tv [untitled] March 30, 2013 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT
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tear gas and stun grenades israeli police clashed with crowds of angry palestinians rallying against the occupation of their land r t was that the flashpoint on the west bank border and the protests turned violent. it goes from bad to worse in cyprus where many are likely to see more than half the savings wiped out overnight . demands an unprecedented raid on bank deposits exchanged for a bailout to rescue the country's failing economy. antonino bay detainees press on with the hunger strike as noise for the inmates many on the door as a result of their protests. costing
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lives from our studios here in moscow you're watching. well there's been violence as thousands of palestinians took part in the water was called the day rally israeli security forces clashed with demonstrators at a west bank border crossing using tear gas and stun grenades to disperse the crowds . gathering commemorates an event almost three decades ago israel announced it would seize land settlements. protests six palestinians were killed by police in the event seen as a flashpoint in israel. earlier my colleague has a bang let's say it spoke to r.t. . he was at the border during the most recent scuffles. running for a while and it has been subsiding here at the kalandia checkpoint between ramallah and is jerusalem but now even though the israeli military has pushed back slightly
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worried. the checkpoint the demonstrators nevertheless a continuing their advancement on them they have been they have begun burning tires just very recently earlier there has been exchanges. between the protesters and the border police when the protesters are throwing rocks at the israeli forces and the israeli forces were responding with us dung grenades and tear gas it kind of comes and goes in waves but of course the the palestinians are showing no signs of giving up at all of the this this actually has the land demonstrations have been a tradition since one nine hundred seventy six when they occurred for the first time and six palestinians were killed in a confrontation with the israeli police and israeli armed forces and it has been happening every here as it is happening today last year the protests were extremely violent and they usually turn more violent in gaza where the israeli police and military forces are generally using live ammunition and we know that at least one
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person has been wounded with live ammo earlier today in the gaza strip as for what's happening in the west bank where of course protesters being held by the palestinians all over the place there has been an exchange like i said stun grenades and tear gas we do not so we have asked the israeli forces whether they have used rubber bullets they have said no but palestinian media is reporting that there have been at least two wounds from from the use of rubber bullets by these rally force says of course the palestinians are protesting against the israelis sorry palestinians are protesting against these really occupation of land especially against the israeli settlements which not only did not subside but they actually are growing especially over the past decade and especially under the government of benyamin netanyahu what's happening around you right now we see people running we've seen fires in the back describe what's going on around you as well. while i can tell you that that ban was actually stun grenade i'm sorry it's not it's not particularly dangerous they just kind of really literally stuns you
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and now we can see that the tear gas that. you call that has pulled up maybe we can turn around and you can see what's happening actually as we talk so we yeah we see the vehicles which are have tear gas dispersal units on them they're. they're trying to edge the protesters out as we as we speak the protesters are lined up on the street on the hill right above there and see they're using these special special i don't i don't know we want to call them the gadgets which with which they throw stones which are fly quite far i have to say majority of them are very young from even kids as young as ten to rather full grown men to about thirty they're not going there not showing any signs of giving up really good risk of their well protests and demonstrations expansion of settlements military operations and a rising number of victims israeli palestinian conflict has been a constant political point and one of the world's most volatile regions well today we're asking if you think the peace process between the two sides will ever come to
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anything well that's how the numbers are shaping up so far on our part almost half forty six percent say israel will simply absorb palestinian land eventually into its own territory twenty seven percent at the top think they'll be no breakthrough at all and two global powers stop using the conflicting sides as political pawns. on record to believe the situation has reached a dead end as neither side is interested in dialogue well only six percent over to mr regional pressure differential force israelis and palestinians to make peace. we talked to mr. member of the palestinian legislative council he believes israel is more likely to get its way if your grievance is reached. this is not a conflict between two equal sides that don't have an able to find a way to solve the problem this is one side which is the israeli side occupying
