tv [untitled] March 27, 2013 7:30pm-8:00pm EDT
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back along liberal rommel join me tonight patrick holley cameron seward let's get back to it republican governors across america are saying. yes we need tax cuts that's going to generate job revenue back in the ninety's though the five states that implemented deep tax cuts experienced slower job growth over the next economic cycles we got a graph on this just see the five states that cut taxes the most in the one nine hundred ninety s. had the slowest. gone from the ninety's tom. i wasn't paying taxes i don't even listen to music anymore it's will be you know i would i would agree with republicans that if you want to cut taxes on people making less than the median income making more less than forty four thousand dollars a year in the united states you're going to see an increase in job growth we're going to see an increase in economic activity but the republicans consistently want to cut taxes on people making over three hundred thousand dollars
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a year and which means that mitt romney would just have a little less to put in a swiss bank account i don't see how that's going to help the economy you we're talking about health care in general last time about obamacare this last segment and in this past past voter rama in the senate there was. the it was. the democrats in the senate decided to vote against a withholding taxes tax relief for those making two hundred fifty thousand dollars or less with regard to obamacare taxes now you know why would they want to. know you know so there are so the senate democrats said no to a plan that would eliminate many of the obama care related taxes for those making two hundred fifty dollars on the tax on capital gains for people who have a capital gain of over water but you know no it's this is relating to people that make two hundred fifty thousand dollars in the last. right so why why would they
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eliminate it that this was taxing the rich this is doing the tom hartman plan and they still didn't want to do that you know why though i think i definitely read you actually i'm not sure what you're talking about did you watch all the amendments from the voter rama or i didn't i didn't watch all the fourteen hours of that well i mean it would override a breakdown in this jumped out to be because you know it quite simply they need they realize the democrats they created obamacare they they realize they need to tax revenues to sustain obamacare we're just talking about what it was going to be it was so huge so we need a republic patrick we need the revenues to pay for it because the government actually romney has less money to put in a swiss bank account to run the also has less money to put into municipal bonds from the has less money to put into private investments from the as less money put into private equity i mean where you can make an argument that the national debt is the nation's savings and that a lot of people put their money they're looking to put money into treasuries but it seems to me like that would be the weakest argument you'd want to make is because
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that's an argument that's an argument for a national debt yeah right so i mean you know you want people to have to buy bonds cool but that means that somebody got to go into debt and someone just pallies some state wealthiest people spend the most money in the most impactful way not true the wealthiest no it's absolutely not true the people who spend the money the most money in the way that has the highest impact of the lowest wage earners because they're spending one hundred percent of their income and they're spending the most and consumer goods and that's eighty percent of our economy who cares what percent of their income the they spend it i mean just in dollars and cents but it be more wealthier spending maybe a less percentage of their total income but they might be still be spending more but no but it but it could the consequences are much smaller because there's that there's not that many really wealthy people and there's a lot of people who are spending one hundred percent of their income you know it's patrick and it's not to debate. the rich i mean if you're going to have it in. a while as the a.c.l.u. has filed a federal for. a lawsuit in oregon challenging the constitutionality of the u.s.
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government's so-called no fly list the secretive black list i have a feeling this is going to be something we're all going to agree on maybe i don't know. you says this is violating our fifth amendment due process rights i think frankly is violating our fourth amendment rights as well. the u.s. says that they're using state secrets doctrine refusing to even confirm or deny that the names are on the list so you know is the no fly list constitutional yes absolutely you know so this is a due process claims right and there is a process for redress in the in the article there is a process which is a redress. you can petition so yes that the government realizes that you might mistakenly have been put on the list or whatever it may be and that they know the list might not be perfect and you can say hey look you know i'm just a regular joe i'm no terrorist you know take me off the list can be tried that for two years. you know fortunately at all when he could fly around a private jet but at what i did he was on the right right but was it it was redress
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was it not i mean that you know you think if you're a united states senate and i mean you know the issue is not the speed of the fifth amendment it's the fact that there is a process for redress thereby satisfying the fifth amendment and you know to be perfectly honest this is a loser case you know you mix that the fact that there is a redress which by. the minute you pour the state secret thing on top of that you're going to fly with hardly of it but basically what they what our federal government is convicted of crimes and i was just going to i was going to say this is this isn't have been accused of this is a process issue the federal government is saying you may not get on a bus right you may not get on a train you may not walk down the street and that's if you can get on a bus or saying you can't get in what's the difference exactly our plane is an arbitrary thing what's next he says and gets the point you're on to all the stories that the progressives were very angry about during the bush administration about somebody who took out a book on islam from the library in the end up in the know and i learned.
