tv [untitled] April 6, 2013 2:00am-2:30am EDT
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top these hobos brains were. on the ground and the smell the smell songs from. an eyewitness to the notorious civilian mass slaughter by u.s. troops in iraq which was caught on video tells me that taking part in the complain that he's only lived in utter ruin. north korea suggestion that pyongyang and this is be evacuated leaves the international community and sure the communist states intentions. are taking advantage as china's new strain of bird flu kills six prompting mass poultry slaughter investigator who could see right from the far spreading panic that.
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hello and welcome to our t twenty four hour news life from moscow of our time main story now so it's been three years since we can leaks released a graphic video dubbed the collateral murder showing u.s. helicopters slaying over a dozen iraqi civilians the incident showing the world and also left a mark on many american soldiers who witnessed the massacre and one of those has exclusively spoken to r.c. revisiting the tragic day he says destroyed his life. or by the way it was the video that put wiki leaks on the map turned the tide of war in iraq and landed private first class bradley manning in military detention but for army veteran ethan mccord it was just another day on duty the helicopters are approximately about a mile and a half away. when the resume is guys. and from looking at it now you can't see anything and i mean that right there is obviously a camera dangling. if you're to really pay attention. that guy has in a k forty
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seven right there baghdad iraq two thousand and seven the two hundred sixteenth battalion was out patrolling a volatile part of the city i was about five blocks away four or five blocks away to the. to the left of the screen this was a battalion wide mission and then the situation turned deadly. we heard the apaches firing. ethan and his infantry squad it began running toward the scene to provide support again the apache helicopter opened fire. when he arrived on the scene the apache guns were quiet the accused enemies were dead. one guy's head the top of his head was completely off and the brains were. on the ground and the smell of this smell still haunts me. and i don't even know how to describe it when he approached the van
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a noisy thing wasn't expecting a cry of a little girl and she was four years old. you could tell she had a wound to the stomach and. remember looking at me in. the blood around her eyes made her eyes so ghostly why isn't grabbed a girl and ran into a nearby building he then picks glass out of her eyes so she could blink and handed her off to a medic i went back outside and. was told to take pictures i started taking pictures of the inside of the van and that's when he discovered the little boy and that's me. to her. that is a little boy who i originally thought with despite their injuries the children survived but part of ethan changed forever that day i couldn't stop myself from crying i couldn't stop myself from feeling the way that i was feeling when he did
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seek mental help he says he was mocked by his commanders and threatened with expulsion from the military when i started drinking and metal have given me prescriptions thirteen prescriptions. geodon depakote. prozac and i was i was a zombie but things got worse it's started daydreaming of killing my own children and everybody around me so even took matters into his own hands i had already began drinking pretty heavily and. i had down all the pills and i drank a fifth of crown row ten o'clock in the morning. and my wife at the time found me that was the first time ethan tried to take his own life after that he was dismissed from the army i was kicked out with no disability
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. no benefits from the army was however he returned to wichita and then even attempted suicide for a second time. i actually wrote a poem right before i did. propaganda my mouth. and. i don't know if i really want to talk about. these then story is tragic yes but he certainly isn't alone tens of thousands of military veterans suffer the effects of p.t.s.d. long after they leave the battlefield and for the also simply can't cope with the stress often times they choose to end their own lives their fathers and brothers sons and soldiers and now they're simply another times will see an american wars abroad in the past two years alone ethan has lost eight of his veteran brothers to suicide and his outlook on life hasn't improved with time i know that i will never
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ever ever get better i'll never get over this for the world of the collateral murder video was just another black mark on an unpopular war for ethan it was a catalyst that made him question the entire purpose of the iraq war you know america. john wayne you know we were the white house. americans are always out well we're going to try to help people that's all we did was try to spread freedom and democracy through the barrel of a gun history will be the ultimate determinant of how the iraq war is viewed but for ethan and so many soldiers suffering from post war stress the future is far and the past is too much to cope with reporting from wichita kansas meghan lopez r.t. . and more on this story applies therefore collateral murder video is available on our website dot com. north korea has once again maybe international
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community wary of a possible conflict on the peninsula by suggesting that foreign embassies evacuate best of their warning follows reports that pyongyang placed of its mid range missiles on mobile launchers on the east coast in turn south korea and the u.s. moved interceptor missiles and warships to the region but such moves are increasingly putting the north on the offensive says political writer and journalist. north korea's whole intention is to show its willingness preparedness to defend itself should war should war be launched upon it of course the every year we have these massive provocations of joint u.s. and south korean war games exercises right on the borders of north korea this year the provocations were stepped up to actually simulate mutely a missile attack on north korea b. two bombers were used for the first time along be fifty to use an f. twenty two bombers so this military to military provocation from the u.s.
