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tv   [untitled]    April 10, 2013 4:30am-5:00am EDT

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it was agree with maggie or get out of the way. right the uncompromising iron lady the woman who saved britain look at the surprise of the media's exploiting public emotions over her death and turning to some sort of heroic demagogue which is perhaps the most dangerous part the idea that after her death criticizing her leadership and the role she played in global politics is taboo allowing this one sided narrative to cement her legacy means ignoring the ugly side of history for example don't expect a cry from the people in argentina for the former british pm to lead the malvina as war and nine hundred eighty two and was responsible for sinking one of their navy ships killed thirty two sailors on board claudia. this panicked new york blog iterates that quote to some argentinians like hitler is to britain in the one nine hundred forty s. a big monster you won't find any sympathy for her at a popular level like these may seem like harsh words but they're merely
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a reflection of the continued public sentiment perhaps she was never more on the wrong side of history than when it came to apartheid in south africa despite campaigns for the release of nelson mandela from prison and a call for the isolation in the south african government that your remain comfortable with the idea of apartheid once referring to mandela and the african national congress as a quote typical terrorist organization but are divisive politics weren't limited to what was happening across the pond hold especially true in northern ireland where the eleven years of that tourism still widely regarded as the worst period of the conflict policy of militarization in censorship created deep the sectarian division and through basic human rights to the way side in britain that you're presided at the style of turn radical austerity and strict devotion to privatisation taking on unions in a divide and conquer strategy referring to dissenters from the labor movement as an enemy from within needless to say margaret that there was
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a tyrant and autocratic demagogue. cared more about corporate control and profit than she did about human rights but the coverage of her death serves as a reminder of the intent of the corporate media to ignore the side of history instead reviewer establishment figures as deities influential and infallible to not discuss the dark side of this reality out of respect for her recent passing is not only irresponsible it's a propaganda technique that whitewashes history history we will never learn from if we allow it to be twisted. a little more of yourself or she or anything like that. it's widely known that abortion has been legal in the us since the one nine hundred seventy three supreme court ruling of roe v wade which cemented a woman's right to choose while the law still stands at the federal level certain
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states and taking the initiative to make abortion completely unaffordable and widely inaccessible take for instance states like south dakota i wonder brasco that of each proposed bills redefining the meaning of quote justifiable homicide to include the murder of abortion providers and those mississippi a state that has just one abortion center left and even that clinic is facing closure imo shocking however is north dakota's recently enacted legislation that prohibits abortion after six weeks of pregnancy to talk about the challenges to women's reproductive rights today and how it all measures up on a global scale i'm joined now by. organizer with women organized to resist and defend korea thank you so much for coming on thank you for having me so i don't think a lot of women particularly who live in large metropolitan cities realize how limited abortion access is for the rest of the country can you describe really briefly the landscape for abortion accessibility right now in the u.s. . well there's something like nearly ninety percent of all counties in the u.s.
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don't have abortion providers. and it's interesting you mention north dakota you know that new law that passed in north dakota and north dakota only has one of bush in center in the entire state so it's very difficult in general across the country for people to access these services and broader services for reproductive health and basic health in general sure a gallup poll from january shows the president of the pro-choice position is actually getting more support at the same time the climate shifting favorably toward other social issues like gay marriage and what factors you think are causing the shift backwards. well i think it's mixed i think that you know on the one hand it's like we're seeing these these births of these movements movement the immigrant rights movement and so we sort of see at the same time the occupy movement and so there's sort of also a reaction to those movements and i think that abortion is one of those issues that can be used and is used to divide different communities and when in fact it's
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really just a big distraction a distraction that has a huge impact on millions of women their lives and their families but but it's it's a big distraction from all of the the broader issues you know we live in a society where millions of people don't have access to health care where millions of people are unemployed where people don't have access to child care they don't have access to education so there's all of these like you know unemployment there's all these broad social issues that are happening right now at this moment that politicians really should be focusing on that's what they should be doing but instead they're directing people's attention towards the very personal and private lives of women. women and of course distract you from those those broader issues where they actually can and should make a difference of course here and i was actually just going to say that there are many points in the last presidential election where the choice was literally retreating two candidates framed on abortion and it's amazing that elections are
