tv [untitled] March 26, 2013 7:30pm-8:00pm EDT
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panel joining me tonight are horace cooper richard power and chris allman let's get back to it yesterday the supreme court we've been talking about supreme court here yesterday they heard arguments in f.t.c. versus watson pharmaceutical and basically if the federal trade commission is looking at this practice of the big name pharmaceutical companies when their patents run out and their big name very expensive high profile drugs. are vulnerable to competition from from generics they're giving money to the generics manufacturers not to bring these products to market sort of like you know horace if you decided that you were going to go find everybody was a potential guest of the tom hartman program and pay them so that every single day you were on the show somehow that just as if i thought that's what i did i mean it was your extraordinary talents and go all of that. the question isn't this or if i went out and i found every talk show host in the three to six pm radio slot and
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paid you know i paid off sean hannity not be on the air anymore and suddenly i'm monopolizing the airwaves i mean isn't that a vial isn't that a fundamental violation not just of the sherman antitrust act which is the f.t.c. is asserting but of reasonable and rational business practices if you're going to any kind of a market based economy actually i don't believe this constitutes an interest violation. a company simply offering a nother company amount of money x. that they would need to make with selling their product or not selling their product is just a business transaction i don't necessarily like it but it's just a business transaction but in the words action that is a key compromises high for consumers or so that's code in these are to get together and agree that they're all going to do that then you'd have an answer trust but you know what tom if i'm shocked that you're taking this position like big pharma is bad because you know what it's really bad it's the kidnapped manufacturers who are not allowing their product to be sold on the market at a lower price they're the ones hurting the consumer. they'd rather take the money
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from big pharma then put their lower priced drugs on the market they're the ones who are saying you can't pay me enough that i will hurt low income people by not putting this low cost me out of the barn that a crime is being committed no i'm not i'm just saying are wrong is being done well i'm saying if there is a wrong is in your view i would think you would take say how can these generics both of them up and if you think about profit over helping they're the ones who hold the generics that can help low income people and they're the ones who are more interested in big pharma as money than helping low income people and i would think that's the cycle beyond and i hear i hear sort of a course of saying i think this room on this is borderline collusion because you have two firms who are you know close the competitors they were going to sort of work together to fix the price because it is sort of a price fixing scheme when you tell the company i'm going to pay you so that our price can stay all abated and your lower price your lower priced good came into the market it's borderline collusion they're working together to keep the price in the sherman antitrust act is very simple any two parties the two or more parties who
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collude to to inhibit competition are guilty of a crime you. i'm sorry i'm so fixated on the law you patent law patent law says that if we have a system come with no patent law said asinorum of oh you are allowed to negotiate with my infringer to work out in the right this is the one day we're going to do you really want to do you resort. to stories this story is pretty clear that when the patent and you would bet into your generic market your generic drug into the market then what it said it all or says horace is certainly right because the pattern extends beyond the period of protection for the for the brand name right they continue on the patent on it what what we have done outlaw is we've essentially forced to generics on the big name companies because these because we been extending patents this is what this is what made it on the job was there was that a policy not to do i mean jefferson you know in his first. back to madison seventy
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seven when i first saw the constitution he said there needs to be a ban on monopolies in commerce he wanted there to be antitrust violations built into the constitution and he didn't he did not want to have for that was to last more than three years i would rather not had the extended patent law rules that we presently have and big business has been very effective at doing patent long extending them copyright laws a lot of these intellectual property rules in a way that are just serving the consumer a supreme court is going to the supreme court doesn't have the right i don't believe to say we're going to disregard the existing patent law which hasn't changed just because of this problem but it. does have the right to say that you know these companies are acting in a matter of saying they're colluding on the same court have the ability to rule and say you guys indeed are colluding with the benefit of consumers because it's the. law does not trump the rights that people have under the pet law unless you had the multiple companies sitting down together you know that we would have here we have
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basically two laws that are competing to be interesting to see how this gets played ok a housekeeper at the army's west point was busted with a bag full of meat balls and she's looking at a couple of years in prison that's more time than trent mays one of the steubenville ohio convicted rapists got. isn't this an example of a broken judicial system we've got people in jail for fifteen twenty thirty years for smoking pot and were thrown a woman in prison for stealing food i mean that's that's how australia got populated by irishman was because they got arrested for stealing food during times of famine of the british were this is bizarre richard this is completely bizarre this is not the first or second time that we've seen such just system sort of put out these crazy sentences that you know harm people and i think you know it's a broader it's a broader context right like now i mean look at all the other time that the justice the justice system has sort of punished people on rightfully you know they're going to the fact they can't afford the legal service they can't. good legal teams they
