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tv   [untitled]    March 29, 2013 12:30pm-1:00pm EDT

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dangerous precedent one where corporate interests are first and consumer safety is second but guys there is a silver lining here the provision is only active for six months so let's use this time to organize better and make it clear that this will not stand. one of the most controversial practices being used across the muslim world is the use of unmanned predator drones program utterly lacking in transparency which is why independent media sources that began to fill the void left by this government silence take for example drone stream twitter account cataloging every single drone strike since the first one and yemen on november third two thousand and two or drones to graham and instagram account to mapping out interactive landscapes where these drone strikes occur which brings me to the most recent initiative by data visualization company pitch interactive take a look at this interactive graph of drone strikes just in pakistan since two
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thousand and four and of course after obama got elected drone use exploded so far having killed three thousand one hundred five people that we know about to talk to me more about this initiative as one of the artists less grubb's of data visualizer with pitch interactive west thanks so much for coming on if you for having so wes usually we see this kind of initiative being done by independent media outlets what inspired your company to do this. it's it's kind of a long story but we were very busy company we're we have a lot of clients and every year or so we try to push away a lot of our client work and just work on something that personally resonates here at the studio and this time you know drone usage is just something that we we we feel very strong about and we started researching it and as we started unraveling some of the data you term it became very shocking to us and we just all compelled to go with this approach well i think it's amazing it's really cool looking and it
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also really resonates with people i think when they see this west you know we hear from the establishment that there's very little civilian deaths obviously as you've compiled with this graph that's not the case at all how do you guys collect the data. we we did a big search. stanford and what you did both independent studies they did a research paper called living under drones and it's the most comprehensive research paper we've we reached out to stanford in a pointed us to the bureau of investigative journalism in london an independent news organization that's been collecting this data and they were able to provide us with the with a very comprehensive data so they can justify every and every number and everybody out there. and yeah i mean there's a lot of civilians there we split out children from the civilians just to really make a point and the biggest question is this other the obama administration calls this other group military combatants but mostly it's just males and
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a lot of these others are actually civilians it's just a very conflict your region it's very hard to gather accurate data in the region and i just so uncomfortable calling all of those people were some of them are very much innocent just calling them all military and it's just so not the case well yeah let's talk about first of all the study that you're referring to also in that study really amazing study and courage i want to check it out it verifies a really shocking statistic which is of course your graph also points out that this drone program west has a ninety eight percent failure rate when you're looking at the two percent success rate for really these high profile targets that they've taken out and let's go over some of the numbers that you just talked about we have one hundred seventy five children foreign and thirty five civilians and the two thousand three hundred forty eight other which you just articulated are these militants quote unquote these people who are just military aged in a strike zone i mean who are these people why are they not being counted in
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civilian deaths that is really shocking especially when we know that there's only. so many people that are high level targets who are the rest of these people here i mean that is a really interesting point i'm glad that you didn't just clump them in with high profile targets because of course they're not. i mean they've said themselves that they count every military age male in a strike region as a combatant i mean that is absolutely absurd what happened due process right and we're not at war with pakistan so sometimes i just imagine a group of men sitting in a. sealed somewhere maybe they're go and maybe one of them has a rifle with them or something just to protect themselves and their attacks you know there might be a literate there or are they really a threat for american interest high profile targets yes i can support that they are a threat to american interest these are people we can name out we can define their affiliation with the taliban and al qaida so that i can support with that kind of failure rate was very troubling and i think some more transparency really needs to
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be made here well of course i mean also i don't even know if i agree with you on that point considering how we haven't seen the evidence i mean i really do and i think that there needs are more transparency on even who these targets are what evidence do we have against these people to really justify this drone program in general of course the failure rate so massive how does it justify so many civilian deaths let's move on though are you guys planning on updating this as strikes continue and what other countries like yemen afghanistan i know it's a huge project but it's so cool to be able to see in other countries to write well what we're doing we're working with the bureau and this is going to have like a live look up so anytime there's a new attack reported in some firms the bureau will update their system and not automatically update in more as far as other data i was really looking for a bunch of data i was surprised that all we could really find at the beginning was . afghanistan is just it's very hard to gather data in afghanistan or iraq dobro did inform me that they do have yemen and somalia drone strike you know we
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decided the very end just to stick with this time because there is a very clear story to be told there is a tactic there's a timeline you can sow and charles aryans there's this huge increase when obama takes over that increased continues to grow and that's really what we want to stick . with that rather than trying to model it up with a bunch of other countries but we do plan on the expanding this this was a project that we did on our own dime and so it's just a matter of getting back to client we're making serve and then something back to this unless of course we can find somebody out there who can help fund us with the grahams or something and unions and let's look at another image you guys created at some of the arms and ammunition that are important export i love this and it's amazing if we can take a look at that what exactly are we looking at here of course we know that guns are the largest export of the u.s. i mean to explain as really quickly we have about a minute left ok this was actually done in conjunction with the google data our city and the globe that you're looking at was actually built by a by
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a friend michael a google brilliant guy and they contacted us basically to build the u.i. structure so all the data in the around this they had built this whole thing in an experimental. sort of system for chrome for google chrome and they wanted us to sort of make sense of that data so we built these other elements around it we help consult them with some of the visuals of how to do. that there's a will for this but you can go through those through the world and kind of see who is importing and exporting to you can see the u.s. is you know really doing both china exports a lot you know what is indonesia doing it's a very sort of explorer it's a tool itself i wouldn't quite see its decision making functional device in that regard it's more of an exploration tool so that was west of grubb's data visualizer with pitch interactive.
