tv [untitled] April 8, 2013 9:00am-9:30am EDT
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it's one of pm here in the russian capital you along with us on our t.v. let's take a look at the news of the sala. a roadside bomb has killed at least nine people in afghanistan it's the latest in a series of violent attacks to hit the country meanwhile nato has still not claimed responsibility for the deaths of eighteen civilians including eleven children during a coalition is strike over the weekend local officials say they requested an age of bombing run against the taliban but a residential area was caught in the blast president karzai who strongly condemned the killings had earlier banned afghan security forces from calling for strides support of the u.s. led operation is losing popularity among afghans ahead of the twenty fourteen
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coalition pullout from the country onto the bandages you can report on how nato its tactics are shooting its own strategy of. these airstrikes come amid repeated pleas from the afghan government of president karzai to stop killing civilians because in course those words they fuel insecurity and instability they further alienate afghans from their government which many afghans see as a puppet government so president karzai although he does all his power to allied forces to washington specifically but he clearly understands that those civilian casualties steer more violence in afghanistan and undermine his government even further these are the types of attacks that infuriate the local population like the one is september last year nato killed eight women or in may a nato airstrike killed an afghan family including six children and two women earlier this year president karzai banned afghan forces from calling in airstrikes although his order appears to have been ignored by international forces now these attacks also undermines u.s.
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efforts to negotiate an agreement to stay in afghanistan past twenty four teen or the president karzai appears to be prepared to strike a deal he knows what kind of a backlash it may have been of ghana's spent in order for u.s. troops to stay they need immunity from prosecution under the afghan war and that's what they were negotiating now the deadly strikes killing civilians certainly make it hard for the afghans to accept such a deal and allow foreign forces to further operate there with impunity. and as separate incident over the weekend five americans including a diplomat were killed by us suicide bomber while the web delivering books to an afghan school and while the story made headlines in the us media the killing of avg and civilians is often ignored according to peace activist david swanson even though the news articles about this strike which killed a greater number of people are dominated by paragraphs talking about another strike that killed americans and in particular one woman who was
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a state department employee who had met john kerry and the u.s. deaths of course are always smaller numbers but they dominate the coverage of americans are not aware of the extent to which this war is essentially a one sided slaughter of helpless people who meant us no ill and has been for over a decade the debate going on is how many u.s. troops will stay beyond two thousand and fourteen that but the idea that they should be staying until the end of two thousand and fourteen and that we should just accept that is sort of built into all the news coverage in the united states and it's actually rather outrageous because there's been no evidence put forward that there is any sort of progress or any sort of good being done it and they predictably killed far more innocent people than those alleged to be to be guilty of resistance to an illegal occupation but i'm not a putin is in germany promoting russia as a solid opportunity at
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a time of prolonged global economic turbulence the president's speech at the world's biggest industrial play in hannover covered a range of key international issues from the slide has bailed deal to tension on the korean peninsula artie's pete all of a has been listening in. president putin then chancellor angela merkel took the stage here at the house of a trade fair in a voice tone talked about some of the issues that they perhaps don't see eye to eye on cyprus is a major war and president putin saying that the way in which the recent similar period financial crisis was dealt with was really not acceptable that it shouldn't be repeated in the future that private. private account holders should never be having their money taken to bail out the wrongs of the government n.g.o.s have been something of a a hot topic regarding germany and russia of late russia implemented some new laws that require n.g.o.s to register to meet putin again reiterating what he said in an
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interview with german television last week that the reason that n.g.o.s were having to register was due to russia wanted to find out just where the financing to go to these non-governmental organizations comes from and what it's been used for in fact with regard to not only most one billion dollars that it's being put into n.g.o.s operating in russia vladimir putin said well that should have been given to cyprus and that would have sold all of the country's problems and got them out of the financial maya that they find themselves in the hunt over trade for it's one of the biggest it's the biggest i believe in the world pardon it's the biggest trade in the world and there's plenty of things on display from all over the globe while. i'm glad i'm here putin were looking around there they were interrupted by a topless then in protest of president putin taking a moment to well a few jokes if you will about the protesters saying rather this thanking the
