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tv   [untitled]    April 1, 2013 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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tonight the cleanup continues in a central u.s. suburb that's been swamped with oil after a ruptured pipeline sent thousands of crude flooding down the streets. soft to beat the tax man it's claimed wealthy account holders in cyprus managed to avoid strict capital controls and grab the cash before the plan to swipe sixty percent of the money. on the brink of conflict united states sends fighter jets to be used military drills in south korea while the north beefs up its border missiles after declaring a state of war. good evening kevin and here tonight live a new sense it's not just after eleven pm moscow time it's
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a story that in the state of arkansas right now a massive cleanups taking place to tackle thousands of barrels of crude oil cars skating their way through a residential area it's after an exxon mobil pipeline sprang a leak last friday something that's now causing environmentalists and those evacuated from their homes great concern of course with an update them from washington is going to teach you can. they're not saying exactly how much oil spilled onto the streets of this neighborhood in arkansas but he could see the images of streets flooded with crude the company said they had so far collected around twelve thousand barrels of oil and water from the streets busted twenty two homes were evacuated as well as the leak words environment police say the aftermath of being much worse there was a lake nearby and the crude luckily didn't you know the my flying was carrying canadian heavy crude to the south of the u.s. to the country's gulf coast refineries this latest incident has yet again raised opposition among the environmentalist to this new project the keystone x.l.
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pipeline which would carry eight hundred thousand barrels per day just to compare the pipe that leaked in arkansas carries six to six thousand barrels per day the keystone pipeline would also carry canadian heavy crude to two u.s. refineries in the south the project doesn't have the final green light yet oil giants are pushing the administration very hard to go ahead with it saying it will drive down fuel costs in the u.s. but people know from experience how devastating consequences those pipe breaches are and how hard it is to clean up this is certainly not the first incident of course everyone remembers the disaster in the gulf of mexico in two thousand and ten when after an explosion a b.p. pipe was leaking oil on the ocean floor for several months before the well was capped an estimated four point nine million barrels of oil had leaked into the gulf then three years later the gulf is still not oil free in july two thousand and ten
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the pipeline ruptures spewed more than twenty thousand barrels of canadian tar sands crude oil into the michigan waterway on wednesday a train carrying canadian crude derailed in minnesota spilling fifteen thousand gallons of oil so this happens all the time just last week the u.s. department of transportation fined exxon mobil. one point seven million dollars over pipeline safety violations. twenty eleven while the spill in the yellowstone river in montana exxon has a month to contest the violations in no case many believe that oil giants get away with violations like that all too often in the u.s. and all it takes is a team of excellent lawyers to do that and that at the end of the day it's the people affected who pick up the slack absolutely going to come in a washington d.c. studios this get more than that with trenton for cosa joe celebrities but so to say
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about this is joining us from us as well general evening of the investigation is still continue of course but end of the day how worried should exxon mobil will be now about legal action etc well what it was they say one point seven million dollar fine for poisoning the yellowstone river so it's no money at all this pristine river ruined for how long and one after another there's atrocity have to retry a city whether it's all real big oil or banks too big to fail the word justice in america is being misspelled it's j u.s.t. us just us not them so you don't they think either way out let me just ask you this you don't think the executives watching all these people are going through to after their homes while this man some folds are worried tonight surely not. of course not i mean look what happened with the gulf of mexico it's been destroyed for how many probably you know how many hundreds of years the stuff doesn't us evaporate and
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again it's one atrocity after another you heard president obama say earlier last year that they were opening up the arctic circle area of the pristine arctic circle for for drilling and then you saw the debacle which shell and of course he promised that it would be much better than this time and it wasn't and then you look at the united states infrastructure according to the american society of civil engineers we're talking about you i heard talking about it railroads bill it's going to take an estimated three trillion dollars just to bring the american infrastructure system up to par that's not improving it is keeping it from breaking down further so you see catherine the united states has more important things to do than worry about the infrastructure worry about spilled oil it has wars to fight overseas and
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it has more to cause most when it's minus christians who just look a bit small. going to lessons could be learned from this late to spill but according to the pictures much bigger of much grim oh yeah it is again you're looking this isn't my words this is the american society of civil engineers has been warning about this has everybody been a new yorker has anybody been to new york recently and rode the subways it's a day in calcutta the entire american infrastructure its rail system is speeding into the twentieth century there's potholes throughout the country so we're going to see more and more of this because you have to understand who regulates this it's not being regulated these are very low level regulatory agencies that control or oil. and of course there is that revolving door pick up the papers you'll see the united states trade representative on there obama oh he just got a job with
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a white shoe boy a law firm in global trade look at the guy that just left lanny breuer oh he just got a white shoe boy job with a law firm look at the new s.c.c. had mary jo white she came from a white boy firm and now she's the head of the s.e.c. it's a revolving door all things are connected and the connection is corporations are running the show but even if it was a perfect world even if every was as careful as they could possibly be anything ever went wrong they would still always be some accident last year though there were a guest a got a three hundred sixty four spills in the united states that's quite a number according to a government agency is anything being done to try and bring that number down no they'll talk about it that's all they do is talk and talk is cheap and in better fact when you look at the talk from washington it's the only talk that cost money
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is when they're paid off by lobbyists to say what they have to say otherwise is just empty words by their deeds you shall know them how much longer this have to go on from valdez to the gulf oil spill nothing is ever done other than talking a big game what about this keystone pipeline you touched on it earlier on the still waiting commission is it going to get it's not come effect anything in briefly i believe that obama is going to pass it that's my that's my guess because he kept it out of the picture until after the election to appeal to the environmentalists now that the election is over he'll come out and say it's going to create jobs and look whether it's air pollution in china to create jobs or oil spills in america to create jobs as long as it creates jobs. you can destroy anything here you watch carol slanted things put on the like trends forecast as you thank you thank you.
