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tv   [untitled]    April 2, 2013 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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the search is on for a new head of the f.b.i. of the many candidates one of them has gone to know the cia's yolland curiosity to and cam dot com as legal targets will take a look at the history they share. and detainees at guantanamo bay continue their hunger strike and as it stretches into date fifty six how exactly mia and for the detainees and what exactly is it doing to their health arts you will explore more about this deteriorating situation. plus three d. printers it may be consider the future of manufacturing right now it appears they've gone mainstream more of this tech development coming up. it's tuesday april second four pm here in washington d.c.
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i'm liz wall and you're watching r.t. begin today with a look at who could be the next head of the f.b.i. f.b.i. director robert mueller is on his way out and throughout his twelve year tenure he's transformed the organization from a crime fighting agency to a terrorism fighting agency now the obama ministration is searching for someone to fill his shoes here are some of the names that are circulating over the weekend the washington post reported that the next f.b.i. director could be a woman lisa monaco had a senior post at the justice department before becoming president obama's top counterterrorism adviser if nominated monaco could be the first woman to head the f.b.i. . and i don't know about their merit garland he is the chief judge of the u.s. court of appeals for the d.c. circuit and another name that may be more controversial new bride he was the deputy attorney general in the bush administration he is also the man that prosecuted former cia official john kiriakou and internet entrepreneur cam dot com. they're
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both cases we've focused on here at our t.v. so we want to take a close look at the possible candidates record to discuss i'm joined by r.t. producer adrienne it was sarah and our two web producer andrew. is going to be here so let's start off with monaco those that believe in protecting whistle blowers may be weary of her why is that adriano i mean it's very interesting because back in two thousand and eleven just a couple years ago it seems that when she was in a round of senate confirmation hearings for her current post as the head of the national security division at the department of justice she all but touted to be current. approach to keeping information secret so essentially saying that. what the administration is doing now that the amount of people that they have already prosecutor under obama which is now up to seven is actually is actually a good thing actually a plus in terms of being able to clamp down on whistle blowing so this is just
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a very interesting thing and it's also sort of you know symbolic of the things to come speaking of transparency macbride another candidate there is also somebody that's used the espionage act to go after kiriakou john kiriakou the former n.s.a. official i've actually interviewed him on this show and he told me that this charge the espionage act was absurd take a listen take a listen to him. the state attorney that is in charge of this case. joe biden's personal counsel why you are also sent into your mcbride the government is quite exposed here because they really went in was completely be prosecutorial abuse and overreach and i believe i was prosecuted not for what i did but for who i am a cia officer. who said george was wrong and ineffective and went against the grain. we should mention that was actually cam dot com there before john kerry both
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of them say that prosecutorial overreach was going on in their case it's want to ask what should we know about mcbride's record and should the public be concerned that he could be the next head of the cia the thing about well he's up for possibly the next so that the f.b.i. which would put him in charge of you know the country's top domestic police force and the thing the thing about a person like mcbride who's you know currently a district attorney is i don't know a lot of names of federal prosecutors i can't just write them off don't think many people can actually but when i saw his name come through in this post immediately raised a red flag because i knew right away knew that this was a person who was involved in three really really serious cases here's someone who put away a cia whistleblower the only person to go to prison for the cia's torture program is a person who exposed it so that's one target of no mcbride the other one kim dotcom a german citizen living in new zealand who's being prosecuted for racketeering and
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copyright infringement things that some of the rest of the world shouldn't really be a target for a lot of people would argue and the third he is actually in charge of the incredibly secretive we can be which is currently investigating has been best for the last three years the whistleblower web site and everyone affiliated with it so here's a guy who not only is going after people who have helped out the country and you know cia officials but he's also gone after foreign publishers for an entrepreneur is you someone who has really taken on. whole lot of people in this attracted a lot of opponents during those three years and so you guys just raise some interesting points about two of these candidates and of what could this mean for a let's say one of these people doesn't fact become the head of the cia i'm just looking at their records what could that mean for the agency i mean it's right now it's all you know is a little bit speculative but it seems that it's going to be just par for the course it seems that what it is that we're experiencing now will just continue on happening i mean right now under the obama restriction seven people have been already charged under the espionage act three of those curiosity after going to be
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just thomas drake even. steven kim have all been charged for leaking information not to a foreign country which is essentially the entire point of the espionage act when it was passed in one hundred seventeen but for giving information to the press so this is a you know as journalists here this is something that we should really really be looking for and it's as if you just pointed out another red flag. speaking of red flags i think it's worth noting mueller departing f.b.i. head of the f.b.i. his record also raises eyebrows he's been credited for transforming the f.b.i. for more of a domestic crime fighting organization to more of an organization that has this international reach to fight terrorism but in doing that some say he's taken surveillance too too far even violating civil liberties why do critics say that andrew if you look at any government agency more or less during the last couple
