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tv   [untitled]    March 24, 2013 12:30pm-1:00pm EDT

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it is a worry from egypt's opposition national salvation front says the government is just a step away from falling into an abyss. the muslim brotherhood government and morsi government is with standing its position of giving at death a deaf ear to any claims of reform and to any claims of of opposition to the very harmful policies in egypt. the record of what to see is the failure of managing the problems of the government of management the problems of egypt it's all to the failure of this government or to the fate of this regime and it just has been stalling they're losing control over parts of egypt a lot of cities a lot of governance and egypt are now rising up against the muslim brotherhood and against the government they do not recognize the government as a lawful government that would. oversee the matter manage the day to day of government work. in syria the head of the national coalition for opposition
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fighters has resigned just months after being elected and his statement. says he's stepping down because some matters within the institution have reached red lines the surprise resignation follows the controversial election of an interim prime minister on cheers day which saw twelve opposition members suspend their membership immediately after the vote american educated by team manager turned islamist politician who had lived in the u.s. for decades before moving to turkey bonnie who took part in the movement says the opposition government is run by radicals. if you go aleutian went to a foreign forming and monochrome government which we can't characterize. the reason behind this is the mechanisms that we used in the selection of the head of government. under mcgrath this coalition wasn't elected he was appointed and radicals make up the majority that does not match the reality of syrian society if
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this coalition was the result of free and fair elections then we would have accepted the results of the vote should not deprive syrian minorities of the right to participate in political life as one should not to bribe the syrian liberal political groups of their rights at this stage of rebuilding our own the coalition should not be about revolutionary power it should be about legitimate government and legitimate government should represent the opinions and interests of the whole syrian nation our position is balanced and we see that what we are seeing now is wrong. for the tenth anniversary since american soldiers invaded iraq was marked this week with more bombings across the country which killed over sixty people and al-qaeda linked groups said it was behind the attacks which happened in mostly shared areas of the capital baghdad and other cities but he's there's a couple of looks back at what the u.s. and denver achieved. at this hour american and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm iraq to free its people and to defend the
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world from grave danger. this was the freedom they brought shock and bombs over baghdad what the pentagon billed as a quick war to liberate iraq turned into a prolonged nightmare. ten years of bloodshed war occupation and deadly sectarian strife drained by afghanistan exhausted by iraq for washington the battle is over a decade of war that's cost us thousands of gods and over a trillion dollars. nation we need to build is our way but what if the nation they left behind. we're not happy biggest regret the iraqi people are destroyed and the infrastructure is devastated the country is ruined. these graves are a visual reminder of a decade of human strife almost everyone in this country has lost somebody whom
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they love no one knows exactly how many iraqis have been killed since the invasion and estimates range from more than one hundred fifty thousand to over one million for years the u.s. claims not to keep body counts but how do you mohamed has kept count his four sons and only grandchild were killed in a suicide blast. how am i doing i raise my sons and some of them get mahdi's and send them to universities i watch them die you ask me if it's better or worse now compared to ten years ago i still have my sons ten years ago so i think the answer is obvious. others have seen their dreams of a brighter future shattered by years of violence. i was top of my class but when circumstances became very bad off to the occupation i feel that something was broken inside of me. my ambition and everything and i used to dream of becoming a doctor or an engineer but conditions prevented me from continuing my studies but
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an education is no guarantee of work less than forty percent of iraqi adults have a job and a quarter of families live below the world bank's poverty line statistics that haven't improved much since the days of crushing u.n. sanctions in the one nine hundred ninety s. elections may have brought democracy to iraq but critics say the government is rife with corruption and infighting. despite the various that's occurred in the time of the former regime it is not comparable to the number of freely is by the politicians and the current government. and more troubling perhaps are the lingering divisions. this occupation separated us and to try is a better place the political structure of the tribal one which aggravated the political conflict i see no good in this kind of regime. today iraq is facing a new political crisis there's tension on the ground between the sunni provinces and the shia led government as well as between baghdad and the kurdish north i
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think if these issues are not resolved it can lead to more significant problems including conflict which can lead to i think the breakup of iraq and destabilization of the region. and an upsurge in violence is sparking fears of a return to sectarian strife new figures show that death rates have actually risen since the last american soldier left iraqi soil. how long will iraq remain like this every day there are explosions every day there is killing every day there is terrorism. explosion after explosion iraqis have asked themselves that same question for most of the last ten years who seek out r.t. iraq. under this phyllis bennis from the institute for policy studies in washington says the current iraqi government instituted by the americans is completely incapable of getting things in order. i think we know exactly what the situation
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would have been if there had not been this illegal and illegitimate preventive war waged against iraq. we do know that the saddam hussein regime had been supported by the united states and somewhat by britain the us had been backing the regime of saddam hussein militarily with the seed stock for via logical weapons with other kinds of military support as well as financial and political support throughout the years of iraq's war with iran so the somehow this was a longstanding challenge that had to be dealt with and war was the only way simply lies in the face of what real relationships were the legacy of that war what the u.s. leaves behind raises horrific realities for the people of iraq what we're seeing now the sectarian violence is a very direct result of the six hereon basis of the government that the u.s.
