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tv   [untitled]    March 25, 2013 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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creative. people like of brothers but we really should just be calling them one thing is so you and stitch it. in about the rest of the news there is finally something on which lawmakers in washington on both sides of the aisle agree on thursday bipartisan lawmakers in both the house and the senate introduced legislation that would require police to obtain a warrant to collect location or g.p.s. data from an individual's cell phone tablet car or other electronic device while the issue of warrant was g.p.s. tracking has received mixed court rulings in america's judicial system the g.p.s. act has plenty of support behind it from groups like the a.c.l.u. the electronic frontier foundation and the competitive enterprise institute so will
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the g.p.s. act sail through congress and give americans a major win in the fight for privacy rights joining me now is ryan ridea associate director of technology studies with the competitive enterprise institute a conservative competitive enterprise institute ron welcome to the program good to be here. your conservative on a liberal we both agree on this legislation out of that happens i think it's a coming realization that's happened over the last several years by folks on the right that have a law enforcement place that's a great rule to be able to access our private information like where we've been for the last several months we are we are right now we're going is a problem it seems that it may have taken the obama administration to wake conservatives up to the notion that law enforcement sometimes can go too far that's why we're seeing this bipartisan push to reform and limit the ability of the government to warrantless leak get the information about where you've been from your cell phone company has an interesting notion actually. to which there may be
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more truth you're attributing. you know if this were the george bush administration conservatives have just gone fine you know check it out i mean that's basically what they were saying during the bush administration do you think it's possible that part of the conservative support for. you know this warrantless wiretapping barrier warrantless g.p.s. seeing tapping whatever is simply because president obama is president. i'm not sure if it's simply because he's president but there's no doubt that it's helped spurred them along and made them wake up to the fact that no maybe you can't trust eric holder if you're a conservative the same way that we saw many on the left really stand up for civil liberties during the bush administration a bit a little more quiet these past few years at least on capitol hill but now there's bipartisan push hopefully we can put these questions behind us that whatever you think about the administration today it's the next administration the next nixon you should be worried about that's why we need constitutional limits on the
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government yeah the next nixon or i mean the next f.d.r. if you're japanese and was in america i mean it's this is the abuse of power by the executive branch has not been limited to one branch of government or the other throughout the history of this country. i've always thought particularly after i read george roberts twelve tree hughes's book he published eight hundred thirty eight which was the only he was the only survivor of the boston tea party who actually lived to tell the story because they'd all sworn an oath to secrecy and to this day we only know the name of three of the participants because he wrote about the book other than sam adams bragging about it but nobody of seriously. that without the ability to behave anonymously without anonymity we would not have had the boston tea party and we would not have a republic that the fourth amendment is there because it is so necessary for people to be polygamists are overthrowing the government just political action to be able to stand up and speak out i mean one of the major. things that was used against
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martin luther king for example was you know trying to snoop you know his private life and even blackmail him with that information hoover. this is critical stuff isn't it is the fourth amendment is a regional the. a part of our constitution was a reaction to this general warrant the notion that the british could come into your home and look for any evidence of subversive activity so when you look at the fourth amendment and the first amendment these are all really at their core about allowing us to anonymously criticize the government to have some sphere of our lives that we keep to ourselves or that we keep to a small group of people whom we select but that can't happen when law enforcement can access where we've been over contents of our e-mail easily we've seen through data obtained by the a.c.l.u. which has been using for a very effectively that law enforcement officials across the country are using these tools to people and we just don't have any good data on whether they're
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really going after legitimate criminals or they're just using it to spy on political enemies or go on a hunch what's your little concern of mine with the like to get your read on this the government isn't the only one collecting this data if your cell carrier is eighty into your horizon they know where you are every minute of every day and by and large what you're doing and many of them are actually collecting those data in ways that are meaningful i mean google has been as turned this into an art form and an industry and you know the day could come when we could say to the government you can't be in that business and they'll say ok fine we're not that business we'll just buy it from what should we be limiting corp corporate the ability of corporations as well to track us. i think we should be living in the question is do you limit it by congress passing a law that says you can track this or do you limit it by empowering people to make decisions for themselves about what is being tracked about them so there are there are all these privacy tools on the internet that people are learning about and then
