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tv   [untitled]    March 24, 2013 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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island cyber struggles to meet the demands vital for a bailout just ahead of monday's deadline with schools of savers facing the prospect of losing chunks of their money for the sake of rescuing the country's ailing. u.k. police dig into the death of. a russian tycoon boris berezovsky in london are said to have repented his past for return to his homeland in just the last few days. starving to death in protest that indefinite detention as lawyers for hunger striking a detainee clients lives are on the line u.s. military denies a crisis and even wants to expand the facility. thanks
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so much for joining us here today. in moscow with the top stories of the week and all of today. is stuck between a rock and a hard place just ahead of monday's deadline to raise five point eight billion euros needed to secure an e.u. bailout and ultimately avoid a banking collapse and the government has produced a plan that could potentially see scores of people lose up to a fifth of their life savings for the sake of rescuing the banks and the prospect course panic and discontent across cyprus this week the crowds are venting their anger out on the streets of this report now to us. in a dramatic week of unfolding events cyprus has moved from new jek to europe with a resounding no vote on what it saw as an unfair demand for getting a ten billion euro bailout and now bed to go over backwards trying to clinch that
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money scrambling to put together a package pleasing enough to its creditors the so-called troika now saying yes to imposing a twenty percent levy on deposits above one hundred thousand euros in the bank of cyprus and four percent for big deposits in other banks imposing capital controls creating a so we dare to fund the restructuring it's a room tax and in that week of dramatic political and economical hoovering citizens were on an emotional roller coaster panic cypriots rushed to a.t.m. to try to get their money out of the bank at gas stations and no cash meant no gas agri people to to the streets shocked at what they largely felt was europe particularly germany trying to bring them to their knees but it was a home how they would pay us and our kids. we don't accept sweet aside all too familiar in the next door greece but for the first time in the euro
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zone string of bailout demands a red line has been crossed what is going up like this particular instance is that the european union the euro zone have taken a step forward beyond their previous policy where they always said individuals will not be harmed we will not take money out of the minds of engineers and actually they've done that what we see is that if you are a big member then you will be left alone and you will be bailouts and you if you are a small member you will be beleaguered iris to further complicate matters banks in the country will remain closed until next week the european central bank had given an ultimatum if there's no deal with the troika by monday the twenty fifth emergency liquidity funding will be cut off causing another round of panic as citizens feared. worst holding on to as much cash as they could most conversations now are about nothing else but the predicament their countries it.
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went to support from you but there are reasons to be able to. say you believe it you know what everybody else or company next or couple know they will be little before people see your club and whenever they could they don't think twice about joining the crowd look i mean i'm sure your videos. would get people unification into one thing i think those are. well over the past few days many cypriots have been telling me that they've seen or read about the impacts of the economic crisis on the people of neighboring countries but it's not a really felt feel to them well not until the past week or so they share similar languages and culture and other wondering are they going to have to share a similar social tragedy as well. tests or silly r t nicosia cyprus. tar let's discuss this further now with. also professor of political economy at the
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university of nicosia and the president of the site percent for european and international affairs so good to see you today thank you for coming on r.t. a crucial meeting under way in brussels right now where the president of cyprus discussing the future with key figures who hold the country's fate in their hands any forecast from you about the out coming of this meeting. it's very difficult to make you if there is a political willingness by the government to reach an agreement for the bailout. with the troika but it seems that they're making it more and more difficult with demands here that exist is that the case that albie months of the trade got accept . i think it would be very difficult for these one of these agreement to be viable in this sense that if we throw the country impeach he's going to leave and the huge reach in the reaches circle and it will be extremely difficult if not impossible to
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get out of it so you're forecasting an absolute pit of financial despair if indeed it did regardless of what comes out of this meeting here certainly cyprus is a trying to prevent the business for all out from all of this even the archbishop me is meeting he's going to be holding talks with foreign investors i mean talk about the outflow of capital from cyprus if indeed these measures as you say could be implemented. you see what what has happen lately is that these were uncritically then that when the unknowns the measures last week led to a big panic and it was unprecedented the thing the economic problems of cyprus could be addressed we think gradually as the approach of these shock therapies create more problems than it is over in we think in cyprus the the there is a huge thoughtfully that is the deficit in the european union in detroit which is
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much greater than any physical barrier to the public to build a new country in the european so. i mean let's bring us out of the whole grassroots issue here because many people many people now face losing up to a fifth of their life savings how are the banks planning to restore their customers trust after something that some have called the biggest brout of theft in broad daylight. ok this is this is unprecedented cyprus lost twenty five percent of its g.d.p. almost two years ago when the it was the here a couple of the greek dead and there has been no compensation for that these ideas being discussed are implemented there will be another here over the cyprus g.d.p. which will be around forty percent it would be impossible i think to get out of such a mess most likely you know i find it very difficult for these to be viable even
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the various agreement even even the parliament. i find it extremely difficult for these to be viable. in the next few months to come. certainly a lot more to come of this people's tensions continue to be on the rise certainly professor of political economics at the university of nicosia finance thank you very much for joining us here on r.t. today thank you. for now british police are currently looking into the death of the self exiled russian tycoon and vocal kremlin critic that of boris berezovsky biohazard experts were even sent to his home near london where he was found dead but they've now given the all clear sign of course want to sarah first reports. the thames valley police continuing the investigation into the cause of death of course burzynski which still remains unexplained of the latest update to that investigation is that the c.b.r.
