tv [untitled] April 2, 2013 7:00am-7:30am EDT
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you was tom struggles to remove the rivers of oil from the streets after a pipeline spews more than ten thousand barrels of crude. death in custody in the west bank or sounds the alarm over the death of a palestinian prisoner held in israel saying jailers turned a blind eye to his worsening health. and a battle for transparency as we could leaks editor julian assange launches his political career we speak out to his campaign manager on the whistle blower's chances of a seat and the australian parliament. wherever you're watching from around the world or this is r t with me to say the streets all
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over you was town in the state of arkansas all have been diluted by over ten thousand barrels of crude oil market an exxon mobil pipeline burst on friday around two dozen homes have been evacuated with some residents forced to stay away for several more days while the cleanup operation continues archies washington correspondent granted she can has the details. exxon mobil is naturally trying to downplay environmental concerns they're not saying exactly how much oil spilled onto the streets of that neighborhood in arkansas put the company says it has already collected more than twelve thousand barrels of oil mixed with water from the affected area not clear how much of it was water though twenty two homes were evacuated there as they're still cleaning up the pipeline that was carrying canadian heavy crudes to the south of the u.s. to the country's gulf coast refineries this latest spill response from critics of the proposed keystone x.l. pipeline the keystone x.l. pipeline would carry eight hundred thousand barrels per day just to compare the
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pipe that leaked in arkansas can carry around ninety thousand barrels a day so the consequences of a leak could be devastating the keystone pipeline would also carry canadian heavy crudes to u.s. refineries in the south the project doesn't have the final green light from the administration just yet but the oil giants involved are pushing the administration very hard to go ahead with it saying it will bring down fuel costs in the u.s. trans canada is first keystone line in the deal was spilled the a dozen times just in its first year of operation the company of course says the new keystone x.l. will be so much better but people know from experience how devastating consequences of an oil spill can be and how hard it is to clean up this is certainly not the first incident of course everyone remembers the disaster in the gulf of mexico in twenty ten when after an explosion and he had been leaking oil on the ocean floor for several months before the well was capped an estimated four point nine million
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barrels of oil had leaked into the gulf that three years later the gulf is still not free in july two thousand and ten a pipeline brought church speed more than twenty thousand barrels of canadian tar sands crude oil into the michigan waterway so this happens all the time just last week the government suggest that acts. mobil paid a fine of one point seven million dollars over pipeline safety violations and that was for an oil spill two years ago in the yellowstone river in montana exxon has a month to contest the violations many believe that world giants get away with violations like that all too often in the west and all it takes is a team of really good lawyers to do that which the company certainly have and at the end of the day it's the people of good will pick up the slack in washington i'm going to check. the slaves has oil spill in a small u.s. town has once again raised questions about the dangers of using older pipelines to
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transport increasingly large amounts of oil across the continent as well take a look at america's oil a transit infrastructure now more than half of the nation's pipelines will build and nine hundred fifty s. and sixty's this is according to the u.s. department of transportation's others like the pegasus oil pipeline which birth american soul were constructed even earlier soon after world war two billions of dollars worth of oil flowing through these pipelines. are now in twenty eleven of the big fireball oil firms or exxon mobil wrought royal dutch shell b.p. one of them phillips and chevron had a combined revenue of nearly two trillion dollars a congressional report put their turnover at more than ten percent of the country's g.d.p. but is a point of huge profits the government and the corporations are seem reluctant to update the plant infrastructure environmental consultant richard steiner's says the pipeline is among those which have long caused this sell by date. there's no excuse
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whatsoever for oil pipelines to be anything over thirty years old or general design life is maybe twenty to thirty years there's been several spills about six or seven of this heavy diluted bit timid it's called dil bit which is the tar sand the oil which is so thick it can't be transported through a pipeline unless it's cut with condensate and benzene exxon has shown time and time again that they are not willing to accept responsibility legitimate financial responsibility for their actions however or negligent they are they got out of the alaska spill with you know about a billion dollars paid to private the thirty thousand private litigants and that should have been by many of their estimation is much much more than that so they have a history of short changing responses and exxon mobil spokesman said no problems waiting to have to do when the almost sixty five year old pipeline was last checked
