tv [untitled] April 8, 2013 7:00am-7:30am EDT
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eleven children and a woman. in afghanistan there was a. military official who admitted the civilian deaths. and uncertainty south korea's. nuclear test was. just saying it's. real threat is a real russia's president warns that if it's not prevented you will make a bowl seem like a children's fairy tale we report on what came up. is three pm here in moscow you live with us on our team let's take
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a look at international news and making headlines this hour. eleven children and a woman now added to the list of civilian deaths at the hands of nato forces in afghanistan coalition officials admit carrying out in a strike in the konar province on the border with pakistan but haven't confirmed the deaths the major u.s. and afghan operations were supposed to talk at simeon taliban commanders but the civilian deaths are likely to stir because the main source of tension between afghan leaders and foreign forces in february present cuz i told his troops not to call for a strikes and demanded that made to avoid hitting populated areas the attacks are also deeply resented by the afghan public and have seen taliban support grown and changed and looks at how relations have soured between the u.s. and afghanistan. these airstrikes come amid repeated pleas from the afghan government of president karzai to stop killing civilians because in course those words they fuel insecurity and instability they further alienate afghans from their
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government which many afghans see as a puppet government so president karzai although he does oh his power to allied forces to washington specifically but he clearly understands that those civilian casualties steer more violence in afghanistan and undermine his government even further these are the type. the local population like the one is supposed to last year nato killed eight women or in may a nato airstrike killed an afghan family including six children and two women earlier this year president karzai banned afghan forces from calling in airstrikes although his order appears to have been ignored by international forces now these attacks also undermines u.s. efforts to negotiate an agreement to stay in afghanistan past twenty four teen or the president karzai appears to be prepared to strike a deal he knows what kind of a backlash it may have been of ghana's spent in order for u.s. troops to stay they need immunity from prosecution under the afghan walk and that's
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what they were negotiating now the deadly strikes killing civilians certainly make it hard for the afghans to accept such a deal and allow foreign forces to further operate there with impunity in further violence in afghanistan a suspected taliban bomb has exploded underneath a bus nine people are reported dead and dozens are injured the target was a government bus travelling between kabul and gaza me at the weekend on the roadside blast killed six people including an american diplomat david swanson peace activist and the author of war is allies as the u.s. media doesn't show enough attention to attacks in which innocent afghans die. even the news articles about this strike which killed a greater number of people are dominated by paragraphs talking about another strike that killed americans and in particular one woman who was a state department employee who had met john kerry and the u.s. deaths of course are always smaller numbers but they dominate the coverage of
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americans are not aware of the extent to which this war is essentially a one sided slaughter of helpless people who meant us no ill and has been for over a decade the debate going on is how many u.s. troops will stay beyond two thousand and fourteen that but the idea that they should be staying until the end of two thousand and fourteen and that we should just accept that has sort of built into all the news coverage in the united states and it's actually rather outrageous because there's been no evidence put forward that there's any sort of progress or any sort of good being done on it and they predictably kill far more innocent people than those alleged to be to be guilty of resistance to an illegal occupation. at r.t. dot com tell us what you think the consequences will be of the latest the deadly is strikes in afghanistan let's take a look now what you've been saying almost half of you think that it will spark
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attacks of from groups looking to hit back i coalition forces that's only forty six percent of you while forty two percent of you believe that afghan present a will make forceful statements but little else the seven percent of you think the honeyed cousins hand will be flushed and will have to ban nato airstrikes while only that five percent of you believe that nato troops will have to leave and they're leaving will be brought forward to head to argue dot com and have your say . right at me day g.m.t. people develop in cross talk also whether world leaders a should face trial full global crimes on iraq cohen nato forces launched a military campaign whether the foreign leaders behind it well operating above the international level. the way the world is set up is we prosecute developing leaders or rebels for war crimes but we don't we can't
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do it for major powers because they have too much power in the system and i guess that's what people think they're just simply too powerful the prosecute here's what happened no britain and the us invaded iraq and even killing rebels what we would call some terrorists that was unnecessary so anyone who died in that war. died unnecessarily because it was aggression right so bush and blair killed probably hundreds of thousands of people the problem that we have in international affairs is that sometimes autocracies are not aggressive and sometimes democracies are very aggressive. loving will putin is in germany promoting russia as a solid opportunity at a time of prolonged global economic turbulence after visiting the world's biggest industrial fane head of he made some key statements on the range of issues from
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cyprus bailout deal to tensions in the korean peninsula archies pete all of a is following the trip. president putin then chancellor angela merkel took the stage here at the had of a trade fair in well they voiced tone talked about some of the issues that they perhaps don't see eye to eye on cyprus is a major war and president putin saying that the way in which the recent similar period financial crisis was dealt with was really not acceptable that it shouldn't be repeated in the future that private. private account holders should never be having their money taken to bail out the wrongs of the government n.g.o.s have been something of a a hot topic regarding germany and russia of late russia implemented some new laws that require n.g.o.s to register to meet putin again reiterating what he said and an interview with german television last week that the reason that n.g.o.s were having to register was due to russia wanted to find out just where the financing
