tv [untitled] March 31, 2013 4:30pm-5:00pm EDT
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sorting out is the weekly or other top stories of our seven days i mean bahrain on thursday twenty one doctors finally will free after spending over seventeen months behind bars accused of taking part in anti-government protests they were initially convicted of instigating hatred and participating in illegal gatherings the doctors insisted though they were only doing their job including the wounded at the time and claimed they were tortured into confessing to crimes they didn't commit their acquittal didn't fully deflect attention from the gulf states massive internal problems and crackdown on dissent the city want to he's been suppressing anti regime rallies no since twenty eleven using violence to disperse campaigners asking for jobs and freedoms physician dr fatima recounts her own experience to me the
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week after being held by the country's security forces and facing five years prison a self. mandates if the distance from the house was to house right from last if there are rooms and then we just have the sixty and eighty two and that's a lot to get full blown through lawyers or our families where life full of the most of the viewing is to rig a chance who are forced to sign false impressions blindly without we doing them and that stuff isn't going to think in our sights. and i mean by severe their physical and psychological torture we didn't deny from speaking for our. needs we're expanding for days not given food or i know where you are hard to get in so we get no showers for last thing you think that from what.
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all of that is that like all of five electrocution that has fictional harassment facts should be angry all of that just gets struction off confessions. at least nineteen people were killed more than one hundred wounded on friday when the latest wave of sectarian bloodshed struck a rock show worshippers were targeted by the suicide car bombings of mosques in baghdad and kirkuk attacks government political strife in the country with the embattled prime minister struggling with peter's opponents several politicians have also been targeted by al-qaeda linked terrorist cells security fears of force the government disposed local elections in two provinces former m i five agent told us in the week that iraq's unable to shake off the disastrous legacy of the american occupy occupation. did nothing a massive destabilization of the old structures and no real meaningful new structures put in place so it's not just the politicians who are under threat but
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for segments of other areas of society to things like proper hospitals schools even just water and sewage from things like that have been decimated and not rebuilt appropriately it's great that people are stepping forward and they want to represent their constituencies but if you can't guarantee that democracy will be democratically elected you can't guarantee that people are not afraid to go and vote you can't guarantee there won't be oppression and violence around that process and you can't guarantee as well that the people who are then elected have real powers to represent their constituents then it's not a real democracy it's just yet another oligarchy it's another dictatorship imposed on the hapless people have again notoriety for causing collateral damage overseas washington's arm and drug fleets now out the home front u.s. experts predict tens of thousands of unarmed aircraft could be patrolling american skies by the end of the decade but the early true meeting some fierce resistance on the ground if you can reports next. one point this documentary on u.s.
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public television touts the technological capabilities of drones and their new super sensors this image was taken seventeen thousand five hundred feet above quantico virginia and covers fifteen square miles if we wanted to know what is going on in any spot along the seam i'd say near this building this intersection we can generate a moving image that shows what's going on in the area the state of virginia was the first to stand up against this kind of surveillance in early february the state legislature passed a two year moratorium on the use of drones but the bill is yet to be signed by the state's governor who is known to be very supportive of the spy aircraft. in charlottesville virginia police have never used drones but the city council has nonetheless restricted their use just in case these this technology is already being heavily marketed to local law enforcement agencies and other groups and
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there's even one county in virginia that already purchased two drones for surveillance and so we know it's coming and we just we want to get out ahead of it at least twenty seven states are now considering legislation to outline how drones can be used by law enforcement or to ground them all together but there are those who believe the lawmakers are first and not the eyes of the spy planes so they're taking the matter into their own hands a company in oregon says it has developed and will soon start selling to acknowledge that could shield people from surveillance drones over the phone the developer did not offer any details but said this or not this able in their cameras or anything like that we are not doing anything physically to the drones we are simply not allowing their cameras that area. also in the battle for privacy a designer in new york came up with a name to sebelius clothing line this is a garment that's designed to be firmly reflective. which means that he bounces off
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and here is what's used for thermal imaging and particular was technology is used a lot on drones and the reviews but it's doubtful that this designers gear however creative could compete with the cutting edge spite acknowledging now being developed for government use a million terabytes of video a day which is the equivalent of five thousand hours of high definition footage so you can go back and say i would like to see what happened in this particular location three days two hours four minutes ago and it would actually show you exactly what happened if you were watching it live there is actually enough resolution to be able to see the people waving their arms or walking around what was then where as a number of states try to restrict the use of drones that a federal level there is a great push to expand their use the federal aviation administration projects that in seven years there will be thirty thousand u.a.b. is flying over the u.s.