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follows when it occupied iraq starting in two thousand and three the aid is being distributed through a corrupt government being kept in power by the united states despite the fact that there was billions of dollars in military forces to the regime of the maliki in power that regime barely could speak to anyone in washington they're far more allied with iran these days but the u.s. is still sending money and money is being wasted by a literally government. will you be watching the weekly up next here on auntie. interviews the former british deputy prime minister john prescott now be back with a news team with more free in twenty minutes from now they were this you can.
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hear when their own country can't offer them a living even loving mothers sometimes have to leave their children behind. i don't like to wonder just a bit longer. if the dream of millions of migrants that their children might choose their own mother land. i was. stunned. is. i want my children to win over moscow. russia has become this stepmother land meets migrants working hard to find a way home. when you have no way to live.
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when you don't have a family. when you have no one to ask for help you can always count on. this man is respected by criminals and authorities alike fields out it's come back when i was people like he used to be. for the homeless.
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thank. you. it's been ten years since the war in iraq next year it seems pretty strange withdrawing from afghanistan and it provides a time perhaps for affection not just to look on what's gone pos but also with the prospects of intervention in syria war with iran looming almost lessons can be learned from pos decisions we look forward to the feature to help us talk more
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about this i'm joined by the former deputy prime minister under taney prescott thank you very much for joining us we're talking about reflections ten years on from the war in iraq what do you reflect ten years on now did it turn out the way you expected it we certainly didn't. the important thing is what did we go into iraq war was saddam was an evil man there's no doubt about it but we're not the believer in drudgery train going on just going to another country and besides i don't like its leader tony blair about the strong view that it should not stand aside with lots of people being killed but i was always insisted when we discussed it it did happen throughout the united nations endorsement and that's what tony did hope to get the muster about nuclear weapons that we used to have the force and i certainly wasn't that to be found in our intelligence was wrong but what is me now when i reflect in ten years it not so much how i came to be agree with tony and
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then the process of what changed and it became bridge zenger but when i talked about president cheney when i was i don't want to talk over the. i mean this was a man who didn't get down what was going to happen about us he just really wanted to go in iraq to them mine president bush the father had stopped to. kuwait and not gone in and dealt with saddam so all the about a can do said to me it's business as usual and what they meant was basically unfinished business so to that extent i was very alarmed and told that bring it forward now to the ten years the work begins to worry me all the move is it does seem and tony blair is saying that in the case of syria or indeed in iraq and nothing is the implications involved that the feeling is you go we then to do the same thing now that's just wrong we're not learning the lessons of iraq it doesn't bring peace shocking or mind when militarily but the weeks that followed cause an
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awful lot of deaths among civilians when we're talking about you now with hindsight saying that the wall in iraq withdrawal at what point events that took place it will point it in saying it wasn't the right thing today well the real problem is you discussing whether you should do it i came back and told tony the americans ago in him with or without riedel make the difference they're going in. on eyes of tony that it's almost regime change but we were already into the the difficulty with the politicians remember nearly two hundred people of our own people died quite apart from thousands and many thousands of civilians once you're in the war you get behind your troops you do not then have the arguments but now it's ten years on i'm looking at how i went through that process of change i think it's right to say now not to clear my conscience because i must accept the responsibilities for the part i played in the decision he had he come to accept that it's not easy people have