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that goes to these non-governmental organizations comes from and what it's been used for in fact with regard to not only most one billion dollars that it's being put into n.g.o.s operating in russia vladimir putin said well that should have been given to cyprus and that would have sold all of the country's problems and got them out of the financial mire that they find themselves in one of the issues that both president putin and chancellor merkel agree on a whole heartedly is that the provocation from north korea must be stopped because it's a war. we are against nuclear development and for the denuclearization of the whole korean peninsula and we are very alone by the escalation because we are neighbors and if something happens the catastrophe international will seem like a kid's fairy tale i think this threat does exist i'm calling on everyone to come down sit at the negotiating table and solve all the problems which have piled up in recent years just behind over trade for one of the biggest it's the biggest i
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believe in the world beg your pardon it's the biggest trade fair in the world and there's plenty. things on display from all over the globe but while. they may have putin we're looking around there they were interrupted by a topless then protest of president putin taking a moment to well a few jokes if you will about the of the protesters saying rather this thanking the ukrainian feminist group for promoting the trade fair here and saying that well as much as he appreciated it it wasn't really the time the place to be naked. president putin is warning seoul with about the current deadlock on the korean peninsula come as a south korea backtracks and claims that the north is preparing a fourth a new kid as later this week a government minister in seoul now says he was being in accurate when talking about imitations of activity out of north korean test site has mean law an ounce of suspending all work at the country's joint industrial area washington delayed
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a long time to missile testing level into any further escalation on the korean peninsula young and has been ramping up its rhetoric recently threatening a preemptive a nucleus strike the u.s. and declaring a state of war with seoul the u.s. and south korea responded by sending warships and incompetence in the area east asia analyst glenn ford says the two koreas left with a little room for maneuver because neither wants to be perceived as weak. but we've seen a number of instances over the last few years where they've been trying to create around there was a limit line at sea between north and south and in the current climate another talks like that could very easily escalate i don't think either side actually tenuous to start a military conflict the dangerous of these things can happen by accident started with kim jong un i actually. mean evolve you know in a satellite lord back in december then we had the nuclear test in february just
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before park going to hate the new south korean president took office we have a situation now where she certainly doesn't want to be seen as weak the same true of kim jong moon and so we're sort of escalation of course and neither side seems capable of actually looking at how they might deescalate from where we are now the north koreans generally see the u.s. as speed kaizen to the north koreans are always been asking for bilateral talks between between the united states and going on washington and pyongyang rather than seoul because they see if you want washington actually calling the shots you know alternately so we've got a situation we've probably not seen in terms of the dangers for several decades at least so i don't think it can get much worse at least start getting better as soon as possible. israeli enjoy damien authorities have reportedly arrests are several activists suspected of taking part in a large scale cyber attack on israel government sites were disrupted in the attack
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with the knesset website still down hackers are disputing government claims that there were no lasting effects. is in tel aviv. well of the moment it does not seem like that israel has sustained any palpable damage to its infrastructure there were obvious hogs into the private accounts twitter facebook private accounts of israelis and that was actually probable when i saw a lot of a lot of spam you can see coming from most of these really counts some of which i had no idea even existed and they were all just showering me with information which led to various up palestinian sites israel would know about this it's accusations have claimed that they are prepared for and they have according to their data they actually have employed at least five thousand specialists in order to prevent the d.d. o. s. attacks of having an effect but it does seem like those preventative measure measures have actually somewhat failed now we do know of course that the palestinian hackers they have gallagher's the anonymous groups that they have
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promised not to stop just here and by all indications this seems to be just the beginning of their cyber warfare. we are the sons of palestinian people and we feel the pressure of the israeli occupation not only in gaza but also in all the arab and muslim world and as the first retaliation we committed a fast and full scale attack on israeli web sites to warn israel and all its supporters about the threat that hangs over them they have weapons and we have our own means as a result of this attack we receive the names of those who cooperate with israel the aim of the attack was to show the world the true face of israel and its armed forces and we coped with our task we failed to fulfill by using force to resist but we succeeded through the cooperation of palestinians in the whole arab and muslim world so now we make a clear warning to israel in the future be ready for
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a new larger surprises of the curious thing about this however is that it seems that these really hackers have been maybe perhaps even more effective than these. government when it came to stopping their d.d. o. s. attacks they have also had some of the palestinian sites and put up a pro israeli messages on there as well as they have delivered the following address saying that for every one have conducted against israel there will be a retribution of dozens similar hacks on the person who conducts those hacking attacks so it does seem like we're looking at sort of a beginning of a new stage this time it's going to be an internet stage in the standoff between palestine and israel. israeli defense forces have previously admitted being gay activists he consistently and relentlessly to disrupt the enemy project which target the country's military and government the along with the uighurs are widely believed to be behind the toxin that starts next fires which made waves across