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ministration hasn't done anything to scale that back i mean if anything the obama administration look how long it took them to even say that they couldn't send drones to kill american citizens they had a drone chasing chris dorner out in california i mean we don't know it was weaponized we know that that organizing for action the obama you know the pro obama group that's pushing for his agenda has the voter database that helped them win the election were they have all of our personality traits they've they've analyzed each and every voter to such a extreme people aren't even aware of the kind of technology that's out there today if you look at ronald reagan's and democrats are using these yes exactly and even creepier so is google and so is amazon and so is e bay and all these big corporations run by eric schmidt who's a huge democrat oh my we can't have that that's always best friend that's my group is not very chris christie was going to be chris here right chris christie was a privatized schools away have a public school privatization is starting now camden new jersey chris christie says their school or that has broken as proven undeniably to be broken and incapable of
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change on its own as the camden new jersey school district he said the state was going to take over the district because decisive action reform are desperately needed so. why is the press not point out that before he became governor chris christie's job was to be a registered lobbyist for the private school industry so he knows what he's talking about what he's been to me and if he has no desire to solve it is the fact that the chicken going to go ahead and do you guys figure this is great this is perfect well see that's the thing you didn't know this nobody in america knows that this guy thought he was just like what i'm going to be on here actually you know it's been a long registered lobbyist for privatizing schools and now here he is bright enough but that is he's been very transparent as governor i mean democrats and republicans agree he explains everything very logically and i'm sure he's going to do a bunch of very bold brash town halls where he explains and in very clear detail why he's doing this so can either of. you define for me any any school district in
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america that has been privatized and has produced a successful. four result this is an experiment anywhere in the world i'm not aware of any outside of the us that has the us educational system i think it's kind of you know i don't know how does it diminish in hearing apples and oranges well when you could talk about apples and oranges the highest education outcomes in the world are singapore and denmark ok singapore is basically a single city state run by a guy who profess to be a democrat but he's really i mean small to democrat he's really a dictator and finland is a small democracy a social democracy or at a social state it's a very very different the one thing they have in common in singapore and in denmark teachers are paid the same as doctors and it's hard to become a teacher as it is to become a physician. right once you know why it's hard to become a teacher these days is because the unions have a stranglehold on all of us you can't. so there's no jobs to be had now it's harder to school it's harder it's going to get republican governor of late the market is
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the market value and the market value is not very high these are not brilliant people so you don't think oh i know how to market i really and people they really are imperial you easiest job you could possibly do if you think anybody in a room with children i get summers off you have to leave at three you don't bring any work home with you now i can see as you obviously don't do so think this is welfare for mediocre college graduates so what you're suggesting is that our children are not part of the infrastructure the intellectual infrastructure of this country in which we should be investing he had to see that they should do what the teacher to do well here is what he sees of the free market at any time a governor wants to cut teacher pay or doesn't want to give them raises then they say our children are at stake children don't care how much their teacher makes no idea how much my teacher made when i was going to school there's nothing to do with the children there's a very much a difference between saying that teachers this is what you say post college welfare welfare for mediocre college graduates ok the. versus that versus saying yes you
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know these unions that have a stranglehold on our public education system united states are a bad thing i don't agree with you at all about the you know employment for mediocre college graduates i do say that you know the unions we need to we need to sort of share one choice for the right to do you are you want to privatized our schools do you consider i do as part of the no i think is very much maybe it'll work for candide i'm excited to see but you know candids in a bad place so yeah you know i mean anything would be an improvement on the way that our children should just be thrown to the tender mercies of the free market and that will solve all the problems of our education system yeah i think everyone should be thrown to the tender mercies of the. best way that we can run things and this is why i will leave you with the last word passion thank you for thank you it's.
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crazy alert you've heard about doggy style but you know about style new paleontological research suggests that the erotic life of dinosaurs was as diverse as anything out of all ron jeremy. computer models developed by the berlin museum of natural history control sore probably made missionary style to prevent castration larger dido's on the other hand had to get it on underwater to support their weight and some sauropods like titanosaur us were gifted with twelve foot long members but to run the sorest rex by far had the take a lot. of these. have become. the one thing that's interesting to think about is that t.-rex has little tiny arms. so if t.-rex is trying to hold on
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if the male t.-rex is trying to hold on during this quick intercourse event one of the easiest ways to do that is he's got a huge mouth very small arms are kind of worthless so perhaps the best way to to keep in contact with a female during this event would be to bite her now absolute total ating coming up why or when you can get your hands on an a r fifteen more on that in tonight's daily take but first after the break we'll speak with former congressman bob ney and ask you about the state of politics in america today.
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let me let me let me ask you a question from. here on this network is where we're headed in the debate we have. to do this right what a surprise thing there are to get here in this race we're being free to talk about surveillance. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so. you think you understand it and then you glimpse something
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else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture. isn't talking about the same story doesn't make it news no softball interviews no particular topic question. well a little worse if you're going through. the white house or the. radio guy for a minute. what. if you've never seen anything like this i'm told.
