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tv   [untitled]    March 30, 2013 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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tear gas is used to disperse the angry crowds of palestinians protesting against israeli occupation at a west bank checkpoint on a day mocking the conflict confiscation of arab land. and the fine print in the cyprus rescue deal paints and dreary picture with people's life savings and a high balance accounts at threat of being cleared out of the full bailout condition should be unveiled in later on saturday. and a fashion cobs of the u.k. police force comes under fire for wasting money on expensive uniforms at a time it was jerry gee this is as true now as in postal workers go on strike over job and pay.
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where were you watching today a welcome here on r.g.p. with me to bomb would say it's good to have your company with us. palestinians in the west bank as well as those living in israel's have gathered to protest against israeli settlement expansion they're marking land day which commemorates of the siege of a large slice of the arab territories by israel almost three decades ago which resulted in deadly underestimating the little ripples now from a border checkpoint where tensions are running high today irina the israeli occupation has been a source of anger among palestinians for for decades now. have you seen today what's been the reaction to lend day. well you can i can tell you that the tension actually is running high it seemed for a while like it had it has been subsiding here at the kalandia checkpoint between
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ramallah and is jerusalem but now. the even though the israeli military has pushed back slightly towards the checkpoint the demonstrators nevertheless a continuing their advancement on them they have been they have begun burning tires just very recently earlier there has been exchanges. between the protesters and the border police when the protesters are throwing rocks at the israeli forces and the israeli forces were responding with us down grenades and tear gas it kind of comes and goes in waves but of course the palestinians are showing no signs of giving up at all of these this this actually has the land a demonstrations have been a tradition since nine hundred seventy six when they occurred for the first time and six palestinians were killed in a confrontation with the israeli police and israeli armed forces and it has been happening every here as it is happening today last year the protests were extremely violent and they usually turned more violent in gaza where the israeli police and
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military forces are generally using live ammunition and we know that at least one person has been wounded with live ammo earlier today in the gaza strip as for what's happening in the west bank where of course the protesters being held by the palestinians all over the place there has been an exchange like i said stun grenades and tear gas we do not see we have asked the israeli forces whether they have used rubber bullets they have said no but palestinian media is reporting that there have been at least two wounds from from the use of rubber bullets by these rally for says of course the palestinians are protesting against the israelis sorry palestinians are protesting against the israeli occupation of land especially against the israeli settlements which not only do not subside but they actually are growing especially over the past decade and especially under the government of benyamin netanyahu that makes posting it's extremely angry and this is a day for palestinians not just in the west bank and not in the palestinian territories to express their anger. at us all over the world essentially we just
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heard a loud bang away. you were almost you jerked up what's happening around you right now we see people running we've seen these fires in the back describe what's going on around you guys well. well i can tell you that that bang was actually stun grenade i'm sorry it's not it's not particularly dangerous they just kind of really literally stuns you and now we can see that the tear gas vehicle that has pulled up maybe we can turn around and you can see what's happening actually as we talk so we yeah we see the recalls which i have the tear gas dispersal units on them they're there are edging they're trying to edge the protesters out as we as we speak the protesters are lined up on the street the only hill right above there and see they're using these special these special i don't i don't know we want to call them their gadgets which we with which they throw stones which fly quite far i have to say so now we see that the border patrol is regaining on regaining on where they were just about an hour ago and they protest obviously are not going to subside
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because these people and i have to say majority of them are very young from even kids as young as ten to rather full grown men to about thirty they're not going they're not showing any signs of giving up so they will continue their protest for the rest of the day it looks like and of course the border police aren't going anywhere so just and that was actually i think that you know i think it was a rubber bullet as a matter of fact. let's just kind of that you know rubber bullets that are being using now let's just come back to you know we know that it's a very sensitive area way you are right now so we'll get an updated with you later on do take care of yourself i will speak to you a little bit later on the school on the border the israel palestine. right and it's your opinion to we're always interested in today at our call my do you think there's a substantial solution for the never ending conflict between israel and the palestinians
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let's take a look at that poll right now that's on the allied now it's. thirty three percent of you say that no that's not going to change until international powers are stop using the two as pawns at all thirty two percent of you say that israel will just absorb palestinian land into its territory thirty one percent of you think no neither side is interested in peace while that four percent of you says that yes regional pressure force will force a both to peace now we want to know what your opinion is a do head to our common cause to vote so. we can read it out here and find out what you think right and there's plenty more coming up for you on air in a few minutes no let up in the egyptian opposition's outrage scuffles between muslim brotherhood opponents and supporters in the nose of dozens injured protesters in the capital is a direct of their anger at the prosecutor general as we report shortly.
