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tv   [untitled]    March 30, 2013 3:30am-4:00am EDT

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were over my shoulder you can see the plank above the mayor's office where boris johnson the mayor may very well commit suicide we can only project what stacey told me war he's had a bad few weeks and you know yes there is chaos happening across europe right now in the banking system meltdown sort of situation but you know before the u.k. it's all like ha ha ha ha we want to check and see what's happening here so first i'm going to look at a man who embodies basically what you could call the british dream. financier who ran thirty two million pound fraud order to pay back one pound ashamed city financier who duped wealthy investors into parting with millions of pounds to fund his lavish lifestyle was on monday ordered to pay a nominal court fee of just one pound nicholas levine forty eight was jailed for thirteen years max after admitting to orchestrating a lucrative ponzi scheme which raked in three hundred sixteen million pounds for
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him of course he's doing time thirteen years obviously because his ponzi scheme just like bernie made off targeted rich people not the sherlock's schmucks out there well you know i mean he should be walking the boris plug the boris playbook above the mayor's office i mean the the mayor or maybe david cameron or maybe mark carney the incoming but you know governor of the bank of england they should all get up there on the boards playing with this criminal here the guy who stole all this money and they should decide who should walk the plank should it be the politicians that only say one pound fine to this kind of wholesale financial fraud or the politicians themselves and then the people here on the job should get on a barge and vote like one of those shows where you vote on the star who go wins and who loses here there should vote on whether it should be counted were boras the criminal walk the plank jump in the thames and said bye bye well
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a few things however the reason why he was fined one pound is because he's bankrupt he has no money so this is a token amount we should have token amounts for cyprus a token amount for ireland a token amount for greece they should they're bankrupt they can't pay back anybody they could say oops it was a ponzi scheme sent us to jail for thirteen years who knows but you know and the other thing is that this man truly embodies what the u.k. has become because he was a successful city worker with an estimated fortune of between fifteen. pounds and twenty million pounds in two thousand and five but he was addicted to gambling spending fortunes on spread betting and had an insatiable taste for luxury so here is the u.k. the home of the industrial revolution this is what started what we have today it's a previously rich country that used to work that used to make things but they've now become addicted to gambling spread betting and drinking by south all and they
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need to create all these ponzi schemes in order to keep the facade alive now the comparison to cyprus is is much more close it's closer than people imagine because in cyprus now apparently one hundred thousand or so of the jobs there were related to the finance industry of the seven hundred thousand jobs on the on the cyprus so now that that's been destroyed the island is literally completely bent and disarray did it's gone as a working economy and country it's been destroyed now here in the u.k. . ostensibly fifteen percent of the g.d.p. comes from gambling spread betting bailing out charlatans laundering money for a just b. mexican drug cartels and playing other arbitrage games and being the worst regulator in the world attracting a i.g. made off the wall and in whale excedrin but it's actually a lot higher than fifteen percent because of all the contingent part of the economy or alliance on the city of london it's actually closer to seventy five percent of the g.d.p. of britain is tied to fraudulent banking tricks and crime so now that this is going
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into receivership now that the world's credit is collapsing britain won't go the way of cyprus so you have a lot of these islands are going into bankruptcy whether it's ireland cyprus i sort of course they stood up to the bankers so they're going to they're going to survive but britain is an island nation about to sink as they point out in this case with nicholas levine he was running a ponzi scheme a ponzi scheme pays returns to investors from other investors' money or their own until rather than legitimate profits no legitimate profits cut to. the ponzi economy that i said this man is like into the ponzi economy he appeared in my eyes is the economy of the u.k. here is what george osborne in his budget while we were in new york he tried to speak it and he thought we wouldn't notice this but we're here to cover it budget twenty thirteen george osborne pins hopes on housing boom
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taxpayers will underwrite the mortgage of hundreds of thousands of home buyers and take stakes in a newly built houses in a fifteen point five billion pound attempt to stimulate the struggling economy george osborne has announced they call this an overtly political move with an eye fixed firmly on twenty fifteen general election so there you have it that's how ponzi schemes operate when that's how bernie made off operated everybody knew he was scamming somebody but he thought they thought he was scamming somebody else not them right the housing market in britain is a ponzi scheme it's plateaued a year ago or so so i was born needs new suckers he's going to inject the housing ponzi scheme in britain with more money that he's borrowing from the central banks ultimately and more carney's being flown into britain to lend george osborne more money from the wholesale market to reinflate the housing bubble newquay as a political gimmick doesn't add jobs no does it grow the economy no it in