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the company was fined in two thousand and ten for not inspecting another portion of the same routes they can see him not file global trends of will cause the general deaths than death predicts they'll be more oil spills and saying the u.s. is investing more on its walls always seems than improving its a roading infrastructure back home. one after another this atrocity after a trial city whether it's oriel big oil or banks too big to fail the word justice in america is being misspelled it's j. us the us just us not them look what happened with the gulf of mexico it's been destroyed to how many probably you know how many hundreds of years the stuff as it's us evaporate look at the united states infrastructure according to the american society of civil engineers it's going to take an estimated three trillion dollars just to bring the american infrastructure system up to par that's not
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improving it is keeping it from breaking down further the united states has more important things to do than worry about the infrastructure worry about spilled oil it has wars to fight overseas so we're going to see more and more of this because you have to understand who regulates this it's not being regulated these are very low level regulatory agencies that control or oil and of course there is that revolving door all things are connected and the connection is corporations are running the show here on our table is interested to find out what you think about what we talk about here on the news is where else can you what do you make what do you think should happen in terms of the oil spill in the south of the u.s. let the what you're saying so far on that line on our website r.t. dot com fifty two percent of you say you holding the u.s. government accountable for what's happening while twenty four percent of you says
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stop it keystone x.l. project a twenty one percent say compensate with the project changes while three percent say hold a project and repair the pipelines this is what you've been saying so far do you go on to our team dot com and tell us what you think. officials in the west bank raising the alarm over the death of a palestinian prisoners held by israel they claim the death. is the result of medical negligence with israel refusing to release him despite his deteriorating
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health the sixty four year old was serving a life sentence for his role in a for a bomb attack artie's arena has the details from tel aviv. he started feeling ill last summer and he has asked the authorities for check ups but they basically have done those check ups but never told him exactly what was happening and even though the man was obviously lost more than fifteen kilos in less than two months they still kept him in the dark as well as his family until they've told him just in march of this year that he had terminal cancer and literally had to live so the minister for prison affairs of the palestinian authority has already said that israeli actions in this instance are heinous because. the prisoner did not receive timely medical help and he also called for an international investigation into the death of a home india now of course this is something that left a lot of palestinians incredibly angry in fact we would give expect protests
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throughout several cities of palestinian authority but we do know at this point that in several israeli jails palestinian prisoners already staging. actions of protests there are throwing things around and banging on their cell doors because this is not the first time that something like this has happened just in february another palestinian inmate just thirty years old died of an apparent heart attack was in jail since two thousand and two he was imprisoned on charges of conspiring with hamas terrorists and he was sentenced to ninety nine years in prison and i was really viciously that they have sent in the people for the for the early release of up due to his ailing health but unfortunately he died before that appeal could be processed by the israeli officials. we get leaks founder julian assange has a been holed up in the ecuadorian embassy in the u.k. for the past nine months but that hasn't dampened it is political aspirations the world's most notorious whistleblower has launched a campaign to become a senator in his native australia
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a fund announced on saturday that his weekly party is now accepting members you know means to any list of five hundred people to officially register with the a three man electoral commission almost daily and republican movement hayden barath a great bond is that heading the campaign they told us that a slugger would push for wall government transparency if he wins what appears to be a promising one. he certainly stands for any strike in syria which is effectively the house of review in the straight in parliamentary system using that more effectively to keep government honest about what it's doing and so not simply rubber stamping government policy using the senate as a house review to ensure that all of out of all documentation in relation to policies tie between the parliament that we see when whitman said my appointment set of government appointments of mike that they scrutinize properly but also ensuring that we start to roll back some of the security measures that have been
