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tv   [untitled]    April 7, 2013 4:30pm-5:00pm EDT

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actual fact they've done is deny an opportunity for their citizens businesses and corporations to do business with a very lucrative radian market we also have to note that these sanctions have no legal base to stand on many countries including russia and china time and again have expressed their opposition to the second. it's the promise of getting whatever you want when ever and however you want to but there's three d. printing office to fulfill your dreams to the nearest millimeter it has a dark side to report on has more from new york. from the state of the union in youngstown a while we're no workers are mastering the three d. printing but has the potential to revolutionize the way we make almost everything to a store in soho new york three d. printing technology has officially gone mainstream the demand is much greater than our supply right now and we're actually ramping up and expanding rapidly to make that to man this three d. printing company maker bot opened its first retail store last year it is selling
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its newly released replicator to desktop for just under twenty two hundred dollars using a plastic material the machine deposits ultra thin layers to form any object that can be molded in software welcome to the world of independent manufacturing so this stretch bracelet took about sixteen minutes to make but other objects that are a bit bigger like this cupcake gift box took about fifteen hours of printing now while the time a very anyone with a three d. desktop printer can essentially make anything that they want at our website thing occurs that is and repast atari for three d. printed items we have more than forty thousand items on thing occurs that are free and downloadable and one of our terms of service is that you cannot upload any thing that is to go back then. this is where twenty five year old cody wilson
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enters the picture a group of friends and i started a project called difference distributed. we want to use a three d. printer to print a gun to release the files open source the texas law student has already printed a thirty round magazine and lower receiver that houses the bolt for an a r fifteen and he's reportedly working on completing a rifle with a three d. printer his blueprints for guns and gun parts are distributed for free on his website but i'm doing is showing people ok this is something that can be done right now. right now the self described. market after kist has thrown a major reds into america's gun control debate as a national conversation it was a debate that started in december after twenty children and six adults were shot dead at a connecticut elementary school overwhelming majorities of americans americans who believe in the second amendment have come together around common sense reform by background checks that will make it harder for criminals to get their hands on
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a gun meanwhile just last month wilson became a federally licensed gun manufacturer and dealer there bypassing the debate there rendering the debate irrelevance whatever laws make about of this discussion the sort of ability to manufacture objects in various firearms on a localized centralized basis means the law really won't matter in the law may say that something is illegal but if you can turn into a device that's on your desktop and manufacture that at will with nobody knowing that you've done so then the law doesn't matter at all with a reported three hundred million guns in circulation the u.s. has the highest rate of gun ownership in the world and the second highest rate of deaths by firearms among industrialized nations. and just as lawmakers are finalizing new legislation that would tighten the nation's all too easy access to firearms experts claim that technology will ultimately outpace their meager efforts at gun control. r.t.
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new york. heavy handed police have clamped down on an unannounced rally in montreal arresting nearly three hundred protest as new laws said demonstration has to be registered with the authorities for it to go ahead legally isn't cox's the quebec correspondent for the canadian affairs website rebel dot ca and says the law is a clear violation of citizens' rights. municipal bylaws six is an active at the height of the student strike last year in your provincial law. law as well which was announced by everyone united nations high commissioner on human rights to that bar association representing all provinces lawyers and prosecutors and it was a serious violation of civil liberties which was then we feel by the end i mean the interim government nobody really knows what to make of this we live in a country where we've always taken for granted the right to protest the right to express our opinion and so
