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tv   [untitled]    March 31, 2013 12:30pm-1:00pm EDT

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news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images go world has been seeing from the streets of canada. showing corporations rule the day. again in bahrain on thursday twenty one doctors finally wore free after spending two years in jail accused of taking part in anti-government protests they were initially convicted of instigating hatred and participating in a legal gatherings the doctors insisted they were only doing their job though in
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treating the wounded and claimed that they were tortured into confessing crimes they hadn't committed their acquittal didn't fully deflect attention from the gulf state massive internal problems though and crackdowns on dissent the sunni want to he's been suppressing and see regime rallies now since twenty eleven using violence to disperse campaigners asking for jobs and freedoms physician dr francis recounts her own experience while being held by the country's security forces to. rent a. house after house right from. the room and we just have to sit here and it will look a lot too good for both the lawyer out of the if it were life for the most of the. who were forced to sign well first in line you know that we did them and that. this is going to think you know. by the vehicle and i mean by their
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physical or psychological so we deny from speaking for. the family or the not given food or nowhere where how is it getting. so we get our word for lockdown the thing you think the phone would stay. whole is that is that like the whole by electrocution and then have fictional harassment that should be you know and really all of that to get traction on the question. and we gain notoriety for causing collateral damage overseas washington's unmanned drone fleets now i upped the homefront to the u.s. experts predict tens of thousands of armed aircraft could be patrolling american skies by the end of the decade but the aerial intrusions meeting some fierce resistance on the ground is not is going to change you can. one point this documentary on u.s. public television touts the technological capabilities of drones and their new
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super sensors this image was taken seventeen thousand five hundred feet above quantico virginia and covers fifteen square miles if we wanted to know what is going on in any spot along the seam i'd say near this building this intersection we can generate a moving image that shows what's going on in the area the state of virginia was the first to stand up against this kind of surveillance in early february the state legislature passed a two year moratorium on the use of drones but the bill is yet to be signed by the state's governor who is known to be very supportive of the spy aircraft. in charlottesville virginia police have never used drones but the city council has nonetheless restricted their use just in case these this technology is already being heavily marketed to local law enforcement agencies and other groups and there's even one county in virginia that already purchased two drones for surveillance and so we know it's coming and we just we want to get out ahead of it
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at least twenty seven states are now considering legislation to outline how drones can be used by law enforcement or to ground them all together but there are those who believe the lawmakers effort not the rise of the spy planes so they're taking the matter into their own hands a company in oregon says it has developed and will soon start selling to acknowledge that could shield people from surveillance drones over the phone the developer did not offer any details but said this for not disabling their cameras or anything like that we are not doing anything physically to the drones we are simply not allowing their cameras look at areas. also in the battle for privacy a designer in new york came up with an antisocial and clothing line with a garment of designed to be thermally reflective. which means he bounces off and here is what's used for thermal imaging and particular this technology is used
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a lot on drones and reviews but it's doubtful that this designers gear however creative could compete with the cutting edge spite acknowledging now being developed for government use a million terabytes of video a day which is the equivalent of five thousand hours of high definition footage so you can go back and say i would like to see what happened this particular location three days two hours four minutes ago and it would actually show you exactly what happened if you were watching it live there is actually enough resolution to be able to see the people waving their arms or walking around with things where as a number of states try to restrict the use of drones at a federal level there is a great push to expand their use the federal aviation administration projects that in seven years there will be thirty thousand you avi's flying over the u.s. there's absolutely no way of knowing if we are being filmed at the moment so we
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might as well wave to big brother up there in washington i'm going to check out. at least nineteen people were killed more than a hundred wounded on friday when the latest wave of sectarian bloodshed struck a rock show worshippers who were targeted by the suicide car bombings of mosques in baghdad and kurd cook. deepening political strife in the country will be a battle promises struggling to appease his opponents several politicians have also been targeted by al-qaeda linked terrorist cells security fears have forced the government of the spode local elections in two provinces and we spoke to my five agent ali masha and she says iraq's on able to shake off the disastrous legacy of the american occupation. we've now seen a massive destabilization of the old star which is and no real meaningful new structures put in place so it's not just the polity. under threat but for segments of other areas of society to things like proper hospitals schools even just water
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and sewage and things like that have been decimated and not rebuilt appropriately it's great that people are stepping forward and they want to represent their constituencies but if you can't guarantee that democracy will be democratically elected you can't guarantee that people are not afraid to go and vote you can't guarantee there won't be oppression and violence around that process and you can't guarantee as well that the people who are then elected have real powers to represent their constituents then it's not a real democracy it's just yet another oligarchy it's another dictatorship imposed on the hapless people and if i was stuck in that volatile nation next a decade after the u.s. led invasion into iraq r.t. talks to the country's former chief of intelligence that chap coming up in just a couple minutes after the break. when their country turned over them a living. sometimes have to leave their children behind. i don't like to work just
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a bit longer. it's a dream of millions of migrants that their children might choose their. school. i want my children to win over moscow. russia has become this. migrants working to find a way home. wealthy british style. sometimes classified. markets why now found. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cars or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kaiser report on