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constantly these elections. to keep people divide and conquer and fighting each other on an issue that's so polarizing and it's a forty year old issue which shouldn't even be relevant yet it still is brought up of course to keep the frenzy the political frenzy away from the broader picture is what you're talking about but let's talk of the global spectrum here because it's really interesting considering how france just an act of the law to reimburse women one hundred percent not only for contraception refer borsch and as well i mean what factors you think attribute to this enormous dichotomy between the laws being an active here as opposed to progressive mandates happening in europe. i mean i guess would it look in say to that where the united states is one of only four countries in the entire world that doesn't have paid maternity leave. the other countries are let's look at around the great there is you're talking of the maternity leave. yeah
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i mean so it's it's very hypocritical obviously and it just shows how how backward the situation really is it's incredible that in the country with so much well that you still can't get guaranteed paid maternity leave or paternity leave parental leave because in other countries it's not just for women but it's for men too you know the u.k. gets like nine months it only gives like five months i mean so it's like it's it's kind of incredible to think about you know and even mali and china on that same chart offer better resources than the united states for expectant mothers it truly is astounding the wealthiest country in the world provides virtually nothing your organization word is not only vocal about reproductive rights but also about just women's rights in general when talking about rape do you think that the steubenville rape case helped bring to light the existence of a rape culture that wasn't really talked about. absolutely i mean it just shows how
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it's i mean that was it's a such a horrible case but it's not very uncommon unfortunately like in the united states there are over a million women who are raped and that those figures are even higher the rates are even higher for people on college campuses. that's just one example of. just just how terrible and how accustomed people have become too to blaming the victim and. and for the government to not not act in a way that changes that culture and we see the example of the professor in chester who made those comments that were comparing. basically legitimizing in his own way comparing to the penetration of photons of the me this ridiculous example about if somebody you know if a neighbor were to turn on some light and the photons from the light were to penetrate your body and it doesn't cause you any harm any and you don't remember it well then you know should it really be legal. i mean it's i mean are speaking from
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an atomic level i guess if you're speaking metaphysically matters of energy but i mean the go what the guys said is actually insanely insulting and despicable i mean he's saying what damage is a do if you're not impregnated or get an s.t.d. from being raped truly astounding on your on your website you guys have a petition to demand to have him fired. and we have thirty minutes left what are some campaigns you guys are an issue i'm sort of her thirty seconds left what are some campaigns on your website right now that people can look at. so i will go to our website to find women's rights or we're organizing of course for the for people to fire for the university of rochester to fire the professor for promoting in his own way that culture of rape but there's a broader actions you know and on international women's day we had national actions just out violence against women where we made it very broad and we weren't just talking about rape but we're talking about other forms of violence against women we consider deportation a form of violence you know all of the we consider hunger
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a form of violence in new york city one in three families experience hunger so you know just to show how hypocritical it is so we're trying to build a broad movement of women you know allies to really fight back to really resuscitate the movement that we need so if people are interested they should go to our website absolutely we have some branches all over the country but we're also interested in starting new branches and so people can get out thank you. word appreciate time. thank you. from my preaching but stay tuned here from independent journalist harry fear on the escalating violence in gaza city and the israeli occupation of palestine. gets a media right. to go to through space towards russia. please. with the
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palin. of a nuclear bomb. should have been sky full on r.t. . clear. this land. by conflict. has changed. a modern islamic nation. and
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a peaceful one the stone islam is first of course a secular law a second. fashion. and still. in place. and. traditions still. cannot go on the catwalk in a swimsuit. republican country on elsie.
