tv [untitled] April 3, 2013 7:30pm-8:00pm EDT
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welcome back to the picture coming up on this half the fukushima disaster and already reeling japan into a full on crisis mode but are the worst meltdowns that's yet to come we'll find out in just a moment and like it or not the information is that your information is up for sale on the internet is the age of anonymity over could a new bill in the california legislature keep the data pirates in check. and in the best of the rest of the news the japanese aren't the only ones who are continuing to suffer from the fallout of the fukushima nuclear disaster and out appears that radiation released from the failed fukushima reactors back in march of
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two thousand and eleven more than two years ago have affected children born in hawaii and along the entire west coast of the united states according to the radiation in public health project children born in alaska california hawaii washington state and oregon between one week and sixteen weeks after the nuclear meltdown we're twenty eight percent more likely to suffer from congenital hypo thyroid ism than were kids born in those states during the same time a year earlier in two thousand and ten basically what happened is a large quantities of radioactive iodine one thirty one were blown out of the fukushima reactors and then traveled across the pacific ocean before falling on hawaii the west coast and other pacific nations in the form of rain and snow that reached radiation levels hundreds of times greater than those considered safe and research research suggests that the fallout from fukushima will only get worse so just how bad will the effects of the. get and what's the latest coming out of
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fukushima today joining us now is kevin camps nuclear waste watchdog with beyond nuclear kevin welcome back to the show thank you for having me so kevin are you surprised by some of this new information i mean we expecting these sort of fall out affects on the west coast. well we knew in the first days and weeks and months after the fukushima catastrophe began that we were receiving fall out radioactive fallout in perceptor taishan i remember one day in april of two thousand and eleven when it was reported by the us federal government that boise idaho it had rainfall that measured two hundred forty two times the safe drinking water act limits for radioactive iodine one thirty one so we knew that we were getting fallout. in places like kalamazoo michigan right i'm sitting right now they've got elevated fall out of different isotopes including cesium so these are reported by the federal government agencies that look at its kalamazoo michigan as if in the entire
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world almost has to have it i mean kalamazoo is on the other side of the world certainly in terms of atmospheric fall out being the prevailing winds carried it throughout the northern hemisphere and then with the ocean discharges from fukushima which are unprecedented the currents took those all over the place including the southern hemisphere so the health impacts should not be a surprise there they're tragic and we've known since the one nine hundred fifty s. actually the u.s. nuclear establishment in its secrecy knew since the one nine hundred fifty s. that radioactive iodine will call steroids pathology down when they were doing secret experiments at the hanford nuclear reservation in the one nine hundred fifty s. we found out about it in the one nine hundred ninety s. under president clinton when it was finally revealed and if anybody had any doubts the church noble catastrophe that began in one thousand nine hundred six had an eruption of thyroid pathology in ukraine belarus and russia by comparison
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poland as soon as it found out about the chernobyl catastrophe some days into it because of the cover up by the soviets immediately distributed potassium iodide pills to its population they do not have a thyroid up demick in poland so given you said that we you know there's a long history of knowing the effects of what happens. when these sort of nuclear disasters occur and you said we have these tests we knew this was coming how is our government to handle this knowledge and prepared for it. deafening silence in fact congressman ed markey a democrat from massachusetts a decade ago now got a bill passed into law got it in acted it's the law of the land calling for potassium iodide distribution out to twenty miles away from us atomic reactors a brilliant thing to do very wise just because mary stopped to have the potassium iodide in place in case a nuclear catastrophe unfolds in the united states they don't happen slowly they
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happen very quickly as we saw at fukushima the the pills have to be close by i should hasten to add that the pills would only protect the thyroid against radioactive iodine one thirty one it will not protect you against dozens of other radioactive poison so it's really to protect your thyroid during the evacuation and then for some weeks and months after you've evacuated to protect you against radioactive iodine contamination of food and water but the bush administration and the obama administration have both dragged their feet they have not implemented this law it's hard to tell if it's been carried out anywhere certainly not adequately covered in the next question for you so being that being that's the case of what is that what it what can americans do to protect themselves and what can what can have what what's next happen the united states on this. well congressman markey to his credit is still calling for the potassium iodide to be distributed within twenty miles he's calling for the obama administration to enforce the law of
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the land to protect americans we saw in fukushima you know a highly technological wealthy country japan that they were in chaos when the fukushima catastrophe erupted including the threat of radioactive iodine month thirty one in fact i remember when the federal government of japan was warning the parents of small children in tokyo not to use tap water to make infant formula with because it was too contaminated with radioactive iodine one thirty one it used bottled water for infant formula so as it was chaos and what we need to do of course the best thing we can do is shut down all the atomic reactors in this country because without atomic reactors you can't have iodine one thirty one it has a relatively short half life of eight days that's eighty days to one hundred sixty days of hazardous persistence that's gone but during that hundred sixty days it's a vicious radioactive poison and we see that in the former soviet union to this day
