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tv   [untitled]    April 5, 2013 12:00am-12:30am EDT

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rhetoric versus reality despite north korea ramping up its would talk and washington building up its military in the pacific experts reassure confrontation is a neither side interest. meanwhile the british prime minister is using the korean crisis the push for the renewal of a conflict nuclear deterrent despite evidence pointing to the facts the u.k. is well out of pyongyang which. led to an agenda of the arkansas demands documents from the oil giant responsible for the ruptured pipeline spill while the us federal authorities restrict access and implement a no fly sorry.
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and use from russia and around the world this is the with me your national power hello and welcome to the program the hype around north korea's nuclear threats is being fueled now by reports that beyond has moved a mid range missile to its east coast closer to the u.s. u.n. secretary general ban ki moon believes the north has gone too far and has to change course while washington says it's taking all necessary precautions but as fears of an impending war seem to grow so does the chorus of those saying it's the last thing both countries want and john five is a crowded director of foreign policy in focus for us now. north korea basically is trying to get the united states back to the negotiating table and its missile range is frankly not reliable nor long enough to make it to the u.s. positions if these were to rational actors i would say they would have already made that decision to back down unfortunately in
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a situation like this it's really not rationality which governs the actions of the players there were sponsoring two sometimes unconscious cues sometimes to non-rational factors but you know north korea is not a suicidal regime and of course the united states is not particularly interested in any kind of conflict at this point especially with cuts going through and military sector well north korea unfortunately has been alienated from its allies for some time china has never been enthusiastic about north korea's nuclear program nor is it been enthusiastic about north korea's decision not to follow chinese economic reform so the alienation is set in. the real question is at what point does china say hey it's not worth it any longer and we're going to pull the plug the plug in this case is considerable back anomic assistance to north korea up until now china has made a calculation that it's much better to have an unreliable ally as opposed to chaos
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collapse which is unpredictable and could have dramatically bad impact on chinese economic development. and danny schechter same dependent filmmaker and music critic believes he is of the north korea stem from stereotypes and a lack of understanding. what they're actually saying and what we're reading may be very very different the p.b.s. news hour recently interviewed a member of the cia who specializes in north korea releasing actually developments there a positive from an american point of view the korean military is less involved less engaged with the new government and there's a promise and a possibility of a breakthrough there i don't think we see a world we will see more of a war of words and that's pretty intense we saw our best ball war with dennis rodman you know meeting the head of north korea and the harlem globetrotters playing the north korean basketball team and only tying them which is amazing
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because they're that's a team that could beat most american professional basketball teams so this other stuff happening in north korea that we don't know but perhaps we don't want to know because they're more convenient as a faceless brutal enemy than as a possible partner in the region. today's breaking the set abby martin among other things also guess what they do as gains from keeping north korea in limbo between a peaceful solution. to what rhetoric from high level north korean officials is not letting up and as a result the u.s. announced that in a precautionary move they'll be speeding up the deployment of advanced missile system defense to the region in the next few weeks this following a series of u.s. training exercises in south korea as a show of military straight including sending b. two stealth bombers each of which cost taxpayers more than three billion dollars but wait before you run for your bunkers it's important understand the legitimacy
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of these threats and the context of why they're happening in the first place you know i just read today that north korea's actually proposed continued efforts for a peace treaty in the past it kind of flies in the face of everything that we're told that north korea is this hostile nation if this is true why isn't this proposed peace treaty come to fruition well because the united states is interested in peace i mean as we know as many people in america do not know one of the key negotiating points for the north koreans has always been the side of peace treaty only an armistice has been signed the united states refuses to sign a peace treaty because they feel they have no interest in a peaceful resolution of north korea the north korean issue because their north korea would be free to not spend all their money on the military not have to be consistently concerned with being invaded by the united states and so by keeping up the pressure on north korea militarily and by sanctions it sort of forces them into a fortress like mentality which makes it look like the least desirable place in the world to live and that's very valuable to us propaganda in terms of saying to other countries you should do what we. are looking for to do their job or she or anything
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like that. oh well britain isn't ignoring the unveiling crisis citing the potential threats pyongyang good post to europe u.k. prime minister david cameron is calling for a renewal of its submarine base nuclear deterrent system but it will come at a cost. of course now. the prime minister was in scotland today on board the hague victorious which is one of the four vanguard submarines that make up the tried and twenty four hour around the clock nuclear deterrent that always sees one submarine out now he made the case in a newspaper for renewing britain's nuclear deterrent saying it was underlined by what's happening in north korea at the moment and the escalating tensions and he said it would be foolish for anyone to think of scrapping that needed