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cyberspace several years ago the program got into iran's and attends a nuclear facility in fact in the software which regulates its equipment it sent a fake monitoring readings resulting in damage to as many as a thousand centrifuges sleep then came the flame virus which contained some of the same code as stocks net it's been among the largest and most sophisticated malware of its kind iranian officials admitted the virus damaged their computers and acts as a personal information and thousands of machines mostly across the middle east are believed to have been infected for my m i five agent believes the recent attacks on israel pale in significance to cyber operations carried out by some governments it is very much going to inconvenience to the websites that are under assault but of course it does get a lot of publicity the difference between this and real hacking real cyber attacks can be seen very starkly what happened when the us and the israeli government committed an act of fiber terrorism when they attacked the iranian nuclear
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production facility when they released the stuxnet virus in august of the first we have western governments colluding to attack the infrastructure of another sovereign country so that is cyber terrorism that is not a real cyber attack looks like and of course it has ramifications now because the stuxnet virus went out to attack these precise facilities but it's now out there in the world it can be used and abused and tasted by real for the criminals out there so what the u.s. and the israeli government to stop net is actually far more damaging than any protest movement trying to bring down certain websites in certain countries. well stories i hate including a report from protests plagued egypt that is a tear in violence or else the country again as religious groups try and car as main called the christian cathedral insulators battle.
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international airport in the very heart of moscow. you're watching r t violent protests have once again erupted in cairo there's some outside the city the main cathedral a mobs who threw out rocks and flying bird shot at several hundred christians who are marching against egypt's islamist government which they and she's afraid and to protect them one person has been killed and around sixty injured the protests followed of the funeral of all coptic christians are killed in sectarian clashes over the weekend which ended in scuffles with white police journalist tom davis saw the invest. i spoke to one witness who said that events began when bottles were thrown from a nearby building down on to the funeral march and march as responded by attacking cars for what is clear is that fighting quickly escalated between the funeral
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marchers and locals the marchers retreated within the i would say cathedral compound and after that the security forces were involved in standing by while. locals fired weapons into the cathedral there were five people killed in forsooth which is a town outside of cairo and sectarian writing four of those were christians and it was their feudal which was being held at the st mark's cathedral sectarian violence in egypt is nothing new it goes back decades so we have a combination of hardline religious activism and security forces by the standing by or actually getting involved themselves many mourners and many others feel that the muslim brotherhood and freedom and justice party government is encouraging an exclusive religious identity the basis of what it means to be an egyptian so this is the second consecutive night when we've seen violence in cairo on saturday the
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clashes resulted from a protest by the april sixth youth movement which was calling for a new more inclusive government and an opportunity to rewrite the constitution again on a more inclusive basis on saturday crushes broke out when police attacked that demonstration supporting take us rocks once again in downtown cairo a car bomb has exploded in central damascus killing twelve and wounding dozens more of those will say the blast has caused extensive damage and was followed by an intense and gunfire by let's get a more from a damascus base our correspondent dillema was xeni abdullah what can you tell us about the explosion. and. very close to bankruptcy. i mean if
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it kind of reaction to what's happening right now well you know i mean is it. going on in a very huge military operation against opposition fighters and. explosion is that you should really i was really close by that's minute and it causes huge distraction in the building around including one mosque and one schools. i don't know what's been the reaction around you where you are what everybody is saying right now it's clear that it's the opposition who is doing this everyone is terrified and more among the civilians here but everyone saying this could be the reaction from the opposition a lot of the military operation that's going on under damascus because if the baby the government forces announced that they had on floor a huge part of the democrats because it was a big fighting and this is also a response to the campaign that the opposition is being doing over the media saying
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that doing. the campaign against the masses to this is the reaction to our reaction that being happening right now. is doing some improvements around the city and ability to do t.v. went into the to be assisted a very pretty cause that. this means that it's an under the control of the government now today they are attacking in the heart is an asset say here we are we are still there i don't know we're just showing live pictures here from syria from what's happening what happened there early on and from that car bomb they've delayed pictures that we have but i just want to ask you in terms of what everybody is there is a way where the syrian people do they still want his change happening. oh are they full. government. no a lot of people now are changing their minds actually saying of course we supported
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. for some time but this is doing some crimes against the civilians and some people say ok this is not troops you are talking about this is not true this is what this is not the complaint if you are talking about every time this much of media you need a speech you need to fix is very different from what you are doing so a lot of people are saying no we will come back and you will stay with the regime because this is you know that it's safe and it's keeping the security of the country at least one of a highway of dilemma's anything on line with us now from a damascus just talking about that car bombing that exploded in central damascus that killed twelve people and wounded dozens more. knowledge is a power but in france it can land you in the hot water a volunteer for a week you fear is threatened with. arrest and as he did leads an article on the online encyclopedia the details on r.t.