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boarding in astronomy in the post nine eleven environment where you've seen major invasions by the security services the newest in australia into the lives of ordinary australians there are six senators who will be elected out of the curia one of the strikes destroyed he's got to get fourteen point two nine percent of the version in order to get elected now with a preferential system which is of the party's preference in julian assange. if he gets six to seven percent of the rule five he says going to get elected at the moment he's polling around about twenty five to twenty seven percent that is twenty five to twenty seven percent of australians decided they would vote for julian assange i'm sorry starting from a very high price which is going to come down a bit in the context of the campaign but it's a very good place to start. a package. of severe austerity cuts has been introduced in the u.k. with millions of households are expected to be hit by the un president to come banks one of the most widely criticized the so-called bedroom tax who sees social housing tenants have their benefits slashed if they have a spare room let's have
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a look now at how these are new rules break down now it's just a one a room for each other of all couple doesn't matter if you have to sleep separately due to illness children under ten should be sharing a bedroom will ever vijender while teenagers under sixteen expected to room together if they are of the same age and also i was with disabilities and people with foster children are not excluded from the rules the controversial tax will directly affect overhaul of a million households neil gibson from sheffield council says the government is hitting those who are already struggling to get by. two million households across the u.k. are going to be directly affected by these taxes they're the poorest people in this country and this government this tory government is attacking the poorest people on the people who can't afford to pay and they're not people are not working there are most of these people affected are people who are working but in very low paid jobs and they need these benefits to help them survive and get by where i am in
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sheffield we have hundreds of disabled people who are going to be directly affected by this these people can't work they're physically disabled through no fault of their own they survive on benefits of very low benefits and now they're expected to have to pay for an extra room in their house that they need for their carers to stay in or they need to because they've got children that don't live with them or whatever reason they're the people most affected seventy five percent of the people affected by this are working people i think is the most devastating thing this government has ever done in a sin the week that they're giving one hundred thousand pounds back to millionaires changing the national health service or imposing taxes on the poorest people in the country is going to have a devastating effect most people in this country. head to our web site out dot com to get them all on the way out why is why the bedroom tax on other austerity measures in the u.k. thousands of protesters a took to the streets across britain over the weekend. i do all the brits are
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feeling the pinch. of liking real work experience outside of politics we've got a lot of opinions for you in a few minutes also ahead blame games and smart money in cyprus all that just around the corner. world. technology innovation all the developments around russia we've dumped a few jerks covered. the
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book about international airport in the very heart of moscow. thanks for staying with us here watching our team as the u.k. couple government declines down on spending public discontent is growing with brazen fading top politicians are out of touch with everyday money worries and as our first reports many m.p.'s have absolutely no experience of work outside their
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political career. young polish and in politics meet britain's need political elite an assortment of multimillionaires he studied at exclusive universities a recent study by the house of commons library reveal that one in seven m.p.'s have never held a job outside of politics and that's left many wondering whether they're really up to the job. i'm not defensive about it i'm there to do a drop i do the job the best my booty but somebody the government's best is not good enough. like they're making all these attacks and they you know they've never been a person like don't employ people living on fifty six lb weeks they've no idea what that's like they've also no idea what it's like to be a hard working person really want to do your job well you've been given target having a pay cut you're always attacked you know under-staffed all the time they've no
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idea what it's like to like that well laden might have been accused of scoring political points by waiting class warfare they don't escape criticism either ed miliband and his wealthy counterparts the champagne socialists but this is not just the tories and lib dems and some of this labor as well like they're also rich so let's take a look at who's on the political rich list according to recent estimate the man with his hands on the nation's purse strings chancellor george osborne is east in his pockets weighing him down with an estimated four point five million pounds to his name to impart to shares in a prosperous family business david cameron's not far off with assets estimated at three point eight million pounds but even the prime minister and chancellor fall short of the one time leader of the house of lords thomas galbraith a k lord strathclyde who's worth almost ten million pounds london.