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years and you'll see this kind of transition you'll see the cia has transition from an agency whose goal is to collect intelligence to an agency that blows up civilians using giant flying robots that's what the cia does now that's the prime thing the f.b.i. used to investigate gangsters and people like that now it goes after people who post things on the internet i mean and conduct com or two examples right to their of people who could go. jail for the rest of their lives could have gone to jail for us or lives for sharing information on the internet and not necessarily anything that's caused the collapse of the western world so it's i would say a prosecutorial overreach i think a lot of people would chew in another thing i think that if we're talking about miller's record and how people go in this position mcbride himself you see if he is elected or nominated rather for the f.b.i. position he has so many unusual ties himself with his own career going up to this and he was actually appointed by a president to be a district attorney in two thousand and nine in two thousand and eight he was
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lobbying for the business software association so he was actually lobbying and then walked right into a federal position so there is arguably he shouldn't actually be under directive from president obama shouldn't even be in charge of the justice department is to retain your right now so no matter what if we even if mueller leaves and this is changing of the guards it's if it goes to monaco if he goes mcbride or something these are all people who are who are lifetime players in the federal government lifetime players in the justice department and this is the justice department over the last few years has done so much crazy stuff that i think you're never going to find someone who's up turnitin their. ground i would have that much too much time left to just wind up kind of going questioning these things and their record and obama has been under fire before for prosecuting the most whistle blowers than any other administration it looks like just based on who is being i have to take miller spot that these kinds of things are going to be carried on under whoever it is that takes over definitely definitely has a you know has endured just pointed out right now these are things that are are now
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systematic these are now programs that are ensconced in how the f.b.i. works how law enforcement now works so this isn't something that we should turn a blind eye to this is just something that's going to keep on moving and keep on growing and keep moving forward very interesting thanks guys for weighing in that was our it's a pretty bizarre adriano the sorrow and aren't you left reduce or blank. now to guantanamo bay where for fifty six days dozens of detainees have been on a hunger strike lawyers for the prisoners say the health of the strikers is getting worse with each day that passes without eating despite deteriorating health lawyers say the inmates are more determined than ever to continue the strike even if that means dying now military officials say they have resorted to force feeding detainees through feeding tubes for more of the strike jason leopold lead investigator investigative reporter for truthout joins us now welcome there jason
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so i laid off want to start with asking you all what we know about the prisoners health conditions. well what we know is is what is coming from their attorneys that the their health is rapidly deteriorating their sugar levels are very low some of them are trying to or taking spoonfuls of honey to keep their sugar levels up but the this secrecy surrounding everything pertaining to guantanamo continues so it's very difficult to get a real accurate picture from certainly from the government about what is happening i mean there's a clear dispute between what the government says is happening and what the prisoners are telling their attorneys that pertains to health it also pertains to the number of prisoners that are actually engaged in the hunger strike now in order to starve yourself for so long you have to be pretty desperate what do we know
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jason about how we got to this point to this point that the prisoners are willing to starve themselves to death literally. well it's the only form of protest that these prisoners have and it's the one that is most effective back in two thousand and five there was another large protest at guantanamo that actually involved if i'm not mistaken about two hundred prisoners or at least more than one hundred at the time. and the prison was holding more than four hundred fifty and what they were protesting at that time were certainly the conditions of their confinement. as well as the indefinite detention and they wanted to bring the prison into compliance with the geneva conventions and eventually the defense department agreed although they later renamed that it's since been brought into compliance with the geneva and in two thousand and six and this is what i had reported on monday is
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there was another hunger strike and that hunger strike was in may of two thousand and six and that resulted. that was launched after some prisoners were found unconscious during a when guards were walking through cell blocks and the commander at the time has. stated that the prisoners who were found unconscious took an overdose or tried to overdose on prescription medications some who weren't even prescribed prescription medication he ordered a shakedown of the cells and a search of all of their belongings including their qur'an and so after the again in may two thousand and six their crimes were searched that lead to a riot and then a hunger strike at the time and that's exactly what we're seeing now the catalyst behind this hunger strike is again the search of the qur'an for what kuantan of the officials in the pentagon say is they're looking for contraband but
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they have not had their. qur'an searched for a least according to the attorneys for about seven years so it's a very very sensitive issue yeah very sensitive issue but with each day but if i can just add that now it's actually gone beyond just the crohn's now it's a matter of protesting the fact that they're being held indefinitely with no sign of ever being released now again we're seeing they're held in syria they're being force fed through tubes here at this point and i think we even have some video of that. what happens that jason and one of these detainees detainees dion's as a result of this they can't make the u.s. look very good what will the consequences be if that happens. i think we're actually close to that point liz said that the fact that their health is deteriorating you know one of the side effects from for speeding for speeding is pneumonia because of fluid build up in the lungs and the last
