tv [untitled] April 5, 2013 10:00am-10:30am EDT
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north korea warns all foreign embassies in pyongyang to evacuate citing critical tension. that after the regime reportedly ordered another ballistic missile to be primed in the face of encroaching american and south korean. ships. and in light of the escalating muscle flexing between north korea and america britain says it needs a nuclear arsenal citing a threat which many critics believe doesn't even exist. and hidden billions presidents international celebrities and captains of industry are implicated in a. void scheme being laid bare by millions of leaked e-mails coming from the british virgin islands. also hungry for humane treatment of the no food. brings attention back to the controversial prison and america's continued use of it
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as a human rights black hole. of bird slaughter poultry markets closed down and shares falling on fears caused by six bird flu deaths in china. we investigate whether the panic is being blown out of. life or moscow this is. your news from all around the world and we start this hour with news just in that an earthquake measuring six point two has been detected in north korea there's been no confirmation yet whether it has any connection to the reclusive nation's recent threat to test another nuclear device meanwhile north korea has asked all foreign embassies in pyongyang to evacuate in lieu of rising tensions on the risks on the peninsula. in follows reports the north has armed
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a second ballistic missile with an unknown payload on the eastern coast of the country and washington and south korea meanwhile say they're taking all precautions dispatching more ships and missile systems towards the north details now to r.c.s. lucy catherine off. with tensions on the korean peninsula escalating we do have confirmation that north korea has asked foreign embassies to evacuate their staff from pyongyang in the event of an emergency saying at least to the british embassy that the north koreans will not be able to guarantee the safety of staff the embassy staff there in the event of conflict following april tenth it certainly is a tense situation there although we've heard from diplomats saying that the tensions on the ground within the north korean capital were rather calm at the moment what we know from russian foreign minister sergey lavrov is that the russians are currently considering the proposal but there's been no decision made
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as of yet to whether to actually evacuate the staff we know that the russians are in close contact with other allies in the region and let's take a listen to actually what the russian foreign minister had told r.t. when asked about his worries in this rather tense situation. solution if you are in close contact with the chinese american and regional partners who are highly concerned about the buildup of tension which is so far been verbal we're trying to understand why we've been asked to evacuate and whether it's in order or just advice for us we can see there are still considering this proposal this has been of course a rather tense situation north korea has said that nuclear conflict could break up at any time on the korean peninsula and really what has been an escalating war of words over the past month we do know as you mentioned least according to south korean press the north koreans had moved to intermediary range missiles sort of
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getting them ready for a potential conflict but at this point no one at least in the diplomatic community really believes that this could lead to an all out break of war this as these kinds of tensions have course taken. place in the past and diplomats at this moment are simply looking out this rhetoric as opposed to actual potential of conflict although we should of course mention that the united states had deployed military assets to the region and it certainly didn't help these tensions when last week the americans and the south koreans have held joint drills in many ways. have to keep a close eye on the situation as it develops but so far we do have confirmation that the staff have of course been asked to evacuate but no confirmation yet whether any embassy will actually take them up on their suggestion and. political writer and journalist glazebrook now joins me live for more analysis on this ongoing story
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that continues to get massive headlines all around the world don good to see you today so how do you think tell us about the warning from north korea telling international embassies to evacuate this pretty dog what do you make of it. well the intention behind this is as been clear from the start from the start of this crisis north korea's. whole intention is to show its willingness preparedness to defend itself should war should war we launched upon it of course the every year we have these massive provocations of joint u.s. and south korean war games exercises right on the borders of north korea this year the provocations were stepped up to actually simulate mutely a missile attack on north korea b. two bombers were used for the first time along be fifty to use an f. twenty two bombers so this military to military provocation from the u.s. and north korea feels rightly threaten the scene as happened to or to libya and so