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a tyrant right now at a time of such global uncertainty now tried and quite an old system is being. being phased out by twenty twenty and the conservative government the prime minister arguing for a like for like for placement where these submarines in the trident system will be replaced that decision is going to be made in just a couple of years time and it's thought it's going to cost the british taxpayer tens of billions of pounds going up hundreds of billions over the lifetime of that new project the liberal democrats have argued that they want to see a cheaper alternative there's a review ongoing at the moment so quite surprising that he came out with these very strong comments today many would fill perhaps if that the five he said he questioned in the article how anyone could now at this time talk of surrendering the nuclear deterrent huge amounts of money that we're talking about here for
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something that many people say could never be used is certainly something to ponder as a british taxpayer could well in the not too distant future be being asked to stump up the vast amount of cash. so despite david cameron's concerns that north korea's missile technology could reach the u.k. x. that say there is no chance of that happening so let's now take a look at how far the communist states most sophisticated missile systems can reach and you can see the range covers japan and south korea of course but no britain in the world the new system in development will also be widely when it comes to the u.k. so the distance between london and pyongyang is nearly nine thousand kilometers and the missiles range is less than seven thousand. contributor afshin rattansi says that even david cameron's own supporters down to the credibility of his recent statements. even a newspaper here that supports the ruling conservative party questioned what cameron was saying whether there was some extra intelligence here that no one else
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seems to know about or whether he had just misspoke and in any case the tritone missile system because of the. means it's not under the control of the british government the united states controls this system eighty five percent of people in scotland don't want anywhere near that area what we have here is david cameron maybe even going east seems to be saying that we need trident desperately to protect ourselves from north korea at the same time he visits a city where at one point there was a debate about whether areas of the city of drugs go had the same a similar life expectancy to that of people in afghanistan one in four more than one in four of children in this country living in poverty and yet this hundred fifty billion dollars is required to fend off threats from iran and north korea. you know watching. ten minutes past the hour still to come on today's program
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a chinese economic powerhouse grows a ever launch a look at what its expansion in africa will mean for the continent and beyond all that and much more after this break.
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you're watching the aussie line from moscow welcome back in the u.s. the console attorney general is demanding exxon mobil provide documents about the oil spill which led to an environmental disaster in the city of mayflower a no fly zone was imposed by the federal aviation administration in a move some believe helps keep the media away oh he's myrna partner has said he's
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house. the federal aviation administration they say that the indefinite no fly zone which they're calling a temporary flight restrictions was put in place as a hazard warning officials say this is so emergency support are able to respond to the disaster immediately now the f.a.a. online posting noted that only relief aircraft operations on operated under the direction of mr tom are permitted in the area now according to his linked in profile mr searle lists himself as an aviation adviser for exxon mobil he is not an emergency expert or a safety officials this of course has caused many critics to speculate that the real reason behind this indefinite no fly zone is to minimize news coverage that can further damage the reputation of exxon mobil r.t. recently spoke with him a fellow mayflower resident chris harrell now mr howard told us that he has not received any indication of any kind of compensation or settling settlement offers
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from exxon mobil mr harrell said that on sunday when he went home briefly for easter here in the states he received a letter on his front door from exxon mobil that apologized quote apologized for the inconvenience mr howell said that those have that have been evacuated are being provided the hotel rooms paid for by exxon mobil but at a community peak a meeting that took place over the weekend with some exxon officials mr howell says that very few answers were given and all those in attendance were very frustrated very angry exxon mobil has not indicated how long cleanup will take mr howell told r.t. that the major concern for many people in the neighborhood is the longer term impact from the spill both environmentally and financially what will this circumstance do to property values in that area of course this oil spill to police in arkansas is not as big as the one that took place in the gulf of mexico
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a few years back but the concern for many people especially residents the that. are directly affected by this oil spill is that it's not going to receive the coverage that it needs to receive to find those responsible for the oil spill accountable this is still a very disaster spoil still that's going to harm the community harm the environment and if the media does not and is not given access to cover this oil spill to cover the static and the damage and the circumstances of it then there may be less accountability that is the major concern at the end of the day those that are affected by this and i think citizens all throughout the united states want to know why it took place what could have prevented it and if someone's responsible for this they should be held accountable and was quite up to the attorney general of the state gustin mcdaniel who told us the oil giant responsible for the mass will now have to pay the price for the cleanup operation that will say that exxon did
