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tv   [untitled]    April 5, 2013 1:30am-2:00am EDT

1:30 am
thank. you thank. what was the glue. why don't come help us so what are you doing oh you sure want to
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come work with us i have to work every day of course. until we find the suitcase. the suitcase full of dollars then we'll quit. every day. do you think we can sell it without loss help. so we can pay for next week will only add lentulus. you could do a chicken today not tomorrow remember the smell for another two weeks. we work three days for sack of flour. down with work.
1:32 am
but i work day and i. don't have those who do you want to look for another job. you have a degree so why would you look there are no jobs. there's not a neighbor came over i was ashamed of our dirty house what can we do she asked why the house is dirty i said that's just the way they it will be like this forever until god helps us and gets rid of the jews and the p. . and we can live like before independently. which to get to work i am walking i'm sick of it. and you have a better idea. which words i
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use my son work. that one gives him up. enough you said enough i can't take it anymore just. make me coffee enough. i'll buy you some flour seats i've had it i'll buy you seeds no no. is there no coffee what do you want to finish up and call the guy to come and take the stuff so i won't have any coffee or tea. right thank. you.
1:34 am
thank you put it down here. start from scratch. and when will we find five thousand dinars to bail out sheriff. has been nothing but trouble he married his second wife took my gold and i don't have my own house. and now if he keeps on like this i leave him.
1:35 am
i can't take it anymore. if you as a wife calls before his trial i'll tell her if you want him free pay the five thousand dinar bail if you help us he'll keep saying. this is it otherwise he'll stay with us and take care of his kids ok which one big headache i don't want to get him released and then he'll abandon us for her kids. we're heartbroken over him so. we could feed our kids with the money we'll send him. she doesn't care we borrow money for his release and he'll go to her. i usually. know. yes wash the floor. of shrink.
1:36 am
tops. god sent us sheriff to make our lives miserable. he's already become a millionaire. old man i don't know what to say to those who would get clobbered. he's a loser under sort of a loser what a loser this is even if there's a loser in the son of a loser no you're not a loser he is. there
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is a. lot of stuff. but you. get a. little. friendly to. get.
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this one time. that god help us. clap would get ready. i'll move up so i can see him. ticket or. less back in fact. but. i am saying if they're serious. it's a serious look. i've
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got court is now in session. good morning. you're not. sorry are you the defendant yes. mama dummer is present as is his attorney mr us someone know why . i. call the witness. i'm not meant to the stand.
1:40 am
hello hello give me your i.d. card. i'll place your hand on the qur'an and say i swear by almighty god. to tell the truth. and not to distort or lie. take a good look at these ma'am those two sharif and him you mean elem or yes they're my relatives where elam orse. you know suspects three and five are you familiar with the case yes this curious already told me. that they want to sell my land to jews. where is your land near the bypass. in your. the bypass. when you bought it did you do anything with it. i couldn't do anything. the soldiers stop because it's on the border. but this is an area c.
1:41 am
yes it's even past area c. it's in israeli territory. it's under israeli rule which is why i couldn't do anything with it. the truth ever speak to you about blount yes i went to see sharif why he drives a truck i said you're my cousin. if you find anyone who wants to buy the land. you spread the word yes. all i know is what the security authorities told me. yes. yes just take your id card and go in peace can i say one more word your honor go ahead just two words . these men committed a crime with my life i call on the courts and the palestinian authority to release
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them because of their situation. listen to me. they're all my relatives listen go ahead you came here to testify if the court finds them guilty they'll be punished if not they'll go home goodbye goodbye.
1:43 am
we speak your language. news programs and documentaries in spanish what matters to you breaking news a little tuna tip angle's stories. for you here. in the spanish. visit. i mean so to know your city in europe the host of the twenty faulty winter the picket. signs. thank you lou. such. a. dog days of. pride days a. sitcom. sudsy it's so
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true. it's a meteorite. ten thousand tons through space towards russia. with the power. of a nuclear bomb. sky full on r.t. . here here here that's money. that comes as mine it's mine i swear.
1:45 am
oh. i. get away from the money this was. all this for a piece of iron shame on you. a piece of iron shot to hell with you. how did you find money by the way. to get me see. i. need. to get.
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nice houses you've never been inside your mom so it just stuff that i've been put out front don't take them. to the british you know if you don't pick them son to try. and obtain perrin's gave me that i cost a hundred shekels but. why did they give you one for the window my brother well yes another one this is the shower. this is the bedroom hello girls so come say hello. now could mine is closed on top if it will install a single pair and times over it. over the flooring all right i mean.
1:47 am
this is only temporary right enjoy thanks. where does your husband work. chose they only pay him once every three months to sign up when we dialled the floor it cost thirteen thousand shekels just for materials and he time it took five thousand for labor after she. god willing her in will grow up and get a job paying place you enjoys working. doesn't go to school. really he flunked nothing nothing at all it doesn't want to go back. to i'd sit him down to study and when i got back i'd find him asleep oh these bloke ruined what did you study years when you sisters ask him questions he couldn't
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answer is no good at school. he's a numskull. man i want him to be good and hard working hard and prove himself to his grandparents. and made them jealous and in the area. they don't like me or my husband or my kids. they hate us they can't stand us. they say were worthless. all day. but once we fixed up the house they started to treat us a little better. the
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palestinian authority and israel are ruining our lives. around destroys the whole world because life of our liberty isn't worth living. that's the war is the only answer life isn't just working eating and drinking life is more than. we're stuck like a bird in a cage. that were imprisoned outness some things we aren't in jail or under our roof or in the shades where imprisoned under the sun. who go around in circles and you get nowhere.
1:50 am
i. don't fight you get to see.
1:51 am
you i did so want to move the silly israeli side from the plane i built in the center of town israel took over our land in one nine hundred forty eight you know to the idea this is this is the center of town this is israel be quiet i'm the pro here. where's your house down. one of these for sure they're burned them. more. oh yeah. why should i help him when he
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doesn't help himself let him stay there. we should pity him the floor. and he doesn't deserve. much of it was in cahoots with lowlifes. you know what i'm sure why was he in cahoots with lowlifes he made a mistake. he never showed remorse he never showed remorse be disgraced. and you want me to visit him and pay for his release. when he's told being mad at him that soon we won't have enough money to visit him don't bother visiting him to bring him food and money no one who feed him let him die let him die let him die in jail let him come back debt will be better off why do you say that.
1:53 am
i swear i don't understand you'll never be an almost. by. she said what if we accomplished nothing and i want you to be a good student. but let's look at our life did you see me leave at three am and you see me when i got home. and. at the checkpoints and work hard at school don't be lazy.
1:54 am
she's dangerous i told you how your grandparents treated us. and they burn as if they could pour gasoline on us and burn us without thinking twice. but i do know they kicked aside and humiliated us in front of everyone the fights and arguments. you understand i would never that as you see i don't want you to be like me i want you to be. you see how we sell first. we managed to build a house. about i just took a while to move in with but we did it. so and your grandparents of changed. so now you don't treat us like they used to. and dia and i want you to succeed i don't want you to be dependent on others so i
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want you to be independent. you have to look out for yourself had done and it's every man for himself.
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in women.
1:57 am
cut. if. liz.
1:58 am
liz lemon. live. ultimate. goal is. to clear cut. the good speed.
1:59 am
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