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tv   [untitled]    April 4, 2013 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT

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welcome to the kaiser report i-max kaiser you know a pastor at bus stops across the u.k. asks do you know someone living beyond their means and benefiting from crime it's called the u.k. for going to commie population and government living beyond their means because the financial system benefits so much from crime they don't need or want workers or makers because a policy is by and for the takers taking this taking that taking the piss taking the fun out of the lost cat this is why no one we trust is the motto for the latest battle in the global insurrection against banker occupation stays here yes max aside from taking our savings across the european union in the past week or two they've also taken an hour from us but they did deliver the sun we finally have the
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sun for the first time a month here in the kajal little sun oh it's gone it's there that's it that's the five minutes of sun for london for this year but you were talking about how do they afford it yes it was tweet from cory doctorow as you see here and if you pull back to the poster this was a poster campaign i think somewhere up in south yorkshire and it says do you know someone living beyond their means and benefiting from crime. now of course they mean poor people as you see from the image they're saying this is gold bullying these people would be wearing and if you see somebody who doesn't look like they should be wearing gold bling you should call crime stoppers well yeah you know this is crazy because if i see somebody living beyond their means i mean i ought to do is go to any restaurant in mayfair and i will see dozens of three piece wearing banks toure's living beyond their means they're they they are living on the
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proceeds of crime you know you've got mark carney coming in and he's also going to be running the regulatory agency supposed to be overseeing these banks are still be living beyond his means the state has given him an ample allowances wife who's a can't think of the word iran to the rich is complaining she doesn't have enough crime generated cash to live beyond her means of five thousand pounds every five seconds that guards should be arrested i'm reporting that guy george osborne whose office is right behind me i want to report them to make a citizen's arrest on my way here on the tower of london under the london bridge they had a good thing it's already set up and ready to go let's stop jump jump jump jump jump jump i know they all look alike to you max but the tory behind you is actually boris johnson the two are just. so you know here we are in the city of london where everybody is living thanks to the benefit of the crime beyond
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their means. now they're of course looking up in the poor areas these posters are not in these expensive areas in the city so i want to look at cypriot president angrily denies claims family member export did bank funds cyprus t.v. station claims more than one hundred savers sent deposits a broad and run up to bailout deal and crippling bank levy so president anastasio adi's. of cyprus claims that he didn't know anything about this that in fact when he went to europe when he went to brussels for the bailout meetings he didn't know before hand that this was even on the table that they were going to confiscate deposits funds so faisel islam who is over there did say that this list includes it's mostly multinationals so you could think that in fact it was multinationals being tipped off by the i.m.f. and the troika to get their money out because that again we have this this social
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hierarchies being enforced dollars alarm the president cyprus he stole money out of the news symbols member of papa dressed in greece before they raided that country he moved something like fifteen million euros into his mom account in switzerland that they found after the fact and he said oh no i don't know how she made fifty million she needed a lot of bodies for the little babies in my constituency and she made fifty million euros as a result that that's how she got the money so yes it's like argentina remember the two thousand two thousand and one the images of those armored tanks rolling out of town with all the money from all the corrupt kleptocracy that's running the country running south america now we have a simple talk mostly running europe and of course and not a not a not as whatever the guy's name is of course he's ripped off the people and stolen the money what's no well in fact the case in argentina was the i.m.f. involved with that as well so you might question whether or not it was indeed the same multinationals run by from the u.s. and u.k. who were able to withdraw that money they took the cash were going to go it went to
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the u.s. and the u.k. and here was seven hundred million euros was transferred mostly to london thank you very much london do you know anything anyone benefiting from crime living beyond their means and a lot of it's just stop it for a second and point out something of the troika which of course is e.c.b. e.u. and the i.m.f. they are bankrupt the i.m.f. has no money the i.m.f. has the ability to ransack economies to pay off their debts the i.m.f. is in debt. the e.u. isn't dead and the e.c. b. has taken on krillitanes of uro's of toxic securities the e.c.b. is bankrupt so you have a troika of bankrupt institutions raiding countries to pay their debts and to pay off their debts are imposing austerity people look at the i.m.f. saying we're being bailed out well that would imply that the i.m.f. had money you know the i.m.f. is just a mechanism to go borrow more money from corrupt bankers to go into a leveraged buyout of these countries like greece or cyprus and then sell off the bits of privateers private contractors and privatization and keep the difference as
