tv [untitled] April 7, 2013 7:00am-7:30am EDT
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the stories that shaped the week here on north korea gives its military the green light to strike the u.s. as a counter to what it calls washington's aggression growing doubts pyongyang has the capability of threats. as a protest against the mistreatment of palestinians the anonymous group has descended upon israel with a massive cyber attack literally blocking out thousands of websites. a probe into an oil spill caused by one of america's corporate giants in the state of. a local household seek reimbursement for the damage done. also a fresh outbreak of rage towards israel is the death of a palestinian prisoner spock's riots. exchange.
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with the stories that made headlines this week you're watching the weekly tea with me rule received life in moscow. north korea ramped up its war rhetoric this week announcing its army is now officially authorized to wage a nuclear attack on america and the warning was followed by reports pyongyang moved to ballistic missiles to his east coast and north korea are saying its actions are aimed at countering aggression by washington which has built up its military presence in the region but as the crisis deepens so do doubts that pyongyang is even capable of turning its war of words into action unlike the u.s. that is. to north korea.
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north korea responds with even more threats even though defense secretary chuck hagel called north korea real and clear danger the white house says they haven't seen any large scale movements from north korean military forces suggesting that it may be just rhetoric but while north korea talks washington acts apart from f. twenty two fighter jets and other bombers that it sent to the region for the ongoing military exercises with south korea the pentagon is now deploying an advanced missile defense system to guam host a major u.s. military base in asia north korea the north korean army has announced that he has the final approval for a nuclear attack on the u.s. as they tell us north korean rockets can't really reach the u.s. mainland but they can potentially attack u.s. bases in the region there are twenty thousand u.s. troops just across the border in south korea so could we see the worst nuclear standoff since the cuban missile crisis between the soviet union and the u.s. even though the rhetoric is probably as hostile as it's ever been no one really believes that north korea is actually going to carry out an attack north korea
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itself knows that if it did it for the attack the united states it would be committing national suicide the united states would retaliate in a tremendous fashion north korea does not want to commit suicide i believe north korea is doing all this so it can get to a point to actually negotiate some kind of peace agreement with the united states in the u.s. media to you have all pundits basically saying the same thing that north korea is not going to strike because they know it's a suicide that they want to reach some kind of a deal with washington but they're not going to get it you have former officials experts all saying that but with all this war talk from north korea and with u.s. military buildup in the region some say all it may take is for one of the sides to snap or some kind of a mistake before everything spirals out of control in washington i'm going to. an independent journalist james colbert he says despite the fact that neither side wants all out war and there are those who benefit from keeping the whole situation
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on a knife edge. i think that really the all of the players here have a vested interest in keeping the tension up but not allowing it to spill over and i think that obviously works for north korea which could be easily wiped out in a in a military confrontation but it also works for south korea and america and all of the allies here in this region that are that also serve to benefit from this and we've seen this directly for example with the announcement of more missile defense on the western coast of the united states that there are now going to be fourteen new ground based interceptors deployed at fort greely alaska at a cost u.s. taxpayers a one billion dollars by two thousand and seventeen so this is this is doing a fantastic business for the defense contractors who serve to to to feed into this tension and play off of it so i don't i think that honestly there isn't a lot of plans for preemptive strikes at this moment i think it's more a question of if this will accidentally spill over into something more. now the north korean crisis is also one of the main focus of the moderns breaking of
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a set here on our see this week you can head to the website to see the full program at your own leisure or among other things. guess who could possibly stand to gain from keeping the north korean situation in. the war rhetoric from high level north korean officials is not letting up and as a result the u.s. announced that in a precautionary move they'll be speeding up the deployment of advanced missile system defense to the region in the next few weeks this following a series of u.s. training exercises in south korea as a show of military straight including sending b. two stealth bombers each of which cost taxpayers more than three billion dollars but wait before you run for your bunkers it's important understand the legitimacy of these threats and the context of why they're happening in the first place you know i just read today that north korea's actually proposed continued efforts for a peace treaty in the past it kind of flies in the face of everything that we're told that north korea is this hostile nation if this is true why isn't this proposed peace treaty come to fruition well because the united states is interested
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in peace i mean as we know many people in america do not know one of the key negotiating point of the north koreans has always been the side of peace treaty only an armistice has been side the united states refuses to sign a peace treaty because they feel they have no interest in a peaceful resolution of north korea the north korean issue because then north korea would be free to not spend all their money on the military not have to be consistently concerned with being invaded by the united states and so by keeping up the pressure on north korea militarily and by sanctions it sort of forces them into a fortress like mentality which makes it look like the least desirable place in the world to live and that's very valuable to us propaganda in terms of saying to other countries you should do what we said. we're going to do you ever seen anything like this. live from moscow this is on its. he of the hacker group anonymous has launched
