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tv   [untitled]    April 7, 2013 8:30pm-9:00pm EDT

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to give every american in the ability of making their very own weapon in the comfort of their own home the story and much more after this short break right here on our team. you know i always try to stay clear of falling into the trap of fake outrage on this program people love to come on t.v. and be angry over this and angry over that just to fill air time but trust me saying obama signing into law with that wacky lobster like way he has of writing the bill marked the month santo protection act well it does not put a smile on my face that's for sure not only does this bill effectively bar federal courts from being able to halt the sale or planting of g.m.o. seeds and crops no matter what the health concerns are according to ib times but the bill was also written by senator roy blunt who's gotten sixty four thousand dollars for his political campaign pain from the g o giant monsanto itself so
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that's what it costs to allow companies to possibly poison millions if not all americans with risky and proven g.m.o. technology sixty four thousand dollars that's not even enough to buy a decent house sixty four thousand dollars is chump change well citizens of america now you know how much your lives are worth in washington but that's just my opinion . thank.
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goodness for that international airport in the very heart of moscow. and welcome back you're with trick with our t.v. glad to have you back. moscow has accused of un of trying to undermine the investigation in to the use of chemical weapons in syria damascus claims rebels used illegal agents and near the city of aleppo last month killing around two dozen political historian gerald horne explains why he believes the u.n. investigation will bear no fruit this quiet from the north atlantic countries about this chemical attack speaks volumes that speaks loudly because we all know that if this chemical attack could be pinned on the damascus regime of president all saw that they would have been showing from the rooftops about it but fact that they're not quiet about it i think says all that we need to know we all saw what happened
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at the arab league meeting where they were able to maneuver the rebels to take the heat of the all assad regime we all know about the recent entente between turkey and israel which does not bode well for a peaceful resolution of the syrian crisis therefore it seems to me that in a time of this chemical and investigation of this chemical attack but moscow and beijing in particular manager who worked at. a new type of bird flu has been discovered in china this week prompting the government to call tens of thousands of birds so far the virus has killed six people out of the twenty one infected it's not the first time a new strain of flu has hit china let's now have a look at how the infection has spread not only across the population but in the media as well many of the articles written read like horror stories sparking panic away out of proportion with the facts you remember past bird flu and swine flu outbreaks and the attention they grab across the media artie's katie pilbeam has
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more on how the hype of cold. panic is already spreading across the globe over fears of a bird flu epidemic in china twenty thousand birds were slaughtered at one local market japan has a health warning some people coming into the country from china hong kong slumped in chinese airline stocks in an attempt to restrict travel vietnam bans poultry imports from china and taiwan raises quarantine level alerts while the u.s. and china are already looking into creating a vaccine for this specific type of bird flu drug producers are already poised to jump in and produce a cure at a price of course now let's look at the example of the swine flu epidemic which cost the british taxpayer one point two billion dollars off of the government panicked and splashed out billions on vaccinations pharmaceutical giant black say
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smith kline secured a billion dollar contract from it making your billion dollars from vaccines alone last year i reality four hundred fifty seven people died from swine flu a third of which directly are flu every year so while china battles with the flu drug companies are no doubt preparing for a multi billion dollar order. heavy handed police have clamped down on an unannounced rally in montreal arresting nearly three hundred protesters new laws say a demonstration has to be registered with the authorities for it to go forward ahead legally even cox is the quebec correspondent for the canadian affairs website rabble dot ca and says the new law is a clear violation of citizens' rights municipal bylaws sixes and active in the height of the student straight last year in your provincial law. law as well which was announced by everyone in the united nations high commissioner on the rights to the back bar association representing all provinces lawyers and prosecutors and it
