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tv   [untitled]    April 4, 2013 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT

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the you know really how good the chinese medical system is that they identified these ten cases and had path reports and identified the strain here in the united states i had the flu last month i was sick for two weeks i went to the doctor they gave me medication for the flu they didn't test it they have no idea what strain i had and millions and millions of americans had flu who knows how many of us that exactly this strain was never tested for so the real epidemic is a media the devil but it seems to be more hype over the fact that it's related to an animal flu will pig flu fight in the possible why is that you presume you had colon flu well there's a couple of things at work here one is the context really the american media has never found a scare disease or disaster that it doesn't like it keeps people glued to their television sets they're afraid to miss a word that some horrible thing might happen to them or their families and so this
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is getting huge coverage because of that particular interest in the media in addition both the media and many say sectors of the power elite here in the united states have never met a china bashing incident that they didn't like and so this has both of those wrapped up together the opportunity to disparage say farm products from china for example to have people wonder in the back of their mind if you know chickens or pork from china are infected with some there were exotic who you know there's certain economic interests that benefits they have that fear out there so there's a bunch of you know things going on behind the scenes it's that it's been making the media frighten people but also talk about what's going on behind the scenes a lot of drug producers of course would profit from a panic like the it's and some may say they're the ones who is stoking the thing it is there any truth in that you think. well but of course tamiflu came out as
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a matter of fact in response to one of these fear campaigns my doctor prescribed it for me last time when you know what last month when i got sick and it actually made me sicker so i don't know what kind of new drug is going to come out to protect you from this new flu that out of one point three four billion people apparently have but there will be one it will be very expensive it won't be available to most people like most medicine in the united states by the way and somebody is going to make an awful lot of money. but there has been very little research and that's often the big problem is not enough money spent on research when people are busy spending a lot of money on buying the drugs to prevent themselves getting ill or to prevent and. really getting seriously sick from something like this but do you think though that health officials should be on the for an outbreak like this if so detail is known about it that there hasn't been enough research while health officials should always be on the alert for things that are a threat to public health that's their job not enough resources are spent by the
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way in this country in any event on that we have excellent you know this the c.d.c. is an excellent facility an excellent organization they're under funded and again there are millions and millions of people who never see a doctor they could contract any disease the imaginable died from it be buried and there would be no examination no path reports no study whatsoever so the epidemic could take hold in a population where maybe a million people got sick and died before anybody noticed anyone was sick because they didn't register on the radar i don't think your thoughts keep healthy now when you generalize don't speaking from new york thanks to thoughts. that could be used to. well the ripples from japan's fukushima nuclear meltdown the still reaching. the from. the west coast of america thirty percent of all newborns are suffering from
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a radiation condition that can slow development. towering inferno a multimillion dollar hotel in the russian republic of chechnya has been turned into little more than a shell video footage photos and comments from the spot that. more money left the eurozone in march than in any other month since the peak of the euro crisis in two thousand and eleven but the one hundred seventy five billion dollars figure compiled by financial firms may be on the low side as the eurozone battles record unemployment coupled with bloc wide stagnation and investor flight and the crisis now from its epicenter with. serious here is a lecture on sociology at the university of the g.m. well last month again. whether or not you get the bailout money why the delays. well this is this has been
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a constant shitter of the political landscape and economy landscaping in greece because the troika the representatives of the european union the i.m.f. and the european central bank always demand more in order to put the pressure on the on greek governments they do they delay a bailout those has letty's for example now the greek government is still struggling to get two point eight billion euros that's where it should have been already here and there's a whole negotiation on the next dose of six billion because that's that's how it works there it's never enough for example the greek government had promised that they would find a way to get rid of the property tax which has been extremely unpopular for greek society they were pushed into just changing its name at the same time for example
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that the troika still pushes for must lead us all in the public sector and the government is just trying to find a way to lay off people even try to find excuses for laying them off or mading or made them make them redundant and at the same time greek society greeks is still in the vicious circle of the sterett the and recession which in its turn parents fiscal problems lower tax money coming to the greek governments over again missing targets and based misting benchmarks and then the troika demands even more steady and we're still in this race to circle and you'll probably staged an accuser waiting for creditors with a bouquet of yes it's but really he's got very little choice. it's an open blackmail and i think we also witnessed this in the case of cyprus where not only the parliament but above all brick separate society. protested and said no