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fact it creates an economy people dependent on gambling ponzi schemes with using their house as an a.t.m. to finance their consumption to drink all day they give a one p. off their beer people drunk people borrowing people gambling people make it and stupid george osborne's message is and it does absolutely nothing to grow the economy and we already have a precedent already about what a government backstopping gambling in the housing market is called fannie mae and freddie mac. that's the primary reason you have a two thousand and eight bust osborne's looking at the. recent history in saying this is the worst policy ever created a modern history i'm going to do it i will do it worse i'm going to make it even more risky than they did in freddie mae freddie mac. george osborne to the britain island wherever it was the guy co-op cyprus is as i've said a menace so mr osborne announced that the government would offer a five year interest free loans worth up to twenty percent of the value of new
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build homes costing less than six hundred thousand pounds from january another scheme will see taxpayers underwrite mortgages to those with small deposits including more than a million people trapped with so-called zombie loans where the fall in the value of their homes has left them unable to move again it's a blatant giveaway it's like a drunken chancellor deciding to take some money from somewhere and you know larry summers was here on the b.b.c. talking about this very plan saying it was stupid and saying you can pretend you're being all sterile but this is government spending as we found out with fannie mae and freddie mac. you back that you own that debt oh well the u.k. if you add up the private debt the government the corporate debt and bank debt the u.k. economy is that has debt worth nine hundred percent of g.d.p. well as i said before it collapsed a thousand percent of g.d.p. whereas cyprus before it collapsed eight hundred percent of g.d.p. the u.k. nine hundred percent debt to g.d.p.
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is the economy set to collapse and again i was born should be on the boris plank above the mayor's office with a sword to his back being told either you wake up and stop bailing out your buddies or you're going to be forced off the plank and max the government will offer twelve billion pounds of guarantee covering mortgages worth more than one hundred twenty billion pounds that's ten percent of g.d.p. that's more debt that's just you just putting more debt in the situation that's financial terrorism by any definition and the plan is intended to help six hundred forty four thousand people over the next three years. again the government deciding to make these six hundred forty four thousand people and what happens in the u.k. so those six hundred forty four thousand people don't have to work they just extract the equity that the british taxpayer has lent to them so therefore you have almost a million people not having to contribute to a real economy building a back to a real economy and then instead they're more likely to want to perpetuate the ponzi
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because they're in on the ponzi and need some more suckers to come in from behind them so i was born is going to create a two to three million more alcoholics and drug addicts in this country that's his goal because alcohol is a huge profit margin drug addicts with their military with the us over in afghanistan pulling up heroin is a huge growth industry and he knows that by just making work illegal by making speculation the law of the land he's going to create more drug addicts more drunks and it will privatized the n.h.s. of course to take care of it all and that's his job he's a big drug pusher and financial tariff this country's ever seen so in the previous ponzi scheme i was talking about nicholas levine is ordered to pay back one pound and yes seven days to come up with that one pound for this ponzi scheme in the u.k. when this collapses again the headline is of course we all know now it's official banks in europe may now sees deposit to cover their gambling losses so when george
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osborne's gambling losses on this cock to scheme of underwriting mortgages for six hundred forty four thousand lucky brits who just won the ponzi lottery well who is going to where you know their savings here one trillion pounds the children other people who are cashing in on the lucky ponzi lottery george osborne subsidy of housing market scheme won't won't we have just one of jobs when they become of age to get jobs so they'll become dependent on their parents to support them so it will all come back in the end any gains you're making strike you living in the housing market are going to give up supporting your kids. or grow up and as i was born drug addicts and alcoholics because he doesn't want to create manufacturing jobs he doesn't want to created educational infrastructure he doesn't want a country of a global population that can take care of itself it wants a country of beggars constantly speculating and gambling with their hand out to brussels or the i.m.f. like the seventy's again we're going to go back to marmite sandwiches and there's
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going to be no jobs whatsoever this change the name of more mike to osborne it might be going back to this whole two tier system of house a certain class of population is treated differently from the other here food vouchers to provide emergency help to prevent spending on alcohol campaigners raise alarmist english councils replace cash loans with payment cards for people facing short term financial crises there's this emergency funding you get fifty pounds cash if like you're an abused woman you have escaped your home and you have two children and you go for emergency cash now they won't give you the fifty pounds cash they give you one of these j.p. morgan style abt you know snap cards where you could go spend it but they monitor it to determine whether or not you're spending it on cigarettes or alcohol well these are ration cards you know just like in world war two britain had to live on ration cards now they've lost the war against banking terrorist like h.s.b.c. barclays lloyds royal bank of scotland banking terrorists they lost so now they're
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on rations and those rations are monitored what are if i do tags and surveillance state they want to make sure you're spending in the right way at least after world war two you could spend a ration card out of you know a box of fags and smoke you know have a couple of cigarettes and you know have some semblance of being a human being but not a more are i stays there but thanks much being on the kaiser report i don't go away much more coming why stay right there.