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an epidemic of thyroid pathology and the treatment in a place like bella reuss is referred to as a chair noble necklace it's a slit from ear to ear really across the throw to remove the thyroid and it leaves a stigma on that person because people know you're a chair noble radiation victim you're going to have trouble getting married you're going to get have trouble getting a job yeah that's a terrible fate yeah kevin if we're we're out of time here but it seems like we keep learning the same lessons over and over and over again hopefully we won't have to relearn them in the future kevin thanks so much for coming on thank you for having me. have you ever feel that somebody watching you well. corporations are watching us online facebook sells your data third party advertisers google tracked its customers activities and not and not everybody's come up with
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a new cyber snoopy world earlier this year the california lawmakers introduced a bill that would force all companies disclose who they're selling your data to it's called the right to know act for example if facebook is selling your debt your personal information to some marketing company they have to tell you for more on this i'm joined by chris connelly the staff attorney for the american civil liberties union fan francisco chris welcome to the program thank you for having me now tell me why what's so we heard about this need to know act what how where is it in the where is it in the in the state legislature and what can we do to help so right now the right to know act is a bill pending before the assembly judiciary committee so it's in the very early stages of the process and we're definitely looking to hear from people who can express that they want that they need that they demand the right to know what's happening to their personal information if we're also becoming aware of the fact that as we use technology whether it's web services whether it's our smartphone whether it's a swiping a card to get some groceries or get on
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a bus information is being collected about us but there's a very real difference between knowing that some information is being collected somewhere and knowing exactly what information is collected and who it shared with and that's what the right to know actors designed to do to give people the right to know exactly what is happening to their information and where it's ending up at the end of the day not great is it really as bad as we think it is. and certainly concerning there are a lot of different tools that you know there are websites on the internet that have over one hundred different widgets tools essentially to track people and get this information is being shared with all sorts of third parties now some of them are fairly innocuous they're just sending advertising but there are cases where people's religious beliefs where people's pregnancy statuses their sexual orientation has been exposed without their consent without their. activity because of the way information is collected and shared about them and people need tools to understand what information is collected in order to have the first step of being able to control their online identity now from the sense that this law is only
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being passed in california what the limitations on that law is that people who live in california or companies based in california have to abide by it or is there some sort of if you're just japanese companies selling u.s. government us information how does it all work so technically speaking the law would only apply to california residents if you're a california resident you would have certain rights under the law but we've seen with the european union that the european union has some similar rights including a right to access information that a company hold about you and certain companies namely google on facebook has started providing the same access to that information to americans and other citizens as they are required by law to provide in the european union so the reason being that if we see that europeans get this information if they have these rights we demand it as well we're very hopeful the same thing will happen here or we can only pass along california's northern california affiliate but if this takes place in california we certainly expect that people across the country are going to demand it hopefully receive the same right in the same information chris sam here.
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we saw last election. g.m.o. labeling effort be killed by massive corporate spending we know data mining is now a huge industry are you seeing these data mining companies marketing companies online companies mounting a huge opposition and i mean is this really going to be hard and this seems like common sense we should have a right to know if our personal information is being shared around here just like with seems like we have right to know what kind of food we're eating is this going to be as hard of a battle as the the g.m.o. fight seems to be and we were certainly expecting some kind of fight and we know that there are companies who frankly don't want their data collection and data sharing practices exposed but we think as you said that people just deserve and should have is common sense they should have the right to know we are working on there are can. turns about how burdensome this is and we have crossed it a bill that actually tries to be a very light touch is only based on what information is reasonably available to a company you know there are protections for people you can't verify in other ways
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that lighten the load on companies but at the end of the day if companies don't want to share with consumers what they're doing with the information they collect and who they're sharing it with consumers need the law they need the right to demand this information and we hope that people will speak up in california legislators will listen and understand that it's not just about what companies want it's about what's good for the whole online economy because consumers don't trust what's happening to their information they don't invest their time and energy in startups and products and things that they're just not quite sure about so that we actually hope it's good for everyone to know there's more transparency and a better environment where people that are sad and that's all the time we have chris but i think you're right i hope the people in california get up and get out to thank you so much for being on the show we really appreciate you as really thank you for having me. coming up after the break in the united states we don't let people who don't have valid driver's licenses get behind the wheel because it's an issue of public safety so should we use that same thinking inserting gun ownership the car ownership more of that tonight still we take.
