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tv   [untitled]    March 22, 2013 12:30am-1:00am EDT

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for another eleven years enough to set. a little. good if you've never seen anything like. as this nation reflects ten years later on one of america's longest and bloodiest occupations were riddled with guilt for allowing something so horrifying to occur yet instead of ensuring that that won't happen again history seems to be repeating itself for right before our ariz just look at the rhetoric being peddled on iran syria and the muslim world at large so why our foreign conflicts that morally and financially bankrupt this country and the world continuing to be initiated despite there being no actual threat could it be that this perpetual warfare is merely a symptom of a much larger disease a disease
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a disease that necessitates war division and destruction to function my next guest asserts that this is indeed the case in fact it's created three mind blowing documentary films that everyone should see that explore the ideological track means that prevent us from seeing this obvious truth the philosophy that spawn the global zikos to movement which just saw its fifth annual conference last weekend which drew hundreds of thousands of people in forty five different countries around the world who share a common goal so to talk to about society systemic problems and the solutions to them i'm joined now by peter joseph director of the film trilogy and the founder of the movement peter thank you so much for coming on it's my pleasure every thank you for having me so as we know it's the tenth anniversary of the iraq war and your latest edition of culture in decline you speak about war as a symptom of a disease and until we address the symptom wars wall was exist what is the disease
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and why does it assess the tape perpetual war. the diseases our refusal as a global civilization to very fundamentally share our resources compounded by this fear generation that's perpetual which is driven by imperialism which is a. no mystery if anyone studied basic history but the economic system is where all of this resides and the problem isn't that the intelligent people out there aren't aware of this is that no effort is being made to actually go to this root cause and make a decision to put pressure on all the establishment of the world to begin to work together and the the real danger ultimately is that we're no longer a closed society if if say india and pakistan decided to go to nuclear war for basic ideological or resource reasons in fact that would affect everybody on the planet so this is now a public issue across the entire world we have to grow up and become mature learn to share resources and tell the economic model is address which perpetuates scarcity which perpetuates competition which uses empirical tools such as war to
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expand this empire no different than a corporation expands a monopoly we have a long and dangerous road ahead of us and deed it is a global system and humanity is on a road of collective consciousness and in terms of the internet and the advancement of technology it seems like the system is hinged on dogmatism and institutionalized fear in order to maintain it. in your films you point out three main factors i mean religion politics economics and i think technology is advancing to the point where these paradigms simply don't apply to the collective consciousness which we just spoke about so what is reinforcing this and how come more people can't act toward coming outside of this outdated system peter but the conditioning is so powerful i mean everything that rewards you and i are the basic majority of the population which is this industrial economic system where you have to be very cutthroat extends itself synergistically to the entire approach of how nations interact of
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how the world interacts so if you have a complete model based on competition fear generation again the restriction of possibility through scarcity and this kind of ideological fervor that says well this is just the way it has to be and they have no idea what technologically technologically can happen to remove all poverty to actually eliminate all the problems that are generating this incentive for war since people don't know about those things which of course is what is like a spoon is trying our best to get a good out there apart from other ideas they don't know how to think about it so they look at this us and them they say this is just the way it is and the entire sickness unfolds and the fear as you point out is just simply regenerated over and over again but here we're told that capitalism breeds competition and innovation and nothing else will allow that to exist yet your documentary perfectly outlines i mean he's an amazing technologies that exist right now yet they're being restricted or underdeveloped because of the knobbly over industry i mean for example the maglev train i mean it's mind blowing what the potential of this is talk about this
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as well as other innovations that could completely transform society for the better it's unfortunate how people again don't know of these innovations from from infrastructure such as transportation to food generation to energy generation we have the capacity to create an abundance of these things of high efficiency incredible sustainability with in fact none of the scarcity attributes and labor. formants in these value are intentions of traditional economics which could make them all three in fact i mean that very literally and a few people want to learn more about that like this movement dot com but here's the problem there's two systems happening in the world right now there's a financial system a market system the business system and then there's a natural law a scientific system that existed long before we ever evolved to understand it and we are putting a round peg in a square hole right now because the evolution of technology is enabling all these possibilities to literally solve mass multimedia global problems to put on a completely new path towards true progress and create
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a social stability an increase in public health but we are being blocked and stopped by this arcane market system the free market capitalist system as they exist in its form today which needs to restrict efficiency it needs inefficiency to keep people employed and to keep this whole hideous machine going right i love that part in your documentary also where you talk about products i mean they're made to be have a shelf life of like a year and then you just keep buying the outdated model and we don't share things anymore i mean and of course humanity has potential for so much good yet so many of the smartest people on earth are working for methods of destruction and warfare i mean you've said yourself a revolution of values is what's required what is needed for this shift. good question you know there's what we call it by a social set of pressures which are you know the basic destabilization we see socially the occupy uprisings which is just one of many of storable uprisings of the underclass that is basically abuse and exploited we see tremendous biological