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a major cyber offensive against israel the activists say their aim is to quote disrupt and erase israel from cyberspace so in protest over israeli policies towards palestine. the question of a share the details with my colleague out of. it all started with anonymous and now on seeing their operation on you tube on thursday the group published a clip accusing these stradley government of failing to and settlement inspection and violating palestinian streitz addressing these directly government of the group stated you have not stopped your and less human rights violations you have not respected the cease fire the announcement of the intended attack on israel was spread via social media together with this picture off warning you better secure your site now there were reports that scores of large organisations had to close their websites to shield them from hackers and i saw early sunday dozens of israeli
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websites were available so now it's officially on and if you try to access some of the israeli sites you will be greeted with this. it's hard to ask me how many sites were hacked numberous range from hundreds to thousands israeli officials claim the damage was minimal but that's not the impression you get when you go online and unless we're joined by other hacker groups and individuals from all over the world leaving their own different marks right and how has a zero responded to this offensive at least they warned right well they responded with an online attack of their own now the site of the operation itself was hacked and if you try to visit the page devoted to the operation really quite honest back to what you see and here is a video of israeli national anthem and then the hackers also left some few
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forgotten facts as they call it all before us time and all of us to talk to israeli side disposable to give us some more background on this rifle a previous operation happened during last year's gaza war. now during the four days at the last it hundreds of his rally websites suffered for more than forty million unique attacks some seven hundred israeli websites suffered repeated attacks we did high profile government systems such as the foreign ministry the bank of jerusalem and these really defense ministry anonymous posts as the only line personal data of thousands of israeli officials and the group took part in an attack in which the details of thousands of users of the popular israeli e-mail service wallah were also released online so as you can see the previous operation had some major impact so let's wait and see how this one develops well it all to
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dot com right now we've got all the footage are posted up by the hikers with more details and background to this massive cyber strike. today once again. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. showing operation to rule the day. thanks for joining us for the weekly here on our to today at the u.s. state of arkansas has launched a probe into an oil spill in the city of mayflower which affected at least sixty homes the local government along with two households which filed federal lawsuits all seeking reimbursement from one of america's largest oil companies responsible
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for the disaster chris her role whose home was affected by the pegasus pipeline rupture told us here are two your all about the mess. i got off work early and was headed back to my home and a police officer at the entrance to the neighborhood not allowing anybody in i asked why he said the issue was there was no will still in the area and i told him my family and my wife and children at the home so he allowed me in get a little town to pack them up and get them on the road in and to kind of survey the damage and there was oil just flowing down the street behind our house well it actually went through some yards and some of the houses and down one of the main streets in our subdivision it's a big effect on quite a few houses what about the people that would go to the houses i think it was twenty two doctors affected what are they back in now with a no sir there are still staying in local hotels in the area. they've been allowed back in their homes for you know twenty minutes at a time and together belongings take care of pets and they don't know when they'll
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be back for good again lots of people officials in exile know bill then coming to apologize and one of the speech will is. there are some in the area there's a claims apartment that's been sent out but we've not heard a lot from them just yet so it's we're kind of taking a wait and see approach what happens next how are we going to be compensated and along with for us some of our neighbors can get back in their homes would you have hoped for more hands on of approach might be from them so far could you have done mislead a few more people from the company well so far as the cleanup process they've done a good job there but they've not done a really good job of communicating to some of the residents that would be this all part large thirty sixty five years old is one of the oldest in the country isn't it i do you were there worries in your community about this before considering the amount of all that was going through it daily and it's a huge huge well truth of the matter is a lot of the residents in our neighborhood weren't aware that the plan was even there but yes believe it or not and that may be a shame on us kind of thing but friday afternoon when the wall was running down the
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street that was the first time many folks even knew it was anywhere in the area. you can follow the in-depth oil spill timeline on our website or two dot com including photos and videos from the disaster area. for now as the world keeps a very close eye on the bird flu outbreak in china panic is already spreading across neighboring countries six people have so far died out of the eighteen infected certainly figure is far from an epidemic. looks now what you might hope to benefit from any bird flu hype panic is already spreading across the globe over fears of a bird flu epidemic in china twenty thousand birds were slaughtered at one local market japan has health warnings on people coming into the country from china hong kong says slumped in chinese airline stocks in an attempt to restrict travel vietnam bones poultry imports from china and taiwan raises quarantine level alerts
