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tv   [untitled]    March 26, 2013 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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fifteen hundred cypriots. against the controversial bailout deal their future has been stolen and that comes as the chairman of the country's largest bank resigned. consistent with the verdict following a post-mortem on the russian tycoon boris berezovsky firming up suggestions he did take his own life. and emerging powers the leaders of the brics group convene in south africa with a summit promising the establishment of a new development bank expected to certainly reshuffle the international financial scene.
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just after four pm on tuesday here in moscow this is r t with me received a welcome to the program. more than a thousand students have protested in nicosia against the last ditch bailout deal the government struck with its creditors on sunday high school and university students marched to the presidential palace in the cypriot capital chanting slogans and claiming their future has been stolen the chairman of the bank of cyprus the country's largest financial institution has resigned. in the mediterranean state remain closed until thursday to prevent a massive run on accounts i deposit is with over one hundred thousand euros in two of the main banks could actually see about forty percent of their assets being levied to raise money though for this so-called crucial bailout reporting from nicosia now on. at the heart of the
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deal that cyprus sealed with its international creditors to get that ten billion euro bailout it meets and what will happen to this back essentially is it will be split into pieces and people with deposits of more than one hundred thousand euros that are uninsured will have to take a huge here a lost whatever money they have here for the past week i've been to motional rollercoaster wondering what is going to happen to their money to their savings and they look at this example one day it was here the next day it is it and they're wondering is the same thing going to happen to their jobs or their savings to everything else they think they have precisely what did you choose and tonio and manager for the country's biggest bank the bank of cyprus has been thinking all through this rollercoaster week for the first time in my life for thirty years. and then last week and especially.
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i was. just too. many more. to. say. the bank of cyprus according to the deal will function as the good bank and will take all deposits of less than one hundred thousand euros from like it will however also absorb the debt nine billion euros in loans which like you receive from the european central bank as emergency funding assistance a detail that angers them. they want to push. and while this employee he worries about the health of his bank other cypriots worry about when their banks will reopen if at all we have no cash we are just
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a truth behind. him waiting to get something. for hello and while this you are a group of. melt down for many cypriots feeling towards europe is one of frustration but it's the power to take. it with the desire. for us it wasn't there. before with the pounds. from. january two thousand and three you're the only other side. to this kind of situation. where such. a situation have to wait but. it's going to take so long and for now cypriots are forced to wait for banks reopen for cash to start flowing for jobs and life savings to be secure again. does or sylvia r.t.
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nicosia cyprus. and in the meantime reports say that money is using out of cyprus despite the freshly installed capital controls with no way of telling just exactly how much cash was flown out of the country in recent weeks a professor of international. told my colleague the bailout might cause big investors to stop pulling their money out of banks from all across the. it's good we tied a man to the greek social economic debacle and there we are seeing the supreme it going to go into a deep recession and this is going to be another decade lost for this country clearly the europeans and the i.m.f. they have broken one of the most basic tenants of financial crisis management and that is safeguarding the small saver what they have done is put the fear of god into small savers about their own local banks and that's the beginning of the end
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for any financial market and specially for foreign investors coming into those markets no one's going to be putting money into local southern banks anymore for a while and indeed even those economies spring from which really fragile at the moment but big economies i mean if if their investors are sort of pulling money out of those countries that is significant in that there is a huge probability that it might actually start to happen because we have opened pandora's box right now and we can shut the lid on this now. well we always encourage you to get involved with us here on the stories we're covering on this one for example would like to know what you think about the situation in cyprus if you head over to the website right now you can participate in our latest web poll of course today we're asking you what is next for cyprus now a bad deal is supposedly c.e.o. let's bring up the numbers for you right now for this. the majority now a nearly forty percent saying they'll be a total collapse of trust in just further aggravating the financial crisis.