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he. says.
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i'll come back to the kaiser report i'm max kaiser time now to turn to rowan buzz worth davies a former fraud squad detective with scotland yard who now blogs tweets and speaks to audiences all over the u.k. roland welcome back to the kaiser report. so i won't point you were a bobby ok i was i was a street policeman coppa and then you became
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a detective yeah and now a reason i ask is because i got a very interesting e-mail here from somebody who sent it to me they sent an e-mail to us scotland yard and they said that they made the point to scotland yard h.s.b.c. was caught red handed laundering hundreds of millions of dollars from mexican drug cartels and terrorists they were fined one point two billion pounds by u.s. authorities h.s.b.c. drug money facilitated the murder of many hundreds of people in mexico often by masked beheadings or by being burned alive and i'm sure the metropolitan police are actively investigating who in h.s.b.c. is responsible for this crime when can i expect to hear that the metropolitan police have made arrests in relation to this outrage and then they say yes we get it you're getting your e-mail now the response from scotland yard was we do not have jurisdiction in the u.k. the metropolitan police only serve london therefore i cannot take your request forward you can contact interpol it which point this gentleman responds and says
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thank you thank you for responding but the british bank h.s.b.c. is managing controlled from the headquarters located eight canada square canary wharf in london docklands borough of tower hamlets so what's going on here it does sound as if it's a major. opportunity. that was buck block pass the buck no that definitely is a buck passing of k. because but the but the citizen is concerned because the bank his british bank h.s.b.c. is engaged in laundering mexican drug money cartel money this is irrefutable as an alleged crime they admit to it and they're causing thousands and thousands of people being had it and burned alive in mexico cell he's concerned should the british people they concern yes i think british people should be concerned of course they should it's absolutely scandalous the this bank and the point about it being headquarters here in canada square is absolutely spot on and the mexican bank by the way the did the laundry is ninety nine point nine nine percent owned by
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another h.s.b.c. entity call h.s.b.c. that's in america which in itself is in chinese ninety nine point nine percent owned by h.s.b.c. in london so yeah it is just the u.s. copying this a racket course it's a racket but the problem is that there have been built up around the procedure in the procedures that existed with this kind of investigative brouhaha we've built up over the last the last few years but i'm sure there are there are detectives of scotland all of who would love to get their teeth into h.s.b.c. i mean i'm absolutely convinced of it the problem is that procedurally. assumes they showed any sign of interest in investigating a crime investigated by the way because part of our money the one ring law says that we can investigate crimes in this country even though they were committed to brewer and we can investigate them as if they were committed in this country so
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that isn't a problem but is there a bigger risk around and that they're sending a mixed message to the population so last year for example there were these riots and in london buildings were torched and there was finger pointing at the poor people all who don't respect britain and have the same time david cameron and george osborne don't respect the people of britain by conducting by authorizing by failing to prosecute billions of dollars a month and drug money laundering and mass murders on the behalf of h.s.b.c. so one of the population today to believe the the words the lies coming out of cameron's mouth or that truth that once one amongst them one of these you know as both anti-social behavior ordinances people get these as bows i threw some garbage out their window on their council state and now they got an ass bow meanwhile it just b. c. as if they were in the house they would have picked up a machete and chopped off the head of somebody that council estate and laughed and
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sold that scrap for horsemeat to offend as well as anya and they would not have been prosecuted they would have been a laughing wiser to tears of justice what happened to this country as a great story next but let's try to bring it back to where we owe. it is absolutely scandalous that nope no investigation has been mounted into h.s.b.c. we're doing in mexico the reason that no no in my view the reason why no investigation has been mounted is because first of all the the people the oath or and whose duty it would be to mount that primary investigation which is the financial services authority and it doesn't have anybody in there who has the whistle the skill to be. able to do that that's i satisfactory hates me no he is saying is that let's have in the u.k. a separate police force from people that are either corrupt cricket incompetent a shameless profiteers and then write laws for that police force because these laws
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don't apply to any code of civil behavior that anyone is familiar with going back hundreds of years of jurisprudence there's no reason in theory why the police could not and should not investigate this the police have the skills they have the ability to be able to do that they're being prevented from doing that by the politicians and by the regime that exists to protect the city that's why they're not being being used to do this there is a a massive. great be wool that's been put up a rule of regulations around the city designed to protect the financial sector from being brought to justice over this very kind of thing you know some his ago we did actually take on some very very big major player is one of the guys just stop we had to get his case and very soon after that we had the blue arrow case now the blue arik case was