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ukrainian feminist group for promoting the trade fair here and saying that well as much as he appreciated it it wasn't really the time of the place to be naked but one of the issues that both president putin and chancellor merkel agree on a whole heartedly is that the provocation from north korea. just be stopped. we are against nuclear development and for the denuclearization of the whole korean peninsula we are very alone by the escalation because we are neighbors and if something happens the catastrophe internode will seem like a kid's fairy tale i think this trend does exist i'm calling on everyone to come down to the negotiating table and solve all the problems which has piled up in recent years president calling for calm over the going tensions being raised by north korea. nuclear saber rattling and staying with that tension on the korean
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peninsula seoul says that the threat of its a communist neighbor taking another nuclear test is not imminent that's also reports of increased activity at a north korean facility with three previous detonations took place the latest in february young men however did announce that suspending all work at the joint industrial zone with the south and pulling its workers out earlier washington delayed a missile test of his own fearing it would unnecessarily provoke the north it has however poor for the deployment of a missile defense system to guam u.s. territory in the pacific a major the heightened rhetoric the north has unleashed a barrage of threats lately reacting to un sanctions and military exercises between the south and america declared war on seal and threaten to strike u.s. bases in the region he's a journalist the glens for the said neither of the two koreas want to be perceived as weak. we've seen a number of instances over the last few years where they've been trashed
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particularly around the northern limit line at say victoria north and south and in the current climate another clash like that could very easily escalate i don't think either side actually intends to start a military conflict the dangerous of these things can happen by accident started with you kim jong un actually. may evolve you know in a satellite launch back in december then we have the nuclear test in february just before park going to hate the new south korean president took office we have a situation now where she certainly doesn't want to be seen as weak the same true of kim jong wooden and so we're getting this sort of escalation upwards and neither side seems capable of actually looking at having might deescalate from where we are now the north koreans generally see that us as being katie the north koreans are always been asking for bilateral talks between between the united states and coming out of washington and pyongyang rather than seoul because they see if you want washington actually calling the shots in ultimately so we've got to
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a situation we've probably not seen in terms of the dangers for several decades at least so i don't think it can get much worse any start getting better as soon as possible. and what they can and to disrupt a massive protests outside the prison courtney instable in turkey several hundred people are healthy on travel then unless you plan to overthrow the government the details now from robins produce a nice and funny man. there's been thousands of people which have come since midnight last night in buses from across the country and extremely angry that this is what you know one of the biggest trials that that has ever gone on in turkey and today they've been trying essentially to storm the compound and they they got they managed to get through the barricades and that was immediately met with water cannons they were drenched in water and it's it's not a it's not a warm day today and it was they were also several rounds of take gas were fired
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upon them and that succeeded in pushing them back behind the barricades and then they were then now confined to a smaller space and what they essentially calling for is for the government the turkish government to resign that's saying that these trials they're going to hire a sign that the government has slipped in fascism and it is an extremely controversial process because we're talking about people that have been trained for about five years without charge and these are high ranking military officials that have been arrested very prominent journalists many prominent members of parliament and heads of opposition parties and they many of them don't even know what they are actually being accused of i mean they know that being accused of being a member of an organization called again a koran which the government says has been responsible for decades of violence as well as plotting to overthrow the turkish government but many of the many of the
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opponents of this controls say that there's no even there's not even any evidence evidence that this organization called again a con actually exists and that some people say that this is almost like turkey's version of of the war on terror whereby. hundreds of people are detained without charge essentially just to get rid of any opponents of the ruling party the a.k.p. party it's extremely controversial. it's very unclear what the outcome of this process is going to be though the trial today has been postponed they say on sold some r.'s so we can expect probably more protests to be taking place here again some are. on the way mutually assured of digital destruction israeli and arab hackers trade saga selves and a massive exchange of malware all the details in just a couple of minutes ago not to. us in a few minutes we'll also be looking back at the far reaching about controversial
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legacy of britain's first and only female prime minister margaret thatcher this died a. little bit. funny it's technology innovation all the lives developments around russia we've got the future covered. ten years ago by god it was overtaken. ten years of political infighting terrorism and economic decay. in iraq arise. by. april ninth.