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died how do you do it even to talk about british troops was nearly two hundred of them right or indeed the many thousands of civilian who continue to die even today . in what is happening in iraq so it's not easy you do the best to make your decisions even quit now that you didn't speak up loud and telling people like well being hey can i go on robin cook the americans to bomb from u.k. bases in iraq before that was with the us i understand rob exact moment but basically looking back. i thought the decisions were right to the stage there was another important factor and bush promised to bring in a road map for palestine and just the same policy americas the only one that's likely to have any influence on the israelis right a bush went further than twenty or even recognize a two state system and tony blair's out there still trying to achieve some of that but the americans failed the producing so each stage you look at the east they also
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think it's worth doing who could settle palestine i do a lot of things to try and bring justice back into the for the problem and it's a terrible situation we've got that so each state and then the un tony thirty could tally the euro euro nations the russian obviously was making clear. china as well so to that extent we didn't get the un. only made that decision. the americans make clear we could come out i was said to go in without just any way. tony blair is not that kind of guy at this point when we heard from tony blair then prime minister he said this in the house of commons that he saddam hussein has existing and active military plans for the use of chemical and biological weapons which could be activated within forty five minutes of the famous speech that we heard you at the time i sat there in the video is that he prime minister at the time his right hand . on intelligence given to us told us about the nuclear weapons right they did
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after nuclear weapons when the israelis bombed the place that they were they were developing them so used to have secondary use gas which i think is the one of the. if the drama versed enough to kill thousands of kurds so it was a month for using. weapons of mass destruction he has a record of doing basically an evil man the question to me though is if the un felt that he wasn't observing by the way the worst seventeen resolutions committed by the un involving russia supporting the well so to that extent there was a un mandate tony felt you could act on that but he couldn't if the agreement of the security council would have a separate motion on intervention he didn't get that the un failed. the un failed over a wonder it failed over said i want to talk about rwanda because he mentioned in your writing we said maybe you feel that that was in part what happened in rwanda made space and maybe at the back a tiny place in mind when iraq was happening when that decision was being made that
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he didn't want to have another situation where the world stood by to watch it's a critical fight you said that in san francisco speech is actually repeated it again since i only took two days ago and i said tony what you are saying in your speech you should still be able to intervene that is regime change whatever it is who decides the good to you in the body to him it's if you commit your old people you don't have a right to be oppressive with your own people where does the line drawn but then he says we won't send in troops boots on the ground why chris is so popular leave out costly save in america now they want to use these drones to bomb people out there killing more civilians in pakistan than they are the alleged terrorists so you know it's like with him now carrying it so many thousands treated we have and kill our food we want to kill them i mean when obama was sitting there. and says oh it's
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some round in the table like a video game say kill him now she says whether we don't he said he told to twenty day just a few days ago about what are your conversations like now to. in his own home what is the discussion of the term is a generous man really you my views when we were think of a but i'm a deputy prime minister i'm not doing the storming out to no law what does he say about you a pretty saying now that it was the wrong decision how does he feel about it i've said that and you know this is my view so it's no shock to him but ten years on then say to him you committed the same mistakes in a speech you just made about syria i just don't agree with you tony and he doesn't know no let me count a problem with that but it's the same defense when he's talking about serious defenses quite clear the known leader in the world has a right to kind of kill off its people in an oppressive way he feels tony blair because it puts covering very much so that they were lied to the war in iraq t.v.