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another for the longest occupation in modern history forty six years of occupation one side of pressing the palestinians i don't think there is any chance for peace process as long as we have this israeli government because what you have now inside the israeli government. ministers who are themselves settlers and this is the highest number of settlers who are sitting in the government they are also controlling the housing ministry and they are controlling the industrial and commercial ministry and they are also controlling the finance committee in the israeli knesset and practically they control the policy regarding the occupied territories because also the minister of defense who is in charge of the army is also loyal to the settlers in the reality with such an israeli government it's impossible to move into a real peace process unless the punishment acts. are separate six figure savings stand to see the bulk of it deposits wiped out as part
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of a painful rescue plan from the e.u. central bank says sixty percent of all the positive one hundred thousand euros would drain vestas will be compensated with around forty percent of the ses deposit many analysts stop killing. to be junk. doubts will. get their hands on the remains of their money. in the journalist column website please join the e.u. did not do cyprus any favors. the way cyprus is trapped by coming into the euro because one of the benefits they thought of joining the e.u. was that the e.u. would work out the cyprus greek cyprus and the turkish cypriot problem could be true and that would promise to never happen so they don't then during the last president was there the socialist president you ran on the dream of you readers
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occasion you resigned two weeks before the banks closed so it's a disaster here the people are realizing it waking up to it and i think the rest of europe i mean if this happened look if this happened in spain there would be riots in the streets buildings banks would be burned down it was happening in greece as well but because because cyprus was a soft target for the troika one of the ones to sit idly by max and stacey delve into the cypriot crisis in the kaiser report later this hour on r.t. soaring the lack of optimism of the u.k.'s latest plan for america's economic comeback. but i told you about gold that is a sad told you to buy gold four years ago right here in the kaiser report many of you asked but what if the government confiscates our gold maybe the more intelligent question you should have been asking was what if they seize your bank account when i talk to you about bitcoin that is to say i told you to buy bit call
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it a five dollars per bed go on you screeched what if they shut down the internet well maybe you should have been asking what if they shut down all the banks. well if too late now the template has been set and while europe melts down let's see what the template holds for the united kingdom oh right here in old britannia were over my shoulder you can see the plank above the mayor's office where boris johnson the mayor may very well commit suicide. hunger strike because of the going ton of a bay prisoner saying they're ready to face death rather than end their protest that's according to their lawyers who say the majority of their clients are starving themselves on the u.s. military admits the numbers risen to thirty seven on a dozen and now allegedly being force fed prisoners have complained of guards denying them drinking water and keeping temperatures inside the camp and freezing
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point to bring an end to the protest the general public in the us remains ignorant of rights abuses in the tourist prison of one of the only thomas when he represented guantanamo detainees in the past that's what he had to say. if you talk to people in the united states they simply don't know about guantanamo they don't know today that eighty six of the hundred sixty six people down there are innocent have been cleared have already been cleared many of the others are also innocent they don't know that the people at guantanamo weren't picked up on a battlefield they were sold for bounties by northern alliance people they don't know these facts anymore because there is no coverage in the united states the white house has said that it's still interested in closing guantanamo but i think it's delegated the issues of their people and it's also thrown up its hands and said well congress is stopping us from doing anything my former client. was the aloe to and fires how condrey are innocent people who are wrongly held the
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president can get in and make sure that those people are released and sent home they don't pose a danger those people are desperate they want to die if they can't get out of guantanamo the u.s. courts have no authority to order a release of someone who is in guantanamo they're in the hands of the president the president has the authority to do it congress has said he could do it only with difficulty but he has the authority to do it he needs to step up to the plate and get it done. something the u.s. insists that the guantanamo prisoners have nothing to complain about claiming they enjoy excellent conditions in the detention center not a not in a challenge is the idea put forward by some journalists at the prison is virtually a cuban one of the results that's in breaking a set which has been today hannity. to mention one thing about the guantanamo bay hunger strike going on how damn good the prisoners have it there are
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in a robert johnson military defense editor at business insider the hunger strike is not only being overhyped but get mo is apparently more like a club med than it is a prison about this headline it has the other side of the good most strike detainees are treated absurdly well yes absurdly well delicious meals video games for everyone's then well life what more could these prisoners possibly want maybe the freedom maybe to see their families and up a normal life outside of a prison cell especially since the majority of already been cleared for release having been declared not guilty and just today it came out that as a punishment for the strike some of the prisoners are filing complaints and pleading for humanitarian aid for being denied a potable drinking water and heat yeah doesn't seem like that nice of a vacation getaway does it and hey robert johnson even though you think it most so
