tv [untitled] April 3, 2013 12:30am-1:00am EDT
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i. over the last six months on this show there's been one argument that has stood out the concept that democracy is a form of government should give all voices an equal opportunity to be heard to give all ideas a fair and equal platform to be communicated to the voting public and no i'm not about to start ranting about how disappointed i am with the outcome of the twenty two of general elections but it's because this is an off year that i think it's important to consider that there's always an alternative people are rallied every four years with what seems to be an opportunity for a big change many of us rely on the idea that change has to come from the very top consider this elections don't only happen at the national level we have elections at the state level with each state having a governor in a state legislature and we have elections that county and local levels to check this out the latest census data shows that there are more than eighty nine thousand local and state governments amounting to more than five hundred thousand elected positions by the time americans are done voting there over
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a million offices filed during every election cycle and it isn't just isn't that just the beauty of american democracy that millions of ideas can be represented so that the bigger picture can be changed from the bottom up well that's the idea anyway the obstacle to this is the domination of the two party system a narrow focus on one spot in the ideological spectrum democrats versus republicans and that's why on this show we've made it a point to be a platform for excluded voices individuals who challenge that mold having said that i want to take a look back at a few important points made by some alternative political leaders that we've had on the show green party presidential candidate jill stein urged americans to demand the powers that be to allow alternative voices to be heard check it out. in my view you know what we need is to bring that demand not only into the streets but also into the voting that we must stand up and set the agenda and fight to move us forward the politics of fear which basically says you need to be quiet in the
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voting has basically brought us everything that we're afraid of indeed it is the politics of fear that perpetuates the two party system now you might be asking yourself what are we really missing out on well that's just it third parties are excluded from the national dialogue here's what libertarian presidential candidate governor gary johnson told breaking the set about the last presidential debates. what you did not hear in any of these debates is let's not bomb iran let's get out of afghanistan tomorrow bring the troops home let's recognize marriage equality is a constitutionally guaranteed right let's and the drug wars legalize marijuana now let's repeal the patriot act look as that's just it we can't keep subscribing to these politics of fear we have to look beyond that if you want to be the change in this country you have to get out there and the first thing that you need to do is vote until then it will be no change.
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i you know it seems president it seems president obama is really trying to make good on a promise that he made during his state of the union something he said is fundamental to the preservation of democracy check it out. defending our freedom bowe is not just the job of our military alone we must all do our part to make sure our god given rights are protected here at home that includes one of the most fundamental rights of a democracy. the right to vote. all right guys so to talk about this promise and much more regarding the electoral process i'm joined now by christina tobin she's the founder and chair of the free
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and equal elections foundation thank you so much for joining me christina thank you so much for having me and look it's seems like there's so many different ways that voters are being disenfranchised these days is it really the right move by president obama right now to be going after these long lines are long lines really the most detrimental thing to democracy right now or do you think that there's other things that are being missed here it's an ongoing problem we've had this for a while that's another distraction you know the marriage equality i mean people recognize we want to quality during that time he signed a bill from unsigned to a long lines we have way bigger issues all these problems we have are so much deeper like the national defense authorization act patriot act so drones of war drug war the list goes on and on so again another distraction yes it's important but under an electoral system where we have true people good people in office democrats the republicans say they've got us into this mass but when reform that
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system we will no longer have problems like long lines bigger problems like the in the a.m.a. and all the other things i previously mentioned absolutely no it is it's again like you said just another one of those things that really distracts from other issues that could be covered more and one of the issues that you've been very vocal about in your organization and have also had success in is this topic to legislation which which i feel a lot of people still haven't really heard about i wonder if you can expand on it and do you know what you're going to say should it's done in the actual ramifications that this could have on the electoral process but really it sends a message i feel totally by stopping top two from passing this past november that is an arizona problem twenty one and what it means is only the top two vote getters in the primary advance the general election could be only two two democrats. republicans that's not good it means that the worst democrats the republicans would essentially become one party could actually be worse than what it is and control