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a lot of people right now are very very fearful and so there's an attitude that people want to go out they want to challenge this by law they know what's happening is not right but at the same time they're afraid moskos accused the u.n. of trying to undermine the investigation into the use of chemical weapons in syria damascus claims rebels used illegal agents near the city of aleppo last month killing around two dozen political historian gerald horne explains why he believes the you and investigation will bear no fruit this quiet from the north atlantic countries about this chemical attack speaks volumes and speaks loudly because we all know that if this chemical attack could be pinned on the damascus regime of president all saw that they would have been shelling from the rooftops about it the fact that they're not quiet about it i think says all that we need to know we all saw what happened at the arab league meeting where they were able to maneuver the rebels to take the heat of the all assad regime we all know about the
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recent entente between turkey and israel which does not bode well for a peaceful resolution of the syrian crisis therefore it seems to me that an attack of this chemical in an investigation of this chemical attack by moscow and beijing in particular managers who want to see. some of britain's millionaire m.p.'s have done themselves no favors telling the unemployed in the low pay that seventy one pounds a week is generous and that it's easy to live on fifty three pounds a week others who are telling people how to live their lives have never tried working outside of politics leaving britons in little doubt that the government is out of touch as surface reports. young polish and in politics britain's me political elite an assortment of multi-millionaires he studied at exclusive universities a recent study by the house of commons library revealed that one in seven m.p.'s had never held
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a job outside of politics and that's left many wondering whether they're really up to the job and posh i'm not defensive about it i'm there to do a drop i do the job the best my billet but somebody the government's best is not good enough. no i like making all these attacks and they've you know they've never been a person like one in five people living on fifty six lb weeks they've no idea what that's like laden might have been accused of scoring political points by waiting class warfare they don't escape criticism either ed miliband and his wealthy counterparts the champagne socialists but this is not just the tories and lib dems and some of this labor as well like they're also rich so let's take a look at he's on the political rich list according to recent estimate the man with his hands on the nation's past strings chancellor george osborne is east to his
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pockets weighing him down with an estimated four point five million pounds to his name to impart to shares in a prosperous family business david cameron's not far off with assets estimated at three point eight million pounds but even the prime minister and chancellor fall short of the time one. leader of the house of lords thomas go brace ok lord strathclyde he's worth almost ten million pounds london's famous tailors way out of the price range for most people but not for this government many of. and not afraid to flaunt their wealth the prime minister david cameron is known to be partial to richard james see the price of which is likely to set you back more than the average monthly household income and with total support having delivered another austerity tailored budget come this politically really understand what those cuts mean for ordinary. clothes according to a close as the old saying goes perhaps members of government should take note from
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their tailors unemployment in britain. is down and ordinary british people feel and represented we've. increased the pension he usually. big deals can always come up with things that. have gone wrong with the bad economic situation that we inherited it was almost inevitable that we're going to lose our aaa rating the resurgence of the toughest at the top to some is an indicator of a much greater malays there is a problem with the political class in general and that's it is out of touch with the general population they don't really understand how a lot of families are suffering now with rising basic costs and of course it's very much a top down elitist policy that's driving these costs up with the growing public skepticism the government's been left looking for different ways to try to connect and whether it's george osborne joining twitter or david cameron starring in
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a pop music video just what will the government doing next to try to convince that they can get down with the best of what. i guess at some form but i can't actually tell you one hundred percent but that's my guess but i'm happy to try it out with you so. the london. and i'll be though the news team in just over twenty minutes from now with more news in the meantime altie talks to palestinian parliament member marwan barghouti an auspicious interview that's coming up after the break.
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the world with. science technology innovation all the list of elements from around russia we've got the future covered. ten years ago by god was overtaking. ten years of political infighting terrorism and economic decay. child in iraq a rise. in the fall of baghdad and holler april ninth on our take. that's a meteorite only. ten
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thousand tons per told through space towards russia. with the power. of a nuclear. should have been sky full on r.t. . the international airport in the very heart of moscow.