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was a serious violation of civil liberties which was then we feel by the end i mean we're going to govern nobody really knows what to make of this we live in a country where we've always taken for granted the right to protest the right to express our opinion and so a lot of people right now are very very fearful and so there's an attitude that people want to go out they want to challenge this by law they know what's happening is not right but at the same time they're afraid. hot on the heels of cypresses downfall yet another tax haven may be seeing its time running out millions of lead e-mails have exposed the client list of the british virgin islands with politicians superstars and top businessmen worldwide all implicated cyber security expert andy hall saul who's a campaign manager of the u.k. pirate party points out the irony that some of those with the offshore accounts actively promote austerity some of these people appear to be in positions where they wouldn't necessarily want to be associated with sticking a lot of money onto an off into an offshore tax was clearly
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a disconnect between what people are saying in terms of taxes and austerity especially and what they're actually doing in terms of their personal finances and clearly there is some regulation needed this may well change that having this kind of information out and may well cause this to be a much bigger political issue going to has been for a long time it's something that you obviously have to deal with when it becomes public and most people everybody's know not offshore tax havens exist but haven't really understood the amounts of money involved in this case i think somebody suggested up to thirty two trillion pounds worth of cash stocks in those well isha off shore in ways that aren't necessarily being tracked and monitored or available to governments that maybe should be it's the promise of getting whatever you want whenever you want it and however but as three d. printers offer full to fulfill your dreams to the nearest most millimeter has a dark side to marina and has more from new york. from the state of the union in youngstown a while we're no workers are mastering the three d. printing but has the potential to revolutionize the way we make almost everything
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to a store in soho new york three d. printing technology has officially gone mainstream the demand is much greater than our supply right now and we're actually ramping up and expanding rapidly to meet that demand this three d. printing company maker bot opened its first retail store last year it is selling its newly released replicator to desktop for just under twenty two hundred dollars using a plastic material the machine deposits ultra thin layers to form any object that can be molded in software welcome to the world of independent manufacturing so this stretch bracelet took about sixteen in the nets to make five other objects that are a bit bigger like this cupcake gift box took about fifteen hours of printing now while the time a very anyone with a three d. desktop printer can essentially make anything that they want at our website thing occurs that is a repository for three d.
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printed items we have more than forty thousand items on the numbers that are free and downloadable and one of our terms of service is that you cannot upload anything that is deemed a weapon. this is where twenty five year old cody wilson enters the picture a group of friends and i started a project called defense distributed. he wanted to use a three d. printer to print a gun to release the files open source the texas law student has already printed a thirty round magazine and lower receiver that houses the bolt for an a r fifteen and he's reportedly working on completing a rifle with a three d. printer his blueprints for guns and gun parts are distributed for free on his website but i'm very assuring people ok this is something that can be done right now. right now the self described. market at our coast has thrown a major wrench into america's gun control debate as a national conversation it was
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a debate that started in december after twenty children and six adults were shot dead at a connecticut elementary school overwhelming majorities of americans americans who believe in the second amendment have come together around common sense reform by background checks that will make it harder for criminals to get their hands on a gun meanwhile just last month wilson became a federally licensed gun manufacturer and dealer there bypassing the debate there rendering the debate irrelevance whatever laws make about of this discussion this sort of ability to manufacture objects and bodies firearms on a localized centralized basis means of the law really won't matter the law may say that something is illegal but if you can turn to a device that's on your desktop and manufacture that at will with nobody knowing that you've done so then the law doesn't matter at all with a reported three hundred million guns in circulation the u.s. has the highest rate of gun ownership in the world and the second highest rate of
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deaths by firearms among industrialized nations. and just as lawmakers are finalizing new legislation that would tighten the nation's all too easy access to firearms experts claim that technology will ultimately outpace their meager efforts at gun control in upper nile r.t. new york his exclusive interview up next.
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ten years ago by god it was overtaken. ten years of political infighting terrorism and economic decay. china iraq arise. the fall of. april ninth on our take. goods a meteorite. ten thousand tons cuddled through space towards russia. with the power. of
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a nuclear bomb. should have been sky full on aussie. to the international airport in the very heart of moscow.