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dot com. and double the trouble at moscow's you as a two headed l.b.l. snake to give visitors the shivers that close up to the slithering sensation on archie's you tube channel. some other international headlines this hour turkish police have used tear gas and water cannons to break up a mass protest outside the prison court several hundred people are on trial over an alleged conspiracy to overthrow the government say prosecutors say that the defendants were involved in a plot by the terrorist group and again a con but demonstrators say the trial is an attempt to stamp out political dissent the accused in the case also include a journalist and former army officials. portugal's prime minister has revealed a round of spending cuts which will hit social security health and education this comes just days after the constitutional court overruled several planned tax hikes
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the second time the budget has been knocked about since the bailout in twenty eleven depositions demanding that the government resigns as economic strains continue to rattle the country of the european commission's wants leaders to stick to the bailout terms. by word couple of minutes away from the week's us board to highlight with a partridge. you know i always try to stay clear of falling into the trap of fake outrage on this program people love to come on t.v. and be angry over this and angry over that just to fill air time but trust me sing obama signing into law with that wacky lobster like way he has of writing the bill marked the month santo protection act well it does not put a smile on my face that's for sure not only does this bill effectively bar federal
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courts from being able to halt the sale or planting of g.m.o. seeds and crops no matter what the health concerns are according to ib times but the bill was also written by senator roy blunt who's gotten sixty four thousand dollars for his political campaign pain from the g o giant monsanto itself so that's what it costs to allow companies to possibly poison millions if not all americans with risky and proven g.m.o. technology sixty four thousand fricken dollars that's not even enough to buy a decent house sixty four thousand dollars is chump change well citizens of america now you know how much your lives are worth in washington but that's just my opinion . download the official publication yourself choose your language stream quality and
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enjoy your favorite. if you're away from your television just doesn't matter now with your mobile device you can watch on t.v. any time anyway. hello and welcome to the r t sports show another weekly roundup of sporting action from russia and around the world with me kate partridge and here's what's coming up . the army marches on the tests going to be vulgar to nil to stay eight points clear at the top of the russian premier league with seven matches left to go. plus family values the biathlon season ends in style for one russian family with
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brother and sister taking gold in the moscow race of champions. and off and down to scott cruz into the euro league last date as group winners but he vowed after losing that defending champions and the p.r. costs. less with the kick off with russian footballers tesco mosco maintained their eight point lead at the top of the premier league with a two no when at home to struggling volga because of him but top off brings us all the weekend action. i do first call goes in five minutes at the illusion to steady and were enough to seal any sloot man bit walgett and clinch their fifth straight league win often elway in the visitors keep it the night it was more sounds freekick go if was quickest to the rebound then five minutes later it was deja vu these time wagner lost bonds to man his third in four matches but the brazilian managed to get moved twice in stoppage time and if he went it didn't affect the final score to nil as they are may go marching on towards
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their first title in seven years. i was defending champions in it still lead the chasing back up to edging struggling criticize the other one meal at the bitter osca stadium strike a halt arguably dive to earn a shot from the sport and the brazilian left the goalkeeper no chance which honest ballot is man extended their winning streak to three and are now four points cleo fun g. . i mean wild goose heating site hit the woodwork three times but could only manage a goal is droid home to rock more to milan who haven't won in seventeen league games m g do remain third but haven't claimed a victory since the winter break. i am hard andris taylor rubin the twice former champions followed up thursday's three one europe a league defeat at chelsea with a goal a stalemate it could wind.
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