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north korea feels rightly threaten the scene as happened to iraq to libya and so on it feels threatened knows it was under the overt explicit list of the american government some years ago and it needs to make very clear that it will not tolerate any kind of infringement of its sovereignty any attack and this is what all of this is about is to show that it's willing to defend itself and the world keeps a close eye on the bad break in china panic is already spreading across neighboring countries six people have died so far out of the sixteen affected figures a fall from an epidemic artie's case it paled there looks now it might hope to benefit from anybody who hiked that. panic is already spreading across the globe over fears of a bird flu epidemic in china twenty thousand birds were slaughtered at one local market japan has health warnings on people coming into the country from china hong
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kong shares slumped in chinese airline stocks in an attempt to restrict travel vietnam pounds poultry imports from china and taiwan raises quarantine level alerts while u.s. and china are already looking into creating a vaccine for this specific type of bird flu drug producers already poised to jump in produce a cure at a price of course now let's look at the example of the swine flu epidemic which cost the british taxpayer one point two billion dollars of the government panicked and splashed out billions on vaccinations pharmaceutical giant black face smith kline secured a billion dollar contract from it making a billion dollars from vaccines alone last year i reality four hundred fifty seven people died from swine flu a third of which die of regular flu every year so while china battles with the flu drug companies are no doubt preparing for a multi billion dollar order and when i see the article will go to an online poll
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where you can have your say on the latest that and here's how the results look right now of those who voted saber flu will provide big from a few companies with opportunities to capture in around a quarter of you say snow worse than a normal flu and shouldn't be hyped they're just under twenty percent believe it's dangerous and must be curbed before it becomes an epidemic and only six percent feel the new virus will damage asian economies but remain contained in the region had to ask you to call and give us your.
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and so had he on all see the asian economic forum turns global heads of state and physically destroyed all over the world attending a must see reports from china. and also later this hour war was the escalating tension between israel and palestine sparks an advertisement take four times the new york that's just ahead after the break. mission. critical three days for free. three. free studio type free. and free blog video for your media project free media oh god our t.v. dot com.
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science technology innovation all the latest developments from around russia we've got the future covered. international that in the very heart of moscow. you're watching all see life from great to how you were that is now has of say the business leaders and nobel prize winners have gathered in china to discuss economic
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and other pressing global issues their twelve forum has already proven a truly global events these here once again bringing the world's attention to imaginations of a growing economic clout and a local correspondent and extended her concept reports now from china. when people hear it can only four of the first thing that comes to mind is this no escape in doubles but this is not changing as the repertoires of the so-called asian tigers has shifted the focus east towards when it comes to the world's economic development established twelve years ago the ball forum had its main focus in asia but it left the door open for other countries to join in the years later in two thousand and thirteen we have top ranking government officials and business leaders from all over europe and america attending the conference including bill gates christine lagarde george soros and the excitement is understandable as well america and europe have been dealing with a no go in economic recession china's trade wall in this skyrocketed for example
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the trade wall between brazil and china in two thousand and twelve alone has reached a whopping one thousand percent or seventy five billion u.s. dollars the same happen to other countries in the region they can china their number one trade partner the place previously occupied by the u.s. on the top of that china and brazil have recently struck an agreement to ditch the u.s. dollar and trade in their own national currencies similar agreements have been made between china and russia and china and australia china's rise has certainly faced criticism and accusations of currency many feel lation from washington d.c. is the us is feeling that is losing its position as the world's leading economy. but china consistently demonstrated its resilience in diplomacy and its independence in the economic decision making so the tropical island of none may be nothing like the mighty slopes of switzerland but the economic agreements made here may send avalanches across the globe that are just as powerful and of course will
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be covering the forum for you through the next three days owner and on line here announcing. you would believe economic forum for the big players who are shaping tomorrow's global ecology while twenty thirteen the stakes are high today on our t.v. billions of dollars stashed in tax havens have been brought to light the international consortium of journalists have leaks a report exposing all short times of some well known corporations and high profile figures such as the election campaign treasurer for france's president or land and margaret boden vary from financial advisory from a.c.m. partners funks pact of frogs whistleblowing is becoming an effective trend. let's use france as an example if you look at what's going on there you have the president he's pushing for a seventy five percent tax on millionaires well some of his body employees and