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film that you would like to see at the time assistant to the prime minister are you saying that when you read the intelligence information says that you accepted or not however the can you say no we know we had nuclear weapons before we know that he actually used them against people gas and weapons of mass destruction we know he had a lot of the intelligence reports said yes he still got them. on and that became the first shock when they couldn't find any of it not that he didn't use them if he has them or not even if he had them the israelis bombed it didn't happen they would know we did know that when you're looking at the paper you get a report in front of what are going to say that mistake cost hundreds of thousands of iraqi lives took the easy option you're asking me what i do i get me intelligence report that says he's still got what he's used before so we don't use them it's not just make it go and the intelligence report with the information given in that way says that now. even then i don't think you can
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unilaterally into b. without a un resolution that was a strong wind always with tony always felt he could get it but it didn't get it right and he done could have. hold out if you want that was a judgment for him to make the once we've gone in you do not get into a bloody war politically when your own people go out on for a very strong position as and say i'm willing to take it to zero may face at the time this happened it's one thing to think out here that that is wrong that i think the problem is just to prevent the mistakes being made again now but that's my ear talking about what happens behind the scenes think up and what can happen now what lessons can be learned been told and fact i've said to the peoples and that's why our public about to say that i could easily say nothing. i'm not looking to be you don't get logic to say that by the way or having a decision wrong you don't become popular overnight for that but i am worried what's happening about syria they're going talking about iraq it's it's almost the
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crusades again the western superior values now have to be planted in these countries i mean at the end of the day want to be doing now we're providing the bullet protection for the rebels while the civilians are getting killed being driven out the country and you cannot change iraq teaches this which they would simply by getting rid of the leader doesn't bring a kind of peace and quiet no you got religion as a teacher of a different medias come in and that's in all these mediterranean countries when you hear william hague talking about owning rebel crates and making sure that it gets into the right hands will i think are doing exactly the mistake well the certainly in regard to syria there is u.n. resolutions to try in the system help the revelation rather than get rid of saddam by a factor of elites almost meaning the same so what you've got is a kind of civil war going on between those it's the center of what my top of the in the middle east well in reality we're going to have to live let in the people
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decide what they're going to do any you have to in syria in libya i mean the interesting thing is tony blair got gadhafi to drop. he's best man to nuclear would we invaded wouldn't nations have gone in libya they feel they got the bomb. because when they know when the lesson is learned like in iran if you want real security have the bomb and then we say if you're honest the bombed our door in syria they're going to days well i'm afraid the western view tends to be the other goodies and baddies with the bomb nobody was supposed to have the bomb after the agreements the nonproliferation india's got it pakistan's got it. seems to be have an israel we don't want to talk about but we got a bomb. and so this is talk or see to a certain extent almost as i said in discussions with tony on the company. why is it then you're prepared to tolerate india and pakistan have an a bomb. why is
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everybody has to plead with china to go to north korea and ask them to drop. your argued bumblings power influence the know that and russia's i mean we told our affections ten years on from the war in iraq i think fifty we're told from afghanistan next year and we've got obviously the talk of going in in syria on the table key thing this government is going to make the same mistake. that the previous governments date i think there's a danger of doing that because it's motivated almost by the same things good people stick together i'm afraid when you get through the countries are not necessarily good there i will be bad be interested just to mention afghanistan that was the un agreement i saw all the intelligence reports that show whether the bombers of the terrorists were operating from and that was right. and they destroyed them but that was with the u.n. intervention but we are only better off in afghanistan i just think year after ten years in afghanistan now will it not go back to its old ways it's certainly looking
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like it will so they started the last of this to avoid being doing the crusades we did that a thousand years. this time the crusaders. without boots on the ground with the public to say they don't want to but then you go to technology. and that still doesn't bring you face political stability thank you very much for that matter. i'm in sochi but no a city in europe i'm the host of the twenty fourteen winter the picket. signs. thank you. so much. thank you the. dog days of. the pride
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days it. takes a common. sudsy it's so true.
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ok. i. it is easy. to believe. they've been living this way since the seventeenth century. their rituals are strict. their communities are isolated.
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they clearly distinguish between their own and the alien. and guard their family in thing and the treasure. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything is art you don't know i'm tom hartman welcome to the big picture. do we speak your language or not be a. news programs and documentaries and spanish what matters to you breaking news a little tonnage of angles couldn't stories. you hear. in
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troy altie spanish to find out more visit i to al it all tito it's calm. with the. earth to. the.


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