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tv   [untitled]    April 8, 2013 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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eleven children and a woman are killed by a nato air strike in afghanistan that was supposed to target taliban militants but military officials are yet to admit to the civilian deaths. where weaponry stored israel and jordan have arrested suspects over the massive cyber attack which took down israeli government websites r.t. his from a middle east hacker he was allegedly involved. and atomic theory is north korea is expected to carry out a fourth nuclear test this week after the south supported increased activity at its neighbors nuclear site. and i welcome good to have you company watching r.t. coming to you live from moscow with me and very far. eleven children and
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a woman are now added to the list of civilian deaths at the hands of nato forces in afghanistan coalition officials admit carrying out an air strike in the province on the border with pakistan but hasn't confirmed the deaths the major u.s. and afghan operation was supposed to target senior taliban commanders but civilian deaths are likely to the main source of tension between afghan leaders and foreign forces in february president karzai told his troops not to call for strikes and demanded that nato avoid hitting populated areas the attacks are also deeply resented by the afghan public and have even seen taliban support grow. and her relations have soured between the u.s. and afghanistan. these airstrikes come amid repeated pleas from the afghan government of president karzai to stop killing civilians because in course those words they fuel insecurity and instability they further alienate afghans from their government which many afghans see as a puppet government so president karzai although he does all his power to allied
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forces to washington specifically but he clearly understands that those civilian casualties more violence in afghanistan and undermine his government even further these are the types of attacks that infuriate the local population like the one in september last year nato killed eight women or in may a nato airstrike killed an afghan family including six children and two women earlier this year president karzai banned afghan forces from calling in air strikes although his order appears to have been ignored by international forces now these attacks also undermines u.s. efforts to negotiate an agreement to stay in afghanistan past twenty four thirteen although president karzai appears to be prepared to strike a deal he knows what kind of a backlash it may have been of again is that in order for u.s. troops to stay they need immunity from prosecution under the afghan law and that's what they were good at negotiating now the deadly. strikes killing civilians
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certainly make it hard for the afghans to accept such a deal and allow foreign forces to further operate there with impunity. while the civilian deaths came on the same day that a car bomb killed five americans including three soldiers a diplomat and a defense department contractor in the southern province of the ball david swanson peace activist and the author of war is a lie says that the us media unfortunately doesn't draw enough attention to attacks where innocent afghans die. even the news articles about this strike which killed a greater number of people are dominated by paragraphs talking about another strike that killed americans and in particular one woman who was a state department employee who had met john kerry and the u.s. deaths of course are always smaller number slip they dominate the coverage of americans are not aware of the extent to which this war is essentially a one sided slaughter of helpless people who meant us no ill and has been for over
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a decade the debate going on is how many u.s. troops will stay beyond two thousand and fourteen that but the idea that they should be staying until the end of two thousand and fourteen and that we should just accept that is sort of built into all the news coverage in the united states and it's actually rather outrageous because there's been no evidence put forward that there's any sort of progress or any sort of good be done it and they predictably killed far more innocent people then those alleged to be to be guilty of resistance to an illegal occupation but at r.t. dot com you can tell us what you think the consequences will be of this latest deadly airstrike in afghanistan almost half of you think it will spark attacks from groups looking to hit back at coalition forces close behind forty two percent believe the afghan president will make forceful statements but little else seven percent think hamid karzai is hand will be forced when he will have to band nato
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airstrikes while the remaining few believe the date for nato troops to leave will be brought forward so had to r.t. dot com and have your say. now another nato led campaign where thousands of civilians were killed was of course an iraq cross talk in the next hour if it's time for those who sanctioned that campaign to face trial. the way the world is set up is we prosecute developing leaders or rebels for war crimes but we don't we can't do it for major powers because they have too much power in the system and i guess that's what people think they're just simply too powerful the prosecute here is what happened the britain and the us invaded iraq and even killing rebels what we would call some terrorists. that was unnecessary so anyone who died in that war. died unnecessarily because it was aggression right so
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bush and blair killed probably hundreds of thousands of people the problem that we have in international affairs is that sometimes autocracies are not aggressive and sometimes democracies are very aggressive. israeli enjoy dain dorothy's have reportedly arrested several activists suspected of taking part in a large scale cyber attack on israel government sites were among those disrupted in the attack which the hacking group anonymous says was it wiping out the country wiping the country off the internet the government's claims the there were no lasting effects with disputed by the hackers they cost of the damage at around three billion dollars to tens of thousands of israeli bank accounts were broken into as part of the so-called israel anonymous claims the attacks were in response to israel's human rights violations and legal settlements and violation of international rule one middle east and told r.t.
