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tv   [untitled]    March 23, 2013 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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life marty at eight pm the sinking island pressure mounts on cyprus to produce a bailout plan ahead of monday's e.u. deadline as reports claim europe's patience for the debt stricken country is running out we've got the latest. thousands in damascus attend the funeral of a prominent sunni preaching killed in a suicide attack on a mosque on thursday it also claimed the lives of forty eight others. and strengthening the alliance the new chinese president's first overseas trip sees the signing of multibillion dollar energy deals with russia this is beijing seeks partnerships to counterbalance u.s. global influence.
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in europe the new sensors and i very good every company just past eight pm now here in moscow and first as you just heard that in a last ditch attempt to rescue cyprus from bankruptcy president and is to see how these he's heading to brussels no to media officials this is his country struggles to meet the conditions for that ten billion euro bailout the cypriot parliament passed a number of bills covering key elements of a rescue plan but it wasn't enough to satisfy officials test reseller's got the latest tonight. reverdy here knows that time is indeed ticking they've had emergency session slated to be tried to pass a bill that would form a part of a package that they vote that they could present to the troika and get an approval for an order to get the ten billion euro bailout as i'm speaking is this all still in progress and they've approved part of the package what they did approve our capital pulls out that would give powers to banks to impose restrictions on the amount of money that access by account holders to prevent
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a bank run that they're very afraid of once banks reopen banks right now are closed until next week until all this gets sorted out so when banks to reopen they just don't want people to suddenly pull out all their money so that's what top of the souls are for the other one that they had also agreed upon is a solidarity funds essentially pulling together assets coming from different sources for about six billion viewers that they can again present to the troika hoping to satisfy them to get that ten billion euro bailout another one is also restructuring of the bank and all these are just part of the package something else that they haven't actually decided upon and made an announcement on is that back deposit levy if they are indeed going to continue to put to approve that idea of taxing deposit holders possibly uninsured deposits above one hundred thousand euros now if you remember the very reason why panic started in this country was when a bank deposit levy was imposed on all deposit holders including small account holders and that's what really angered the cypriots said they had gone out to the
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streets it's really been an emotional overload for them for the past week a rollercoaster i spoke to some of them here's what they had to say the banking crisis has affected us to know we can get the money we've earned who work inside once we're not jobless who can get cash out of a.t.m. machines. we've invested our money into view condominium cyprus but they could cut a song or what are the grounds for that was not even the most boring enough human begin to. we have to get out of the euro but it will stay hot how do it here and now i can't. we don't accept it i would be no development of this and nobody would come to cyprus and us not now this new bank of possibility could possibly be announced by the absolute first official announcement that one quarter think we have to know whether to try to will approve it i went to brussels on sunday so a lot of big questions now for more on this we're joined live by athens based political and economic analyst demetrius repeated to me trust either harsh terms
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here by monday then five point eight million euros has to be found are they going to do it well i got my year i believe that we will have. a different decision by monday and the release is i didn't quite hear you will or won't you think well i believe that we want reach a final agreement so i believe one fine day in billion euros till monday it's quite reachable so what is going to happen come monday well i mentioned our use that is the one. saying that. it will be convened again during this week see if use of it. how thinks can change in favor of both cheese in favor of the table. including the european commission and on the other side in favor of say abuse but the situation as this actually you know lead to can lead
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to nowhere because when you're out at the as you say rescue in banks before but not usually at the expect the sort of poor old account holders he thinks is going to set a precedent now for the trouble the e.u. countries in future yeah differently just think that i mean in a general context. these. he was saying during his competing that he will try to save saban's name of course but he won't touch any of the savings of the people and definitely he's going into a lot of trouble and then they believe it's. tough again for him just the beginning of his. over the last couple of days he said a lot of angry people on the streets understandably a lot of bank workers there as well as some of the banks are very much in the forefront of this one in particular so far no violence just pushing and jostling
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but of course we have seen violence previous in other countries greece spain do you think it could boil over this coming week yet my bone of huge grade and expected that the didn't go into violence. in and well i believe it's first of all it's a matter of culture. and in addition i believe that the us side in the this which is to say it was who voted for this you know these still believe. there will find a solution what we're watching closely thanks for your input tonight demetrius repeated political and economic analyst as you are thanks pre-shared. other news tonight thousands of syrians are paying their last respects to a prominent sunni cleric killed by a suicide bomber in damascus mosque on thursday shaikh mohammed saeed ramadan oh beauty was also a high profile supporter of the embattled president bashar al assad or syrian journalist abdullah xeni told us any muslim who goes against the rebels is now