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and the team of officers trained in handling radioactive material he had been at the scene joining the investigation they've now given the all clear say they've left the investigation and the cordon the can see behind me here that had spanned two miles around. that's been reduced just to the lane where his home is as a huge amount of speculation surrounding the death for spurs or ski was a larger than life character the russian had made his fourteen after the breakup of the soviet union we know that in recent years he had been struggling psychologically and financially he had a number of high profile cases in britain the most recent of which he lost against fellow you've got rival abramovich and when you listen to people here in the courthouse at the time of that it certainly seems that that had a very significant impact on him indeed as he said not just psychologically but
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financially as well and it does look like he was struggling with that and a lot of relatives a lot of friends of boris berezovsky have come out and speculated about his mental state at the time of his death we've also heard from the russian president's press attash a he said that he months ago a the president received a letter from verizon scale we can take a listen now to what. some time ago maybe some two months ago but it's a ski sent a letter to putin to get written himself saying that he admits that he made a lot of mistakes and to forgive him for these mistakes and also ask putin for a chance for him to return this letter did exist but he's no the man he's wanted by british police on suspicion of the murder of alexander litvinenko the very high profile case that continues taken about there is a ski describing that this arrival saying he was in constant contact with me to
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friends and also giving further insight into his mental state at the time over and over again which he was completely alone in the last six months unfortunately burrs off he was not thinking much of friendship himself he was keeping ties only with the men he needed and when he took everything he could from those men and he parted with them that is why his friends have done the same thing to him we were bitter rivals but we were constantly in dialogue through our movie true friends i know for sure that he was in a deep depression and he started to revaluate many things he was missing russia living in london and he always asked people coming to visit him from moscow to bring him local food whiteboard inskeep read the meeting with the journalist as late as friday boris berezovsky had spoken about his longing to return home to russia and talked about losing meaning to his life perhaps like further insights
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into the russian tycoon state of mind at the time that he died of course that police investigation to establish the cause of his death right now. you sarah ferguson right there let's get some more now on what mark work could be left in history by boris berezovsky i'm joined right here by people of elba host of the often or inflammatory program cross talk a great to have you on peter let's talk about boris berezovsky here a man who absolutely made a fortune as they say during the ninety's or total and time in russia he stole it let's be clear here is knowledge he didn't make this the event almost manipulated manipulate a manipulator ok he used the system what was happening in russia the political system had collapsed the economy had collapsed belief in authority had collapsed everything it was in collapse so he picked up pieces all the all over the place so he was acquitted. he didn't generate wealth he store wealth let's be clear about what they can you can you talk about in the end because you know talking off air about the the rule of seven of bankers that came out of this is where the term came
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in i think was better software that invented it essentially that in one thousand nine hundred six a small number of people had a community of enormous wealth but they wanted more and they said to yeltsin we'll get you reelected which have to give a shares in state institutions and bear off lot of eccentric cetera and he did it he gave the economy away so he ruled over a very little had no power and because after he was at the top of the pool so this is how he generated his wealth ok he didn't earn it but now you talk about a wealthy man you met him and there's yes. ome arrogant useful of him self ok but a lot of security around him enormous amount of security he was paranoid for good reason there were attempts on his life and he left because he was worried for his life ok he took his money with him or at least a good part of it is called a self-imposed exile in learning it was a solicitor slape it was an escape he left it was he would have been charged with all kinds of criminal offenses resignation self-preservation not going to get out
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of and then revenge ok because he was supposed to stay on top ok he invented putin that's nonsense ok he. i didn't do that he took credit for something he didn't do ok he wanted revenge she wanted to come back ok so self-imposed exile he wanted revenge because he stayed he certainly said a player in russian politics all the way we ride through to try to he tried to always try to create nonsense and chaos around him but he didn't really succeed in anything really what about what about one of the you know one of the high profile cases was how to live i think i will admit been named the polonium poisoning worked for a bit as off screen so litvinenko worked. in what capacity to look for dirt to look for dirt on politicians out of college and yes of course that was his job and so how did litvinenko died you think he accidentally killed himself or committed suicide really possible he wasn't a smart guy rory was a bodyguard ok. let's let's bring it up to the to the more recent time now but it's