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we can't get such measures we can't stand such a social disaster and they were just blackmailed into an even harsher buckets of misery this is in the logic of care and handling of european union this is the logic of the euro zone and more sturdy more and more a grace and it's a year or even even it's months it seems as there are no ridge lines for example bank deposits because the thought that bank deposits even blew one hundred the so-called safe zone of below one hundred thousand euro zone would have been under attack or would have been in theory that's the whole solicits of the euro zone and at the same time month by month this losses in the euro zone it's been proven. the euro zone is at the epicenter of the crisis of the global economy this it it's us it's the biggest problem in the global economy it's in recession unemployment has reached the record levels are eurozone not just in the european south and there
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seems no exits from it just finally just give us a brief idea of how the greek people are coping now with this to new ation of the austerity measures we've had to report about the woodlands being chopped down food theft black markets and. created is a situation really that desperate how the greek people cope with this just briefly . greece aside is a society in despair and you can feel it in your everyday life people are trying just very difficult to trace and you see people rushing for example to sell kids and sunken eyes to the greek church. and people who would never have so much that they could have found themselves. the situation. sucks closing. my eyes in suicide rates these we've seen the science of the system disaster if you think ok and i think that of the same time under is this thing that's it will
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probably see. some explosion in the future and if you notice thank you very much indeed for your comments live there in our tea party got just a terrace he's electric the university of thank you for joining us well for many greeks the old life style is gone for good as we've just been hearing there from panicky autism a tailspin recession devastating unemployment and little future prospects many quite literally have to now brave the cold in results he's tom bought reports even increases his story woodlands paying the price of a stereo something i've just touched on in an interview. the rolling forests of northern greece thousands of years old they're now under threat we had out of town and into the woods with the local forest patrol then they find what they're looking for an illegal logging site coming at night in small groups the longest take trees like this possible hundred year old oak is just one tree but if you add up the free for all over the hecht says the toll starts to look much more serious as the
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eurozone crisis deep into greek pockets expensive heating oil became harder and harder to afford now the forests are paying the price to the author nastyass and his team take notes and record the damage but with thousands of hectares coming over the last few years they're hard pushed to keep up with the destruction and there's a bitter irony limiting their work. because of the economic crisis we can't afford enough fuel to patrol the area and stop this disaster something. else well enough in our sources area lives up a stylus he has smoke coming from his chimney a cat on the garden wall and a pile of logs in his shed he says he's not involved in the illegal logging trade but with heating oil costs running to two thousand euros over the winter months and would priced at just five hundred he understands those who do. they are forced to go and cut wood illegally because they have to pay all these taxes that the government forces on us back in the forest our patrol goes deeper is evidence of
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the tree felling appears around every corner of. the local government is trying to clamp down but is torn between that and sympathy for greeks who are struggling under severe economic hardship in other words with these are ordinary people we've been in isolated villages and for the last two years they can't afford it you can or will see. some financial aid has been planned to help people afford winter heating oil but no funding has yet been provided for it so until heating oil does somehow become cheap. the timber will continue to fall up a storm is happy that his word is affordable and comes from legal sources but others here can't or won't pay a result they say of a crisis brought right into the home tom watson r.t. the village of arrested at northern greece. russian money is on the move out of these to predict commie plunge you can find out where it's going and what the russian government is doing to bring it all back home that's in business after the
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break. what if one third of the population of a capital city of a small arab country took to the streets in protest while the mainstream media would scream the people of nation x. are crying out for democracy we have to intervene and take their oil i mean help them but the earth shaking a large protest isn't an arab country it's in paris france and for traditional marriage yes protesters in paris claim that they had eight hundred thousand people on the streets of france's capital and even though the police said that half those numbers for a city of less than two point five million people this was a huge protest for a card list the european union loves to educate the world about democracy and show that's liberal values around and yet that doesn't really seem to listen to the
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citizens very much who want to stop the madness of waves of illegal immigrants bailing out members on the times of other nations and for focusing the union's national attention on social issues like gay marriage instead of creating jobs to the e.u. officials out there who claim to believe in democracy maybe it's about time you actually try you know listening to a few voices who disagree with you before you keep promoting policies against possibly the will of the majority but that's just my opinion. if you.