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now cyprus not everyone there is having money held to ransom it's claimed wealthy clients what tipped off before the announcement it up to sixty percent of their cash would be tapped millions of euros to believe that had been transferred from the country while the shutters came down for everyone else no such head start then for other savers in order to prevent a run on the banks the government limited among other things daily cash withdrawals and money transfers outside cyprus massive amounts of capital were still reportedly they're finding their way out the official investigation into the cyprus crash from the wide look at hundred thirty companies and individuals who may have jumped ship but political economy professor andres stamp out of says people's trust in movies and when. it is true the we have seen the reports about the. capital outflows there would be food investigation but in addition you could only crises already cyprus is having a major political crisis as well the credibility of the system is
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a very low level of these point some political parties are trying to take advantage of the same time it is true. have been acts that have made people very suspicious of the king. of the euro zone and if you listen to the troika and these policies certainly we make the recession into a depression it was not a bailout it was a collective punishment deal the amount of money that cyprus required to cover allowed a more gradual approach to addressing economic structural problems we we these policies not only disapprove financial system has suffered a serious clue but the economy as well and i have no doubt that these we have also followed the effect on the utilization that's a quote already you know people outside cyprus are indicating confidence in the euro and the universe has declined and i don't think that this will be the
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end of it. constitutional law professor george culture told me the e.u. is showing preferential treatment of european banks. just to say that. it was not thank you if people but i did above the banks unfortunately it's becoming more of the more you don't want the north from box i didn't want you. the banks in cyprus has been despondent. vehicle nomic model of cyprus has been accused as a corrupt one but i just thought that the european union for that. the banking sector. you know i. don't cite which so the. people. where you do have a special treatment you've got going. for us either. of the european union have a different thing so i think it's very normal to see these not as
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a guy before i actually doubted you but i am not just punishment and an unfair punishment. in the next hour we talk to from austria chance to walk on shuffle he tells us that cyprus could have avoided this crisis but failed he thinks to take the right action. in the country see a real point and the one that was here a point two percent of the g.d.p. of the eurozone but the problem was cyprus has eight times more turnover overbuy and then the balance is off pain compared to be cheap piece to eight times more that this is absolutely unsustainable and everybody you would within the european union people where we have needed the mass media newspapers will do time complaining because something must be done so nobody should be surprised that person government not one but the previous government led by call for more coal in the east and should have done much earlier the reduction of the
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size of the financial sector i mean this is unbearable you cannot have such a huge financial secateurs a huge banks. the full interview coming up next hour here on r.t. . lawyers representing when tandem obey detainees say several of their clients lives are now in danger as the mass hunger strike at the company is the two month mark that the u.s. military continues to deny reports that more than one hundred captives are starving themselves officials claim only thirty seven detainees are refusing all food in the level of being force fed inmates launched their hunger strike to try to draw attention to the prolonged detainment without trial and inhumane treatment including intrusive searches the white house insists it's committed to shutting down the prison but the military says that congress has now decided to keep one tell him or put it definitely meanwhile hundreds of gathered in protest at the u.s.