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close colleagues are keeping their money offshore so i think you almost have to rely on the sort of twenty first century vigilantes to really get the true information it's easy to say one thing you know corporate billionaires and fat cats and all of that it's another to actually see it in writing go two point five million accounts and see who's hiding what so i think you're going to see a further ends of that kind of vigil and secondly it'll be interesting to see what happens in the euro zone most of all i mean you have riots in several countries right now from regular you know folks who are being asked to take their belts not just not take vacations but having trouble feeding their children meanwhile the leaders friends and like their colleagues are busy stashing their money away and not paying arguably their fair share of taxes i think it would be pretty devastating if something didn't come out of this under would go more news for you online including exxon mobil has become the winner of
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a safety award and that's just one of them going clean up operation of slaves or oil spill in the u.s. state of arkansas i don't hate of call would go to a timeline of the disaster was more footage harmed by ground where you. found also that human organs created with the help of three d. printers and ambition that may become reality after researchers produced a devise that creates synthetic tissue career place in medicine and the future. will see now europe's being alarmist that's the view of russian president vladimir putin as he discusses new laws to monitor non-governmental organizations financed from abroad so in an interview to a german broadcaster the president says the potential involved the political border when a zation is operating nearly a billion dollars combined trade for new russian laws and his piece on of us the details. let amir putin face the questions from the german broadcaster in typically
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bullish manner he said that there wouldn't be any kind of witch hunt against n.g.o.s operating within russia says that the russian president and new laws on non-governmental organizations operating within its borders the president pointing out that there's six hundred and fifty four n.g.o.s currently operating in russia many of them dealing with the internal politics of russia and these new laws were in place to find out basically just where the cash that goes to finance these non-government organizations is coming from and just regarding how much that cashiers it's around one billion u.s. dollars a year so they want to find out who's putting money into russia and where that's coming from. the law does not prohibit then you think you know there's a limit or close down anything short of organizations financed from abroad or not forbidding to carry out any type of activity including internal political ones the only thing we want to know is who receives money and where it goes i repeat the law
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is not some sort of innovation of our own the shockwave still being felt from cypresses recent financial dire straits putin said this going allegations that cyprus had become some kind of laundry for dirty russian money that those making those allegations well they better have some pretty hard facts to back them up that will is that fair that people invested their funds merely deposited their money with banks without breaking any laws whether the laws of cyprus or those of the european union just this she sixty percent of the posits forfeit that they did not violate any rules as to the allegations that cyprus was as they say in the financial community a laundry for dirty money they have to be supported with the hard facts that we create that off sure no we didn't it was the european union that created. or rather it was created by the cypriot authorities with the approval of the european union
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well syria was a talk were a major topic that was touched upon during this interview putin saying that an end to hostilities must come from both sides in the conflict as has always been russia's point to to find a solution to what's going on in syria he also touched on the point of what's always said that russia is arming a sound now to me a putin said there's no laws anywhere that would make that's illegal to assad there's no law stopping the eating of business with a legitimate government which the assad government still remains however what there are laws against is arming paramilitary groups the recent past three point five tons of munitions and weapons have been given to the opposition fighters in syria by outside forces now there are laws against that serious international law and he said that that must stop. for
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a full transcript of the interview and find out what legislation has to say about other pressing global issues that. u.s. secretary of state john kerry in a zero hoping to restore peace talks between tel aviv and ramallah this follows a renewed turbulence between israel and palestine sponsored by the death of a former hamas member in israeli custody and. finds out they tensions in the middle east have spilled over into a full on propaganda war in america as the international community continue searching for the best path to a middle east peace agreement the issue has sparked a contentious ad war in new york are proposed to me and group recently unveiled an ad campaign that calls on the us to stop sending three billion dollars in aid to israel every year the poster compares israel's policies to the south african apartheid and also includes a quote from dozen to two who led the fight against the apartheid now this campaign