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with me i have dr mustafa barghouti the leader of the palestinian national initiative a member of the palestinian parliament and also a former minister of information dr thank you very much for joining us here on r.t. my pleasure often obama gave his famous cairo speech four years ago you say that this is the best speech ever made by an american president particularly regarding palestinian issues four years on would you agree with the sentiments expressed then . it was the best speech would still say so but he didn't fall on it on the contrary he retreated from what he said was very disappointing and very unfortunate and instead of pushing the israelis to stop settlements as he promised he stopped talking about the matter why do you think i think he penned down to israeli
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pressure from one side but also to the american establishment i think. will he had an opportunity after the second election to proceed to make american history especially after receiving the nobel peace prize and for making peace but i fortunately none of that has happened. if this continues then. this passivity of the american position and this passive passiveness of the american president of this continuous specially at this time this would mean allowing the israelis to kill the very last opportunity of two state solution are we just talking about past seventy or we're talking about specific regions because when obama was here we did see demonstrations on the palestinian street what are the issues that the street is angry about that the street is angry about many things first of all they see that the united states is totally biased to israel and it's not hiding it's even declaring it constantly second they see that the americans are allies in the peace
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process leadership yet they are not being an honest broker in this process by monopolizing they are not doing their job at the same time they're not allowing any other party to do that to do this job but third there were many negative gestures even during the visit of president obama one of just said was that he refused to meet a child who of one of the presidents and bill in israeli presence here refused to listen and to hear the palestinian grievances and pain another negative matter was that he visited an israeli music. which contained stolen material from occupied territories this in our opinion should not be done by an american president because he would be in a way legalizing an act of theft from palestinians. the third thing he visited that i've been. grave which is good but he refused to
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visit mr arafat's store you could agree or disagree with president arafat but he was a symbol for palestinians and. and both of both of these people were assassinated by the enemies of peace so there is this lack of equality lack of even handedness that makes palestinians to be specially that they realize that the united states is the biggest supporter of israel why doesn't a bomb have the well is it because he has so much pressure on him or do you put the blame on his shoulders well why he is of course to be blamed not just the pressure because he's definitely the most knowledgeable american president of the palestinian issue given his background but more importantly he's a man that comes from a certain background of people who suffered from segregation. if it wasn't for the civil rights movement in the united states that fought against and in america he
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would have never become the president of the united states he himself would be most sensitive to the issue of segregation that is being built today in palestine what about the fact that he met israeli leaders in west jerusalem and the palestinian leaders in ramallah would it have not been a more symbolic gesture to have met the palestinian leaders in east jerusalem or have left to resign him out of the the whole equation and perhaps make israeli leaders in tel aviv absolutely visiting israeli leaders in west jerusalem. one way of recognizing something that the united states of usually does not recognize which is that it was a limb is not is a capital and you think that's what they're trying to tell us why isn't the message i don't know i know that he should have met the people in the studios of them as well he met a number of young people who are choice in for him but these are not that young people who are in the streets or who are. organizing the nonviolent resistance and palestine or who have making the palestinians putting in only this elective it.
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is unacceptable this lack of equality this lack of even handedness mixed palestinians very angry and makes them disappointed. they didn't have much hopes anyhow from the visit but. mr obama did not surprise anybody what about the fact that he gave an address to the israeli public but he didn't address the palestinian public what do you make of this again it's another another indication that he is making a visit to israel and on the way he's meeting some palestinians. i'm not talking only about the amount of time that is a look at it but about the nature of the events i wish you would have visited for instance hebrew and to see by his own eyes graphically the system of segregation that israel has created what i wish he would have gone to a palestinian university and met with palestinian students that are not selected specifically to meet with him and yet maybe being too critical on president obama i
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mean he did come to an ally he did meet with the palestinian leadership and prior to his visit the white house didn't present the trip as if he was going to make any big announcements the expectation was you know perhaps we're being too critical on him i don't think so the question is would he have visited them a lot if he was not visiting israel. and we're not saying that it's bad that he visited them a lot of good he's the president of one of the most powerful countries in the world and it's good that he's visiting the question is what is coming out of this visit and the bigger question is why the continuation of this passive american approach this passivity passiveness at a time when the whole. the whole possibility of two state solution is being killed by the bulldozers of settlements. is unacceptable it's irresponsible unacceptable and this means that. those who are silent about this destruction and
