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tv   [untitled]    April 7, 2013 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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children are reportedly killed as a nato missile slams into an afghan village and a stark reminder of the price of billions of paying while the u.s. led coalition looks to cut and run from the country. the united states delays an intercontinental nuclear missile test after a week of atomic threats naval provocations and ballistic cat and mouse games put the korean peninsula on the brink of war. israel under fire line the hacker group anonymous has launched a wave of cyber attacks on israeli web site for testing against the mistreatment of palestinians. with a look back at the past seven days top stories and the latest developments this is the weekly here on. at least ten children reported to have been among eighteen
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people killed today in the latest air strike by u.s. led forces in afghanistan the raid was allegedly called in by troops on the ground after bitter fighting nearby let's cross now to. shed some light on what happened tell us what do you know about exactly what happened there. yes a grieving bell actually. and all ten children's are set to to be a minute the teen killed in a natural strike in afghanistan conor prudence according to officials there are reports says actually that it all happened when not too many silas hits the home of a suspected taliban insurgents in a small village in that area at the time when the family actually was inside taking each other from the right after us to the house was
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hit some locals from the area rushed to help the people who were hurt in that house and were seen carrying some out out somebody on the children's and others from the under troubles of some of the problems actually the u.s. led coalition's had confirmed that the car they have carry out their side the statements of a spokes man of the force acknowledge that they were carrying out or we'll their reports that the civilians were killed in that area but as yet put not to conform with the debts the raid was originally called in by international troops and indeed for sanity after a heavy fighting with the tiny beyond insurgent me the pakistani border local governments officials going to fall on the chosen is it adding that of that another and women and men also died in that strike and u.s.
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led forces here also say that there were. carrying out its mission operations in advance the senior saudi one commander up in that area a number of u.s. troops and civilian advisors working. for them are also as it will have an ad will have been killed in the same operations that it. initially it's actually that those. terrorists. work that was brought down by cement but there are a. number are subject to be. worse yes better so it will have been for you very much indeed for that live update. will such strong strong relations between international troops and the afghan government printing president karzai to burn his forces from requesting western support ortiz
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medina question of a has more now about how this toy to post tragedies medina while the decade long war in afghanistan that started back in two thousand and one has cost the deaths of thousands of afghans directly from insurgents and foreign military action as well as the deaths of possibly tens of thousands of afghan civilians in directly in recent years to death row has rocketed there is no single official figure for the overall number of civilians killed by the war but asked amaze for a specific years or periods have been published by a number of independent organisations let's now have a look at the grim statistics of the civilian casualties in just some months last year now in a fab are eight civilians including seven children were killed in the near airstrike in the same month six civilians including one woman and
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a child then here we go in may a civilians including six children and two women were killed in a nato air strike now and these numbers just continue to grow almost every time women and children are among the casualties neighboring pakistan had even asked the u.s. to leave the air base it was using for drone operations in the region. that order came after a nother needer airstrike that again resulted in multiple deaths international forces are preparing to withdraw from afghanistan by the end of twenty fourteen civilian deaths in western military operations have been a source of townshend between the afghan government and the u.s. and its nato allies frequently these tribes have been called in by forces on the ground but such has been the anger over the so-called collateral damage that president karzai ordered a complete ban on afghan security forces calling in airstrikes however as with
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continually seeing these rays have not stopped with you know thanks very much indeed for that question of well kabul based political analyst. joining me live now to discuss these latest events nato was apparently to call for the senior taliban insurgent was hiding there so this was a legitimate target. of course according to nato forces it was a legitimate a legitimate target and nato forces said they have killed seven taliban militants including this high ranking taliban commander about. the result of course that airstrike. resulted in several civilian casualties as well president karzai actually banned afghan
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security forces almost two months ago from calling need two forces for air air support during deer operation against taliban and other militant groups but it seems. to don't care off prison carries a concerns about. this case in about. civilian casualties particularly in operation with afghan security forces against taliban and other militants grobe. nato forces are keeping airstrike in against a taliban position and and militants in different in different parts of the country end up past a few of your weak nato forces have launched several times airstrike against the taliban in different parts of the country which resulted in. casualties among afghan forces as well as civilians nato would of course say this is mission
