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tv   [untitled]    March 30, 2013 12:00am-12:30am EDT

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one ton of the guards are accused of creating unbearable conditions for the hunger strikers pressuring them to hand the week's long protest was tactics the detainees lawyers described as excessively harsh. egypt's engulfed in fresh protests as an anti-government rally in alexandria sees clashes and injuries and angry crowds in cairo demand the resignation of a prosecutor general. big depositors in cyprus take a major hit and look likely to see most of their saving slip through our fingers as details of the president of the bailout package emerge and. fictional harassment threats to be killed and be all of that just to get traction on the fish and. we'll bring you the first hand testimony of
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a bahraini doctor who speaks out as twenty one other medics are quit of illegal protest charges after spending two years behind bars. is a.t.m. in the russian capital you're watching me marina josh welcome to the program. now as the guantanamo hunger strike nears its aids week conditions for the protesting in maids are allegedly becoming increasingly unbearable r.t. talked to a lawyer of one of the striking detainees and she told us the guards are resorting to harsh tactics to pressure them to and their campaign cindy poco who isn't going tanya now also says the move only encourages more detainees to join the hunger strike and describe her own clients quite the first day that i saw him he was
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very weak he had not been able to sleep because he said said the camp authorities had lowered the temperature in much of the camp to very very fruitful temperatures it's it appears that the guards here at the base are trying to end the hunger strike by making conditions more difficult for the prisoners here including making the room the camp very cold and he had lost forty pounds when i saw him use to weigh one hundred sixty seven and he's now one hundred twenty five pounds and when the prisoners the gantry strike it seems that campus already began to treat them well harshly to try to end the strike and so many more men joined the strike to protest the searching of the qur'an and the worsening conditions and more harsh
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treatment here there are many men who are cleared for release at least eighty six of them in now and they're also being treated as prisoners the refutation of the united states in the world is at stake here is he really let's not come to table the government authorities here do not come to the table and discuss what the team needs the improvement of the conditions here there are men who are going to begin to die. meanwhile there is still a lack of any political momentum to try and solve the guantanamo hunger strike crisis thomas wilner a lawyer who has been present of guantanamo detainees in the past so this fact coupled with a loss of any hope for relief only makes the strikers more determined to face death what's really wrong and the real cause of the hunger strike is the absolute desperation in despair of these people eighty six of the people down there more than half of the people down there eighty six of them have been cleared for over
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three years easer innocent people who are continue to be held my former clients fozzy al ota and fires how condrey are innocent people who are wrongly held the president can get in and make sure that those people are released and sent home they don't pose a danger those people are desperate they want to die if they can't get out of guantanamo no one in the united states has been covering guantanamo for the past three years if you talk to people in the united states they simply don't know about guantanamo they don't know today that eighty six of the hundred sixty six people down there are innocent have been cleared have already been cleared many of the others are also innocent they don't know that the people at guantanamo weren't picked up on a battlefield they were sold for bounties by northern alliance people they don't know these facts anymore because there is no coverage in the united states and weeks long hunger strike a guantanamo bay is also the focus of breaking the cep here on our t.v.
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abby martin challenges the idea some journalist expressed that life is not so bad at the detention center after all and detainees should be grateful not protesting well here's a taste of what's to come a little later today. i forgot to mention one thing about the guantanamo bay hunger strike going on how damn good the prisoners have it there are in a robert johnson military defense editor at business insider the hunger strike is not only been overhyped but get mo is apparently more like a club med than it is a prison about this headline of his the other side of the get most strike detainees are treated absurdly well as absurdly well delicious meals video games for everyone then one life what more could these prisoners possibly want maybe the freedom maybe to see their families and have a normal life outside of a prison cell especially since the majority of already been cleared for release
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having been declared not guilty and just today it came out that as a punishment for the strike some of the prisoners are filing complaints and pleading for humanitarian aid for being denied a potable drinking water and heat yeah doesn't seem like that nice of a vacation getaway does it and hey robert johnson even though you think it most so absurdly awesome i'll bet you couldn't handle it for a week let alone the rest of your life without trial or charge on that note let's break. now scenes of violence are once again marking the and of the week in egypt clashes between supporters and opponents of the president and the ruling muslim brotherhood party erupted in cairo and two other cities dozens were injured in alexandria where sides exchanged stone throwing and fire bombs meanwhile in the capital protesters
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blocked the office of the prosecutor general outraged at actions the authorities have been taking and gas the opposition has more from cairo. hundreds of garbage in front of a prosecutor's general office they are accusing the brotherhood of controlling and the judiciary and also protesting against a recent summons in the fine very well known activists last week for their alleged involvement in the bloody clashes last week in this vote that had to take in the capital protest is a change to do with the first general and cool to the arrest and something becoming . a rather weak position can sound questionable off to the appeals court hearing tires overturn the presidential decree appointing him how do we have time finding outside in egypt that crisis if you don't mix right now there are these street battles occurring between undercover protesters and what is yet written by. some people saying that they are pro president mohamed morsi supporters who are fighting