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who are not even daring to criticize it but actively participate in something that will end the very last opportunity of peace based on two state solution and that is not something good for the palestinians what israel is in the final equation what was the significance of his trip that's the problem there is no significance he came when israel has just elected the most racist and most extreme government in its history a government that because they are constantly before. they have no intention of allowing a palestinian state they are offering palestinians a self-governing status within a punt to stand system of apartheid in the program of the new government there is no mentioning of the palestinian statehood and the leaders of this government one of them minister of housing who is a settler himself has just declared that there will be no place between the river and the sea for more than one state which is israel and palestinians have to accept
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that so basically he came to a government that is most racist most. are going to stick to the possibility of peace. and he didn't say a word about it as you say the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu government has moved from being a right wing government to extreme right wing government exactly but even if netanyahu wanted to make peace with the palestinians his hands are not tied by the israeli government well of course because he created the settlement movement or he contributed to the system of movement he made the settlers so strong now they are inside the government three of them are ministers another one is the head of the financial committee and police it is so it's a monster that netanyahu himself created and participated in creating and now he cannot complain that he cannot do much because of this monster. he is part of the problem. and not part of the solution there are many who say that it's in america's interest to continue the occupation it's good business if nothing else do you agree
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with us i know that there is a strategic alliance between the united states and israel i think continuation of occupation and a system of apartheid that's going to addictive to the same values that the americans speak about all the time day and night the same values of democracy and the respect of your moderate it's a threat of that or so there is a big contradiction here second i think. these settlements and this apartheid system contradicts even the american interest in having stability in the middle east those who think that the situation in the middle east will remain as it is short sighted sooner than later with the prevalence of democracy you would see more and more people in the middle east siding by the palestinians and demanding the right of the palestinians the continuation of a system of apartheid is the most disturbing lies in fact in the middle east do you think that now with his second term in office president obama might in the future pressure on israel that perhaps this trip was just the beginning of maybe hearing both sides and it could develop into something else we'll believe it when we see it
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up till now we've seen none of that and we're not going to sleep with illusions we're going to look at facts and realities meanwhile we have to make our own reality and we've made up our mind we will create our own reality by insisting on changing the balance of power by through our nonviolent resistance by that i mean to unify all palestinians together and by demanding a stronger international solidarity campaign including boycott divestment sanctions against the israeli apartheid system like was done with south africa in other words we are not dependent and we will not be dependent on what that america will change or not who will take over the matter in our hands that's the meaning of the new nonviolent movement in palestine taking the initiative in our hands and putting our facts on the ground and in countering the israeli facts on the. and with palestinian facts on the ground if they're not it's this change the spoils of them that would be ok that would be positive but we're not going to it prime minister
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netanyahu said at the united nations that the deadline for iran's nuclear program is this coming spring do you think that that might have been the real issue on the table during president obama's recent visit well look clearly in this visit and in what was stated the issue of iran was with the head of the palestinian issue that's clear to everybody but. i think that's wrong and that's a mistake and all you israel had an excuse for not or not dealing with the palestinian issue and not achieving peace first it was the soviet union and that but a stimulus i don't know loans for soviet union then it was easier than it was syria then iraq now it's iran maybe tomorrow it's a it will be as it will be german i don't know so they always have an excuse but the iranian issue is not an issue that should prevent dealing with the palestinian issue the palestinian issue is much older and much more serious and much more.
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and has much more impact than that only an issue in my opinion president obama has spent more one on one with netanyahu very has with any other leader who do you think is calling the shots i don't know but i don't know who's calling the shots nor one thing the chemistry between them regardless of how long how many hours they've spent together the chemistry has not been good. i don't know how it is today but i know one thing that president obama had much better positions before he had all these hours with netanyahu than he has now what did the palestinian authority what does the palestinian authority get from this recent visit from president obama the most important thing is that he's the first american president that visits palestinians after the state was declared in the one. and you know we have that is important of course but beyond that i don't see any other effect does it weaken the p.a. in the sense that there's so much anger on the palestinian street and they
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welcoming president obama on a bomb this terms i don't know if it weakens the p.l.o. nor what it what will weaken the do much if the idea to go back to negotiations without a complete settlement freeze and without clear terms of reference if they're delusional and if they're bent under pressure from the american side or israeli side then will they will definitely lose a lot of their popularity and lose a lot of the of their credibility dr mustafa barghouti thank you very much for joining us here on our thank you you thank . you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture.
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and. it. live. and.
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the end. i mean sochi is city in europe the host of the twenty fourteen winter olympics. sun sea. thank you. so much. thank you. a. dog days are. the pride days it. takes to come to. the. sun sea it's so true.
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