tv [untitled] March 27, 2013 12:30pm-1:00pm EDT
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so you spent a lot of time with hugo chavez when he died he was vilified by the u.s. government and the media like but as you pointed out this wasn't always the case so what was the turning point for when he into u.s. public enemy number one well shock shock it's the oil chavez back in two thousand and two two thousand and one decided that he was going to give it away thing more. had been selling for about fifteen dollars a barrel when it went up he said you're going to have to pay ford the us oil companies are paying a royalty for venezuela super heavy oil about one percent one percent ok and for their other and for the regular world heavy oil is sixteen percent just the is so the oil company keeping eighty four percent and chavez said you're going to have to pay thirty percent you can only keep seventy percent of our oil which is now one hundred bucks a barrel right you only have seventy dollars a barrel you've got to you've got to split off
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a bit to the people of venezuela and of course that made him enemy number one not to americans but to america's landlords the oil companies and you know as we know already about the economic hitman role in the jackals and how kind of the world is structured in that sense than the corporatocracy in which we live i mean chavez once asked you why the u.s. elite wanted him dead why they wanted to kill him did he believe that the u.s. was trying to actively assassinate him for a while actually they did and we have a b.b.c. report i am a b.b.c. reporter covering chavez and we have a lot of inside information on the various assassination attempts in the us obviously support of the coup d'etat that the president of venezuela shaab is elected was kidnapped by the chamber of commerce chief a guy named carmona talk about it a corporate takeover a violent corporate takeover and he was released but the u.s.
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ambassador came down and had his photo taken with the guys who had kidnapped kidnapped the president of venezuela so you can imagine how that played in invisible yes so the u.s. is continually try to kill him and in fact chavez sent to my office in new york his vice president president nicolas maduro who is now running to take his place as president he's acting president to go over the evidence that they had in. share with me on the b.b.c. team the evidence we had. about analysts of attempts to get rid of chavez they thought a boy it would reduce their taxes that's one way to take a tax cut. and of course in the wake of his death greg were seen think tanks going crazy i mean just recently the american enterprise institute drafted a post checklist for american policymakers recommending the u.s. to move quickly to reorganize the country i mean and your perspective what are u.s. interests doing to seize upon venezuela in the wake of its debt well think of it
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this way you had pat robertson the televangelist who is as he i know i mean he said you know i'm businessman he's deeply involved and venezuelan investments is a billionaire and he said you know hugo chavez thinks or trying to assassinate him and i think we should just go ahead and do it to send out a team of commandos cheaper than a two hundred billion dollar war because as far is as pat robertson and his and his book buddies the koch brothers exxon chevron and cetera the venezuelans are sitting on their oil isn't venezuela's oil and that's the ultimate that's the ultimate concern is that venezuela now have five times the reserve of saudi arabia if you look at the u.s. energy department tags venezuela as the largest oil state on the planet and of course one of the venezuela is doing on our oil. i like the connection that you
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made between the koch brothers venezuela and the keystone pipeline of course but great people defended the koch brothers to me they said that they're there great free market capitalist see you are pushing for causes that are for civil liberties that are against the drug war can you break down why it's so dangerous to have two billionaires influence in shaping so much of the future of this country well because it will choke to death and will and will drown that is the koch brothers are the emphasis behind the x l pipeline it's true that they have their correctly deny that they have no direct ownership of the pipeline or its oil but why is the oil going always from canada always down to houston why are we taking over canada to houston after all texas has some oil the answer is that the koch brothers refinery is at the end of the pipeline the flint hills refinery that's where most of the oil will end up right now they have to buy their oil from venezuela
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the heavy oil that hugo chavez is a government produced and chavez that wouldn't give it away the venezuelan oil costs about one hundred one dollars a barrel it's thirty three dollars a barrel cheaper to bring in that glop that melted liquid filthy crud asphalt that would come down from the canadian tar sands through the x.l. pipeline the only reason america is facing a two thousand mile toxic slash across its belly is so that the koch brothers can save thirty three bucks a barrel and that adds up it's about two billion plus a year for them to have the x.l. pipeline bring in the crud from canada rather than the much much less polluting oil from venezuela venezuelan oil has about one fifth of the sulfur the canadian tar sands so we'd be burning up this planet in fact of all the tar sands oil comes down