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accomplished they did succeed in targeting seven top taliban insurgents commanders but isn't collateral damage going to be inevitable in cases like this no matter how tragic the consequences. exactly disposed of. of the case is tragic of course because. children and woman have been killed in this airstrike but nato forces say and according to afghan security forces as well the taliban had taken the civilians and the women and children as human shelter in this village because of this the nato forces targeted targeted the area and they didn't want to kill the civilians but the. difference to sponsor for killing the civilians in this case according to nato forces are the taliban and militant groups
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not the nato forces because they are taking. the civilians as human shelter and because of this the airstrikes sometimes as a result in civilian casualties nato will be severely criticized for this but this is a time of war it's unavoidable isn't it for this sort of thing to happen is there any other option. i think there is no another option in this kind of war which is going on in afghanistan it is very difficult to avoid civilian casualties because the taliban are living among the people among developed is and. is eventually areas of support they are receiving support from the people in they are eating and drinking. among the people in living among among developed is because of this i think it is very difficult for nato forces of particularly in airstrikes to avoid civilian casualties political analyst thank you very much indeed for joining
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us live from kabul. you've been voting on our website on what you think the consequences of this latest deadly strike will be and these are the results we can see on screen at the moment about half of you think that the afghan president will make forceful statements but little else will happen about a third say it will spark attacks from groups looking to hit back at coalition forces just over ten percent think that hamid karzai is hand will be forced and you'll have to ban nato airstrikes and a very small amount if you believe that the date for nato troops to leave will actually be brought forward. this week saw a dramatic escalation on the korean peninsula with threatening a preemptive nuclear strike on the u.s. a response was not lifted. swarming to the north coast but washington's canceled a planned intercontinental nuclear missile test to avoid further inflaming the situation. as this report. to north korea's bellicose threats
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washington responds with an even more intense buildup of military power in the region to that north korea responds with even more threats even though defense secretary chuck hagel called north korea real and clear danger the white house. from north korean military forces suggesting that it may be just rhetoric but while north korea talks washington acts apart from f. twenty two fighter jets and other bombers that it sent to the region for the ongoing military exercises with south korea the pentagon is now deploying an advanced missile defense system to guam a major u.s. military base in asia north korea the north korean army has announced that he has the final approval for a nuclear attack on the us as they tell us north korean rockets can't really reach . but they can potentially attack u.s. bases in the region there are twenty thousand u.s. troops just across the border in south korea so could we see the worst nuclear standoff since the cuban missile crisis between the soviet union and the u.s. even though the rhetoric is probably as hostile as it's ever been no one really
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believes that north korea is actually going to carry out an attack north korea itself knows that if it did tack the united states it would be committing national suicide the united states would retaliate in a tremendous fashion north korea does not want to commit suicide i believe north korea is doing all this so it can get to a point to actually negotiate some kind of peace agreement with the united states in the u.s. media to you have all pundits basically saying the same thing that north korea is not going to strike because they know what. they want to. kind of a deal with washington but they're not going to get it you have former officials x. brits all saying that but with all this war talk from north korea and with u.s. military buildup in the region some say all it may take is for one of the sides to snap or some kind of a mistake before everything spirals out of control in washington i'm going to second. independent journalist james corbett says despite the fact neither side
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wants or not war there are those who benefit from keeping the situation on a knife edge i think that really the all of the players here have a vested interest in keeping the tension up but not allowing it to spill you only work and i think that obviously works for north korea which could be easily wiped out in a military confrontation but it also works for south korea and america and all of the allies here in this region that are that also serve to benefit from this and we've seen this i directly for example with the announcement of more missile defense on the western coast of the united states that there are now going to be fourteen new deployed at fort greely alaska at a cost u.s. taxpayers a one billion dollars by two thousand and seventeen so this is this is doing a fantastic business for the defense contractors who serve to to to feed into this tension and play off of it so i don't i think that honestly there isn't a lot of plans for preemptive strikes at this moment i think it's more a question of if this will accidentally spill over into something more. reports are
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emerging of israeli police arresting palestinian activists in response to the massive cyber offensive by the hacker group anonymous that computer attackers have said the aim is to disrupt and it raise israel from cyberspace in protest over the policies towards palestine and all of his i mean it has more for us live now from tel aviv so what is known about this alleged response to the attacks so far. well we know that the information is coming from a palestinian twitter account from the palestinian authority presidential adviser on technology and communication who said that israel has retaliated to the day along the how king attack on israel by arresting several palestinian israel several palestinians and several of the west bank towns however there has been no official confirmation of the facts from these early officials and now of course they have the attack on israel was going on for the entire day. twenty eight sides have been