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embassy in yemen. explains more. they're calling for for the majority of those who are where actually can find and get moment jordi of those inmates are actually from yemen and most of them have been there for more than a decade ever since the invasion off of ganesan by the united states the even the yemeni government itself has actually issued a request to the u.s. government asking it to send the yemeni prisoners to sanaa the capital of yemen so they could at least be tried or hill there or they are here or in for possibly hearing to be held there as well but that request has been heard or at least it hasn't been hasn't received any response from washington so the people in the habit of course are outraged that their compatriots who as you have as we have mentioned how some of them have been cleared of all charges are being held in prison and they're starving themselves just to prove their point and these are not the only protests that we have seen across the region you may say there's also been numerous
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protests in kuwait on sunday now there are two kuwaiti nationals being held it gets mo. they're both there both of them have participated in the hunger strikes and given all before and both of them have been forced to bed and again lawyers for them as well are saying that their situation is just as dire. as that of the other detainees who are dissipating in the hunger strike and it is clear that they actually are prepared to die before their requests are being met so we're looking at the old we're looking at a situation which is spiraling out of hand as people in the countries from which the inmates are there are starting to support the people and they are literally outraged at the way that their compatriots are being treated. a correspondent or any kind of. reporting on the draconian cuts coming into force in the united kingdom that will see some of the country's poorest of the benefits reduced if they
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deem to be taking up too much space in social lives. in time the moon details of russia's ambitious plans to make a habitable space observatory on earth shall live talk about that after the break. with. technology innovation all the developments from around russia we've. covered.
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the international airport in the very heart of moscow. hello again north korea's parliament has approved plans to expand the country's nuclear weapons program the regime has been ramping up its rhetoric since the united states sent stealth fighter jets to south korea to join military exercises there that infuriated the north which says it's now in a state of war with seoul along with the military drills over the border the regime
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in pyongyang has been angered by the latest round of u.n. sanctions to over its nuclear tests that it carried out in february the company states now put its missile units on standby and says it's ready to bombard the u.s. bases in the region south korea in retaliation is for that it will retaliate quickly north any attack on its territory it dependent journalist james corbett thinks u.s. defense contractors are open to benefit financially from the situation but that washington is playing a dangerous game. i think that the most likely scenario here would be some sort of the wonder or misinterpretation on one side or the other because everything is on the knife edge as as i've said before i think that really the all of the players here have a vested interest in keeping the tension up but not allowing it to spill over and i think that obviously works for north korea which could be easily wiped out in a in a military confrontation but it also works for south korea and america and all of the allies here in this region that are that also serve to benefit from this and
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we've seen this directly for example with the announcement of more missile defense on the western coast of the united states that there are now going to be fourteen new ground based interceptors deployed at fort greely alaska at a cost u.s. taxpayers a one billion dollars by two thousand and seventeen so this is this is doing a fantastic business for the defense contractors who serve to to to feed into this tension and play off of it so i don't i think that honestly there isn't a lot of plans for preemptive strikes at this moment i think it's more a question of if this will accidentally spill over into something more. the worry all along something small could trigger it off for asking on our web site vote tonight r.t. dot com what you think about all this on going story telling us so far i'm almost half of you. blame the situation in the u.s. . region you. think.
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you can. maybe gain popularity even more popularity with the people the generals. are. the same number expect the. over to an armed conflict from. anywhere yet thanks very much for. the place to do it again on your thoughts next hour. in mali the national military intervention forces fighting an islamist resurgence
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in the country's north rebel fighters have launched a series of attacks in the city of timbuktu. diplomat mohammed says that france is locked in a power struggle for influence in africa. the french are defending their own interest as you know that doesn't come continent is the world's just going to mint if it is inhabited by the pulpit poor people we know that it is the trade between africa and china is increasing and also is the brics country increasing only you know that it is france is now is declared declining it became the third party to not enough flicka and you know understand how to place difference and became the second as you know that it is even united states have put in its military base. called we need you know that seventy five percent of the fringe a little city is used to the nuclear and most of the raw materials is coming from new jersey the main purpose is that it is france will supply the position of position there and she thinks that it is she will be dislocated from this that it's
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just a continent and it is in fact is in a scramble the bodies of thirteen civilians mostly women and children to be discovered in syria's western province of homes and i must warn you some as pictures coming up are upsetting you were going to post a blanket most person can syrian state media has blamed the violence on rebel forces saying the victims have been robbed but that's not been independently verified this massacre comes two weeks after an alleged fatal chemical attack in the city of aleppo which is yet to be investigated by the un author and political story joe horn told me last hour he said both attacks are going to be hard to investigate. we all saw what happened at the arab league meeting this past week where they were able to maneuver the rebels to take the state of the all assad regime we all know about the recent on talk between turkey and israel which does not bode well for a peaceful resolution of the syrian crisis and we all know that the rebels and their backers in turkey and israel and in guts or and in saudi arabia or putting on