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on it feels threatened knows it was on the the overt explicit hit list of. the american government some years ago and it needs to make very clear that it will not tolerate any kind of infringement of its sovereignty any attack and that this is what all of this is about is to show that it's willing to defend itself but it certainly is i think making steps to seem to do so dad just a moment here we've been getting reports in the past few minutes of a of a quite a large a six plus magnitude earthquake near north korea of course it was just a couple of months ago that the north did what about another one of its underground nuclear bomb tests can you read anything into that or is it just pure speculation. well i think we should wait wait and see see see what happens but of course constantly you know north korea has this policy called the first policy where it's constantly trying to develop its new gear and military resources to defend itself i mean again like the lessons of libya and iraq were very clear saddam hussein gave
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up his and his weapons program and we saw what happened to iraq as a result colonel gadhafi gave up his weapons program and we saw what happened to libya as a result so they're constantly trying to update upgrade their weapons in order to defend themselves of course the u.s. one of the reasons for this probably constant and you'll probably cation of these war games exercises is to keep tensions on the peninsula high to justify the massive u.s. military presence as one the most militarized regions in the entire planet and it's so so this one the reasons they have they're always doing these provocations to justify it that if i can jump in just remember it i'm sorry i'm just so low on time here but here we have this bolstering of military forces are doing it america rushing into the region doubt i mean do you think it's anything washington can do to prevent a full scale confrontation in case north korea really is determined to take it to the extreme because anyway anybody's guess at the moment. now of course they can
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stop so they can stop launching these all out provocations they can start simulating nuclear strikes against north korea on the border of north korea is very easy what they can do the thing is they would love to occupied north korea they would love to have troops on the border of china and that the world stops them is every time they simulate these these attacks these invasions they calculate that their losses will be in the magnitude of tens and tens of thousands of soldiers so that's what's stopping them what they would dearly love then the us and its allies would be for at least south korea for a career into a korean war in which south korea took all the conflict to call the actual tis now so this is for this reason this is why the north is so determined to make clear that any attempt to provoke some kind of into korean conflict on the part of the us and its allies will the us would have paid a heavy price for that indeed i mean that there was i mean that's certainly the message we are getting out of pyongyang at the moment glazebrook a political writer and journalist are joining us live here in r.t. a great pleasure to see you today thank you. well britain is looking to pour
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billions of pounds into cementing security by upgrading its nuclear deterrent the country's prime minister is citing what he calls the evolving atomic threat from north korea which of course is topping the headlines with its harsh anti american dr sarah first takes a closer look into whether david cameron's initiative will be at all welcomed by british taxpayers. he made the case in a newspaper for renewing britain's nuclear deterrent saying it was underlined by what's happening in north korea at the moment and the escalating tensions and he said it would be foolish for anyone to think of scrapping that nuclear deterrent right now at a time of such global uncertainty well the prime minister was in scotland on board the hate victorious which is one of the four vanguard submarines that make up the tritone twenty four hour around the clock nuclear deterrent that always sees one submarine out not trident quite an old system it's being full bank on submarines
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bringing being phased out by twenty twenty and the conservative government the prime minister arguing for a like for like for placement where these submarines are not trident system will be replaced out of the signal is going to be made in just a couple of years time and it's thought it's going to cost the british taxpayer tens of billions of pounds going up hundreds of billions over the lifetime of that new project the liberal democrats have argued that they want to see a cheaper alternative there's a review ongoing at the moment so quite surprising that he came out with these very strong comments he questioned in the article how anyone could now at this time talk of surrendering the nuclear deterrent well funny hundred someone to the talk the liberal democrats of no one can argue that we're not going to have much to talk about or way of course people to argue yes that's true i mean i think that the lib dems will be completely blindsided by cameron's approached because they clearly
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want to cheaper time to sort of those sort of slave forty and comers basically using the current crisis in north korea to say we have to take this step because look what's happening in north korea and i think it's kind of disingenuous because north korea does not even have me the capabilities but even cameron says in his article so you know we are basic. we giving them far more credit than they deserve yeah i mean we've actually got a quest fix that i think we can get up to do is to look at that say he's kind of top of the range of the missiles capabilities that north korea is maybe has maybe doesn't have an operational about three thousand kilometer is in development six thousand clematis u.k. nine thousand kilometers away nearly i mean why why we waiting into this debate well i suppose i mean that's exactly right it's not a conflict however you could argue they're not sort of the prime minister's arguing is that this is a long term decision to make and so in about ten years time if north korea does