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do you ever get the feeling that the news anchors on television are just mindless media parrots repeating the same talking points over and over again well if you haven't you might after seeing this. in consumer news economic factors may take some spring out of the easter bunny step this year. bring you out of the easter bunny still be sure economic factors make a kind of bring out of the easter bunny this year at the moment that may take some spring that would be contributing to your economic factors and make them spring out of the easter bunny step this year economic factors make to bring out the good looking stuff this year economic factors may take some grain out of the easter bunny here economic factors take the strain out of the easter bunny debt this year economic factors may take the ring out of debt this year economic factors were you know if you use your body stuff this year i cannot factors may peace from spring
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out of the easter bunny stuff this year economic factors make a spring out of easter bunny stuff and here they're going on the factors making to find the easter bunny step this year economic factors make a sudden bring out of the easter bunny that's a huge economic. spring out of the easter bunny's step this year economic factors may take to bring it out as the easter bunny get this here economic factors may take some of the spring out of the easter bunny's economic factors. that was easter bunny. i don't know about you but i'm getting the feeling that economic factors may take some spring out of the easter bunny's step this year but seriously kudos to conan o'brien for once again exposing the media repeaters look as obviously this is no coincidence the question remains where are all these news stations getting their scripts from while there are affiliate news services that supply packages and scripts to hundreds of stations around the country stations then have their anchors read the can the story with the generic script now. you
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might look at this and say it's just indicative of how lazy local news can be but consider the implications of this kind of reporting for one second say it wasn't an easter bunny and rather the story being mindlessly regurgitated was about a virus a terrorist attack or a report on a war casualty counts the bottom line is that people who watch the news tend to trust this information information that influences their perception and decisions so for these anchors to ask no questions do no fact checking and hold no different interpretation of the news or delivering is not only absurd it's downright dangerous. if you like where you see you so far you can go to our facebook page at facebook dot com breaking the set be sure do what thousands of done already and give us a like we'll be updating our status daily there with links to past segments as well as original to the audience for ideas for the show also check out the i'm a break in the step behind the scene photos so i do our facebook page and check out
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all of that and more and i take a break from my pre-teen but stay tuned to break the set with roseanne barr next. to. join thousands of gadget guru squawk into the mobile world congress in barcelona where research and handset makers try to get their troops back. and software super chargers hope to spin previous success stories russia's yandex turns up the heat on google and despite a new twist on infotainment it's not just fun and games often overlooked video engines putting all the streaming clover just to the palm of your hands and there's a new player in town looking to show that you is in fact better than one. day. i'm in sochi but knowing your city in europe i'm the host of the twenty fourth she
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went through the picket. see. such. as it. makes. me see it's so true.