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is being sponsored by the american muslims for palestine national grassroots advocacy group now in the meantime grow is really a group called the american freedom defense initiative is planning to fire back with a campaign depicting what it calls. apartheid the counter ads which have already been submitted to transit officials for approval show the image of two blindfolded iranian men getting wrapped with nooses the caption below reads skate under islamic law shari'a another ad shows a woman dressed in a white burqa getting whipped and there the caption reads under islamic law rape victims are tortured or killed unless they agree to marry their rapist last year the american freedom defense initiative sponsored an ad campaign that compared muslims to savages those viewed in new york city's subway stations jewish
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organizations in the majority of new yorkers criticize that campaign as hate speech a tone of speech that does nothing to assist in cementing a permanent peace plan in the middle east reporting from new york. r.t. . so in the world this hour the death toll after an illegally constructed building in the emergency room by collapsed has now reached sixty two official say over seventy have also been injured rescue workers are searching through the massive pile of debris all the hopes are diminishing of finding any survivors. here why the president was refused to apologize after apparently being called a microphone calling his counterpart from argentina an old time argentina have found a protest against their neighbor. thought to be critical of christina their recent meeting with the new argentinean cope. with the latest eurozone crisis seemingly resolved in cyprus despite why it has shifted towards the blocs third largest economy submersion recession since twenty eleven actually also remains at
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a political stalemate after the latest election five weeks ago failed to result in a coalition government and. the uncertainty is putting the future of the year in a fresh perspective. a country with a glorious past and a very uncertain future the word crisis has been used so often in recent years with an e.u. nations that it may have lost all meaning but recent elections in italy have shown a total collapse of mario monti's austerity measures which were supposed to yank the country out of the economic hole yet didn't achieve much other than create division and uncertainty right there everybody understand the. crisis and the. proposition from the side of the power two trillion euro that's the amount of italy's national debt threatening to force entire cities to declare bankruptcy tax hikes pay cuts sporadic corruption scandals and youth unemployment at over thirty percent these are the top of the list of
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reasons italians say they have lost faith in country's politicians and that is largely wife february's elections were described as a victory for bet agree loz five-star party a movement which positions itself against everything italian politicians have done or said in the last two decades italy is european union's third strongest economy in the us any small storm in the country may pretend a tempest for europe putting the future of the euro at stake and if in italy. regarding your stance this will influence the european politics some analysts say the e.u. states may share common currency and enjoy open borders their attitude towards one another is infused with discord for the moment it has been yes. well we could do a much much more you know by agreeing among countries on the financial.
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disparagingly called pigs. it's not pigs it's its financial attack and it's a private attack italians headed to the polling stations desperate for a leader who could bring back stability and prosperity the nation once enjoyed but the results seemed to show unity only in the resoundingly no to this terrorism measures put in place by mario monti begging the question just what kind of future is in store for the euro zone. in rome even r.t. . bricking is set is next. you know when the history of any culture there are some dark chapters throughout
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human history there's been war on every continent and religious strife and oppression every culture has some skeletons in their closet and in recent u.s. history the scandalous prison at guantanamo bay as making patriotic americans scurrying around a decade or so rather than slamming the door shut on get mall i hate that term condemning it as one of the greatest mistakes in american history and gloriously declaring on t.v. channels and newspapers the country wide that it shall never be repeated again the pentagon instead wants to blow another forty nine million dollars expanding it even if you are one of the types of things that american gulags are super cool and awesome do you realize that it takes over one million dollars per year per prisoner to keep the place open are you sure you don't want that money to go towards something else like your children's education the thing that burns me up about this the most is that obama promised if elected to close guantanamo bay and as commander in chief of the armed forces he could do this whatever he wanted no amount of
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to live on one hundred thirty three bucks a month for food i should try it because you know how fabulous bad luck i got so many i mean the town that i've seen the scenery really messed up. in the all for so personally apologized and. worst shirtless a little white out sort of a. radio guy in fort lauderdale minestrone off the. clothes for a good job you never seen anything like this i'm so. happy friday everyone with all the stereotype in the nuclear war with north korea i think it's important that our leaders are keeping a cool head about it take for example oklahoma senator jim inhofe put some words of advice on how to deal with the current state of affairs he said quote i think.
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