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mr president welcome to r.t. hello. mr president what subjects to do you discuss with the russian president vladimir putin during your meeting. first of all i'd like to thank artie's arabic channel for what it's been doing for the arab world as a whole and yemen in particular this is my first visit to russia since i was elected in two thousand and twelve i came to thank the russian government and mr putin for supporting the people of yemen at the time of the crisis in twenty eleven yemen was on the brink of civil war but its political forces the ruling party opposition parties together with our social youth and women's organizations agreed that we should take the way of peace and stop the civil war that had been raging in our capital city center for more than a year and we all agreed that we were going to act according to the gulf cooperation council initiative and its implementation mechanism we then held an
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early election on february twenty fourth two thousand and twelve a compromise president was elected and we continued to establish peace in yemen according to the mechanism i mentioned above but we also managed to stop hostilities in santa and other provinces because as you know the army and security forces were divided tribes were divided and the capital itself was divided and people went to the polling stations while they were still barricades and guns on the streets because they wanted peace not war now we're moving towards implementing the initiative put forward by the gulf countries and establishing ceasefire as well as withdrawing troops and forming a national coalition government the national consensus government was formed in such a way that the prime minister represented the opposition and the president was from the ruling party i was chosen to be president in the nature of a compromise we are following the plan outlined in the initiative we promise to fix water and energy supplies open the roads that connect the provinces we as well as the militants withdraw our forces and send them to the free abyan province from al
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qaeda militia made up from the local population helped us to do that we forced al-qaeda out of abidjan and we've partially freed shower province. we have started refresher training and the reorganization of our military and are now in the process of countrywide restructuring of our military forces the interior ministry and all its departments all in accordance with the initiative a special commission made up from our jordanian and american experts is giving us a hand with that there's also a u. commission working with jordanian counterparts that helps us restructure our interior ministry what we're doing now is basically building up our military and security forces from scratch where you find bugs on the path of a national reconciliation dialogue i talked about all these things were russia's president vladimir putin as russia is one of the five permanent members of the security council which backs the gulf cooperation council initiative and the
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mechanism of its implementation but we discussed a number of standards that our armed forces is supposed to meet as you know the weapons we use in yemen were made in russia as well as tanks planes and helicopters the lifespan of some of these weapons has expired and we agreed to continue military cooperation in this failed we spoke about economic issues and i also thank russia for preventing yemen from degenerating into a civil war russia has played a role in this by taking a firm stance to support the gulf initiative a civil war in yemen could have reverberations both across the arab world and the global community. the monocle mr president earlier you mentioned our military relations with russia so we expect any agreements to be signed in this area in the future having no models here. well. we've got plenty of long term military agreements with russia i informed president putin that other countries have provided him with financial help in order to help it out of the crisis we do ask
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for support but we do not want russia to simply invest into yemen we would like russian companies to help us extend the working lifespan of fighters and like cargo aircraft tanks motor vehicles and supply replacement parts to us about how many f.e.m.a. has to come up a national dialogue conference is now about a little while but how would you estimate the results that have been achieved so far after two weeks of work when you have a model. this is the first conference if there is a mind held in yemen or any other arab country at all we've been preparing this conference for six months abiding by the initiative states and its implementation mechanism this national dialogue is now underway and it's going to last six months or more that one of the issues will be great into nine main divisions the discussion will kick off with a dressing down problems of the southern part of the country and then we will move on to problems inside our province or issues and national building. seventy five
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percent of the population is under forty five years old so this new young generation is looking forward to the changes and these changes coming carried out by the previous generation which has been in power for fifty years and the new generation must take part in building their own future that is the reason why the youth will mean civil society organizations small parties and new parties established off the events are involved in the dialogue and there will be five hundred sixty five representatives from these groups and they all will be a party to the process the dialogue will be headed by the president of the republic of yemen he will be guided by the needs of all social layers so what needs changes for fifty years they've been internal conflicts going on in the. country in the past there was north yemen and south yemen and there was bad blood between the two states in one thousand and ninety they were unified in the republican but even this