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a guild gotten gains that they deserve not and therefore they should be reported they're living beyond their means where is your job or worth the police weren't worth a good team what's going on here well going back to that post often in yorkshire and ask why should they get away with it if you tell us we will take action and then money taken from these criminals the police say will be reinvested into the community so we max why should they get away with that well they're not taking action they're not taking any action you know you could call any of these phone numbers that they have a hotline for crime and you say i just saw a banker steal a billion euros maybe like ho hum to italy we don't care shut the frick up so there's no action being taken there was against aston walker the birmingham looter he stole like a piece of clothing he's a freedom fighter aston walker's a freedom fighter the birmingham looting was the logical outcome of being raped and
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pillaged by banks are led by george osborne who by the way will not be in his job in six months i predict when mark carney comes and he's going to want to consolidate his power he's already doing so by taking on the regulatory agency he will get rid of george osborne and mark carney will have george osborne walk the plank goodbye georgie you search yourself up for failure you're typically british in that way so get out of my light. goes off go into the strand your. well asin locker was the epitome of this case of the social hierarchy being forced through the law some people are arrested for stealing stuff others are you know given knighthoods now but why should they get away with it will they enforce that let's turn to this headline banks score major win in private lives or suits so the private lawsuits against the banks including bank of america citigroup credit suisse deutsche bank h.s.b.c. and j.p. morgan chase was dismissed on friday of last week in manhattan and in the ruling on
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friday judge me only reese buckwild of united states district court in manhattan while acknowledging that her decision quote might be on expected granted the bank's motion to dismiss federal antitrust claims and partly dismissed the plaintiff's claims of commodities manipulation she also dismissed racketeering and state law claims and she dismissed the rico case because she said quote rico cannot be used in cases involving securities based on a provision of the private securities litigation reform act adopted in one nine hundred ninety five to curb abuse of lawsuits abuse of lawsuits against banks brought down that one of these laws were passed after the same as a loan of the eighty's that whole scam where they stole billions from savings and loans they changed the laws so that when they did the same thing they couldn't be prosecuted and that's an example of it the most surprising thing about the statement is that a she says something to the effect of people would be surprised at the outcome of my ruling that that's not a surprise maybe here's twenty pounds do something illegal because you're cheap
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prostitute of whores and. because come at me come on go low go mano og whatever you are come out you start surprising your corrupt garbage on the street you let criminals walk free you want to tell your kids well this woman had dismissed the case against monsanto also the antitrust action against them and one of the reasons why she dismissed the antitrust case was that she said that the banks were not in competition they have to be in competition in order to be colluding against the markets and she also you know the fact that banks are exempt from rico also reminds me of the fact that how the burton is exempt from clean water act month santo is now exempt from other laws regarding the health to the environment yeah well it's just that is that well you know what can i say other than there is a global insurrection against banker occupation people are buying bitcoin gold
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silver you say people are turning to big coins so let's turn to this headline how big coin could destroy the state and perhaps make a bit of money this is from the spectator in the u.k. and they say soon whether via bitcoin or whatever comes next it will be possible to strip banking away from bankers and money away from governments a lot of people don't like this they prefer the top down thing they prefer a social hierarchy so they get very violently against this because they don't like the fact that somebody out there might be trading and participating in the economies outside the social hierarchy is a man who can wear purple without breaking the law the man who can loot your savings account without breaking the law the man who can wear gold without looking suspicious i just wrote a blog about this because i think that in america they have this whole debate about people should be able to carry guns to fight against terror and i think that should argue the same thing for bitcoin bitcoin is your fight against tyranny so if you're pro-gun then you'd be pro bitcoin for the same reason fight against jeremy the
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state has taken on the role of mass execution or you need to take a position against that guns are the old way from two hundred years ago. but going is the new way the whole thrust behind big coin the article says is that it removes the need for trust in currency trust in bankers trust and governments trust that the two won't collude to do you over like they did with everybody in cyprus again people again many articles this past week from business week to bloomberg everybody's talking about bitcoin in the mainstream financial press of course we were talking about it here three years ago but they're saying this is the thing is that people don't trust the banking system anymore and they'd rather trust each other well banks don't trust the banking system anymore and that's why since two thousand and nine which they are but going came into existence central banks stopped borrowing from each other and buying gold because they don't trust each other the counterparty rest are now greater than the entire assets of the entire banking system so they're buying gold and people are buying that going central banks will soon be buying but going stays ever thank so much rain because a report thank you max all right stay tuned as i can i'll be speaking to the
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original silver guru david morgan of silver hyphen investor dot com. more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. joint operation to rule the day.
