tv [untitled] April 5, 2013 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT
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north korea warns all foreign embassies in pyongyang to evacuate citing critical tension and risk that after the regime there reportedly ordered another ballistic missile to be primed in the face of encroaching american and south korean jets and warships. and in light of the escalating muscle flexing between north korea and the u.s. britain says it needs a better nuclear arsenal citing a threat which critics believe doesn't exist. revealed presidents international celebrities and captains of industry are implicated in a mammoth tax avoidance scheme played by millions of leaked e-mails from the british virgin islands. thousands of birds slaughtered poultry markets closed down. by six bird flu deaths in china we investigate whether the panic being blown out of proportion top stories.
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from our new center here in moscow this is r.t. with you twenty four hours a day. korea has asked foreign embassies in pyongyang to evacuate in light of the rising tensions and risks on the peninsula it follows reports the north of the second ballistic missile with an unknown payload on the east coast of the country washington and south korea meanwhile say they are taking all precautions dispatching more ships and missile systems towards the north. has the details. with tensions on the korean peninsula escalating we do have confirmation that north korea has asked for an embassy is to evacuate their staff from pyongyang in the event of an emergency saying at least to the british embassy that the north koreans
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will not be able to guarantee the safety of staff the embassy staff there in the event of conflict following april tenth it certainly is a tense situation there although we've heard from diplomats saying that the tensions on the ground within the north korean capital were rather calm at the moment what we know from russian foreign minister sergey lavrov is that the russians are currently considering the proposal but there's been no decision made as of yet to whether to actually evacuate the staff we know that the russians are in close contact with other allies in the region and let's take a listen to actually what the russian foreign minister had told r.t. when asked about his worries in this rather tense situation. if you are in close contact with our chinese american and regional partners who are highly concerned about the buildup of tension which is so far been verbal we're
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trying to understand why we've been asked to evacuate and whether it's in order or just advice or you know it's because we can see their staff are still considering this proposal this has been of course a rather tense situation north korea has said that nuclear conflict could break up at any time on the korean peninsula and really what has been an escalating war of words over the past month we do know as you mentioned least according to south korean press the north koreans had moved to intermediary range missiles sort of getting them ready for a potential conflict but at this point no one at least in the diplomatic community really believes that this could lead to an all out break of war this as these kinds of tensions have of course taken. place in the past and diplomats at this moment are simply looking out this rhetoric as opposed to actual potential conflicts although we should of course mention that the united states had deployed military assets to the region and it certainly didn't but these tensions won last week the
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americans and the south koreans have held joint drills in many ways. have to keep a close eye on the situation as it develops but so far we do have confirmation that the staff have of course been asked to evacuate but no confirmation yet whether any embassy will actually take them up on their suggestion and. going on the offensive is the best way of being defensive that's the tactic political writer and journalist dan glazebrook believes north korea is using. north korea's. whole intention is to show its willingness preparedness to defend itself should war should war be launched upon it of course the every year we have these massive provocations of joint u.s. and south korean war games exercises right on the borders of north korea this year the provocations were stepped up to actually simulate mutely
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a missile attack on north korea b. two bombers were used for the first time along be fifty to use an f. twenty two bombers so this military to military provocation from the us north korea feels rightly threaten the seen as happened to iraq to libya and so on it feels threatened knows it was under the overt illicit hitlist of. the american government some years ago and it needs to make for very clear that it will not tolerate any kind of infringement of its sovereignty any attack and this is what all of this is about is to show that it's willing to defend itself. britain is looking to pour billions of pounds into cementing security by upgrading its nuclear deterrent the country's prime minister is citing what he calls the evolving atomic threat from north korea which is topping the headlines with its harsh anti american dr marty sara firth takes a closer look into whether david cameron's initiative will be welcomed by british taxpayers. he made the case in
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a newspaper for renewing britain's nuclear deterrent saying it was underlined by what's happening in north korea at the moment and the escalating tensions and he said it would be foolish for anyone to think of scrapping that needed a tyrant right now at a time of such global uncertainty well the prime minister lives in scotland on board the hate victorious which is one of the four vanguard submarines that make up the trident twenty four hour around the clock nuclear deterrent it always sees one submarine out now tried and quite an old system it's being full bankcard submarines being phased out by twenty twenty. arguing for a like for like for placement where these submarines are not tried and fifth will be replaced out of the system is going to be made in just a couple of years' time and it's thought it's going to cost the british taxpayer tens of billions of pounds going up hundreds of billions over the lifetime of that
