tv [untitled] March 28, 2013 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT
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back to the big picture i'm tom hartman coming up in this half hour what makes one person steal money and another donated to a local charity new research suggests it might have something to do with their exposure to science more on that in tonight's peek inside and it might say spring on the calendar but step outside it still feels an awful lot like winter what's causing this nasty winter weather to stick around on the u.s. east coast is this the new normal tell you in tonight's deleted. welcome to your take my take it live the phone lines are now open so if you want to share an opinion make a comment ask a question live on here it was call it two zero tonight zero four twenty one thirty
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four but first let's take a video question from greg in canton new york who e-mailed his question to us at your take my take at g.-mail dot com. it's the last new show for a while though a big fan of what you do or the time of bill action though i've noticed that you really really dislike reagan what's up with that is everything really reagan's fall . yeah. my wife says on my tombstone it's going to it all began with reagan yet with the reagan revolution was absolutely that it was a revolution ronald reagan and his administration changed america and now we know from from the former president of iran mr bonny solder just two weeks ago writing in the christian science monitor you can read it yourself that he ran for president of iran during the election of one nine hundred eighty in the summer of one nine hundred eighty when reagan was going up against jimmy carter while the hostages
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were being held in iran he ran for president on the campaign platform of i'm going to release the hostages won overwhelmingly he got into the president's seat in iran bonnie sautter. and was told you can't release the hostages because we made a deal with the reagan campaign that we would hold the hostages until after the election and in exchange for that we're going to we're already actually the point they were already getting spare parts for their military that were being channeled through israel so not only did it all start with reagan but reagan even stole the election and it was the first color of the night breeze in point pleasant new jersey. thank you for taking my call to thank you so much i just wanted to bring to attention the. historical monument that fellow interests in. a radio station called. ninety nine point five in new york city it's
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historical it has been around for fifty two years completely nonprofit noncommercial radio station and i've heard. your voice in documentaries that you've . been on it economist richard wolffe amy goodman does the pacific station in new york i the little reluctant to talk about other media that i don't i'm not personally involved with. actually in fact i'd rather not thank you for the call though i appreciate it but i just don't think it's appropriate for me to get into what's happening with somebody else and station in missoula montana other than saluted they do great work there and pacifica does great work a syndicated radio show all across the country taji missoula montana. com are you doing good or you're not. good thanks for taking my phone just came back from legislate a little slip legislature to. be careful of this realize these republicans are.
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first of all they want to introduce a fetal homicide. get it passed through and then they want to introduce a bill to limit or limit sex education in the classroom and then they won't pass the medicaid expansion dorsett completely backwards while what they're trying to do is they're trying to you know adama's down destroy our schools get people get the big and the and the people who have you know weird personal agendas on board and so that basically they can get their economic agenda passed at the end of the day it's really if you look at the people behind the people it's all about the money. and you know what's so interesting is one of the tea party members stepped up talking about the medicaid expansion and said if you make fifteen thousand dollars a year in the state of montana you are able bodied you should be able to afford insurance. and this person actually taken fifty thousand dollars a year farm subsidies and not surprisingly thanks for the call thanks for sharing that let's go to a call the next from will from blakeslee pennsylvania with another video question
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as well. hi tom my name is will answer my home playfully pennsylvania my question is regarding local t.v. stations also newspapers with t.v. stations in that they are nothing but propaganda is for the corporate owners are d.c. representative is not right to say we really do progressive democrat he held a rally at a local high school last night to talk about the horror of seaquest ration in austerity measures our local t.v. station covered the story if you want to call them what they put out that night on the moose was all face propaganda what do we do about this and i called the station i was doing complained you know i'd sent them an email but to what end. thanks well if you know there's kind of two answers one if you think that a station is not a radio or television station over the radio or television station is not behaving in the public interest the f.c.c. requires them to keep what's called a public file and you can write
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a letter of the. plain and it goes in that file and it gets reviewed by the f.c.c. every year when their license is up for renewal so that's one thing you can do it may or may not have any effect but it is they it is taken very seriously the other is support local media that is. taking advantage of the positions we have caller earlier talked about to be a new york you know great progressive voice there there are progressive stations radio stations and increasingly television stations cable channels all around the country that are going about want to help out and free speech t.v. folks it's a great place to start free speech or and of course our t.v. or head row and redlands california regular and california oh you want to talk about chicago a pedro was a day i don't think for me. i'm a clearly twenty three years old and i was the kind of appalled by what they're doing i mean. i understand how. education is so important i mean especially that you and i can understand where were these children supposed to go to get