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that country can expect more of the saying in the future. legally. we are the sons of palestinian people and we feel the pressure of the israeli occupation not only in gaza but also in all the arab and muslim world and as the first retaliation we committed to fast and full scale attacked. on israeli websites to warn israel and all its supporters about the threat that hangs over them they have weapons and we have our own means as a result of this attack we receive the names of those who cooperate with israel the aim of the attack was to show the world the true face of israel and its armed forces and we coped with our task we failed to fulfill our goal by using force to resist but we succeeded through the cooperation of palestinians in the whole arab and muslim world so now we make a clear warning to israel in the future be ready for a new larger surprises. well most government websites are back on line but these
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writing knesset site remains than right now is writing hackers have meanwhile staged a counter offensive by taking down the op israel website and several others warn that side of the story now from our days at a nickel. the information is coming from a palestinian twitter account from the palestinian authority presidential adviser on technology and communication who said that israel has retaliated to the daylong how king attack on israel by arresting several palestinians and several of the west bank towns they have the attack on israel is going on for the entire day. twenty eight meijer israeli sites have been down including the knesset's site of the israeli parliament which we are hearing is still down also the activists are saying that tens of thousands of israeli facebook and twitter accounts have been brought down as well as they tried to target the banking system as well as other major
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sites all of this of course is being done. by the had to his group anonymous or it or groups associated there with who are saying that this is their way of getting back at israel for occupying limbs in the west bank and mistreatment of palestinians where there is an attack there's seems to be a response now at least their husband response from the israeli hackers who have issued a statement saying that whoever whoever is participating in the so-called israel is weak and feeble minded and for every attack that they do is really have to tell you doesn't fold but at the same time you have to understand that israel is a rather powerful country and of course the officials long before the attack has actually taken place and it was well it was well advertised you may say they have said that they're fully prepared for this doc and they have their best specialists working on preventing it and yet we're looking at twenty major sites down we're still looking at thousands of israeli counselors who are being housed which kind of brings the question exactly what exactly is happening with the israeli specialist
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and just how powerful the the anonymous hackers really are. israel also suffered a major hack last november when the country's defense forces were fighting in garza a former m i five agent released these attacks pale in significance to the cyber operations carried out by some governments it is very much matter of inconvenience to the websites that are under assault but of course it does get a lot of publicity the difference between this and real hacking real cyber attacks can be seen very starkly what happened when the u.s. and the israeli governments committed an act of fiber terrorism when they attacked the iranian nuclear production facility is when they released the stuxnet virus now this is the first we have western governments colluding to attack the infrastructure of another sovereign country so that is cyber terrorism that is what a real cyber attack looks like and of course it has ramifications now because the stuxnet virus went out to attack these precise facilities but it's now out there in
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the world it can be used and abused and mutated by real cyber criminals out there so what the u.s. and the israeli government did with stops net is that you far more damaging than any protest movement trying to bring down certain websites in certain countries selling russia as a good investment president putin highlights the country's economic growth at the opening of a trade fair in hanover in a few minutes we report on how russia and germany are looking to boost business and talk about europe's financial troubles also ahead deadly sectarian violence in egypt as religious groups turn caro's main christian coptic if they drill into the latest battleground. of. technology innovation. developments
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around russia. the future. ten years ago baghdad was overtaken. ten years of political infighting terrorism and economic decay. in iraq a rise. the fall of. our april ninth. more news today violence is once again flared up. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations are today please.