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the. i'm joined by mr salim jamali former chief of the iraqi intelligence services american office he's an extraordinary man who played a key role in providing the iraqi government with intelligence right before the invasion mr solomon you destroyed all documents after the war was over you burned them at a safe house in baghdad but i'm sure there is still a lot of information that you committed to memory let's start with the pretext that the u.s. used to justify the invasion they claim that iraq had ties with al qaeda is it true or was it just a pretext. of course america did everything to prepare public opinion inside the u.s. and internationally for the war against iraq there were two major parts to this work us trying to convince everyone that iraq had weapons of mass destruction and that
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it had close ties with al qaeda and terrorists in general in the one nine hundred eighty s. we did have certain relations with some organizations but in the ninety's we received orders to stop all contact with any organization that had terrorist connections talking about ties with al qaeda george bush said that president saddam hussein had sent his envoys to meet with this summer bin laden but he never mentioned what the result of that meeting was we had connections with the muslim brotherhood in syria they had connections with this some of bin laden it was in sedan at the time we got permission to establish that contact through the syrian muslim brotherhood message to some of bin laden was we all were against the american presence in saudi arabia we had the same enemy therefore we could work together undermining the saudi regime and pressuring it to remove americans from the arabian peninsula then we got a reply from bin laden he said the baath regime in iraq was a pos eight and that it was because of the iraq regime that the americans came to
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the middle east therefore he couldn't have any contacts with this regime that there were other attempts to establish a connection that are some of bin laden's position never changed americans also contacted bin laden they were the ones who transferred him to afghanistan to fight against the russians were going to force if bin laden refused to work with saddam hussein does that then mean that it was the u.s. who cooperated with al qaida and not iraq one. i would not define it as cooperation though as it was later revealed they did have contacts they coordinated their actions and supported al qaeda as fight against the russians and the soviet union when bush said that sadam hussein sent an envoy to bin laden he didn't talk of the results of that mission so formally his statement was true but in terms of the meaning he was wrong now let's talk a little bit about the weapons of mass destruction in iraq really have these
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weapons as america claimed when it invaded the country. one more thing about al qaeda before the war against iraq the u.s. media talked a lot about abu musaab cari who allegedly was in iraq and had connections with the iraqi regime we searched but didn't find miss sampson we had no connections with mossad or al qaeda there was an attempt to establish a connection with the taliban through one of the ministers who was in pakistan for iraqi intelligence proposed this but foreign minister tariq aziz said that it was an unstable regime and it wouldn't benefit iraq to have relations with it did iraq actually have w m d that could threaten the entire world or the region where. they fabricated a certain problem analyzed it and drew their conclusions based on that the data they receive from various sources was untrue this was their attempt of swaying public opinion in terms of the intelligence operation iraq was
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a closed country and they obviously had no sources within the country that would have told them the truth so they relied on other sources that fed them lies such as for instance photos of trucks portable labs which according to their allegations were used for producing chemical weapons and they were actually used for checking food products supplied for the government but they took photos of those labs and presented them as units for producing w m d but what i am absolutely convinced had the americans had an iraqi source that was telling them the truth they wouldn't have done what they did. in spite of having problems between the cia and the national security adviser it wanted to impose her opinion by making certain changes in the cia reports in the counter intelligence business you should let the opponent have its sources inside your country who you keep under control you should ensure that there's a certain information leak to the extent you want to have it before the war in our secret communication we confirmed that they convince the world in the need of
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entering iraq in order to resolve two major issues w m d and ties with al qaida but what would they tell the world if they invaded iraq and didn't find w m d's or ties with al qaeda while you may have noticed that the entire talk was held in a different key after a while they changed the entire plan and they said they were pursuing democratic goals in a rug and once chaos began in iraq they called it constructive chaos seize the entire arab region in their strategy they believe that america would rule this whole area once they overthrew saddam hussein but it actually works out the opposite way when chaos seized the entire area. were you prepared for cooperation with the international community for instance with europe or the u.s. in their counterterrorism area that. we were and we sent a number of letters on that matter in one nine hundred ninety three a truck full of explosives drove into the world trade center that attack was developed and executed by an iraqi american who came from samara iraq this man fled
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back to iraq following the attack the iraqi intelligence detained him and put him on trial we were willing to extradite him he was an american and we had no right to keep him but we wanted to have guarantees that the extradition would take place within the official framework but often when handing such a man over both sides are supposed to sign statements of transfer and acceptance in presence of an intermediary we drew up those statements which were very explicit and the americans refused to sign the acceptance statement. and the only reason they did that was to claim that iraq was reluctant to cooperate in the war with terror that's right. it is said that you've penetrated into the us department of defense is that true here we have recruited a high ranking officer from the united states department of defense however not all of this information was genuine a part of it was supposed to mislead us this officer even unveiled the general
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scenario of the war with iraq the us military strength in turkey information about troops and counter intelligence in countries neighboring iraq such as saudi arabia and the gulf arab states he was the one who confirmed there would be no attacking from turkey guided by this information we relocated the adnan division from the mosul region closer to baghdad that's fortifying positions of the troops around the city the u.s. counter intelligence suspected we had a source in the department of defense and was deliberately exposing tons of all sorts of information but we knew which of the information was true we had information that the americans would invade as soon as they amassed seventy five thousand troops in the gulf about a month ahead of the invasion we sent a report to the command staff informing them that the american forces stationed in the gulf had swollen to seventy three thousand in strength coming close to the benchmark for launching the invasion at the same time the americans were faking leaks to make us believe the invasion would start somewhere in april may but we