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while u.s. and china are already looking into creating a vaccine for this specific type of bird flu drug producers are already poised to jump in produce a cure a price of course now let's look at the example of the swine flu epidemic which cost the british taxpayer one point two billion dollars off of the government panicked and splashed out billions on vaccinations pharmaceutical giant class a smith kline secured a billion dollar contract from it likely a billion dollars from vaccines alone last year i reality four hundred fifty seven people died from swine flu a third of which die regular flu every year so while china battles with the flu drug companies are no doubt preparing for a multi billion dollar order. and it wasn't only britain where the big pharmaceuticals made billions from the swine flu panic let's take
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a look at house the fear spread across the globe during that outbreak ultimately the first to suspected case reported in mexico march two thousand and nine though it took very little time just a few weeks so the epidemic was first mentioned let's get the fright out there first confirmed deaths in april two thousand and nine at which point the swine flu becomes the most coveted news story in the media we're talking in may two thousand and nine and then into the summer a month later the world health organization declares a pandemic saying it's global. begin and that it's not long off the vast so we see in june of two thousand and ten the u.s. realizes that forty million expired doses have to be destroyed at a loss of two hundred and sixty million dollars the whole point is when you look at the timeline you see how quickly the hype was ratcheted up well as far as it goes with the avian flu based out of china very few deaths so far will have to see which way it goes are you with c live from moscow and more news coming your way after
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a very very short break including for example a day of rage in cairo more clashes in egypt's capital with police firing tear gas to disperse those protesting against the islamist leader's. hunger strike a good one ton of mowbray enters its third month and of course the risk to prisoners health continues to grow i would look at why washington continues to talk down the scale of the protest that's coming your way after a very short. critique three. three. three. three. three. three bill. here's a lot of video for your media project free media odone darty dot com.
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thank you for joining us here on our teeth today i'm re sushi in moscow egypt is once again gripped by protests and fighting five people have been killed and at least eight wounded in clashes between christians and muslims in a town near cairo and some of the watch sectarian violence the country has seen in months in the capital itself and anti-government demonstration demanding regime change attended by thousands ended in scuffles with right police a cairo based journalist tom dale has details. clashes have broken out in downtown cairo metal barricades have put being called across the street take us in smoke fills the air in the way of sirens the familiar green lasers a cutting from the gas once again clashes and spread to the town of my house which was so important for the birth of the april sixth movement five years ago on that day five years ago police fired live ammunition into a crowd protesting against rises in food prices they killed forty people including
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a fifteen year old boy to do their own only easy echoes of that day up once again an unarmed peaceful demonstration has been fired upon there are complaints that the interior ministry and the security services are brutal and on reform food prices are rising while wages remain stagnant and in that context this is just the latest sign of a growing polaroids ation between mohamed morsi says the misled government and the opposition on the streets i spoke to the leader of the april fix he actually made the movement to support the muslim brotherhood. and president mohamed morsi indeed against the alternative contender for the presidency in someone last year but now the muslim brotherhood and president mohamed morsi have broken the promises which they made to the revolutionary youth including two april sixth and that's why people are on the streets and that's why they're angry. and tensions between israel and palestine flared up once again this week fueled by the death of a high profile palestinian prisoner serving
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a life sentence in an israeli jail and the backlash included violent protests across the west bank a mass hunger strikes by palestinian inmates underscores fresh rocket exchanges between israel and hamas. was in the west bank closely following the. one mins death turned into a rage of the masses at the beginning of the week sixty four year old my son or a book from dia died in the israeli prison according to his family the palestinian prisoner has complained about his health since. the summer of last year but it was only in march that doctors told him that he had a terminal illness and only days left to live news about the hunt is that spread like wildfire cross the palestinian territories clashes haven't asked numerous towns and villages across the region resulting in the deaths of two palestinian teenagers but the most intense clashes between israeli security forces and palestinian protesters took place right here in hebron the hometown of abu hamza
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your rage small tear gas and rubber bullets filled the streets as people expressed their feelings about the treatment or from the as well as thousands of other palestinians in confinement there is. a state of widespread anger and diggnation of out of the what many people here. a primitive murder by israelis palestinians think that the death of my father was a direct result of israeli criminal negligence moral powerlessness more than four thousand palestinian inmates went on hunger strike to show what they thought about him d. his death gaza broke the fragile four month long cease fire rockets into southern israel and the listing an airstrike from tel aviv some to his death provided an outlet for frustration that has been building up for years since the palestinian uprising in the beginning of the century known as the second intifada