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to the best of the rest of the news early in the program we told you how the supreme court heard oral arguments today in the case of the united states v windsor which challenges the one thousand nine hundred six defense of marriage act we'll still job the justice department the federal agency empowered to enforce the laws of the united states openly disagrees with the act and as decided not to defend its constitutionality instead the bipartisan legal action group house of representatives legal body is defending that was constitutionally there's a strong possibility this case would never have made it to the supreme court if it weren't for republican sherry mandarin efforts across the nation case law says that if the legislative defendants defenders of a lot to lose their leadership their majority they lose standing in the case of the ability to defend it so could be argued that the only way this case made it to the
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supreme court is because republicans gerrymandered to maintain a majority in the house or representatives who my democrats got a million and a half more votes for the house of representatives in the last election than republicans did the gerrymandering isn't the only dirty trick up the sleeves are republicans joining me now to talk more about the legitimacy or lack thereof of the republican party is former congressman bob ney author of sideswiped lessons learned courtesy of the hit man on capitol hill and a brit a congressman brilliant book all over the absolutely brilliant book. the republican . i'm just i'd like to get your take on this in two thousand it and i i've been observer of the republican party all my life my dad was a republican soul the day he died we argued politics forever. at sixty four i went door to door for barry goldwater was thirteen years old. but it seems like in two thousand when the stars in the republican elephant got flipped upside down from the american flag stars to the satan stars you know the horns of the goat the ears in
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the cheney changing something changed or am i mis perceiving this we had the reagan era and the new congress year which if you look at the john boehner ear you know speaker of the house there when you look back at new gingrich he was actually somebody that put some intellectual thought into the process even if people didn't agree with the today's the party at least up on the hill and there's a lot of good people in both parties but the party the republican party is more interested in the in the campaign side of it the the donations side of it and both parties thrive on the mother's milk of politics which are campaigns but on the republican side it's a party in flux they don't know which direction they're going to go yet but you see at the helm people who throw people off of committees because they don't like how they vote which has happened three members of the of the house that happen to them you also see the leadership and i argue to the speaker's office which really maybe doesn't want to get to the the nitty gritty and the tough things you have to do to
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make compromise happen which is such a filthy word but even under newt gingrich time and dennis hastert the speaker after that you did have people that work together on some things that doesn't mean that they're squishes it doesn't mean they give up on their principles but they happen to actually have a little bit of desire for a process versus a campaign contribution and to to to what extent do you think. i've talked about democrats are all of us were just horrified by the fact that spent four or five hours a day dialing for dollars and every day they wake up saying to ok today i got an eight thousand i got a raise eight. thousand bucks or twelve thousand votes or twenty thousand dollars or i will get real and i was part of it yeah yeah so you've been there and done that. to what extent is that the consequence of the supreme court saying the money is the same thing as speech back in buckley versus full a hope or arguably all the way back and says you know santa clara county versus other pacific railroad and and to to what extent should we as a republic as
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a nation be saying you know it's time for us to adopt some common sense things like and in the u.k. you can spend more than one hundred thousand dollars in a campaign so the campaign last six weeks. thoughts today john boehner the speaker nancy pelosi the minority leader because this transcends politics both of them can sit down probably for about three hours and within two days produce a complete alteration of washington as we know it and change for decades the political process they literally can do that i mean there are no concrete ways first they would mandate no more selling of chairmanships when i was chairman house ministration i actually got in writing in both parties to do this you must raise a hundred fifty thousand ways and means five hundred thousand million dollars they used to put it in writing since is out there elias it gets to worry is you current study that's the the raises that are set in chips in arrays is it and they all do it so it's a selling of chairmanships i was part of it selling chairmanships the other thing is to you want to be a congressman or you want to be
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a staff staffer on the hill good talent you're not going to be a lobbyist you're going to sign a piece of paper you don't go into the system so if you go into the system you really either violate the law or the principle of the law so you stop that whole revolving door and then the other thing has to be done is the limits public financing would be great but the but the limits within the system you take campaign finance reform by john mccain which didn't you know that didn't do anything it did nothing you take the loopholes the five twenty seven's were created on the left in the right then you take the citizens united and you get a super pac be it rove koch your source whoever you want to pick on for a super pac and all the sudden you're going to get three million spent against you so you're going to take your federally paid staff or most likely you're going to leave the capitol down the street to the democrat or republican headquarters and you're going to dial for dollars and have a little sheet or your wife's birthday how is that hi how is your child john by the way i need five thousand dollars and so the money is still in the system in capitol hill and in the my book sideswiped i say you know once jackie and i were sentenced