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new project now the liberal democrats have argued that they want to see a cheaper alternative there's a review ongoing at the moment so quite surprising that he came out with these very strong comments he questioned in the article how anyone could now at this time talk of surrendering the nuclear deterrent well funny hundred someone to talk the liberal democrats of no one can argue that we're not going to have much to talk about or way of course people to argue yes that's true i mean i think that the lib dems will be completely blindsided by cameron's approach to cause they clearly want to cheaper turn to sort of the labor party and cameron is basically using the current crisis in north korea to say we have to take this step because look what's happening in north korea and i think it's kind of disingenuous because north korea does not even have me the capabilities but even cameron says in his article it hurts so you know we are basically giving them far more credit than they deserve
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yeah i mean we've actually got a graphic that i think we can get up to do is to look at that ses kind of chart of the range of the missiles capabilities that north korea is maybe has maybe doesn't have an operational about three thousand kilometers in development six thousand kilometers you take one thousand kilometers away nearly i mean why why we're waiting into this debate well i suppose i mean that's exactly right it's not a conflict however you could argue and that's what the prime minister is arguing is that this is a long term decision to make and so in about ten years time if north korea does have that capability then we have to take precautions against that north korea. it is not a threat so you know we have other threats purely mostly from small terrorist groups for example those are the ones that we should be focusing on so we're focusing on the wrong enemy and i think thank you very much for joining us here huge amounts of money that we're talking about half the something that many people say could never
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be used thirty something to ponder as a british taxpayer could well in the not too distant future be being asked to stump up that vast amount of cash sarah furthur in london north korea's rhetoric was trying to tension away from another nuclear power iran later this hour a report on where international efforts to diffuse what some see as the dangerous atomic potential of tehran currently standing. out of the trillions of dollars hidden in tax havens by the world's most powerful and influential figures could be soon a matter of public knowledge leaked e-mails about stashed money in the british virgin islands has already implicated the friends of french president francois hollande american politicians entire arab ruling families and international on the guard. has more on the leak and just who's behind it. let's just look at the actual league we're talking about two hundred sixty jigga bytes of documents here two million e-mails and about one hundred thirty thousand people from one hundred
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seventy countries could be implicated in this massive leak this information was passed to the a washington based international consortium of investigative journalists in collaboration with the u.k. the guardian newspaper and other media information was given by an anonymous whistleblower now already this has really cost a lot of effects we're talking about a money stashed in the british virgin islands and you know it's not illegal to set up a company in the british virgin islands there are a mammoth of reasons why you could be doing so personal reasons to keep your wealth discreet however we're when we're talking about possible criminal offenses such as tax evasion or tax avoidance that certainly would be coming to light and already there's been some embarrassment we're looking at the front wall and close friend for example also his campaign manager during the presidential elections and now he had been forced to to reveal his in the name of his chinese business partner and to acknowledge that he has offshore investments also and this is
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a embarrassment afonso alone because a lot is so staunchly against clamping down on tax havens also we've seen a number of a politician saying that they may already be thinking of leaving their post because of this investigation we see russian oligarchs names public public officials from the u.s. from the u.k. basically around the world what this all mean it's really interesting to see that we've seen a slew of whistleblowers or citizen journalists making use of technology to reveal important information and in fact it has really proven a bit more effective if you will then the governmental legal systems in place around the world when it comes to clamping down or looking for transparency and governance pursuing those values of course of revealing information we have to acknowledge that it is a double edged sword however when it comes to really going after those in high positions. who may have been hiding information that should be made known and should be criminally or publicly liable the rules of the game has certainly changed
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with that with this way of technology and whistleblowers and leaks of information and the what they thought they could hide forever from public view may not be the case anymore. hungry for humane treatment no food strike among mates brings attention back to the controversial prison and america's continued use of it as a human rights black hole that's after this short break stay with us all to you live in moscow.