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have that capability then we have to take precautions against that north korea is not a threat you know we have other threats purely mostly from small terrorist groups for example those are the ones that we should be focusing on so we're focusing on the wrong enemy and i think thank you very much for joining us here amounts of money that we're talking about half the something that many people say could never be used thirty thing to ponder as a british taxpayer could well in the not too distant future be being asked to stump up that vast amounts of cash are to you sir for the porting that we are coming to you live from moscow two months without food but still retaining a big appetite for justice a hunger strike among one time a bay prisoners has managed to bring the use you of human rights and america's anti terror camp back into the spotlight and as uncomfortable questions are being thrown towards the u.s. state department to use alexia chefs q. looks into whether officials there are prepared to answer them. a russian citizen
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of one thousand or more. of the man who spent eleven years in the prison for his alleged links to al qaeda and russia haven't been concerned with the situation right now in the prison where the hunger strike has asked a delegation to visit this detainee when a journalist asked if they are new and about how things were with him in gaza from the state of situation there was a very interesting exchange between the state department's spokesperson and the journalist let's have a listen mr mingles of has refused through his own legal counsel to meet with any russian delegation we've conveyed that to the russians so we're not able to facilitate the interview that they requested because we have a longstanding policy of not forcing such interviews if they're not voluntary so it's ok to apply to all of the battlefield of course route to make one look for oil
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but we're certainly going to respect his right not to sue the russian. not to sue the russian delegation we have when work is interesting which wrote to you we have been we have been working hard as you know to. meet international humanitarian law standards at guantanamo including the right to refuse visits by individuals victoria nuland went on to say that the invitation for the russian delegation to visit guantanamo still stands but the russian foreign minister says he knows nothing about this invitation the majority of the one hundred sixty six detainees at guantanamo have been held without any charges for nearly eleven years more than half of those eighty nine have actually been cleared for release but the authorities failed to either send them home or close the facility altogether has led to the current act of ultimate desperation with one hundred thirty inmates now on the hunger strike according to lawyers at least three people have already been hospitalized and almost a dozen are being forced fed through
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a tube. but the authorities who worry about inmates right to accept or reject a meeting with the country's delegation seem to be taking no action at all to bring this protest that could turn fatal to an end instead camp officials have been already pressuring detainees to end their hunger strike by methods criticised by human rights watch box worldwide hunger strikers have complained of being denied drinking water and being forced to drink from the tap lawyers say that they further excessive baited their conditions and lead to health problems with their kidneys their nervous systems and stomachs in addition the prisoners claim to temperatures in their cells were being kept extremely cold so you can see for yourself whether these facts actually correspond with what the state department spokesperson said at the press conference about respecting inmates rights. a lot more news to come here on r.t. including the arkansas or attorney general demanding exxon mobil pays for an oil spill that swamp the town of mayflower after the no fly zone of the area is lifted
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international airport in the very heart of moscow. thank you for joining us here are two young reese who share with your worldwide news from moscow part of the trillions of dollars hidden in tax havens by the world's most powerful and influential figures could soon be a matter of public knowledge leaked e-mails about stash money in the british virgin islands has already implicated the friends of french president francois hollande american politicians in a row brewing families and international all of god's more perspective on the lake