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looking for it never seen anything like it. it's not every day that i get the chance to talk to someone i grew up watching on television my next guest is a bold independent woman who pushed the boundaries in hollywood using her platform to tackle issues like homosexuality and classism you may know her simply as roseanne but she's not only a famous actress and comedian she's also a social activist and political figure having just run for president of the peace and freedom party and that's why i'm especially excited to share my interview with roseanne barr check it out. so roseanne whereupon a potentially historical verdict when it comes the question of same sex marriage
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and i can't help but think of your show roseanne which tackled l g b t issues decades ago he was one of the first shows to host a gay characters and also to display an on screen lesbian kiss per your request why was it so important to you to feature that issue and how challenging was it at the time to push those boundaries on national television. it was always important to me because i have a gay brother and a gay sister and we were raised in salt lake city utah and they went to a significant amount of bullying in you know so it was always important to me because you know that was always a big issue in my life and that was very very difficult to get it on television and and it was very hard. but you know it's proven to have been the right thing to do and absolutely i mean those who are against this issue is definitely stand on the wrong side of history rose and in addition to homosexuality roseanne confronted numerous social issues such as class domestic
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violence race and women's rights and your show i think it resonated with a lot of people because it represented the plight of the working class i mean how important you think it is for people to be able to identify with you. all characters like this and how come we don't see this type of programming anymore. well you know the whole issue of classes like big taboo in america you're not supposed to notice it and you're not supposed to talk about it you're not supposed to oppose it it's just supposed to be there like reality so that was that was a hard thing to it was a hard thing to talk about class race and gender in america it still is but why do you think that we don't see anyone pushing on. your show used to do. well because it's too hard and you know the only the only reason that i was able to do it is because i was just such a committed activist and committed fighter but you know i i know how hard it is for
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anybody else first of all it's really difficult to see things that are kept invisible but it's really hard for artists to find their voice in the medium of television period right and let's talk about sexism roseanne which i know they are very vocal about it today especially as i look at your timeline i mean i talk about women's rights a lot on the show and i cannot tell you how many men tell me sexism doesn't exist anymore and in fact that sexism against a men is actually more of a problem in society where is this mentality coming from. and tanishaa are meant to have a mentality of sexism and just by virtue of the things they say i mean it's just on ungodly ignorant and it's ungodly ignorant that they have no idea that they're ignorant so as our levels. just levels. of patriarchy and patriarchal brainwashing and mind control and you know i can't hold
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when you know we're talking about this think of the steubenville rape case i mean this is a perfect example of how sexism does exist in society not only did the rapists get a slap. on the wrist but the media was showing sympathy toward the rapist their verdict i mean is the media entertainment responsible for perpetuating a rape culture. yeah i think the maid is responsible for perpetuating a rape culture and you know i mean it's profitable for the people at the top who run the rape culture you know who run it and you know they profit from it and to say otherwise would be a big fat lie so you know they don't want any kind of power shifted away from the way they have it set up in a very hierarchical manner with you know women's free labor at the bottom largely slave labor at the bottom of that big pyramid you've been
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a hollywood insider for so long you've been vocal for so long i mean how challenging is it to see your colleagues across hollywood lacking for the obama administration when they have so much power and influence they can singlehandedly shape the dialogue when so many people are watching them. well i think that you know this is a culture of fear and nobody is more afraid than people in hollywood they're afraid that they'll drop out of the top you know that they're afraid that they'll drop from the bottom of the pyramid maybe to the middle of the pyramid but you know they they're the ones hollywood is the is the one that keeps all this power structure and all this culture of racism and sexism and and classism and gender is a man all of it in place they continually feed it and they make a lot of money doing it and they do it at the behest of their masters who run everything so you know they're not going to get brave enough to do that i mean i think that there are many of us who. who are brave enough to do
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just. you know i'm lucky that i can do it and i feel that i do it on behalf of many people and hollywood till i go to hollywood parties and. you know occasionally i go to oscar parties and things like that and people big stars people will grab me by the arm and take me aside and say yes one can. say and it blows my mind but that's the culture it's a culture of fear for sure. you know and it's a big culture of mind control to m.k. ultra mind control rules and hollywood if if you don't know google that look into it. we've talked about operation mockingbird and m.k. ultra mind control stuff from i mean this goes back decades and decades but roseanne i mean do you know people been blacklisted i mean is it just kind of self-censorship in hollywood or do people actually get edged out if they are too
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much against the grain. yeah it's self-censorship after a while but it's not just a crazy self censorship it's self censorship because there's actually a danger that you will never work again and people know it that everybody has friends that it happened to that maybe you said too much or maybe you were too boucle on on on on popular issues and it's funny because it doesn't matter if two years later i find this a lot that two years later those unpopular issues become very mainstream they still don't forgive the first person who does it and that's kind of been my story there when you're first you're going to be both vilified despite the fact that two years later everybody saying what you said you're still going to be vilified because you dare and you know you know like they say the chinese you know the chinese have a myth or a saying that says that the nail that stands up is hammered down and that's how it