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to the. the coke refinery they'll save two billion dollars a year but the planet temperature of the entire planet's temperature will rise by about one degree fahrenheit and if your side does one degree like you put on some suntan oil one one degree fahrenheit for the average temperature of the planet means absolute devastation and around him for hundreds of thousands of the koch brothers or to save money great that's most important here you know the keystone pipeline is really going to be hideous scar across this country and i really hope that we can stop it i mean it looks like obama is going to go in and sign off on that but i want to focus and we have a couple minutes left what's going on in my in mar on twitter you posted an article about the country being a quote promised land for oil and gas giants how is this playing a role in the sectarian violence does it at all and it seems that really quickly it seems that we're also going to countries for humanitarian reasons we're interested in their natural resources do you think that we're going to be seeing more about
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this country now about oil interests are vying for a piece of the pie it's amazing how much more sympathy the u.s. state department has for a nation when they're sitting on a bunch of oil ok unless they don't give it up so the whole point of reaching a cutting a deal with the after all it's still in the control of the military junta. decides whether they have a nobel peace prize winner they're allowed in the government or not the problem we have right now is that the that there's a moslem minority on the border and you're not going to be able to pull out the oil unless a kind of move them and so there is there's basically new ethnic cleansing going on and we have not had the united states government which was so concerned about human rights in burma my own bar suddenly why don't we have a concern about the people that are being pushed off their lands it's called an ethnic conflict but it's never an ethnic conflict is but there's been the ethnic conflict forever it's
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a resource conflict and i'm very. concern that once again we are displacing people and effectively turning a blind eye to genocide it's not ethnic it is resource issues it is about a grab as it is usually about grabbing the oil and the pipeline routes. unbelievable and great we have about a minute left but to those who are watching this and saying it's hopeless what can we do to take our country back and the world at large from these corporate overlords what would you say well tell the truth i mean most people don't even understand the connection between the x.l. pipeline and the koch brothers and the and the war against hugo chavez it's all one battle and by the way that's why. i've agreed with b.b.c. to allow people to take the film the assassination of hugo child is like a film for b.b.c. for free if you go to greg palast dot com at least you'll know what they're doing. i mean that's the first thing you can't stop the pickpocket unless you find their hand in your pocket you've got to grab him by the wrist so the information is first
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and that's why i appreciate our t. letting you know and thank you so much greg palast investigative reporter indeed awareness comes first before we can all to make the change always also have you. well if you like what you see so far how do our you tube channel at youtube dot coms are breaking the set and be sure to subscribe so you don't miss a single episode or segment we have every segment tagged out if you want to catch those separately i encourage everyone to check out our interview with josh sachs on the keystone pipeline from yesterday and also look at every segment we've done separately under the tab section on top of the page from big brother watch to weapons of mass destruction all that and more you tube dot com such break in a set now they take a break from my preaching but stay tuned to hear my hero and villain of the day next. when they're in country trying to offer them a living. sometimes have to leave their children behind. i do like to live just
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depends. the dream of millions of migrants the children might choose their motherless. i want my children to win over moscow. russia has become this. to find a way. i mean so i can only use city in europe on the host of the twenty forty in winter the trick. thank you. thank you. the days it. takes. to see it's so
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what happens when a sociopathic neo con encounters a war veteran that's totally opposed to war all its head explodes. on the tenth anniversary of the iraq war that's exactly what happened on traitor the former executive director of the south carolina republican party todd concannon lashed out an iraq war veteran my prisoner for some tweets he made about police brutality and you know chavez cannons shocking tweet reads as follows at my prisoner you are an iraq veteran shame you didn't come home in a body bag so basically saying that mike's different point of view about foreign policy warrants him a violent death but he was hardly apologetic for that tweet because then he went on
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to a string of lunacy saying that quote he wishes the rockies had better am with his arse and yet another reading quote i hope of that guy is ever in combat again the enemy splatters his brains j.f.k. style he deserves it and just last night after receiving heavy backlash from independent media outlets in the twitter community concannon stood by his hate speech proudly saying quote iraq vet and hugo chavez lover my prisoner should have come home from iraq in a body bag damn bad a mean iraqis yes these are very strong words indeed if we get to understand the type of animal concannon really is one who gets off on being the most vulgar disgusting pig you can possibly be in fact is actually notorious for being a sexist bigoted racist homophobe case in point is this classy post he made during this year's super bowl where you tweeted quote the super bowl sucks more d.