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take a really bad plea bargain they're in jail for twenty five years for a very minor crime and somebody who has the ability to get a good legal team they're in jail for a day or two or like lindsay lohan never in jail and should we have to criminal justice system saurus one for you know rich people and one for everybody else the real problem is that we over criminalize too much because government is dominating in too many areas if we strong the size of government and gave people more opportunities to make decisions among themselves and say we're not going to criminalize we're going to let people denounce we're going to let you know who is one of the major lobbyists for criminalizing things is the private prison industry should it be banning private prison industry is or should we be banning lobbyists i don't want to ban lobbyists i don't want to ban private prisoners but i do think that we need to have a dialogue in this convert in this country about overcome was a show i agree with morris i mean yes is that said are those two sentences fair absolutely not the rate they should have gotten or she should have gotten less yes we do have problems that we do we need to blow up the whole system now but we need
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to look at it both sides come together have rational discussions not demonize private prisons or lobbyists or this but really sit down and talk about the issues and what the problems are out there even as private prisons because it's more expensive for the united states federal government to pay for you to stay in a private prison is you stay in the ritz carlton there's some prison was three hundred forty dollars a night for the united states government paid for an inmate whereas then it's another for that amount of money they let the private prisons fall or the a.c.l.u. and the progressives on the court. because they love you even being there lobbying judges because i'm judges are elected so they're influencing election judges they're influencing elections with the letter they create the laws to begin with and there's a third element here because when richard nixon became president we did not have the largest number of prisoners both on a per capita absolute basis in the world and richard nixon kicked nixon's drug war and from the drug war and now we have more prisoners than any other country in the world both in absolute numbers and we got a cup. what countries like india and china with over
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a billion people we have more prisoners in either one of them and we have more number more people in prison on i per capita basis and seems to me like the confluence of of a private for profit prison and you know supply goods to the to the police industry and the you know what all of this together. and the drug is that you are as it is remarkable if we had justice antonin scalia is prison management policies based on the rulings that he has issued the cost of incarceration would be dramatically lower cute everybody you know if you don't want objecting about this execute everybody the day after the trial i mean i think if we could all agree to legalize marijuana we'd be halfway there could be all agree about criminalized it's over criminalize crime it's a natural her of the behind all the you can come up with alternatives to prison probably late when pressed is talk about some of the social ills drugs and stealing and whatever it is it's never. i really believe that you guys never want people to
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suffer consequences for their own decision we do it's always like we do cooperate or hurt or or should suffer because even when everybody has bad mistakes too bad we're going to wipe it away five dollars worth of marijuana should or. should not be other conversation but ok or five dollars for the peoples if we didn't spend so much time over litigating the rapist and the other murderers when a marijuana arrest he came to the court he'd have the judge would have plenty of time to be contemplated and to come up well actually the main thing that would cause the judge to have plenty of time is that the republicans would allow some of the judicial nominees from the last five years as a problem in america there is no better of course for his group or richard fall or crystal thank you for joining i finally got away.
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it is the good the bad and the very very estimable yog willie the good independent senator bernie sanders the vermont senator took a stand for the new deal friday night teaming up with his democratic colleagues sanders ensured that the senate attached an amendment to its budget bill opposing any attempt to change the way social security benefits are calculated in recent weeks the white house has floated the idea of changing the way social security cost of living increases are calculated something called the change c.p.i. a decision that would drastically reduce benefits for millions of seniors over the next few decades is in the chain p.c.p. i determine benefits is unnecessary and unfair to all the working americans who have paid into social security over throughout their lifetimes although there is no guarantee that the senate's budget will pass it is reassuring to see senator sanders team up with congressional democrats to stick up for progress about. the
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bad we already police department at cities swat team raided a low income mostly black community as part of a mock buy your training exercise last week to the chief of police even croque off the department wanted to use a realistic setting to prepare its officers for military style action is to know the albany's public servants see a whole neighborhoods as combat zones and police supposed to protect communities not terrified although chief cook off has since acknowledged his department's mistake this incident should be a reminder to everyone that many police departments see all african-americans as criminals even if they've never committed a single crime that was shameful and a very very ugly robert zimmerman jr for many americans george zimmerman the man who shot and killed trayvon martin last february is a symbol of america's deep rooted racism meet robert george's brother a series of tweets this weekend the younger zimmerman compared trayvon martin to a teenager who shot and killed a baby in a. latta last week he also slammed the liberal media for not seeing the obvious
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connection between martin and the atlanta shooter their race live may do a shoot out if what these two black teens did to a woman and baby is the reason people think blacks might be risky. and believable level of bigotry needed to even think of let alone make such a comparison is just. after the break the hunger games are coming to america right now americans are being left to fend for themselves and fight for the right to survive so how can we stop this travesty tell you inside still take.