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there's absolutely no way of knowing if we are being filmed at the moment so we might as well wave to big brother up there in washington i'm going to check out. more of the day's headlines now first of all sort of all volatile northwest of pakistan where a roadside bombs hit the convoy of a secularist but politician. the blast killed two of his supporters and injured many others including was the group was heading to a regional election rally would not attack taliban militants who warned people from attending the rallies of secular parties have admitted being behind the amber. is being fierce fighting in chile a little crowds of hooded man turned up at protests commemorating two brothers killed by police during an anti regime demo will most three decades ago gunshots were heard this riot police were deployed to calm you from the there were dozens of arrests as protesters held molotov cocktails at security forces raised barricades and cut power lines. now the big news of the week is well the world's internet
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traffic hits a digital jam all because of a spat between two computer in europe millions of web users were reportedly affected when a dutch website hosting company took offense at being accused of sending too much junk mail so they bombarded the german anti spam. data causing the slow down now we managed to get hold of a spokesman for the hackers who told us the strike was exaggerated. the whole event is a little. they're going to cause some issues that will mean that the. president all of that. they try to make it seem like the little intimate exchange of them going into another exchange where the. this is not the case that. they are the result of a law. that makes them
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basically zero zero zero as a straight line. tossed them off. on hold and says the episode shows that there's a thin line between crime misbehavior online certainly as to how the internet should be used we do know of course that the majority didn't and it's used for you know perfectly reasonable and legal revenue generation and we know there's also a lot of center criminals that use it for all of purposes this is one of those situations where kind of falls in the middle and is a bit you know you could say sketchy or dodgy type of activity where they will those things that are perhaps morally questionable and that's where the the debate if you will comes comes into question coming up next fighting talk on foreign policy with a campaign who really knows how to get tough. when
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their own country can't offer them a living even loving mothers sometimes have to leave their children behind. i don't like to wonder just. the dream of millions of migrants the children might choose their own motherland. i want my children to win over moscow. russia has become this step motherland. migrants working hard to find a way home. thank
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thank you so much jeffrey joining us here on r.t. you're welcome thank you for having me we now speak almost exactly on the tenth anniversary off u.s. invasion to iraq i know you were arrested for vandalism not to use for a painted the attic a symbol on one of the governmental buildings protesting against the war and economic inequality as you then said so do you think these two u.s. is main problems at this point we can't maintain ourselves you know the united states has military bases in one hundred twenty five hundred thirty countries right now worldwide. and it's really you know it's not about you know government and it's not about military it's about keeping the spread of capitalism is about keeping the spread of of american democracy which means our corporations go and exploit you know as many people as we can they keep talking about you know so many people are
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getting out of poverty but in fact the statistics show that the gap between the richest and the poorest has never been worse than it is now even in the feudal age so what we're doing right now besides in-store environment is not good for the people even today the country starting wars and it's it's sending drones to one country and while i'm in another one we're empire we're we're trying to split this so we're trying to spread you know american capitalism you know american democracy throughout the world to let the free trade of money in you know our businesses and corporations infiltrate other countries and have new markets opening up all over the world getting back to your question you know i think it's all part of a master plan and i just think it's you know these you know that we speak we you know cats are scared in some of these other countries that have terrible dictatorship regimes and that are terrible to their people and jail their people and you know we've seen them orange we spend more in our we sell more in arms
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many other countries will buy. i think they said seventy eight percent of the world's military supplies arguments missiles defense systems come from the united states in the world we're selling to because that's money for and who gets some money this is like george calling sad it's a hobby and yeah we have very good at that. it's about the money and people and it's because people it is ignorantly keep us entertained with other things well the real world what's really going on in the world. is happening all around us and we're just blind to america supporting forces affiliated with al qaida and other terrorist organizations but at the same time spending millions of dollars fighting against terror and at the end of the day we see nine eleven happening in america so where is the logic here it really makes perfect logic bush approval rating of the bush jr was the lowest of any president ever at that time you know is hovering
