this coalition was the result of free and fair elections then we would have accepted the results of the vote should not deprive syrian minorities of the right to produce a bit in political life as one should not have brought in syria liberal political groups of their rights at this stage of rebuilding our own coalition should not be about revolutionary power it should be about a legitimate government in government should represent the opinions and interests of the whole series nation our position is balanced and we see that what we are seeing now is wrong. now days after claiming to have infiltrated the email account of a former aide to the secretary of state hillary clinton and anonymous online hackers claimed another victim venture capitalist john earlier this week the hacker known simply as published alleged confidential e-mails concerning the deadly attack on the u.s. ambassador to libya according to the memos the september benghazi attack could be
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linked to other recent terrorist assaults in the region r.t. zone and replay puts the pieces of the puzzle together. in these e-mails they go back to september twelfth two thousand and twelve and stretch into february sixteenth of this year and that's a couple of months of the day after the benghazi terrorist attacks and the day after those benghazi terrorist attacks happened the american still didn't know what was happening and it took days and weeks actually for us a government of the united nations the obama administration for everyone to get their story straight but what we see in these documents actually put together a couple pieces of the puzzle if everything proves to be correct the sources that were reaching out to secretary clinton last year and into this year were were taking insurgent groups of militant islamic groups in algeria and linking them with not just the attack in benghazi on september eleventh but with the hostage situation that we saw back in january of this group that would be the. directly
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linked with al qaida and it's really putting together all sorts of pieces that we haven't seen from the benghazi testimonies this group for fellows to actually make up this information he did a very good job because it looks very convincing once you get over the fact that it's in comic sans and not paint a backdrop but there's lots of reasons he could do that if this is the person who the authorities believe it is there's a very good reason that they they went ahead and did as many things as they possibly could do to cover up their stuff such as not forging these documents but copying them into a different font into a different backdrop if it's a very common way to cover up their tracks which really would allude the authorities to some degree. a quick look now at some other international news making headlines in venezuela's capital caracas several hundred students have clashed with supporters of the late leading hugo chavez the students demanded that the government and the election council not to interfere in politics police used tear gas and plastic bullets to disperse the crowds forming a cordon between the two sides the country's elections
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a show jewel for april the fourteenth with experts predicting a win for chavez's excess nicolas maduro. former french president nicolas sarkozy has been placed under investigation for breach of trust during his two thousand and seven presidential campaign the ruling followed follows a three year long inquiry accusing cosey of taking donations from france's richest woman prosecutors will decide whether to put the ex-president on trial is lawyers say he will appeal the move. president obama's middle east tour has resulted in mixed feelings both in israel and palestine with no real results despite his calls for peace palestinians who greeted the u.s. leader with protests were disappointed by his show of unwavering allegiance to israel and lack of pressure over the issue of settlements obama was more strained on the problem than before saying that freezing settlement construction should not be a precondition for peace talks at a meeting with the palestinian leader. as for israel during his two days there
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a bomb a seemingly close the chapter of frosty relations with the country's prime minister but signs of disagreement on issues like iran was still abundant. the obama administration has actually accomplished a pretty remarkable feat which is that it's managed to be disliked by both sides you know even president bush who wasn't very popular with the palestinians but he was actually really loved by the israelis obama's ratings on both sides are you know down ten percent in israel and in the twenty's and palestinians so he you know is remarkably for a president who came with so much of goodwill when he came to office has managed to squander it on both sides and i think one reason is that his middle east policy is in complete and total disarray he doesn't know you know which side to lean on you know he let israel continue with the settlement activity at the same time as he
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keeps giving them it is completely unable to control benjamin netanyahu and on the other side his strategy between you know trying to buttress and abbas against hamas has failed to do so you know i think the u.s. middle east policy has never been in greater disarray and it wasn't great to begin with. i'll be back with more international news in around thirty minutes time but ahead the ongoing violence in iraq is the focus of abi martins writings.
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to least be told language. programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on. reporting from the world's hot spots to be ip interviews intriguing stories for you to. see in trying. to find out more visit our big teeth dog call.
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to live on one hundred thirty three bucks a month for food i should try it because you know how bad the less bad luck. i mean . am i know that i've seen a really nice. in the old story so actually. it's. worse cheaper to live a long life out of a. radio guy. they want. to give you never seen anything like this i'm telling. you. what the good folks i'm abby martin and this is breaking this set while the head of
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u.s. southern command general john kelly has told congress that the guantanamo prison needs a major overhaul to the tune of one hundred seventy million dollars that's right what was the pose of it temporary detention facility one that president obama promised with all his heart to close down the perilous falling apart kelly says the living conditions that get mail are close to squalor wait he can't possibly be referring to the beach front portion of the camp that guards frequent right maybe it's because their golf course i was only nine holes instead of eighteen. did anyone consider asking how bad the conditions are for the actual prisoners many of which you have been detained for years now with no charge or trial house of whom have already been declared innocent but can't be released you know what general if you're so concerned about the living conditions of your troops maybe should have investor lobbying efforts to close the gulag instead of scavenging at taxpayer dollars to keep it open.


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