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absurdly awesome i'll bet you couldn't handle it for a week let alone the rest of your life without trial or charge on that note let's break. but is it going to be war or peace on the korean peninsula for young announces it's in a state of war with so after the break we look at where the latest tensions could lead . wealthy british style some time to. find. the right. markets why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy
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a state of war with its southern neighbor when young's message hardened following a recent joint exercise held in the region by u.s. and south korean forces wanting droll off on the korean the friendship association thinks the american dead and the of us are endangering peace on the peninsula. concerning threats we especially to be talking about other things specifically peace peace is what everybody wants nobody wants a war the number of human lives that would go into any kind of aggression either side is incalculable if the united states thinks this is just a war game then kim jong un will prove what is not a game game a game that is not only played on national scales with human lives and that's what the united states been doing to decades this is a serious matter that needs to be taken seriously by the united states if that is what it is in the world desires they want the six party talks but the only parties need to be talking are the united states and the democratic people's republic of korea a an open and honest hearing of grievances between those two countries bahraini
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police have reported least ten gas and stun grenades to disperse pro-reform demonstrators soften a conviction of twenty one doctors for taking part in anti-government protests in twenty eleven was overturned on appeal but dozens of medics not position activists still remain behind bars to fatima sentenced to five years in jail but acquitted to eight months ago told us what she went through during her confinement. we were told the most of this if you were gay students who were forced to sign paul some fashion line without leaving them and that the assumptions were taken or strikes. and i mean by severe their physical and psychological torture we've been denied from speaking for our. good standing for days not given food or nowhere through any hard to get seen so we get our word for last thing you think
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that from what. holds it is that's like mall of five electrocution and then have sexual harassment tax to be angry all of that gets struction off confessions doing that are just basically become a break they're preventing and they will shove the whole word that they are preventing you know are they are torturing us just because that we three kids going to see five i found myself at that knowledge before and then they're very bright in my charges and they were actually as it goes by i have what i confessed that i was hungry back off life and i gave that to protect so that they can see. if there are there and it just. if you're an australian and a supporter of the whistleblower julian assange you cannot join the wiki leaks political party because it's announced five hundred feet playing members on needed to officially register your strain electoral commission and if that happens and
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just become a senator go online to find out what it must. be rabia wants to end twitter and enormity with the government plans to link social media users to unique i.d.'s with personal information twitter stand up for middle east tweeters leave your opinion at our website. in britain right now it's cut costs leaving public workers fearing for their jobs such as the two thousand post office staff walked out on saturday the latest industrial dispute the u.k. police might be a little too preoccupied with their wardrobe spinning around one point seven billion pounds a year on uniforms. examines what she used to dress to impress instead of tackling crime. most of us in britain realising you've spent too much money on clothes
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especially when your budgets are already squeezed it could happen to anyone but this time it's the boys in blue the u.k. government spending more stalled says the police are wasting too much money on ordering different bits of uniform there are forty three police forces in england and wales and each one or does that play on there are quite minute separately and to different specifications to take for example your high visibility jacket back to call as much as up to one hundred pounds per unit in a very aggressive force compared to as little as twenty pounds per unit in a more frugal constabulary but it's a four hundred percent difference in price and the same applies to all the commonplace items that you'd expect would be standard issues such as handcuffs and even body armor this one has got a velcro covering strap which covers the zip. the zip
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with no velcro covering strop. the last thing you need is a bit of bureaucracy get in the way of progress it makes sense to have a standardized way of buying stuff and yes it will be a lot like cheap police federation's around the country have been very vocally protesting cuts to their budgets recently yet the public accounts committee says that instead of tackling quine police forces are wasting resources time and money on disagreeing over her. many pockets they should have on their uniforms or national audit office says that police forces around the country simply need to band together in order to increase their buying power and drive down the costs of their uniforms otherwise britain's bobbies might find that burning too many holes in all those different pockets party boy k r c london or some other world news in brief for you at least one child has been killed off later helicopter opened fire at insurgents in southeastern afghanistan