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around you know the low twenty's you know high night eighteen nineteen percent approval rating the karmi was bad everything that was the best thing that could have ever happened to him and you know a kid not only carried him through that. that four years but got him another four years based on you know we're going to get them the same thing the nazis did you know here they asked them during the nerve trials you know how did you make these people commit these atrocities gas six million people in and murder these people and they said we made them the enemy with made them that they were out to get our homeland they were out to get us and the united states really is doing that right now you see an intolerance now for anyone of you know muslim. background or anyone that even looks like they're from the middle east i don't think you believe that person that it will anybody be held responsible for all those mistakes all those policies no because who who is responsible you know it's i
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remember going to. a famous. saying back then you know these peoples given their businesses for clothes and taken away and everything they were for their entire lives in their farms for clothes and they're asking will who do we fight who we blame because the people we're locking the doors on him in the police who are coming in they want to fight the police and the police and it's not us we're just doing our job and the people who we fight who who are we going to protests who we're going to go march down and stomp on the door they go it's just the way it is you know we always blame the government and of course they are to blame but you know they're working in it's not a conspiracy they're working for the corporations or working for the banks and i believe obama. yeah you know one saw scale what what what obama's second and last term will bring to expect major trends no i think he showed his true colors the first term you know i was actually given a speech to some socialists on the eve of his election. and people were literally
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cried. that oh my gosh we have a black man in america someone who's going to bring social change someone who's talking about change someone is not going to be caught in the system and be another colleague that just does the will of the you know the corporations and the banks is this person to stand expectations were very high man i decided said no he's part of the system he might have a good heart and i who am i to judge you know i'm only judging on his actions and what he's done and he's made you know he's going to close guantanamo bay so he was going to you know and the war in iraq and afghanistan and i've see iraq we saw our defense contractors there and we have we basically have the well secure so maybe the major conflicts are over but more so when our afghanistan we've got drones in afghanistan and pakistan and now they're talking about drones going over the united states you know to surveil his own people so it's really
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a police it's really george orwell's one thousand nine hundred four stop in front of the saddle and surreal it is scary it's really surreal is the perfect word surreal it's it's unimaginable but as you'd like you said we talked about as you scare people into they're out to get us this is for your own protection you know they make us. you know scared of one another scared of what our neighbors do and scared of you know the people who moved in down the street and what they're up to disappointed with what all to plan movement managed or rather failed to achieve for the first time it showed that people can come together people of all walks of life you know there there were doctors in there there were unemployed people there are teachers or students there's. you know we're all kind of blue collar white collar workers and they're saying yeah we are you know the ninety nine percent and we are you know we're being exploited but jeff it may have the opposite effect i mean it took years for people to feel this unity to get together and now they have
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nothing they achieved almost nothing and even maybe more frustrated and more disappointed no i think it planted a seed of solidarity within within and i think now that that's sprouted maybe right now it needs to be watered and it needs to be fed but it put it there and before i don't think it was there well it's resurface it has to resurface and unfortunately the. the climate that's going to make it resurface is the middle class being squeezed out even more in the united states or another you know bank failure or something like this people are being squeezed and squeezed and squeezed and when they can't be squeezed anymore then they're going to fight back and i think it's going to spread look at look at what happened in egypt in you know libya and so never in my lifetime did i expect that could happen under those dictatorships have put it spread like wildfire and think americans plain as possible i do think so i
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do think so not not in my lifetime but i said that about those other countries to civil suit so i want to ask you what's needed to bring about social change but what i understood is that more pressure is needed and more crises right is that correct we have to be educate ourselves into something take its place that's going to work . for the people otherwise you're just going to have a power vacuum. and a case study to follow doesn't mean to be in fact tickle terms i mean being an anarchist actually gives me hope it gives me hope that there's something better and it gives me something to work for i you know someone asked me i said in an interview they go what is your worst case scenario in your life what would you fear the most and i think it would be dying without thinking and i have made a cause i've contributed enough to something that i know is true we know that killing someone is is wrong you know we know that helping someone that is in need is good we know these are like absolutes how are these things possible without