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a. let me let me i want to know wouldn't let me ask you a question from. here on this network is what we have in the bank we have our knives out. to do this time to spend staying there to get here and at the rate we're being i don't want to talk about the surveillance me. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that
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everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture . talking about the same story doesn't make it news no softball interviews no puff pieces the main topic question. well a little worse for those things. like answer the. radio guy for a minute. because you've never seen anything like this unfold.
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in the rest of the us the news as we told you earlier in the program today the supreme court heard oral arguments for one of two separate cases concerning the legality of same sex marriage as a result the future lives of millions of americans now rest in the hands of the nine supreme court justices americans kings and queens and while more and more conservatives are getting behind the idea of marriage equality there are still those who continue to preach that marriage equality is an abomination and that if it becomes federal law it will have all sorts of negative an unintended consequences on our society are these unintended consequences just conservative spin or realistic expectations of marriage equality in america joining me now is reverend bill keller author of live per dot com he says he'll marry a doc if marriage equality becomes the law of the land rover call it. tom happy
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easter to you or your listeners gov was rather well thank you and the same to you you're going to marry a duck seriously. if your argument for marriage equality is your argument then why not if i love my duck and my dog loves me who are you to tell me i can't love my dog in cuba live in peace and harmony with my duck while louise i used to live in a floating home on the lam river in portland oregon and we had a gay pair of ducks who call them adam and steve who for three years in a row came every year they'd come you know during the summer and and live behind our house so i guess it is possible but i don't think anyone would if i decide i want to marry three women and once you decide to rewrite the decision and definition urge you know who is to say well that is the traditional definition of marriage bill that's i mean how many wives that is the traditional definition of marriage is is either a either a man and multiple women i mean a solomon david or you know a man in there and one of the rapes that's in the bible several times that if you
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rape a woman who gets cons i think as for what happened you know let me ask you one question whether the biblical definition only did it sure as a man a soloist saw it i'm sorry i said since when did a choice become a civil right well i guess that's the question is are people born gay or are they choose to they choose to be gay and this is one of the things that concerns me because you know i'm operating out of the assumption that people are born gay and that people who sit around all day but worrying though what it what scientific that evidence is there of that i think is a fair amount of it just looking around what i notice is that straight guys generally don't give this a second thought but then there are some people who sit around all day long worrying about what gays are up to what gay people are up to and what are they doing and what's going on in the gay bars and maybe they should be allowed to marry i think those people are called larry craig. no you know it's not it's not that simple tom here's your here's the problem we've got
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a breakdown in our society in the last forty years we have seen the marriage in family broken down to the extent that we're perverting myrl this is the same argument that was made in in the one nine hundred sixty s. in the in the loving versus virginia case to prevent miseducation to prevent people of different races from gay marriage but see here the breakdown or marriage black you're born white you don't have a choice with that when you take your pants off to have sex you're making a choice just like when you take a drink you're making a choice just like when you do drugs you're making a choice and you make that choice long enough that it becomes a budget which is exactly what homosexuality has you can't even get near gay sex with interracial c. i don't know i just don't think that that's something that's that you know somebody who knew who is certain of their sexuality which i think as most people would say i think that something perhaps larry craig would say i think he was very confused about who he was but you know i just. most people say don't have you know i'm
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straight or i'm gay and there's no doubt about it there's no confusion about it i've known since i was seven years old no no here's this here's the situation god made men women and women that's how god made us you don't have to try to be straight because that's how god made you but god is not constantly to be homosexual because that is an abomination to what god made in a completely unnatural i was on shellfish according to that part of deuteronomy. because old tell him of once admitted senator i may as well well know i did that you literally at any injunction against being gay is literally right there between wearing two fabric made out of two guys a cloth and eating shellfish this is this is that it is old testament law were no longer under the old testament law oh my friend this is not an argument that is going to fly so so bill what what is going to happen to society if the supreme court strikes down propaganda of those and if they are told to write about what the
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supreme court can is have a some time are they are they you know as canada turned into a disintegrating society you know absolutely i mean it is you have your minus a few years and were right behind them. all right and what's wrong with everybody having fun college education and for and free health care listen that's why the political talk is almost always time because the problem in this nation our political spiritual we turn away from god we turn away from his blessings we've been braced the in phoenix side the slaughter four thousand and six babies every day we perverted god's holy institution of marriage so everything we can to bring the wrath of god on this nation so because we're afraid of god we should go back to bashing gays oh no we we don't have the best bilby though we have to we have to wrap it up with joel thanks for thanks for dropping by tonight how it was and good will air good luck with your documentary trial.