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move didn't make the parties adjust their course so it led to the war of ninety ninety four one party pushed another aside from power up but such actions don't fit with modern conception us you can't just overthrow another party the people of yemen have found themselves in a crossroads choosing between a civil war and nationwide reconciliation whereby the system of governance would be reformed peacefully so that none of the communities would feel oppressed and discriminated yemen is in a complicated economic situation right now in the one nine hundred sixty s. we launched a bold campaign to eradicate illiteracy poverty and disease it is a war but fifty years on we still find ourselves living hand in hand with illiteracy and diseases. that even though we have been in the media and i have some of the destruction of a terrorist network those planning attacks in order to prevent dialogue i made a public statement as well mr president we're going to seeing that our forces of the symmetry upset all efforts of reconciliation but who do you think might be the
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indestructible commission a nationwide dialogue for a sea of consolidated in yemen and a more. hu whenever there is a change underway there are those who support it and those who oppose it there are also domestic and external players for example iran doesn't like it that yemen should deal with its issues at its own discretion they have a different attitude and different methods we rested their vessels and they are on the same request of them to help yemen and resolving is a problem but rather than export more problems into yemen it is written with poverty we have six million people aged between fifteen and twenty eight who are unemployed we have six hundred thousand university graduates from both humanitarian and technical schools than others spent the last ten years looking for employment and some of them despair and commit suicide and some of them join al qaida that's why we don't want our friends and neighbors to export more problems into the country if we can barely handle our existing difficulties eleven and we don't want
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to have weapons smuggled into our country so as yemen is already one of the most heavily armed nation. father believes that unemployment has been one of the reasons for the increase in our kind of us presence in yemen. yes. the government had a plan to combat al qaeda in yemen and you did take some of its presence in yemen or kind of a whole lot of money isn't it possible to say today and the al qaeda network in the country has been destroyed how you can call young men with. al-qaeda has not been destroyed completely just as it hasn't been destroyed in any particular country there is an al qaeda presence in the united states there is an al qaeda in europe there is al qaeda in russia and in any country it maintains its presence by way of the so-called sleeper cells al-qaeda has become a network without borders as we were wrestling out beyond from them we came across al qaeda fighters who would come over from pakistan chechnya europe the us and
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other places that intended to establish their own government in yemen and when hostilities broke out in the sinai they thought it was time to set up their government. but with god's help and with the support from popular communities our military security forces managed to take down the government that al-qaeda was trying to impose on the province however they still have their sleeper cells in some parts of yemen as well as outside the country. but the government of yemen is address the united states with several requests to have you many inmates of kuantan will be on the parwan detention facility in bagram afghanistan return to yemen why has this issue remained unresolved to date. i spoke with the u.s. justice secretary during my visit to the united states that we've agreed that they would hand over to us every yemeni national detained at one time obey and we have made arrangements and we're now moving towards a transfer of detainees under those conditions i hope we'll have this accomplished
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and then there is future we believe that keeping someone in detention for even ten . years without due process is clear cut terrenate and he will be difficult to rehabilitate someone who's been through such an excruciating experience thought of me like ten years of imprisonment without due process the united states is fond of talking democracy and human rights but when we were discussing the prisoner issue with the american justice secretary he had nothing to say i told him your country is always out there promoting liberty and human rights so are you ok with someone being kept in your prison for ten years without due process he said personally i'm not happy with that so we made a deal to have them handed over to yemen as soon as possible before. god willing it will be done. because you believe anything of the gross mistreatment represents and what we. should we expect more. from three and russian men you can
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see all of my. models here. yemen is open. for all the. oil exploration fact there are several areas with suppose the oil fields in our country thirty four companies including russian ones began drilling. into the twenty eleven events we're going to ask these companies to return to the same area where they intended to begin developing what they spent two three years on a geological survey all they had to do. some of the russian companies discovered natural gas one exploring oil but they all some of the gas field held talks and asked them to return it at their own sort of a natural gas is considered to be more valuable because it's one of the source is some of the cement and other industries are running on gas it doesn't.
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mr president it's actually a bigger message to the people of yemen it's a moment. i'm telling you the public believe in dialogue but those even calls they take down the road on the just an. aspiring level we wish you success. we wish you to do the shore of stability security want to know what the medical history of safety was awarded in your b.m.i. without but i'm understanding that so question. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm trying hard welcomes the big picture.
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live. live. live
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live. live . the wall in the studios i would like to see an internal silence of the inner court and the invisible. every day is a struggle. for our children sleep soundly at night. we
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are palestinian women working in israel. we've done more for our kids than our husbands. we are phantoms in this life the moment was. the work of a international airport in the very heart of moscow.


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