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were certain that this would kick off any day now. does that mean that the leaders of iraq actually had a chance of avoiding the war. we were positive that they would be war the american media propaganda machine had been blatantly manipulating public opinion internationally and inside the united states it was already too late for them to call off the war effort and for us it was difficult to sway public opinion after nine eleven there was a missed opportunity here prior to the nine eleven attacks it was still possible for us to come to terms with washington by making some serious concessions but after nine eleven with the us administration and especially the department of defense becoming dominated by hardliners we found it increasingly difficult to deal with the americans we had the american jewish lobby to thank for that as they were investing serious efforts in toppling the iraqi regime or what about the high profile decision makers the group of new york conservative decision makers who are
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responsible for starting this war. but like on the whole i've already mentioned those who are officially in charge of the war richard perle colin powell donald rumsfeld on top of all of them dick cheney and president bush but the policy advisers i'm referring to were a group within the defense department effectively assumed the role of intelligence national security community the state department and so on during the period in question strategic decision were made exclusively by a single institution the department of defense the department of state of jet did to their war plan and so did the cia the cia told the pentagon toppling the iraqi regime is the easy part but what's your scenarios for iraq once you remove saddam hussein the d.o.t. replied just lead to save or throw him and then everything will stabilize but that's the kind of mind frame that dominated the american war effort there was no
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sustainable long term strategy and that's why it all ended in chaos now look what happened to iraq after two thousand and three with war in the americans that if the regime would fall iraq would devolve into a jihadist stronghold and iran would expand its area of influence across the gulf region it was us who checks terrorist activity and contained iran's quest for regional domination i'm sure that all of our messages and information did reach us decision makers up to the very top. or did the iraqi leadership believe that america would stop short of starting the war because of its program attic policy and little interest in wrecking havoc and endangering its allies in the persian gulf. i think our leadership believed that the u.s. administration could foresee the implications of toppling the iraq regime that the american administration would do something as stupid as letting the iraq regime fall and allowing al qaeda and iran to spread their influence across the region was
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totally inconceivable authorities thought that the wall wouldn't last long and then afterwards the us would put forward certain conditions and we would say yes but no one had expected americans not only to crush the regime but the whole country as well in such a brutal manner they even went as far as damaging their own country they lost people and money it's those wars that sparked the economic crisis that are going through now no one had thought that americans would act so irrationally so the whole. you may refuse to answer this question but i will still try and ask it a few days after the attack you were arrested by american soldiers. did they try to make you speak or find out about your sources in the u.s. on april ninth baghdad fell on april the twelfth i set on fire all the archives we kept on the u.s. western europe and asian countries. so i think it was how long did it take you to
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burn them and not a. total of four days after i took the decision in order to burn these files there were tons of documents but i made sure they were all destroyed on april the twenty second i was arrested those guys wanted to make me speak and his book the cia director right that they had successfully located an important informant in the intelligence the pilots were told to get ready for an airstrike we insisted that we needed him a life that was important for us here they broke into my house at five in the evening did you consider attempting an escape. no i was sure i would get caught no matter where i went i was responsible for the archive on the us i had all the information i wasn't worried because the archive had been burned and words are just words. let's talk about a sensitive subject. did you really try to bribe mr el baradei. you know i work for intelligence and ninety percent of intelligence work is illegal
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it's true for all intelligence services around the world if you always observe the law you won't be able to work for intelligence we encourage el baradei to tell the truth in which case the americans would have tried to get rid of him if they had tried to do that we were ready to take his side and support him all he had to do is tell the truth and they would have been no need to worry about his position or financial security eventually this plan was discarded so you're not even sure whether mr el baradei knew about this deal with no i don't know that for sure. and finally in my last question were there any cases of treason within senior military command a much as far as i know there were no such cases i'm absolutely sure of it the military command remains united but last minute changes to our battle plans led to the destruction of three republican guard divisions that were moving to cut into the rolling american columns as they stretched along the western bank of the year
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for eighty's of course we had no support from the app they were able to tap into our communication so they focused on that they managed to recruit a communications expert from special services who knew how the communication system of the prisons back up residences works was he an iraqi yes he was an iraqi when the door a neighborhood in baghdad got hit this person vanished without a trace. thank you mr solomon. hold it. hold it. i.
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live live. live . you.
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know when their own country can't offer them a living even loving mothers sometimes have to leave their children behind. i don't like to wonder just a bit longer. if the dream of millions of migrants that their children might choose their own motherland. i was. stunned. by what my children too went over in moscow. russia has become their stepmother land. migrants working hard to find a way home. if.
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peace is peace if peace peace peace peace peace peace peace. peace peace. it's i've. i've .


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