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our united states but fortunately we stopped in arizona and it hasn't been able to pass in the dozens of other states that they had hoped to do that and we did that by uniting with leaders across the spectrum in arizona and spreading the truth and that's what we do it for equal we were up against millions of dollars in our tens of maybe thousands of dollars not even ten thousand we defeated it because we traveled in a car around the state holding by press conferences and meeting people and telling the truth so thank goodness it squashed it still is in california unfortunately it passed in two thousand and ten previously in washington state but i do four see that top two will cease to exist fortunately in the near future. yeah i mean that it's really fortunate that you guys were able to be there and be the grassroots movement to keep them from passing but i want to switch the focus of the third parties during this last election season you actually moderated along with larry king the third party debates and i'm wondering r t along with maybe
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a handful of other networks was one of the few that did get a chance to cover these debates what do you think of the driving forces that keep alternative voices like the third party presidential candidates from making it to the mainstream. well we got quite a bit of coverage over twenty million people have viewed it worldwide thank you so much to course r.t. america and not only being a part of the first debate but hosting our second debate of the top ten trending on twitter we recognize the social media the power of social media and technology is so powerful and that is really what's going to help us today kicking off and taking the momentum of that debate into a really big event we're going to be having come june twenty second at little rock arkansas. that's going to be really great christine i want to ask you something about the free and equal foundation something very unique about free and equal is that it hosts members of the occupy wall street movement but then at the same time it also has members of the of the tea party movement what i want to ask you is is
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there with the these two groups can can find a way to unify and kind of work together put their ideological differences aside and be kind of a unifying force as an alternative to this two party system that we have in the united states but in equal as we're a nonprofit we're here to build others and last november a group of amazing leaders had of occupy little rock the tea party young americans for liberty greens libertarians a dependent sioux name it republicans came out to host and rally it was covered by all the local media in little rock and now it's these leaders on the ground who are going to be hosting the united we stand fast civil and little rock arkansas the rising arena seventeen thousand people this venue holds on june twenty second from six to ten pm and the amount of people that are confirming ralph nader is confirmed to participate michael donna artistic hollywood producer of pirates of the caribbean got a six second sees our producer for the event as well as marcey for grave with
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a.d.m. who helped produce our producer larry king debate golden state and american idol the ron paul bomb song joran page musician the list goes on and on tatyana more. tali elisabet i'm a zero amber lyon dan johnson larry pratt the president of gun our america really sounds like you've got a whole host of people coming in to. your name to actually had here on the show i think this is going to be very exciting what are the goals of united we sink you talk a little bit about what are some of the ideas that are going to be presented as well as what you're hoping to accomplish with this nationwide that is great great question and this to kick off for our university united we stand bus tour that we're going to hold in the future ten stops across the country and what the goal is to unite the grassroots left to right everyone people across the spectrum to break the stranglehold of the two party system and reform the electoral process throughout the united states so when we hold this to the course june twenty second
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united we stand best of all will be the kickoff and we hold the tour in the fall all that momentum as you mentioned before voting is important right well we're going to inspire many people to run for the local congressional state races two thousand and fourteen and so on and we're going to take back our government we're going to replace democrats and republicans alike we're going to bring integrity within our government through a national database that will be launching and building out there is working with our t. america thanks very your support on its media musicians and so on to bring integrity within our government and to shift our government back to the origins of the constitution and you can learn more about it free and equal or free and equal dot org yeah christina thank you so much and what i did want to ask you only have a few seconds left is it going to really take. a revolution is that we really really need in this country for people to to really wake up and realize that the choice isn't illusion that we really do actually have alternatives in this country
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other than the two party system great question that peaceful positive powerful movement don't fall into the trap of negative energy this is powerful spiritual happy and what we're doing so the system once and. unfortunately we're out of time but thank you so much for coming on the show that was christina tobin founder and chair of the free and equal elections foundation it's a pleasure having you on the show thank you. now if you like what you see so far go to our facebook page at facebook dot com. and be sure to do what thousands of already done give us a like will be updating our status daily with links to past segments as well as reaching out to you for ideas on what we want to see covered on breaking the set can also check out behind the scenes photos we take out our studios or when breaking the set is reporting on the road so head to our facebook page and check out all that and more but stay tuned to hear from actress activist and one time presidential candidate roseanne barr next.