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reiterating the peaceful nature of its atomic energy project iran is reportedly proposed a deal today to get over the sticking point of you rein him in richmond but according to russia's negotiator there's a lot still to agree on well let's get more on what these talks may do to with dr mohammed has an uncanny he's a professor of international relations at the university there in tehran israel says iran isn't interested in talks at all and attends merely to buy time what do you think. well that's not for all that is really all. of the. always. there or agenda. and. not the matter of. the matter of fact is the is is very simple you really an issue has been there for now i dk and now the time has are to find
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a peaceful solution for this issue once for all i don't know it's all depend so i to ask you to interrupt i think this all depend on iran saying exactly what it has to say to those who question and don't trust the fact that he is trying to develop nuclear materials for civilian and peaceful purposes it's got to convince those in the talks that that is what it's doing and what it do that. yes of course trust and confidence is a mutual thing if by natural thing the iranian also needs to be able to trust the other side so this is what i'm saying now of months of negotiations a number of europe's stumble negotiations and moscow negotiations are now. on the second round i think now the two studs are just bridging bridging the gap between the two sides and of course if it's not going to happen overnight it takes time but
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what i can see it from today's dical shisha is the fact that all sides are now ready and what side of their true spirit that they want if they are out on a peaceful solution this is very important. but of course some say that the distrust between tehran and the west makes iran's nuclear program whether peaceful or not simply tenable would you agree with that i don't think so i don't and so what iranian actually are seeking and what they want is here a sober and right according to n.p.t. and from article four n.p.t. it is the. rights of all balls nations who are the member of n.p.t. on the second to their n.p.t. to research development. of nuclear industry so in that sense this is what you're
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doing and want the other side. we want to make sure that you are not making a bomb so this is something that the it can happen to love to turn on a process by a process of confidence building. has always been saying that we don't want a bomb it doesn't bring us security it is against islamic wall it is forbidden according to their thoughts were issued by who live there and it's something that's your opinion official elites there is a constant since you're there i don't know ok or in just let me quickly ask you you seem to be quite positive that these talks could bring about something that could be regarded as successful but is that because the sanctions are working are they really crippling your country and iran is forced now into this position to talk and to be coopted. i do not agree a society that because of course sanctions have been i'm looking for
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a lot of give me a good new one but they are not crippling your immune as managed to find all these and remember that science is out there is the beginning of evolution and since seventy nine. do you got your story and they now know how to cook well it's all or how seeking a solution because they want to just how and now it's your obligation with the rest of the want including the including the united states away that. provided that they also recognize you really need security exist iranian security concerns and iranian national interest in this case it is your opinion of the right to have. nuclear in dust for peaceful purposes to enrichment or dr mohammed thank you very much and if you thought professor of international relations at the university live there in toronto thank you. as are. two months without food but still retaining
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a good appetite for justice the hunger strike among guantanamo prisoners has managed to bring the issue of human rights in america's anti terror facility back into the spotlight the un human rights chief has called for the prisons closure while uncomfortable questions are being thrown towards the u.s. state department. looks into whether officials there are prepared to answer them. a russian citizen of one thousand or more. of the man who spent eleven years in the prison for his alleged links to al qaeda and russia haven't been concerned with the situation right now in the prison with the hunger strike has asked a delegation to visit this detainee when a journalist asked if there are new and about how things were with him in gaza friend the state of situation there was a very interesting exchange between the state department's spokesperson and the journalist let's have a listen mr mingles of has refused through his own legal counsel to meet with any
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russian delegation we've conveyed that to the russians so we are not able to facilitate the interview that they requested because we have a longstanding policy of not forcing such interviews if they're not voluntary so it's ok so off the battlefield of course rudiment want to look for oil but we're certainly going to respect his right not to see the russian. pursuit of russian delegation we have when work is interesting which wrote to you we have been we have been working hard as you know to. meet international humanitarian law standards at guantanamo including the right to refuse visits by individuals victoria nuland went on to say that the invitation for the russian delegation to visit guantanamo still stands but the russian foreign minister says he knows nothing about this
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invitation the majority of the one hundred sixty six detainees at guantanamo have been held without any charges for nearly eleven years more than half of those eighty nine have actually been cleared for release but the authorities failed to either send them home or close the facility altogether has led to the current act of ultimate desperation with one hundred thirty inmates now on the hunger strike according to lawyers at least three people have already been hospitalized and almost a dozen are being forced. bertie's who worry about inmates right to accept or reject a meeting with the country's delegation seem to be taking no action at all to bring this protest that could turn fatal to an end instead camp officials have been already pressuring detainees to end their hunger strike by methods criticized by human rights watch dogs worldwide hunger strikers have complained of being denied drinking water and being forced to drink from the tap lawyer say that they further excessive weight of their conditions and lead to health problems with their kidneys or in areas systems and stomachs in addition the prisoners claim to temperatures in their cells were being kept extremely cold so you can see for yourself whether