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a target. clergymen or let's say muslim schoolers who are not with the opposition were targeted or were killed we can remember the names for example. and others were killed because of having an opinion different position but everybody believes that what happened is unjustified and cannot be explained we have extremist groups ischemic seem to be hard these who are fighting against the government and the mr before he was killed last friday in his last speech he said that we should fight with the syrian army and you should not fight with with this opposition groups so this raises a lot of controversy and controversy and discussion in the syrian society and this lead into this killing and we have mr kind of. the permanent sunni. spoilage who lives in he said beforehand that all people who are with the vision in
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even a muslim school should be killed if they are supporting the government says the sitting government so this is the context of this killing everybody was angry everybody said that he should not be killed he is one of the most famous. leader in syria everybody said that he did not make a crime he did not kill anyone he just given his his opinion if you are making an average looking for freedom he has the freedom to say whatever he wants that's that's what he wants everybody to say that even so someone in his age he's eighty four years old he's not fighting so he should not be killed at all and this is a crime even people a position. people support for the government agreed that this should not be done that way at least. we've got a lot more about syria on our website as well r.t. dot com white now we've got a report revealing the secrets between syrian rebel groups and the cia if you like to find out more about that we invite you to go online to find out how american intelligence is said to be pulling the strings behind the civil war it's very interesting really also there too you can learn how the hacker group anonymous is
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giving the israeli spy service more sad. we've got details of the cyber attack that r.t. don't call tonight. the next china is stepping up its energy security with the help of russia moscow has agreed to increase oil supplies to its eastern neighbor by three times the current level along with other multi-billion dollar deals the two powers also want geopolitical change with the new chinese president saying that ties with russia will help bring about a fair world order as he put it out is ridiculous because being following xi jinping his first official overseas trip. some of the major points that the chinese leader has also made of course was about the cooperation between russia and china among other things that the two countries also agree on is the fact that it is about time to leave the old stereotypes behind he said that we're living in the twenty first century and therefore the cold war era is gone and over with and therefore the stereotypes and thinking along those lines also has to go and he also
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mentioned that course russia and china are their cooperation will provide for a year over world order he also mentioned of course the need to not just to move away from syria types but also to move towards the mall to fall or world and the multiple larry to be of the world is also one of the founding principles of bricks of course bricks essentially was a trade in economic organization but it is now moving increasing towards becoming a major geo political player and that is going to be one of the main subjects of discussions during the upcoming brick summit in south africa and yet despite of course there are many agreements on the political level rushing trying to still have several things that they need to work on at the moment those things that is the gas supplies deal from russia to china which has been in the works for ten years and it does look like during this visit russia and china have made some headway towards finding
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a solution but the details of the deal are yet to be figured out and it is expected that those details will come up until the end of the year but of course the chinese leader said that russia and china nevertheless are each other's biggest partner and are vis the seeing eye to eye on a lot of issues and cooperation is something that the two countries are going not just to continue but we'll all start he said that his trip there is a symbolic significance by happening in march because the leader hopes that he will see some very good fruits born forth from the seeds that he has so on during this visit really there were warning against foreign interference in the affairs of other nations the chinese president's visit to russia as underscored a counterweight is needed to america's role in global affairs now if. we all sort of mythological was so big trip is meant to show that beijing won't be a puppet. that sends a signal to the united states to washington who has been very.
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bristolian and increasingly militarily hostile to china must be yours with the asia pivot so-called what russia has to bring to the table is essential for china and that is energy security over pipeline land routes gas and oil primarily and at a time when china's african oil sources are being increasingly put under pressure from africa in so dion and libya and elsewhere for russia it also means as extremely important to earning your orientation to what to president putin calls the new eurasian with the direction of the russian economy if russia and china put it odds against each other and then the game is over and you have no contender to sole superpower in germany from washington i think that's a very unhealthy state of the world both for the for china for russia for the rest of the world but also for the united states that too much power concentrated in too few hands is always a danger to world peace. we have. all the way blackout behind us officials
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continue to downplay the scale of a mass hunger strike at guantanamo bay while the pentagon and i want to expand the tories facility to go about that in just a few. wealthy british. markets. find out what's really happening to the global economy with. the no holds barred look at the global financial headlines kinds of reports.