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture. talking about the same story doesn't make it news no softball interviews no puff pieces tough questions make it. worst for the most. lie down to the. minute. i want. to get you never seen anything like this i'm.
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crazy alert everybody needs something to do to help them relax for some people it's hiking some like to cook for me for example i enjoy watching my less television carried to char by a native of crystal river florida likes to pretend he's a merman three to four times a day three to four days a week swimming around to the waterways near his home in his custom fitted merman tail for eric mermaid and mermaid isn't just interest it's a lifestyle he even runs a business selling tales to other merfolk eric says that he feels transformed when he puts on his tail and that acting like
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a merman helps him let's let him learn to put the stress behind him he's been splashing his way around the mermaid world since he was a child and he has no plans of stopping any time soon so i'm on eric swim on. every single year about thirty three thousand americans died in car crashes tragically and these crashes cost our economy hundreds of billions of dollars every single year. you see driving a car no matter how routine it is for most of us is actually very very dangerous in fact it's probably the most dangerous thing most of us do every single day and that's why we put restrictions on who can drive a car you have to be
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a certain age you have to have the physical ability to actually drive you can't be drunk you know that sort of stuff and most of us accept these rules and regulations as necessary we don't want dangerous people behind the wheel of a two ton chunk of steel going sixty miles an hour bad things can happen and that's also why every state requires you to purchase liability insurance just to have a car you have to take responsibility for the damage your car may flicked on others on the road that way all of us are protected and can be cared for and not driven into financial ruin in case you drive your car into us ok so we all know this these are the rules of driving in america driving that kills again thirty three thousand people in this country every single year so what are the rules of purchasing and using guns in america well cording to bloomberg by two thousand and fifteen the number of people killed by guns every year in america will surpass those killed in
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car accidents and violent congo crimes cost our economy roughly three point seven billion dollars a year guns just like cars are very dangerous it doesn't matter how safe of a driver you think you are and it doesn't matter how safe of a gun owner you think you are bad things happen. nancy lanza probably thought she was a safe gun owner and then one day or guns were taken by or doraine son turned on her and turned on twenty little kids and their teachers at newtown elementary school and who's responsible for all of this well knowing if a car was responsible for all this carnage someone would be liable to compensate the victims but since it was a gun nothing so should we take some of the same precautions with gun ownership that we do with car ownership congresswoman carolyn maloney from new york thinks so should reduce the firearm risk protection act requires gun owners to purchase liability insurance just like car owners in case their gun is used to kill or
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injure someone if gun owners don't want to purchase insurance well that's ok but they'll have to pay a ten thousand dollars fine so they can cut it so that they can cover whatever damage their gun may cost to society in the future this simple measure will make people think carefully about buying a gun in the risks associated with it just as people think carefully about driving a car in the risks associated with that to this is common sense and it doesn't impede on the second amendment and the more than pornography and death threat laws impede on the first amendment this is no longer a constitutional issue it's a public safety issue and that is the subject of tonight's daily take in april of two thousand and nine the department of homeland security released a report titled of right wing extremism current economic and political climate fueling resurgence in radicalization and recruitment the report detailed the rise in right wing extremist activity in america and included groups and individuals
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that are dedicated to a single issue such as opposition to abortion or immigration. the report said that the homeland security office of intelligence and analysis defines right wing extremism in the united states as including not just racist or hate groups but also groups that reject federal authority in favor of state or local authority the report was solid factual matter of fact and an honest attempt by the d.h. as to start a discussion about the very real homegrown terrorist threat and because of that it made conservatives insane house speaker john boehner reacting to a tsunami of calls and e-mails from viewers of fox news listeners to right wing radio readers of right wing websites slammed the report in a very public statement boehner demanded da just chief janet apology provide an explanation for why she has
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a brand in news in the term terrorist of this crowd rose such as al-qaeda who are plotting overseas to kill innocent americans while her own department is using the same term to describe american citizens who disagree with the direction washington democrats are taking our nation. the report receives so much heat from the right and i was forced to withdraw it although a similar report of left wing extremism radical environmental vile violent environmentalist for example drew no similar rebuke and was not withdrawn so kids like aaron swartz face decades in jail right wing extremist groups have apparently been overlooked by the federal government so it shouldn't come as a surprise that gun toting members of far right extremist groups are now starting to come out of the woodwork and murdering government officials on saturday night texas district attorney mike mclelland and his wife cynthia were shot to death in their home in kaufman county texas becoming the latest victims in a recent string of shootings of government and law enforcement officials the deaths
