tv [untitled] March 30, 2013 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT
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or and heat yeah doesn't seem like that nice of a vacation getaway does it and hey robert johnson even though you think it most so absurdly awesome i'll bet you couldn't handle it for a week let alone the rest of your life without trial or charge and on that note let's break that. today i want to highlight a group of very unlikely heroes six deaver's and why am i highlighting animals as heroes you might as well the small team quite a super rodents are responsible for containing a chevron pipeline oil spill that leaked an estimated twenty seven thousand gallons of crude oil into marshes near the bay of a natural state reserve a large dam built by the beavers served as a barrier for the incoming crude and successfully held back
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a large portion of the spill and in fact according to a utah wildlife specialist the dam quote absolutely saved the baby sadly even though the beavers were rescued from the spill site many suffered severe burns on their skin from exposure to the still fuel and may not survive others have been receiving daily soap scrubs and are expected to be just fine in the larger picture however this is chevron's third spill in utah in three short years corded the huffington post the chevron was responsible for a thirty thousand gallons spill in june of two thousand and ten as well as a twenty one thousand gallons spill in december of that same year shame on chevron but thanks to the engineering marvel of these amazing little utah beavers the effects of this particular spill was a minimized and a much larger crisis was luckily averted and that's why these adorable creatures are my heroes today. so these are the guys of the heroes who is the villain that
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all but hope a title goes to butler county ohio prosecutor michael moser the man responsible for this is a bit like spring t.v. yet you know now not here either not for us either so and ohio prosecutors apparently said about that and he's done a good pasta time still the pennsylvania ground i think it's a good idea since bill committed fraud. you know for days now i've been seeing reports and reading the headlines about the indictment made against punxsutawney phil a poor helpless little creature ritualistically used every year exploited to predict whether or not there would be an early spring well this year it was wrong spring didn't come early for his error in judgment michael moser thought a fitting punishment would be death according to cincinnati's fox nineteen the indictment filed by butler county prosecuting attorney michael moser alleges that on or about february second two thousand and thirteen at gobbler's knob
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punxsutawney phil did purposely and with prior calculation and design caused people to believe that spring would come early while once hearing the fact that the beloved groundhog might die phil's handler bill deeley stepped up to take responsibility for the false weather forecast this coupled with countless letters from children across the state bade him not to execute the small helpless creature he decided to drop the charges ah glad he decided to have a heart and not murder an animal for not being a psychic weather satellite good job and of course after all was said and done he claimed it was all just for fun it was all just one big joke keep this in mind he took the time to file all the necessary paperwork to officially press these charges on the dime remember of the ohio butler county taxpayers moser. as
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a county prosecutor who should be dealing with real crime and real issues after all butler county is just north of cincinnati and not that far from cleveland a city that breaks the top ten most dangerous cities in the country how is it that he has nothing better to do for the people he represents then this louis c. look some of you might think this is amusing but i don't i think it's downright stupid and a giant a waste of taxpayer resources and for that reason butler county prosecutor michael moser you're my villain today. how well do you know the laws in your state probably well enough to keep yourself out of trouble right well there are actually many conspicuous things like spitting on the sidewalk in some states that could land you jail time yet here in the us
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many bizarre and outdated state and local laws are still on the books having never been repealed or adapted to modern times for example in fairbanks alaska it's still considered illegal to feed alcoholic drinks to move parts of florida it is against the law to engage in sexual activity with a porcupine. i'm not making this up from the antiquated to downright absurd there are plenty of crazy laws still on the books all across this great nation sort of break down some of this insanity i'm joined by b.t.s. producer man oh. it is absurd start with a category of strange animal as you've been researching is all week they're amazing and you're digging through some state laws and talk with the strangest animal related ones you've come up with sure just as a disclaimer abby did say go and find the craziest love you can find i'm sure your thoughts and yeah and i did apparently americans are fascinated with bears and that's as far as animal laws goes it's been a bears bears bears barely an alabama you can't have