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from moscow boyer's for hunger striking detainees at guantanamo bay claim being denied access to their clients the situation is said to be life threatening is more than one hundred captives of reportedly been starving themselves now for a month and a half u.s. officials have downplayed the allegations though in the scale of the crisis and while president obama has still not kept his promise to close the detention center
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the military is now asking for money to upgrade the facility. the spokesperson for guantanamo robert do read and responded to our tease inquiry here's what he writes as of friday the twenty second of march twenty third seed we have twenty six hunger strike is with a receiving end to all feeds this is an increase from thursday which was twenty five and eight we have two detainees in the detainee hospital for rehydration an observation or mental feet last time robert during got back to us was last week also on friday saying there were fourteen detainees who refused all food although defense attorneys had been saying there were many more on the rubber due and says there are twenty six we cannot independently verify these numbers or any of this so we have to rely on the response that we get from the officials and the detainees lawyers and here's the latest from the attorneys apparently there are now denied direct access to their clients who want to come in attorney say they had a visit scheduled for early next week with one of the clients who lost thirty
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pounds that's almost fourteen telegram since the strike began at the beginning of february that visit was approved by the military but the lawyers say they've just been informed by the authorities that they cannot visit the client because the military flight scheduled for next week was canceled also most recently the navy decided to discontinue commercial flights to the camp so tourney's are really struggling to find out the true extent of what's happening in guantanamo now and not just the attorneys but we journalist as well i spoke with a lawyer who was denied access to our client in guantanamo this week she told me there is a sense among defense attorneys that they are being deliberately ignored by the authorities so assuming there is nothing that we can do we have sent e-mails to the department to berms to the commander. asking them. to talk to us about the detainees condition and we have heard no response so there is a sense of helplessness among the attorneys as well
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a few months ago the state department shut down the office that was working to close the prison and on top of it the u.s. south and. man and that's the command that oversees guantanamo has just with quested forty nine million dollars to build a new present building at guantanamo bay for quote unquote special detainees on top of other renovations it says are necessary since washington decided to keep it open indefinitely the military said that potential taxpayer bill for upgrading the deteriorating facilities would be almost one hundred ninety six million dollars and all of this effectively means that the detainees are stuck in this legal limbo indefinitely going to if you can they will speak with lieutenant colonel berry when these u.s. moves return you have kids for going to turn these thank you for taking the time to be with us i understand you do have access to your clients in guantanamo apparently when's the last time you saw them and what state within the last time that i saw my clients was between twenty the twenty fifth of february and the eighth of march i
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visited with the multiple times i was shocked at the condition that they're in in fact we were the first people that broke the story that the hunger strike could be again february of the sixth or seventh around that time frame and it continued on my client at that time had lost twenty six pounds and at this point it's official that he has lost almost forty forty pounds one third of his body weight from one hundred forty seven pounds. going. well i i can imagine that we're getting near to the end where something serious is going to happen i mean the administration down in guantanamo bay initially denied the report that the hunger strike was occurring they then said it was seven then fourteen then twenty one and then they said that it wasn't the largest hunger strike in history then they came out and said it's twenty four twenty five and today twenty six so the story is getting more and more accurate as we go but we're running out of time as you point out do you think it really will take. well here to tell you that after eleven and a half years these men that live in animal cages in america's offshore prison in
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guantanamo bay they ask for justice they've been there eleven and a half years ninety percent of them have no charges i can tell you having looked at my clients cases they will never get a trial based upon the evidence that's against them so if their home countries are not willing to intervene to do something i don't see it coming from washington washington seems to take the position that we don't have the time to deal with these hundred sixty six condemned men and our offshore prison. if you like if somebody does. well i mean you're going to have to answer that is as far as a political question i'm a lawyer i'm here to look at the facts and to tell you that i've reviewed these cases and i'm here to tell you that these guys will never get trials if they're never getting trials and we have to go by what the president has said in march of two thousand and eleven when he said indefinite detention will be implemented in guantanamo bay and will be the law of the united states forty eight men will be condemned to die never have been given
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a trial or given an opportunity to defend themselves they are essentially condemned dead men that just happened to breed for the people you've spoken to include in your claws what was their mindset is it to say maybe when they started this forty five forty six days ago as it is now i mean did they think they would have to maybe take this through to the bitter end or nor did they think something would give before hand. well i i can't speak for what every man down there thought but what i can tell you is the vast majority of people in guantanamo bay are cleared for release they're cleared to go home the united states ignalina is that they've committed no crime but yet we still continue to house them in a penal colony and one ton of obey imagine imagine if the situation were were reversed in the united states had one hundred sixty six citizens held in some other countries offshore prison i don't want to go into what happened in the early years as far as enhanced interrogation but the situation isn't getting better and these men have figured out that probably the only way for them to go home cleared or not
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is in a wooden box i mean and seven proceedings in kernel sort of but if you want to literally fifteen seconds do you take any comfort at all in this military plan to spend forty nine million dollars upgrading the facility making it a priority more comfortable for the inmates well this is not about soccer fields or food or anything else this is about justice and freedom this is a bigger concept this is what the united states stands for not more servings of food and not more of soccer fields to play on this is a matter of getting these men home or giving them trials and that's the answer from washington lieutenant colonel barry lynn go the u.s. military to have a kid in for guantanamo detainees thank you very much much appreciated. egypt's be shaken by fierce clashes between opponents and supporters of the ruling muslim brotherhood outside the group's offices across the country some of the most intense fighting indeed took place in the capital cairo leaving scores of people injured there police fired tear gas to repel rioters outside the brotherhood's headquarters