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the undercover protesters business saying they're actually in fact is a shop i mean it's interesting to see but what do you think is being said that moment folks and polls are biggie smalls could show i miss really becoming quite fierce in comics on three of the protests now in terms of the back office putting for the presidential elections saying that president morsi has not yet implemented any changes that you promised i mean he really is not fit to govern the country. so i have very here on r t u k police face cutting their close to suit the budget so you can just say more money britain's government tries to get cheaper uniforms words bobbies on the beat that's just a have for you. now twenty four people have been killed in a wave of suicide attacks on mosques in iraq the violence comes ahead of provincial elections in april and is said to be carried out by al qaida cells to scare locals away from the polls and the run up to the vote at least eleven candidates for
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governor have already been assassinated geopolitical alistair drives are told us that this is all part of a high level turf war caused by the us invasion. american presence is not simply quote unquote boots on the ground what you what you have to realize is that much of the iraqi political ruling class is handpicked by the united states take for example the ascendance of maliki to the to the role of prime minister this was in opposition to the us s hand picked successor to saddam hussein be followed by the other u.s. darling alawi and so maliki really represents the us as worst nightmare and they have worked night and day to do whatever they can to destabilize maliki's government we should remember that al qaeda was created by the united states by the intelligence establishment of the west and to a large extent depending on situations that oftentimes works in their interests and iraq iraq is one battlefield of that we see that al qaeda is
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a potent weapon of the western powers in syria and much of that is spilled over into unbar province in iraq some of the al qaeda affiliated groups are certainly questionable as to their origins and i think that al qaida is in many ways that destabilizing force that is needed in order to create the necessary chaos and pretext in iraq for some kind of an intervention whether that be indigenous regime change or from the outside but the political crisis is taking on a geo political international dimension and that is the real story here alveda positives in cyprus are likely to see most of their savings wiped out and they will reportedly get back less than forty percent of their money under the latest rescue package and only in shares instead of cash while the remainder may never be paid back all the terms of a painful cyprus rescue are set to be finally announced on saturday c.e.o. of a risk advisory firm says even the shares which the depositors will get are unlikely
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to bring any relief. if the bank can pull a rabbit out of a hat and somehow make what appears to be near worthless shares somehow very valuable and i suppose these the positives have some hope that they'll be receiving some of their money back but at this point in time that doesn't look very likely and what's happening now is the rise of the far right in many parts of europe has only in some respects taken off it's been very strong in a country like greece with with golden dawn and into in countries like switzerland where nearly a third of the popular vote in the most recent election went to the far right this type of action that we're seeing in greece in cyprus now and in greece is only going to fuel the fire is only going to comp more people in my estimation to run to the far right to become more nationalistic and to become more close minded about the options that they would consider for their future now as the e.u. insists the cyber as rescue package won't be used as
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a tamp what some market out is believe brussels is simply not able to prevent this from happening again one of them is karl denninger the founder of a finance blog he says some countries outside europe have even been inspired by cyprus as example. the canadian government believe it or not just released a budget document and buried on the hundred forty third page of it it is essentially the exact same template that was just used in cyprus so anyone that thinks that this is limited to a little island nation in the better training you've got to know this incoming this is now what is going to be done to people and again it is not that they're that the losses should be borne by these people in order if that is in fact the case the problem is that you have a government regulatory scheme pulls in europe and in other nations where they're supposed to be monitoring these institutions and closing them before they get in trouble like this and they are deliberately not doing their job and then when there
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is a problem all of a sudden the people with absolutely nothing to do with this lack of action are the ones who wind up taking it on the chin. and later today max kaiser and state herbert give their unique take on what's going on in cyprus and the shock waves and sands across the globe. now and bahrain twenty one doctors have been cleared of involvement in illegal anti-government protests and medics have spanned more than a year and a half behind bars for as they say treating injured demonstrators dozens of health workers along with opposition activists have been arrested and charged since the uprising began more than two years ago dr fatima haji faced similar charges as those clear today and she told us what she had to go through during her confinement
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. blindfold the one. who imports from fashion line you know that we did them and that you were thinking or. if you don't care for the you know very thankful akiko ok we've been denied from one of. the standing for the not given food or a new way through any hard to get. our last thing you think that would. hold it is that like the whole of five electrocution and then have fictional her afternoon that should be you know and bring all of that to get direction home confessions doing that just basically become a break there and it will show the whole world that the vending you know are the.