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president who died of guantanamo last september. and it was odd non latif who had been cleared for release of frequent hunger strike or he was force fed he developed acute pneumonia it's i'm not trying to make any connection there to the fact that that he was force fed but it's a real possibility at this point in fact one of the attorneys has said that his client a kuwaiti name for use alconbury told him that at least one prisoner he knows of has already come attempted suicide but again the pentagon will not respond to any allegations pertaining to specific prisoners so this is already at the stage where it's an international not only an international story but a public relations disaster for the government so that jason we don't have too much time left but i do want to ask. i guess the question of some people are concerned
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some aren't as concerned people that i've spoken to that aren't saying you know what these are potential terrorists many of them have posed a danger to the u.s. so what do you say to that. i say that's not true i mean there are there are more more than half of these one hundred sixty six prisoners have been cleared for release or transfer the government takes the position that everyone who is there is a is a terrorist they don't acknowledge the fact that you know half have been cleared for release or transfer the obama administration. had basically identified those prisoners that are either too dangerous to release those are some of the the cia captives and others where the evidence against them is tainted and they can even be brought to trial so the rest of them have you know have have actually been cleared for release some of them were just sold to the united states for bounty and that is
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. certainly pertains to ogden latif who i admire previously and we're going to have to leave it off there appreciate you coming on that was jason leopold lead investigative reporter at truthout thank you. and maybe the future of manufacturing three d. printing allows consumers to make anything they want from jewelry to shoes to guns it once seemed like futuristic futuristic technology that those on the fringe paid attention to but now it looks like three d. printing has gone mainstream artie's marina point iowa has more. from the state of the union in youngstown a while we're no workers are mastering the three d. printing has the potential to revolutionize the way we make almost everything to a store in soho new york. three d. printing technology has officially gone mainstream the demand is much greater than our supply right now and we're actually ramping up and expanding rapidly to meet that demand this three d. printing company maker bot opened its first retail store last year it is selling
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its newly released replicator to desktop for just under twenty two hundred dollars using a plastic material the machine deposits ultra thin layers to form any object that can be molded in software welcome to the world of independent manufacturing so this stretch bracelet took about sixteen minutes to make but other objects that are a bit bigger like this cupcake gift box took about fifteen hours of printing now while the time a very anyone with a three d. printer can essentially make anything that they want in our website thing and for us that is a repository for three d. printed items we have more than forty thousand items that are free and downloadable and one of our terms of service is that you cannot upload anything that is deemed a weapon. this is where twenty five year old cody wilson enters the picture
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a group of friends and i started a project called defense distributed. three d. printer to print a gun to release the files open source the texas law student has already printed a thirty round magazine and lower receiver that houses the bolt for an ar fifteen and he's reportedly working on completing a rifle with a three d. printer his blueprints for guns and gun parts are distributed for free on his website but i'm curious showing people ok this is something that can be done right now. right now the self described. market after cast has thrown a major reds into america's gun control debate as a national conversation it was a debate that started in december after twenty children and six adults were shot dead at a connecticut elementary school overwhelming majorities of americans americans who believe in the second amendment have come together around common sense reform.
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background checks that will make it harder for criminals to get their hands on a gun meanwhile just last month wilson became a federally licensed gun manufacturer and dealer there bypassing the debate the rendering the debate irrelevance whatever laws make about of this discussion this sort of ability to manufacture objects and bodies firearms on a localized centralized basis means the law really won't matter in the law may say that something is illegal but if you can turn into a device that's on your desktop and manufacture that at will with nobody knowing that you've done so then the law doesn't matter at all with a reported three hundred million guns in circulation the u.s. has the highest rate of gun ownership in the world and the second highest rate of deaths by firearms among industrialized nations. and just as lawmakers are finalizing new legislation that would tighten the nation's all too easy access to firearms. experts claim that technology will ultimately outpace
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their meager efforts at gun control. new york. the trans-pacific partnership is a multinational trade agreement that has some very some watchdogs very concerned and that's because negotiations have remained mostly a secret this despite the talks having major implications on everything from freedom of speech to intellectual property laws one concern is that the t.p. p. could have some rules similar to the controversial sopa legislation if you can recall internet companies and internet advocates launched a campaign to a boat oppose the bill due to concerns of violated internet privacy artie's margaret howell has more. did you know that your rights could be under fire with new regulation coming out of the trans-pacific partnership agreement for those of us who may not have known the tepee is a free trade agreement that's been in the goetia since around two thousand and five now these eleven countries involved could potentially turn into a single market which means a monopoly on how business is conducted and what rules apply particularly to the
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internet now one topic the tepee peace negotiation currently intellectual property rights which could affect the digital world across the board this negotiation would create rules that give media companies new power over the internet the t.p. could make internet service providers act as a copyright cop policing what information you share the concern is that the p.p. may ratchet up ip enforcement so much which means digital rights here at home just may change this and for some it would favor special interest copyright lobbies not the individual it would lock out ninety p.p. countries into a copyright treaty that may vary greatly from the country's own ip rules this means that treaty rules could trump and individuals and individual countries already existing intellectual property laws for example something that may not be criminal under the us current laws may become a criminal act under c.p.p.