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this land. torn apart by conflict. has changed. a modern islamic nation. and a peaceful one is still on islam the first of course a secular law a second. session. i'm sure is in place. and. traditions still and mando cannot go on the catwalk in a swimsuit it's. just a republican country on elsie. welcome
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back north korea may be preparing a fourth nuclear test which could happen later this week the allegation comes from south korean government officials who say they have spotted activity at the north's
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test site it comes after washington delayed its long planned missile test it made tension piling up at the korean peninsula then yang has been toughening its rhetoric recently threatening a preemptive strike nuclear strike on the u.s. and declaring a state of war with so the u.s. and south korea responded by sending warships and aircraft to the area as you expert tim bill says the north's harsh words are the only response it can give to america's threatening actions. these particular war exercises were burned in the largest ever we see the americans rolling out one frightening weapon system after another b. fifty two to be to the f. twenty two with the exception cetera so the real fear is that one of these days when americans will actually actually do it i mean these are exercises goes for the purpose of recognizing attacking north korea attacking invading north korea landing
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on the coast commando raids. there it's the what north korea in fact blunt is peace for the united states these treaty got sneaking a chance since the lifting the military threat in something we're talking about a threat of retaliation not a not or a threat as such but if you look at any of the north korean straightens there they are conditional they say if we are attacked we will counterattack this preemptive nuclear strike story came about because the north koreans said if you attack us you know the conventional weapons then since we are we the only thing we can do is to attack with nuclear weapons which is conditional it is a response to american american actions. knowledge is power but in france it can land you in hot water a volunteer for wikipedia is threatened with arrest unless he deletes an article on
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the online encyclopedia details on r.t. dot com and double trouble. with this two headed albino snake gives visit is the shivers get closer to the slithering sensation on r.t.c. . news today. these are the images the world seeing from the streets of. corporations rule the day. joined german chancellor angela merkel in hanover to kick off the world's biggest industrial fair germany's moscow's biggest european trade partner and part of the
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president's task is to promote russia as a solid opportunity at a time of prolonged global economic turbulence artie's peter all of his following his visit. of lot of me of putin used the opening ceremony here at the hanover messy trade fair to really highlight why people should be doing business in russia one of the main point see he made was well rush's three point four percent growth rate in g.d.p. in twenty twelve also the low levels of unemployment the secure amounts of currency and gold reserves that they have he did however point out some of the problems he was aware that russia had particularly when it comes to inflation inflation at six percent last year and russia worth pointing out that is the lowest it's been in twenty years a lot of near putin saying that he was committed to getting inflation down as that was key in order to get businesses to invest in russia now. angle of merkel the
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german chancellor also taking to the stage here she praised the cooperation that had gone on in the past between germany and russia or in terms of not just trade but also political cooperation on monday what we're going to see is putin in angola merkel visits a memorial here in hanover to those who lost their lives in the fight against naziism during world war two they'll be laying a wreath there and then the two will be taking to the floor of the trade show and the message from putin was from mr putin was very clear he said russia is open for business and open for investment. by the e.u. has few friends right now among its citizens as it imposes toughest terracing on them to dig struggling countries out of their financial hole later on today r.t. on r.t. french right wing politician marine le pen explains why more and more people consider to be better off going it alone. i think that first and foremost there is
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a rejection of the european union and its policies you have been people are realizing that the european union is a lamp are a surrogate union that is in fact destroying their freedom and doesn't protect them from economic social or migratory difficulties and i think that the increase in patrick has me to managing a country's own affairs to control of the border is whether it's a human capital a product like this is the revised i think what we're seeing is the brussels bill falling down it's crumbling that is to say that the european union and its model has reached an end it's a destruction that is slow right now but will probably accelerate it was he was happening at the european parliament it's supposed to be democratic but it's not at all representative of what the people of the european union think there is a very strong persuasion of people who reject this model and these people are not represented by the european parliament so i think that electing the success of resentment of al gore although it's a smart screen it's to make people believe that there will be an increase in
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democracy but in fact the mortal the economic model the truth is killing democracy that's true because my. and you can catch all full interview with marine le pen later today at six forty five pm g.m.t. more world news coming your way for quick break. mission. couldn't take free. free. free free. free. free. free blogs videos for your media project a free media. you know sometimes you see
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a story and it seems so. you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything is. hard welcome to the big picture.