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than adult trayvon martin would have for drug money. so is this just his a whole twitter personality actually known in fact while he was engaged to be married and i can't imagine what human being would marry this bloated snake but several internes came forward with alleged screenshots of him sexually harassing them incessantly begging them for naked photos and at one point sending them photos of his penis this man has no shame. can in body of the same kind of be easy and perverted political leadership that would get the average democrat the boot any winner which is perhaps the most shocking aspect of the story that we've yet to hear any sort of condemnation against this hateful rhetoric being spewed by a former leader of the republican party you would think that the g.o.p. has been trying to rid themselves of being stereotypically racist sexist and bigoted would immediately distance themselves from this ranting psychopath but that
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hasn't been the case at all and yes clearly this guy is a desperate troll crying for attention and maybe for that reason i shouldn't be giving him any but sometimes a troll got to be trolled so sign this petition at march forward dot org and support my prisoner against these fascist attacks and on that note today's hero is my prize or not only for being the bigger person in all this but actually having the gall to speak out against the war prize or have the guts to go to iraq to fight for his country and show even more court courage to come home from that war and fight against the corrupt government and lies that send in there so my prisoner from body more courage than this cowardly chickenhawk concannon will ever know you are today's hero. weeks ago when i talked about george bush's paintings of him naked in the shower while the images weren't something that bush probably wanted to reveal to the world
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we only know about it because of a hack into his personal e-mail account the source a mysterious internet hacker known only as good for and it seems like he has an affinity to hacking into the inner circles the bush era war criminals whose latest victim is former u.s. secretary of state colin powell in a recent data leak made to our team released dozens of e-mails allegedly from powells personal a.o.l. account first of all. well really get with the times man but seriously one e-mail in particular caught my eye it's between news corp director andrew knight and colin powell were knight is urging powell to attend the bohemian grove retreat take a look at this says dear colin might you be able to gently slash firmly point out to tony that you rank the bohemian grove in your diary before allowing any other duties to get in the way lack of exposure suggests that tony has not yet got his priorities straight now for those of you who don't know bohemian grove is an all
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male annual retreat in the middle of the redwood groves in northern california it's a gathering of the richest and most powerful men in the world who spend two weeks getting drunk and pretty much on at their own power and influence but the event is so secretive that countless conspiracy theories have a risen due to the lack of transparency surrounding the gathering so this shed some light on bohemian grove and the recent leak i'm joined by mark dice author of many books including big brother the orwellian nightmare come true and the illuminati facts and fiction mark thank you so much for coming on men. thank you and i do have in my hand a membership list of the bohemian grove that was getting given some made by a former employee and colin powell is on the membership list back in two thousand and five as is donald rumsfeld and bush forty one most of the neo con orchestrators
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of the iraq war and so i do believe that this e-mail hack from google for is authentic and it looks like they're obviously trying to get tony blair former u.k. prime minister in the air because he's still active in the political arena aimed not just retire and run off into the sunset he sounds a phone he has a foundation and is still very active and so it looks like they're trying to get him to attend the grove this e-mail was from march of two thousand and twelve and apparently tony blair was too busy his schedule was to book but he did reply allegedly that he hopes that his schedule will be more open in two thousand and thirteen this year and as you know the bohemian grove is a fascinating secretive society of the elite where they rub shoulders and it's more than just a party as i'm sure that you know well let's let's go over a few of the things that you just brought up mark first of all you mentioned the membership list i just want to go over
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a few of the people who we know have attended media moguls from the new york times c.n.n. fox rockefeller kissinger carter nixon bush sr and jr and a bunch of bush era neo cons you actually have a year book i mean i'm sure there are hundreds more that we don't know about talk about this your book you would tame obtained and what is in it and also what policies do we know have really come out of the grove marc because i think what a lot of people hear this they just think oh it's crazy it's the party in the woods but i mean there have been actual policies and this is making that have happen here . yeah i was able to obtain a rare eboni and grove year book they call it the annals of the bohemian grove because members will die a lot of these men are old men and their libraries their estates will be sold and find their way into bookstores and so occasionally a bohemian grove your book will surface and surfaced over the years people scanned photographs and this is where the famous one thousand nine hundred five one
