tv [untitled] April 10, 2013 8:00am-8:30am EDT
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troops begin a to leave madi and a crackdown on the relentless islamist insurgency gripping the country while worries remain the army will be stuck there for much longer. a detainee on hunger strike at guantanamo bay allegedly tries to take his own life as inmates a reach a breaking point with the protests now in its third month. and a no was game from prying eyes the private investigation industry is thriving in britain as a lack of legal restrictions allows anyone to keep tabs on you at any time. international news analysis and your reports of this is r.t. . the pentagon is sounding the alarm over the french troops withdrawal from mali
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saying local forces are unfit to take over paris pull the first contingent out of the volatile state on tuesday they plan to withdraw three quarters of their force by the end of the year and keep a thousand strong deployment france intervened in mali in general to drive his levis rebels out of the country and as tessa siller reports a lot has changed for paris this is the start of the mission they say though that they still plan on that continuing that would auction of their four thousand strong military personnel currently on the ground and keeping these a one thousand troops they say will be part of a few sure you when a peacekeeping mission however this is in stark contrast to what first foreign minister not for five years had said in january. regarding france's direct involvement it is only a matter of weeks later on we can come as barca but we have no intention of staying forever. now the french have gone into mali
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a warning against the threat of islamised extremism advanced in europe now clearly any plan of a complete withdrawal is off the table now this one thousand troops that they plan to keep on the ground falls under a call made by u.n. secretary general of ban ki moon in deploying about eleven thousand two hundred troops and one thousand four hundred forty police on the ground in mali after major combat now bunking with one also in a parallel force one that will directly deal with all kind of the linked militants and extremists according to reuters and this is likely to be french troops as well while also spoken with a former french intelligence officer who had been stationed in northern africa and the middle east for about twenty years and he says the from the very start he had been doubtful that this operation in mali was going to be short exposure to the insurgents and these to me from the cities ok it was not so complicated.
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and so what they would do to treat the people from jeff is to come back exactly as they did in afghanistan against the when the soviets. in the one nine hundred ninety exactly as they were going to study the year when the last american so deal with the drone exactly as they did as they didn't iraq when the u.s. troops. didn't so france is back if not before well you couldn't see short don't exist now where france well on had first announced this military operation in mali two thirds of the french people were in support of these actions now many observers and analysts have already said that if this becomes a long drawn out war public opinion could quickly change. just as the first of foreign troops were leaving mali france was engaged in a major offensive to wipe out militant hideouts in a previously liberated area of the country are going to examine the challenges
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throughout to complain that stretched the military from the very beginning. miley has become yet another front in the global war on terror but this anti terror operation just may be too difficult to scale down so quickly first let's review what's already been done and more importantly how efficient is what this operation started with and support of ground troops from the skies has always been one of its foundation stones the first planes to battle the islamists came from here a french military base in chad helicopter support came from another base in so some of the aviation was a leader to the capital of mali and some other bases were engaged as well like the ones in ivory coast and news year but then there's the question of refueling the mission for pilots going out of chad for instance usually takes seven to eight hours and they have to be refueled five times along the way this is where the u.s. and germany come in but if german planes have to come from sinegal an american
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planes have to come all the way from spain so all together this is quite a complicated combat scheme when it comes to ground troops the french got into this by themselves somalis army was and still is demoralized if four and a half thousand troops even can be called in the army and pretty much the only supporters that the french have and quite unexpectedly i might add are two thousand troops from chad and when it comes to the west well no one's skin on sending troops there directly britain is only looking at sending combat instructors to train troops with all this effort paris has managed to push the islamists to the north of the country securing key cities but with fighting still going on in the mountains and a string of suicide bomber attacks in the several cities it's clear that the islamists are not exactly all out nor are they defeated which raises the comparison with another country afghanistan where the terrorists live in the midst of peaceful civilians the also use so-called hit and run guerrilla tactics so the french have
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been combing through have valley north of golf believe that. many of the islamists can be hiding there but the question is what comes next if we look at the neighboring countries well their borders are porous and experts say the islamists could travel through them without any serious problems they also warn the past decades has shown that such interventions don't solve crises but deepen them and generate new conflicts there are rising fears nearby western sahara could turn into a new terror hub and right now it's really unclear who is going to turn who's going to take care of that problem and help if most of french troops to leave it's going to be a completely different game for the remaining thousand the un is talking about some additional attack force but so far it's really an idea while the clock is ticking investigative journalism michel columnar things that africa is instability is the perfect excuse for the west to intervene and exploit the continent and resources.