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a bear wrestling match it's just it's just against the law i don't know if that's in force i don't know if you can actually if that particular law isn't force but in missouri for example a bear is a good example a bear can not drive a right in a car if it's not in a cage however if it is in a cage it's perfectly fine i'm actually against this one i think that there should be able to look at that it looks really really good time that's a good going to carry a bear to curry might as well have another funny bear one in alaska while it is legal to shoot bears and skin bears and melt bears or whatever you want. it is illegal to wake a sleeping bear for the sole purpose of taking its picture. that is a good swallow that's a that's a really fun one. let's see donkeys this is really great dog is arizona and georgia are unique in that you can't have a dog in a bathtub well that kills my plans for this weekend bathing my donkey in the bath tub and that's actually really unfortunate and i was also planning on taking my lion to the movie also illegal wares you know that you'd found there and there's
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marilyn marilyn that you know i was just going to go right there. that's so that's so sad that we can't do that anymore we can't bring our ally and i don't need to be honest i don't even know where these last one that you are open with you is our man have sex with a porcupine in florida that came for you so no i just feel like you can't have sex with animals and for why. well because some of them probably happened some yeah some have and we don't need to go there but let's move on to another category which is holy offenses sure you know of course now the separation of church and state you know it doesn't mean that overlap doesn't exist of course across this country most notably is the alcohol sale on sundays sure well these holy laws you call that they're also called blue laws and what they were originally designed to do is to enforce religious standards in the united states now has been challenged throughout the history of the country most recently in one thousand nine hundred sixty one under a gallon versus maryland it was found that blue laws are actually not unconstitutional so you can still in force the laws and plenty of states do that like you mentioned
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with with the alcohol ban certain states are canceled groceries or you cancel cars but there are several states that you know if you say the gods name in vain you get fined sure that's in the indiana anyone fourteen years or older who uses profanity against god jesus christ of the holy ghost shall be fined for dollars for every offense and no more than ten dollars for per day but i mean a lot of these standards that are not these crazy sounding laws exist to kind of preserve a day of rest the sabbath to sunday not for people to go to church necessarily but for there to be a kind of standardized a. for people to to have a day off during the week having that said there are other states like alabama where you can't have a fake mustache in church once again ruining my sunday and no cherry pies served on sundays in kansas and i think it's also florida where women can't go parachuting on sunday sunday and so let's talk about we have about a minute left let's talk about the women's rights of course we fought so hard to be equal despite huge advances in any quality or there are still plenty of laws that
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should be repealed a long time ago over some of the most egregious you know what i think that it's interesting because it is yes women have been fighting so hard for the rights in this country and so have minority groups like blacks african-americans in this country tried so hard over the years and fought so hard to get their civil rights but there are still laws on the books that hold them back the not necessarily in force for example in south carolina there are there is a law still on the books that would find you one hundred dollars for teaching a black person how to read these are laws that should have been repealed a long time ago reason let a lot of these laws are repealed is simply the force so that federal laws supersede state laws. you know oh yeah oh yeah right i mean that's really going to take these actually across the people on the say the we need to wrap up but what about the one of the woman adjusting her stockings in public that is in texas in tennessee can't publicly adjust your stockings it's considered a lewd act and planned you sentence some jail time up to
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a year well it isn't i don't do it i don't do it if i decided to just that are they can take a very good it down because he did it well if you like or you see so far you can head to our you tube channel at youtube dot com be sure to subscribe so you don't miss a single episode will solve all our interview segments tapped out if you want to catch those separately i encourage i want to check out our interview with roseanne barr from yesterday look at every second we've done separately and that had section on the top of the page from big brother watch to weapons of mass distraction check out all that and more i youtube dot com slash breaking effect and let you take a. break from my preaching let's say to her about a new project cataloging hate speech next. wealthy british style. expert on the tirelessly.