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if you like. guys last week we had a very special guest on the show someone that's pushed the boundaries in hollywood using your platform to tackle issues like homosexuality classism you may know or simply as rose in which she's not only a famous actress and comedian she's a social activist a leading political figure and just ran for president under the peace and freedom party in an interview at the first asked her why she felt it was so important to talk about the issues on the show and this is what she had the same check out. it was always important to may because i have a gay brother and a gay sister and we were raised in salt lake city utah and they went to
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a significant amount of bullying in you know so it was always important to me because you know that was always a big issue in my life and it was very very difficult to get it on television and and it was very hard for i. but you know it's proven to have been the right thing to do and salute those who are against this issue is definitely set on the wrong side of history rosen in addition to homosexuality roseanne confronted numerous social issues such as class domestic violence race and women's rights and your show i think it resonated with a lot of people because it represented the plight of the working class i mean how important you think it is for people to be able to identify with real characters like this and how come we don't see this type of programming anymore. while you know the whole issue of classes like big taboo in america you're not supposed to notice it and you're not supposed to talk about it you're not supposed to oppose it
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it's just supposed to be there like reality so that was that was a hard thing to it was a hard thing to talk about class race and gender in america it still is but why do you think that we don't see anyone pushing the envelope like your show used to do. while because it's too hard and you know the only the only reason that i was able to do it is because i was just such a committed activist and committed fighter but you know i i know how hard it is for anybody else first of all it's really difficult to see things that are kept invisible but it's really hard for artists to find their voice in the medium of television period right and let's talk about sexism roseanne which i know they are very vocal about it today especially as i look at your timeline i mean i talk about women's rights a lot on the show and i cannot tell you how many men tell me sexism doesn't exist
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anymore and in fact that sexism against a men is actually more of a problem in society where is this mentality coming from. tosh are meant to have a mentality of sexism and just by virtue of the things they say i mean it's just on and. godly and it's ungodly ignorant that they have no idea that they're ignorant so it's our levels of just levels. of patriarchy patriarchal brainwashing and mind control and you know i can't hold when you know we're talking about this think of the steubenville rape case i mean this is a perfect example of how sexism does exist in society not only did the rapists get a slap on the wrist but the media was showing sympathy toward the rapist their verdict i mean is the media entertainment responsible for perpetuating a rape culture. yeah i think the maid is responsible for perpetuating
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a rape culture and you know i mean it's profitable for the people at the top who run the rape culture. who run it and you know they profit from it and to say otherwise would be a big fat lie so you know they don't want any kind of power shifted away from the way they have it set up in a very hierarchical manner with you know women's free labor at the bottom was originally slave labor at the bottom of that big pyramid you've been a hollywood insider for so long you've been vocal for so long i mean how challenging is it to see your colleagues across hollywood lacking for the obama administration when they have so much power and influence they can singlehandedly shape the dialogue when so many people are watching them. well i think that you know this is a culture of fear and nobody is more afraid than people in hollywood they're afraid that they'll drop out of the top you know that they're afraid that they'll drop
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from the bottom of the pyramid maybe to the middle of the pyramid but you know they they're the ones hollywood is the is the one that keeps all this power structure and all this culture of racism and sexism and and classism and gender is a man all of it in place they continually feed it and they may. a lot of money doing it and they do it at the behest of their masters who run everything so you know they're not going to get brave enough to do that i mean i think that there are many of us who. who are brave enough to do just you know i'm lucky that i can do it and i feel that i do it on behalf of many people in hollywood too i go to hollywood parties or you know occasionally i go to oscar parties and things like that and people big stars people will grab me by the arm and take me aside and say yes one can. say and it blows my mind
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but that's the culture it's a culture of fear for sure. you know and it's a big culture of mind control to m.k. ultra mind control rules and hollywood if if you don't know google that look into it. we've talked about operation mockingbird. mind control stuff from i mean this goes back decades and decades but roseanne i mean do you know people been blacklisted i mean is it just kind of a self-censorship in hollywood or do people actually get edged out if they are too much against the grain. yeah it's self-censorship after a while but it's not just a crazy self censorship itself censorship because there's actually a danger that you will never work again and people know it every day as friends and it happened to that maybe you said too much or maybe you were too boco on on on on popular issues and it's funny because it doesn't matter if two years later i find