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they should use that they care about this at the same time we have seen companies take a stand against the government giving their data so google and most recently microsoft published whatever they call transparency of course released where they will say here are the number of. all requests we are getting for data and they do that because they they really don't want to share your data with the doctor but the fact the matter is if if amazon goes to google and so as we want to buy some data google is in the business of selling did they will sell it and the government at this point has been saying give me for free but the day may come when the government simply says ok fine you know we can't say give me for free anymore so we'll pay a ten dollars a gigabyte for the data sure money talks and we've seen that time and time again the pointing to remember is that these companies have terms of service agreements you may not always read them but there was this bar on top of google saying read our new privacy policy for months if you read it it says we're not going to share personal benefit from ation without a warrant so google words sell your data into that bar any time they want and if
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they can't even take it in the realm of gun control for example and everybody's freaked out about universal registration well you know i can i can come up with a list of gun owners in in maryland or in virginia or here in d.c. tomorrow and i can sell it for you know twenty dollars a thousand and thirty dollars a thousand i buy it from the n.r.a. at the they are selling those lists right now they could just as easily sell them to the obama administration so it's like it seems to me that maybe we should even be looking at a larger issue in this kind of monopolistic world where there's a small number of carriers of carriers and saying you know there have to be limits to what can be done both corporately and and and and government and you go for the . although i'm not for congress living it in large part because it's hard to distinguish the good kind of track when a company like google is using data so we can print the flu better than c.d.c. so that's what we like but we don't like it when it's sharing the data in ways that are causing harm to people the challenge for policymakers distinguishing between
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the two we haven't yet come up with a good way of doing and that's and i think for ryan frankly it's a challenge for both of us to thank you very much i get on with it have you. watched. it's the good the bad and the very very a loop unary and really ugly all the good. and all the kentucky senator slammed the war on drugs sort of in a saturday and sunday interview with fox news is chris wallace. there are people in jail for thirty seven fifty forty five years for nonviolent crimes and that's a huge mistake our prisons are full of nonviolent criminals i don't want to encourage people to do it i think even marijuana is a bad thing to do i think it takes away your incentive to work and show up and do
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the things that you should be doing i don't think it's a good idea i don't want to promote that but i also don't want to put people in jail who make a mistake to a lot of young people who do this and then later on in their twenty's they grow up and get married they quit doing things like this i don't want to put them in jail and ruin their lives look the last two presidents could conceivably have been put in jail for their drug use and i really think you know look what would have happened it would have ruined their lives they got senator aqua buddha speaks with progressive zone always agree with senator paul in the past for example he's spoken in favor of overturning the civil rights act of nine hundred sixty four proposed legislation that would define life at conception most outlawing of birth control pills but the senator's spot on when it comes to drug laws. the war on drugs is racist expensive and destructive and fun fundamentally anti-american and anti-democratic and it's encouraging to see any politician of all stature with all we cannot publicly oppose one of the biggest policy failures of this american history let's hope president obama and the democrats get the message and richard
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nixon's war on drugs the bad the washington post last week was the tenth anniversary of the start of the iraq war given the washington post central role in drumming up support for the invasion you'd think now would be the perfect time for the paper to soberly reflect on its own shameless warmongering apparently not pretty good journalist greg mitchell the post is investigation of its faulty iraq coverage just before publication sunday paper claims mitchell's piece lacked broader analytical points or insights. if only the posed to displayed such editorial discretion while it was sheer lead in the bush administration's foolish and murderous war and the very very ugly the n.r.a. will no strangers to public relations ineptitude the national rifle association has spent the past week in dating towns across connecticut with anti-gun control robo calls according to the newtown action alliance
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a pro-gun control group formed in the wake of the december massacre at sandy hook elementary school in newtown the n.r.a. has focused its efforts on newtown even going so far as to send postcards to new town's residents look n.r.a. we get it you oppose any rational attempts to wind down this country's epidemic of gun violence the fact that you don't even have the decency to spare the families of the newtown victims from your friends. she's for you. crazy alert punxsutawney phil adorable iconic scam artist butler county ohio chief prosecutor mike the most are as indicted and seasoned predicting ground on the
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charge that he intentionally misled the public about the start of it's. definitely not spring it's a snow storm and temperatures in the teens and when i came to work in the wind in the cold i said to myself something's wrong with you know parks attorney has some answers that he needs to give and i think i'm just going to have to indict so i set about to indict phil and of course i'm seeking the death penalty because let's face it phil is already behind bars with a life sentence what else is left all gloucester is now considering dropping the charges rumor has it the bill o'reilly of fox news is still planning a two hour special on the impending war on groundhog day coming up any of the ten richest americans could end homelessness in america by just doing what steve jobs did when he took over apple take a one year pay holiday so why do we celebrate billionaires will discuss it and tonight still take.
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him when their own country can't offer them a living even loving mothers sometimes have to leave their children behind. i don't like to one just depend long. it's the dream of millions of migrants the children might choose their motherland. and i want my children to win over moscow. russia has become this motherland. migrants working hard to find a way home. download the official application to choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorite. if you're away from your television just doesn't matter now with your mobile device you can watch on t.v.