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off key meeting at all which in court are we talking about billions you know massive massive legal dispute it was a really huge gamble on the part of betters of what was going to have one shred of evidence that would one sheet of paper to prove his case were caught with no place to work absolutely why gamble so he would say he knew the end of it was coming you knew the end was coming he was running out of money you think he was running out of money he's broke. because a lot of people question how much he was really worth was he one of these three point one billion i doubt it ever you doubt it so do you think it was a cool battles with up and move it to maybe others that basically by step by step broken down he died alone interesting alone no friends is his wife and had little respect he lost his money he lost the respect he wasn't able to come home because we heard recently that he had been trying to come back to moscow even pending a delusional delusion you know you think he wanted to come back on i think he wanted to come back and as for forgiveness you know it was never going to happen
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well boris berezovsky some people say you know just here eating healthy depression possible suicide all of his big companies he will rule if you say well it's the law it's certainly not the end of what we're hearing here boris berezovsky will be hearing i'm sure a lot of concern conspiracy theories to becoming wild with this of people develop a host of crosstalk a great pleasure of my pleasure thank you very much and thank you. well i still to come here on r.t. in the program but of on the way and a blackout behind. us officials continue to play the scale of a mass hunger strike at guantanamo bay the pentagon now wants to expand the notorious facility those details in just a few moments. when their own country can't offer them a living loving mother sometimes have to leave their children behind. i don't like to work just a bit longer. is the dream of millions of migrants that their children might choose
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their motherland. i want my children to win over moscow. russia has become this stepmother land meets migrants working hard to find a way home. thank
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you for joining us here on our rule received shy the former pakistani president pervez musharaff has returned to his country after four years of self-imposed exile the retired general plans to lead his party in may's general election hoping to regain political influence so live now to islamabad for reaction from political analyst. joining us on the program thank you for coming on a pleasure to see you today i will shut off faces death threats from the taliban and criminal charges in pakistan why has he decided to set foot on home soil under the given circumstances do you think. well i think there are two reasons for it. that he is under delusion that he is still very popular and he is likely. to maybe get elected in the forthcoming elections second is that there is
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a which is more of a conspiracy theory that he has been. told by some people who have their own vested interest to prop him up again the prime minister and the president of pakistan for their own vested interest but. you see to support the consequently terry there has been a lot of opposition to his coming here as you just mentioned first of all the threats from the taliban against whom he had to be launched a very major attack and who would like to see him dead harmed because they would like to have their revenge the other is that he had deposed mr sharif and mr nawaz sharif has been objecting to his participating in pakistani politics has been in fact fighting tooth and nail to make sure that he doesn't come about i'm so sorry john goodman how did i tell you. i'm so sorry but there are those in the political structure who don't some of them don't want him back there are some according to
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the world of conspiracy theorists don't want to back either but certainly there must be those there are those who are interested in having put affairs musharaff back on the top in pakistan but if there are those interested then who are who are these people do you think. you see the people who are interested as far as the local pakistanis are in the past five years the government which was in place after musharraf had departed had given such a poor you see reason of governing this country there are often a lot of problems which included of course there inheriting terrorism but beyond that power outage is a lot less nervous and so on that many people have started believing that perhaps the rules are not much of it was in fact a golden era as compared to what they are see right now and then you must remember that he had. shut off and put into place a system of local government which incidentally was discontinued by mr zardari but
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those people who had been put into. a public liberals are dittos well i mean if i can if i had mr harley into hollywood i mean if i can i do apologize you got a bit of a time delay here is typical to get really engage with you but when it comes apart of us coming back to pakistan do you really think he has a big likelihood of regaining his form of political glory and what what do you think the west would make of that. you see the vest has it to its advantage it looks for avon right in the operation their preference is always a military dictator but the situation now in pakistan is that military dictatorship is possibly out of the question so the next best thing is to prop somebody who was there trusted man and you can find some evidence on it because saudi arabia has in fact approached mr nawaz sharif who was his biggest opponent into keeping silent if
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you notice mr noble should have just returned from a trip and he has not even being called on it versus saying that we cannot deny it posting from is it residing in greece or norm so probably there is a method in that my best and a vested interest is that they would like to see their own man in place so that their teddies their practices and their interests are governed as well as ensured by one person and that maybe if i raise my shot of starting a conversation that requires more time than we have available here and i do apologize i live from islamabad political analyst cell phone and mohali thank you very much indeed for coming on the program today. for now skin and bones fainting and even coughing up blood that's how lawyers for the hunger striking guantanamo bay detainees describe some of their clients who've been starving themselves since early february and some attorneys claim they are no longer given access to the captives while the u.s. military continues to downplay the scale of the hunger strike and despite all this