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and whether it will make a dent in the world's tax haven industry as i'll talk to amelia anders daughter of a member of the european parliament for the swedish pirate party good to see you today thanks for coming on r.t. first off i mean how do you think such a leak like this can happen with the money belongs to some of the richest and most influential people in the world. i mean this is the question a normally we associate this type of leak with somebody taking moral responsibility for growth in society so whistleblowers we see as an important part of the institutional framework to alert citizens to when a public institution when a public person or somebody with a lot of power is doing something wrong that harms the fabric of society. well i mean if i kind of meet i mean european leaders have recently come out very strongly against the issue of tax havens and what will this do you think for this case because you know here we have what world leaders politicians the most some of the most important and influential people in the world and guess what we just found
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out about all their offshore money. well i mean so this is look this is like one of the big questions of our time right isn't it hypocrisy in kind of the political class of society of course society is somehow builds on us trusting each other to make society work and for all of our social interactions to work. but then also single individuals can gain a lot of benefits from not really respecting that that framework of trust you know . the banking sector and tax havens and money laundering it's a bit of a. special case because you have like very strong. there can be very strong incentives not to do bookkeeping correctly because it can give you advantageous position so i mean can you just explain that a bit more clearly advantageous to not do certain amounts of bookkeeping or do you mean. well i mean we are so we have
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a financial system in which we want more transactions and more money flows so if you can create that that will basically be beneficial for you at the nation state level or in inside of. inside of the country or its special government structure or a company so there's kind of an incentive to commit fraud some how do you talk about you talk about you know possibly committing fraud some how you talk about in the center for not perhaps balancing the books i mean the british virgin islands where the leaks are coming from are administered by britain and e.u. member why is london not bound by block law to crack down on this sort of tax avoidance and really are running low on time so please. i guess i guess kind of that they are but they may not have an. incentive to hold all of the loss correctly all of the time and it also is a question of resources inside of public institutions and very often public institutions have resources allocated to performing a certain task which may not actually be sufficient proportionate to the task that
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they're doing and in the case of the london financial industry i mean don't just figure they did another financial industries and this is proven very advantageous for london is in region which is experiencing a very fast growth rate so. that we could be seeing more big names coming out of london perhaps and here we have the leaks about massive tanks offshore offshore accounts in the british virgin islands politicians world leaders oligarchs actors but what kind of worries me about this is that like a public institution which very any sufficiently resourced can basically appalled at the task of ensuring that our trust in really big institutions like states like people with a lot of power that this works now instead what we've been seeing for a very long time mr public institutions have kind of less of an incentive to pull this which brings us about less of an incentive all we have to do is look at what happened in cyprus the other day but a million so sorry i wish i could chat to you further i'm just out of time really i just thought her a member of the european parliament for the swedish pirate party forgive me for the
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shortness of time to thank you for coming on our program today thank you. but all the temporary no fly zone over the city of mayflower in the american state of arkansas which is suffering from an oil spill has been lifted at the federal aviation administration says it is allowing meanwhile the consorts only general is demanding exxon mobil provide documents about the oil spill which led to a disaster locals worry as well they may not get the compensation that they deserve our tears were in a porsche filed this report. r.t. recently spoke with him a fellow mayflower resident chris harrell now mr howard told us that he has not received any indication of any kind of compensation or settling settlement offers from exxon mobil mr howell said that on sunday when he went home briefly for easter here in the states he received a letter on his front door from exxon mobil that apologized quote apologized for the inconvenience mr howell said that those have that have been evacuated are being
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provided the hotel rooms paid for by exxon mobil but at a community peat a meeting that took place over the weekend with some exxon officials mr howell says that very few answers were given and all those in attendance were very frustrated very angry exxon mobil has not indicated how long cleanup will take mr howell told r.t. that the major concern for many people in the neighborhood is the longer term impact from the spill both environmentally and financially what will this circumstance do to property values in that area of course this oil spill taking place in arkansas is not as big as the one that took place in the gulf of mexico a few years back but the concern for many people especially residents the that are directly affected by this oil spill is that it's not going to receive the coverage that it needs to receive to find those responsible for the oil spill accountable this is still a very disaster spoil still that's going to harm the community harm the environment