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government like helping each other like supporting hell is unemployed. education that you mentioned also how is it possible without a system we asked for so this that's the how can we make this road there's no government to tell us to make the road how can we make a school an educator so the government's not telling us to do this but we've been trained to look for help it's like a five year old at a store looking up. here mike can i have this candy can i have this can i you know wash my hands can i go to the bathroom now we don't need the government the government doesn't do the work the corporations they have the elites don't do the work the banks don't do the work we're the ones actually getting our hands dirty and doing the work so why can't we make the decisions to do these ourselves jeff do you see yourself involved in politics or does the contradict your anecdotes i want to be of all be paul does but not under i can't i don't believe in being elected so
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there's going to be involved and you know other than that this is the problem our fan or america's movement we don't believe in being elected or or holding office but there is a leader there's a difference in being a leader. and leading and helping and having power i don't just because i'm leaving or showing away or contributing does. i mean i have any more power than someone else this is the fact that what i do i'm a fighter and right now fighting is very big and popular so people will listen to what i say more than if i was even a doctor making probably more. contribution to society as helping people than i am now you know just been entertainer some of the things are just absolute truths i believe we're people and we should work together you know back in the in the days ten thousand years ago when we were living in caves and on the plains of africa we had to work together in order to get you know if you went off on your own and said i'm going to gather i'm going to do this i'm going to be on my own and i'm taking as much as i can and you're going to die you know we're going to be eaten by
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something or are you going to starve to death or something we needed each other when you started to realize all those things. you know you remember these i remember the exact moment i had a fight in rio de janeiro right so right outside rio de janeiro and then we drove there that night and so i went walking on the beach you know after the fight and it's like madame in a beautiful rio in shorts and and i was walking back to our i think probably like a four star hotel and there was a woman with her two children on a box cardboard box going back to the hotel they had been there when i left and she said talk to the kids the kids came up out and for a rio you know which at that time was like i think it was through a price thirty cents american and you know i think it was maybe a sudden i saw them making these kids are going to school tomorrow you know they're whatever seven and ten or something and it's like how what evl i done in my life
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that i deserve to be in this photo. and there's a woman as with these two kids with these kids ever done to deserve this you know i mean that like. i knew there had to be something wrong with the world the way this is a was what was your answer to yourself i need to do something different i need to make a chair i need to. you know say that bob marley song say something say something say something you know as a godly you know i. i have to you know i guess i have to do something in it there's not this this is not about me just months and this is the month and as a one of billions that live in this system is that here is i saw your i am it's it's you know it was that moment that was if the moment for me and it was it was it was it was. like starkly more than anything else. so.
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you know when the history of any culture there are some dark chapters throughout human history there's been war on every continent and religious strife and oppression every culture has some skeletons in their closet and in recent u.s. history the scandalous prison at guantanamo bay as making patriotic americans scurrying around a decade or so rather than slamming the door shut and get mall i hate that term condemning it as one of the greatest mistakes in american history and gloriously declaring on t.v. channels and newspapers the country wide that it shall never be repeated again the pentagon instead wants to blow another forty nine million dollars expanding it even if you are one of the types of things that american gulags are super cool and
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awesome do you realize it takes over one million dollars per year per prisoner to keep the place open are you sure you don't want that money to go towards something else like your children's education the thing that burns me up about this the most is that obama promised if elected to close guantanamo bay and as commander in chief of the armed forces he could do this whatever he wanted no amount of filibustering by the republicans could stop him obama you promised hundreds of millions of people to do something very simple start the paper work tomorrow buddy make the nation look better that's your job but that's just my opinion. download. cation so choose your life stream quality and enjoy your favorite. if you're away from your television just. now with your mobile
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