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the international airport in the very heart of moscow. you're watching our team police in israel and jordan have reported the arrest the several activists suspected of taking part in a mess of cyber attack on israel thousands of sites have been disrupted by the digital barrage was several key israeli resources still drunk i can say they'll continue their onslaught in retribution for what they call israeli crimes or gays arabs as are geezer in
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a going to school reports from tel aviv. well the moment it does not seem like that israel has sustained any palpable damage to its infrastructure there were obvious hogs into the private accounts twitter facebook private accounts of israelis and that was actually probable when i saw a lot of a lot of spam you can see coming from most of these really counts some of which i had no idea even existed and they were all just showering me with information which led to various up palestinian sites israel would know about this it's. have claimed that they are prepared for it they have according to their data they actually have employed at least five thousand i.t. specialist in order to prevent the d.d. o. s. attacks of having an effect but it does seem like those preventative measure measures have actually somewhat failed now we do know of course that the palestinian hackers they have. the anonymous groups that they have promised not to stop just here and by all indications this seems to be just the beginning of their
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cyber warfare. we are the sons of palestinian people and we feel the pressure of the israeli occupation not only in gaza but also in all the arab and muslim world and as the first retaliation we committed a fast and full scale attack on israeli web sites to warn israel and all its supporters about the threat that hangs over them they have weapons and we have our own means as a result of this attack we receive the names of those who cooperate with israel the aim of the attack was to show the world the true face of israel and its armed forces and we coped with our task we failed to fulfill by using force to resist but we succeeded through the cooperation of palestinians in the whole arab and muslim world so now we make a clear warning to israel in the future be ready for a new larger surprises of the curious thing about this however is that it seems that these really hackers have been maybe perhaps even more effective than these.
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government when it came to stopping d.d. o. s. attacks they have also had some of the palestinian sites and put up our pro israeli messages on there as well as they have delivered the following address saying that for every one have conducted against israel that they will be retribution of dozens similar hacks on the person who conducts those hacking attacks so it does seem like we're looking at sort of a beginning of a new stage this time it's going to be an internet stage in the standoff between palestine and israel. we're giving holding a press conference in washington following the publication of and i'm president of a number of u.s. diplomatic reckons most of the documents were reportedly obtained by the size founder julian assange who's actually now talking from the ecuadorian embassy in london let's listen in integrated.
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of course will bring you more on that you can also follow it on our website r.t. dot com but now we're going to discuss it with tony gosling he's a u.k. based investigative reporter. is there any indication yet who gave these documents to wiki leaks. well these documents were actually available in your copy just almost impossible for the general public to search for them or. just not be using conservation dungeon in london what he's done is he's turned into his colleagues it turned into a really useful searchable database massive one hundred eighty gig of boy. one point seven million records this new plus. released by wiki leaks and it's extremely useful i mean i have a brief look the smalling just after the release and you can find that it's quite a lot of stuff in there which is you know is. foreign policy
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during the kissinger years we're talking about nine hundred sixty nine for example the bombing of cambodia this is secret policies which were going on from the white house in ninety seventy's south american operation condor or death squads running around in south america killing thousands and disappearing thousands of people in nine hundred seventy three days chile where henry kissinger ordered the assassination of the president of chile because he wasn't going in the political direction that he wanted and installed general pinochet ninety seven for the turkish invasion of cyprus there's little bits of details on all of these which kissinger was involved in kissinger basically gave a green light to turkey to invade cyprus so was there was an official foreign policy going on which was quite nice from the us going along with human rights there was an unofficial policy going on with henry kissinger in the white house with all these kinds of human rights abuses and walk crimes going on kind of reaction can we expect from washington and how badly could this harm us interests.
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well i hope it harms even more because one of the staggering things is kissinger even though he's not actually officially. a position in u.s. government anymore he runs a company called kissinger associates he manages to build a bird conferences every year which basically where all the rich and powerful in the west get together in secret and he's been running a secret organization of privatization in many ways a private arm of u.s. foreign policy i mean for example in two thousand and three he was an unofficial advisor to dick cheney who is the u.s. fourth president over the policy in iraq so really he is a kind of he's like you could call him mr death squads and this goes into the details in the seventy's have restarted now obviously he couldn't carry on the u.s. couldn't carry on doing this kind of thing overtly in public with their senior officials you know getting up to this stuff so what's happened is the whole thing would be privatized and gone underground tony i wish i had more time with you had
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so many other things to ask you but thank you very much for your insight into these that these new data that's just been released today and hopefully the next couple of days we'll be able to just delve into them and see what else comes out of there tony gosling that's right thank you right and you can see the whole press conference live on our website at r.t. dot com also online we've got all the latest on the so-called kissinger cables and some news just in the margaret thatcher former u.k. prime minister i'm the only female to ever hold the poles died this morning when a stroke at the age of eighty seven largely centers former brings inside on the life and the legacy of the woman known widely among her many admirers as the i am lady. whether viewed as a hero or villain margaret thatcher also known as the iron lady or simply maggie is