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a growing number of israeli settlements palestinian prisoners and as a result a peace process in jeopardy every. palestinian being israeli prison that is an issue that can really explode there can be very very so first because the whole to go forward and to deal with issues and with one. of. the most triples. the whole thing can explode this was the second palestinian death in an israeli jail this year three year old earth larger adults died of a heart attack in february causes such as these only adds to the anger palestinians feel towards israel people in the story it wants a movement and we do not see any movement toward liberation what we see is
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continued occupation intensification of certain immense intensification of abduction and killing of people every aleksey which some believe could be and should be. the. really. good number of palestinians. who troll goodwill. ready for real negotiations with the palestinians a simple solution that maybe to some but it still depends on whether israel has the good will to get in the ways they in tel aviv even called r t. and a more news of you online including a wire sometimes you just can't have enough with statistics shedding light on the rising number of america's richest cashing in millions in unemployment benefits. plus a miracle baby in india attend
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a month old girl survives after thirty six hours trapped under the rubble of a collapsed eight story building in mumbai r.t. dot com has the story. behind bars without charge and starving for justice hunger strike as a guantanamo bay have been engaged in a desperate act of defiance for two months now federal public defender carlos warner a lawyer for the guantanamo detainees told r.t. that the government has dragged itself into a no win situation. military is under estimating the number by at least two thirds i think we have at least one hundred thirty men on hunger strike in guantanamo as we speak today the resolve has not changed in a week the military can force feed them they are playing a game of chicken with an opponent who is ready to die and you can't do that you will lose that game of chicken the military doesn't seem to grasp this logic at this point it's premature to even ask that the president close guantanamo we're
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just asking that he charge somebody with with the responsibility just one person if president obama gives us one person we can talk to and gives that person the strength of his office we can close guantanamo the pentagon general kelly from the southern command went on the record and said that look this is frustration because the president broke his promise that's unprecedented in our society to have a general tell the president look this is what's causing it it's not about the qur'an it's about the frustration that is going to animals so there is no law in kuantan i'm all you have people that everyone even the ones that have been declared innocent are there for life until they die there indefinitely detained someone to old know where almost three hundred people have been detained and fined for opposing a law aimed at clamping down on rallies and legislation so as groups are required to provide state authorities with an eye to newry before they hit the streets so
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will the march is illegal even coaxed a correspondent for the canadian affairs website a rabble. he says the lore is a clear violation of citizens' rights. ninnis followed by a lot of the sixty's and active at the height of the student strike last year in your provincial laws the law as well which was denounced by everyone in the united nations high commissioner on human rights to back bar association representing all the provinces lawyers and prosecutors but it was a serious violation of civil liberties which was then repealed by the incoming provincial governor and the fact that the montreal police are now using this file always hears it in so many ways in which is also been denounced by every civil liberties and human rights organization and this is really troubling it cites a clear violation of our constitution and and one that's obviously going to be found to be a violation once it once the court case is heard that it's it's a very it's a very disturbing situation right now and the end result of the use of this file
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right now is that people are be rounded up and and charged and given six hundred thirty seven dollar tickets for no crime other than that tempting because hey you peaceful protests nobody really knows what to make of this we live in a country where we've always taken for granted the right to protest the right to express our opinion and so a lot of people right now are very very fearful and so there's an attitude that people want to go out they want to challenge this bylaw they know what's happening is not right but at the same time they're afraid by law from moscow this is our role research and a do stay with us if we can for good cop age. what if one third of the population of a capital city of a small arab country took to the streets in protest while the mainstream media
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would scream the people of nation x. are crying out for democracy we have to intervene and take their oil i mean help them but the earth shaking a large protest is in arab countries it's in paris france and for traditional marriage yes protesters in paris claim that they had eight hundred thousand people on the streets of france's capital and even though the police said that half those numbers for a city of less than two point five million people this was a huge protest for a cardless the european union loves to educate the world about democracy and show that's liberal values around and yet that doesn't really seem to listen to the citizens very much who want to stop the madness of waves of illegal immigrants bailing out members on the times of other nations and for focusing the union's national attention on social issues like gay marriage instead of creating jobs to the e.u. officials out there who claim to believe in democracy maybe it's about time you actually try you know listening to a few voices who disagree with you before you keep promoting policies against
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