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these facts actually correspond with what the state department spokesperson said at the press conference about respecting inmates rights hoping to give a shot in the arm of asian trade and unite emerging economies around the world the twelve b. forum is set to open tomorrow and this year it's attracting some big names microsoft's bill gates and head of the international monetary fund christine legarde will professor de could decide has written extensively on the rise of emerging economies and she's with me now you've written about the importance of these emerging economies like india and china what is the role of forums like this one for these countries. i think there's a whole range of such warrants as you know and there are collectively what they do really big deep underground tax across all layers of society where examples of brick summit is largely
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a government or government thing but our forum like this will deepen and think in the car and act with civil society and business academics and so on so i think this is all very important and one reading very important thing about this is that they are going to move away from the hub and spoke relationship that all these developing countries once had with the rest of the world and with the advanced industrial countries and begin to create new contacts amongst themselves more investment amongst themselves more aid amongst themselves and i think another very very important thing will be also more at those two other very important things one is more learning between these countries because in many ways the particular experience of. these countries the developing countries is really very different from the developed countries. and so i think that increasing sharing of experiences will be very important as with this is this is going to be very good if you start
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a lot of reasons why they will get together but is this region not being affected by the economic depression elsewhere in the world how they feel. i think again our we have been affected definitely as you know right after the the the collapse of lehman brothers there was a huge decline in world trade but at the same time all of these countries i was to do bring degrees but all of them have to some extent robin china has been the leader of this we have realized that the best way of dealing with it is to deepen and widen your domestic markets now this doesn't mean that you don't have trade but it does mean that the but that you have to in a sense engage your domestic market a lot more and make even the driver of growth and i think that realise ation is actually really really important to linger around nations they nibble on a long term autonomous rule in all beings countries because we all export led
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growth model which was the one that was being followed and prescribed under the in the pre-crisis era and the new. is basically big grant it could work as long as the united states was able and willing to ups a lot of the meter of double locked up being the good of the of the rest of the world but as we know it absolves them of the cost of giving the rest of the i mean basically creating excess liquidity in the rest of the world really good for you very much indeed that they could does i live there and r.t. thank you thank you. but across china in its neighboring countries many thousands of poultry have been slaughtered in markets have been closed down to prevent the spread of the virus six people have died so far out of the fourteen infected raising the alarm over a possible outbreak of the new flu strain on the shore thomas has more on the virus the panic. there is evidence of
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a localized type or panic specifically regarding the h seven n nine strain of the flu virus if you look at what's happening in china twenty thousand birds slaughtered from one market there from a place where the birds tested positive live birds tested positive in hong kong the stock market shares dropped particularly in relation to chinese airline companies because they want to restrict travel vietnam bans poultry imports from china japan puts health posters up at points of entry from people coming from china taiwan raises the corn to level alert and us in canada they decide that they're going to move to develop vaccines specifically for the h seven n nine virus just to be on the ready now all of these moves are localized it's not coming from the world health organization in fact of the world health organization on the other hand they are saying they want a more measured watchful response in fact they are saying they're not going to be mass producing any vaccines they're not going to be making recommendations for
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trade restrictions and they are not recommending special screenings for one thing if they stop what they're doing and do you know this h seven n nine vaccine then they're going to have to put regular flu vaccinations on hold and they're also pointing out that there's no evidence of the disease spread easily between people and that you actually have to have contact with a disease bird in order to contract that so here's where it gets interesting leading vaccine companies the top three where the money is being made and where it gets controversial they're all into reading they're saying hey we want to do this we want to make sure that this happens let's go through the swine flu back in two thousand and nine first case in mexico march seventeenth april fifth epidemic mentioned for the first time in the news twenty seven first confirmed deaths from that time until may third the swine flu was the most covered story then from may each day new countries getting on the bandwagon and if you break it down back in the thirtieth of june forty million expired doses had to to be. of
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a us order of two hundred fifty one million doses that was eighteen billion dollars of profits for the drug companies made in just the course of a few months to put this in perspective the c.d.c. says that the united states country of three hundred fourteen million about thirty six thousand deaths from regular from the flu so given these small numbers looks like a lot of hype over nothing to show and tell us that about with a new team with morphine whole finance now in the meantime regulating the world's lucrative omes trade as prescribed by the u.n. comes under discussion next in cross talk. what if one third of the population of a capital city of
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a small arab country took to the streets in protest while the mainstream media would scream the people of nation x. are crying out for democracy we have to intervene and take their oil i mean help them but the earth shaking a large protest is an arab country it's and paris france and for traditional marriage yes protesters in paris claim that they had eight hundred thousand people on the streets of francis capital and even though the police said that half those numbers for a city of worse than two point five million people this was a huge protest for a guard less the european union loves to educate the world about democracy and show that's liberal values around and yet that doesn't really seem to listen to the citizens very much who want to stop the madness of waves of illegal immigrants bailing out members on the times of other nations and for focusing the unions national attention on social issues like gay marriage instead of creating jobs to the e.u. officials out there who claim to believe in democracy maybe isn't.
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