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hello there welcome to business of the k.t. program this evening here in moscow cyprus banking crisis means that while the russians are elsewheres apart their cash as you can see cyprus has been the first choice but that is all set to change the neverland's is already a popular like asian for russian money as well as luxembourg as well but there's plenty of choices with britain's virgin islands switzerland jersey and your balls are also keeping russian money safe but the problem that russian president vladimir putin is now trying to address is why does russian money have to go anywhere well if the cyprus situation is caught up with elsewhere it might just have to stay at
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home the kremlin's ambition is for moscow's guy scrapers to replace western financial centers which might take a walk considering right now much of russia's banking center or writes from abroad to help solve this problem mr putin has given top level bureaucrats and state employees the way months to close their foreign bank accounts or face a sag according to a new presidential decree thousands of russians have until july the first to file declarations for their income and assets so with offshore accounts losing their sparkle anyway it might be easier for mr putin to implement these measures and buy an heiress editor in chief or business new europe told us that the fine print lesson may actually lead to a healthier banking system and contribute to russia's fight against corruption. i think it's probably a good thing i mean the first result will be countries like luxembourg which have these massive banking sectors in proportion to their economies will have to go back
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and review everything i mean clearly it's unstable and should there be an event like the collapse of the eurozone then they'll go to the wall and so they need to think about how they're going to deal with that and reduce the size yeah and you've got countries like that who are expected to receive a lot of russian and will receive a lot of russian money i think the due diligence as to who this money belongs to where it's come from what the source of the money is going to be a lot of it's going to screw it up more closely which is a good thing because you know part of this money is illegal drugs prostitution straights all those things black money and money is going to find a lot harder to find a home and i think it's also going to you know continue the process of russian integration is going to go to government in securing its own banking sector suspects of the people will want to bring money and make it easier to bank here if you're doing international business and it's also as you say fits into the general
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drive against corruption you know with state officials find it harder to hide money abroad if they do take bribes and so the risk of doing that you know taking that money has gone up and the chances you get in court are higher and eventually it will start bringing corruption hasn't done yet. let me run to the markets then you can see that u.s. stocks are indeed rising this hour albeit modestly that says and i'm over increased monetary stimulus in japan was dented by domestic concerns as u.s. jobless claims climbed to a four month high and shook out european stocks and see what they had to contend with today they did indeed retreat posting the biggest two day slump in more than four months as you appear in central bank president mario draghi said the economic recovery in the euro area remains subject to downside risk as expected the bank of england did not change interest rates and kept the program stagnated as it is as you can see we are looking at rather hefty declines the russian ruble was once
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again as you can see make so at most you gain against the u.s. dollar but was lower against the european and currency let's move on to the russian domestic markets and see what happened here they have been struggling all we can actually it must be said last because of international woes as well as it was going south as well biggest drop of crude actually to biggest a drop since june. two decades of economic stagnation and fifteen years difference and night i'm not talking about a third world country but the third biggest economy in the world japan so the bank of japan has pledged to double its bond purchases to solve these problems which has already driven the country's currency to the biggest slide since twenty eleven so has to pound started in the battle and we're going to i did this so-called currency war well today i interviewed as that mccarrick market is from idea index on depends currency strategy on the tensions that come with it the japanese prime minister
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when he was elected to the tail end of last year had been elected on a policy of aggressive tackling and this is just a further step down that road that they've already implemented there was the initial reaction to the japanese yen specifically against the u.s. dollar. and certainly that worked for some period of time however the markets it to an extent absorbed that he's gone for a much more aggressive stance now and this stimulus equates to about one percent of their country's g.d.p. on this as opposed to to give it a barometer of the u.s. which are in last year in the quantity of easing sort of things did about point five so it's it's certainly double the aggressiveness with which the u.s. tackling there are a currency situation and what about the currency war is this a new class well i don't know that this is necessarily a new battle it's certainly a more aggressive stance that the japanese government have taken the americans to a lesser extent have been continuing with the quantity of easing process and the
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eurozone has found that the euro has been decreasing in value due to other issues. certainly from the economic stance of things but rather than them having to manipulate their currency themselves they found that under natural circumstances the euro has managed to drift lower however today speak by marriott draggy the e.c.b. president has inferred that they see rate cuts as highly. likely in the future and that by itself will help tackle the strength of the the euro are there no other ways to boost an economy that other than printing money and stimulus certainly as far as the eurozone is concerned they are a powerhouse their engine that really drives the eurozone is the german economy and at this point in time the german economy is primarily structured around an export driven economy and ask such the weak of the currency is that with which they they deal the cheaper their goods become and therefore that is the stimulus that will really drive the the eurozone so this point in time a weak euro is is very attractive certainly the french at the beginning of this
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year beginning of twenty thirty were very keen for the e.c.b. to step in and actually tackle the strength of the euro directly themselves germany for historical reasons have never been particularly keen in intervening when it comes into their a sovereign currency strike and so when the currency moved drifted lower anyway by natural causes i guess by certain extent the cypriot situation all parties were happy but i think this is certainly a tool that they may well use further down the road for business money after the break here and i'll say. wealthy british style.