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down including the knesset's sites about of the israeli parliament which is i think still which we are we're hearing is still. at this moment also have to say that tens of thousands of israeli facebook and twitter accounts have been brought down as well as well as they tried to target the banking system as well as other major sites as well all of this of course is being done. by the had to this group anonymous or it or groups associated there with of course saying that this is their way of getting back at israel or buying lands in the west bank and mistreatment of palestinians tell us more about the. film. well of course where there is an attack there's seems to be a response now or at least there has been a response from the israeli hackers for have issued a statement saying that whoever whoever is participating in the so called op israel is weak and feeble minded and for every attack that they do is really happy as well
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retail ever tell you it doesn't hold but at the same time you have to understand that israel is a rather powerful country and of course the officials long before the attack has actually taken place and it was well it was well advertised umist say they have said that they're full of prepared for this and they have their best specialists working on preventing it and yet we're looking at twenty eight major sites down we're still looking at thousands of israeli accounts which are being housed which kind of brings the question exactly what exactly is happening with the israeli specialist and just how powerful. the anonymous hackers really are alina thanks very much indeed live in tel aviv. former m i five agent i mean russian believes that the damage of these attacks is negligible compared to what some governments have been doing in cyberspace it is very much going to inconvenience to the websites that are under assault but of course it does get a lot of publicity the difference between this and real hacking real cyber attacks
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can be seen very starkly happened when the u.s. and the israeli government committed an act of fiber terrorism when they attacked the iranian nuclear production facility when it released the stuxnet virus in august of the first we have western governments colluding to attack the infrastructure of another sovereign country so that is cyber terrorism that is not a real cyber attack looks like and of course it has ramifications now because the stuxnet virus went out to attack these precise but it's now out there in the world it can be used and abused and mutated by real cyber criminals out there so what the u.s. from the israeli government did with stops net is that you far more damaging than any protest movement trying to bring down certain websites in certain countries. and emotion there this is our t.v. life here in moscow you're watching the weekly stay with us for more that's after the break.
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i mean so to know your city in europe or the hosts of the twenty fourteen winter the picture. thank you. so much. thank you. some. days it. makes. it so.
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international that in the very heart of moscow. news continues here in r.t. president vladimir putin is a rajan germany's however today he's taking part in opening the world's largest industrial fair and will meet the country's leader i'm going to merkel the role of russia's funds and debt hit cyprus as one of europe's economic troubles will be up for debate well for more these matters and the prospects of mutual tolerance between moscow and button i'm joined by dr hans freedom she's a former german ambassador to russia between two thousand and two and two thousand and five how would you assess relations between the two countries now compared to when you were based here in moscow. the relations
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are quite good this is why the two countries have decided to organize a year of germany and russia and the year of russia and germany two thousand and twelve through two thousand and thirteen there's a broad broad exchanges trade. eighty million eighty billion euro per year and one hundred billion is the goal so the interchanges are very solid and there is a strong community on both sides particularly the business community to keep relations stable but i would not deny that there are one or two items on the agenda which will be discussed. in a more. let's say diplomatically open way what would those issues be the main issues of. well i guess you are familiar with things which have to do
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with civil society and n.g.o.s. there we don't see eye to eye they will be raised i'm sure but that will not interfere with relations in general and also i would yes i would yes short short just i would just make you know your have had so many bad news on your broadcast today i would say in the last three hundred years europe has has not been as friendly a part of russia as it is today and that of course includes germany and we're talking about bad news we're seeing in afghanistan and of course in syria how closely you would moscow and berlin work on those issues. well on afghanistan we have cooperated all along and there is a fair amount of common interest to stabilize the country and to prevent it from becoming the source of terrorism which crosses the borders again. there
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will be other it i'll write them is on the international items on the agenda like korea which you raised there will be syria so it will be a fall a full exchange of views and i think it is very important that that takes place dr hans frederick von plats former german ambassador to russia thank you very much indeed for joining us live here on r.t. . thank you. egypt has once again been gripped by protests and fighting one person has been killed in iran three dozen injured as violence erupted outside caro's main cathedral that's following the funeral of four out of five to christians killed in a sectarian standoff outside the capital on saturday the mourners unhappy with the government's inability to protect them clashed with local residents when leaving the service this follows a day of rage against the ruling islam ists which also ended up with scuffles on the streets of karachi journalist tom dale witnessed the unrest. clashes have