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anytime anywhere. so sometimes you know it's you know sometimes you know what you don't know and sometimes the firesign theater says rethink you know it's wrong. don't think you're wrong if you are you're right. to make. sure.
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you go easy. as earth's natural resources continue to be depleted each and every day could be inevitable that we're going to need to look for new places to find the stuff that our everyday lives depend on but could that mean looking into the cosmos earlier this month at a meeting of the canadian space commerce association c.s.c. a chief arnie sokoloff said that he had no doubts the space money would eventually surpass earth money or that money happens on the moon or on the asteroids flying through our galaxy so if you thing. at the moon the asteroids are just pretty things to look at in the sky and not the future homes of massive industrial mining operations just maybe everything you know is wrong joining me now is bob richards c.e.o. of moon express a privately funded lunar resource company hey bob welcome thank you tom very act of
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be here so do what exactly is moon express. so moon express is a resource company that is looking to mind the moon that's a long way away it's probably about ten or twenty years away the first thing we have to do is get back to the moon we haven't been to the moon as a civilization for over forty years now it's been you know the era of apollo is what's in all of our mind when we saw those ghostly grey figures bouncing around in the lunar surface but today we're live in a new era we're living in a new era of technology and a new era of resource requirements earth and it just so happens that our planetary neighbor the noon can answer a lot of our listeners problems what do we know about what minerals or other resources are on the moon what it would take to get them and what would be involved or in terms of cause to bring them back i mean moon rocks or you know it takes millions and millions of dollars to get
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a handful of sand back from the moon what good is a ton of iron ore going to do if you could just as easily get get it cheaper off the boarder of lake superior. sure well so first of all we know a lot more about the moon than we did even ten years ago the recent probes that have been sent to the moon for the last ten years have shown it is a world that is rich in resources you know i grew up in an era where we thought then was a dead dry rock but it's not there perhaps more platinum group metals on the surface of the moon than all the reserves of earth but what makes the economics sense is that there's actually water on the water is rocket fuel and it can actually change the economics of the earth moon ecosystem where it's fact expanding the economic sphere of earth outward towards the end in the asteroids one of the things we have to remember is that everything that we dahlia here on earth all the resources is available in practically infinite quantities in space in fact the
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resources we have. earth of course came from space and just last month we all experience that sometimes space comes to us in the form of words as we saw the comet. years saying the earth water is rock a full i'm assuming that you're going to use electrolysis powered by solar energy to split auction hydrogen and then use them as is the fuels that you're talking about eventually going to guess right water so so question when the spaniards in the fifteenth century conquered south america central america parts of north america they took back to spain enormous quantities of gold what that did was it devastated spain's economy because gold you know their economy had been based on gold being very rare and very valuable and suddenly there was a lot of it there and you know it it functionally ruined that that kingdom over you know the next two generations. how would you know you say there's
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a lot of platinum there platens a rare earth here but platinum is not something that's essential to make things i guess it is for some things but you know would an enormous amount of platinum coming to earth just suddenly create the big give the queen isabella problem. well you know bringing any massive new resource into the earthly economies will be very destructive but that's what we're looking at to an end and even though platinum seems to be something that sounds great interest right now it's probably not the thing that is going to be the killer app of the moon or of the asteroids it's probably something else that we don't know about yet but we do know is that the amount of resources on the moon which is delivered by asteroids is so enormous that if you if you believe in a future of abundance which we do here in silicon valley where the expanding earth economy and the need for resources will pay the ability of earth to support our growing civilization we have to look to extraterrestrial resources to support our
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growing civilization here on earth. as it's very actually we do what's the next step for you about. well that's. the next step is a baby step what we're talking about is the first private sector company to reach the moon and that's the first goal of minix presses to land in them with a robot where we're still a long way from getting even back there with humans one of the things that linux press is doing is we're competing with something called the google x. prize google let's put up a forest of thirty million dollars for the first product company to reach in the sun back high definition photography and video and that's a very exciting innovative incentive for us it's not the whole reason little in the forest we see a reason to go in continuing. the business of delivering science to commercial sales to the moment we're basically building a railroad earth. much like opening up a new frontier our first goal is
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a very modest a first goals of just to land on the moon then begin some process acting and then bring some materials back to learn and re ballot. pass an agreeable as funniness is like they want to expand their google earth franchise to google moon bob richards thanks a lot for being with us tonight thank you very much a pleasure. the oligarchy are sucking dry america's middle and working class while the rest of us are being left to feed off the crumbs paul buchheit a professor of economic inequality depaul university has written a brilliant piece on alter net detailing just how large rages the wealth gap between the oligarchy and the rest of america has become. and start off by looking
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at the koch brothers each of the koch brothers saw his investments grow according to paul by a staggering six billion dollars last year which if you do the math means that they each made about three million per hour last year based on a forty hour work week meanwhile as. points out the average restaurant survey just two dollars and thirteen cents an hour last year less than one millionth of what the koch brothers pulled in and well these numbers alone seem incredibly startling they only begin to paint the picture of wealth inequality in america i'm a given day during the winter of two thousand and twelve there were around six hundred thirty three thousand homeless americans on the streets trying to survive another day create a buckeye based on an annual single room occupancy cost of five hundred fifty eight dollars a month any one of america's ten richest citizens would have enough money from his two thousand and twelve income to pay for a room for every homeless person in the u.s.