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educated and i don't understand why we as californians sit back and let other states you know do this so huge other i mean why are we doing this why are we letting people but people that don't care about us run our country this way. and it's take away our education i mean what's going on really really cool different question pedro thank you thank you for calling in asking it and you know what this is what my path tony and i were talking about is that there has been this steady infiltration by people who in some cases are motivated by ideology they don't want sex ed taught in schools and they do want creationism taught in schools and they become basically the useful idiots for the corporatists who want to corporate takeover of our commons they want to go over our schools doing take over ultimately our fire departments our roads turn into toll roads they want to take over everything because they're montra in small government small girl means if you shrink the size of government you reduce what government is doing with regard to
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the commons with god all the natural monopolies out there what you do is you open up space the corporations can step into so they can make a buck off it and the things that government used to do for a dollar and a half corporations will come in and they charge two dollars and fifty cents more because they've got to skim a buck off the top for their dividends and for their c.e.o.'s mill multimillion dollar salaries so that's what's going on and it's a very conservative one of the farmers talking about as well and his book is brilliant on this high foot in san francisco california hey i feel what's up. thank you for taking my call when i just have. come in two weeks ago i watched and then. you know what's happening in sudan and i just want to say i like i just think based on the but i want my posted a few political opinions this general that's what they say that what they show it's just not to fill an eighteen. believe that people are going to i mean i'm going out there for your cause. again i'm not i am not this channel this is my show and just
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we do this show and i or any other as i said i'm not going to get into any other media arment in gaithersburg maryland they are a man with. a lot of good. i'm doing just fine. i'm calling because. i have a question about this. past because it's been on a lot of days. you paint and i just. just dropped from up to seven to forty seven percent. on the on and. then on the. right right well the administration has abandoned that you know that they're just going for background checks that's all they want to talk. back to you like over ninety percent approval. what about the upriver on the audit
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going on on the new on the new calls. this is. the call in the issue but this is really what's going on is that the gun lobby has so much money it's gun manufacturers and it's a big business is a very expensive devices and they make a lot of them and ammunition is very profitable and they make a lot of that and people abroad a lot of that apparently and and plus these guys are tied into the whole military industrial complex and everything else and what they're doing out there. with that money is they're buying legislators they've got a lot of power in this town and not just in this town states all across the country and then of course they've got their front groups the n.r.a. just like the old tobacco lobby used to have a national smokers' association whatever was in there by and large and same people same kind of. luis in reality california hey luis what's up. how do you do into
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your day going to complain. mike i just wanted to get your view on this. north korea they're not really happy with us right now. i was watching on al-jazeera and they're like threatening us and south korea what's your take on that i'm i'm concerned about louise thanks thanks for the call i did i don't frankly know what's going on there and all those films. i'm very concerned career is a real flashpoint and it's a part of the world's quite important to us george and he's freetown massachusetts george we have less than enough got a quick comment yet to you i don't know whether you're familiar with the new woods book tyranny in america capitals of the national decay but he makes a number of feeling points there and one of which is. no mark
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a salute to us crispus or sallust for short was ancient roman general and statesman who had the. country has to have an enemy the real or imagined in order to keep its people out of sight if you live some time out of the punic wars but he was referring to roman carthage and he was referring to in particular to famous roman macchiavelli basically said the same thing in the prince i mean this is this is basic kind of politics one i want to create another create an enemy tell everybody look out for those guys and then use that for your political advantage good point thanks for the call and sincere take my take alive thanks for all your calls if we didn't get to your calls tonight tries back next week and keep the video questions coming he just grab your phone tape a question or comment and e-mail it to us at your take my take at g. mail dot com. after the break punxsutawney phil predicted an early spring but why was he wrong so what's causing these frigid temperatures winter conditions to stick
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a little worse if you're going to go to the white house to give a. radio guy. what. have you never seen anything like this on trial. download the official application if you so choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorite. if you're away from your television or it just doesn't work so now with your mobile device you can watch on t.v. anytime anywhere.