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predicting other countries are next in line for a similar bailout deal and now down to about a fifth thinking the terms of the rescue could result in widespread protests well that's already seeming to happen i just. believing that cyprus will eventually exit the eurozone do get involved we certainly value your opinion about c. and that. a post mortem examination reveals the death of the russian. boris berezovsky was quote consistent with hanging his body was found in his u.k. mansion this weekend and the investigation does continue the latest details now to want. the investigation of course into the death of birth ongoing they've released the results of that post-mortem examination carried out by a home office pathologist this found that the cause of death is consistent with
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hanging but there's no sign of a violent struggle no you're remembering and earlier statement from the police they said that there was no evidence at that point in the investigation of a third party involvement now they're still toxicology tests to be carried out and the results of those aren't expected for a couple of weeks at the forensic examination still taking place boris berezovsky is home and today the formal id procedure is actually going to be carried out as well to identify the body with the heat a controversial character that you had in boris berezovsky those always going to be this huge amount of intrigue and speculation now in a previous statement the police it said they're now trying to build up a picture of the state of mind of the man in the last days of his life i think a lot of people di feel that that's pointing towards police looking at the possibility that this is a suicide but of course no confirmation on any of these details safe are now other unconfirmed details that have come out during the course of the last few days that
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there are reports of a skull found by the body there are also reports that the body guard in self was actually asked to run errands on the morning that mr boris berezovsky died and so had actually been in the home at the time of course the police had said that the employee had then come back being concerned for his employees welfare and had broken down that bathroom door where the body was then found in separate pieces to this case in the last days of his life he had given an informal meeting to journalists in which he'd spoken of losing the meaning of life and again reiterated this longing to return home to russia's a quite a sad picture i think really this being built up but of course so many unanswered questions still at this point and i think that's very much what the police are going to be looking to do now is pull all this information together and try and answer some of these questions that remain as the investigation now progresses. and
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over the past decade moscow has continually called for london to extradite the ex billionaire so he can be tried for numerous charges of financial crimes but with his death a massive thorn in u.k. russian relations has been removed that's according to author and analyst martin mccauley i think you go down as a band of capitalist. who was more concerned with power than money is political judgment was very very poor because during the year he seemed to be writing very very hard. because of school do good down there is a man who became a dollar million undercover troth he became a billionaire under yeltsin but for him tragically misjudged the situation after president putin came to power and ended up perhaps a relatively poor man people are very important and interests in fact seemed to come down to the relations between the two countries regarding an individual west
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remember that because of a call for the physical overthrow of president believe putin when he was in power. that's pretty serious and he made many accusations. that the recess nation attempts against his life he play moscow he blamed russia for that and so on that poisoned relations between moscow and london you could find it always in the english press with his name came up. people expected a scandal and what it what is he going to say now about moscow and what is what is he going to blame putin again for something else. now with him gone that's gone as well hopefully we can move forward and if you like some of the poison has been taken out of the relations. it's good to have you with us here on out to you today still to come for you just off to the short break small dons that can shuffle you off to christen israeli soldiers are ending up behind bars for online videos deemed
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inappropriate by the army post despite the i.d.f. the time to bolster his publicist and campaign. plus the u.s. military admits the number of hunger strikers at guantanamo bay prison has risen again but continues to deny most of the detainees there are starving themselves more in this. wealthy british style. sometimes right. market. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds
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a report. into the future. join thousands of gadget gurus flocking to the mobile world congress in barcelona where research and handset makers try to get their groove back. and software super chargers hope to spin preview success forward turns up the heat on google and despite a new twist on infotainment it's not just fun and games often overlooked video engines pretty flawless streaming conferences to the palm of your hands and there's a new player in town looking to show that isn't that better than one hundred day here on. the central. moscow this. t. with me rule researcher it's good to have you with us today a new powerful institution the brics joint development bank is set to emerge on the
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international financial stage that says the fifth annual summit of the world's fastest emerging economies has kicked off in south africa the leaders of brazil russia china india and of course the host nation this year are all joined by egypt's president morsi he's hoping to book a place in the club auntie's ski has more. since its inception in two thousand and nine many have been wondering what brics is all about a symbol of growing global multiple lera tea or a counterweight to the e.u. and nato the leaders of the member states have been cautiously downplaying its role saying this alliance is purely economic and exists mostly on verbal agreements officially it's not even a legally bound international organization the greeks leaders are only now contemplating setting up headquarters in one of the capitals but just look at every breaks country separately russia the world's largest exporter china the world's second largest economy and the source of a cheap labor force india cheap intellectual resources brazil with its enormously