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a case full of the most blue bloodied blue bloods you can imagine and they were investigated and guess lot they were convicted and they went down and they were sentenced to imprisonment and almost within decent a haste they were allowed to appeal this but it's and they were acquitted and the wood for a friend of mine who was in the then in those days in the serious fraud office rang me up and he said to me. the woods come down from on the hard way will never ever be any more prosecutions against institutions like blue or it's not going to happen it's too embarrassing ok so the government is complicit in beheadings in mexico and they laugh about it and that's absolutely unconscionable they should resign immediately or walk off the bourses a plank you know bourse as mayor's office or as a plank and i can just they can top themselves ceremoniously and get rid of themselves from the public view but. just to be clear we're not saying that the man
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in the state the cop on the street is the blame to be blamed for this they have a job to do they do their job they can i get the job that they get handed to them from the higher ups that's a crime but the higher ups are talking about the cops on the street and all the cops there in the london i've met been fantastic but the system is left up now you recently submitted evidence to the parliamentary committee on backing standards rowan davies what did you say what happened to your evidence i understand what missing from the public record on our lists that was really wicked there was a call for evidence back you know two thousand and twelve which is which is a standard practice but every one of these committees is set up they call for evidence from interested people and i submitted my evidence and i submitted evidence which sais but in my judgment the city the banking sector was behaving and demonstrating all of the characteristics of organized crime and i set out the
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reasons why i thought but i set out the reasons why it was happening and i set out reasons as to how it could be dealt with because that was what the committee was sitting. now what normally happens is that your evidence gets accepted and it's recorded in a list of documents that have been accepted i kept going to the website to see where my evidence and where my evidence was and it just wasn't shy up and i rang them up and said can you tell me what's happened to my report please by evidence and they said oh that's funny we don't seem to have received anything from you right and i said well no no you have could you please go back and look again and they went back and looked again and they said no no we have not received anything from you so eventually it is this just got into the city tray and what i did was i she writes a letter to the chairman of the committee. i sent you an e-mail and i said look i've submitted evidence i think it's evidence that you might want
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to see but every time i also about you know i'm told they never received anything right while i had a similar experience involved in evidence relating to the phone hacking scandal the murdoch phone hacking scandal that magically disappeared in a similar way but let's let's go forward so in down to cyprus people have had their bank accounts seized people are kind of shocked by this and now coming back to the u.k. where people are depositing money to escape cyprus the question is will they have their deposits stolen a similar fashion by the same criminal banks when they are going to collapse because of course in the u.k. they're talking about recapitalizing the banks again there's another major bailout coming as i predicted there would be but this time going to take deposits i predict now based on how it's set up currently and from where you're point of view how easy will it be for they the criminal syndicates h.s.b.c. barclays lloyds royal bank of scotland to steal money from deposits here in the u.k. or are i think a lot of that is going to depend only way which these these bailouts are managed i
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think we have to remember that whatever is going to happen here we have to differentiate from what's been going on in cyprus because the they changed the laws to make it easier to steal money from people's deposits those law changes are being written by the banks or by the people who like the i.m.f. the e.u. they're writing the laws so what how hard would it be for them to simply say whatever the legal framework is today to come in and say due to the emergency we're rewriting the laws going to seize your accounts in theory it would not be difficult to. ok let's move on i think we see where this is going well let me ask you this way based on what you see as a former cop on the street detective if you had a betting man if your down alive brokes and you had to place a bet on this if the similar situation occurred in another bailout of the banks in the u.k. and they the world would be the probability of betting what's the odds that the u.k. is going to rewrite laws and just take money from depositors go to betty marry me and i really don't have that ability or it's something i've never understood my own
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feeling is i think it's unlikely that her majesty's government would start ups sequestering individuals bank accounts at this stage i still think they're going to know the way they do from the taxpayer right well that's a player you many respects it's exactly the same thing as to or were ordered to bring in mark carney to debase the currency have hyperinflation which is the same thing quantitative easing is it is a confiscation exactly hugh grant that you support so anyway we're out of time roland boss with davies thanks so much for being on the kaiser report not so it's a great pleasure mix. all right that's going to do it for this edition of the keiser report with me max kaiser and the fabulous stacy herbert i like to thank my guests davies if you can find him on twitter you should look and look for him on twitter he's at rowan abbas worth also be speaking at manchester on april fourth go to a site to learn more if you'd like to send us an email please do so at kaiser reported
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r t t v dot are you guys are saying bio. language. with. the consumer. choose. to.
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choose the stories they didn't. choose. to. live. goodspeed. if you. wish. please. please. please. please
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look at it and. find me a little.


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