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it's thursday let's get geeky on more wral ity corden new research people who study science are more likely to have higher moral standards and condemn on ethical and immoral behaviors findings published in the journal p.l.o.s. . one also suggests that just thinking about science leads people to higher standards for moral behavior the researchers arrived at their findings by conducting a series of experiments in the first forty eight undergraduate college students were asked to read a story depicting a date rape they were then asked to judge the actions of the alleged rapist on a scale from one to one hundred one being completely justified and one hundred being totally wrong as participants who were science majors judged the alleged rapists actions more harshly than those who were not science majors and quote those
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who reported greater belief in science rated the date rape as more wrong and quote according to the researchers three other experiments were conducted to test the researchers findings in all three participants were given ten sets of five words each and were then instructed to throw one of the words away and arrange the other four to form a complete sentence after the participants were given unscrambled sets of words that included science related terms like hypothesis laboratory and theory of horses suppose for then divided into three groups in the first group participants read the previous date rape story and express their opinion of the alleged rapists actions participants who'd received science related words condemned the act as more wrong than those who didn't have any science related words in the second group participants were asked how likely they were to take part in a list of community building activities in the next month those who had received
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science related words expressed a stronger intention to do things like give blood volunteer work and donate to charity finally in the third group participants were asked to play an economic dictator game reach participant was given five dollars and told that they could either keep all of the money or give some of it to others those who had received science related terms or more likely to share their money with others these results raise some interesting spy. illusions scientists and members of the scientific community are supposed to be a moral let facts do the talking right but according to the studies researchers science has a different meaning in the popular imagination and affects us differently the researchers write that we contend that there is a lay image or notion of science that is associated with concepts of rationality impartiality fairness technological progress the notion of science contains into the broader moral vision of a society in which rationality is used for the mutual benefit of all or in plain
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english science makes us think more about the common good so if you want to be a better person and start to care more about the world around you all learning a thing or two it's time to get hooked on side it's. just. the. it's the good the bad of a very very ammo dull foods slowly ugly the good and there are bread this week the garment sandwich chain started a bold experiment in socially conscious capitalism all pinera locations in this company's city of st louis are now offering what they call meals of shared responsibility the idea is simple all stores will provide an organic turkey chili in a bread bowl at a what you want prices but there's executives are encouraging wealthier customers
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to pay a higher price for the meal so that their poor customers especially st louis is homeless population can enjoy and afford a tasty turkey chili it's a trial run a successful company will start offering meals of shared responsibility at locations all across the country good onya put out. the bad the kentucky state legislature the bluegrass state took a step backwards tuesday when it overrode governors. sieved pushchairs veto of house bill two seventy nine according to its proponents h b two seventy nine the so-called religious freedom bill will protect that state's citizens from government trampling on their beliefs bills critics however argue that the was the language is overly vague and gives businesses an excuse to discriminate against all g.b.t. kentucky and as well as other disenfranchised groups although governor bashir is veto message specifically called out the law's more problematic language both democrats and republicans when i hadn't asked before bill anyway we're talking
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lawmakers it appears bigotry knows no party. and the very very ugly when beck surprised a right wing talk show sparked another controversy this week when he suggested that a fifth column of state state department controlled somali immigrants were behind the congressional ethics committee's probe of michele bachmann. you know one of her districts is being settled by the state department you know the state department just takes somali's and just says oh by the way all you guys from somalia you're going to go over here and we're just going to develop a community for you here in her district and the state department is just pushing them all into minnesota so she has asked the questions why why is my district how did that even happen and she got maybe answers no and got any answers and now she's under investigation. that makes a lot of. i think it's safe to say that when you make even the shell bachmann look