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scuse me biodiversity problems and ecological problems that are emerging across the world you know climate destabilization all this stuff that has persisted that we kind of conveniently ignore but these pressures once they come down once this natural law philosophy this natural law science that we live in immutably shows us that ok i'm not going to let you do this anymore we can hope. we will adjust and adapt sadly as in my last culture nicholas called war against nature there is really a war against nature happening with all the established systems in the world refusing to acknowledge the basic foundation of our sociological propensities meaning our public health propensities how our brains interact with the environment how we generate crime how we generate violence how we generate of course war on the social level and on the personal level we're creating social rosies in the stores and across the board because we're not respecting these natural issues you can look at it from the standpoint of you going to human organism and you can look at it standpoint from our larger macro institutions that literally have no respect for the environment because it's not within the business model the business model has
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no acknowledgement of the natural law philosophy that we have to subscribe to in order to maintain sustainability which of course perpetuates this distortion of values of also just what true happiness and success is i mean i know firsthand living in d.c. it's all about what job you have how much power that job yields and how much money you make from it how does this toxic way of thinking about success and hit true happiness true stability true health i'm actually manifesting. again that's a great question and people need to sit back everyone needs to personally stand back at some point in their life and ask them what it is that they actually want to do when they were a kid growing up before these pressures of the systems emerged pressure of the system urge to get a job and to be you know this edifice of exchange which is what we're all reduced to and ask themselves what happiness really means is it material success clearly not statistically material success is variable you could go back hundreds of years now p.p.p. people with much better public health than we have today societies and yet they
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have much less of a material acquisitive reality they don't have the cellphones and twitter and all the stuff that distracts us and makes us feel impulsive with how we relate to the world around us in many different ways but yet they're happier and you go but you can go to smaller impoverished cultures today that live off the land still so much happier statistically those measures that have been done yet we are the wealthiest most materialistic society and we have the highest levels of suicide depression drug use. goes across the board so it's a personal respect issue plus it's also a statistical issue and that's another thing that the movement tries to get out is like well if we have this whole society that claim to be the pinnacle of success in the material culture why isn't it correlating to one personal sense of satisfaction and that's a big question that we're going to huge standard on but i'll leave it at that people should definitely check out all of your series culture and plan it's a great let's talk about the third annual of the day and the solutions that were discussed how can we move forward in implementing this new social order without getting trapped in the barriers of language and these divisions these box paradigms
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of socialism marxism it really prevents people from opening their mind to it and enveloping aspects of this and our society that we need to address. the polarization propaganda goes back to our history books everyone you know if you're not into a competitive society you must be in to communicate a communist society excuse me that's that's unfortunate that still persists because it blocks people's frame of reference both the people that state those things and the people that hear it and don't know any of. matter that's that's a hard argument the best thing to do is to go after the train of thought and that's what the movement tries to do and what our vendor on z. day was all about the main event los angeles which was sold out we had a tremendously good response and we had about eleven speakers across six hours just go step by step through what this with this transition of thought in this transition of society could be the transition of thought comes to realizing that we're just one big family on this on this planet we're one species we come from basic biological ancestors one in fact mitochondrial eve so we're all literally one
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big family and we have to realize our economy is one system on the earth therefore these structural attributes that we've concocted the market economy these divisions that sovereignty we have to begin to question these and question their validity for long term social sustainability and answer a final question about actual transition that's a difficult subject how to actually move into a completely new approach to this but there's one thing i'll say it's a phrase it's called starving the beast and that's a lack of discipline in the current model right there are many different ways that people can engage especially now with the sort of access society that's emerged very slowly see this in europe with the sharing of bicycles and things like this give other examples in the corporate commercial realm such as the zip car in america stuff like that primitive notions of this but globalization of energy in your. sharing of resources creating shared networks time banks mutual credit systems like they have in switzerland very advanced systems that do one thing they help people that are suffering that can't get a job which is growing and robust across the world and some will tell you so it
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takes away the energy and drive to g.d.p. growth so you imagine for example if we had resolution to health care problems in america which is about fifteen percent of g.d.p. as a side note by the way you actually resolved health problems instead of fueling them like they do under ford later but here i was so sorry we're out of time and i. want to talk about everyone. that playmaking this is a more relevant as the first step filmmaker of the trilogy and founder of the movement often have you on thank you very much. if you like these so far head to our you tube channel you tube dot com let's break that be sure to subscribe to so you don't miss a single episode of all of our interview segments tabbed out if you want to capture those separately and we need to check out our interview with that is considered from yesterday it was awesome you also look at every segment we've done separately under the tab section on the page from big brother watch to weapons of mass distraction check out all that and more at youtube dot com breaking this site and i just want to say thank you for all the sharing and retreating you've done on the
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worldwide web it seems that the show is getting a great deal of international attention even from the french website top journalist dot com yep that's me and they're ranking with four point three out of five stars i don't know what that means but it's awesome so thank you again for all the support to take a break right now from my preaching but stay tuned to hear what it's really like in iraq today next. week this is the problem. because no one stopped doing. it. what's not enough wealth is a law in all you want to. give
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dunford far up artist i was fired but i must fight. i'll fight. for rights. and. been living this way since the seventeenth century. their rituals are strict. their communities are the silly. they clearly distinguish between their own and the alien. and guard their family and think the treasure. a clear image of iraq to inflation. twenty day taxi trip through the
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country. the road full of danger. clear evidence from north to south. the route of iraqi tragedy. after the war waiting for peace. by god taxi on r.t. . live.