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the international airport in the very heart of moscow. let. you tell her she's anything like. today's the anniversary of the bear yassin massacre one hundred forty eight days in which an fraley gangs attacked and killed six hundred people in a bloody ambush of a palestinian village yet unfortunately sixty five years later atrocities and human rights abuses committed against palestinians continue in fact just take a look at the violence initiated by israel since the latest november ceasefire there in sixty three shooting attacks by the israeli army in the gaza strip but four palestinians killed and ninety one wounded but the graphic only reflects reports up until february twenty second since then there's been multiple violations
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to add including the killing of two palestinian teenagers and they protest at the death of palestinian political prisoner. so to talk about this breach of ceasefire the ongoing human rights violations and whether or not this could all develop into a third intifada i spoke earlier with independent journalist harry fear who's reporting from the ground in gaza palestine i first asked him what the point is of having a cease fire if israel is going to continue to violate it and why the western media refuses to report on the disproportionality of these violations take a look. at the cease fire. it is not really in the interest of israel i mean if we look at what the ceasefire stopped that was basically in comparison to palestinian civilian casualties hardly any casualties to israel fifty nine palestinian children were killed in the war in november one is your only infant was killed israel doesn't and has never really sought. indeed
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within hours of the cease fire supposedly coming into effect israel as a matter of protocol broke the cease fire what do i mean i mean the israeli warplanes cut into palestinian a space within a few days of palestinian had been shot in the head basically according to strongly executed so this is not exactly a good will gesture within the first week of the ceasefire the western media doesn't pay any attention to the suffering of palestinians as a rule and although. being killed under the cease fire dozens of schools injured all around. basically the western media doesn't care. of course i wake up to hearing about these rocker rockets being fired in israel of course zero virtually zero discussion on all of these instances that you just pointed out over one hundred i think at this point let's talk about spring the most recent protests another palestinian prisoner. last name just died in an israeli
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prison how dire is the situation i mean look at how many palestinians are really incarcerated without due process. i think that the incarceration the mass incarceration arbitrary detention and even documented torture policy in palestinian children is one of the greatest human rights breaches of the israeli occupation the palestinian people speaking to palestinian a few days ago it was their number one issue all of what they would want to see resolved in a kind of roadmap for peace so to speak it's extremely grave and it touches so many families that i think in the west maybe we can't really imagine how bad the situation is but it means that this person's husband is locked up this person's son is locked up this person's brother is locked up or even as i say children and not only are they. have political purposes but also as i say mistreated not only
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explicitly in some extreme cases with torture including electric torture but also. we've held adequate or even any medical treatment which is in the in the case of the man you were just talking about for example cancer patient. being given basically piracy to hold to deal with cancer i mean it's just unbelievable i mean it's a stain on humanity the problem here is that as you well know in the west palestinian lives are not treated like israeli lives that's why i. shall eat but one israeli prisoner of the last few years of the israel palestine conflict is a sort of household name in the west but no one knows the names of any of the palestinian prisoners in the israeli good acts and i can't help but think about samara sol we the palestinian hunger striker who is at risk of imminent death at this point i mean to get a message out his heart it's at twenty four beats per minute his artificial ventilation according to a sister what's going to happen when samar die. i mean i think israel indeed will
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actually not want to die because what will happen almost certainly is a very very very cool. i'm straight into the fund which is definitely not in israel's interest may be possible. does die obviously we hope does not happen and the palestinian security forces in the west bank unable to crack down on that adequately enough and enough to fight it doesn't get stopped from that but that would be the natural. fact if some want to die. some and situation has been critical for a long time i have no idea what's keeping him alive i don't think anyone really maybe his faith was something like this but if he were to die. soon prisoners like him in his similar situation it would be monumental including gaza
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where people do not see the geographical separation exists with israel between the west bank and gaza as a fact you know if somewhat to die it would be as if he died and is ready to come and his from here in gaza city so this is also no significance and as you know there are. militant groups in gaza that would almost fire rockets mortars and even use other means in retaliation or to speak. and just to clarify to our audience here as well as many a multitude of prisoners are in jail simply for violation of checkpoints entering certain areas i mean really held no charges without real due process here for very bizarre violations that aren't really specific you know it doesn't really help that palestinians are especially feeling ignored especially in light of obama's recent trip to the middle east or he outright rejected all this is claim or lead to stop
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building illegal settlements i mean what are the chance of peace talks resume if something so obvious that needs to happen doesn't happen. i don't think there are really rational reasons the peace talks will be restarted in time soon the trajectory is not an optimistic one it's a grave one if you look at what's happened over the last few decades in the last few months or even you just choose the time frame that you like israel has been successfully colonizing the west bank and gaza or is off limits gaza's behind prison walls the occasional rocket doesn't really affect israel that much dancer is tucked away in the corner of the historic palestinian territory in the bottom left i'm going to buy the mediterranean sea but in the west bank israel has been successful in not only cracking down on any resistance and center there's basically no military resistance against israel in the west bank and has been quite happy extending and expanding the settlements israel is happy with the current trajectory and the peace talks have never really been. well intentioned peace talks and always