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is here and everywhere in the world you know you don't really want to put yourself at odds with with people who decide your future and pay for your work. but sometimes you have to and i was very lucky that i had a successful show that made me a lot a lot of money and so that i can do that and i feel that i owe that to the people i came from to say those things that maybe they can't say because they're afraid they'll be fired or they're afraid even though they'll be put in jail or whatever i'm going to do it because why not. well that's why i love you roseanne because you are an artist you're comedian but you use your craft to also really express dairying political statements that are too true and like you just said i mean years later all these things are validated i mean look at m s n b c ten years after the iraq war saying how we were all duped i mean they were part of the duping so it's amazing to see you know as it's mainstream we all know these things now it's easy
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to come out and say you know what happened we were all sold this war but roseanne weeks ago you tweeted something in love you said failed senate failed congress failed executive branch failed to prove court you know people look at this and they agree with you and they say you know this corruption this blatant corruption is why we need less government what do you say to those people. while those people who say they want less government are just a bunch of liars because you know they're trying to get the government on the backs of all the gays right now so they do not have fact want less government at all they want more government and it's funny that the whole time they're trying to amp up the government on everybody's personal freedoms and civil rights they're talking about they want less government well you can't have it both ways while one of the things you people are saying is just a lie and which one is it and also the government has bailed out these banks which is basically government socialism for what capitalism is turned into this crony
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capitalism or socialism is bailing out the middle is that's just an amazing and hypocritical thing the country is turned into but you decided to be the changers and you ran for president under the peace and freedom party. in the last election yet the stigma remains third parties a wasted vote i mean have a dangerous business to perpetuate the less than two evils mentality. it's very very dangerous and it's very very sad and you know what i'll tell you it's very un-american it's like a you know they don't like america and they don't like you know what we should what we're all proud of about our country they want to beat down our right to speak out our right to dissent our right to be a whistle blower to do the right thing they don't like any of those things but they won't be able to stop it so you know a word of encouragement from me and from you and from people who think like us is very very important and it's very important that the albums over the people's
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airwaves. and i know you are thank you for what you do well thank you roseanne means a lot to me and i know that you are also support of occupy wall street which are unfortunately it was violently suppressed by militarized police forces all across the country and rose and i tell people that everything we do every day is political and every action we take is a vote essentially any more words advice you can give to people who are watching this and saying you know there's nothing that can be done and we don't have a voice. while i'd say that that that's not true there are so much that can be done and don't stop now because we've put a crack in it and now the light will get in so don't stop now whatever you do don't stop and you know they talk about occupy wall street and this and that in the other but you know it needs a reboot like everything having to do with resisting our country being owned by banks and both parties of its government being owned by banks tourist there is no
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way we can turn our back or quiet down now it only get worse and so now's the time to amp it up and for occupy wall street and all these vehicles and venues of resistance it's time to come together and i have my theory is that it sexism that really beat all those things down because in and every single thing. that is not led by women these days it's going to fail because women are tired of listening to men we you know as a class not as a sex but as a class who are just tired of failed policies of males that continually put everything in conflict and that so there can be a winner and a loser that's not the way women think and it's not the things that those are not the things that women value anymore so any i think that we're going to find that any any any method of resistance any organ of resistance is going to fail unless it is led by women and i see evidence of that everywhere on earth. and you know it's
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going to come to america too and it is coming and so i just gave everybody a heads up to take a look at that and see if i'm not right roseanne and i thank you for being one of those powerful women leaders that we can look up to and follow the words that you're saying which is the spirit of the sense alive and well and we need to keep pushing back against the system thank you so much roseanne barr actress and comedian thank you so much and i hope everybody starts listening more to women thank you so much well guys that's it for today's show but before i go i want to give a very special thank you to one of my producer shannon donahue who's leaving us today shannon thank you so much for making the show visually awesome and amazing you so much.
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when they're in country for the living. sometimes have to leave their children behind. i do like to work just depends. if the dream of millions of migrants the children might choose their. room is nice. and i want my children to win over moscow. russia has become. migrants working to find
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a way. please can you please please please please please. please. more news today violence is once again fled up look these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada look schank operations are live look.
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live. live. her mother let. them speak. to. her her. look. look look. look look her. mum is sleeping good. luck. mother lists. her. little mouth i know me a little.


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