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and no sign of improvement in the guantanamo hunger strike about a u.s. rights lawyer says the american public has very little awareness of what's actually happening inside camp delta. six figures cypriot savers and many pensioners now stand to see the bulk of their deposits wiped out europe's latest bailout terms dictate an even wider cash grab than previously thought draining savings in exchange for shares in collapsing banks the exact terms are to be unveiled on saturday although they are unlikely to bring any relief according to risk advice i danielle. if the bank can pull a rabbit out of a hat and somehow make what appears to be near worthless shares somehow very valuable then i suppose these the positives have some hope that they'll be receiving some of their money back but at this point in time that doesn't look very
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likely and what's happening now is the rise of the far right in many parts of europe has only in some respects taken off it's been very strong in a country like greece with with golden dawn and in countries like switzerland where nearly a third of the popular vote in the most recent election went to the far right this type of action that we're seeing in greece in cyprus now and in greece is only going to fuel the fire is only going to comp more people in my estimation to run to the far right to become more nationalistic and to become more close minded about the options that they would consider for their future and never wants to sit idly by and max and stacey delve into the cypriot crisis later today and they say they're like of optimism of the britain's latest plan for america will come back. what i told you about gold that is it's a told you to buy gold four years ago right here in the kaiser report many of you asked but what if the government confiscates our gold maybe the more intelligent
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question you should have been asking was what if they seize your bank account when i talk to you about bitcoin that is to say i told you to buy a bit call it at five dollars per bitcoin you screeched what if they start down the internet well maybe you should have been asking what if they shut down all the banks. well if. the template has been. and while europe melts down let's see what the term blood holds for the united kingdom oh right here in all the journey here were over my shoulder you can see the plank above the mayor's office where boris johnson the mayor may very well commit suicide. the situation at america's most notorious detention camp is becoming increasingly desperate with lawyers acting for guantanamo inmates claiming they clients are ready to die and most of the prisoners believed to be on
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a weeks long hunger strike protesting against illegal imprisonment and mistreatment at the hands of gods several people have been hospitalized and are under a dozen of being force fat rights groups say the jailer's up pressure in the strikers too and they campaign by keeping temperatures inside the camp near freezing point meanwhile there's still no sign of any political momentum to try and solve the kuantan i'm a quiet says thomas will not a lawyer who has represented guantanamo detainees in the past says the general public in the us are barely aware of what's going on at the camp. if you talk to people in the united states they simply don't know about guantanamo they don't know today that eighty six of the hundred sixty six people down there are innocent have been cleared have already been cleared many of the others are also innocent they don't know that the people at guantanamo weren't picked up on a battlefield they were sold for bounties by northern alliance people they don't know these facts anymore because there is no coverage in the united states the
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white house has said that it's still interested in closing guantanamo but i think it's delegated the issues of their people and it's also thrown up its hands and said well congress is stopping us from doing anything my former client. was the allo to and by is how condrey are innocent people who are wrongly held the president can get in and make sure that those people are released and sent home they don't pose a danger those people are desperate they want to die if they can't get out of guantanamo the u.s. courts have no authority to order a release of someone who's in guantanamo they're in the hands of the president the president has the authority to do it congress has said he could do it only with difficulty but he has the authority to do it he needs to step up to the plate and get it done and it will be taking an in-depth look at the plight of guantanamo detainees later today in breaking on the set i mean lots of challenges the idea put forward by some journalistic camp in maine to live
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a comfortable life and should be grateful for being locked up. except to mention one thing about the guantanamo bay hunger strike going on how damn good the prisoners have it there are in the robert johnson military defense editor at business insider the hunger strike is not only been overhyped but get mo is apparently more like a club med than it is a prison about those headline of his the other side of the good most strike detainees are treated absurdly well yes absurdly well delicious meals video games for everyone sports then well life what more could these prisoners possibly want maybe the freedom maybe to see their families that have a normal life outside of a prison cell especially since a majority of already been cleared for release having been declared not guilty and just today it came out that as a punishment for the strike some of the prisoners are filing complaints and
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pleading for humanitarian aid for being denied a potable drinking water and heat yeah doesn't seem like that nice of a vacation getaway does it and hey robert johnson even though you think it most so absurdly awesome i'll bet you couldn't handle it for a week let alone the rest of your life without trial or charge on that note let's break. scenes of violence once again among the ends of the weekend stones and fly obama's left dozens injured in the northern city of alexandria and zazi his supporters and opponents of president mostly and the muslim brotherhood clutched in cairo protesters so wrong to the prosecutors general's office demanding his resignation over what they call on willful action to the opposition.