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new regulations t p p would change how i p infringement is defined by defining infringement so strictly you may be locked out of the internet for violating these rules or or her something else one of these rules mean to you look at me to hire criminal and civil penalties for sharing online content online content that is now being shared without violating any regulation this could also mean that the extreme trade agreement could allow media conglomerates the power to fine you for the use of the internet or terminate your access to the internet altogether will the us be pressured into accepting these newer. the link text exposed by the electronic frontier foundation an organization speaking out against these secret talks says that it does reflect the us policy isn't backed opposed to these measures however the us may in fact be goaded into tacitly accepting them these new regulations are
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potentially dangerous for internet users because i pay in force machain just the way that information to share. now there is also the issue that p.p. countries may quote trade their way into the sovereign ability to make several regulations in the future on their terms according to the. by leaving the rest of society out of these negotiations all together they have still a sensibly that's how everyone shares information the t.p. is acting on a sovereignty we may be forced to recognize just how these new rules of fact the u.s. citizens here and how we operate in the digital realm may be unclear if the obama administration accepts the terms of the t p p our rights may change when it comes to the dissemination of information one thing is clear though right seem to favor giant corporations doing business i guess it's up to corporations by the corporations and for the corporations and washington margaret how old are today.
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now to new york city where a political scandal is brewing in another instance of paid to play for the soon to be vacant mayor's seat here's new york state senator malcolm smith the democrat who represents part of queens he was the first african-american senate majority leader in new york in two thousand and nine police arrested him for bribing people to become the republican. candidate for mayor how but out of this man city councilor dan halloran also of queens halloran is a libertarian republican who allegedly helped smith bribed prominent new york republicans to backspin for the g.o.p. mayoral ticket a real estate developer provided all of the cash but little did smith and heller know that the developer had a wire on him because he was really an undercover agent other officials like the bronx republican party chairman and queens republican party vice chairman have also been ensnared in taking the bribes the undercover agent also entered into
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a deal with halloran where the counselor allegedly promised city council funds in exchange for a personal money supply other officials in new york have been accused of improper dealings with this agent as well the united states district attorney of southern new york preet bharara perhaps said it best when he said quote the sad truth may be that the most powerful special interest in politics is self-interest and we are going to leave it off there but from our the stories we covered head to our web site r t dot com slash usa back here at five pm. download the official a publication to yourself choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorites from alzheimer's if you're away from your television or live just doesn't
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do so now with your mobile device you can watch artsy anytime anywhere. here's mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that we americans call adult. i'm sorry i'm just a guy who cares an awful lot about my country music stars are if you know what kind of my theory sounds in your claim that no one here was saying the feature is not be on the ball and the christian implications can screw it up but it's the. you know the corporate media distract us from what you and i should care about because they're profit driven industry that sells of sensationalistic garbage because that breaking news i'm happy martin and we're going to break that.
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internationally and in the very heart of moscow. welcome to the kaiser report i'm max kaiser it's time to hit the reset button because in case you haven't noticed the system around us has collapsed the banks have got the runs currencies gone crazy equity markets are high as
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a kite. that coudersport day at the outside while capital markets. killed over policy makers are so stuck on stupid they need to be injected. they need to walk the plank not to not to quit as far as i'm concerned by barbel phones and bank stars now how about we just hit reset or let's talk to the smartest woman in london today stacy herbert. and max everybody is denying that they are like cyprus malta is denying they're like cyprus luxembourg is denying they're like cyprus italy is spain portugal as fred says everybody's saying we're not like cyprus so of course those are all european nations that i want to turn to america where they merican dream is always held some sort of hope for europeans when their system is collapsing they often flee to america. so.


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