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crazy alert olive oil is an essential part of the mediterranean diet it's also apparently an essential part of turkey's national sport wrestling every year be feed turkish men gather in the city of every man. and rub themselves in oil put on their lever the leather chaps and do well in this. tournament has been held continuously since thirteen sixty two and is rooted in ancient central asian customs official rules competitors must pin their rivals on villa so set up in order to achieve victory as you can see they're encouraged to stick their hands down shows cancer at the bottom interesting fact can see in your opponent's results in automatic victory i don't even want to know what they do with all this.
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blood. hack is going on in tennessee is so c. the press reported yesterday that several tennessee state lawmakers were worried that a new floor level sink in a men's bathroom in the state capitol was there for muslims to wash their feet in before prayer after talking to the state capitols facility administrator the lawmakers were assured that the sink was in fact for janitors to use to rinse out their mops and not for muslims to wash their feet in but this stunning display of ignorance and intolerance in the tennessee legislature is just the beginning as that state just held its biannual health care lottery their way of rationing medicaid health services to the nearly two hundred thousand uninsured residents of tennessee who cannot afford health coverage and who are forced to hold the bar for
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ever in their favor. and. don't. really want to. have to make. them. because they feel. yes like a scene straight out of the hunger games tennessee holds health care lotteries where if the odds are in your favor you get a chance to receive health care and live and if they're not you die. tennessee republican governor bill haslam and the rest of his republican colleagues have basically turned on in the idea of dialing for dollars into dialing for your life.
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tennesseans who need various requirements like falling below a specific income threshold being elderly blind disabled or a caretaker of a child who qualifies for medicaid can call this lottery line to request an application for that state's public health insurance program a program known as ten care as in tennessee but getting the application doesn't give you coverage it just lets you play in the state's health care lottery so if you live in tennessee and are low income and want to get into this medicare program in call the state phone line or request an application the catch is that the window for getting one of those applications is very tight the phone lines shut down after just twenty five hundred calls come in and with hundreds of thousands of people who may qualify the demand is so high that it's nearly impossible to get through in time russell overby a lawyer with a legal aid society in nashville speaking about the lottery told the new york times that we encourage people to use multiple phones and to dial and dial and dial all
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those remarks on an awful lot like instructions for winning a radio contest they're not instead of calling in to win sports tickets for cations or a new car hundreds of thousands of tennesseans are frantically calling in to win one of the twenty five hundred slots that will give them the right to survive the dial for your life phone lines opened up last thursday for the first time in six months and as usual the system was flooded with application requests those who are lucky enough to get through it now have an application on bus a chance to get the health care they need to survive but those who got a busy signal or called after the few minutes the system was taking calls are screwed they are forced to play a game of beat the reaper and hope to be alive six months from now the next time the lottery window opens up only once every six months and what's particularly outrageous about this is that it doesn't have to be this way at all tennesseans don't have to be playing life or death games for their health care coverage and they don't need to be dialing for life with their lives twice
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a year. as the new york times notes if governor bill haslam was just to accept free medicare money from the federal government something republican governors don't like to do because then their citizens discover that obamacare has something in it for them those one hundred eighty thousand tennesseans who are forced to compete in the health care lottery for twenty five hundred slots all of them would be added to the tenn care program all the slots are filled aslam has yet to say if he's willing to take obamacare as medicaid money which the supreme court ruled states can turn down this is likely because he's still on board with the repeal obamacare at all costs notion that argues that obamacare is the worst thing in the history of the world and that our health care system is just fine the way it is. crazed republicans playing politics with health care combined with a five to four supreme court ruling that turned something as vital and basic as health care coverage into something being decided in tennessee by this insane and
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twisted lottery system where every six months twenty five hundred people can survive we fought the revolutionary war for the rights to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness it's time for republicans to stop denying people the right to life just because they can't dial the phone fast enough your ability to speed should not determine whether or not you get access to health care if you live in tennessee or any other state with a republican governor tell him to stop playing politics with health care for the poor and working class people and that's the way it is tonight tuesday march twenty sixth two thousand and thirteen more information check out our website the thom hartmann dot com free speech dot org or to dot com and hulu dot com slash big picture and don't forget democracy begins with you get out there get active tag your city.
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