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not do a very good job of explaining to the public or the press what was going on in this circumstance they haven't told me any kind of cause that they have ascertained at this point so we don't know and that's why i've been saying for the last few days that i actually have more questions than answers after having visited with their executives and seeing the side america has a and aging underground energy delivery infrastructure we need pipelines we rely upon pipelines they're critical to our economy they're critical to our national defense they're critical to our way of life but they are aging told that roughly half of the underground pipelines in the united states were laid before nine hundred seventy the state expects to be reimbursed for our losses and i expect the citizens of our state to be reimbursed for their losses so yes we are talking about a lot of money. the greek government has resumed talks over its bailout program with its international creditors athens is looking to secure almost ten billion
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euros in exchange for budget cuts and the slicing of its civil service and i go to such here is from the university of adrian says the use commitments to austerity remain steadfast despite increasing anger and resentment lately it's an open blackmail and i think we also witnessed this in the case of cyprus where not only the parliament but the. separate society. contested i said no we can't get such measures we can't stand such a social disaster and they were just blackmailed into an even faster package of measures this is in the logic of care and handling of the european union this is the logic of the euro zone and more stereotypic more and more a grace and it's year already well even if it's months it seems that there are no ridgelines greece is so it is a society in despair and you can feel it in your everyday life you see people
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resting for example to sell kids since organized the greek church. and people who would never have so much that they could have found themselves in such a situation you have a rise in suicide rates that is also signs of the social disaster is hurting and i think that of the same time anger is this thing that's what i would probably say so some explosion in the future while most of those who live in crisis haiti european countries find themselves in dire straits for some it's smooth sailing the number of simple returns on their rock despite the economic turmoil that has put millions out of work and case it probably looks at the growing gap between rich and full. during these times of economic uncertainty is comforting to know that the filthy rich are getting even a filthier or richer i should say the paid so i'm not disrespecting these privilege folk but i'm talking about the euro zone's purchased economies portugal italy
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ireland greece and spain otherwise known as the fakes according to forbes magazine there are now seventeen more billionaires and they were back in twenty eleven with an increase in net worth of more than ninety billion dollars but the reality is the poor are not improving their situation at all three of these countries have the highest unemployment rates in europe with rates even while than a year ago with unemployment rates increasing and nineteen member states and fully in it just eight so while the poor struggle to make ends meet the rich remain whole in a world where corrupt kids get belle's owls and big corporations move labor operations to third world countries to take advantage of cheap labor which means the task of getting a job even tougher. so the debt crisis has millions
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i hate it millions of europeans hard but as we report online some have even managed to profit from the financial world and the one surprising german artist is literally making money from the same ad praising so-called blue bonnets and selling them all to you or is as to what they are and how they walk so i had to r.t. dot com to find out more. stunning photos of russia's actually both kato boiling and forks of lightning it's all that is it had to autoconf the no eye catching pigs.
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the funeral of a palestinian prisoner who died of cancer when israeli custody was mounted by a french were able protests and clashes my sorrow is death triggered days under arrest in the west bank as well as mass hunger strikes among palestinian prisoners and rocket exchanges between israel and hamas all trees reno going to follow the developments in hebron. we are in downtown and there are clashes going on between the idea forces and the protesters and i have to say most of these protesters there's about a hundred hundred fifty of them so not everybody who was at the funeral actually went to the protest but let me just take a step away for now you can see what's happening behind me now a majority of the protesters see they're lining up along a long the wall there the idea forces are on top of the building on the right and also are also in another building at the end of the street behind the tree oh now it's looks like for most of these people who are actually rather young i would say a majority of them are teenagers and they're very early teens there has been
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exchange of rocks which they were throwing at the idea of forces they were rude they were met with. rubber bullets as well as flash grenades and tear gas canisters from the idea forces there has been running series between gaza and israel there have been numerous protests like i said two posts in youth have been killed in northern in northern west bank so this looks like it's going to continue for some time this is what this is what's happening in hebron and this is the hometown of the men who just died in israeli prisons and she was she looked for love for life essentially ninety nine years for his ties with terrorist organizations drug blood to when his health started to get out the palestinian officials have asked israeli officials to release him early and according to israeli officials the people requests and processed fast enough and he died before that release could come and of course his death just heard this anger among palestinians who have long been protesting the the fact that there are literally