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broken out in downtown cairo metal barricades have put being pulled across the street tear gas and smoke fills the air in the wail of sirens the familiar green lasers are cutting through the gas once again clashes and spread to the town of mahalla which was so important for the first of the april sixth movement five years ago on that day five years ago police fired live ammunition into a crowd protesting against rises in food prices they killed three people including a fifteen year old boy still there on an easy echoes of that day up once again an unarmed peaceful demonstration has been fired upon there are complaints that the interior ministry and the security services are brutal and on reform food prices are rising while wages remain stagnant and in that context this is just the latest sign of a growing polarize asian between mohamed morsi says the misled government and the opposition on the streets i spoke to the leader of the april six he actually led
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the movement to support the muslim brotherhood. and president mohamed morsi indeed against the alternative contender for the presidency in some way last year but now the muslim brotherhood and president mohamed morsi have broken the promises which they made to the revolutionary youth including two april six and that's why people are on the streets and that's why they're angry. a new type of bird flu has been discovered in china this week promoting the government to cold tens of thousands of birds so far the virus has killed six people out of the eighteen infected but the first time a new strain of flu is hit china let's have a look at how the infection has spread not only across the population but in the media as well many of the articles written read like horror stories sparking pony way out of proportion with the facts and you remember past bird flu and swine flu outbreaks in the attention they grabbed across the media when all these crazy pilbeam has more on hold the hype to cold panic is already spreading across the globe over fears of
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a bird flu epidemic in china twenty thousand birds were slaughtered at one local market japan has but health warnings on people coming into the country from china hong kong says slumped in chinese airline stocks in an attempt to restrict travel vietnam bans poultry imports from china and taiwan it raises quarantine level alerts while the u.s. and china are already looking into creating a vaccine for this specific type of bird flu drug producers are already poised to jump in and produce a cure at a price of course now let's look at the example of the swine flu epidemic which cost the british taxpayer one point two billion dollars are the government panicked and splashed out billions on vaccinations pharmaceutical giant black say smith kline secured a billion dollar contract from it making a billion dollars from vaccines alone last year i reality four hundred fifty seven people died from swine flu
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a third of which dive regular flu every year so while china battles with the flu drug companies are no doubt preparing for a multi billion dollar order. well that brings up that for the moment but with the news team with more than just have a half an hour from the mean time we take a look at the natural wonderland of russia's sochi region as it prepares to host the twenty fourteen winter olympics that after the break. what if one third of the population of a capital city of a small arab country took to the streets in protest while the mainstream media would scream the people of nation x.
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are crying out for democracy we have to intervene and take their oil i mean help them but the earth shaking a large protest is an arab country it's and paris france and for traditional marriage yes protesters in paris claim that they had eight hundred thousand people on the streets of francis capital and even though the police said that half those numbers for a city of less than two point five million people this was a huge protest for guard less the european union loves to educate the world about democracy and show that's liberal values around and yet that doesn't really seem to listen to the citizens very much who want to stop the madness of waves of illegal immigrants bailing out members on the dimes of other nations and for focusing the union's national attention on social issues like gay marriage instead of creating jobs to the e.u. officials out there who claim to believe in democracy maybe it's about time you actually try you know listening to a few voices who disagree with you before you keep promoting policies against
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possibly the will of the majority but that's just my opinion. download the official application to your cell phone choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorites from alzheimer's if you're away from your television just doesn't matter now with your mobile device you can watch on t.v. any time anywhere. down in the black sea coast in russia the city of sochi is busy preparing for the twenty fourteen winter olympic games construction is booming transport infrastructure is being completely revamped and disabled onsets points are being
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installed across town. but aside from being russia's second lympics city sochi is also one of the country's most popular tourist destinations people flock here for the long hot summers the spacious beaches on the warm seas busk if you're looking for more than just a top it's also an area filled with some amazing natural highlights. so i've been spending a lot and so i'm in the city but off in the mountains there's the caucuses reserve which is literally the size of finland so i've met up with mine very experienced. and we are off on a bench. if it's fair to say but if you're driving up here.


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