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a strong feelings she was one of the most influential forces on british politics in the twentieth century but her life had a humble beginning margaret roberts was brought up by a family of gross's in lincolnshire she was educated at the local grammar school graduated from oxford university as a chemist and later qualified as a barrister i'm married husband denis in the early fifty's but she found politics to be her true calling becoming a conservative m.p. for the north london district of finchley in one nine hundred fifty nine. for the leadership of the tory party seventy five. when the conservatives came to power she became britain's female prime minister but it wasn't her. that characterized her. at number ten. the britain she inherited was in turmoil unemployment and inflation were rampant as was industrial unrest she tackles it with right wing money trees
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policies that became known as that tourism state and companies were privatized taxes were low it public spending decreased and the trade unions before it head on the russians said i was an iron lady. they're all right. mates and i am. no nonsense policies brought down inflation but unemployment actually doubled and during her first term opinion polls showed she was britain's most unpopular prime minister ever but that was turned on its head by handling of the falklands war a year before the next general election argentina invaded the islands that just sent a british task force to get them back and victory bush had her popularity in time to win a second general election in one thousand nine hundred three. the second one was just as turbulent she survived an assassination attempt by the ira at
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a party political conference and her bitter battles with the unions continued miners went on strike for twelve months were eventually defeated by a prime minister who was again standing up for what she believed they were out to use their power to hold the nation to ransom it was that which thatcherism if you call it that. tried to stop on the international stage that she was a staunch supporter of u.s. president followed reagan and back to america's bombing of libya in one thousand nine hundred six her attacks on communism had earned her the nickname the iron lady although relations improved under reformist soviet leader mikhail gorbachev famously saying we can do business together in one thousand eighty seven she won a third term to become britain's longest serving prime minister in one hundred years but eventually lost her grip on power after the introduction of the unpopular household poll tax which led to nationwide protests after just over
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a decade ten times finally. forced from office in november. after a challenge to her leadership from within the conservative party following that she resigned but she did remain active in politics gaining a seat in the upper hanks of parliament the policies are still in place today and continue to influence contemporary politicians she will be remembered as one of the most dynamic yet controversial leaders of the twentieth century andrew farmer. u.s. secretary of state john kerry is in israel in a direct a move to add to the four years stalemate between the israelis and the palestinians is now in the region to see if he can reinvigorate the peace process after many failed attempts let's get more now with palestinian activists who are joining me live from ramallah mr bell who are president barack obama was in israel just last month and barely even mentioned
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a stalled peace talk with palestinians is john kerry to do all the dirty work for him. it's not clear yet i mean what it seems as if john kerry's mission is a continuation of the last forty five years of u.s. policy which is trying to force the people under occupation the palestinians to come to the table and negotiate their freedom with their occupier it's a model that failed for twenty years now during the peace process and to be honest with you the palestinians are fed up with trying to be forced to have to negotiate bilaterally with those that are occupying them the only thing we should really have to negotiate now is how the settlements will be dismantled and when the last israeli soldier is going to leave palestine. i want to ask you this many people did that in the middle east put all hopes on the obama administration to breathe a new life into these peace negotiations yet they are still in collapse is america
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running out of solutions yes i mean as long as the american administration whether it's obama or previous administrations refuse to apply international law to this conflict they can pull solutions out of the hat until they're blue in the face nothing will be successful at the end of the day this is a military occupation even the u.s. recognizes it as a military occupation that means the fourth geneva convention applies what needs to happen is for this occupation to end. once it ends the palestinians then in good faith could start negotiations with israel to be able to find a final status solution but to ask palestinians to negotiate water under the boot of occupation is no longer acceptable and it's rather disingenuous reports on sunday say that the muscle rested
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a western as they claim claiming that they were spying inside the gaza strip was a deliberate signal to the u.s. and why was this sent. it's i haven't received enough information to know but i can tell you for a fact that on the ground things are very messy right now not only is there a forced separation between the gaza strip in the west bank but also israel has forced the separation between the west bank and jerusalem this continued fragmentation of our land and separation of the palestinian people is causing our own society's fabric to come apart and this latest episode is one of those sad links in a long chain that has been created by the pressures of this occupation over forty five years and that's one of the reasons the palestinian community is no longer willing to accept the talk of peace we're now looking to see who's willing to walk
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the walk of peace and that means to start ending this occupation tomorrow morning instead of continuing to talk about it while palestinians are under the boot of occupation palestinian activists who are thank you very much for your insight into this. my job knights of the palestinian women who kept an arrest every night just by traveling from their village to work and schemas in jerusalem coming up.
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