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and the media does not and is not given access to cover this while still to cover the damage and the damage and the circumstances of it then there may be less accountability that is the major concern and at the end of the day those that are affected by this and i think citizens all throughout the united states want to know why it took place what could have prevented it and if someone's responsible for this they should be held accountable. it is more important i write the blood flew president. reading across china and its neighboring regions many thousands of poultry have been slaughtered markets closed down due to prevent the spread of the virus so far though only six people out of ten have died in their fourteen now infected though it's raising the alarm over a possible outbreak of the new flu strain sees thomas has more on the virus and the panic. there is evidence of a localized type or panic specifically regarding the h seven n nine strain of the
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flu virus if you look at what's happening in china twenty thousand birds slaughtered from one market there from a place where the birds tested positive live birds tested positive in hong kong the stock market shares dropped particularly in relation to chinese airline companies because they want to restrict travel vietnam bans poultry imports from china japan puts health posters up at points of entry from people coming from china taiwan raises the corn to level alert and us in canada they decide that they're going to move to develop vaccines specifically for the h seven n nine virus just to be on the ready now all of these moves are localized it's not coming from the world health organization in fact of the world health organization on the other hand they are saying they want a more measured watchful response in fact they are saying they're not going to be mass producing any vaccines they're not going to be making recommendations for trade restrictions and they are not recommending special screenings for one thing
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if they stop what they're doing and do you know this h seven n nine vaccine then they're going to have to put regular flu vaccinations on hold and they're also pointing out that there's no evidence of the disease spreading easily between people and that you actually have to have contact with the disease burden or to contract that so here's where it gets interesting leading vaccine companies the top three where the money is being made and where it gets controversial they're all into ready they're saying hey we want to do this we want to make sure that this happens let's go through the swine flu back in two thousand and nine first case in mexico march seventeenth april fifth epidemic mentioned for the first time in the news twenty seven first confirmed deaths from that time until may third the swine flu was the most covered story then from may each day new countries getting on the bandwagon and if you break it down back in the thirtieth of june forty million expired doses had to to be. droid of a us order of two hundred fifty one million doses that was eighteen billion dollars
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of profits for the drug companies made in just the course of a few months to put this in perspective the c.d.c. says that the united states country of three hundred fourteen million about thirty six thousand deaths from regular from the flu so given these small numbers looks like a lot of hype over nothing. now at online dot com right now we're doing an online poll a worldwide poll for this hour about basically what do you think with the whole china and bird flu issue is it hype or is it a crisis here the numbers for this nearly half of all voters saying it's just a chance for the big pharmaceutical companies to cash in second position is just flew it shouldn't be hyped up down to the bare minimum now those six percent it gets smaller and smaller this will harm the economies but bird flu will stay in asia your attitude toward cold we're still taking a vote for now though i'll be monson and breaking of us live from moscow this is obscene.
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what if one third of the population of a capital city of a small arab country took to the streets in protest while the mainstream media would scream the people of nation x. are crying out for democracy we have to intervene and take their oil i mean help them but the earth shaking a large protest is in arab country it's in paris france and for traditional marriage yes protesters in paris claim that they had eight hundred thousand people on the streets of france's capital and even though the police said that half those numbers for a city of less than two point five million people this was a huge protest for a cardless the european union loves to educate the world about democracy and showed its liberal values around and yet that doesn't really seem to listen to the citizens very much who want to stop the madness of waves of illegal immigrants bailing out members on the times of other nations and for focusing the union's
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national attention on social issues like gay marriage instead of creating jobs to the e.u. officials out there who claim to believe in democracy maybe it's about time you actually try you know listening to a few voices who disagree with you before you keep promoting policies. against possibly the will of the majority of the show just my opinion.
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