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hundreds have gathered in front of the prosecutor's general office they are accusing the brotherhood of controlling and the judiciary and also protesting against a recent summons in the fine very well known activists last week for their alleged involvement in the bloody clashes last week out in this most difficult is that in the capital protest is a change show she still has the prospects general's office and school to direct and summoning all the common prosecutors to come a government whose position can sound questionable off to the appeals court hearing higher over time the presidential decree appointing him how do we have time violence outside of cairo in egypt psychosis or to the next on three of these street battles occurring between undercover protesters and what is yet to identify to reach some people saying that they are appropriate in mahmoud's the school since they're fighting the undercover protestors are there's a saying they're actually inflicted suffering is interesting to see if it's what you speak is being said among the talks and pulls of the east also
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a good shot of the protests now in terms of the bad consequences but early presidential elections saying the president ahmed morsi has not implemented any changes that he promised and that he really is not fit to govern the country. al qaida targets iraq is a political hopefuls as a country prepares for its first so close to all good patient elections almost a dozen times to die in explosions and attacks as a tire and that works flexes its military muscle proclaiming record operational strength as we report in a few minutes. lots of stun grenades and song bombs and but flame as riot police dispose protesters calling for the regime's downfall more and better off to the right.
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is he.
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welcome back you're watching r t twenty three p. . will have been killed in five separate attacks on mosques in iraq the quick succession of suicide and compliments also left to more than one hundred injured it the violence is believed to be the work of al qaida which has stepped up attacks ahead of prevention elections in april geo political analyst eric draitser told us that did this is all part of a high level terfel and follows directly from the u.s. occupation american presence is not simply quote unquote boots on the ground what you what you have to realize is that much of the iraqi political ruling class is handpicked by the united states take for example the ascendance of maliki to the to the role of prime minister this was in opposition to the un s hand-picked successor to saddam hussein be followed by the other u.s.
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darling alawi and so maliki really represents the u.s. as worst nightmare and they have worked night and day to do whatever they can to destabilize maliki's government we should remember that al qaeda was created by the united states by the intelligence establishment of the west and to a large extent depending on situations that oftentimes works in their interests and iraq iraq is one battlefield of that we see that al qaeda is a potent weapon of the western powers in syria and much of that is spilled over into unbar province in iraq some of the al qaeda affiliated groups are certainly questionable as to their origins and i think that al qaeda is in many ways that destabilizing force that is needed in order to create the necessary chaos and pretext in iraq for some kind of an intervention whether that be indigenous regime change or from the outside but the political crisis is taking on a geo political international dimension and that is the real story here. from the
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frying pan into the fire syrians who fled the conflict in their homeland are mad with the welcome aboard we'll have more on that in a few minutes and. the russian foreign ministry has accused the u.s. of interfering in moscow's affairs this follows criticism from washington over a series of inspections and targeting n.g.o.s face in russia we have a has more details on the statements. moscow has accused washington of bare-faced into theories into the country's internal affairs that's after us state department has described searches of around two thousand non-government organizations throughout russia as we chant and has claimed america will continue to fund some of them through third agents based outside the country russia's foreign ministry has condemned this behavior calling these statements cynical and provocative and they get ministry spokesperson earlier on with the sheriff has also added that russia
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understands why washington so angry as most of the indios been checked happen merican links also today russia's president vladimir putin has also announced that in two thousand and thirteen around seventy five million dollars of federal budget money will go to support the indios involved in socially oriented projects just to remind our viewers russian the source she's have been checking out going to zation such as human rights groups were is groups known also look structures environmental advocates with suspicions that they might provide a front for foreign madelyne into russia's internal affairs but actually his have been saying that these inspections are an attempt by kremlin to intimidate it's a critics. there are reportedly fresh protests in bahrain where it's called police so once again using tear gas and song to disperse the program from demonstrators on friday accord to clear to twenty one doctors of taking part in and to government
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protests in twenty eleven after keeping them in jail for almost two yes. jean who had also face five years behind bars told us what she went through during her confinement. called the. during interrogation who were forced to sign the fashion line without reading them and that you were thinking or. i mean by fear for their physical and psychological ok we didn't deny from anything for. the royal family or gave not given food or a clue where we were hard to get in. our last thing you think the front would. hold it is that like all of five electrocution and then have fictional harassment threats and really.