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the pentagon now wants to expand the facility saying it will be open indefinitely and he's gone a chicken reports. despair among guantanamo detainees is growing as now even their lawyers are being denied direct access to them attorneys say they had a visit scheduled for early next week with one of the prisoners who's been on strike since the beginning of february lawyers have been informed by authorities that the only flight to the prison the u.s. military flight was canceled. well there are no other options there is no right we get on. this. not only are the attorney struggling to find out the true extent of what's happening in guantanamo now but we journalists or as well this friday captain robert zubrin the spokesman for guantanamo responded to our inquiry he wrote us quote we have twenty six hunger strikers with eight receiving and terminal speeds meaning they get nutrition through
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a feeding tube last friday robert to rand wrote us there were fourteen people refusing all food while their defense attorneys had been saying there were many more we cannot independently verify any of this at this point we're just relying on what do you fish bowls and detainees the lawyers tell us we're certainly in touch with attorneys and will continue to press the officials for answers in addition to the inquiries that we made with the defense department we also asked the department of justice for their perspective on what's happening and they basically told us that it's none of their business that the military oversees the facility and referred as back to the department of defense defense attorneys are telling us that these sorties have created conditions which make it nearly impossible for them to do their job and defend their clients so frustrating there is nothing that we can do we have sent e-mails to the department to do the commander. asking them. to talk to us about these conditions we have heard no response we have been told by the department of justice that they will not talk to
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us they refers back to the department of defense no one has talked to us in the meantime in washington the officials tried to downplay the hunger strike but they seem to have a good idea of why these men resorted to such a desperate move and yet they have no solution to offer they had great optimism that guantanamo would be closed they were devastated when the president did you know backed off at least their perception of closing. the facility that has caused them to become frustrated and they want to get this i think turned it up get it back in the media but it was not on the status of the detainees that general john kelly who's command oversees guantanamo came to discuss in congress he was there asking for money to renovate the prison the upgrade of the camp is estimated to cost taxpayers almost two hundred million dollars as washington schedules renovations at guantanamo the international community continues to call on president obama to comply with his own promises and to shut down the infamous
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prison you we have no right to hold people indefinitely without charges without a trial and without people having access to a justice system that's against every principle of law which exists in the world the un commissioner for human rights responded to our request for comment and said they have quote repeatedly regretted that the u.s. government has not closed guantanamo bay four years ago president obama ordered to stop tortured guantanamo but the u.s. says indefinite detention itself is a form of torture british resident shakur aamer was cleared for release six years ago yet he's still being held captive here's what he writes please talk to me in the old way here they destroy people mentally and physically without leaving marks half of the men now in guantanamo have been cleared for release many others never formally accused of a crime three months ago the state department closed the office in charge of closing the prison there's a growing sense among the detainees there that the only way out of guantanamo for
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them is in a coffin in washington i'm going to check them. all right after a very quick break here on out see we continue our journey from the north of iraq to the far south following a filmmaker's dangerous trip through the country this is. there was a time in america when buses were officially segregated and today if they tried to resegregate the wall next to there would be outrage throughout the usa every t.v. channel and newspaper so segregation in america was wrong but now america funding segregation elsewhere via foreign aid seems to be a ok and jim dandy arab language leaflets have been spread around west bank in palestinian areas asking residents to
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start using special bus lines plans to put palestinians on separate bus lines were first announced in november of two thousand and twelve after some complaints by jewish settlers of trouble on the buses between passengers of different ethnicities in regards to the special bus lines it's really human rights group but selim said the attempt to put segregation is appalling and the current arguments about security needs an overcrowding must not be allowed to kemel flushed blatant racism you know when south africa had apartheid they were slammed with sanctions including from the us but if you're israel go ahead and segregate all the buses you like and you'll still be the u.s.'s top recipient of foreign aid at three point one billion dollars a year if there's one thing i don't like it's hypocrisy like this but that's just my opinion.
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visiting the general hospital in fallujah is like living it wasn't like my. children with two heads to his wealth of nations missing limbs. a macau been unbearable litany they say every family here is sheltering or hiding a deformed monstrous child. sounds fun i'm old. enough to. get to be underground out there you know i've got my daughter cries all day long on it but she hopes to see her daughter get better.


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