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a full court press so it's going to be very difficult to verify this horrific attack keep in mind that washington and israel are rather hysterical about hezbollah and its strength in lebanon keep in mind that washington and israel see hezbollah lawit this political military force in lebanon as allied with neighboring iraq and they're more hysterical about obama than they are about hezbollah therefore from their point of view we could make concessions for the syrian crisis into levanon and that is precisely what's happening as today as we speak. on world news tonight a powerful blast sits a government compound in the iraqi city of to create it's killed at least nine people and wounded many more most of the casualties are among the police insurgent stopped a fuel tank of their just outside a police administration building and it blew up causing heavy damage in the area terror attacks are frequent in iraq where sunni militants have been fighting to
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undermine the shear led government. u.s. prosecutors are to seek the death penalty for james holmes who is charged with shooting dead twelve people at a movie premiere in denver last july the government opened fire in a suburban cinema at the opening of a batman film the disclosure comes days after the prosecution publicly rejected an offer by attorneys that holmes would plead guilty to avoid execution. it may have been april fools monday april fool's day just about an hour of it to go here in moscow but a bedroom tax is proving to be no laughing matter in britain from now on social housing tenants will have their welfare payments slashed if they've got a spare room you'll give some as a counselor in sheffield burn a city that includes some of the more deprived areas in the u.k. he says the government's crushing the people that need help the most. two million households across the u.k. are going to be directly affected by these taxes they're the poorest people in this
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country and this government this tory government is attacking the poorest people on the people who can't afford to pay and they're not people are not working they're up but most of these people affected are people who are working but in very low paid jobs and they need these benefits to help them survive and get by where i am in sheffield we have hundreds of disabled people who are going to be directly affected by this sees people can't work they're physically disabled through no fault of their own they survive on benefits of very low benefits another are expected to have to pay for an extra room in their house that they need for their carers to stay in or they need to because they've got children that don't live with them or for whatever reason they're the people most affected seventy five percent of the people affected by this are working people i think is the most devastating thing this government has ever done in these in the week that they're giving one hundred hours about a pound back to millionaires they're changing the national health service they're imposing taxes on the poorest people in the country it's going to have a devastating effect to most people in this country online for us tonight r.t.
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dot com is a puzzler what's the point of a defense system that can defend red faces that israel is can this is the fabled iron dome can't fully protect civilians but more that online it cost a bomb mapping and what's next for wiki leaks the countdown is on to discover the whistleblowing sites next moves it's going to be quiet lately isn't it we discover what they might be able to do without. if you border the bahamas or maybe tired of the tropics liking you know a new holiday destination could be on the horizon soon the moon and next year if you ask me takes us on a virtual trip. almost half a century since neil armstrong's giant steps ended the race between the u.s. and u.s.s.r. to put a man on the moon earth's only natural satellite is once again in the spotlight while america has directed its attention to mars russia's central research institute for machinery announced the launch of the relaunch of the lunar program
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according to the ambitious plan a russian space ship will fly to and circle them by twenty thirty but this promises to be only the beginning and here is where it gets very interesting the next step as these are claims will be the construction over an observatory on the moon experts believe earth's burstall space rock is simply the perfect spot from which to research space so if this idea proves to be a success expect awards or either to the observatory and the lab may soon be followed by celia mining shafts and if the moon really holds ice as scientists believe this could produce both the water and oxygen which would make the earth's satellite inhabitable by humans hotels with rooftop swimming pools grocery stores and a hospital all this could be possible this would not be easy of course expect some competition from the u.s. and china but in five six decades flying to the moon and back would not be just a line from the song but a holiday option. will move down to earth moves and views on the
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way show and crosstalk lives crises the question becomes as to come up in a few minutes. you know when the history of any culture there are some dark chapters throughout human history there's been war on every continent and religious strife and oppression every culture has some skeletons in their closet. and in recent u.s. history the scandalous prison at guantanamo bay as making patriotic americans scurrying around a decade or so rather than slamming the door shut and get mall i hate that term condemning it as one of the greatest mistakes in american history and gloriously declaring on t.v. channels and newspapers the country wide that it shall never be repeated again the
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pentagon instead wants to blow another forty nine million dollars expanding it even if you are one of the types of things that american gulags are super cool and awesome do you realize it takes over one million dollars per year per prisoner to keep the place open are you sure you don't want that money to go towards something else like your children's education the thing that burns me up about this the most is that obama promised if elected to close guantanamo bay and as commander in chief of the armed forces he could do this whatever he wanted no amount of filibustering by the republicans could stop him obama you promised hundreds of millions of people to do something very simple start the paper work tomorrow buddy make the nation look better that's your job but that's just my opinion.


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