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get traction confessions doing that just basically become a break there and it will show the whole world that they are the very thing you know are very are suffering because that we treated wounded people i found myself at the knowledge before and there they were in my charges and they were actually i have to go and lie i confess that i was hundred back off a lot and i gathered to protect theirs so that they can't. refuse they're there and . there will be long queues outside the u.k. post offices today two thousand postal workers are walked off the job over pay and job cuts and the police force has been told to tighten its belt a few notches and curb its extravagant a spending on uniforms work experience just wear the pounds go. most of us in britain realising you've spent too much money on clothes especially when
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your budgets already squeezed it could happen to anyone but this time it's the boys in blue the u.k. government spending more stalled says the police are wasting too much money on ordering different bits of uniform there are forty three police forces in england and wales and each one orders their clothes and their equipment separately and to different specifications to take for example your high visibility jacket back to post as much as up to one hundred pounds per unit in a bench press to force compared to as little as twenty pounds per unit in a more frugal constabulary what's a four hundred percent difference in price and the same applies to all the commonplace items that you'd expect would be standard issues such as boots handcuffs and even body armor this was his goal velcro covering strap which was the zip was this. the zipper with no velcro covering
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strop at. the last you need is a bit of bureaucracy get in the way of progress it makes sense to have standardized weight bearing stuff and yes it will be a look like cheap police federation is around the country have been very vocally protesting cuts to their budgets recently yet the public accounts committee says that instead of tackling kwai and police forces are wasting resources time and money on disagreeing over how many pockets they should have on their uniforms or national audit office says the police forces around the country simply need some fun together in order to increase them find power and drive down the costs of their uniforms otherwise persons bobbies might find that they're burning too many holes in all those different pockets care to see london. a look around the world at some of this hour's other top stories are thousands of protesters abroad one of them to key cities to a halt on saturday wheat which is in the poorest southern half of the country has
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just been hit hard by the closure of a steel plant putting fourteen hundred people out of there while loney a region is in economic freefall in contrast to the prosperous dutch speaking flanders in the north. north korea says it's now in a state of war with the south it's the latest in a series of statements which have retched up of the rhetoric and tension between the two countries been particularly by american planes flying over the peninsula during war games with south korea the north are also enduring tougher sanctions after conducting bandit nuclear tests. a grenade attack on a school in the pakistani city of karachi is love the principal dead an injured aid students a motorcycle is holed exposes and fired of rounds as he drove past the building where crowd of children were gathered outside it's not yet clear who carried out the assault for desperate syrians trying to flee to safety it seems
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a life gets worse no matter which direction they turn the un has criticised turkey for allegedly deporting back some one hundred and thirty syrian refugees so to be involved in border violence over living conditions and israel israel has also some alarming numbers about the people seeking shelter the captain of reports. they come here by the thousands carrying meager belongings and painful memories at the refugee camp in jordan as desert shortage of nearly everything has turned daily life into a battle for survival. everything is hard here we don't have clean water to drink and it makes the children sick. for others despair has turned to anger. inside the calm their suffering in syria we're suffering why is this suffering still going on why the hell with human rights to hell with the world to hell with
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the big countries. but those living in camps are only the most visible part of the problem the tip of the iceberg in a disaster that is far more vast than meets the eye around eighty percent of jordan's syrian refugees live in cities and towns many of them are concentrated right here in urban about twenty kilometers from the syrian border and while camp life certainly is hard urban refugees have problems of their own abdullah brought his family to jordan after their home was destroyed in the war they now share this two room apartment with another syrian family. we felt we couldn't stay inside the council because of our children we found this home but we can barely pay the rent there is no help with food or supplies for people like us no one has mercy on us this mother of six also lives here she tells us her daughter hasn't had milk in three days they've run out of money and they don't know where to turn to for help.
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unfair here is full of humiliation how can we live. aid groups call them the invisible victims of the compass the one which is the easiest to see whereas if you have families who are spread over a small thicket of course they're much more difficult to find they tend to stay remain isolated they very quickly run out of means because many of the families who have arrived late do not arrive basically without anything local charities catering to urban refugees do exist but they're struggling to this clinic for syrian refugees depends entirely on donations but it hasn't been able to buy new medicines for days the money simply isn't coming in and that means no medication for this syrian baby at least for now just like the countless refugees languishing in camps and struggling in cities his parents will have to wait and hopes of help lucy catherine of r t jordan coming up next the.
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plans to create a medal for cyber warfare have been put on hold by new defense secretary chuck hagel but should there have been put on hold i mean hackers a drone operators do play a real important role in modern militaries and there are already u.s. military medals for things that don't involve people shooting at you the antarctic a service medals given by the department of defense for service between fifteen and thirty consecutive days in an article although the cold down there is potentially deadly no penguins are going to storm the base with kalashnikovs the homeland security distinguished service medal has also never been issued to anyone on the battlefield because thankfully for america there haven't been any invading armies in the homeland so is there precedent for a medal like cyber warfare battles i mean yes just a risk.


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