tv [untitled] April 2, 2013 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT
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you know when the history of any culture there are some dark chapters throughout human history there's been war on every continent and religious strife and oppression every culture has some skeletons in their closet and in recent u.s. history the scandalous prison at guantanamo bay as making patriotic americans scurrying around a decade or so rather than slamming the door shut and get mall i hate that term condemning it as one of the greatest mistakes in american history and gloriously declaring on t.v. channels and newspapers the country wide that it shall never be repeated again the pentagon instead wants to blow another forty nine million dollars expanding it even if you are one of the types of things that american gulags are super cool and awesome do you realize it takes over one million dollars per year per prisoner to keep the place open are you sure you don't want that money to go towards something
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else like your children's education the thing that burns me up about this the most is that obama promised if elected to close guantanamo bay and as commander in chief of the armed forces he could do this whatever he wanted no amount of filibustering by the republicans could stop him obama you promised hundreds of millions of people to do something very simple start the paper work tomorrow buddy make the nation look better that's your job but that's just my opinion. news today. these are the images. from the streets of canada. showing up for
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a show. my . come to business with me j.t. povey mischief day even here in moscow. the banking crisis aside for us was an unprecedented unexpected shock or was while perhaps not for everyone it's now come to light that one hundred thirty two wealthy individuals and companies removed their cash from cyprus banks conveniently before the conversation process began according to the popular cyprus based website sigma these well informed account holders were able to shift their cash up to fifteen days before the debacle rubbed it out also about pocket money millions of euros left the country in the days before the european officials imposed a tax on the posit on this list to the suspicion that these wealthy people were
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privy to information and that the cypriot thirteen day bank freeze wasn't such a secret after all. now if move on to the markets despite all these concerns surrounding the euro zone right now stocks are advancing by actually the most in four weeks as trading resumed after the four day easter holiday of course mobile operator vodafone has made gains of five percent in trading today and that of two rumors of a bank up bid put a premium on shares watching that one of the most that's probably the biggest story going on in the markets at the moment does wolf it is for you came out that you numbers and mortgage approval slipping to a five month low but as you can see on the screen we're looking at resilience right now today's figures are a check of wall street see we're happy you can see you are indeed gains once again about seven tenths of stand out for the dow jones of the nasdaq around ages they
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are indeed actively trading just now after a dismal display on the monday session as you can see is indeed gains and that's all centered around the fact that u.s. factory orders increased in february also want to add to the fact that health care providers are among the biggest gave years jump nearly seven percent in the last of the medical insurers one an increase in a key medicare payment rate which are interesting check out a rush of them and different kind of day it's a bit of a mixed session four tenths of cent down for the artist in the my so it's just not into positive territory to talk about stocks over energy majors gas brum ross hydro both down or she won a half percent disappointing corporate world talk about yearly performance check out the my so it's four and five point three percent in the first quarter so she was worse results in two thousand and eight can't see what the russian ruble did
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all right so got the u.s. dollar on the year actually managed to gain against the russian currency in the cheese day session that's how the markets look now all right euro zone unemployment has hit a low. record high of twelve percent the first time since the single currency was launched back in one thousand nine hundred ninety nine nineteen million people across the seventeen country block are now on employed artie's tests are said to go through the figures for us. when i was coming for me you will be here some are certainly not going to let me just see the worst of me on a whim and consider whether the market will be a sentiment february that's up from the eleven point nine percent in january that nineteen million people are now on board the seventeen nation euro zone area and if you look at the wider eat you get small twenty seven members and that number is a ten the point nine percent or ten point eight percent that's still not good that's about twenty six. point and also the number of registered but those are just
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for unemployment benefits that has it reached by one point seven million people in the euro zone area now let's just look at your comparison of the different countries or nod to doing so well at this point spain has an unemployment rate of twenty six point three percent but among the you that's a twenty five years old and below that number is a high as fifty five point seven percent portugal is at a seventeen point five percent with new unemployment at thirty eight point two percent and greece is at twenty six point four percent of this is a december figure that's the latest that the country has with you know unemployment is this high is fifty eight point four percent now looking at the other end of the spectrum the lowest rate is austria with four point eight percent and germany at five point four percent of the look at just the greece that continued in face of the unemployment rate in the years on this is the twenty second fiddle role certainly that this law goes well for the future of the euro zone if you're young and also the impact of the economy the certainly be felt up consumers
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a lot by the sweatshop assumption has gone down and also fewer jobs indicate to tell you where the circumstances in such a certain industries a small small and medium sized enterprises and of course an increase in those claiming unemployment benefits would mean a heavier burden on government coffers when it comes to social welfare but aside from the economic impact but there's also the fact that this is socially unsustainable economists have already pointed to the fact that continued social uprisings that we've already seen across europe for a couple of years. it's just not sustainable it needs to be but because of it to you that. part is about the sound i rather windy day in brussels and tessa that we had now we're going to top it because i only three day i have been to being seen jacob said to kind of a fax a bank i got his expert analysis on the ground the dismal thing is. as always with these high unemployment rates a number of reasons the one and vested demise of course is the huge amount of