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powerful agricultural sector and the republic of south africa the continent's leader in natural resources but the country's economic stats together the numbers are nothing short of impressive last year the brics countries average four percent g.d.p. growth whilst the g seven countries came up with only zero point seven percent and their collective gross national product already exceeds twenty seven percent of the global output and this economic might of the group of five could diversify into a joint brics development bank this idea appeared during last year's summit in new delhi and there are certain indications this year's meeting in durban could pave the way to its creation should this prove to be the case the world may see a new powerful financial institution we are now on the verge of a formal decision. it would be a substantial in terms of capital and b. capital or substantial new international institutions these development bank is probably one of the major deliverables having brics more and more
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prominent in the area of economy international finance development of infrastructure the common standpoint among the brics states and major international issues could also be a huge factor in global geopolitics the war in syria is just one of the examples. the group of five has been insisting on a peaceful solution to the conflict and with more school and beijing firmly standing within the u.n. security council against any military intervention no wonder experts say bashar assad recently asked the group of five to help bring the conflict to an end many experts believe that despite brics being an informal group it's geopolitical weight is already very high as for political rule of bricks it's quick huge actually is a major international institution which preserved the whole human kind of solving economic problems for example the g twenty. i think at this point the decisions of
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g. twenty have proved it to the position of brics so brics has yet to become an officially established organization but the russian president already said cooperation within this bloc will be more school store for him priority this year and considering that at least five countries including mexico indonesia in egypt are willing to join the world may soon see a powerful alliance of developing economies which experts say even in its current configuration may become the world's wealthiest union of states in thirty years are to use a lecture to shift the reporting right there and in the meantime dr surrounding child professor and dean of the jane doll school of international affairs believes in the five years since its creation the brics nations have certainly proven that they mean business. from the early days when it was seen as an upstart that was still getting its act together and resolving and ironing out some differences we have come a long way in five years the fact of the summits are continuing to be heard all of the life some of the critics who said that this was just
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a marriage of convenience or just a short piece i don't for a photo op and nothing more what we're seeing now is that their agenda is quite advanced especially the economic real economic integration and one that in america asia and africa is being spearheaded by the legal of the brits definitely russia and china are i would say the central pillars of bricks if you remember that you deal with the old unit of the concept and many of us brought along so to africa india and brazil to play a larger role and also russia and china are much more global in their overall approach towards the world order in trying to transform the world order the other three are i would say a little more studious school east although they do want to move towards more people already. this is r t the us military has admitted that the number of hunger striking
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detainees at guantanamo bay has a risen to twenty eight but officials continue to deny allegations that most of the one hundred sixty six people held there are trying to starve themselves to death of course they're doing this in protest of their indefinite detention and the military is now making the facts hard to verify as artie's guy nature can is trying to learn about. despair among one tunnel detainees grows now even their lawyers are denied direct access to them attorneys say they had a visit scheduled for early next week with one of the clients who lost thirty pounds since the strike began at the beginning of february that is it was approved by the military but the attorneys say they've just been informed by the authorities that they cannot visit the client because the military flight scheduled for next week was canceled also most recently the navy decided to discontinue commercial flights to the camp so tourney's are really struggling to find out the true extent of what's happening in guantanamo now as u.s. officials obviously try to downplay the hunger strike more criticism is coming in
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from the international community with her criticism from the un commissioner for human rights very strong words from amnesty international they call guantanamo an american gulag this is what the head of their security with human rights campaign said quote instead of justice for the nine eleven attacks one tunnel has brought us torture indefinite detention on fair trials and hunger strikes so i made a very broad international criticism of what the u.s. officials do basically nothing a few months ago a state department shut down the office that was working to close the prison which effectively means that the detainees are stuck there in this legal limbo indefinitely their attorneys fear that we're going to see more suicides human rights organizations say there were hundreds of suicide attempts at the prison at least seven suicides have been reported so far including a detainee named adnan latif he had spent eleven years in guantanamo he was cleared for release by both bush and obama administrations he took his own life in september last year. into the day we go now starting with syria where the
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opposition in exile has taken the receipt to an arab league summit in doha syria's membership of the body was suspended in two thousand and eleven after the start of the uprising against president assad was largely criticized by damascus now the opposition delegation is led by mobilizing the president of the national coalition who attempted to resign as leader over the weekend to visit yet to comment on his role as a national representative of. the taliban says it's behind attacks that killed five offices and wounded four others in eastern afghanistan earlier on shoes day this comes off the afghan president hamid karzai said he's ready to talk with the group when he visits qatar in a few weeks u.s. secretary of state john kerry has been pushing the country towards peace negotiations despite recent accusations that the u.s. has been colluding with the taliban washington's running against the time though making sure that afghan security forces can handle the volatile state after his