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if you want to establish it in your region first you have to get rid of french and there are still isn't you have to ask why the out of this region you have to consider that africa. hundred percent of all raw materials crude form you're going to groups of many countries especially china brazil india and so on. that we have to consider that actually. very active in the region we africa. installing military bases and trying kills armies in somalia i. normally area there you have to consider that for trying to keep the prevalence of the competence so there is actually did all draw molly and bill thomas.
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with the result as you have to consider the. war and also the next country very important we know you're in your they are poor because of the kind of miracle and there is not the west and you have to cope where we. grossly incorrect history or leave you where. you lose. it's a fight i truly against africa and against the possibility of a. as a must hunger strike at guantanamo bay continues for a third month the lawyer for one of the protests as just been told is klein tried to commit suicide and got into a letter from another inmate the incident took place last month it's still not clear whether the men succeeded in taking his own life the u.s. military has strongly denied the claim saying there had been a no recent suicide attempts and that i know lives in danger at guantanamo but
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lawyers paint a different picture that some might. and detainees trying to starve themselves to death in protest at mistreatment and indefinite detention legal appeals and mounting public outcry are putting more pressure on the white house to deliver on its promises to close the facility but it has granted you can report it pentagon's committed to pumping law cash into keeping it open the time of each detainee in guantanamo costs us taxpayers eight hundred thousand dollars a year there one hundred sixty six captives on the island now half of them have been cleared for release so there's absolutely no reason to have them there but the u.s. still spends millions of dollars every year to keep them behind bars many find it even more puzzling in light of ongoing furloughs among public sector workers let's put this number eight hundred thousand dollars in perspective not a lot of people can boast costing the government eight hundred thousand dollars a year a prisoner in the u.s. cost the taxpayers twenty seven thousand dollars thirty times less that is the
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average salary of a public school teacher here is fifty one thousand dollars one guantanamo detainee cost taxpayers more than the president himself he makes four hundred thousand dollars a year and if you think that the details have a luxurious life there you're wrong to quote general john kelly who is in command of one tunnel the facility is falling apart so there he was two weeks ago asking congress for almost two hundred million dollars to renovate one tunnel that should come on top of the one hundred seventy seven million dollars that the government spends every year to keep the prison running will the investment make the detainee's lives easier most of whom are there without having them formally accused of anything maybe not that none of these projects would still life if you will but some of the projects will cure the. better ease of movement for them that would benefit the guard force not to detainees but on top of renovations there are other
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costs. and the taxpayers' bill for keeping guantanamo open is only going to go up there aging as we all are and there are certain a certain lack of support facilities in that general area. and if we're planning on keeping them there forever there's an enormous amount of expense in terms of both caring for the inmates and then also dealing with our staff that's down there that has to do that. you know i think medical care is one of the biggest concerns this kind of investment suggests that the authorities do not plan to see the prison close they need time so the administration keeps saying they're committed to shutting it down but they never say way in congressman smith's matter for we've got you know not to use the cliche joe but it is the hotel california you check in but you can't ever check in washington i'm going to check on usa falls lieutenant colonel barry wingard to represent some of the detainees and spoke to us by phone
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from guantanamo he says the prisoners are being held without trial because no charges can be brought against them. i don't think really the problem it's a fairly is a quantum of the i think the problem originates in washington d.c. and we do the cases of my clients and i can tell you that the information in those cases it takes three report let's talk about what the evidence came about it was back in the bush cheney administration when we were talking about imminent attack and danger color chart. and crop dusters an attack forces attacking the united states on once again friday that's the thing information if you're trying to somehow relevant or valid when in fact if they could find the word i assure you what shut me up thinking that the human rights organization that's supposed to be here doing something which in fact is doing very little panic that the warning finally indicate some kind of a do you think been wholly irrelevant and that you know if you're a human rights organization and you're supposed to be involved and report on what's