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of mclelland and his wife come just two months after kaufman county assistant district attorney mark hass was shot and killed which led to suspicions that law enforcement officials are being targeted by a white supremacist group and authorities are now looking into whether or not these lanes are related to the shooting death of colorado prison chief tom clements who was shot and killed by a member of a white supremacist group just a few weeks ago. a little is known yet about the circumstances in the mclelland shooting the denver post reported this past thursday that the gun used to shoot and kill clements was bought by a straw purchaser clemens's killer evan ebell was a white supremacist gang member and a felon who got bought who was there for bart under federal law from purchasing or possessing a gun so he bell had twenty two year old stevie marie vigil go to a gun store for him and legally purchased the gun that he used to kill clemmons
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using a straw purchaser is one of the most common ways criminals get their hands on firearms and this is mostly because straw purchasers face few to any punishments for their actions. the bureau of alcohol tobacco firearms and explosives reports that straw purchase scene of guns is the single most common method by which firearms moved from the illegal from the legal and into the illegal market similarly an a.t.f. study showed that forty six percent of guns related to illegal gun trafficking involve straw purchasers when straw purchasers do get caught like in the case of stevie marie vigil the penalties for legally purchased in a gun and then given or selling it to someone else are extremely weak speaking about the clements murder case brad beyers door spokesman for the a.t.f. denver's field office told the denver post that there is
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a look there is little to no punishment for being a straw purchaser gang members know a drug trafficking organizations know it so how do we fix this major loophole and stop the epidemic of straw purchasing firearms first of all we need to strengthen the laws against being a straw purchaser a one way to do that is to start treating guns like cars had stevie marie vigil purchased a cheap used car for a fourteen year old boy and given him the keys and that boy had proceeded to run down and kill someone vidual would be facing an automatic charge of manslaughter or accessory to manslaughter in almost every state it's just common sense yet there are no serious laws against putting a gun in the hand of another person even if they use that gun to kill somebody to the contrary the n.r.a. and gun manufacturers have made sure that any attempt at such serious felony laws are replaced by weaker misdemeanor laws like cars guns should be registered from
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the time they're manufactured till the time they're destroyed so there's a detailed chain of organ of ownership. similarly anyone who owns a gun should be required to have liability insurance so if they accidentally or intentionally injure or kill somebody the victim or the victim's family will receive monetary damages i mean just look at the newtown tragedy if those twenty children had been murdered by a drunk or crazed driver geico or some other insurance company would be paying millions out to their families but because they were killed with guns the victims' families are getting nothing not even burial expenses for undergoing one of the most unthinkable and horrifying tragedies imaginable. finally anyone who wants to purchase a gun should have to have an operator's license like car drivers do and they should have to undergo a gun proficiency test similar to a driver's test to get that license. you know we started car registration licensing
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and insurance back in the one nine hundred twenty s. when cars got fast enough and abundant enough they started killing people we realized if we had to put some accountability into the chain or get voter ship. people may say ah there's no right to have cars or roads in the constitution but they're wrong it's in article one section eight where congress is given the specific power to raise and spend tax money and create roads it became the law of our land years before the second amendment was passed no rights are absolute we limit the right to drive with license with licensure we limit the right to free speech with rules against yelling fire in a crowded theater and by limiting certain forms of pornography these are all common sense limitations it's time to put common sense limitations on the right to own a gun. with this simple step when the right wing terrorist start to use second amendment remedies to remove government workers they don't like will at least be able to more easily track them back and hold them accountable and some may even
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think twice before they begin building their own personal. and that's the way it is tonight wednesday april third two thousand and thirteen and for more information check out our website at tom hartman dot com free speech shot org r t dot com and hulu dot com slash the big picture and don't forget as tom usually says democracy begins with you get out there get active tag you're it we'll see tomorrow.
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dangerous experiments on prisoners they want to make money and they have to use healthy guinea pigs in the regular society they're not able to use prisoners anymore they wish they could. drug tests on human guinea pigs. paid to pop the deadly pills he didn't pass away he was killed. he didn't pass away they let him down. is pharmacy really about helping people. wealthy british style. sometimes.
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