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thousands there's almost five thousand palestinian prisoners in israeli jails right now and one hundred of them have been there for more than two to. not have not received the proper handling of their cases they've never even been charged with anything just basically put in a jail and slammed their behind bars. on to some other international news in brief now in india a city of at least twenty seven have been killed and scores injured after an illegally constructed building collapsed the first four floors were occupied with residents and businesses at the time of the accident the exact reason for the collapses and know that while rescuers search for more casualties in the debris. thousands of demonstrators have run it in indonesia's province of people voiced their support for a bid to adopt a separate his flood of the staunchly islamic provinces official emblem the flag was used by the now defunct free a simoom and
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a thirty eight separatist small gains that indonesia's state until a peace deal was struck in two thousand and five. a catholic priest has been arrested in italy for pocketing over four million euros from the coffers of a vatican hospital where his served as a director until twenty eleven reverend franco to come in arda is also accused of running up debts of over six hundred million years which falls the clinic to go bankrupt and let it start without pay for months since twenty eleven the clinic has been supervised by a delegate ordered by former pope benedict the sixteenth. now china's economy has recently become the second largest in the world with the country now aiming to maintain rapid growth and it's africa's vast natural resources that beijing hopes will satisfy these needs and the asian drones growing investment has been met enthusiastically with african nations apparently eager to welcome the western backing as the group is going off reports now chinese success
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in the region is you two it's approach through doing business. for centuries it was the continent that everyone in the west felt we titled to slice up today most of africa's vast natural resources still go to europe and america but for the last few decades a new ambitious players also managed to secure itself a place under that hot sun where china great very much everywhere and china bows and asking questions china doesn't get involved in local politics china doesn't get involved in local leadership on like the united states on the western allies oil gas diamonds gold sea uranium copper iron ore and more you name it africa's got it but china isn't only looking for resources it's investing in new infrastructure projects and not only gas plants roads schools hospitals and more all under it's win win policy for loans allow african politicians to use the new infrastructure
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projects to promote their image among the locals while the locals are more than happy with the opportunity to make some extra cash of course chinese companies are often criticized for being overly demanding compared to the rest of the world but the figures speak for themselves with thirty two bilateral investment and we mince and some fifty billion dollars worth of direct investment china is ready to work almost with any government in any state unlike its rivals or certainly in terms of trade china has passed the united states it is africa's largest trading partner today but there's more china is also taking part in the creation of special economic zones in africa for example in more issues beijing wants to create a trading hub which would give it more access to the indian ocean and southeast asian markets taking competitors by surprise with the west and former colonial powers that had such a monopoly over trade with africa for so long that i think there is simply been
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a complacency to see. their side something. because they haven't been any other major powers coming into africa and so now that china's come along and show and interest and also a new strategy of investing in africa the west i think is suddenly very a lot beijing and washington already have a complicated relationship with economic roles cyber attack accusations and the u.s. is increasing military presence in the pacific region and with the hunger for energy only set to increase in the future africa may very well become the next stage for confrontation you've got this going off south africa. and coming up in just a few minutes breaking the set with. the.
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world. science technology innovation all the list of elements from around russia we've got the future covered. do we speak your language or not a day in. the music programs in documentaries and spanish matters to you breaking news a little tentative angles keep the stories. you hear. destroy all teach spanish find out more visit. i'm in sochi but know your city in europe on the hosts of the twenty fourteen winter the picket. signs. thank you. so much. thank you.
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dog days of. the fridays it. makes common. to see it's so true. lens. the food. looks. to live on one hundred thirty three bucks a month for food i should try it because you know how fabulous. i mean the town i know that i've seen a really messed up. and they're all very closely apologized the second.
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worst shirtless. white house of the day the radio guy and club minister of a click cause that i want you to watch closely or about to do because you've never seen anything like this i'm cold. guys i'm abby martin this is breaking the set so yesterday newly elected defense secretary chuck hagel gave his first major policy address and shockingly he actually had some sensible there's a say this to you with the fact that he's concerned that quote the military's modernization strategy still depends on systems that are vastly more expensive and technologically risky than what were promised or budgeted for in fact you put the entire pentagon on notice saying that they need to prepare for sweeping and dramatic cuts for that's not all he even went on to say quote most of the pressing security challenges today do not as.


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