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sturdy being implemented you have a very clear divide between the north and the south in unemployment but also in growth we only three months into the new year and growth has already been downgraded in the most of the club med countries and similarly receding that even countries in the call i call it is now seeing growth coming off so it's a combination of bad economics it's coming combined with the fact that the lack of reforms and the ability to create new jobs so do you think that is perhaps not the way forward that because it's clearly not working will be very tempting to draw that conclusion but of course is not the case i think you need a deal measures. a sturdy but also to we're going to supply side of the economy this means that you need to work on creating a better framework for creating jobs which is normally to do with lower tax rates lower brecker see access to funding which remains the main obstacles to growth in
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your of overall reports out this week and again that the peripheral countries is paying a much much higher net margin prize for lending for boring monod and anybody else so it's extremely difficult to access to credit markets only accentuate d.d.e. issues really haven't had at hand do you think more needs to be done them by europe a menace is to improve the situation. to be brutally honest i think a lot of the programs they're ones too they want to invoke on the european level of good in spirit and in nature but there's no funding for them so what's the fun and what is the good of having programs to have no additional allocation of capital attached to them so it's of the problem here is is small the fact that we have been doing this for so long that we have run out of time and also out of money the ability to create money out of nothing cannot continue so it's a catch twenty two where we either need to fail and we need to create some new vision for how europe needs to move forward. so the business now be back in less
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international and in the very heart of moscow. this is r t thanks for being with us its cover now and here with more news now this hour some of britain's multi millionaire m.p.'s have done themselves no favors this week telling the unemployed and the low pay the seventy one pounds a week is generous and that it's easy to live on fifty three pounds a week others who are telling people how to live their lives have never even tried working outside politics leaving brits in little doubt that their government is out of touch as sarah first reports. young
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polish and politics he questions need political elite an assortment of multi-millionaires he studied at exclusive universities a study by the house of commons library with the one in seven m.p.'s have never held a job outside of politics and that's left many to whether they're really up to the job. i'm not defensive about it i'm there to do a drop i do the job to the best of my billet but somebody the government's best is not good enough. my. they've got no idea what it's like they're making all these attacks and they've you know they've never been a person like unemployed people living on fifty six pounds a week they've no idea what that's like well laden might have been accused of scoring political points by waiting class. they don't escape criticism either ed miliband and his wealthy counterparts the champagne socialists but this is not just
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the tories and lib dems and some of this labor as well like they're also rich so let's take a look at he's on the political rich list according to a recent estimate the man with his hands on the nation's purse strings chancellor george osborne is used to his pockets weighing him down with an estimated four point five million pounds to his name june part to shares in a prosperous family business david cameron's not far off with assets estimated at three point eight million pounds but even the prime minister and chancellor fall short of the one time leader of the house of lords thomas go brace a k. lord strathclyde who's worth almost ten million pounds london's famous of all retailers where the price range for most people but not for this government many of whom is suited be said and not afraid to flaunt their wealth the prime minister david cameron is known to be partial to richard james see the price of which is likely to set you back more than the average monthly household income and we're
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told also having to live with another austerity tailored budget come this politically really understand what those cuts mean for ordinary british voters can't you close according to your cloth as the old saying gays perhaps members of government should take note from their tailors unemployment in britain. is down and ordinary british people feel represented we've frozen. we've increased the pension he usually. the aaa rating is a big deal can always come up with things. have gone wrong with the bad economic situation that we inherited it was almost inevitable we were going to lose our aaa rating resurgence of the toss at the top to some is an indicator. the much greater malays there is a problem with the political class in general and that's it is out of touch with the general population they don't really understand how
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a lot of families are suffering now with rising basic costs and of course it's very much a top down elitist policy this driving these costs up with the growing public skepticism the government's been left looking for ways to try to streamline and whether it's george osborne joining twitter or david cameron starring in a pop music video just what will the government do next to try to convince that they can get down with the best of what the city a well i guess it's some form but i can't actually tell you one hundred percent but that's would be my guess but i'm happy to try it out with you. good sport the syrian government opposition have been exchanging accusations over that horrific massacre near the country's border with lebanon in which of these fifteen civilians were killed correspondent martin arabic channel has been reporting on this from the syrian capital you may find some of the images coming up so i think. is that i let me show you that the massacre that took place in the border town of tal collage in