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live. live. free. free. free. free. free live. free. libya. after a decade of military occupation bombings and sectarian violence in iraq and are now all of facing a questionable future one rife with the uncertainty of being provided basic needs infrastructure and personal safety well earlier i spoke with our correspondent was the captain often was on the ground in iraq i first asked her if the recent wave of violence that took place on the anniversary of the u.s.
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invasion was abnormal or just life as usual for today's iraq here's a response. fortunately abbie in many ways this has become the new normal the situation the violence in the country has gone down tremendously since the peak but low level insurgency continues to plague the country with an average of three hundred people killed in iraq each month now these are human lives that we're talking about here but in many ways they've become statistics and many iraqis that you speak to here say that they feel like they've grown desensitized to the situation we were actually in care kook when that blast took place but what we saw despite the fact that actually three more smaller blasts happened in the city when we were there people were still out on the streets we saw school children people in cafes people going about their business despite the fact that they know that a blast can go off any time and at any place. rock of course is a country that sees temperatures up to one hundred thirty degrees when you're looking at the infrastructure now are there basic services like clean running water
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and electricity throughout the main areas of the city and what about the rulers as well it's pretty bad the power outages here are estimated to be and there's power for about eight hours on average a day but people say it's actually a lot worse maybe two to three hours in some areas there's about two hours of vail ability of potable drinking water many cities have don't even have paved roads the infrastructure is quite bad and in baghdad the biggest thing i mean aside from the fact the the infrastructure remains bad is the blast. walls that are everywhere the security checkpoints that dictate life for every day iraqis the lack of development and the lack of frankly money spent on developing the country the money that has been spent hasn't really emerged in any way that's been beneficial to the iraqi people so it feels very much like a third world which is especially sad in the case of baghdad which used to be
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a very developed city and one of the most modern and safe and normal places in the middle east and the cradle of civilization i mean the birth place of of life it is tragic to see that it's kind of turned into the security police state in a post occupation world and you know as you just mentioned the allocation of resources i mean we're talking about a budget of five hundred billion dollars over the last five years what is happening at this money i mean is it being held up at the government level what kind of corruption are we seeing that's preventing this from really being allocated in terms of resources for the country. actually most iraqis that you talk to would name corruption as their top concern after security and they say that the corruption is rampant at all levels both at the top at low levels when you drive to the street a security officer can stop you and demand money bribery happens at every single level from what some people have told us that they have had to pay if they want to get a job with the government or with the army some people have said that they have been forced to pay in order to get out of prison there's also massive racketeering for
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example we heard the case of one oil intrapreneur who had built a pipeline near his home and has been siphoning off energy there and this is something that is widespread at all levels of the government and that's something that the pilot politicians haven't been able to stop perhaps there hasn't been an interest in stopping it but it really is indicative of a society that has frankly fallen apart and is the very core in the circle of their economic situation is that stable i mean let's talk about the poverty rates how many people are unemployed right now short while the funny or not so funny thing is a rock is incredibly wealthy and oil but we haven't seen the. economic benefits trickle down to the people whatsoever the poverty rate is estimated to be at about eighteen percent but iraqis here say that it is much higher and you really see that when you're out in the streets a lot of men standing around unemployed a lot of people trying to make small businesses selling things on the streets trying to get by and scrape together day by day and another growing concern is the youth unemployment rate is actually much higher among younger iraqis they simply
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don't have the opportunities here that they used to and they don't have the opportunities here that they expected after a decade of war patient and sectarian strife the economic situation is nowhere near stable and that's one of the bigger concerns in a country that is supposed to be free of war now and of course so rich with resources in terms of oil let's go back to the government situation or other and the violence also in the streets i mean what kind of political tensions are playing out within the government and is that reflecting is that reflected with the situation on the ground. absolutely the thing that we've seen in iraq since the occupation is essentially an emergence of both sectarian and ethnic strife the government is divided by a federalist system where sudanese shias and kurds and other political. party i think parties have representation here but it's very divided there's incredibly growing tensions between the shia led government led by prime minister nouri al