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welcome back to the kaiser report i'm max kaiser with currencies in fluctuation capital controls and places and banks on the brink of yet another bailout there is only one person to turn to in these turbulent times david morgan of silver hyphen investor dot com david welcome back to the kaiser report max it's good to be back all right david morgan what's happening with silver what's happening the silver liberation army wants to know what's going on. well max we've had a very trying to year consolidation period since we hit the maximum price in this bull market so far around forty dollars in the end of april two thousand and eleven and looking at the long term chart before the show and you know we got to the twenty one dollar level in zero eight no we had the financial crisis of zero eight
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we got under ten and it took about two years for the silver to get back up to the twenty dollars level again i equate it to a similar process here we ran up from like nineteen all the way to forty eight in a few months it was a very very wonderful time for silver investors and then we peaked we had margin increases about four or five times the market finally was broken down and we've been in consolidation ever since and i guess been about two years i am still very bullish max and i think also that we're probably near the end of the bottom a process here obviously when you make a risk like that saying that this is it could be right it could be wrong but normally those kind of consolidations duration two years is about it and i think where there especially with what's in the background which really is the foreground what's going on the world currency markets i mean ok let's get in there for a second because you have a situation where we know that the ceiling on summer is there in place by banks
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banks on wall street j.p. morgan for example they don't want sober going above a certain level they want to support their derivatives market that requires quantitative easing zero percent interest rates of silver or gold to go up it would look like inflation and then they could get away with keeping interest rates near zero so they keep it down in that chasm in that gap of free markets you've got going but quite emerging out of nowhere so i'm going to market cap of a billion dollars silver has got a market cap of about twenty nine billion dollars that's what the worth of all the silver above ground for about twenty nine billion that's you know bitcoins going to exceed silver and market cap is going to go to thirty forty fifty billion so we're still going to be there sock. it's tom i mean you've got eric sprott in canada you've got the silver liberation army what's it going to take to break the cartel david mark and is it just we just don't have the firepower there's not the will people want to be enslaved what's the problem. the problem is the people you're right and i think shows like yours people like myself jim willie all the others guess you have on it's an educational process the process takes time and the
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psychology the bankers and when the psychology of war right now i mean if you look at what the mainstream news is there's lots of articles about gold going nowhere during the cyprus crisis so that's a psychological warfare tax ok i would say that david morgan we're losing the psychological war but there's a new player who's making the silver bulls like like sprott look like a monkey because here you have a digital currency that's suddenly making all the silver bulls out there look like monkeys but let's talk about some other monkeys and those are people who did not own so ringgold at all because they said it might be confiscated meanwhile the people with silver and gold still have their silver and gold and it was the bank accounts that were confiscated your thoughts well that's a very touchy topic obviously max we have personally i don't think it will be confiscated however there's arguments both sides we i don't have time to go into all the arguments for and against either one would be confiscate i think to be more
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gold and silver gold certainly got a place in a monetary system with the elite bankers silver has been for you know since like eight hundred seventy three you know no official basis so if they want to be confiscated gold is more likely again i doubt either one but you could argue the other side and there are people that are adamant about our prescription taking place again i doubt it but what i'm saying is that there is an argument for people who are concerned oh my god my my precious metals are going to be confiscated i'm going to keep my money in the bank instead they now have had their money taken from them so that they are the monkeys they are the losers they're the suckers at the poker game but let's talk about silver in terms of a currently. in backwardation during a down market this is again highly irregular remind the audience what backwardation is and how unusual it is especially during a down market david morgan a backwardation is where the spot or the current price meaning when you want right now right here today is that greater or higher price than the price in the future the market has settled on the futures basis meaning that all of this paper that's
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flying around that is not real is what sets the price for both gold and silver in that domain if you have a price that means to get the real metal it costs you more than it wouldn't a future which is backwards you usually get what's called can tango which is an interest rate and it's the current interest rate which is near zero what you pay in the future for any commodity if it's wheat doesn't matter wheat corn silver so what normally it would cost less for today for some price in the future because the interest rate but when it costs more it's usually an indication that the market is very tight i know that the physical market is tight and know that the back market which is a good leading indicator is extremely tight premiums on bag which usually sell a discount to melt value or at a premium right now so the physical market is starting to move away from the actual paper markets with the paper bugs as i call them yet the market seems to really not
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be paying much attention basis the price of silver right now david morgan one way to judge the value to look at the overall aboveground supply of silver and gold as compared to the money supply could be the money supply in america could be the money supply in the world now sense two thousand and eight tell us about the relationship between the price of gold and silver and what's happened to the global money supply what this tells us well i'd like to go back a little further than that just to make it very clear but if you and michael maloney does a good job of this as well but if you take the basic one i'm just talking curry. see only and cover that with gold if you do that nine hundred eighty with all the currency that existed in the united states covered by the gold that the united states purportedly had you would come out with a dollar price of four hundred dollars an ounce yet the price of gold went over eight hundred if we did that again in two thousand the gold price be twenty five hundred a member these are using government stats this is not using what we really know is