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think that we would all be evolving to a higher level of tolerance what this is the case it's happening to far too slowly because it seems that every turn whether it's radio social media or t.v. hate speech is once heard the loudest in fact in many cases it's reinforced and celebrated the most so what we do about it all new initiative called the wicked pedia not to be confused with the wicked pedia is being created to document and expose hate speech and all its forms check it out. to the public figures all those in a speech in this case it was only one type demand started execute them in front of their families i mean do they go on strike. six orders muslims to kill mom was. going to try this is deepening this kind of a speech because different social groups get what's the use of the discriminated against on the words they can be sold used in the book because they believe it so
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that each of the disability this station man responsible for this project is dr enough he's a med director of the institute for policy research and development and co-creator of the movie crisis of civilization he joins me now from london to talk about how this issue fits and has so many other crises facing the world today and how we can change course not because it's a pleasure to have you on like so much every so let's talk about your newest venture wiccan p.d.f. is free speech is a protected right in this country so why the need to catalog inflammatory remarks made by these figures. well at the moment especially as the economic crisis is intensifying we're seeing the polarization of different communities escalating and it's getting pretty worrying we're seeing a rise in hate crimes against different communities whether they're jewish for them most of them whether it's because your block whether it's because of clawson issues there is this growing social part of the reservation so we came up with this idea
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to develop an online platform that would use a wiki style multimedia kind of platform to document and expose hate speech that does occur in the public sphere and which can lead to a stereotype of racist bigotry in any form whether it's against women whether it's against gay people whether it's against people of different of different ethnicities or there is on the grounds of religion because of you know demeaning jorgen true stereotypes which can lead to hateful idea is ideas which are fundamentally what we bought toplady evidence and we thought rather than kind of we're not calling for hate speech to be bad and we're not calling for a new law against hate speech or anything like that fight freedom of speech if you want to indulge in hate speech you can indulge in hate speech but if you're going to indulge in hate speech we're going to track you we're going to document we're going to analyze it against and we're going to organize public campaigns that make
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people aware of how devastating this kind of speech can be and we're going to use out free speech and exercise that free speech to highlight this kind of speech is not really conducive to the kind of societies that we'd really like to see a really this is for us this is really about building a vision for the kind of inclusive society that we really want based on democracy based on real kind of celebration of difference based on diversity rather than based on a kind of homo genesis going to monolithic idea of only one brace. the only one that this is the only one religion or something like that. yes it's a really interesting idea and i think he's and i think that cataloguing all this is important and there is a point where speech does turn. when it does incite violence and people could die is a really important how alternately though will this project hold these people accountable
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for their words or is it just kind of compiling so we can be prepared to be armed with all their past discretions. well there's going to be two phases and we're going to we're going to start off by focusing on actually documenting stuff that's going on in the past by you know people on a public platform whether they're politicians whether they're media commentators whether the people who run organizations you know people in the public people of influence essentially you're engaged in this kind of hate speech but the idea is once we've documented the rules are going to try and track and monitor hate speech as it happens and when it happens what we'd like to do is to galvanize people to actually respond to it and to highlight those first i'm going to do is if if there's been an allegation or a report that someone had said has said something we need to ogletree would be meaning about a particular community or a group who first tried to verify that and once we verified it will basically the idea is that we'll be able to organize progressive people to say hey you know
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whether you all we're going to write to you we're going to call you're going to say what you said is completely wrong and we don't like me and we think that you should apologize for it and retract it but the idea is resa kind of say look as active citizens we're going to get engaged and get involved and we're going to basically do the same thing if someone in those in hate speech we're not going to encourage other people to hate them or make derogatory remarks about them what we're going to do is really politely just say hey guys this is really really horrible thing to say it's unjustifiable it's racist this is the kind of thing. that we saw happening that night it does we know we shouldn't be engaging this is not the society that we want to be living in are you going to be part of of what we really stand for in these in a democratic societies we just place to be liberal just place to be diverse or are you going to are you standing for something else the idea is really to kind of house people who are gauging in this in highlight what they really say and what it really might mean you know what they really standing for and restoring civility in
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death land necessity if we want to move forward and progress this is human population off is that i can't think of the phrases that believe that leaves i mean why is it that humanity seems more interested in bad news hate speech than it is on positive stories and good will why does it seem like we thrive on negativity. but i know i mean i think one of the problems that i've seen is. because it was just a genocide scholar as well and in the process i could end it with it i've done it one of the things i've seen and that many people are now aware of is that it's really bad stuff is happening you know when when things are falling apart when your society is going to pot you know you've got the banking collapse you've got environmental crisis there's been a massive loss of trust and up politicians you know lies over the wars that we've been fighting in iraq and afghanistan all of these things are compounded out in many different ways people through a lot also then they want to blame someone and sometimes it's easy to scapegoat