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happening in a minute pretty sure that out of sight and out of mind and you fail to do that then you've made a decision not to favor one side and not the men who are in guantanamo bay. the u.s. military has a blog to the media from visiting the facility until next month then are to is already in the queue they fill in the axis in the meantime say we're bringing you comprehensive coverage of the events at the detention center with testimonies from knowing is as well as coming to you from officials as an activist all on our website our team dot com. and coming up on t.v. in a couple of minutes a lost generation. we reported how many young educated greeks says moving abroad as their only option as asserting and tell prisoners take a strong hold on their country. will
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the international airport in the very heart of moscow. you're still watching r t thousands of private investigators are now operating in britain and their ranks continued to grow with the help of modern spyware readily available in stores anyone can become a p.r. and legal loopholes allow them to work i'm licensed and unregistered so it's reports. no use bribery values corruption. is not difficult to make yourself visible it's more difficult to be relaxed lawyers because when you first you're always thinking oh my goodness they they know i just know they know that. they don't there
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are now an estimated ten thousand private investigators operating in britain despite being perceived as a shadowy world of whispers in secret the industry continues to grow in fact it's moving from the shadows and on to the high street as the course of covert devices pulls more and more individuals are making billions easily available in stores like this one and the world of private investigation it's attracting some interesting characters i'm just not suspected as who just twenty one years old live is worked at answers investigations for a year now she knows her way around like a verse a quick well she's fast learning the tricks of the trade electro. mars invest. all of that kind of stuff it's all available quite a lot of people mainly because obviously they've ration is that it's
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always been there but. i think there is some data protection that there's nothing really but recently the law governing public surveillance in the u.k. has changed the protection of freedoms that two thousand and twelve was introduced ensuring local authorities obtain legal authorization before they put anyone under surveillance after it was revealed that many we using surveillance for minor matters such as littering the private investigators though no such law exists i could go out and do surveillance i don't have to get. or thought is from anybody of very surveillance one to one a recent reports by big brother watch documented local authorities who were bypassing regulation by hiring private investigators. why many and now calling for industry licensing i think it's absolutely essential
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that we have some kind of regulation over private investigators a licensing system that means that we know who exactly is license and means of surveillance that. having spent thirty years in the police force former detective inspector james harrison griffis knows well the risks of private investigation in the wrong hands you know you've read about the killings and all that sort of thing that go on when people disappear and there's a lot of people disappear. under pressure from from people to do certain things that they don't want to do and then the people who are pressurized in them want to find them and you've got to do your due diligence and make sure that you're not putting anybody in a position of danger but with kill you that camera is listening devices tracking devices and much more you know available cheaply on the high street these days anyone can be a private investigator there's nothing secret anymore in this in this country i mean walking down the high street you know under surveillance surveillance the
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surveillance is just there it's what happens you know it's a way of life now isn't it. but the lack of regulation means that in the u.k. right now anyone can at any time be watching you no one is watching the sofa. london. right on our t. dot com right now costly chios of find out how you as pharmaceutical giants have made over seven hundred billion dollars over the last decade while the jogging steady as it is a. load of wild eyed kim dotcom is demanding an apology from the new zealand government to find out what upset the had to trade the billionaire on r.t. dot com.