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for the entire year one rich person not even sacrificing a penny of their more than a billion dollars wealth just setting aside one year's income could end all homelessness in america and if that's not bought mind boggling enough the total combined wealth of these ten wealthiest americans is more than the entire u.s. federal housing budget even if all ten were to give up a year's income their wealth is mind boggling. according to a survey by the u.s. conference of mayors nearly twenty percent of the homeless population in america is hispanic and the number is growing every day in fact for every single dollar of assets that a single black or hispanic woman i have as a member of the forbes four hundred has over forty million dollars to put that wealth number in perspective as behind notes in his piece for every one can of soup owned by a single black or hispanic woman one of our wealthiest americans owns a thirty million dollar mansion and a ten million dollar yacht as of two thousand and nine the poorest forty seven
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percent of americans on an unbelievable zero percent of america's wealth because their debts exceeded their assets contrast that with the era before reaganomics when the poorest forty seven percent of americans at least own two and a half percent of america's wealth an average of fifteen thousand dollars per person the nation's wealth is now instead of eight in the hands of the wealthiest americans the allegra's right now the four hundred wealthiest americans own as much wealth as sixty two percent of our nation. which is the driving force behind america having the fourth highest level of wealth inequality in the world but why is it that america is oligarchy have managed to obtain so much wealth while the rest of us have nearly nothing and that one of america's wealthiest businessmen can afford to buy a yacht in a mansion when a hispanic woman who is trying to survive is barely able to pay for a can of soup. it's thanks in part to the high levels of financial secrecy in the
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united states the tax justice network's financial security secrecy index highlights places around the world that provide the safest havens for tax refugees otherwise known as millionaires and billionaires who want to escape having to pay their fair share to help their economies they can accumulate massive piles of money and not surprisingly the united states ranks fifth in the two thousand and eleven financial secrecy index behind the traditional tax havens of switzerland the cayman islands luxembourg and hong kong now their words as millions of americans struggle to survive each and every day the wealthiest americans the oligarchy are accumulating vast sums of wealth without anyone saying a word or raise a finger is one of mitt romney during the campaign in two thousand and twelve there was a huge battle over his disclosure or lack thereof of just how rich he is and in the end well romney did disclose some information about his assets including the fact
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that he was able to hide huge chunks of money in tax havens across the globe bottom line is that the outrageous levels of wealth inequality in america have been driven in large part by our society's coddling of and the media's willful ignorance towards our nation's all of ours for too long the wealthiest americans like the koch brothers have been able to slip under the radar while robbing us blind the reaganomics era has seen the largest transfer of wealth from working people to the very very rich in the history of the world trillions of dollars tens of trillions of dollars as a loser with warren pointed out a few weeks ago if workers' wages had kept up with productivity in the years since reagan like they did during the generations before reagan the minimum wage today would be over twenty two dollars an hour. it's time to start calling our oligarchy what they are all of rocks and increasingly tax cheats and people who have
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corrupted both our politicians our media and our american market based economic system when enough americans have figured out how badly they've been gamed and ripped off things will start to change spread the word and check out no billionaires dot com. and that's the way it is tonight monday march twenty fifth two thousand and thirteen and don't forget democracy begins when you get out there get active in your city.
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the news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images cold world has been seeing from the streets of canada. trying to corporations rule the day. potentially deadly blizzard taking aim for the northeast it's expected to hit stunning in a few hours from new york to maine we have team coverage of the storm. but what we're watching is the very heavy snow moving into boston proper earlier today it was very sticky you can see it start to become much more powdery down the line there's still a lot of snow out here
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a good place for snowball fight the for. case it is going to pretty incredible day there and even record snowfall throughout much of it like the facilities like to be driving lessons some emergency vehicles are exceptions. the folks. at michoud three cretaceous three guns four charges three. rangelands three. three stooges and free. download free blog plug in video for your media projects a free medio dog r t dot com.


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