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what's most visible unfortunately what's most visible sometimes it's just it could be as simple as your skin color or the faith that you preach the fact that some dude by have a long beard or whether you know you are a skull cap or you know oh yeah you know you're my if you have a sexual or transsexual whatever people end up scapegoating and saying your the problem this is the problem and you know they get it wrong because they don't really necessarily understand why i things are falling apart why things won't be going wrong and these are states this community suppose that groups fall and that's what we kind of try to say hey look really actually. we're all in this together and all of us are part of this society and all of us are facing the brunt of it many different ways involved in blaming each other or blaming another group and scapegoating each other we need to really be saying that join forces and join together and build a vision of what we really want to see in the world it is easier to reinforce your own biases than it is to confront them and ask why they exist let's talk about the
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war on terror which requires a continued climate of islamophobia to function i mean to the humanize the other is the enemy obvious how much of this hate speech that we do see today that you say is exacerbating is part of the bigger machine that necessitates this warfare perpetuates that. but i think this this is a really important question because if you look back over the last decade or so it's not a love of mobility there's been a massive rise in hate speech specifically towards muslims and arabs. and that has been as a direct consequence of nine eleven but it's also been a direct consequence of the way the media has responded to not eleven in the way the media has actually. really focused on the idea of islam and muslims as a threat is a fifth column and some of that has been very racist has been stereotypical but what's really disturbing is the role of the pentagon and the role of security agencies in kind of hyping up this side whipping up this kind of sense of it and
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these are these big number of reports and studies which have showed that whether it's the f.b.i. whether it's the pentagon the different department of defense there has actually been from some quarters i'm not saying that the whole agency is up you know islamophobia or against muslims other that would be a mistake but there are elements of these agencies that you quite deliberately attempted to feed into this idea that yes actually it's a muslim problem over the last few years we've seen some reports and expressways from the new york times in the washington post on how even some of the training that is being provided to out you know security agents working in the f.b.i. and elsewhere on you know counterterrorism stuff has actually been really racist. and it's really demonized was in communities this hopelessly a mindset which is you know to some extent it's a reaction to some extent it's even being deliberately promoted feeding into this idea that there is an enemy out there and there's fortunately these kind of simple
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play stick you know binary divisions all quite convenient. how those most virulent elements. of our governments you kind of say whoa we need to have a war on terror because it's just them out there fighting us and it's very easy to justify going into other countries and conducting these invasions when you have a very simplistic you don't poking about enemy to say this you know that's the enemy out there and we have to deal with them and often as you've spoken about al qaeda being more of a loose coalition then this centralized and anomie force that we're told about that has sleeper cells everywhere and we need to be in constant gradual fear of talk about how what the reality of the quote anime that they're telling us is that we face and how can we shift the mindset because what you were just saying is reflected and also local police forces i mean look at the n.y.p.d. that the spying on muslim communities it's just amazing it's in perpetuity at the
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races and the demonization and how can we get out of it. well i think one of the things that i think it's very cool for people to take away and to do more research on reading on is our relationship to al qaida actually over the last decade if not longer the last three decades it's very well known we you know sponsored bin laden and his with java dean you know when i say we i say you know the united states the united kingdom various other western powers. and we did this during the cold war against it's a mobilized these guys against the soviet union against communism but what what many of us don't know is that this actually continued off of the cold war and in any many ways as you continue to this day and this is not a conspiracy theory this us you documented fact since whistleblowers like civil edmonds for example who worked with the f.b.i. confirms. from the late ninety's to two thousand and one not just bates
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was funneling into central asia these islamist extremists and terrorists in order to carry out operations in order to pursue there is. a very narrow it's used to teach you can trust sidelining russia's side right so i think trying to using these extremists on the ground to destabilize regions that and push through certain interests including like you know just paving the way all the gas pipelines and so on and all and even someone like i'm on the way here was covered leave the recognize the head of all who had that was bin laden's right hand man he was i see one of the guys that u.s. officials were meeting with a quote it's edmonds he was meeting with u.s. officials at the u.s. embassy in baku. so disc on this kind of thing continues you know we've been still find out sink. the gates admit it since in this part of the world in the middle east in relation to countering it reined in because we see sponsoring
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these kind of saw a sunni sell a few extremists as a counterweight to the iranian influence in the reach and syria you know funding al qaeda forces in syria yet fighting them and other countries doctor's offices and that unfortunately we're out of time but i think the solutions are right there in front of us and you're tackling them right now with cries of civilization and this new project awakened pedia it's all about humanity tolerance and understanding we are one global community and we need to treat. thank you so much for coming on and sharing your perspective on this issue. paul everyone thanks for watching today's show have a great weekend it will feel you here on monday. dangerous experiments on prisoners they want to make money and they have healthy guinea pigs
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in the regular society and now they will be used prisoners i mean they wish they could. drug tests on human guinea pigs. hate to call deadly pills he didn't pass away he was killed. he didn't pass away they let him down. is pharmacy really about helping people. choose your language. calling for the killer though in a federal court to say still some of the. treatments that the consensus here can. choose the opinions that you think are a couple of. tunes to stories could impact the life chose me access to.
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