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greece is struggling to meet the tough conditions set by international lenders the cash strapped countries hoping to get a long delayed to tranche of a crucial bail package the smug e.u. and i.m.f. inspectors are now assessing athens progress in meeting the terms of the one hundred thirty billion euro rescue the greek finance minister has promised of there will be no bawling start austerity cuts but lenders up pressing for sylvia job reductions in the country's bloated public sector they're demanding that twenty five thousand workers are laid off this cea in a total of one hundred and fifty thousand by twenty sixteen in the meantime fiscal belt tightening and rising unemployment and driving young greeks away from their country as tom bought and reports. we refuse to work for free we demand our
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right to education. messages of protest by youth seeing opportunities to better themselves snatched away these students are protesting against plans to close university departments across greece they don't want to be left behind and made into as they say slaves of the twenty first century monologist and satiric are two students also opposed to the so-called athena plan the government aim is to close dozens of university departments outside central city campuses but it's not even that they concede it's just a small part of the malays which seems to hang over the country's young but. i believe the youth from the cities have no future so the only solution is to leave greece maybe the president of the european parliament was right to say that an entire generation may have been lost to crisis and austerity greece's situation is
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certainly more bleak than most but the only retirement or working your first shifts the says here in greece sometimes they don't even get paid then to bed for the c.s.l. we are working every single result with some estimates of greek youth unemployment as high as sixty percent desperate times are giving rise to desperate suggestions it's not just the young in greece using that word slavery we don't control our fate we are slaves it is a political problem and we must become again pretty but far from rhetoric about taking to the streets and throwing off shackles many greeks i speak. costers struggling through his last two years of medical school so cautious after these two years what do you think the future's going to hold for you. thinking of leaving greece so that i can run my future so. good luck with that cause to sink very well
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right. leaving us here in the interview back to his studies but cost us could end up like many more greeks like him leaving greece altogether tom watson r.t. thessaloniki greece. some other world news at this hour poland amongst the three years as the air crash that killed the country's president senior figures gathered for a memorial at warsaw's problems cemetery on wednesday morning the plane was carrying a delegation of the country's military and political elite to the russian city of smolensko when it went down killing all on board an official report blamed bad weather and pilot error poland is still conducting its own probe. in syria intense clashes have broken out on the outskirts of damascus as government troops launch a powerful can't tell friends of to prevent the rebel forces from seizing the capital this comes amid reports that president bashar assad's a troops have intercepted some of the opposition fighters manes arms or supply
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routes the rebels are said to currently control some parts of northern syria as well as several districts of the country's largest city aleppo. south korea says the north a could test launch a missile at any moment as part of celebrations of pyongyang has made a national holiday the communist state is preparing to mock the birthday of its founder kim il sung in response to the u.s. says south korea and japan have raised their military and that levels in the pacific it's real it's time washington stance on north korea and other so-called allies states will be under discussion and cross talk peter lavelle. is going to drag this as a potential to drag us all into a nuclear nightmare and dave but the u.s. wants regime change there and you know first of all i would argue that when it comes to hearing to international norms that probably the biggest outlier state
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right now is the united states cell for. the u.s. is as assume for itself the thirty to do whatever it wants regardless of international norms and i would look at the the invasion of iraq the threatened war against iran which which does not pose an imminent threat to the u.s. certainly and probably to anybody and the use of a place like the one time on a mode that defies all international norms these are thing and the use of drone attacks in any country we want to attack. right i'll be back with more news in half an hour up next every mountain on the why the culprit java the i'm lady margaret thatcher's death in the media should not whitewash history.
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more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. operations to rule the day. you live on one hundred thirty three bucks a month for food i should try it because you know how fabulous bad luck i got so many i mean i have my hands down i know that i'm sitting in the same city really messed up. in the old story so personally. it's. worse for the little. white house or for the. radio guy in fort lauderdale
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minestrone. i want what we're about to give you never seen anything like this i'm told. i'm going on i'm abby martin and this is breaking the set folks the american economy is barely climbing out of the great recession unemployment remains high the latest job numbers are low and on top of all that it's tax season for millions of american families is a very discouraging time in fact near as moose and paul was just revealed that fifty four percent of americans no longer believe it's possible for a person to work hard and get rich in this country. you know why they called the american dream because like george carlin said you have to be asleep to believe it on that note or break the set.
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of the total number of users you cover sheet or anything like that. just yesterday former british prime minister margaret thatcher passed away for those of you who are avid corporate media watchers your impression of her legacy might look something like this. i think she's the probably the greatest prime minister of britain since churchill regardless of the ideological things we could always fight about you never had to wonder where moderate thought she stood on the issues i will not change just a cooler full fuel additive she was known to be uncompromising especially when it came to her principles of economic and individual freedom she was called the iron lady unbending and driven respected in here.
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