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this a lot that two years later those unpopular issues become very mainstream they still don't forgive the first person who does it and that's kind of been my story there when you're first you're going to be both vilified despite the fact that two years later everybody's saying why. you said you're still going to be vilified because you dare and you know you know like they say the chinese you know the chinese have . a saying that says the nail that stands up is hammer down and that's how it is here and everywhere in the world right now you don't really want to put yourself at odds with with people who decide your future and pay for your work but sometimes you have to and i was very lucky that i had a successful show that made me a lot a lot of money and so that i can do that and i feel that i owe that to the people i came from to say those things that maybe they can't say because they're afraid
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they'll be fired or they're afraid even though they will be put in jail or whatever i'm going to do it because why not. well that's why i love you roseanne because you are an artist you're comedian but you use your craft to also really express dairying political statements that are too true and like you just said i mean years later all these things are validated i mean look at m s n b c ten years after the iraq war saying how we were all duped i mean they were part of the duping so it's amazing to see you know as it's mainstream we all know these things now it's easy to come out and say you know what happened we were all sold this war but roseanne weeks ago you tweeted something in love you said failed senate failed congress failed executive branch failed to prove in court people look at this and they agree with you and they say you know this corruption this blatant corruption is why we need less government what do you say to those people. while those people who say they want less government are just a bunch of liars because you know they're trying to get the government on the backs
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of all the gays right now so they do not have fact want less government at all they want more government and it's funny that the whole time they're trying to amp up the government on everybody's personal freedoms and civil rights they're talking about they want less government but you can't have it both ways why why. on of the things you people are saying is just a lie and which one is it and also the government has bailed out these banks which is basically government socialism for what capitalism is turned into this crony capitalism or socialism is bailing out the capital is just an amazing and hypocritical thing those countries turned into but you decided to be the changes and you ran for president under the peace and freedom party in the last election yet the stigma remains third parties a wasted vote i may have a dangerous business to perpetuate the lesser than two evils mentality. it's very very dangerous and it's very very sad and you know what i'll tell you it's very
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un-american it's like a you know they don't like america and they don't like you know what we should where all proud about our country they want to be down our right to speak out our right to dissent our right to be a whistle blower to do the right thing they don't like any of those things but they won't be able to stop it so you know word of encouragement from me and from you and from people who think like us is very very important and it's very important that it happens over the people's airwaves. and i know you are thank you for what you do well thank you rose and that means a lot to me and i know that you are also support of occupy wall street which are unfortunately it was violently suppressed by militarized police forces all across the country and rose and i tell people that everything we do every day is political and every action we take is a vote essentially any more words advice you can give to people who are watching this and saying you know there's nothing that can be done and we don't have
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a voice. while i'd say that that that's not true there are so much that can be done and don't stop now because we've put a crack in it and now the light will get and so don't stop now whatever you do don't stop and you know they talk about. wall street and this and that in the other but you know it needs a reboot like everything having to do with resisting our country being owned by banks terrorists and both parties of its government being owned by banks there's no way we couldn't turn our back or quiet down now it only get worse and so now's the time to amp it up and for occupy wall street and all these vehicles and venues of resistance it's time to come together and i have my theory is that it sexism that really beat all those things down because in and every single thing. that is not led by women these days it's going to fail because women are tired of listening
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to men we. as a class not as a sex but as a class who are just tired of failed policies of males that continually put everything in conflict and that so there can be a winner and a loser that's not the way women think and it's not the things that those are not the things that women value anymore so any i think that we're going to find that any any any method of resistance any organ of resistance is going to fail unless it is led by women and i see evidence of that everywhere on earth and you know it's going to come to america too and it is coming and so i just give everybody a heads up to take a look at that and see if i'm not right rosanna thank you for being one of those powerful women leaders that we can look up to and follow the words that you're saying which is the spirit of dissent alive and well and we need to keep pushing back against the system thank you so much roseanne barr that's it for us it is show
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