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the homes government shows just how bloody the syrian conflict has become a group of armed men forced their way into the all boards neighborhood in tahlequah and killed other fifteen civilians some of the civilians were shot in the head and the torso from a short distance while others were killed with sharp instruments women and children were among those massacred including a three year old girl that the authorities in opposition have accused each other official sources say that the victims of the massacre were pro-government and had previously demanded that the syrian army come to their district and had urged armed rebel groups to leave because they did not want to be caught in the crossfire between the government and rebels official sources say the massacre was actually a revenge killing as the opposition accuses these people of supporting the syrian government. this comes off alleged chemical attack in aleppo two weeks ago which was closely followed by a bombing in damascus that killed forty two people including a prominent cleric syrian reform campaign i'm a work of told as anyone who doesn't share the rebels' ideology is now
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a target. the conflict is really intensifying week after week as we can notice that there is no doubt at the moment that this has turned very much into a war to bring down the syrian state space has started probably. you know from the arabs or muslims point of view to support the oppressed for others and sisters in syria in the theater you was that once they go into a certain place they should be viewed as liberators from the oppression of the regime or the government what turned out is that they wouldn't it doesn't it waiters but as an oppressing force themselves so there is a huge intimidation practice that's it's that is taking place at the cornerstone for the philosophy of the rebels at the moment using extreme islam ikhwan and there is no formulas for such. you know ideologies and those who do not take the view of the these armed groups are immediately punished so that everyone else
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obeys in a sense. online for most britons bedroom is the latest budget battle grown we're talking about that artsy dot com want to get involved in the conversation widespread protests over welfare cuts coming into force for having spare rooms now we'll tell you where else the ax is falling to and what if you get a minute there we're counting down the days of that ongoing hunger strike at guantanamo where detainees are said to be willing to die rather than live on the what's described as cruel and justice. and in the u.s. now where gun control debate of course is ongoing it's focusing on what type of arms americans are allowed to obtain and bare and thanks now to a groundbreaking technology entire gun parts can be without a license one u.s. student indeed is working to make sure everyone can make a weapon at home port nyan explains. from the state of the union in youngstown a while we're no workers are mastering the three d.
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printing but has the potential to revolutionize the way we make almost everything to a store in soho new york three d. printing technology has officially gone mainstream the demand is much greater than our supply right now and we're actually ramping up and expanding rapidly to meet that demand this three d. printing company maker bot opened its first retail store last year it is selling its newly released replicator to desktop for just under twenty two hundred dollars using a plastic material the machine deposits ultra thin layers to form any object that can be molded in software welcome to the world of independent manufacturing so this stretch bracelet took about sixteen minutes to make but other objects that are bit bigger like this cupcake gift box took about fifteen hours of printing now while the time a very anyone with a three d. desktop printer can essentially make anything that they want at our website thing
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of hers that is a repast atari for three d. printed items we have more than forty thousand items on thing over that are free and downloadable and one of our terms of service is that you cannot upload anything that is deemed a weapon. this is where twenty five year old cody wilson enters the picture a group of friends and i started a project called difference distributed. we want to use a three d. printer to print a gun to release the files open source the texas law student has already printed a thirty round magazine and lower receiver that houses the bolt for an ar fifteen and he's reportedly working on completing a rifle with a three d. printer his blueprints for guns and gun parts are distributed for free on his website but i'm very assuring people ok this is something that can be done right now. right now the self described. market catechist has thrown a major wrench into america's gun control debate as
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a national conversation going it was a debate that started in december after twenty children and six adults were shot dead at a connecticut elementary school overwhelming majorities of americans americans who believe in the second amendment have come together around common sense reform like background checks that will make it harder for criminals to get their hands on a gun meanwhile just last month wilson became a federally licensed gun manufacturer and dealer there bypassing the debate there rendering the debate irrelevance whatever laws make about of this discussion the sort of ability to manufacture objects of various firearms on a localized centralized basis means of the law really won't matter the law may say that something is illegal but if you can turn to a device that's on your desktop and manufacture that at will with nobody knowing that you've done so then the law doesn't matter at all with a reported three hundred million guns in circulation the u.s. has the highest rate of gun ownership in the world and the second highest rate of
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deaths by firearms among industrialized nations. and just as lawmakers are finalizing new legislation that would tighten the nation's all too easy access to firearms experts claim that technology will ultimately outpace their meager efforts at gun control. r.t. new york. that's news out of so just take a look at our new website out a good summation pitches the real close ups of the oil spill in our can so it's such a mess that they have to clear up the rivers of oil a talking about we've got more to say about that as well in the next hour of the program news continues out of the eleven moscow time with me kevin owen right after the break here on r.t. international.
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dangerous experiments on prisoners they want to make money and they have these healthy guinea pigs in the regular society and i label be used prisoners anymore they wish they could. drug tests on human guinea pigs. paid to pop the deadly pills he didn't pass away he was killed. he didn't pass away they let him down. is pharmacy really about helping people.
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