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saying whatever it is you're suggesting is very very. last week butler county ohio prosecute. mike the most are indicted famed whether predicting groundhog so tony hill let's not phillips the indictor after the groundhog in accurately predicted in early spring there is full most are filled the tongue in cheek indictment after snow was forecast to fall in butler county after the official start of spring the half part of the night and it was dropped tuesday however when grosser realized that the good old phil had a defense with teeth in it and while this whole ordeal may seem quite silly it actually did help raise a very important point how could phil be so wrong about the arrival of spring when
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he's usually pretty accurate typically around this time of year we expect to see spring flowers beginning to bloom in gardens after sun spotted rain showers because after all spring showers are supposed to bring may flowers instead east coast americans are still dealing with the effects of an already nasty winter season has brought unprecedented amounts of snow to just about every region of united states as a result people are scratching their heads wondering when spring will really get here well now it turns out that spring slow arrival in the u.s. is likely being driven by changes half a world away in the arctic some of the nation's most prominent climate scientists announced at a news conference on tuesday that melting arctic sea ice may actually be the culprit behind a winter's refusal to packets bags and leave scientists know and various university climatology departments so that melting arctic sea ice maybe we can in the planet's
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jet stream currents and thus causing extreme weather systems to linger in the united states. but how can melting ice cause colder temperatures that seem somewhat contradictory well first it's important understand exactly what the jet stream is the jet stream is a huge air current the blows from west to east across the northern hemisphere of the planet miles above the earth's surface the jet stream is responsible for moving along storm systems and brings with it depending on the season both colder or warmer temperatures normally the jet stream moves that are relatively quick pace so why weather conditions and temperatures normally change fairly quickly don't stick around in any one place for very long for example wall a jet stream may cause cold temperatures and snow to get washington d.c. for a couple days it could also replace those conditions with warmer temperatures and sunny skies in just a matter of hours but thanks to global warming and climate change there's nothing
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normal about the way the jet stream is acting right now as the earth continues to warm arctic sea ice continues to melt and as that arctic sea ice melts it replaces white ice with blue water which absorbs even more energy and heat from the sun as a result all of that absorbed energy and heat in the arctic is affecting atmospheric pressures and throwing the northern hemisphere is jet stream completely out of whack. the change atmospheric pressure is the slowing down the flow of the jet stream which is causing seasons to change more slowly than usual this is why the blizzards along the east coast this winter seem to linger around and relentlessly hammer the coast with foot after foot of snow. since the jet stream was moving so slowly the freezing temperatures and snow basically weren't being pushed along. and it's only going to get worse. recent studies suggest that the
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entire arctic may be ice free by twenty twenty just seven years from now already over the course of the last thirty years the arctic has lost nearly eighty percent of its ice cover bottom line here is that if we do nothing to curb the current rate of climate change the arctic will continue to lose ice in the arctic waters will continue to warm in the jet stream will continue to slow and while we may think that freezing temperatures and snowstorms during the first week of spring are bad now just hang around zero. if we continue on that path that we're on and continue to do nothing to stop the devastating effects of climate change we want just be talking about freezing temperatures during the first week of spring we'll be talking about the beginning of an out of control spiral of weather effects that could range from a new ice age through the death of our oceans in the story first broke about mike the most are indicting parts of tony filled the media was all over it after all who
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could resist a story about someone suing a groundhog over bad weather but the media wasn't all over however was climate change the real reason why phil's prediction is that mark the only way we as a nation and as a global community can hope to make a meaningful change in the fight to save our planet is to get our media on board in that fight global warming and climate change are the biggest threats that mankind has ever faced and they get no where near the time they should in our media time to wake up the media and inform the few climate change skeptics who are left climate change is very real and it's here to stay unless we do something about it a late spring will be the smallest of our work. and that's the way it is night thursday the twenty eighth two thousand and thirteen. for more information on any of the stories we covered visit our website at tom harkin dot com free speech dot org. and if you missed any of the night's show you watch on hulu at hulu dot com
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slash the pictures and check out our two youtube channels the links it's. also a town of an icon check out all the different ways you can settle for a few cents. and go forget them ocracy is not a spectator sport actually requires you to show off you've got to participate you can occupy something the thing to do you go to move to amend or p.d. america or see ways you can get involved to get out there and get active to. your it civil.
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