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time because that we think it would be fun i found myself at the knowledge before and then there they were very much alive and they were actually every lie. that that i hundred back of life and i guess. so that they can. see if they're there and. now the u.n. criticizes turkey over claims back thousands of syrian refugees after a protest against living conditions at a refugee camp just minutes we'll report on why many who have fled the syrian conflict feel they are being humiliated in foreign countries. plus. thousands of palestinians plan to protest of the twenty seventh anniversary of these really land confiscation venting their fury against what they call discriminatory settlement policies. u.k.
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spending cuts to the police force has turned its focus on how officers look at the government seeks ways to boost its budget the police are standing firm to retain their traditional uniforms are displayed by the explains. most of us in britain realizing you spend too much money on clothes especially when you watch it's already squeezed it could happen to anyone but this time it's the boys in blue the u.k. government spending more dogs says the police are wasting too much money on ordering different bits of uniform there are forty three police forces in england and wales and each one orders their clothes and their equipment separately and to different specifications to take for example your high visibility jacket black who called as much as up to one hundred pounds per unit in a spendthrift force compared to those little as twenty pounds per unit in a more frugal constabulary lots of four hundred percent difference in price and the
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same applies to all the commonplace items that you'd expect would be standard issues such as boots handcuffs and even body armor this one has got velcro covered strap which covers the zip. zip with no velcro covering strop a time of austerity the last you need is a bit of bureaucracy get in the way of progress to make change to have standardized weight bearing stuff and yes it will be a look like cheap police federation around the country have been very vocally protesting cuts to their budgets recently yet the public accounts committee says that instead of tackling kwai and police forces are wasting resources time and money on disagreeing over how many pockets they should have on their uniforms for national audit office says that police forces around the country simply need some fun together in order to increase them finding power and drive down the costs of
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their uniforms otherwise britain's poppies might find that they're burning too many holes in all those different pockets poorly boy care see london. i can find more news of videos on our website r.t. dot com here are just some of the stories waiting for you there right now the fukushima disaster could have been avoided that's according to japanese work company tepco who initially claimed to be cause of a nuclear disaster was the deadly tsunami that struck japan we'll find out online why the company has now decided to finally admit responsibility. was. dressed you operational lobby at work helicopter a navy ship saved more than two hundred people trapped in the ice floes they had drifted away from the shore why don't more.
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now the u.n. has rebuked turkey over claims that it forced hundreds of syrians to return to their country after a riot at a border refugee camp a violent protest over a living conditions was reportedly caused by the death of a seven year old girl in a tank fire at estimated one million people have left syria since the beginning of the civil conflict two years ago was many fleeing to neighboring turkey and jordan but having left more safer life many now feel they have added up living in the humiliating conditions as losing confidence now explains. they come here by the thousands carrying meager belongings and painful memories at the refugee camp in jordan is desert shortage of nearly everything has turned daily life into
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a battle for survival this woman and her four children have lived at the camp for four months now she says she doesn't know how much longer they can last here. everything is hard here we don't have clean water to drink and it makes the children sick. for others despair has turned to anger. inside the calm their suffering in syria we're suffering why is this suffering still going on why to hell with human rights to hell with the world to hell with the big countries. the un says there are now more than one point two million refugees a number that could double even triple this year but those living in camps are only the most visible part of the problem the tip of the iceberg in a disaster that is far more vast than meets the eye around eighty percent of jordan's syrian refugees live in cities and towns many of them are concentrated right here in urban about twenty kilometers from the syrian border and while camp
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life certainly is hard urban refugees have problems of their own a deliberate us family to jordan after their home was destroyed in the war they now share this two room apartment with another syrian family. we thought we couldn't stay inside the council because of our children we found this home but we can barely pay the rent there is no help with food or supplies for people like us no one has mercy on us this mother of six also lives here she tells us her daughter hasn't had milk in three days they've run out of money and they don't know where to turn to for help. ifas unfair here is full of humiliation how can we live. aid groups call them the invisible victims of the compass the one which is the easiest to see because you have a large number of people who are grouped who live under in the difficult conditions where if you have families who are spread over