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very taylor's way out of the price range for most people but not for this government many of. them not afraid to flaunt their wealth the prime minister david cameron is known to be partial to richard james c. the price of which is likely to set you back more than the average monthly household income and we're having to live with another austerity tailored budget come this politically really understand what those cuts mean for ordinary. clothes according to your cloth as the old saying goes perhaps members of government should take note from their tailors unemployment in britain up down and ordinary british people feel. we've increased hugely. you can always come up with things that. have gone wrong with the bad economic
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situation that we inherited it was almost inevitable that we're going to lose our aaa rating well the push jobs might come easily the resurgence of the top the top to some is an indicator of the much greater malays there is a problem with the political class in general and it is out of touch with the general population they don't really understand how a lot of families are suffering now with rising basic costs and of course it's very much a top down elitist policy that's driving these costs we are all in this together has been the prime minister's rallying cry with the growing public skepticism the government's been left looking for different ways to try to connect and whether it's george osborne joining twitter or david cameron starring in a pop music video just what will the government doing next to try to convince that they can get down with the best of what. but i can't actually tell you one hundred percent but that's my guess but i'm happy to try it out with. r.t.
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. international lenders are refusing to allow cyprus a completely unfreeze of the accounts of savers that last six a percentage of the bridge will bailout levy nicosia want to customers to have access to their remaining balance but only managed to get permission for ten percent of the a savings struggling under painful bailout terms and on president in bank the limits cypriots are now playing of the blame game in an attempt to find those responsible for the crisis and investigative commission which will look into how the island's economy was driven to breaking point is to be sworn in on chu same one of the most damning indictment on the table of the millions of euros that were apparently moved out of the country just prior to the tough living proposal on bank deposits local media pointing the finger at several individuals and companies including one co owned by the president's son in law there were also published a list of favored savers whose loans were allegedly written off by two separate banks and their ears at the surface of the report vanishing cyprus places the blame
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firmly with me can see as partners in brussels. who are people or are actually forced to preclude bergan or. greed but we're not here and unfortunately. is not beyond pretty mild creamy on because they're actually making things worse look at what the problem lays rightness or part of europe. policies in the two quarters problems and the poor people are now it's. your. commercial economy and. the. very thing going around. you money laundering. your very own countries. you know longer.
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you're required. to look. for money laundering you know or not and the really aren't rich or not. well the news in brief now the u.s. has placed the warship in a sea base a raid on the korean peninsula as reports emerge that north korea has restarted operations at a previously shutdown nuclear reactor tensions remain high in the region with american still fighter jets deployed in south korea as part of a joint military exercise so has warned that it will not shy away from a preemptive strike against the north if it believes an attack is imminent recently threaten washington with missile strikes only weeks after carrying out an underground nuclear test. in the boskone region of
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spain crowds have gathered to pay their last respects to former at a leader lopez benar the mourners express continued commitment to the disease militant a struggle calling for greater freedom from the spanish government spend that died from a stroke in what his lawyer called shameful treatment in hospital branded as a terrorist group actor announced the formal secession activity in twenty. a small town in the u.s. state of georgia has just passed a law requiring every household to own a gun the decision was unanimously approved and is intended to send a pro-gun message to the obama administration after the connecticut school massacre heightened calls for weapons ban at the same time in taxes the federal government has raised the refrain from comment on an organization that is distributing reshad guns and training people home. in a few minutes so we had over to our washington studios for breaking the set with
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every mark. you know when the history of any culture there are some dark chapters throughout human history there's been war on every continent and religious strife and oppression every culture has some skeletons in their closet and in recent u.s. history the scandals prison at guantanamo bay as making patriotic americans scurrying around a decade or so rather than slamming the door shut and get mall i hate that term condemning it as one of the greatest mistakes in american history and gloriously declaring on t.v. channels and newspapers the country wide that it shall never be repeated again the pentagon instead wants to blow another forty nine million dollars expanding it even
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if you are one of the types of things that american gulags are super cool and awesome do you realize that it takes over one million dollars per year per prisoner to keep the place open are you sure you don't want that money to go towards something else like your children's education the thing that burns me up about this the most is that obama promised if elected to close guantanamo bay and as commander in chief of the armed forces he could do this whatever he wanted no amount of filibustering by the republicans could stop him obama you promised hundreds of millions of people to do something very simple start the paper work tomorrow buddy make the nation look better that's your job but that's just my opinion.
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paid to pop deadly pills he didn't pass away he was killed. he didn't pass away they let him down. is pharmacy really about helping people. wealthy british style. right. market why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds or report .
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