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maliki and the sunni population which has felt that it has become marginalized since the occupation we've seen a massive protests in the sunni areas of iraq tomorrow and friday we'll probably see some pretty intense protests yet again they've been using friday as a day to rise up and there's also growing tensions between the kurdish autonomous kurdish region up north where i am right now where the situation is far better there is development there is twenty four hour electricity there's massive investment from outside powers and the central government the kurdish region is in fact moving on and moving forward whereas the rest. the country isn't and that's led to tensions over oil deals over the economy and over power sharing and that doesn't really look like it's going to be resolved anytime soon and loosely looking backwards respectively you know ten years later all the reasons for the initial invasion of completely fall apart and now people just look at iraq and say well least we rid a country of a brutal dictator saddam is gone and that's kind of the ultimate end all be all
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justification of going in and occupying a country for ten years of course in a way seeing a vast of resources killing a million plus people but now i mean being in iraq and all the things that you just want over do you get the sense that iraqis are better off without saddam. one of the where does things to hear here is a lot of people say that frankly they missed the saddam era not because anyone by any means actually necessarily mr saddam hussein himself but they missed the stability that the country had enjoyed they may have had of pressure and people said that there are certain lines too you couldn't cross without major replications but at least they didn't have daily suicide bombings at least there was a better infrastructure development taking into exception of course the crushing sanctions and pull it posed by the u.n. in the one nine hundred ninety s. and some of the people we spoke to they said we have democracy but is this democracy worth it and many say it's not and is it real democracy indeed thank you so much for shedding some light on a really important situation since the corporate media isn't was the cause of our
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two correspondent. have you ever heard of you two thirty five isotope or as it's known outside the weapons industry is depleted uranium or you do use a byproduct of waste from nuclear reactors in the production of nuclear weapons since one nine hundred seventy seven the us has been using this material to code artillery shells missiles and even tanks so why is the pleated uranium so prevalent in military use all the materials extremely dense and strong which makes it perfect . to penetrate reinforced steel armor buster buildings despite internationally undisputed health effects that have already led to one hundred fifty five countries voted in favor of limiting its use the u.s. still has a stockpile of it and has been using do you in conventional warfare for decades so i was actually does do you work and why is it such a controversial method of warfare well when
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a missile or tillery shell is coated indeed you and shot at a target it ignites exploding into thousands of radioactive micro particles these particles are then scattered off and carried by the wind or seeping into the ground affecting the water and food consumed by millions of people. believe it or not the no country in the world has experienced more devastation from the practice of depleted uranium than that of iraq since two thousand and three it's estimated that one thousand to two thousand metric tons of do you have been fired during the war but the u.s. has been using do you against the country since the first gulf war effects of which i physically manifested into widespread birth defects in fact the birth defects are so rampant al-jazeera recently reported that the rate of child to deformities in fallujah has now surpassed that of hiroshima and nagasaki at the dropping of two atomic bombs according to dr samir alarming the only physician in fallujah keeping
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a record of these defects the rate of abnormalities is alarming the numbers are surpassing anywhere in the rest of the world some of the malformations being recorded in solution include facial clotting nervous system and skeletal disorders immune system problems and heart deficiencies but these illnesses are not isolated to newborn babies they are now growing reports of cancer especially among children believed because by di you can pan the nation and that's not the only toxic material causing effects on the country the military utilizes mercury lead and even phosphorous bombs ironically white phosphorus was the same chemical that saddam hussein used against the kurds in ninety one which of course the u.s. cited as part of its w m d arsenal and does a justification for the iraq invasion that my friends is what you call circular logic and somehow the us does not define do you lead or mercury as hazardous well despite the government denying the obvious the evidence is undisputable multiple
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studies show the same correlation between contamination for munitions and the epidemic of congenital birth defects in southern iraq the most disturbing part of all about wanting to use the radioactivity never goes away it will play one general . after the next for millions of years we're going fortunately there is nothing we can do to stop these devastating health effects from playing out but i'll tell you what we can do we can demand that this practice be banned and insist on holding those responsible accountable.
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