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a small city and of course they're much more difficult to find they tend to stay remain isolated they don't feel like going out they don't have a big social network they very quickly run out of means because many of the families who have arrived late due north arrive basically without anything for jordan suffering from its own economic problems the syrian crisis has strange resources beyond capacity local charities catering to urban refugees do exist but they're struggling to this clinic for syrian refugees depends entirely on donations but it hasn't been able to buy new medicines for days the money simply isn't coming in and that means no medication for this syrian baby at least for now just like the countless refugees languishing in camps and struggling in cities his parents will have to wait and hopes of help lucy caffein of r t jordan thousands of palestinians in israel and the west bank are gearing up for protests on the thirty seventh anniversary of the israeli confiscation of arable land and demonstrations
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on march the thirtieth mark violent rallies and nine hundred seventy six against the land grab when six arabs were killed by israeli security forces protesters are expected to van their anger today as they feel the problem of the occupied territories is not being addressed and there were spotted reports from israel. as opposed to prepared to markland day we're expecting large scale protests because their patience has been running thin for quite some time and you mean to tell you who makes it clear that he's putting in more of those settlements in the west bank that of course makes palestinians incredibly unhappy because they consider that lends to be their own and now the recent visit by president obama to israel has left a lot of people disappointed because it was expected that he could exert some sort of pressure on the israeli government in terms of cutting their plans for the four more of the israeli settlements in the west bank that was not the case last year
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and one person was killed in clashes with israeli police more than hundred were injured these really police who used water cannon tear gas and actually live ammunition rounds as well so you can see the tensions are running high in the region but we are expecting most of the demonstrations to start sometime around midday and they are most of them expected to happen in the area close to ramallah and jerusalem and now it's let's take a look at some other stories making news around the world north korea has and a state of war with neighboring south korea according to reports from the state run korean central news agency the statement also included a threat to dissolve the u.s. mainland tensions in the area have been ratcheting up for months with north korea remaining defined in the face of international efforts to hold its nuclear program . at gas blast in a north east china coal mine is killed twenty a. warning to the spokesman of the
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eventually work safety bureau thirteen others were rescued after the accident at about. rescue work has finished and the cause of the accident is under investigation the accident occurred the same day as a huge landslide buried eighty three workers in a gold mining area in tibet. thousands have taken to the streets of chicago to voice their anger against unprecedented plans to shut down dozens of schools in the city the rally resulted in over one hundred arrests the closures are aimed at plugging a one billion dollar budget gap with authorities determined to go on with their plans despite mass protests are jesus is he a trick in the reports. record single school closure in u.s. history versus the people. to. chicago the third largest city in america plans to shut down fifty four public
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schools by autumn this year and makes us feel like we are not important to anybody that makes us so much harder for us to get an education to school clothes. thousands of protesters flooded onto the streets of the windy city to rally against this measure on wednesday the demonstrators believe officials are targeting the vulnerable youths in the least well off neighborhoods. for several hours emotions ran high. with marches and sit ins in downtown chicago. one hundred sixty demonstrators were arrested including this organizer we're talking about a number of school closures that has not been paralleled in this country's history other than hurricane katrina a total of sixty one school buildings including this one are targeted currently teaching thirty thousand students and amounting to ten percent of all elementary schools in the city chicago officials say the step is key and closing a one billion dollar budget deficit the district says it will save five hundred
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sixty million over the next decade though the transition will cost approximately two hundred thirty three million but parents teachers and students refuse to accept this. activist and parents sabrina morey lives in a home with eleven children she calls the closures racism ninety percent of the schools are in african-american communities where is our kids going to go to school they go to cross through terrible neighborhoods gay insisted neighborhoods. the protesters have calmed for now but. promised to return to fight for education justice if their voices remain ignored even though the final vote on the mass closures and the cuts to teachers' wages won't come until the end of may and the schools won't be shut until august this is already a bright example of the need of a system overhaul if budget gaps are being filled at the expense of the future of
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children and those who churkin at r.t. chicago illinois. and on the money is up ahead here on r t stay with us. when their own country can't offer them a living even loving mother sometimes have to leave their children behind. i don't like to work just depend longer. it's a dream of millions of migrants that their children might choose their motherland. i was instead. oh my room is nice in america. and i want my children to win over moscow. russia has become this stepmother land. migrants working hard to find a way home. please speak your language. programs
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and documentaries in arabic in school here on all t.v. reporting from the world's hot spots fifty ip interviews intriguing story for you to. live in trying. to find out more visit our big. dog called. a little bit. older. i live. pretty. good speech.


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