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and put away in prison the swamp was drained no it wasn't in fact the things that jack and i did eating sushi is rest. drinking with i'm going to scotland that's peanuts today i officially as a lobbyist can take you if you were a congressman to alaska we can go hunting i can have a three thousand dollars dinner and raise you one hundred thousand i can then take you some family and staffers to las vegas i can have a four thousand dollars dinner i can raise your hundred fifty thousand dollars all of what i just said has happened and all of it's legal wow and that's life and that's even far worse than what you and jack ever yes and we did bad things and i don't deny that but this now has been caught a fight in the law the swamp was drained but you can do you can refill that swamp in certain ways and so i gave perspective in here of john boehner not to attack john boehner i could have written the entire book on in the five i want to do that i did it to show the flavor of who's the third in line for the presidency of united states his style the john boehner i knew then is the john boehner today doing
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fiscal cliff sequester ration and the process of the law when i went to john boehner for a health care bill that would stop genetic testing for individuals be held against them he said to me business community doesn't want just tell me don't like it philosophically don't tell me that. brilliant work thank you so much for being with us and the book aside sway. people around the world are wondering out loud why america has a gun problem when canada and europe don't canadians europeans watch the same violent movies many canadians and swiss even have easier access to guns than most americans live in a big city gun control but only america seems to have so many men buying guns hoarding and discharging gun. psychological problem we have here
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what would freud say about all this the famous psychiatrist may well have found interesting a line of research performed and published repeatedly over the past decade that shows that chemicals like bisphenol a b.p.a. are widespread in the american food supply but generally not as widespread or even are banned outright in canada and europe as nature magazine noted in an article titled us opts not to ban b.p.a. in canned foods b.p.a. mimics the hormone estrogen even in low doses yesterday of course is the hormone that makes girls into girls and women into women and what happens to men when they take estrogen their penises get smaller as yahoo news reported a study in canada found that estrogen mimicking chemicals definitely can affect penis size the article titled bisphenol a may cause smaller pieces notes this year
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research regarding bisphenol a influencing smaller genitals and penises in male humans may be a sizable problem for men already worried about the size of their nether regions articles author pending richards further notes that scientists in canada studied piano sizes and b.p.a. exposure levels of thousands of children and found a clear relationship between b.p.a. exposure and smaller genitals she wrote this news relating to small penis size and b.p.a. comes on the heels of past tests the scientific community has long known that rodents those with chemicals such as b.p.a. have given birth the feminized male babies effects include smaller genital tracks in the male mice a new canadian study also follows recent reports by scientists the united states reported that they noticed smaller penises in boys from moms who had higher levels of b.p.a. b.p.a. while mostly banned in canada in europe is widespread in the american food supply
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virtually everything you eat. most fast food restaurants came into that restaurant either in a canned line with b.p.a. in a giant box lined the plastic bag made with b.p.a. and americans particularly gun loving americans seem to have a very strong affection for fast food and b.p.a. is only one of dozens of estrogen mimicking chemicals in the american food supply makes up a few of them over the course of a lifetime and you may end up with really really small penises so back to freud what would sigmund say about a nation filled with men whose penises are getting smaller and smaller because their food supply is laced with estrogen mimicking chemicals might they start turning in large numbers to long things that look like big penises and can produce all inspiring a jack elations when there are triggers or to hold you know the idea of such a problem was never presented to the great psychiatrist because such chemicals didn't exist back in his day but from his widely known penis envy theory
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a modern psycho therapist could conclude that freud would probably be on board with the idea that men who worry about the size or functionality of their penises might find ways to compensate like by buying using and displaying long thin things that can have something come out of the end like cigars are gone. for it of course famously said that sometimes a good cigar is just a good cigar he actually was speaking of the pipe but the meaning is the same. and presumably most rational gun owners are just rational gun owners not men freaking out about shrinking penises but what about those guys who seem to obsess on things let's leave the final word to that to the internationally known commentator on sociological conditions jim carrey and he's a video for funny or die he sings near the end that as near as i can figure you're a big big man with a little bitty gland to so you need something bigger with the air than trigger
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check it out. you're a little bit england so you need something bigger with it here than for you to get caught with your trunks is done when the sun comes up that you make like up a little when you're old. makes perfect sense to me and that's the way it is tonight wednesday march twenty seventh two thousand and thirteen programming note tomorrow will be debuting a new addition to our your take my take live segment would love to have you send in your own video questions or comments or put the best ones on the air so if you've got something to say record it and email it to us at your take my take at g. mail dot com please be sure to keep them to thirty seconds or less and hopefully we'll be seeing you tomorrow night on the big picture and don't forget democracy begins when you get out there get active tag you're it.
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