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welcome back violent protests have once again erupted in cairo this time outside the city's main cathedral a mob threw rocks and fired birdshot at several hundred christians who were marching against egypt's islamize government which they. of failing to protect them one person has been killed in around sixty injured protests followed the funeral of four coptic christians killed in sectarian clashes over the weekend which ended in scuffles with riot police journalist tom dale witnessed the unrest. i spoke to one witness who said that events began when bottles were thrown from a nearby building down on to the funeral march and march has responded by attacking cars for what is clear is that fighting quickly escalated between the funeral marches and locals the marchers retreated within the i would say a cathedral compound and after that security forces were involved in standing by
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while first locals fired weapons into the cathedral there were five people killed in four fools which is a town outside of cairo in sectarian writing four of those were christians and it was their funeral which was being held at the st mark's cathedral sectarian violence in egypt is nothing new it goes back decades so we have a combination of hardline religious activism and security forces by the standing by or actually getting involved themselves many mourners and many others feel that the muslim brotherhood and freedom and justice party government is encouraging an exclusive religious identity the basis of what it means to be an egyptian so this is the second consecutive night when we've seen violence in cairo on saturday the clashes resulted from a protest by the april sixth youth movement which was calling for a new more inclusive government and an opportunity to rewrite the constitution
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again on a more inclusive basis on saturday countries broke out when police attacked that demonstration spreading tear gas and rocks once again in downtown cairo. a quick look at some other international news now spanish she protested around the globe on sunday as rampaging unemployment forces them out of their own country youth without a future rallies were held in all of spain's major cities as well as thirty others applaud including burley in the capital of the stereotype push european unemployment his number president to twelve percent last week with figures also showing that fifty five percent of young spaniards and now out of work. portugal's prime minister has revealed a round of spending cuts which will hit social security health and education this comes just days after the constitutional court overruled several planned tax hikes the second time the budget's been knocked back since the bailout in twenty eleven the opposition is demanding the government resigns as economic strains continue to
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rattle the country while the european commission's warned leaders to stick to the bailout terms. and thousands gathered in ukraine's capital on sunday to demand early presidential and parliamentary elections the protests was led by vitaly klitschko world heavyweight boxing champion turned political leader the demonstrations coincided with the presidential pardons given to two former ministers imprisoned alongside former premier yulia timoshenko amid increasing local and european pressure over political arrests. now up next the palestinian women who risked capture and arrest every night just by traveling from their village to work is clean as in jerusalem.
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you know i always try to stay clear of falling into the trap of fake outrage on this program people love to come on t.v. and be angry over this angry over that just to fill air time but trust me saying obama signing into law with that wacky lobster like way he has of writing the bill marked the month santo protection act well it does not put a smile on my face that's for sure not only does this bill effectively bar federal courts from being able to halt the sale or planting of g.m.o. seeds and crops no matter what the health concerns are according to ib times but the bill was also written by senator roy blunt who's gotten sixty four thousand dollars for his political campaign pain from the g o giant monsanto itself so that's what it costs to allow companies to possibly poison millions if not all americans with risky and proven g.m.o. technology sixty four thousand dollars that's not even enough to buy a decent house sixty four thousand dollars is chump change well citizens of america
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now you know how much your lives are worth in washington but that's just my opinion . i. know the ceo's i would like the man in eternal silence. her invisible sally. every day is a struggle. for our children sleeping soundly at night. we are palestinian women working in israel. we've done more for our kids than our husbands. we are phantoms in this life her. mission of free accreditation free transport judges free. range and
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free risk free studio tied free. download free broadcast quality video for your media projects and free media and on to our t. dot com. this land. by conflict. has changed. a modern islamic nation. and a peaceful world has failed islam is first cause of secular law a second recession. and so. in place of films and. traditions still counts and mando cannot go on the catwalk.


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