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troops complete their withdrawal in twenty fourteen. the leader of the rebels occupying the capital of the central african republic says he suspended the country's constitution and dissolve the parliament the militants captured the city on sunday forcing the president to flee the damaged rich country reports say south african troops are also being pulled from the region and the rebels actions have been condemned by the un. the arab spring has failed because it was forced upon the region by foreign forces with their own agenda and that's the view of the former yemeni president ali abdullah he stepped down following a wave of violent protests in his country. first there was a marxist project then there was the nationalist project they've both been tested and now these foreign forces wanted to see is the missing action they said let's test the islamists who are of course known for being extremist foreign power
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players thought they could control the islamists while the islamists themselves wanted to prove they're not extremists and have a right to come to power up but the arab spring is now fading out what was made of sand will fall back into sand this process was brought from abroad and that's why it is failed. so when those awards on line crossed the line in israel the country's military is widely using social media in combat missions as well as a p.r. tool what happens when the soldiers start using these means in appropriately lottie's policy or found out offensive and damaging or a bit of fun a picture of an israeli soldier with mud on his face titled a bomb a stone posted on facebook by none other than the head of the i.d.f. social media unit should have don't wish to merge just as the government uses social media for explaining for complaining for propaganda or for spinning it also
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has to deal with private soldiers using new media every soldier is a broadcast station. it looks innocent enough but this whole jerk got two weeks in a military prison. while after posting these pictures on his facebook profile this infantry fighter was brought to book for abuse of power and misuse of army weaponry . these soldiers turned a patrol in hebron into a dance move. it angered the i.d.f. but others felt they did a far better job of showing the human side of the army than any spin doctor if occurred under the military code of justice offense and i think that sergeant and above which is in fact any conduct which is unbecoming an i.d.f. soldier would would would be for really potentially at least expose you to criminal liability could actually find yourself in jail but it's not always fun and games neither is it so clear cut the i.d.f. told r.t. that a sniper who posted this image was dealt with appropriately it's the problem of free
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speech i don't see how you can control it i don't think that the dancing is abusing power i do think that putting your sniper a more in innocent person is an abuse of power and i think this is that it stinks in that the army should do gil you gave was an officer with the paratroopers unit he says he'd brief his soldiers regularly about what they could and could not post online but many were careless or childishly unaware of the impact one clip could have you have to remember that soldiers are. kids. eventually they're just they're just kids that misuse the misuse of power just for them just fun is not shooting the kid not trying to kill the kid the irony is that the i.d.f. itself put so much emphasis on social networks using them extensively to promote
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its actions. the idea of has taken its war to twitter facebook instagram and even tumblr turning its social media tool box into the most globally visible arm of the israeli defense force it started during the israeli gaza war at the end of two thousand and eight but the idea of social media department flexed its online muscles joining the flotilla incident a year and a half later distributing regular video taken from an israeli assault craft and tweeting in sixteen languages after the most recent israel gaza war last november the erstwhile embarrassed idea of social media guru boasted his unit had beaten the enemy suffered drug claimed foreign media asked more questions about the idea of twitter activity than about the army's bombings in gaza. but when ordinary soldiers start using the same platforms all that positive public diplomacy is to be undermined one click at a time. to see on t.v.
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television. all right how max keiser is next with his latest take on the world of big business and shady finance this isn't say. oh since the new pope was chosen the calls for reform are analysts everyone wants the new pope to allow this and to allow that but the problem is that the catholic church is a religion not a product and people don't like the way a pepsi bottle looks while the company will have to in theory change it to meet public demand but the pope claims to represent the will of the creator of the universe the pope supposedly holds and protects an ancient an eternal truth so how can you expect this eternal truth just up and change because of public demand even
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though they pretend like adult religions do change over time but how can you expect the pope after hundreds of years of saying that people would be condemned to the fires of hell and eternity in the charred walls of the damned for certain sins just now say well i guess those sins are ok if you are catholic and you want your religion to change constantly then why do you believe in it why bother having principles and rules in the first place supposedly given to you by the almighty if you're just going to change them whenever you feel like it i don't get this but that's just my opinion.
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max kaiser welcome to the kaiser report cyprus banks are going to open today and they aren't yes they are no they're not are they they haircut on the deposits is ten percent no it's fifteen percent now it's forty percent now it's zero percent or maybe it's one hundred percent cyprus is leaving the euro now it's not leaving the troika back to the plant no those are back to play yes it does no it doesn't welcome to the new world order it's called yes no maybe and maybe you'd have a gold silver and big coin taking out of this mess or else or well there's going to be well yes no or maybe the way stacey exactly max you know there's one thing there's never uncertain about all of these plans they have and that is that you yes none of them will work that's a good bottom line analysis yes they all don't work. so you know while panic goes was.


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