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a pilot was reportedly backing a group of local security forces despite president karzai as recent ban on calling for air support in residential areas well later a nato spokesman apparently amended a statement claiming the copter was on a separate mission unconfirmed eyewitness reports also said that one but three children were killed in the start. two thousand their figo brains have rallied in the divided city of much of its own consular against ongoing talks with serbia he mediated negotiations are aimed at negotiating control in the area some ethnic albanians believe the talks could lead to the city being divided the northern part of the chief or into belgrade also succeeded in serbia in two thousand and eight and recognizing it as a new state. internet two bodies have been found as rescue workers continue the search for survivors mine why
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a massive landslide the fate of over eighty workers thought buried under the debris still remains unclear thousand the rescuers risk of a tos have been scaring the area for than twenty four hours the chance of finding anyone else alive are fading massive landslip struck in the early hours of friday americans were sleeping in a. in the two years of conflict in syria more than a million people have been forced to flee their water and country desperate syrians trying to find safety it seems that life gets worse no matter which way they turn this recently turkey has been the blame for the actually deporting hundred thirty syrian refugees said to be involved in violence over the living conditions and the other so-called invisible victims of the war remain completely unaccountable and in jordan as reports of life in emergency camps is often hopelessly grim. they come here by the thousands carrying meager belongings and painful memories at the
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refugee camp in jordan is desert shortage of nearly everything has turned daily life into a battle for survival. everything is hard here we don't have clean water to drink and it makes the children sick. for others despair has turned to anger. inside the calm their suffering in syria we're suffering why is the suffering still going on and to hell with human rights to. hell with the big countries. but those living in camps are only the most visible part of the problem the tip of the iceberg in a disaster that is far more vast than meets the eye around eighty percent of jordan's syrian refugees live in cities and towns many of them are concentrated right here in urban about twenty kilometers from the syrian border and while camp life certainly is hard urban refugees have problems of their own abdullah brought
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us family to jordan after their home was destroyed in the war they now share this two room apartment with another syrian family. we felt we couldn't stay inside the towns because of our children we found this home and we can barely pay the rent there is no help with food or sore points. no one has mercy on us. this mother of six also lives here she tells us her daughter hasn't had milk in three days they run out of money and they don't know what turn to for help. is unfair here is full of humiliation how can they live. aid groups call them the invisible victims the compass the one which was the easiest to see how families who are spread over a small city of course that much more difficult to find they tend to stay remain isolated they very quickly run out of means because many of the families who have arrived who want to arrive bracing. without any local charities catering to urban refugees do exist but they're struggling to this clinic for syrian refugees depends
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entirely on donations but it hasn't been able to buy new medicines for days the money simply isn't coming in and that means no medication for this syrian baby at least for now just like the countless refugees languishing in camps and struggling in cities his parents will have to wait in hopes of help. r.t. jordan as promised. a crisis in cyprus soma cars reports of the very. plans to create a war medal for cyber warfare have been put on hold by the new defense secretary
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chuck hagel but should they have been put on hold i mean hackers a drone operators do play a real important role in modern militaries and there are already u.s. military medals for things that don't involve people shooting at you the antarctic a service medals given by the department of defense for service between fifteen and thirty consecutive days in antarctica although the cold down there is potentially deadly no penguins are going to storm the base with kalashnikovs the homeland security distinguished service medal has also never been issued to anyone on a battlefield because thankfully for america there haven't been any invading armies in the homeland so is there precedent for a medal like cyber warfare medals i mean yes just there is but when you think about it giving someone a medal for using a mouse to blow up blips on a monitor really seems to devalue the medals of the guys who are brave enough to storm the beaches on d.-day or slug through disease and snake filled swamps and vietnam so maybe for the sake of the prestige of the of their medals let's just let the cybersecurity one go but that's just my opinion.
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welcome to the kaiser report imax kaiser when i told you about gold that is to say i told you to buy gold four years ago right here on the kaiser report many of you asked but what if the government confiscates our gold maybe the more intelligent question you should have been asking was what if they seize your bank account when i talk to you about bitcoin that is to say i told you to buy a bit coin of five dollars per bit going you screeched what if they shut down the internet well maybe you should have been asking what if they shut down all the banks well it's too late now the template has been set and while europe melts down let's see what the template holds for the united kingdom oh right here in old britannia where over my.
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