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rooted frankly in a conflict and this is exposed all very well in the palestine papers that were exposed a couple of years ago. it is interesting though that obama recently i mean this is a recent pivot in his rhetoric i mean before a couple of years ago he was saying that they should hold to build a little settlements if we were to resume peace talks so it is just interesting the kind of more conservative line he's taking in his new term of course in light of netanyahu his reelection as well let's talk about what you're going to say. say that many people would have hoped that in the second term he would show coverage is that enough to believe that definitely hasn't happened i mean of course that's the whole argument with people who still support him while now he can really let loose and do what he's always wanted to do well now it's actually less of a reason for him to do anything because now isn't the worry about reelection but let's move on to operation israel i heard you talk about this on your most recent broadcast anonymous is launching operation israel already they've allegedly
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released thirty thousand assad identities online i mean has this been confirmed harry. and what else are they planning to do moving forward of this operation. well i've been speaking to sources inside the collective and absolutely surely they intend to continue the operations throughout the summit as a new hash tag palestine some they have definitely been able to cause serious. harm to israel indeed again unconfirmed reports that it's had a substantial effect on the israeli economy as well even if that isn't the case. that it would have of course does damage to israel as you say tens of thousands of social media accounts have been hacked tens of thousands of israelis credit cards are being leaked online and this sort of these sorts of attacks have been found with regard to collaborate almost side agents these have not been confirmed of
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course at the very difficult for that to be confirmed because no security forces on the israeli side will likely be wanting to expose these details of the wanting to deal with them privately but the point is massive. and it's quite an extraordinary kind of campaign this is not just from arab hackers or gosnell palestinian hackers this is from all over well one of the activists that i've been speaking to lives in germany for example so it's very different in nature to what many people see and its significance in my. absolutely yeah you know that you don't want to not amisse on your bad side in the current global climate that we're facing right now but here you're actually organizing a convoy to gaza this is a lie i wish i could go where you're offering voluntary services to people to get involved in reporting unfiltered information so large how you reports and that's why i think it's so appealing that people it's very raw from the ground reporting what is the kind of reception you've been getting for this kind of reporting style and how can people get involved with this latest initiative. i mean the for it is
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extraordinary i mean there are many palestinians the. do the same as me the people follow my work and there are people that support me in large numbers and what is it that i do for those that don't know reporting from the ground the best i can with video twitter whatever whatever means are available live streaming cetera the point here is to try to get out the strongest possible message from dancer about the human rights abuses in about the tragedy here to a western audience so that a balanced policies of the u.k. my native new case policies can be evolved and reformed for humanity and through the humanity of gaza and part of that i think is trying to maximize the interests of westerners and western storytellers jun's filmmakers photographers nick cetera to come here and to try and expose the best. what is going on here to try and maximize the world's impression of the tragedy here so welcome to ganser the convoy
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is trying to do just that green bringing over international those most skilled to help in the way i just described for two or four weeks there are two programs that will be run people can search welcome to gaza. see us on facebook and apply to come to gaza in july they will need two or four weeks in july or wonderful i think that the issue needs to be told the most especially in the western countries especially the united states in terms of us backing this illegal occupation with our tax dollars were completely unaware really of the plight of palestinians i want to ask you one more quick question about the mental health professionals will also be accompanying the convoy harry i can't help but think of the staggering statistic that i just read about forty percent of palestinians are clinically depressed frankly i'm shocked that it's not more considering what they go through on a daily basis what do you hope to do with these mental health professionals with the convoy. will in fact just to say the statistics that i've seen
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a much greater than that indeed i mean if you take just alone the children most of them suffer from some tangible form of cycling. condition as a result of the warning you mean security but the thing here with the mental health professionals is not only for them to actually do some work and help and training etc but also to report back to the western world about how bad it is. and compare it to a western benchmark of depression etc really it's almost impossible for people to imagine some of the terrible psychological conditions here of course and so by using professionals to explain it in a professional way hopefully we can make some headway in communicating it. to the western world amazing thank you so much harry fear independent journalism campaigner for coming on sharing your story really appreciate having your work. thank you. so i encourage all of you to follow the work of harry fair make sure to check out his articles at gaza report dot com always remember to keep searching for that unbiased unfiltered truth thanks for breaking the set with me today and don't
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forget to tune in for a very special interview between me and dr cornel west tomorrow. and the mission in three cretaceous three sons four charges three. major months three years three stooges free. download free broadcast quality video for your media projects and free media and on to our teeth on tom. wealthy british style it's time to look for.
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we are palestinian women working in israel. we have done more for our kids than our husbands. know we are phantoms in this life. is easy to. feel. the need to. see. the french troops this.


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