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thousand nine hundred six photograph of george w. bush and george w. bush appearing at a lakeside talk comes from is from these actual your books and while many people will say that it's just a resort it's just a drinking club peter fellow director of project censored wrote his dissertation and earned his ph d. on the bohemian grove when he was actually allowed into the grove on several occasions under the full disclosure that he was writing a dissertation on the club and he does some interesting reveals some interesting findings that some things were well known but he does confirm that the atomic bomb the manhattan project was largely conceived within the growth back in the one nine hundred forty s. just you know just a kind of significant position there phillips writes the atomic bomb referring to the meeting that happened in the grove at the clubhouse the atomic bomb made this
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particular meeting at the grove famous and it was not an isolated case of doing business and government planning at the bohemian grove facilities this was but one of a long series of historical business related activities done in the context of the bohemian corporate family network and this is largely a consensus building organisation it's build a bird in the woods it's more informal setting where the superclass the the. billionaire build a burbank to meet rub shoulders get an insider's perspective on what is to come and that's what the lakeside talks are every year during the. week and can't they have a lakeside talk every day and it's an insider's view that different speeches given off the record by elite insiders and so we have the atomic bomb the manhattan project conceived in the bohemian grove the first meeting that led to the creation
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of the united nations was also held at a bohemian grove clubhouse so they can't say that this is not a policy forming or a consensus building association and the patron saint of the bohemian grove is a figure known as st john the middle market and there's a statue of him in the club with his finger to his lips signaling to be quiet and the reason he is this the patron saint is because he was murdered for not divulging the confessions of the queen of bohemia as you know they value their secrecy. very much while a lot of weird bizarre symbolism of course mark we were both there reporting on it of course we know about the creation of care that bizarre ritual that they you know they burn this at the g two and our whole forty foot album a moloch but i wanted to get into also and of course the hack i mean what does this reveal that we have a news corps director telling colin powell that tony blair's priority should be
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going to the negro i mean that's truly revealing in itself but since we only have a couple minutes left i want to move on to your for who signs off as a luminati free world and you mark who've written a book called the illuminati fact and fiction mark this is something that i struggle with because it seems that given an elite group of people whose names we can name a supernatural characterization like the illuminati or new world order is it destructive to the dialogue because it makes people easily dismiss the matter i mean i haven't read your book but what are some actual facts of the historical group once known as the lawman already practicing today and yielding influence over global policy. the bavarian illuminati of the ancient historical illuminati was really a modernization of the ancient mystery schools and it is a super class a secret society of very powerful wealthy individuals it's the concept of a shadow government ruling a late so today we referred to the illuminati as as being the shadow government
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today operating through these front groups to build a bird group the council on foreign relations they were ization it sounds like it's a committee within congress but it's a private organization the federal reserve again so that is a little more accurate more tangible terminology than this blanket on broad term of the illuminati. and they are very well active today throughout history thousands of years in the past and currently today we have powerful men and groups that have their own secret societies and backroom organizations that hold the keys to power and what's interesting about the grove or group the council on foreign relations the fact that the mainstream media in america will never acknowledge them or or in a serious manner at least and then it just goes to show the power that these groups out because they believe in grove is a very interesting story it's it's certainly newsworthy but you haven't seen it you
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probably will not see it discussed on american mainstream television in a serious manner because the same people that are executives at these organizations like andrew knight or their news courtney's are the members of the same organization that they're trying to keep hidden from the public and we see the same media moguls attending all of these things that you just spoke of bill the burgh c.f.r. and the bohemian grove of course they are acting as the front of the shadow government i mean and we know who is there we can call them out thank you so much mark di is author of big brother the orwellian nightmare come true and we're not a facts and fiction thank you that's sick eyes but before i go i want to give a special shout out to my mom sue martin watching right now from president california happy birthday we'll see you all back here tomorrow.
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i don't. choose your language. calling me kevin though if i'm going. to notice that the consensus. seems to be opinions that you think are a couple of. the stories that entire life truth be access to your offspring. plug mission free credit case should be free. for charges free. range month three keep it free. tide free.
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