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markets. find out what's really happening to the global economy. for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines kaiser report. is trash to get rid of. but it's also a treasure. worth fighting for. and a trap was no way out.
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renuka international airport in the very heart of moscow. news continues here on r.t. u.s. troops may be out of iraq but allegations of military misconduct and abuse of followed them home but now the latest report has put the british army in the
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spotlight off for its servicemen shared some uncomfortable revelations. details the allegations and the response from the authorities. it was reportedly one of the most brutal u.s. run military facilities in iraq during the war but a new report by the guardian newspaper reveals the extent of british involvement at the secret facility speaking anonymously personnel from two r.a.f. squadrons and one on the air corps squadron admitted to having to camp nama one british servicemen recalls seeing a man having his prosthetic leg being pulled off and being beaten about the head with it before being thrown onto a truck others described prisoners held in cells the size of dog kennels reportedly called hotel california by u.s. army personnel allegations include detainees being routinely hooded and subjected to electric shocks the story of the secret camp nama prison is a watershed moment for britain's involvement in the alleged abuses in iraq this
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time it's not just alleged victims talking about their war deals it's former soldiers talking about what they saw that the problem is the people sitting in here in britain's ministry of defense don't want to hear it and those form a sub this man that have openly tried to blow the whistle on what took place at camp nama have been gagged i do have an intimate knowledge of the activities of the charge force that i mentioned in the recent report but unfortunately high court injunction which by the ministry of defense in two thousand and i. got in touch with the ministry of defense and despite ben's public allegations about what took place at camp nama this is the statement we got. we have carried out searches of our records and this is find no record so far of any complaints made by u.k. service personnel about the treatment of detainees by u.s. personnel in com nama to the chain of command any further evidence of human rights abuse should be passed to the appropriate authorities for investigation camp nama
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isn't the first time the ministry of defense has had to ward off accusations of abuse i think the. government is embarrassed by fighting all if it's to get to the bottom of things all the u.k. government is doing is is holding up the country to see signs posted around the camp the prison is set to claim the morning no blood no foul as long as an interrogator to make a prisoner believes he can face disciplinary action revelations about the u.k.'s involvement in the destroyer. unlikely to raise fresh questions i think it's right that the british public who've got this idealised view about the british army and british soldiers know the reality of what is being done in iraq these people are criminals. and criminals and you know they should be hounded i should be charged until the true nature of them is brought into the light. r.t.
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. now some international news in brief we have this hour in argentina at least fifty people have been killed three thousand evacuated from the city of the plateau after a rain triggered mass flooding sixty kilometers southwest of the capital one is obvious many of those who died were pinned on the cars or electrocuted local officials say three days of mourning have been announced by the government. and they too a strike is called for afghan policemen and two civilians in the eastern province the plains were called in by officials to defend police under attack by the taliban afghan president hamid karzai had said he'd banned his security forces from asking for nato airstrikes back in february. i'll be back with more news after a very short break stay with this is all t.v. my family in moscow.
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i'm going to. climb in sochi to know your city in europe i'm the host of the twenty forty in the winter the pick a. song. thank you. so much. thank you. dog days are. right days it. takes. to see it so it's true.
2:59 pm
more news today violence is once again fled up. these are the images of world you've been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations are on the day. look. i i live .


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