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out there but will use their numbers so right now from two thousand and now there's been an explosion in the amount of money printing worldwide and gold it certainly has moved up but it has certainly not covered the gold clause in other words it has a cupboard one to one the amount of money that's been printed in order to do that you probably look at a price north of five thousand dollars remember i'm talking m one l. and not talking about him to are all that debt that's out there to cover that so gold is very very underpriced there certainly reasons why the banks jurors want to make sure that the general public doesn't understand it matches one to one step further right now generally speaking if you see p.m.'s latest study this is about one percent of the world's asset is invested in gold one percent is a very small amount as we know it would take a lot to double that two percent if there was another doubling of the amount of people or interest in a precious metals and bought physical metal the price would take off astronomically
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it's that type of market right now and i think that's going to right the problem is you've got a ceiling there because of the manipulations from j.p. morgan and other banks now a judge in new york recently dismissed a lawsuit against the collegial of wall street jamie diamond and his corrupt organization j.p. morgan for silver price manipulation in dismissing the case the judge did not say that the litigants had demonstrated that j.p. morgan could manipulate prices or they prove that they could manipulate prices and i showed them quite clearly have a company like prices but. the judge was saying that they had no incentive to manipulate prices so therefore there were they were innocent if the judge was presented with evidence of j.p. morgan manipulating prices he saw their thumbprints on the evil legal activity they had the knife in the back of the little old lady and doors twisting it and blood was gushing out over all and the judge said well maybe so but i don't see why they
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would do it so they're innocent your thoughts now i'm not surprised max i maintained from the beginning of this debate about the manipulation and all the effort that's been done by several in the particular in the silver side get as well they've done excellent work and i support them of giving the money but i'm not surprised that just the system has acted in this way we are at the end of an empire i mean you were in the four horsemen with me you know that things have gotten so corrupted throughout the entire system not only the monetary system the food chain the water supply the air we breathe everything was corrupted to a point beyond belief and so to be surprised that the authorities didn't do the right thing i'm not shocked at all i'm disappointed i like to believe that there's somebody out there that speaks for truth justice and the american way but no no that's a myth that doesn't happen anymore i imagine the four horsemen of that of course is a film that came out last year an excellent film available on d.v.d. there's another film coming out called to starring max kaiser which is now seeking
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crowdfunding on the internet which you might be interested in david margan and everyone else watching the show now and you were also involved and have been involved david morgan in various initiatives including utah to allow silver to be adopted as money what's happening there. it stalled out max really and fortunately the only way to really implement it in today's society is to put it in a depository put the gold silver in depository issued debit card and then allow the debit card to be used in everyday transactions it's a very simply implemented system but it stalled out i do have some friends that have actually started a system that does that exact thing and got ahold of larry hilton who was instrumental in writing the bill with mr gonzales and we're going to probably fly them out here or vice versa and discuss how they could implement a debit card back system with real gold and silver in a depository and that again is i think the only way to really implement it and get it off the ground right now i saw some videos recently from folks on the internet
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who walk up to strangers essentially and they hold out a silver eagle i want to also recall in the trades for you know twenty five thirty bucks and they say it's a silver dollar and i say would you buy this for one dollar in other words would you buy a dollar thirty three thirty dollars of silver for one dollar and almost everybody declined that offer everyone said no they wouldn't they that had no idea whatsoever as worth they had no idea what a silver dollar is they had no idea what silver is in other words the level of ignorance in this market is enormous you talk about the educational effort hasn't made a dent people are still brain dead when it comes to money and precious metals and the value of the folding paper in their pockets is it is it because they're incapable of ever becoming educated they've been dumbed down by the other things in the force when you talk about the drugs the environmental catastrophe the political corruption other words this is a whole generation that we can write off as brain dead or will there be hope is
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there any hope that people american around the world well skate the imprisonment of their own stupidity they have market. well set backs yes there is the internet soon a great job shows like yours doing a fantastic job you know of something spesh. well max with your ability to bring humor to a very dire situation as i said earlier we've got one percent in the gold market it would take two percent to blow the doors off this thing i think that's going to happen it is going to take some time but i think the younger generation is really really seeking the truth and they are like when i was younger one time in my turn thirty don't trust anyone over thirty or forty i think that's very true of today's younger generation and i think they'll find it i do think that you know there's nothing in the mainstream media that's pro gold or silver it's always negative you know separate offense taken place let go but down three days in a row and on and on it goes but the internet's free markets at least so far and you
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can't get real news like yours i do think that you will see an exodus out of currencies and into the metals probably a lot into the big. summer products and people are seeking a way to protect themselves in the escape the basically the bank's toure's slavery mechanism of a debt based currency. market rattling with there at a time thanks for being on the kaiser report. my pleasure maxine mckew alright that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and the gorgeous stacy herbert and i want to thank my guests david morgan of silver hyphen investor dot com if you'd like to send us an e-mail please do so i keyser reported r t t v dot are you are you ready for the truth until next time ask out of saying buy off.
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is to get rid of. the treasure. it's worth fighting. and the trap was no way out. technology innovation all the developments around. the future are covered.
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the international airport in the very heart of moscow.


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