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there it's the latest wave of anger at the group that erupted last week when its members attacked journalists in opposition activists during a peaceful protest outside the building up with no worries a spokesman for the egypt's opposition national salvation front he told me the government's on the brink of completely losing control over the country in. the midst of a brotherhood government and morsi government is with standing its position of giving it death here to any claims of reform and to any claims of of opposition to the very harmful policies in egypt. the record of morsi is a failure of managing the problems of the government of management the problems of egypt it's all till feel of this government with all the video of this regime and it just has been stalling they're losing control over parts of egypt a lot of cities a lot of governance in egypt are now rising up against the muslim brotherhood and
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against the government did not recognize the government as a lawful government that would. oversee and manage day to day of government work right so the a bit different now you may or may not know it's the world wildlife fund earth hour coming up at eight thirty pm around the world to show solidarity to renewable energy sources and to save energy and to protect our world order people millions of people around the world in a collection of turning off the light soon within two to minutes. it was a bit more ok while it is a very symbolic event and it's really a bit of both here actually fast of all this this of this can pave attracts a lot of attention towards the problem of climate change that it also raises people who were innocent about carbon pollution about other environmental needs but on the other hand when you think about that there are a lot of people thousands of people in different countries of the globe and there are turning their alliance in their apartments in their houses they're also turning
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lights in well they're turning some of their electronic devices open hopefully so this will just lead to some of the energy being saved and that's a very good just to give me go does it really get people anywhere out of people really or. is it being sold probably. well hopefully it is and as i said it's just a bit of both and it is a very inspiring in a very exciting moment for many people around the globe but it is also add the and just to some of the energy being saved is good it is a good will for a good cause and a little five minutes away from. here in moscow what's going to happen again i mean is everything going to go dog children well in russia not everything going to go dark by the way actually lights around the kremlin around the area of the heart of the russian capital actually realize there is going to be turned off for the first time we've got something good out of you just moments ago we got
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a picture. of state university that is of course a huge love. concrete to fully live. we've got the crew. there's a lot of kilowatts coding to light it up as well shortly in a couple of minutes form and it's not going to. turn yeah it's going to get dark for an hour with some of other iconic landmarks not only in moscow but in another set is around our country some of them are going to also go dark for just about an hour how long has this been really did you say it's not you will think i'm going to be going full well it started as a very local event city in australian sydney back in two thousand and seven which is two million people taking part in that but very very quickly it is occurring to a massive global event and with just for the record back in two thousand and twelve more than one hundred fifty countries to part in that event so it is a very global one i just see the guys in the gallery of my shoulder so we're going
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to stay with us until of course once the months go over to go abroad is what we do . they're still deciding while they talk about that we're going to take a pretty great isn't it but what we're going to do is keep a camera on the kremlin all swallow hills and we're going to show you those in the next bit a commercial break we got much closer cannot you say will go away and to the lights of no selves i'll see it often until monday and if. you mean. there was a time in america when buses were officially segregated and today if they tried to resegregate the wall next to there would be outrage throughout the usa every t.v. channel and newspaper so segregation in america was wrong but no america funding
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segregation no for via foreign aid seems to be a ok and jim dandy arab language leaflets have been spread around west bank in palestinian areas asking residents to start using special bus lines plans to put palestinians on separate bus lines were first announced in november of two thousand and twelve after some complaints by jewish settlers of trouble on the buses between passengers of different ethnicities in regards to the special bus lines it's really human rights groups but selim said the attempt. is appalling and the current arguments about security needs an overcrowding must not be allowed to camouflage blatant racism you know when south africa had apartheid they were slammed with sanctions including from the us but if you're israel go ahead and segregate all the buses you like and you'll still be the us is top recipient of foreign aid at three point one billion dollars a year if there's one thing i don't like it's hypocrisy like this but that's just
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my opinion. max kaiser this is the kaiser report what he got for me today sweeney max kaiser well i have command and control confiscation and crystal. the first headline is actually this is a newsletter sent to people in a housing association in manchester is from eastland homes can you really afford sky cigarettes bingo drinks and other nonessentials they live in an open air prison these are the states and the government if they're not wanting to supply the prisoners with what little comfort they have and cigarettes and methamphetamine and
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bath salts and inhalation then they have you should consider closing these prisons getting rid of something completely wasteful like the monarchy and returning to some kind of genuine economy well but the point is that once you become a ward of the state this is what is essentially happens especially during a crisis situation now my question is why as wards of the state why aren't the city of london why aren't they receiving newsletters like this why don't we write insulting condescending nanny like newsletters to them saying can you really afford that fifth line of coke can you really afford that high class prostitute can you really afford that g five that you're borrowing for the weekend why don't these bankers at h.s.b.c. or barclays get a letter saying can you really afford to be lying on your back in the city with your trousers down in your willy sticking up scorning rain on yourself while some prostitute makes will next to you for a few bucks or both.


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